Administration of the urban settlement "Urazovo village" of the municipal district "city of Valuyki and Valuysky district" of the Belgorod region. Panorama of Urazovo (Belgorod region)

Urazovo (Turkic uraz “happiness”) is an urban-type settlement in the Valuysky district of the Belgorod region of Russia, administrative center urban settlement "Urazovo Village".


Located on the left bank of the Oskol River (a tributary Seversky Donets) and the Urazov River, 15 km south of district center and 12 km north of the border with Ukraine. Same name railway station on the line Valuyki - Svyatogorskaya.

Sloboda Urazovo has existed for more than 200 years. It got its name from the flowing Urazovka River. It was founded by Prince M. M. Golitsyn in 1728 on the site of the farm of the same name. The first settlers of the Urazovo settlement were brought by Tsar Peter I; they were artisans, Little Russians (Cherkasy). In the 1st quarter XVIII century, the seizure of state and government lands began. Nobles, military leaders, and monasteries became masters of the land. Special role Prince M.M. Galitsyn, who owned more than 70 acres of land, played a role in the development of the settlement. The prince was unable, for unknown reasons, to manage the estate and offered his peasants full choice their fate. The peasants of the settlement were freed from serfdom within half a century of the reforms of 1861. The settlement developed primarily as a craft settlement, and later as industrial center and by the beginning of the 20th century it exceeded the population of the district town of Valuiki. Already in 1839, the first school was opened here - Urazovsko-Znamenskaya, and in 1900 a real school was opened (later - Urazovsky Commercial School). In 1928, Urazovo became the center of the newly formed Urazovo district, which was part of the Central Black Earth Region (in 1928-1930 in the Ostrogozhsky district), and since 1934 - Kursk region. In 1954, the area was transferred to the Belgorod region. In 1962, the district was annexed to the Valuysky district. The status of an urban village since 1968.



Currently, a food processing plant, an elevator, and Urazovskoye operate in the village. consumer society. Previously there were a tannery, a dairy factory, a building materials plant, a furniture factory, two brick factories, an agricultural chemicals factory, and a slipper factory. The Metalist mechanical plant ceased to exist, its property was sold to local entrepreneurs.


There are local history museum, cultural center, children's and adult libraries. There are two secondary schools, a creative arts center, an art school, and four kindergartens.


The village has an architectural monument - the Temple of the Beheading of John the Baptist (1898). The temple in the name of John the Baptist was built by wealthy residents of the settlement - the Kiryanov brothers. One of them, Alexander, was the headman of the temple for more than 36 years. IN Soviet era The temple was closed, but survived; the local collective farm used it as a grain warehouse. Since the 70s, the temple housed a branch of the Belgorod Regional Museum of Local Lore, which saved the architectural monument from severe destruction. On May 14, 2005, the restored Church of John the Baptist was consecrated by the Archbishop of Belgorod and Starooskol...

Another settlement in the Belgorod region on the list, a small village with interesting sights.

Urazovo (Turkic uraz “happiness”) is an urban-type settlement in the Valuysky district of the Belgorod region of Russia, the administrative center of the urban settlement “Poselok Urazovo”. Located on the left bank of the Oskol River (a tributary of the Seversky Donets) and the Urazov River, 15 km south of the regional center and 12 km north of the border with Ukraine. The railway station of the same name on the Valuiki - Svyatogorskaya line.

1. Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist.

The temple in the name of John the Baptist was built at the end of the 19th century (in 1898) by wealthy residents of the settlement - the Kiryanov brothers. One of them, Alexander, was the headman of the temple for more than 36 years. During Soviet times, the temple was closed, but survived; the local collective farm used it as a grain warehouse. Since the 70s, the temple housed a branch of the Belgorod Regional Museum of Local Lore, which saved the architectural monument from severe destruction. May 14, 2005 The restored Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist was consecrated by Archbishop John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol.

Sloboda Urazovo was founded in 1728 by Prince Golitsyn. The first inhabitants were brought by Peter the Great - craft people from Chernigov, Kyiv and other provinces of Ukraine. Gradually Urazovo grew, thanks to fertile land. Widespread received handicrafts. Urazov peasants received “freedom” more than 50 years before the 1861 act abolishing serfdom in Russia, paying off with gold.


One of the oldest tanneries in the Voronezh region operated in Urazovo. And already in the 19th and early 20th centuries, there were 25 leather factories, 7 sheepskin factories, 6 shoe factories, 3 brick factories, 2 butter churns, up to a dozen water and steam mills, and numerous sewing establishments in the settlement.
In 1895, the Kharkov-Balashov railway line was built. In 1906, Urazovets Mitrofan Mikhailichenko was nominated as a deputy to the first State Duma.


Urazovo entered the 20th century as a major commercial and industrial center of the Voronezh province. By resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of June 30, 1928, the Urazovo district was created with its center in the Urazovo settlement. The population was 12,748 people.
In December 1962, the Urazovsky district was liquidated and became part of the Valuysky district. Since 1968, the settlement of Urazovo has been renamed into an urban-type settlement.
In the 1930s, construction began on the second tracks of the Kupyansk-Valuiki section, passing through the Urazovo station.


June 22, 1941 peaceful life was interrupted. 2,250 people went to war. Urazovtsy began construction of the airfield. During the war, the village changed hands twice. The German occupiers caused great damage to it, destroyed many houses and industrial facilities, two of the 4 churches, etc. Many residents were driven into German slavery. More than a thousand Urazovites did not return from the war. In their honor, residents erected a memorial in the center of the village.


For heroic defense in 1942, the village of Urazovo and the execution of the order of the command Southwestern Front, prevent forcing by German troops Oskol River, and then the capture of railways and access to Stalingrad by the 153rd Guards Artillery. the regiment was given the name "Urazovsky". This is the only case in the history of the Great Patriotic War,When military unit received honorary title"Gvardeiskaya", being on the defensive.


In memory of the soldiers of the 153rd Guards Urazov Order of Kutuzov Artillery Regiment in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Victory over fascist invaders a 76 mm gun was installed. The author of the monument project is E.V. Bavykin.
On January 19, 1943, cavalry of the 13th Guards Cavalry Division, squadron, under the command of Larenko I.T. liberated the village, captured the railway station, disrupting train traffic, and captured the airfield.


After the liberation of the village, he was stationed at the Urazovo airfield and fought in the air over Urazovo, Valuyki, Kursk Bulge 240th Aviation Regiment, which later became known as the 178th Guards Red Banner Order of the B. Khmelnytsky Fighter Aviation Regiment under the command of Ignat Soldatenko. Hero fought in this regiment three times Soviet Union Marshal of Aviation Kozhedub I.N., began his military career twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General of Aviation Evstigneev K.A.
In 1950, a monument to soldiers - aviators was erected on mass grave, where the pilots of this regiment are buried. On May 28, 1988, the layout was installed combat aircraft fighter LA-5, dedicated to the 3rd Hero of the Soviet Union I.N. Kozhedub, who made his first combat flight precisely from the Urazovsky airfield. The land of Urazov is proud of its heroes. Among them is Hero of the Soviet Union A.S. Yevtushenko.




12. While driving around the village, we counted 5-6 different turrets on houses, is this the fashion?

13. Urazovo Center.

14. Church icons Mother of God"The Sign" (1806).

The construction of the Znamensky Church was carried out at the expense of the owner of these lands, Alexander Golitsyn. The foundation stone at the temple construction site was consecrated in 1750, and construction was completed in 1806. In 1879, under the leadership of Voronezh construction engineer Ivan Nikolaevich Afanasyev, a bell tower was added. The temple is an architectural monument.

Photo 1942


Photo 1942

Urazovsky territorial administration

Official website of the Urazov Territorial Administration:

Head of Administration - Rozhin Alexey Nikolaevich

From 1991 to 1995 he studied at the Valuysk Pedagogical School.

From 2005 to 2011 he studied at the Belgorod State Educational Institution university of technology named after V.G. Shukhov."

From 1995 to 1997 - service in the Armed Forces.

From 1997 to 2015 - served in the penal system.

From 2015 to 2017 - Deputy Head of the Administration of the Urazovsky Territory of the Valuysky Urban District.

On November 24, 2017, by decision of the village meeting of the Urazovsky territory dated November 23, 2017 No. 242, he was appointed to the position of head of the administration of the Urazovsky territory.

By order of the administration of the Valuysky urban district dated December 29, 2018 No. 12-r, he was appointed to the position of head of the Urazovsky territorial administration of the administration of the Valuysky urban district.

General information.

Urazovskaya territory in administrative boundaries amounts to 7,66 thousand hectares, of which agricultural land. appointments - 6,19 thousand hectares

In this area there are 7 settlements, including 3262 residential properties.

Total residents - 8640 people, including:

Urazovo village - 6801 inhabitant;

With. Sobolevka - 1015 residents;

With. Znamenka - 375 residents;

Shvedunivka village - 245 residents;

Togobievka village - 140 residents;

X. Lobkovka - 28 residents.

X. Perch - 36 residents

Length of roads - 97,04 km.

On the territory there are:

Cultural institutions:"Center cultural development» Urazovo village, “Center for Cultural Development” Sobolevka village, Znamensky SDK, Shvedunovsky Rural Club, Municipal Institution “MCB Valuysky District” Urazovsky Model Children's Library; MUK "MCB Valuysky district" Urazovskaya model village library; MUK "MCB Valuysky district" Sobolevskaya model rural library.

Medical institutions: OGBUZ "Urazovsky District Hospital No. 2", family doctor's office No. 169, Zaoskolsky FAP - family doctor's office No. 164.

Educational institutions:MOU "Urazovskaya secondary secondary school No. 1", MOU "Urazovskaya secondary school No. 2", MOU "Sobolevskaya basic secondary school".

Preschools: MDOU kindergarten No. 1 combined type in the village of Urazovo, MDOU kindergarten No. 2 in the village of Urazovo, MDOU kindergarten No. 3 in the village of Urazovo, MDOU Kindergarten No. 4 "Rainbow" in the village of Urazovo, MDOU "Kindergarten of the village of Sobolevka", MDOU kindergarten with .Znamenka.

Continuing education institutions: MBUDO "House children's creativity» Valuysky district, MBU DO Urazovskaya children's art school, MU DO "Stations" Young Naturalists» Valuysky district.

Sports facilities: MBU " Sports school Urazovo village, Valuysky district, MBU "Urazovo sports and recreation center "Rusich".

Enterprises: Urazovsky Consumer Society, OJSC “Urazovsky Food Processing Plant”, Urazovsky branch of JSC “Yug-Rusi”.

Institutions: Branch of OJSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie Belgorod, Valuyki, Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Urazovskoe Housing and Communal Services", Seed Inspectorate, Urazovskaya Precinct Veterinary Hospital, GBUSOSSSZN "Special Boarding House for the Elderly and Disabled", Sberbank, Urazovskoe post office Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post", MBU "Urazovskoe improvement".

In trade and catering 68 stores, 9 enterprises operate catering and 20 consumer services enterprises, 4 pharmacies, gas stations.

On the territory there are the Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist and the Church of the Sign of the Mother of God.

Brief historical information

In the 18th century Mikhail Mikhailovich Golitsyn, having received ownership of the land, resettled about 3 thousand “craft people” to these places, who founded the settlement of Urazovo in 1728.

In 1750, Prince Golitsyn founded the Church of the Sign of the Mother of God, which is now one of the oldest churches in the region.

On July 30, 1928, the Urazovsky district was created, which was part of the Ostrogozhsky district of the Central Black Earth Region.

On June 22, 1941, peaceful life was interrupted. 2,250 people went to war. Urazov workers began the construction of an airfield, which in 1941 housed the 254th Aviation Regiment, commanded by Hero of the Soviet Union P.M. Petrov.

For the exploits performed by the personnel of the artillery regiment in the defensive battles of July 1942 in the Urazovo region, by order of the People's Defense Committee of March 16, 1943, to the 214th artillery regiment awarded the honorary name 153rd Guards Urazovsky Artillery Regiment. This is the only case in the history of the Great Patriotic War when a military unit received the honorary name “Guards” while on the defensive.

In June 2016 at Central Square In the village of Urazovo, a monument to the Urazovo artisans “Ancestors with golden hands who glorified the settlement of Urazovo” was erected.

Outstanding fellow countrymen of Urazovites are:

Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Yevtushenko, director and film actor Vladimir Basov, outstanding aircraft designer(airplanes, stratogliders) Alexey Shcherbakov, participant in the Great Patriotic War, former chairman of the Urazovsky village council Taisiya Tsymbalenko, participant in the Great Patriotic War, writer Lyubov Neminushchaya.

Decision of the Village Assembly of the urban settlement “Urazovo Village” dated 04/09/2018 No. 269 “On expressing the consent of the population of the urban settlement “Urazovo Village” to unite all settlements included in municipal district"The city of Valuyki and Valuysky district"

Physiographic characteristics

Urazovo is an urban-type settlement in the Valuysky district of the Belgorod region of Russia.

Population 6984 people (2009).

Located on the left bank of the Oskol River (a tributary of the Seversky Donets), 15 km south of the regional center and 12 km north of the border with Ukraine. The railway station of the same name on the Valuiki - Svyatogorskaya line.

Postal indexation




Sloboda Urazovo has existed for more than 200 years. It got its name from the name of the real Tatar camp - Khan Uraza. The first settlers of the Urazovo settlement were brought by Tsar Peter 1; they were artisans, Little Russians (Cherkasy). In the 1st quarter of the 18th century, the seizure of state and government lands began. Nobles, military leaders, and monasteries became masters of the land. Prince M.M. played a special role in the development of the settlement. Galitsyn, who owned more than 70 acres of land, thus in 1728 the settlement of Urazovo was formed. Prince Galitsyn was unable, for unknown reasons, to manage the estate and offered his peasants a complete choice of their fate. The settlement's peasants were freed from serfdom within half a century of the reforms of 1861. At this time, the settlement belongs to the category of large industrial production, where trade and industry constitutes main source life (more than 300 numbers of retail establishments and the same industrial plants and workshops), many families were engaged in handicraft production in a makeshift way. Sloboda was famous for its enormous sales of raw products, grain bread (about 4 billion poods per year), and up to 100 thousand poods of sunflowers. Up to 0.5 million different leathers, more than 1 million pairs of shoes were produced, several hundred thousand hats and caps were sold, a lot of sheepskin was sold, tens of thousands of pounds of strands, lard, wood glue, etc. were sold. Urazov products were in great demand not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in Western countries: in France, Italy, the export of which became possible after the appearance railways 1894-1897

By the beginning of the 20th century, the settlement exceeded the population of the district town of Valuiki. Already in 1839, the first school was opened here - Urazovsko-Znamenskaya, and in 1900 a real school was opened (later - Urazovsky Commercial School).

In 1928, Urazovo became the center of the newly formed Urazovo district of the Kursk region, and in 1954 the district was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Belgorod region. In 1962, the district was annexed to the Valuysky district. The status of an urban-type settlement has been since 1968.




Mechanical, tannery, dairy, brick factories, bakery, building materials plant, furniture factory, food processing plant, elevator.

How to get there


Temple of the Znamenskaya Icon of the Mother of God in Urazovo

The construction of the Znamensky Church was carried out at the expense of the owner of these lands, Alexander Golitsyn. The foundation stone at the temple construction site was consecrated in 1750, construction was completed in 1806.

In 1879, under the leadership of the Voronezh construction department engineer I.N. Afanasyev, a bell tower was built.

Temple of the Beheading of John the Baptist, Urazovo

The temple in the name of John the Baptist was built in late XIX centuries by wealthy residents of the settlement - the Kiryanov brothers. One of them, Alexander, was the headman of the temple for more than 36 years.

During Soviet times, the temple was closed, but survived; the local collective farm used it as a grain warehouse. Since the 70s, the temple housed a branch of the Belgorod Regional Museum of Local Lore, which saved the architectural monument from severe destruction.

On May 14, 2005, the restored Church of John the Baptist was consecrated by Archbishop John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol.





The village has a local history museum, a cultural center, and a library.


Mass grave 2 Soviet soldiers, obelisk-aircraft engine

In March 1943 The 240th Aviation Regiment, equipped with new LA-5 fighters, arrived at the Urazovsky airfield. The regiment was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Ignat Semenovich Soldatenko, who died on April 12, 1943 in Urazovo.

Military newspaper for 1943. reported: “May 24, 1943. At 16:00 over the settlement of Urazovo, pilot Ivan Bukhtiyarov heroically died in an air battle with fascist vultures.” He committed air ram, for which he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The air battle on May 6, 1943 was the last for another pilot of this regiment - senior lieutenant Vano Mikhailovich Gabunia, leading and comrade in arms Kozhedub.

Three times Hero of the Soviet Union Kozhedub began his combat journey in this regiment, and made his first combat journey in this regiment, and made his first combat flight from the Urazovsky airfield.

Police captain Konstantin Fedorovich Zaitsev, who was brutally killed by the Germans in 1943, is also buried in the mass grave. The monument was built in 1950.

Monument - LA-5 aircraft

The monument is an LA-5 aircraft, erected in honor of the 14th Guards Air Division in the village of Urazovo. It is located at the intersection of Plekhanov and Lenin streets (Near the Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist). A model of an LA-5 aircraft on a high pedestal silver color, on the sides of which “Valery Chkalov 75” is printed in red paint, on the pedestal there is a sign with the inscription: “The monument was erected in honor of the Thrice Hero of the Soviet Union Kozhedub Ivan Nikitovich.”

The 14th Guards Aviation Division was formed in December 1942 in the Moscow region as the 302nd Fighter Division. It was part of the 2nd, and from June 18, 1943. - 5th Air Army. In cooperation with other fighter formations, it provided cover ground forces and performed other tasks in Battle of Kursk and the Battle of the Dnieper, during the liberation Right Bank Ukraine, in Iasi-Chisinau, Debrecen, Budapest, Vienna and Prague offensive operations.

For military merits, it was transformed into the 14th Guards Fighter Air Division (July 1944), awarded the honorary names "Kirovograd", (January 1944) and "Budapestek" (April 1945), awarded the Order of the Red Banner, Suvorov II degree; about 1,200 of its soldiers were awarded orders and medals, nineteen were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

K. A. Evstigneev was awarded this title twice; Among the pilots of the Heroes of the Soviet Union was I.N. Kozhedub. The division was commanded by: Colonel B.I. Litvinov (1942-1944), Lieutenant Colonel V.I. Zinoviev (1944), Colonel A.P. Yudakov (1944-45).

The model of the LA-5 aircraft was installed in honor of the Three-Time Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, who made his first combat flight from the Urazovsky airfield in March 1943. Ivan Nikitovich flew 330 missions, 120 air battles destroyed 62 enemy aircraft.

In 1943, at the age of 23, he received his first sergeant with the rank of senior sergeant. Gold Star. In 1944 he was twice a Hero, and Kozhedub received his third Star in 1945. The opening of the monument took place on May 28, 1988, and many guests and veterans attended the ceremony.

Ivan Nikitovich himself was also present. The model of the aircraft was made at the Kharkov Aviation Plant, architect A.N. Vernigora. Nearby is the Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist, built at the end of the 19th century, where for a long time housed the Urazovsky Museum of Local Lore.

La-5 is a single-engine fighter created by OKB-21 under the leadership of S.A. Lavochkin in 1942 in Gorky. The aircraft was a single-seat monoplane, with a closed cockpit, a wooden frame with fabric covering and wooden wing spars. Original title- LaGG-5.

Archeological monuments

Famous personalities

The famous Soviet actor Vladimir Basov was born in Urazov on July 28, 1923.
During 1914-1916 he studied at the Urazovsky Commercial School future hero Soviet Union N. F. Vatutin.

Field Marshal General, who captured Battle of Poltava 16,000-strong Swedish corps, in 1723-1728. lived in and owned a huge estate (60 thousand acres of land). In 1728, the prince settled craft people on the banks of the Urazovka River “on convenient lands.” The farm grew quickly; in 1756, a temple of the icon was erected in Urazov Holy Mother of God"Sign". On July 26, 1766, unrest among the serfs of Prince Golitsyn “began” in the settlement. About 600 peasants, led by Kirill Soleny and Nikifor Dashevsky, refused to serve the prince and demanded to “transfer them to the state ones,” whose position was much better...

From the “Topographic Description of the Voronezh Viceroyalty” of 1785: “In the Valuysk district there are fairs that last for two or three days. 1st - January 30 in the Urazova settlement. Goods for this are brought by merchants from Kursk, Belgorod, Kharkov and Valuy: brocade, velvet, damask, taffeta and other silk fabrics, half-calico, Chinese, embroidered, etc.; iron and things made from it, as well as cast iron things, horse harness and other small items, and in addition, fish and caviar are brought from the Don.” Prince A.N. Golitsyn, chief prosecutor of the Synod, minister public education and spiritual affairs, and the last of the owners of the Urazov settlement, sold his patrimony to the state treasury, and since 1808, the Urazov peasants became “bank peasants”, paying princely debts to the Moscow Bank.

Since September 1848, the residents of Urazova were called “state peasants” in documents, but their dependence on the bank continued until 1859. In 1859 - “the state-owned settlement of Urazova”, “along a large country road from the city of Kupyansk” - 1309 households , 4615 inhabitants (2365 men, 3250 women), 2 orthodox churches, 7 fairs, 7 tallow factories, rural parish school, almshouse. In 1877, there were 1013 households in the settlement, 7451 inhabitants.

In 1900, the settlement of Urazovo in Valuysky district was the center of the Urazovskaya volost: the settlements of U., Gerasimenkova (Gerasimovka), Malaya Znamenka and Borki (Petrovskaya), the village of Kukuevka and the farms of Dolgiy, Konotop, Poyarkov, Shvedunovka, Nizhniye Melnitsy, Zelenin, Fomin and Lobkovka, settlements Tatarovka, Kiryanov and Pogorely; in the village U. - 1902 households, 12338 inhabitants (6228 men, 6110 women), 4 churches, 15 public buildings, 3 zemstvos and 3 parochial schools, 42 tanneries and 17 brick factories; 15 hat shops, 20 shoe shops, 10 sheepskin shops and 5 tailor shops; 13 manufacturing, 12 grocery, 4 haberdashery, 3 tableware, 6 black, 46 petty, 4 leather, 4 flour and 6 wine shops, 3 taverns, 10 inns, 9 fairs and 3 bazaars.

In 1909 - 2253 households, 13617 inhabitants, 9 schools (incl. women's gymnasium and “an excellent 7-grade commercial school”, where, by the way, the future talented commander N.F. Vatutin (1901-1944), postal and telegraph office, hospital, 2 pharmacies, medical center; oil mill, tannery, steam and brick factories, 2 steam and roller mills, an artel of shoemakers, “many small handicraft” tanneries, up to 500 handicraft shoemakers, Shaposhnikov (cap makers), sheepskin makers, tailors, zibar makers (roofing and buckets), joiners and carpenters ; 29 apiaries with 661 hives; gardens and “quite significantly developed horticulture”; huge markets, large quantities of bread and sunflowers, wool, meat, poultry, eggs, 9 large fairs...

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