Sports quest game for elementary school. Sports game for older children and parents

Lyudmila Khandrikova

Sports and entertainment quest« Traveling through the country of physical education and health»

Compiled by: physical education instructor Lyudmila Valentinovna Khandrikova

Target: Developing interest in participation sports and outdoor games. Formation of interest and love for sports.


1. Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about healthy lifestyle.

2. Improve physical abilities in a joint motor activity children and adults.

3. Contribute to the rapprochement and organization of children in the group. Raise the emotional mood of students.


1. Puzzles with cut pictures - «»

2. Rope – 1 piece

3. Baskets – 2 pcs.

4. Small balls - according to the number of participants

5. Sandbox scoops – 2 pcs.

6. Envelopes - 6 pcs.

7 Map - « Country of physical education and health»

10. Hoops – 6 pcs.

11. Balancers.

12. Long rope for climbing and jumping.

13. Jump ropes.

Presenters: Oh (adult); Oh (adult)

Participants Children senior group


Territory kindergarten (playground, playground of a large stadium, group verandas).

Move sports and entertainment quest:

Music sounds, participants quests run out onto the sports ground. Oh and Ah appear and greet the participants.

Oh: Hello dear guys!

Oh: Hello girls and boys!

Together: We are very glad to see you all today, that you all healthy and go to kindergarten.

Oh: Let's all do some exercises together now.

FLASHMOB - children and teachers take part.

Oh: Guys, what do you think? health?

Children's answers.

Oh: Health– this is not only the absence of any disease, but also a cheerful mood, good appetite, physical strength, beauty and joy.

Oh: Today in our kindergarten there is quest is not easy, but very interesting game, it will require strength, knowledge and ingenuity from you.

Oh: We brought you a map as a gift so that you can go on an exciting journey, but on the way viruses and microbes penetrated there and destroyed it, only pieces remained. And now we have to go to journey without a map and create it again.

Oh: Are you guys ready to help us create a new map?

Oh: We hit the road through the cities Countries of physical education and health».

You will need to go through several stages and tests, at each stage you receive an envelope with a piece of map, and at the end trips We’ll try to fold it and give it to the children from another kindergarten.

TOGETHER: We wish you good luck, we believe and hope in you!

Stage 1. Game “Bring it and don’t drop it” - "City of Dexterity"


Children line up in a column, two buckets are placed. At the beginning of the column, the basket is empty; at a distance of 5 m, another basket with balls is placed. The children's task is to use a spatula to transfer balls from one basket to another.

Stage 2. "Obstacle Course"- City of Swiftness

Playground preschool

Jumping from hoop to hoop.

Running under a rotating rope.


Stage 3. "Tug of War"- city of Power

Stage 4. "Jumping rope"- City of Endurance.

Stage 5. "Walking on balance beams"-city of Balance

Stage 6. "Riddles - crossword"

1. Get up earlier in the morning

Jump, run, do push-ups.

For health, for order

Everyone needs... (charger)

2. What is always useful to us: Sun, air and (water)

3. Inhale slowly through your nose, fresh (air) we get.

4. Strong, we want to grow up healthy, for this we need to comply with…. (mode)

5. If you want to break a record, this will help you.... (sport)

6. Regime is also important in nutrition, then we will escape from diseases.

Vegetables and fruits are irreplaceable, with them we get -…. (vitamins)

7. Being resilient always helps us…. (walking)

8. Legs and muscles are in motion all the time -

It's not just a person walking.

Such fast movements

We call it briefly -. (running)

Oh: Let's read together what the word turned out to be - « HEALTH» .

For solving the crossword puzzle, you get the last piece of the map, and let's all try to put it together.

On the map we see those cities countries of physical education and health, where we were today, let's repeat them again.... Now we can pass this card on to other children so that they can do something exciting. journey and also became dexterous, fast, strong, resilient and healthy like you.

Oh: Well, guys, our game with you has come to an end. Did you like it travel through the cities of the Country of physical education and health? Did you find out a lot of interesting things? Thank you for your attentiveness, resourcefulness, dexterity and intelligence. And now we want to give you vitamins so that you are healthy!

Publications on the topic:

Quest - game “Journey around the Island of Health” for children 1 junior group. Prepared by first category teacher Khalilullina Svetlana.

Quest game “Journey for the secrets of health” Goal: to form in children a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle. Tasks: To consolidate.

Goal: to develop the physical qualities of pupils in active species activities. Objectives: educational: to help broaden your horizons;.

Russian folk music sounds. The buffoons come out. 1 Buffoon: Hello, dear guests - both small and large! 2 Buffoon: Hello.

Lesson summary on physical education for 6th grade students.

Subject: "Climbers."
Target: Application of subject knowledge and methods educational activities in the context of solving educational tasks.
1. Teach how to use individual abilities the body in achieving the task and resisting difficulties.
2. Contribute to the development of strength and coordination abilities in relation to completing tasks.
3. Contribute to the development of a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance and independence.
Formed UUD:
- subject: mastering methods of motor activity; organize health-saving activities with the help of general developmental exercises;
- meta-subject: accept and save goals and objectives educational activities, determine common goals and ways to achieve them; exercise mutual control in joint activities; adequately assess your behavior and the behavior of others;
- personal: formation positive attitude students for physical education activities; accumulation necessary knowledge, skills in using values physical culture to achieve personally meaningful results.
Form of conduct: quest
Venue: sports hall of Kurgan Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 49”
Inventory and equipment: mats, whistle, skittles, tennis balls, wall bars, pictures of climbers' equipment, pictures of necessary and unnecessary things for a hike.
“All for one, one for all, then there will be success in the team!”
Technologies used in the lesson: quest technology, health-saving, gaming.

1. Formation in one line, greeting the teams.
2. Children independently set tasks for the lesson.
3. Varieties of walking: on toes, on heels, rolling, cross step.
4. Run at a moderate pace around the hall, changing direction at the sound signal.
5. General developmental exercises:
1.I.P. - stand with legs apart, hands on waist
1-4 Roundabout Circulation head in right side.
5-8 the same to the left.
2. I.P. - o.s.
1-2 – arms up, right leg back on the toe, bend over.
3-4 – i.p.
5-8 – the same with the left foot.
3. I.P. – legs apart, hands on the waist.

1-3- three spring tilts to the right, left hand on the belt.
5-8 - the same to the left.
4. IP - stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist.
1-3 - three springy bends forward with hands touching the floor.
5. IP - stand on the right leg, left back on the toe, arms to the sides.
1- swing your left leg forward, arms down until you clap your palms under your leg.
3-4 the same with the right foot.
6.I.P. - lunge forward with the right hand, hands on the belt.
1-3 - three springy swings of the pelvis up and down.
4- change the position of the legs with a jump.
6.Preparation of training places.
7.The class is divided into 2 groups and a captain is chosen:
The teams are assigned the following tasks:
-having completed the task at each level, the team receives a “LETTER” code and direction further movement,
- the task of each team is to collect the word “VICTORY” by the end of the quest.
Today we will challenge nature and test ourselves. Teacher's question: - What mountains do you know? What does it take to climb a mountain? What should a climber be like? We find ourselves at the foot of the mountain and need to get to the top.
Class divergence by level:
Level 1: “Cobweb”.
Crawl on your bellies under taut ropes on at different levels, run to the table, take the puzzle with the image of a mountain, return. They do it one by one in turn, as soon as they bring all the puzzle elements, you need to put the picture together and get the first clue:
We're performing here on stage,
Holidays take place there
We play KVN here,
We sing different songs. (Assembly hall)

Level 2: theoretical
“Select from the cards those that depict the things a climber needs.”
The cards depict things and objects. Children must sort them into two groups: necessary and unnecessary. If the cards are chosen correctly, then back side cards they will be able to read the clue.
Level 3: “Sharp on target.”
Throwing darts at balloon with a hint.
“Porridge, tea, compote and bun -
The table was set for lunch.
We're not going for a walk -
We are heading to......"
Level 4: “Review of the area.” Captains game.
Climbing on a rope for 2-3 meters, where a code word written on paper is fixed (“Teacher’s room” is the place where the code letter is located).
The team must tell it to the captain.
Level 5: “Extreme”
An obstacle course consisting of benches attached to a wall bars, you need to pull yourself up using your arms, climb onto the wall bars, move to the nearby span of the wall and find an envelope with a hint on the wall:
She took us to get vaccinated.
She asked everything about us:
Both surname and class.
There is no way back for us -
We'll go to... (medical room)

Level 6: “Swamp”.
overcome specified distance over “bumps”, jumping from hoop to hoop, take any ball from the 10 offered, without inspecting it, go back and inspect it, perform at the speed of your movements.
Attach a hint to one ball:
We leave our clothes here,
We take off our jackets and hats.
We get a number -
And hurry up to class. (Wardrobe)
In the dressing room there is an envelope with a code letter.
The first team to collect all the letter codes makes a word and is considered the winner.
Teacher: Tell me guys, what tasks did you complete today that would help you overcome the climb up the mountain?
Summing up and announcing the winner of the game.

Sports festival

“Sports and recreational quest game with older children preschool age»

Target:Propaganda and popularization healthy image life, creating conditions for active recreation for children and parents.


Strengthen your health
- Improve sports skills and abilities;
- Develop endurance, reaction speed, agility, coordination of movements, running, throwing a ball with two hands and one hand at a target, jumping rope, throwing the ball to each other in motion;
- Improve intelligence, resourcefulness and ability to navigate in space;
- Teach to follow the rules of the game;
- To develop the ability to interact with playing partners;
- Clearly pronounce rhymes and dialogues in games;
- Create a joyful, cheerful mood active recreation V summer period. Equipment: hoops, flags, boards for stepping over, large and small balls, skittles, 4 buckets, gymnastic sticks, walking mats, jump ropes, targets for throwing the ball, hint keys, treasure box, envelopes with game tips.

Venue : senior group playground

Participants sports festival: teachers, children and parents of the senior group

Q: The word "quest" means "search." This is a gaming adventure, a game where participants are always given a task in which they need to find something - an object, a hint, a message, so that they can move on. Today we are waiting for a sports and recreational quest game. In this game you cannot do without ingenuity, logical thinking, erudition, as well as dexterity, speed, coordination and the ability to interact with friends.

Q: Well, are you ready for this game?

Children: Everyone wants to compete,

Joking and laughing

Show strength and agility

And prove your skill.

We are all happy about this meeting

We did not gather for a reward.

Q: To be strong and healthy, what should you do in the morning? (charging). So you and I will start our health game with exercises, and only after that we will see the first hint.

Everyone sits freely around the sports ground and does exercises to the music:

Warm-up “Do exercises, you’ll be fine”

IN:We are starting the holiday of sports and health now!

Hello to all the guys

And this word:

You have loved sports since childhood,

You will be healthy!

Come on, come on together, kids.

Let's all shout:

Children: Fizkult-Hurray!

IN:. We must split into two teams. The path to the treasure will be indicated by arrows, and you will find all the instructions on how and with what help to find the treasure in secret places. Quest objective: get 5 keys and one help. Are you ready to play?

Children and parents find the arrow and the first clue. The clue contains an encrypted relay race (the card shows two buckets, the bottom full of balls, the other empty, and a wooden spoon, the key). Children and parents guess the purpose of the relay race and begin the game to find the key and the next clue as quickly as possible.

1. “Balls” relay (common for two teams). Children and parents in pairs (parent + child) line up in two columns. Near each column there is a bucket with small multi-colored balls, at the bottom is a cloth, under it is a key and the next clue, opposite is an empty bucket. Task: using two wooden spoons, transfer the balls from one bucket to another, one ball at a time, passing the baton one by one until the key appears and the bucket is empty. (Next, each team finds its own hint, where to move next and the key).

2. Relay for 1 team. Children and parents look for the relay by the arrows and decipher it. In front of them are 2 frogs and further into the swamp. At the end of the swamp there are also two frogs. “To find the clue you need to cross the swamp. Look under the last pair of bumps and find a clue there.” Children and parents decipher the relay race and go through it in pairs (child + parent) and pass the baton to the next one). You need to use two hummocks to cross from one bank to the other without stepping into the swamp. We stand on one hummock with both feet, and put it next to a friend, jump over, etc. The last pair finds the next clue and key.

3. Relay for 2 teams. Children and parents look for the relay along the arrows and decipher it. P/n “Who is the most accurate?” Children and parents get into pairs (child + parent). Task: you need to run with the ball to the red line, stop and hit the target with the ball, pick up the ball and run back to the team and pass the balls to the next pair. The last pair finds the clue and the key behind the target.

4. Relay for 1 team. “Go through the obstacle course and get a hint.” Children and parents decipher the next relay race. In front of them is a tunnel of hoops and a ball. Task: run across the tunnel, throwing the ball to each other, and run back, passing the ball and baton to the next pair. In a secret place, team members find the next clue and key.

5. Relay for 2 teams. “Go through the obstacle course and get a hint.” Task: A couple (child + parent) simultaneously run through a tunnel of hoops, run with balls in hand to the red line, stop and roll the ball forward strongly, trying to knock down the obstacle in the form of pins. The last pair finds the clue to the next relay and the key.

6. Relay for 1 team. " Fast train" The first team member runs to the flag, runs around it, returns to its place, the next member grabs it and the two of them run. Then they return and take the third one, until everyone runs around, the last one takes the clue.

7. Relay for 2 teams. “I told you to sit down.” Task: The players line up behind common line starting in a column one at a time. The children get up first. The adults are behind them. The team captain (dad) stands in front of the column team, facing it at a distance of 2-3 m. All team members except the captain receive a ball. At the signal, the first participant throws the ball to the captain, the captain catches the ball and puts it in the basket. After throwing the ball, this player crouches. Then the second team member throws the ball to the captain and crouches, then the third, etc. Having received the ball from the last player in his column, the captain raises it up, and all the players on his team jump up. The captain finds the key and the clue.

8. Relay for 1 team. "Collect sunshine." Task: the first one runs to the end of the court, puts a hoop, comes back, passes the baton to the next one, the next one runs, puts a ray of sunshine - a gymnastic stick - to the hoop and comes back, passes the baton to the next one, etc. Then the team gives a help-hint.

9. Relay race for 5th team. “Rent a hoop.” Task: Roll the hoop to the cube and run back to the next pair and pass the baton. Then the team receives help and a hint.

10. Hint for 2 teams. Teams receive a hint after jumping rope games.

As a result, each team has 6 keys and a hint (the route where the treasure is hidden). Everyone goes in search of the treasure.

The main task of a physical education teacher in modern school is the formation in students of high positive motivation and interest in the subject through inclusion in active sports, competitive and creative activity. Striving to achieve positive result, unconditional support and a friendly attitude towards each other - these are the main motivational attitudes that the teacher forms among students in physical education lessons.
In connection with the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, more and more demands are placed on both the teacher and the subject he teaches. The teacher’s task is not only to give knowledge to students, but also to contribute to the formation of universal educational actions in the lesson. Of course, the effectiveness of work in physical education lessons can only be achieved with integrated use the entire arsenal of teaching methods and means, both traditional and innovative.
The use of various technologies makes it possible to make the lesson “healthy”, that is: developing - with an emphasis on the abilities and interests of students, but taking into account the functional capabilities of the body; preserving the desire of students to continue working, etc.
One of these methods is quest lessons (adventure lesson), which are a symbiosis of game, search and competition. They are interesting both in elementary school and in middle and high school.
The purpose of such a lesson is to create a positive psychological atmosphere, which will allow the personality of each child to be revealed to the maximum, to involve students in search and communicative activities. And classes with computer support allow you to increase interest in the lesson and conduct it with the greatest productivity. Such lessons correspond modern requirements pedagogy.
A striking example such a lesson is a quest lesson. The presented lesson is a natural continuation of previous lessons and is based on theoretical knowledge and previously formed motor skills. The lesson taught serves as the basis for the possibility of using motor skills in non-standard, game situations. It is very good to conduct joint quests - lessons on parallels.
The content of the entire lesson is based on the collective activity of students. During the lesson, children will learn to work in a team, apply motor skills and abilities, and use previously acquired special physical education knowledge in non-standard situations.
Chapter: Athletics, Sports Games, Life Safety.
Lesson topic: “Journey to the land of sports”
Form of delivery: Quest lesson
1. Contribute to the development of students’ motor skills.
2. Develop motor skills through game tasks
3. Teach students how to interact with each other while performing game tasks.
4. Create in students an idea of ​​a team and friendship.
1. Improving running and walking skills.
2. Development of speed and strength abilities.
3. Development of coordination and spatial orientation through game tasks.
4. Update the knowledge gained in the life safety lesson.
1. Education of physical qualities (speed-strength qualities, strength endurance, motor-coordination qualities).
2. Strengthening cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous system.
3. Acquisition positive emotions, good mood.
1. Nurturing moral and volitional qualities (persistence, perseverance, courage, initiative).
2. Development of sustainable interest in physical education lessons and activities various types sports
3. Formation of students’ ideas about the collective, team, mutual assistance and assistance, friendship.
Form of training organization: group, collective, individual.

Venue: School building (school stadium)

Lesson progress:

The class is divided into two or three subgroups (teams). Each subgroup (team) comes up with a name for itself and writes this name down on the route sheet with the quest tasks, which is given to the team captains. At the signal, the teams disperse into stages. The goal of each team is to complete the stages as soon as possible minimum quantity penalty points (points). At the end of the quest, the number of points (points) is calculated and added to the number of penalty points (points). The team with the fewest points in the final line wins.


1. “Hit the target” ( venue small gym )

Throwing a small ball (150 g) from a place or from three steps oncerunning at a horizontal and vertical target (the impact zone of a basketball backboard), the throw range is 7 meters.

Each team member throws a small ball at the target in three attempts (for each missed ball, a1 penalty point) the total team time + penalty points from each participant counts.

2. Web" ( )

Team members take turns walking through the web, trying not to touch the bell suspended from the web (for each touch of the bell accrued 1 penalty point) the total team time + penalty points for each participant counts.

3. “Bumps” (

Standing long jump with support on two legs. Counts total length jump of each team member.

4. "Sports ring" ( venue assembly hall schools)

The team takes a seat to discuss issues. The team is given a crossword puzzle with 10–15 questions related to various achievements in world sports. The team is given 5 minutes to discuss (decision) (for each unanswered question 1 penalty point is awarded).

5. "Pharmacy" ( Venue: corridor of the 1st floor of the school)

Providing first medical care. Team members draw a card indicating what type of assistance they should provide to the victim. 5 points are counted for correct provision of emergency medical care + 1 penalty point for incorrect provision of emergency medical care.

6. "Black box" ( venue recreation 1st floor of the school)

at the beginning of the stage, the team captain chooses a card with a number

On the command “Put on sleeves, stockings, and gloves. Gases! Each team member wearsCombined arms protective kit(OZK) and begin to look for the cube with the number chosen by the captain. Total time 4 minutes to complete the task. The total team time + penalty points for each extra minute of searching is counted.

7. “Obstacle Course” ( the venue is a large sports hall)

On the command “March!, whistle!” each team member takes turns going through the obstacle course (for each stage of the obstacle course not completed, 1 penalty point is awarded) the total team time + penalty points from each participant is counted.

Participant on the command “March!, whistle!”,The participant begins the task from the line marked with cones. The participant, having taken the ball, moves along the cones, circling the cones with either his right or left hand, then, without stopping his movement, goes to the basketball backboard, where he throws into the hoop in accordance with the technique of this technique, after the throw, the participant, without stopping his movement, proceeds to to the next task,

runs along a boom or limited surface, without stopping further, begins to perform the task from a high start position, running three ten-meter segments (3X10) from the starting line with the obligatory fixation of the line with the hand, then throws a medicine ball at limited area and runs across the finish line.




8. “Safe Wheel” ( venue recreation 1st floor of school )

Each team member completes an obstacle course on a bicycle.

(for each stage of the obstacle course not completed, 1 penalty point is awarded) the total team time + penalty points from each participant is counted.

(the participant gets on a bicycle, rides 15 meters on a bicycle, while transferring the figure from one stand to another, then, without stopping, continues to move on the bicycle, goes around the stands in a “snake”, enters the square, turns around, leaves the square, and in a figure-eight pattern crosses the finish line.


Svetlana Kyshtymova
"Operation Superkids." Quest summary for educational field"Physical culture"

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 1

Ust-Kutsk Municipal education of the Irkutsk region

Methodological development at the preschool level education

Subject: Synopsis of the story game(quest) By educational field Physical culture: « Operation« Superkids» »


Proposed plot summary(quest) games called " Operation« Superkids» » for children of senior preschool age (5-7 years) can be used both in GCD and during various sporting events and leisure activities.

This work will be of interest to teachers, instructors physical culture.

Target: Maintaining interest in the activity physical education and sports.


Develop an interest in active cognitive activity, logical thinking;

Strengthen the ability to listen to commands and carry out tasks according to instructions;

Foster a sense of camaraderie, collectivism and mutual assistance;

Planned results:

Showing interest in completing tasks, freely oriented in space, high activity children, every child is involved in the game.

Interesting information:

What's happened quest? Game world so rich and varied what to create full classification No one has yet succeeded in his genres. However, one type of game called « quest» It is very popular and attracts many adventure lovers. Quest– this is an opportunity to show ingenuity and logical thinking, demonstrate your talents and get a lot of positive impressions. What kind of game is this? And how is it useful? What does the word mean « quest» ?

Translated from English quest means "search, execution of orders". As a game genre, it was formed long before the advent of the Internet and initially involved the completion of some tasks written down on pieces of paper.

What's the point quests and how are they useful for children?

The essence of any quest is to find as much as possible more goals. To do this, the game participants have to interact with each other, analyze the available information, use dexterity, erudition and all their skills. Currently there are 5 types quests.

1. Escape room or how to get out of the room

Familiar to almost everyone situation: Your team is locked in a room. Using numerous tips and aids(which still need to be found, everyone must limited time get out. Usually this is given only one hour.

2. Quest in reality(live quest) .

Unlike classic escape, here you don’t have to look for a way out. Players can save the universe, protect the Ring of Omnipotence from attacks dark forces, or rob a bank. The main thing when completing tasks is to live the situation as close as possible to the scenario.

3. Quest performance

This genre involves the presence of actors in the room who can direct gameplay in one direction or another. They can help or, conversely, hinder you from completing tasks. This is something akin to a staged scene in a movie, or a theatrical performance in which you and your comrades will play the main roles.

4. Action Game or Sports quest

Here, success will depend not only on your ability to use your head, but also on your ability to use other parts of your body. All kinds of obstacle courses, chases, power tasks - all this is harmoniously combined with the need to instantly solve logic problems, involving the entire team in their solution.

5. Morpheus quest

In Morpheus, the game takes place exclusively in your imagination. All players must be blindfolded throughout the game. Here, just like in a performance, there are actors and a presenter. They help you get deeper into the situation. Not all senses are involved in this genre; here you will be deprived of vision. Players only have to hear, feel and touch.

Quests They are considered educational games, therefore they bring great benefits to both adults and children. If we talk about kids, then such tasks force the child to think, to look for a way out. difficult situation, and this, in turn, develops logic, intelligence, teaches children to interact.

Taking part in quests, the child discovers new abilities and character traits, while receiving bright emotions and unforgettable experiences.

Equipment: Gymnastic poles according to the number of children, racks with slats for climbing (skipping rope, cord, stuffed bags (weight 100g, small mats ( "islands" any shape, targets on stands or stands.

Progress of the game:

Introductory part:

Children enter the hall, line up as usual physical education class . Educator (instructor) welcomes the children and informs that today an emergency occurred in the kindergarten, valuable documents were stolen, and the management makes a request to you -“bring them back by any means! According to the latest data, the documents are still located within the kindergarten, namely in our group (hall). Only the villains cunningly hid them, and they themselves disappeared in an unknown direction. For the duration of the task, you become a team super agents. But not everything is like that Just: to find them you will need to overcome a whole strip obstacles: cross a wide river, get out of swampy swamps, without loss get through By minefield and a lot of different traps! Let's not waste precious time, let's choose a captain who will help the teacher (to the instructor) monitor discipline in our team. And - let's go!

Main part:

The group gradually begins to overcome pre-prepared obstacles:

"Crossing"- everyone is given a gymnastic stick, and the team must cling to each other in a chain to get across from one end of the group (shore) to another.

"Swampy swamps"- in a chaotic order throughout the group (to the hall) rugs are laid out (islands, the team moves strictly along the islands by jumping on two legs. As in the previous task, the team needs to move from one side of the group (hall) to another.

"Minefield"- the team crawls "Plastunsky" (on the stomach) under the crossbars mounted on the racks. Main task do not knock down or hit the bar (rope).

"Sniper Shot"- targets are set (3-4, the team must fire aimed fire at them with stuffed bags from a distance of 3 m until all the targets are shot down.

Under one of the targets, the team finds an envelope with further instructions. Educator (instructor) opens the envelope and reads out the instructions (instructions).

The game is being played “Name the item by description”- the team guesses the object only by verbal description or characteristic features. Each person can only make one attempt (the task should not be difficult).

After successfully completing the task, the team will have to discover this item. Valuable documents are hidden in it.

The game is being played “Find an item by description”- can be complicated by the fact that you can search for an object only with your eyes without moving around the group (to the hall) or walk only in a certain area.

Final stage:

After discovering a cache of documents, the captain hands them over to the teacher (to the instructor). The team lines up in one line. Educator (instructor) calls out general system captain, expresses gratitude to him on behalf of the entire kindergarten. All participants are also thanked for their courage, ingenuity and ability to work in a team. Everyone is given awards and incentives.

Recommendations: This story game can be played both indoors and outdoors. fresh air. Making tasks more difficult or easier (the age of the children and the degree of their preparedness are taken into account) changing the course of the game. All the value story games determined by their methodological features:



Assigning certain roles to children;


Relatively independent activity participants.

Through these games, children learn the laws of nature and society, they develop imagination, memory parallels the development process physical qualities and health promotion.

List of information sources:

Stepanenkova E. Ya. Physical education in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations. For classes with children 2–7 years old - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2006.

Yuganova I. V. Physical education-health improvement work of kindergarten in the context of new federal requirements. Methodical manual/ Under general edition Miklyaeva N.V. – M.: UC "Perspective", 2011 – 152 p.

From birth to school. Approximate general education

Preschool program education / Ed.. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014. - 304 p.

Collection of methodological and practical materials "How to make a lesson physical culture unique» /E. Borovskaya, A. Emelyanov, E. Chernyshev, V. Karetnikov, V. Kholodillo. – Bratsk: "BPK№", 2010. – 58 pp.

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