Railway transport accidents in the world. The largest railway accidents in Russia and the USSR

Emergency situations on railways lead to casualties and serious destruction. Sometimes hundreds of people die due to an absurd accident. How does this happen? Let's try to figure it out.

Terrible train accidents in the USSR

Rail transport, both passenger and freight, was widespread in the USSR. Several major railway accidents are known to have occurred on the territory of the Soviet Union.

Disaster near Ufa

The largest of all railway accidents is considered to be the disaster near Ufa, which occurred in the summer of 1989. The explosion occurred while two oncoming passenger trains were passing.

The cause was a cloud that appeared after an accident on the nearby Siberia-Ural-Volga region pipeline. Five hundred and seventy-five people became victims of the explosion, and about the same number were injured.

Explosion in Arzamas

In the summer of 1988, an explosion occurred in the city of Arzamas. railway crossing. Cars carrying hexogen exploded. As a result, more than eight hundred people were left homeless, one hundred and fifty-one houses were completely destroyed. One and a half thousand people were injured, the explosion claimed the lives of ninety-one people.

Disaster at Kamenskaya station

One of the most terrible disasters In the USSR, the accident that occurred at the Kamenskaya station is considered. Due to faulty brakes, a freight train entered the station at a speed of one hundred kilometers per hour and collided with the tail of a passenger train standing there. It was night, the passengers were sleeping. One hundred and six people were killed and one hundred and fourteen were injured. The tragedy happened in nineteen eighty-seven.

Worst railway accidents in the world

Railway accidents periodically occur in all countries of the world, however, not all of them are large-scale and destructive. Below are examples of the largest accidents.

Versailles train accident (France)

One of the first large-scale disasters on railway occurred in one thousand eight hundred and forty-two. The train, traveling on the route Versailles-Paris, was crowded with passengers returning from mass celebrations. It derailed, killing more than fifty people.

Crash in Bihar (India)

One of the most terrible disasters on the railway occurred in nineteen eighty-one in India. A train carrying about a thousand passengers due to strong wind and trying to slow down in front of an animal that had stepped onto the railway tracks, it capsized. More than five hundred people were killed.

Accident at Steblova station (Czechoslovakia)

The largest disaster in Czechoslovakia that occurred on the railway was the disaster near the Steblova station in nineteen sixty. Two trains crashed head-on at high speed. This happened due to the fault of the train crew of one of the trains, which passed a prohibitory semaphore signal. One hundred and eighteen people died. About the same number were injured.

Serious emergency situations on railways in modern Russia

IN modern Russia Unfortunately, train accidents also happen. Here are some of them.

Crash in Podsosenka

In nineteen ninety-two, a train traveling from Riga to Moscow collided with a freight train at the Podsosenka crossing. A fire started and spread to passenger cars. Forty people were killed and twenty-two were injured.

Nevsky Express crash

In two thousand and nine, the Nevsky Express train crashed due to a terrorist attack. Ninety-eight people were wounded and eighteen were killed. Among the dead were several government officials and prominent businessmen.

Clashes in the Chelyabinsk region near Asha

In two thousand and eleven, two freight trains loaded with coal collided due to a faulty braking system. As a result, seventy carriages derailed and two people died.

The worst train accident in history

The deadliest and largest disaster in the history of railways is the one that occurred in Sri Lanka, near the village of Peraliya. After in Indian Ocean happened strong earthquake, a tsunami hit the coastal part of Sri Lanka. A passenger train passing along the coastline during the tsunami was washed away into the ocean waters.

According to various sources, the disaster claimed from one thousand seven hundred to two thousand human lives. This happened in December two thousand and four.

Modern trains are created in compliance with all safety standards and using high technology. It even turns out that trains move faster on the ground than airplanes. There is a website about the fastest trains.
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The railway is considered one of the most safe species transport, but even here disasters happen, often on a huge scale...

Crash in the Chelyabinsk region (2011). 2 people died.

The accident occurred on August 11, 2011 in the Ashinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, a few kilometers from the city of Sim, on one of the sections of the Kuibyshev railway. As heavy freight train No. 2707 accelerated to a speed of 136 km/h due to brake failure, it overtook freight train No. 1933 ahead and collided with its tail. As a result of the collision at train No. 2707, two electric locomotives and 66 of 67 cars derailed, killing both members of the train's locomotive crew, and at train No. 1933 the last 3 cars derailed.

The cause of the crash of two freight trains, the death of two people and the delay of dozens of flights was the gross negligence of Russian Railways employees; some characterize the situation in even more severe terms. The events that led to the disaster began with a small incident. On August 11 at 14:34, a few hours before the collision, the “culprit” of the tragedy - a locomotive made up of two electric locomotives of the VL10 series, knocks down a bull at the Muraslimkino station (Chelyabinsk-Kropachevo section).

As a result of the incident, the brake line of the leading electric locomotive was damaged. Driver Koltyrev and his assistant Ustyuzhaninov, employees of the Zlatoust depot, change the damaged part using the technical first aid kit of the driven electric locomotive, and inform the Kropachevo arrival station about the need for further repairs of the locomotive. The train arrives safely at Kropachevo.

The driver D.V. who received the train at Kropachevo. Shumikhin and his assistant M.K. Zhuravlev did not check the position of the brake system levers and its functionality. At 16:50 the train departs further along the route. After just 5 minutes, when checking the brake system, the drivers notice problems in its operation; the train moves at increasing speed, not responding to attempts to brake. The speed reaches 136 km per hour, and only then was emergency braking applied. However, the braking distance at this speed is over 1 km. Freight train No. 2707 catches up with another freight train No. 1933 going ahead and rams it.

Disaster at the Sverdlovsk-Sortirovochny station. 4 people were killed and over 500 people were injured.

October 4, 1988, a train transporting 86.8 tons explosives(TNT and hexogen), after spontaneously moving downhill, rammed a train with coal standing on the tracks. At 02 hours 33 minutes (Moscow time) due to short circuit An explosion occurred, the strength of which increased due to the presence of a fuel and lubricants warehouse near the epicenter of the explosion.

The size of the crater formed after the explosion reached 40 meters in diameter and 8 meters in depth. The force of the shock wave was felt 15 km from the epicenter. The low number of casualties was facilitated by the fact that the station was surrounded by low-rise residential developments with log houses. Within a radius of 3 km, there was not a single intact glass left in the houses.

However, the tragedy served as a powerful impetus for the development of housing construction in the area and contributed to the relocation of people into modern residential buildings built on the site of buildings destroyed by the explosion.

Nevsky Express disaster. 28 people were killed, 132 people were injured.

November 27, 2009 at 21:30 Moscow time on the 285 km railway from Moscow to Saint Petersburg The branded train No. 166 “Nevsky Express” crashed. The investigation determined the cause of the crash as a terrorist act, which occurred by detonating an explosive device under the ChS200-100 electric locomotive, which led to the destruction of a 0.5-meter-long rail track.

High speed and inertia of movement allowed the train to remain on the rails. However, the last two cars left the rails after 260 meters, the first one stopped in a vertical position with right side the railway track, flying 15 meters, and the second car from the rear of the train moved another 130 meters on its side along the rails of the railway track.

Most of the victims were in the last carriage (No. 1). The death of passengers is a consequence of the impact that occurred after the carriage derailed and collided with three concrete supports.

Disaster at Koristovka station (Ukraine). Killed - 44, injured - 100 people.

The tragedy occurred on November 6, 1986 at 3:02 am ( Moscow time) at the time of passenger trains No. 635 Krivoy Rog - Kyiv and No. 38 Kyiv - Donetsk through the Koristovka station. Train No. 635, under the control of an assistant driver, proceeded under the prohibitory traffic light signal and, cutting the switch, collided with train No. 38 moving on a different track.

The crew of the Krivoy Rog - Kyiv train did not respond to prohibitory signals or calls from station duty officers, completely losing vigilance while passing the station. As a result, 44 people died. More than 100 people were injured. Both electric locomotives ChS 4 No. 005 and No. 071 could not be restored.

Tragedy at a crossing in the city of Marganets (Ukraine). 45 people died.

On October 12, 2010 at 9:25, near the city of Marganets, Dnepropetrovsk region, a bus carrying passengers collided with a two-section electric locomotive VL 8-153. An Etalon bus with 52 passengers was traveling from the city clinic to the village of Gorodishche. When entering a railway crossing under a prohibitory traffic light, the bus collided with an electric locomotive moving at a speed of 82 km per hour. The bus took about 300 more meters to come to a complete stop.

It was the most major accident this type for Ukraine. According to the authorities, after this disaster, the rules for passenger transportation must be radically changed.

The tragic situation with the electric locomotive VL 8 -153 occurred at a time when this electric locomotive was traveling as a backup for a freight train that was involved in another accident on October 12, 2010 at 7:50 am. Near the Kantserovka station, the tractor also followed a prohibiting traffic light and was destroyed by a passing freight train. The tractor driver was killed, and the locomotive of the train was severely damaged. The ill-fated VL 8 -153 moved to replace it

Disaster at Kamenskaya station. Killed - 106, injured - 114 people.

On August 7, 1987, at the Likhovsky branch of the South-Eastern Railway in the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, a freight train, due to a failure of the brake system, was unable to reduce speed on a slope and, in an uncontrollable state, drove to the Kamenskaya station ( Rostov region). As it passed the station, the train was torn into several parts. A locomotive with one carriage crashed several hundred meters into the tail of a passenger train standing on the platform.

The tragedy developed as follows. When starting the descent, the driver began braking at a speed of 65 km per hour. However, the train did not react and continued to pick up speed. Then the pressure in the brake system was increased and attempts were made twice to stop the train. When measures taken did not help, the faulty brakes were reported to the dispatcher.

The driver of the crashed freight train managed to contact dispatchers and train No. 335, stationed at Kamenskaya station. The crew of the passenger train began an emergency movement, but the conductors were not notified and the stop valve in the 10th car was torn off (this action was recognized as appropriate job description conductor at the start of unauthorized train movement). The conductors simply did not have time to explain the reason for the movement - an uncontrolled freight train No. 2035, moving at a speed of 140 km per hour, was already rushing into the station.

At the moment of passing turnout No. 17, the train broke and part of it (from the second car onwards), forming a blockage, began to stop. However, the locomotive and the first carriage drove another 464 meters and at a speed of 100 km began to destroy the tail cars of the passenger train.

The Aurora tragedy. Killed - 31 and injured more than 100 people

On August 16, 1988 at 18:25 Moscow time, on the Berezayka - Poplavenets section of the Bologovsky branch of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, on the 307-308th km of the main line, high-speed passenger train No. 159 "Aurora", driven by the electric locomotive ChS6-017, crashed.

A day earlier, a special track-measuring car identified defects on this section of the track that did not allow the passage of this section at a speed of 160 km per hour. The subsidence of the track led to spontaneous disengagement of the locomotive and the first car of train No. 159, which was passing through this place at a speed of 155 km per hour. As a result of the cars being uncoupled, the brake line needed for emergency braking was broken. Also, the tracks were destroyed, which led to the cars derailing.

After the train overturned, a fire started in the restaurant car and spread to other carriages of the train. The crash occurred in a swampy area, which made it difficult for fire brigades to arrive; water was also delivered from a source located 2 km from the epicenter of the fire. All 15 carriages of the train derailed, 12 carriages were almost completely destroyed, the interruption in train traffic on this section was 15 hours.

Tragedy in Arzamas. Killed: 91, injured: 799

On June 4, 1988 at 09:32 in the city of Arzamas (Gorky Railway), an explosion occurred in three cars with hexogen en route to Kazakhstan. During the investigation, it was established that the cars contained 117 tons and 966 kg of explosives.

After the explosion, a crater with a diameter of 26 meters was formed at the epicenter. A section of the locomotive was found 200 meters from the explosion site. Over 800 families were left homeless, 151 houses were destroyed.

250 meters of the railway track were completely destroyed, the substation was destroyed and the gas pipeline was damaged. 2 medical institutions, 49 kindergartens and 14 schools, and 69 shops were damaged.

Disaster near Ufa. 575 people were killed and over 600 were injured.

June 3, 1989 Moscow time in the Iglinsky district of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, 11 km from the city of Asha ( Chelyabinsk region) on the stretch Asha - Ulu-Telyak the largest happened train accident in the USSR. At the moment of approaching two oncoming trains No. 211 "Novosibirsk - Adler" and No. 212 "Adler - Novosibirsk", an explosion occurred of accumulated gaseous hydrocarbons that had accumulated in the lowlands due to a leak from the Siberia - Ural - Volga region pipeline.

In trains No. 211 “Novosibirsk - Adler” (20 cars, locomotive VL10-901) and No. 212 “Adler - Novosibirsk” (18 cars, locomotive ChS2-689) at that moment there were 1284 passengers (383 children) and 86 members of the train and locomotive crews. Shock wave 11 cars were thrown off the tracks, 7 of them were completely burned. The 27 cars remaining on the rails were charred on the outside and burned out inside. Official data indicate the death of 575 people (according to other sources - 645), 623 became disabled, receiving severe burns and injuries.

The volumetric explosion of huge masses of accumulated gas was estimated according to various sources from 300 tons of TNT to 12 kilotons, which is comparable to Hiroshima (16 kilotons). The explosion was detected thousands of kilometers away by the US air defense system. 10 km from the epicenter, in the city of Asha, all the glass was broken from the windows. The flames could be observed from a distance of 100 km from the fire, the area of ​​which reached 250 hectares. 350 meters of railway track were completely destroyed.

As a result of the investigation, 9 officials were sentenced to varying terms of imprisonment. The causes of the accident were interpreted in two ways. According to the first version, the main cause of the leak of propane, butane and other light hydrocarbons was damage to the pipeline by an excavator 4 years before the tragedy. 40 minutes before the explosion, the pipeline opened and a leak began.

The second version suggested that the integrity of the pipeline was affected by stray currents from high-voltage power lines located above the railway. As a result, microcracks formed on the pipes, which over time served as a source of gas leaks. There was also a version terrorist attack from the outside Western intelligence services in order to destabilize the already collapsing USSR. This version has not found any real evidence.

On November 6, 1986, two passenger trains collided at Koristovka station. Several carriages were smashed to pieces. About one and a half hundred people were injured, 44 died. For this date, we have collected together stories about the bloodiest disasters in the history of railways.

Photo: http://www.parovoz.com
2013-11-06 17:15

USSR, 1986. 44 dead, 100 wounded

On November 6, 1986, at the Koristovka station of the Odessa Railway, passenger trains No. 635 Krivoy Rog - Kyiv and No. 38 Kyiv - Donetsk crashed. As a result of the crash, the locomotives of both trains were damaged and several passenger cars were broken. 44 people were killed, 100 people were injured, 27 of them seriously.

By official version, the driver of train No. 635 and his assistant fell asleep at work, ignored the prohibitory signal of the semaphore and collided head-on with train No. 38. During the investigation, they fully admitted their guilt and received 15 and 12 years in prison. In addition, the court ordered that 348 thousand 645 rubles be recovered from them for material damage in equal shares.

There is another version - the duty officer at the Koristovka station is to blame for the train crashes and deaths. Allegedly, she, knowing that train No. 38 was late, decided to take train No. 635. At the same time, the 38th train caught up with the schedule and entered the station along the same track from the other side. There was no prohibiting signal. After the collision, the station attendant tried to throw herself from the bridge, but she was restrained - she was the mother of three children. The signal switching counter was reset, and the locomotive crew of train 635 was made the last one.

Spain, 2004. 192 dead. 2050 wounded

March 11, 2004 in Madrid in morning hour peak in commuter electric trains thundered four powerful explosion. The suicide bombers, who were traveling on different trains, thus wanted to achieve maximum quantity victims. The attacks were carefully planned: they were carried out three days before parliamentary elections in Spain and exactly 911 days after the attack on the United States on September 11, 2001 (“9/11”). As it turned out, the sabotage was carried out by radical Islamists close to Al-Qaeda. As a result of the explosions, 192 people from 17 countries were killed and more than 2,050 were injured.

Iran, 2004. 295 dead. 460 wounded

On February 18, 2004, in Iran, near the village of Khayyam, carriages carrying dangerous cargo derailed: sulfur, gasoline, nitrate fertilizers and cotton. Many onlookers from the village, journalists and even politicians came to watch the accident, who decided to raise their ratings on this accident. Due to the intense heat from the flames, the explosive carriages detonated. Experts later estimated the power of the explosion at 180 tons. TNT equivalent. As a result, the village of Khayyam was destroyed, and the explosion itself was heard even 70 kilometers from the epicenter. The explosion killed 295 people and injured another 460 people.

Egypt, 2002. 380 dead

On February 20, 2002, in Egypt, a routine trip from Cairo to Luxor turned a real tragedy for passengers. Near the city of Al-Ayyat, one of the third-class carriages caught fire. Due to the fact that the driver did not immediately notice the flame, he drove another 10 kilometers. At this time, at speed, the flames began to grow stronger and stronger, engulfing subsequent carriages. Thus, the fire destroyed seven carriages. More than 380 people became victims of the disaster, several hundred received burns and injuries.

Sri Lanka, 2004. 1750 dead

On December 26, 2004, the worst train derailment in history occurred. railway transport. It happened due to the sad fault famous tsunami, which hit the coast of Sri Lanka. At the moment when the passenger train stood waiting for the green signal at the semaphore near the village of Peraliya, a gigantic tsunami wave hit the shore from the ocean, sweeping away railway tracks a huge train located 10 meters from the shore. An 80-ton diesel locomotive was thrown 50 meters, and 30-ton carriages were scattered around the area. Two carriages were carried into the ocean. Only on the third day were rescuers able to get to the train. Of the 1,900 people on the train, no more than 150 survived the disaster.

Japan, 2005. 107 dead, 562 injured

On April 25, 2005, in Japan, a high-speed train was behind schedule, so the driver decided to take a risk and exceeded the speed of up to 116 km/h by dangerous turn, where the maximum permitted speed was 70 km/h. As a result, the train derailed and crashed into a parking building near Amagasaki Station. The first two carriages were literally flattened by the impact, the rest were also severely damaged. There were about 700 people on the train, of which 107 were killed and 562 were injured.

Rail transport ranks third after road and air transport in terms of traffic safety.

Causes of railway accidents

The most common causes of accidents in railway transport:
- natural physical wear and tear of technical equipment;
- violation of operating rules;
- increasing complexity of technologies;
- increasing the number, power and speed of vehicles;
- increase in population density near railway facilities, non-compliance by the population with safety rules.

The leading position, about 25%, among the main causes of accidents in railway transport, is occupied by derailments.
About 25% of derailments and accidents on the railroad are caused by train collisions with automobile and horse-drawn vehicles, railcars, and cyclists. Most often this happens at railway crossings.

Violations in the control system railway traffic lead to the train leaving the busy track and causing a collision. The reason for this may be a violation of the order of maneuvering work on station tracks.
The reason for many emergency situations in railway transport are explosions and fires.

Chronology of disasters

On June 12, 1965, a very large crash occurred on the Novinka-Chascha section near Leningrad. The station manager mistakenly released the trains towards each other; the drivers saw each other only 11 seconds before the collision.

On February 1, 1988, on the “Privolzhye - Filino” stretch near Yaroslavl, a freight train that was transporting highly toxic substances (TDS) crashed. 7 cars derailed, including 3 tanks with heptyl (TDS of the first toxicity class). The cause of the crash was unblocking of the arrow due to the fall of a destroyed buffer on it. As a result, a center of chemical contamination with an area of ​​over 5 thousand was formed. square meters. 3 thousand people were under threat of defeat. Restoration work took almost 18 days.

On June 4, 1988, at 9:32 a.m., three carriages of a freight train traveling from Dzerzhinsk to Kazakhstan, with 118 tons of industrial explosives intended for mining enterprises, exploded at the Arzamas-1 station of the Gorky Railway. 91 people were killed, including 17 children, 840 were injured. 250 meters of the railway track were destroyed, railway station and station buildings, nearby residential buildings. The government commission did not establish the cause of the explosion.

In the same year, a passenger train crashed at Bologoye station. 31 people were killed and 182 were injured. On August 16, 1988, high-speed passenger train No. 159 "Aurora" on the Leningrad-Moscow route crashed on the Berezayka - Poplavenets section. In the crash, all 15 cars of the train were derailed. A fire broke out in the overturned restaurant carriage and spread to other carriages.

On October 4, 1988, at 4.30 am, an explosion occurred on the Sverdlovsk - Sortirovochny section. Two trains with coal and explosives took off into the air. According to official data alone, six people died: four at the scene of the accident, two already in the hospital. Thousands were seriously injured; the most common are shrapnel wounds to the eyes and face. Hundreds of families lost a roof over their heads.

On June 3, 1989, the largest railway accident occurred: when two oncoming trains passed on the Ulu-Telyak - Kazayak section (Bashkortostan). The reason is an explosion of a hydrocarbon-air mixture accumulated near and on the railway track. The energy of the explosion was equivalent to the explosion of 250-300 tons of TNT. At its epicenter were two passenger trains: Novosibirsk - Adler and Adler - Novosibirsk. 11 cars were thrown off the tracks, 7 of them burned completely, 26 cars burned out both inside and out. According to various sources, 575 or 645 people died.

In November 1989, at the Rudny station of the Murmansk branch of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, due to the negligence of the dispatcher, two freight locomotives collided. One locomotive crew was killed, and members of another received various injuries.

In March 1992, at the Podsosenka crossing of the Velikiye Luki - Rzhev section of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, a passenger train collided with an oncoming freight train. As a result, 43 people were killed and 108 were injured.

On March 1, 1993, a styrene tank overturned during a freight train accident in the Moscow region - toxic substance, the vapors of which strongly irritate the mucous membranes. There is a styrene leak. 39 people were injured, of whom 11 died.

On March 3, 1992, on the Oktyabrskaya Railway, fast passenger train No. 4 Riga-Moscow at the exit switches of the Podsosenki siding collided with a freight train from the opposite direction. 41 people were killed, 16 were seriously injured. Both locomotive crews were fatally injured. The crash occurred due to the passage of a prohibiting signal by the locomotive crew of the Riga-Moscow passenger train.

November 19, 1993 at Arkhangelsk region On the Kizema-Loiga section, a handcar collided with the tail car of a freight train. Of the 25 people in the trolley, 24 were injured and one died.

On April 28, 1994, a train accident occurred 180 kilometers southeast of Ufa (Bashkiria): two freight trains collided on a narrow-gauge railway. The collision killed two people. The reason was a violation by the station manager of the rules for operating railway transport, which allowed the train to run through a red traffic light.

On August 11, 1994, 115 kilometers from Belgorod, on the Topoli - Urazovo section of the Southern Railway, a train accident occurred. Several tail cars broke away from a freight train coming from Ukraine and overturned onto a parallel track; an oncoming electric train crashed into them. 20 people were killed, 52 were injured.

On February 9, 1995, the Moscow-Kyiv passenger train made a forced stop on the Sukhinichi-Zhivodovka section of the Moscow Railway due to a malfunction of the electric locomotive. The train rolled down and collided with the locomotive of the Moscow-Khmelnitsky train. As a result of the impact, four passengers of the last carriage died at the scene of the accident, 11 passengers were injured varying degrees gravity.

July 20, 1995 on the railway near Sergach Nizhny Novgorod region On the Gorky Railway, two oncoming trains collided: a postal freight train and a freight train. Three liquefied gas tanks exploded. Six people were killed and 20 were injured.

August 8, 1995 at Krasnodar region On the Tikhoretsk - Kavkazskaya section of the North Caucasus Railway, a freight train, not reaching two kilometers from the Kavkazskaya station, crashed. 16 cars derailed and overturned, four tanks with hydrogen peroxide and two with gasoline caught fire. Two and a half kilometers of the railway track were disabled.

On February 11, 1996, in Volokolamsk, near Moscow, at a railway crossing near the Bukholovo station, an electric train collided with a bus that was transporting a group of schoolchildren. Two children died, five schoolchildren and the bus driver were taken to intensive care.

On May 31, 1996, on the Litvinovo-Talmenka section of the Kemerovo Railway, four cement cars unhooked from a freight train and rolled into the station area, where a crowded train crashed into them. 100 people were injured, 17 died.

July 8, 1998 major disaster happened in the Moscow region. In the area of ​​the Bekasovo-1 station, a gravel cleaning machine missed a semaphore signal. Having failed to let the train pass, it crashed into the train. The car was thrown onto the opposite line, under the wheels of an oncoming train. 3 people died. If the accident had not occurred at 7 a.m., there would have been many more casualties.

On April 4, 1999, near the Voevodskoye station (Mordovia), on the 642nd kilometer of the Kuibyshev railway, the Syzran-Ruzaevka freight train derailed. The accident occurred due to wear and tear on the railway track. 12 wagons loaded with VAZ cars went downhill, two platforms and a heated wagon overturned. About 250 meters of the canvas and 150 meters of the contact line were damaged.

On January 26, 2000, a collision occurred between passenger and freight trains on the Torbino - Mstinsky Bridge section of the Oktyabrskaya Railway. As a result of the accident, the assistant driver was killed and three people were injured.

On December 9, 2001, freight trains collided at the Gonzha station of the Transbaikal Railway in the Amur Region. The impact derailed the four tail cars of the first train. As a result of the disaster, two people died.

On September 25, 2001, on the Mechetenskaya - Ataman stretch, 130 kilometers southeast of Rostov-on-Don, six cars and the locomotive of passenger train No. 191 Rostov-Baku derailed. The cause of the accident was the absence of 25 meters of track rails, removed by unknown attackers.

On April 1, 2002, near the Yaroslavl station in Moscow, a collision occurred between a Moscow-Khabarovsk passenger train and a shunting diesel locomotive. Upon impact, the diesel locomotive's wheelset was torn off. For medical care 22 people applied.

On November 11, 2002, at the Baltiysky station in St. Petersburg, an electric train left the depot after repairs for a run-in. Due to a malfunction of the brake system, two carriages of the train left the tracks under the tented part of the station, where passengers were located. Four people were killed and nine were injured.

December 5, 2003 on a passenger train Kislovodsk - Mineralnye Vody, which was located near the central station of the city of Essentuki ( Stavropol region), an explosive device filled with metal objects with a power equal to 30 kilograms of TNT went off. 47 people died, more than 180 people received injuries of varying severity.

On December 18, 2003, at the 86th kilometer of the Ishcherskaya - Stoderevskaya railway section of the North Caucasus Railway (Naursky district of Chechnya), an explosive device went off under the locomotive of freight train No. 2503. There were no casualties.

December 24, 2003 on the Tulun - Utai railway section ( Irkutsk region) the Vladivostok-Novosibirsk train collided with a vehicle caught at a crossing by truck KamAZ. Three people died.

On June 12, 2005, at the 153rd kilometer of the railway on the Uzunovo - Bogatishchevo section, the Grozny - Moscow train was blown up. Four carriages derailed. 42 people sought medical help, five of whom were hospitalized. According to the FSB, a shellless explosive device with a capacity of three kilograms of TNT went off.

On June 15, 2005, on the Zubtsovo - Arestovo stretch, he derailed train with fuel oil, 10 tanks overturned and depressurized, up to 300 tons of fuel oil spilled onto the ground, of which about 2 tons ended up in the Gostyushka River, a tributary of the Vazuza River, which flows into the Volga River.

On July 11, 2007, in the Amur Region, on the stretch between the Urusha and Sgibeevo stations of the Mogochinsky branch of the Trans-Baikal Railway, while a freight train was moving, 12 tail cars broke away from the train and overturned. 300 meters of the railway track were destroyed and a power line support was damaged. There were no casualties.

August 13, 2007 on the Burga - Malaya Vishera section of the Oktyabrskaya Railway, while passing high speed train No. 166 "Nevsky Express", an accident occurred. Its cause was the undermining of the railway track by a homemade explosive device with a capacity of 8-9 kilograms of TNT. As a result of the explosion, the electric locomotive and all 12 cars derailed. 60 people were injured.

November 27, 2009 at about 10 pm near settlement Erzovka, on the 285th kilometer of the Oktyabrskaya Railway section, an explosion occurred under the locomotive of the Nevsky Express train. There were 661 passengers on the train at the time of the crash. The first cars, by inertia, high speed slipped through the explosion, the last three were practically crushed by the blast wave. There were about 200 people in these carriages at that moment. The wounded and survivors were evacuated by air by helicopters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to hospitals in nearby settlements.

As of November 29, 25 people are known to have died, and another 26 are listed as missing. The list of victims admitted to hospitals in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novgorod and Tver regions contains 104 names.

Rail transport, according to the public, is considered the least dangerous. Most passengers would give preference to it, if the issue of travel duration is not considered the main one. Although, according to statistics, injuries during air travel are still lower. Everyone knows that tragic train accidents are possible, but everyone hopes it doesn't happen to them. Meanwhile, the disappointing “primacy” among all passengers belongs to

Railway accidents

Transportation is associated with a high concentration of cargo or passenger traffic. To ensure delivery efficiency, it is necessary to tighten schedules and increase the number of cars in trains. This leads to additional loads on railway tracks, the track underneath them, and supporting structures. The wear and tear of trains, locomotives, control and dispatch equipment is increasing. The load on railway management and maintenance personnel is also growing. Everything is taken into account, it seems to be happening in compliance with the standards, but accidents with trains still happen.

Each crash has its own history, causes, consequences. A derailment of a train, resulting in its capsizing, rarely occurs without loss of life. Injuries and injuries cannot be avoided. This is due to the design features of the cars, the principles of accommodating passengers in them, and their attitude to the possibility of situations arising that may pose a threat to life and health. At the same time, it is difficult to imagine how passenger safety can be effectively improved. Train derailment and wagon overturning are accidents for which it is impossible to prepare. Only right decision- a set of measures to reduce the risk of their occurrence.

Technical reasons

As it turns out, it’s easier to write it down on paper than to implement it. One of the main reasons is technical condition railway tracks. It is no secret that most of them were laid several decades ago. Since then, speeds and loads have increased. But there is no possibility of changing paths to suit new conditions or laying new ones. This comes with significant costs. IN best case scenario Partial replacement of the blade is carried out in areas with the most pronounced wear.

The same can be said about equipment, which also wears out and inevitably happens. Therefore, train accidents are inevitable, but we must try to prevent them. But how? If the train does not start moving without replacing a worn-out engine part, then it will still run on wheelsets. This approach is partly justified - do not stop mass transportation. We have to devote more time to inspections and additional maintenance. But this does not make the cars any newer.

Human factor

Accidents and wrecks for these reasons cannot be predicted. But it's one thing if a passenger train crash is related to objective reasons. Human body- although the system is flexible, it is not ironclad. Both the dispatcher and the driver can have health problems. Not every medical examination can identify these risks.

Another question is when the cause of the crash is dishonest performance of official duties, negligence, or a gross violation of safety rules. Particularly significant are cases when, during the investigation of the causes of accidents, facts of persons being intoxicated at the workplace are revealed.

How to justify the actions of a driver trying to make up for delays along the way by increasing speed in a dangerous section? And what about the situation when, while putting things in order in the cabin, the cleaning lady was able to accidentally set the locomotive in motion, and at the same time there was not a single specialist on it to stop it?

Races between train drivers for the right to be the first to enter the station and ignoring the prohibitory semaphore signal are the height of cynicism towards passengers. The unpreparedness of train crews to eliminate the consequences of a fire and the frequent lack of equipment to extinguish them can have dire consequences even without the fact of a train crash. The above situations are far from full list negligent attitude towards official duties at transport facilities with increased risk for life.

Fatal Accidents: Train Derailments

It is difficult to compare the severity of the consequences of disasters if there were human casualties and large number injured passengers. But to understand the danger a railway accident poses, you need to remember at least some of them. Thus, an accident in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 1958 occurred when two freight trains carrying petroleum products in tanks collided. The reason is a semaphore malfunction. There was a fire on a parallel path at that time. The explosion led to the death of more than 60 people.

Rostov region, 1987. Then, in front of the station, he was unable to slow down and then urgently brake the freight train locomotive. Safety rules were violated, which resulted in a collision with a passenger train standing near the platform. The result of the crash: more than 100 people died and more more received serious injuries.

Ufa, 1989. A leak in the main pipeline led to an explosion of a cloud of vapor. This happened in close proximity to the tracks along which two passenger trains were passing at the time. The largest disaster in the USSR then claimed the lives of almost 600 people.

Train accidents in dreams

Oddly enough, human brain even in the absence of references to railway travel, in some cases he is able to reproduce them in the subconscious. Moreover, according to researchers, dreams of train crashes can also be of a warning nature. It is not yet possible to either confirm or deny that such visions can be prophetic in nature. However, it makes sense to at least think about the reasons for their occurrence.

A railroad accident seen in a dream may symbolize the need to be careful and be prepared for any unexpected situations. First of all, according to experts, this concerns financial issues. If in visions a person finds himself in the epicenter of a disaster, but everything turns out well, there are prerequisites for real life get out of a serious situation without significant damage. If it was still not possible to avoid damage, such a dream can warn of frivolity and imprudent actions, which are most likely doomed to failure in advance.

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