People with super powers in real life. Reasons for the emergence and manifestation of superpowers

Probably each of us in childhood dreamed of having some kind of superpower. These people's dream came true.

Many of us grew up watching films about Spider-Man and Superman; boys dream of being like Aquaman, and girls dream of being like Wonder Woman. Incredibly, there are still several people on Earth with superpowers. Most of them for a long time considered themselves freaks and were embarrassed until they learned to accept themselves, because their uniqueness knows no bounds. These people shared their stories with the whole world, made a deep impression and made it clear how human body and the brain are excellent tools that no matter how much you study them, they will always be full of surprises.

1. Wim Hof ​​- The Ice Man.

Wim Hof ​​is a Dutchman who can withstand extremely low temperatures. You can read about Hof in the Guinness Book of Records, for example, he set a record for the longest time spent in an ice “bath” (in direct contact with ice). The ability to do such things helps him through meditation, as well as the ability to control body temperature with the help of consciousness. This guy is probably saving on winter clothes - why does he need them?!

2. Kevin Richardson - Beast Whisperer.

Kevin was born in big city South Africa, in Johannesburg, and since childhood had the ability to understand animals. He is a behavioral zoologist by profession. He is easily accepted into their flocks by wild animals that are dangerous to humans. Instead of the usual training methods: intimidation of animals, whip, he uses mutual understanding and trust. He can sleep peacefully next to a lion or sit next to a hyena. We do not recommend repeating this; attempts may result in “FAILURE”.

3. Claudio Pinto - The most bug-eyed man in the world.

Brazilian Claudio Pinto has an unusual ability: to bulge his eyeballs out of their sockets by 7 millimeters. Pinto says he's been doing this since he was 9 years old and that it doesn't hurt at all. Tell me honestly, you are also wondering: what was he doing when he first discovered this ability?

4. Radharkrishnan Velu - “The Tooth King”.

Radharkrishnan Velu is a Malaysian who set a world record by pulling a 328-tonne train with his teeth. In an interview, he says that in addition to meditation exercises Every day he does exercises to develop his jaw muscles. This “shark” doesn’t even need a beer opener!

5. Daniel Browning Smith – “Elasticity Man.”

Daniel Browning Smith is an actor, comedian and presenter and part-time “elastic man” - the most flexible living person on the planet, for which his name is inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records. He is the case when it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.

6. Stephen Wiltshire is a man with a photographic memory.

One of the tips that an experienced artist gives to a beginner is to use a visual reference. But Stephen Wiltshire, the British architectural artist, doesn't need to adhere to of this rule– he just needs a glance, and he will depict the desired landscape with detailed accuracy. At age 3, Stephen was diagnosed with savant syndrome (a rare condition in which individuals with the disorder have an “island of genius”—extraordinary abilities in one or more areas of knowledge). For Stephen, this area is his phenomenal memory. Any artist could only envy her.

7. Jesus “Chuy” Aceves – “The Wolf Man.”

Jesus is the second child in his family born with a rare anomaly hairline– hypertrichosis. His face is covered with hair, making him look like a wolf-man, or as some call him, an ape-man. The man is married and has two daughters, one of whom inherited the same “feature.” Jesus makes his living as a circus performer and film actor.

8. Daniel Tammet - “Genius of Mathematics.”

Daniel Tammet is a scientist from Great Britain, capable of solving complex problems in his head. mathematical equations and tasks in a short period of time. Not only does he solve problems well, but he also explains the material to others. In addition, Tammet speaks fluently 11 languages ​​of the world and created his own - “Manti”, the grammar of which is similar to the Finnish and Estonian languages.

9. Dean Karnasis - "Ultramarathoner."

Dean Karnasis is a US native who runs ultra-long distance races and feels absolutely comfortable without sleep. He continually tests his body's limits, such as spending 80 hours on the treadmill. Most famous achievement Dina – a distance of 560 km, covered in 80 hours 44 minutes.

10. Isao Machii - “Modern Samurai.”

Isao Machii has developed his skills with a katana to such an extent that he is literally able to cut a plastic bullet flying at a speed of 320 km/h. He already has 4 records listed in the Guinness Book of Records, and this is not the limit - his speed is 87 beats per minute. This achievement is unlikely to be repeated by anyone. Now think about it, if this is a modern samurai, what were they like before?!

As children, we all dreamed of becoming the owner unique abilities, like Flash, Superman and Wonder Woman. Who among us hasn’t wanted to learn how to fly so that we can easily fly out of the lesson! Who didn’t want to run the fastest, be able to see in the dark, breathe under water! Now we have grown up, stopped dreaming and don’t believe in miracles, but the world is still capable of surprising us. PEOPLETALK presents a rating of people with supernatural abilities.


Dutchman Wim Hof ​​(57) is able to withstand extremely low temperatures and has already set nine world records. He sat in a container filled with ice for more than an hour, and also climbed to the top of Mont Blanc wearing only shorts.


Claudio Pinto has the ability to bulge his eyes out of their sockets by 95%. It’s not a fact that this can win the heart of a fiery journalist, but it makes an impression.


Ben Underwood lost his sight at the age of three as a result of cancer. But the guy continued to live, play sports and move independently thanks to echolocation. By the same principle they “see” the bats and other nocturnal animals. In 2009, Ben died at the age of 16 due to a recurrence of cancer.


Daniel Browning Smith (36), an American actor and television host, holds the title of the most flexible person in the world. He is so flexible that he can painlessly dislocate both of his arms and force them back into place to fit through a leaky tennis racket.


Michael Latito, a famous French showman, comes from Grenoble. His performances attracted thousands of spectators, and all because he could eat any object: from the spokes from a bicycle wheel to a porcelain set. He was born with unusually thick stomach walls and very caustic saliva and gastric juice. Michael died in 2007 at the age of 57.


Liew Tau Lin from Malaysia has the ability to attract metal objects. He could carry up to 35 kg without using his hands. But Malaysian scientists have found that Liu has no magnetic field in the body, it’s just that his skin has a feature: a larger area of ​​​​contact with objects than that of an ordinary person. As it turns out, this is an inherited property and his grandchildren have the same ability.


Tim Cridland (51), better known as the King of Torture, is a popular showman in America. He feels no pain at all. Scientists tried to find out the reasons for his immunity to pain, but found nothing.


Daniel Tammit (36) is a British scientist, writer, translator and autistic genius. His brain is unique. Daniel has a phenomenal memory, which allows him to do the most complex things in his head. mathematical calculations and learn languages ​​with ease. He speaks 10 languages ​​perfectly, including Finnish, Lithuanian, Icelandic and Welsh.


Incredible facts

Mutants with superpowers are not only found in comics. Of course, we are not talking about such pronounced fantastic talents, which we had the opportunity to observe, say, in the X-Men from Marvel Comics.

However, there are very real people who were born with unusual and extremely rare abilities. Their talents are so unusual that it’s hard to use any other definition, instead of “superpower”.

Difference real people from fictional superheroes only in that the former do not save the world, destroying nearby skyscrapers along the way. They behave quite normally ordinary life. But this is only at first glance - ordinary...

The superpower that many people dream of doesn't always make life an adventure. For many, superpower comes with absolutely terrible side effects that can make the life of a “superman” an absolute hell...

People with superpowers

The little girl who feels no pain

Olivia Farnsworth never feels pain. The fact is that she was born with a rare pathology called chromosomal deletion(more precisely, deletion of a section of the arm of the 6th chromosome).

We are talking about the loss of a section of chromosome, which led to the fact that the girl does not feel pain. This means that she is practically unfamiliar with the feeling of danger, since in her life she has not experienced “punishment” with pain for careless behavior.

In some cases, this ability has proven to be an invaluable gift. She helped her survive when girl hit by car. The car literally ran over her chest, dragging the poor guy for several meters until it stopped.

And while her family was recovering from the shock, Olivia stood up, brushed herself off, and waved to her mother as if nothing had happened. The only reason that allowed her to survive is that the girl was not tense, as she did not feel fear.

Since Olivia does not feel pain, her emotions at the moment of being hit by a car significantly different from the emotions of any other person, if he, like this girl, was on the verge of death.

However, in most cases, Olivia's condition brings great amount terrible troubles and troubles not only for herself, but also for those around her. The girl never feels tired or hungry, so her mother must always be on alert.

She makes a lot of efforts to get her child to eat. To put my daughter to bed, Olivia's mother is forced to sometimes give her sleeping pills, since overwork is extremely dangerous for a young body. Deadly dangerous.

And don’t forget about other reasons when pain saves us: when we get burned or injured. These warnings do not work with Olivia, so you need to keep an eye on her.

The girl cannot get burned by boiling water, so she will continue to drink it, which can lead to damage to the larynx and esophagus. She can even bite off a piece of her lip, tongue or cheeks when eating, and not notice it. Perhaps being able to feel pain is not always a bad thing?

A woman with an impeccable memory

Gil Price never forgets anything. She's ready without preliminary preparation remember any event in your life; Jill is able to easily recall in her memory the date, time and any other small details of any event that has ever happened to her.

Her brain is, if you like, just an endless resource of memory, a kind of video recorder, which can always be easily “rewinded” to the moment of life Jill Price needs from her past.

This ability promises a huge number of advantages and, at first glance, does not have any so-called pitfalls that could spoil the thrill of the filigree ability to manipulate one’s memory.

However, this only seems so at first glance. Just imagine your feelings and emotions, if you had such a superpower. Gil Price, for example, describes this talent as "endless, uncontrollable and absolutely exhausting".

The woman’s memory constantly produces such vivid images that Jill has virtually no opportunity to fully concentrate on what is happening around her. She is constantly forced to distract herself by diving into her past and memories.

This feature practically nullifies Jill’s ability to absorb knowledge, since she can't concentrate on new things. It looks as if her memory was tied to specific items, things and images.

Thus, Jill's memory, although perfect, is not able to work in the direction in which it is most important to her here and now. Despite the fact that Jill perfectly remembers every little detail from his personal experience, it is more difficult for her than for other people to remember, for example, some simple school facts, abstract things.

People with unbreakable bones

In 1994, a man whose name is only known as John (possibly a fictitious name) got into a terrible car accident. According to all the laws of physics and biology, John should not have survived.

However, a miracle happened, and the man received virtually no damage, apart from a few scratches. His spine did not have a single crack; every single bone in the body also remained intact.

Experts drew attention to this case, given the degree of destruction of his car. To the surprise of the doctors, not only John himself, but also all members of his family I have never experienced any bone cracks or fractures in my life.

Perhaps this story will seem like fiction - it is too close to the cinematic one, like, say, in the film "Unbreakable" with Bruce Willis in leading role. However we're talking about about a real, not a fictitious person.

John was indeed born with denser bones than the average person - eight times denser, to be precise. And, accordingly, much more durable.

John has the same problem as Willis's character in the above-mentioned film - he is too heavy to float, and therefore it is quite difficult for him to swim. It is noteworthy that many of the people with the same pathology note that their life is far from easy. Especially in mature years.

More high density skeleton is a real daily test of strength. But not the bones, but the whole organism, which wears out faster, since all other tissues of the body are always forced to experience additional load due to denser bones.

So far John has no particular complaints about his health. However, according to experts, the older John gets, the more clearly he will realize that his inability to float normally is not the biggest inconvenience that a heavy skeleton causes.

Human superpowers

The woman who can see a hundred million colors

Most people have three types of cones (sensitive receptors in the retina) of the eye, which allow them to distinguish spectrum of seven million colors. The other millions of colors presented in the universe are inaccessible to almost anyone - except animals and some women.

The phenomenon of tetrachromacy (the perception of four main types of color due to the presence of four types of cones), as well as the fact that this phenomenon may be available to some women, has been discussed more than once.

However, in reality, it was possible to identify only one woman who can be called a “true tetrachromat.” She was named "subject cDa29". Only this woman was found to have four completely functional type cones.

This anomaly gives subject cDa29 the ability to see a vast spectrum of one hundred million colors. She is able to see the full spectrum of the rainbow of colors, including those millions of colors that remain beyond the reach of even our imagination.

It is a real miracle if someone suddenly realizes the ability to see these colors. Essentially, subject cDa29 sees colors such as which she can't even describe to other people. But that's not all.

This woman, with all the complex shades she sees, has a lot of difficulty imagining the colors that other people see. As a result, subject cDa29, before being recognized as a tetrachromat, was considered simply colorblind.

There is a theory that only one to three percent of all women on our planet may be able to see the full spectrum, consisting of one hundred million flowers. However, they do not perceive this skill as some kind of feature.

These women, like subject cDa29, were classified as colorblind. And their male offspring too - but with reason. In a strange twist of fate, the gene that allows women to see more colors makes their sons colorblind. At least Subject cDa29 will never pass this ability on to his sons.

A man with fantastically stretchable skin

Harry Turner is a kind of Mr. Fantastic from the famous Fantastic Four squad of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Certainly, Harry's abilities are not so limitless, like its fantastic prototype.

Harry was born with a rare pathology called Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. This condition has a number of other names, but the idea is that it gives a person hyperelastic skin that can stretch like rubber.

But that's not all: a person with this pathology I feel pain every moment of my life. Harry, from the moment he wakes up in the morning until he takes his sleeping pills before bed, feels a constant burning pain under his skin.

This pain is so severe that Turner is forced to wear a morphine pain patch, which allows him to literally survive day after day. His stretching skin also led to Harry being diagnosed with hemophilia.

In other words, with such skin it takes a very long time for blood to clot. That is, if Harry cuts himself, blood from a cut can flow for a very long time before the bleeding can be stopped somehow.

A man is forced to take so many medications throughout his life that he sometimes literally falls into unconsciousness. It can last up to forty hours until Harry comes to his senses again.

Because of these blackouts, Turner was unable to graduate from high school; and for the rest of his life they influenced strong influence. The only way, How can Harry make a living?, it's working in a circus. He performs in a kind of freak show, although the audience has no idea how much pain his tricks cause him.

A woman whose beauty is the result of mutation

Almost everyone knows one of these women - we are talking about Elizabeth Taylor. Yes, Elizabeth is essentially a mutant—technically speaking. Her stunning blue-violet eyes, framed by double-thick eyelashes, are the result of a mutation in the FOXC2 gene.

This mutation, which can occur in some women, leads to more intensive eyelash growth. At the same time, the iris of the eye acquires a specific amazing shade.

The advantages of such a mutation for women are quite obvious. In Elizabeth Taylor's case, these mutations helped her become a superstar. However, this mutation does not always manifest itself exactly as it did with Elizabeth. Mutations in the FOXC2 gene can cause unwanted hair to grow in unexpected places.

Sometimes these super eyelashes start to come through a woman's eyelids, which can be painful, leading to constant tearing. AND, if this condition is not addressed to doctors, this can lead to the destruction of the surface cells of the eye membrane. Vision may deteriorate, even to the point of blindness.

Experts associate this same mutation with certain problems that increase the risk of developing heart disease. According to statistics, women with a mutation in the FOXC2 gene have a significantly higher risk of developing heart disease.

Ultimately, this is what killed Elizabeth Taylor, although she died at a fairly old age. The actress died of congestive heart failure at the age of 79 years. Who knows, maybe only her beautiful eyes and the love of her fans allowed Elizabeth to live to old age.

Body Superpowers

A man who was found to be immune to AIDS

American Steve Krohn was diagnosed with a completely inexplicable genetic mutation. For some reason unknown reasons The man’s body demonstrated immunity to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).

The active period of Steve's life, which, by the way, was unconventional sexual orientation, it came just right during the spread of the HIV epidemic. His sex life was quite indiscriminate, so many simply considered him lucky to have escaped this infection.

While sexually transmitted diseases were killing a lot of people around Steve, he himself remained in excellent health. This looked all the more unusual because the man, as his entourage noted, was not very worried about his safety.

And while many of his friends tried to avoid death, Steve strived to live life to the fullest. Krohn himself made it clear more than once that it's extremely difficult for him to live, since he constantly felt the severity of the grief that he experienced, losing loved ones and well-known people.

Steve wrote about his feelings: "You keep losing people every year - six people, seven people... It's not easy when you lose friends and you're young. And it happens over such a long period of time.".

And as a result, Steve began to collaborate with medical specialists, allowing them to study him. The latter were simply surprised because they couldn’t understand how a person could be so lucky that with such a lifestyle he is still alive and well.


Gino Martino - American professional wrestler and entertainer who shocks audiences with his incredible ability breaking various hard objects with your head, including iron bars, baseball bats and concrete blocks. His skull could even withstand bowling balls falling from a height of five meters. According to doctors, such an unusual physical ability Gino's strength is due to the fact that he naturally has a super-strong skull.


An autistic person from Great Britain, Daniel Tammet, has difficulty speaking, does not distinguish between left and right, and does not know how to insert a plug into a socket, but at the same time he can easily carry out complex mathematical calculations in his head. “I represent the numbers as visual images. They have color, structure, shape,” says Tammet. - Number sequences appear in my mind as landscapes. Like paintings. It’s as if the universe with its fourth dimension appears in my head» . Daniel knows 22,514 digits after the decimal point in pi by heart and speaks eleven languages, which he learned in 7 days.


Daniel Smith from USA - the most flexible person alive does incredible things with his body: he can easily fit through a hole in a tennis racket and through a toilet seat, and he can also roll himself into incredible knots and fold up to fit in a suitcase. Doctors believe that Daniel was given incredible flexibility from birth, but he himself took it to the maximum possible limit.


Kevin Richardson is a zoologist and behaviorist from South Africa who studies animal behavior. He understands them so well that several prides of lions and some packs of hyenas have literally taken him into their membership. He eats, sleeps next to and plays with these animals as if they were his family. When communicating with wild animals, Kevin trusts his intuition more than book rules. But Kevin warns that his work is dangerous and does not advise anyone to follow in his footsteps without proper training. He communicates and makes friends only with animals that have grown up before his eyes.


While ordinary people who are trying to climb Everest or Kilimanjaro, properly insulate, Dutch daredevil Wim Hof performs such stunts in nothing but shorts. Extremely cold-resistant, Hof says he uses the tantric technique of tummo meditation, a method of developing internal heat used by Tibetan yogis, to help him regulate his body temperature. Wim Hof ​​is the absolute world champion in bathing in a bath filled with pieces of ice. An ordinary person cannot stay in such a bath for more than 15-20 minutes. Hof's record is almost two hours.


Stephen Wiltshire is an autistic artist who can reproduce from memory the most detailed landscape of any city that he happens to see from above. All it takes is a short helicopter flight over the city, and Stephen uses his photographic memory to create a panoramic image of it with stunning accuracy.


Daniel Kish - a blind person who navigates the world using echolocation (this is called “sonar vision”). This is what bats do - they make special sounds, and then auditory system picks up sound reflections from obstacles. Daniel is so good at this that he helps other blind people, teaching them to “see” the world around them the way he does. By using sound to create a mental picture of the world around him, Kish is able to avoid collisions with trees, boulders and bears as he speeds down the mountainside on his favorite mountain bike.


Isao Machii - Japanese master martial art Iaido masters the techniques of real samurai. He can predict the trajectory of an object with such frightening accuracy that he can easily cut it in half with his sword - and can do this at least every second. He is the fastest man with a sword not only in Japan but in the entire world. Machii can cut through plastic bullets flying at a speed of 300 km/h. It looks like he really is a superhero.


Englishman Gary Turner Fifteen times included in the Guinness Book of Records thanks to his incredibly delicate skin. Similar violations Connective tissue disorders are extremely rare and are referred to in medicine as Ehlerrs syndrome. His skin can stretch up to 16 centimeters, which always attracts the attention of crowds of people. One of Gary's most popular tricks is to pull the skin off his chin, which he can use to completely cover his face.


There is the endurance of an ordinary person and there is the endurance of an American. Dean Karnazes . Dean is a long-distance runner and ultramarathoner. And if he is fed and given water in a timely manner, he can run endlessly, literally until retirement. In other words, his stamina level is so high and his energy regenerates so quickly that he can run without stopping. Among his achievements are, for example, the following: running on a treadmill for 80 hours (560 km) and 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days.


Just like the well-known thief Magneto from the X-Men, an 80-year-old Malaysian Lew Tou Lin has the gift of magnetism. Lin is capable of lifting 36 kilograms of metal at a time, but each item should not exceed 2 kilograms in weight. Scientists have come to the conclusion that Tou Ling's skin has a certain unique “adhesion” property, which helps objects “stick” to the body - as if under the influence of a magnetic field. The strangest thing is that this ability is inherited in Tou Lin’s family, and his three grandchildren can boast of the same skill.


Hindu Raj Mohan Nair calmly passes through himself tension that can easily kill an ordinary person. A current of up to 10 amperes can be passed through his body and it will not cause him any harm. The only one by-effect- momentary blindness. The story of how Raj Mohan discovered his superpower is tragic. When he was 7 years old, his mother died. Unable to cope with grief, the boy tried to commit suicide by climbing onto a power pole and grabbing the exposed wire. To his surprise, he survived and realized that he had extraordinary ability. His body's resistance electric current 10 times higher than that of an ordinary person. Therefore, he can pick up exposed wires and pretend to be an electrical circuit.

Did you know that people with real super powers actually exist? People who have incredible vision, stamina and longevity. But that is not all. Some even have the ability to project energy, have supernatural memories, and x-ray vision. No, you don't know? Then you're in luck. We present to your attention incredible people with super powers.

Wim Hof ​​- Ice Man

Wim Hof ​​is a real ice man because he can withstand extreme low temperatures. Hof has already broken twenty-one Guinness records, including the world record for taking the longest ice bath. He describes his ability to withstand extremely cold temperatures as the ability to “raise your own thermostat” using your mind.

Kevin Richardson has the ability to 'understand animals'

Also known as the “lion gossip,” Kevin Richardson has become a worldwide legend for his friendships with wild animals such as lions, cheetahs and hyenas. The friendship is so close that a film was made about Richardson sleeping, playing and walking among these wild animals.

Telescopic eyes of Claudio Pinto

Claudio Pinto doesn't look like a superman at first glance, but he does have a special talent. He is able to protrude his eyes out of their sockets and expand them to 7 millimeters, which is approximately 95% of the eyeball.

Cassie Graves smells like rotten fish

Cassie Graves is a beautiful twenty-three-year-old singer from the UK who is battling a disorder that causes her sweat and breath to smell strongly of rotten fish. She suffers from a disease called trimethylaminuria, also known as fish odor syndrome, which is an extremely rare metabolic disorder where the body is unable to break down trimethylamine, which is found in foods such as meat and eggs. We're not sure if this gives her any super powers, but she could definitely land a role in an X-Men movie.

Harold Williams and his super linguistic abilities

How much do you think foreign languages can you learn in your lifetime? Four, five, maybe 10. The Times' foreign editor, Harold Williams, could speak fifty-eight languages ​​and is believed to be one of the most accomplished polyglots in history. He is not the only one with this “ability”, there are others such as John Browning, Joseph Caspar Messofanti and Dr. Carlos Amaral Freire.

Tibetan monks control their body temperature using their minds

Monks from Tibet have the impressive ability to change body temperature using only their minds. It has been recorded that they changed their temperature by as much as eight degrees Celsius.

Radhakrishnan Velu - the man with steel teeth

A Malaysian with the funny nickname "Tooth King" can move a 7-car train using a steel rope clamped in his mouth. This was a world record, as he was able to pull this train weighing 297 tons with his teeth for 2.8 meters.

Stephen Wiltshare is a man with a super photographic memory.

Stephen Wiltsher is an artist who paints cityscapes in great detail. However, unlike other artists, Stephen has a special talent for painting realistic and accurate representations of cities just by looking at them. While an ordinary artist will need to look at an object repeatedly for a long time in order to fully draw all the details.

Ma Xingang - Mr. Electricity

Ma Xingang is apparently impervious to electricity. He is able to touch live wires without feeling pain (wires that would normally kill most people), and is also able to turn on a light bulb by touching a source of electricity.

Shakuntala Devi - human computer

Shakuntala Devi was an Indian writer and child prodigy, known as the "human computer." Her talents eventually earned her fame and a place in the Guinness Book of World Records in 1982. Mathematical ability The Devi were so impressive that she could perform calculations that computers at the time could not handle.

Veronica Seider has telescopic vision

In October 1972, the University of Stuttgart, at the then West Germany, reported on a student named Veronica Seider who had visual acuity twenty times better than a common person. They called her the girl with "super vision" who could see things very clearly long distances. The question arises: why didn’t she become a sniper?

Natasha Demkina has x-ray vision

It is widely believed in Russia that a young girl named Natasha Demkina can identify diseases in patients better than their doctors. How is this possible? With the help of her extraordinary vision. According to her, she can see through patients' organs, which means Natasha has x-ray vision. Cool, isn't it?

Daniel Tammet - math genius

Daniel Tammet is an autistic savant who can perform stunning mathematical calculations at incredible speed. But unlike other scientists who can accomplish similar feats, Tammet can describe how he does it. He also speaks seven languages ​​and even develops his own.

Dean Karnazes has super endurance

Most athletes and runners have to stop when they reach their lactate threshold, but Dean Karnaiz's muscles never tire, and because of this rare ability, he can run for days and nights without sleep or stopping. His extraordinary feats include running on a treadmill for eighty hours non-stop (350 miles) and running 50 marathons, in 50 states, in 50 consecutive days.

Al Herpin - a man with perpetual insomnia

An ordinary person wouldn't last a few days without sleep, but not Al Herpin, who apparently hadn't slept his entire life. Even though the suspected cause is unknown, some scientists believe he lost sleep because his mother suffered serious injuries a few days before his birth.

Tim Cridland knows how to heal quickly.

Tim Cridland is widely known for his performances where he impales his body with large knitting needles directly muscle tissue without feeling pain or losing blood. After which his wounds heal very quickly, leaving no marks.

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