My achievements final complex works 4.

What is scientific research, or the story of how Alfred Brehm found a large whale5031740192405
A true scientist always knows how to dream and be surprised, to notice the unusual in the ordinary. Often the reason for scientific research it was becoming random event, the desire to explain what he saw, the desire to be useful, to express new look on a book known from childhood. Here are some examples.
A welcome helper in every family is a microwave oven (the familiar microwave oven). All housewives happily welcome such a gift: with this stove you can easily and quickly defrost food and heat up lunch.
The modern microwave oven and the first microwave oven introduced in the United States in 1949
40640499110They say it all started when a chocolate bar in the pocket of Percy Spencer, one of the engineers, melted under the influence of microwaves American company. Do microwaves heat things? It took Spencer three years to determine the correctness of his hypothesis. And so in 1945 he received permission to use microwaves in cooking.
Microbiologist Alexander Fleming in his laboratory
Since his youth, Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming dreamed of finding a substance that could destroy pathogenic microbes. For his experiments, he grew microbes in special dishes. Some cups had been standing for so long that they had become covered with mold - Fleming always considered cleaning his room a waste time.
And then one day he looked into the old cups and did not find a trace of microbes in them. Has ordinary mold really destroyed all pathogenic microbes? Fleming's guess turned out to be correct. He began to conduct new experiments. They confirmed that mold indeed releases a special substance that can destroy microorganisms. Fleming called this substance penicillin. Interestingly, one French scientist, six months before Fleming, also noticed that some types of mold destroy microbes, but did not think to study this phenomenon.
The famous German zoologist Alfred Brehm was prompted to conduct a study by the biblical story of how the prophet Jonah was swallowed by a huge fish for disobedience, which in the Bible is called a large whale. And Jonah stayed in it for three days and three nights, praying to God for mercy. And the Lord had mercy on the prophet and commanded the whale to spit Jonah out onto dry land.
Orca eats fish and hunts sea lions, walruses, dolphins and penguins
-16510877570 Alfred Brem decided to study all the whales living on Earth and prove that the story of the whale and the prophet Jonah is not a fairy tale. This could actually happen. To begin with, the scientist determined what such a giant should be like. According to legend, the whale should live in the Mediterranean Sea. In addition, it must swallow its prey whole, without damaging it with its huge teeth. A giant whale would have a wide throat and a huge stomach, but no digestive acids. Otherwise, lunch will gradually begin to dissolve in the stomach, like sugar in a glass of tea.
Brehm carefully studied 16 species of toothless whales and 27 species of toothed whales, and among them he paid attention to the orca.
And what happened? Orca is not only the most beautiful, but also the most voracious whale. Orcs are easy to train and are friendly towards humans.
The total number of these whales is unknown: there are approximately 80 thousand of them in Antarctica, and about 12 thousand more in different places of the Pacific Ocean. Approximately 2 thousand whales live in the North Atlantic Ocean. And in the books of ancient Roman scientists you can read that orcs also lived in the Mediterranean Sea. Their length is about 10 meters, their weight reaches 8 tons. Orcs often accompanied ships and swallowed everything that was thrown out of them.
The orca has a lot of sharp teeth (up to 240 pieces), but it swallows its prey whole. Not only a person, but also a dolphin weighing 300 kilograms can easily slip through his throat.
Like a multi-room apartment, an orca's stomach consists of separate "rooms". In the first “room” food is not yet digested; there are no digestive acids there. This compartment is a large “warehouse” for food. There is a known case when such a whale dined on 12 seals and 13 dolphins. The total weight of the lunch was 50 centners!
Thus, Alfred Brehm proved that the orca may well be the same large whale that swallowed the prophet Jonah.

Table 1. Some representatives of the animal world.
Name Image Dimensions Mass Speed
Orc whale Body length – up to 10 m From 3000
up to 8000kg Up to 55 km/h
Emperor Penguin Height –
up to 1m 60cm From 25
up to 60 kg By water - up to 20 km/h,
by land – up to 1 km/h
Harp seal Body length – up to 2 m From 100
up to 160 kg Up to 25 km/h
Walrus Body length – up to 4 m From 1000
up to 2000 kg Up to 20 km/h
Arctic fox Body length - up to 75 cm From 3 to 9 kg Up to 60 km/h
Reindeer Body length –
up to 2m 30cm, height –
up to 1m40cm From 100
up to 220 kg Up to 70 km/h
Polar Owl Wingspan –
up to 70cm From 1kg 600g to 3kg Up to 60 km/h
Option 1
Last name, first name________________________________________________

Task 1.
What was Alexander Fleming's guess? Write out a sentence from the text that says this.

Task 2.
Which scientists are discussed in the text? Write down their names and professions.
1. 2.
Task 3.
Complete the tasks using the data in Table 1.
An inhabitant of Antarctica needs to be delivered to the zoo. This animal does not feed its young with milk.

Answer: __________________________________________________
2) Indicate with a □ sign what is the best way to transport this animal.
□A. In a pool that can withstand weight up to 100 kg and the length, width and depth of which are 2 m each.
□B. In a cage that can withstand weight up to 100 kg and the length, width and height of which are 2 m each.
□V. In a pool that can withstand weight up to 200 kg and the length, width and depth of which are 1 m 50 cm.
□G. In a cage that can withstand weight up to 200 kg and the length, width and height of which are 1 m 50 cm.
Task 4.
Find in the first paragraph one example for each of the spellings indicated in the table. Write them in the table without changing the form of the word. Underline the spelling.

They are easy to train and have a friendly attitude towards humans.
A. How many letters o and how many sounds [o] are there in this sentence?

Task 6.

A. 90 kg< ... < 1 ц 70 кг. Это _________________________________________
B. 8 t 2 c 50 kg > ... > 2 t. This is _________________________________________

Task 7.

The cyclist's speed is 3 times less than the maximum possible speed arctic fox. How long will it take a cyclist to cover 120 km? Solve the problem, explaining the steps.

Task 8.
307975883285In the figure, the habitats of the orca whale are marked with numbers. Write down the names of these oceans. If necessary, reread the text and use the hemisphere map.

- _______________________.

Option 2
Last name, first name___________________________________________
Try to complete all tasks. Do them in order.
Task 1.
What equipment did Alexander Fleming use to grow microbes? Write out a sentence from the text that says this.
Underline the grammatical basis of this sentence. Indicate which parts of speech express the main members and their grammatical features (forms of gender, number, case or tense).
Task 2.
What does the Orca whale eat? Write down at least four examples from the text.
Task 3.
Complete the tasks using: data from table 1.
You need to deliver a tundra inhabitant to the zoo. This is a herbivore.
1) Write down the name of this animal.
Answer: _______________________________________________________________
2) Indicate with a □ sign which cage is best for transporting this animal.
□A. In a cage that can withstand a weight of up to 100 kg, the length, width and height of which are 2 m 50 cm.
□B. In a cage capable of supporting a weight of up to 200 kg and the length and width of which are 2 m 50 cm, and the height is 1 m 50 cm.
□V. In a cage that can withstand a weight of up to 300 kg, the length, width and height of which are 2 m 50 cm.
□G. In a cage that can withstand a weight of up to 200 kg in length, width and height of which is 2 m 50 cm.
Task 4.
Find in the second paragraph one example for each of the spellings indicated in the table. Write them in the table without changing the form of the word. Underline the spelling.
spelling Example of a word with this spelling
1. Verified unstressed vowels at the root of the word 2. Unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word 3. Paired consonants 4. Separative ъ or separative ь Task 5.
Read the sentence and complete the tasks.
In the books of ancient Roman scientists you can read that orcs also lived in the Mediterranean Sea.
A. How many letters o and how many sounds [o] are there in this sentence?
Answer: letters about _________, sounds [about]_______________.
B. Find words with a prefix in this sentence. Label it.
B. Underline the letters of soft consonant sounds in words with prefixes.
Task 6.
Guess what animals we are talking about.
Using the data in Table 1, fill in the blanks by indicating maximum weight hidden animals. Write down their names.
A. 1500 g< ... < 3 кг 200 г. Это________________________________________
B. 2 t 2 c 50 kg > ... > 90 c. This_________________________________________

Task 7.
Solve the problem using the data in Table 1.
The speed of a motorcyclist is 3 times greater than the maximum possible speed of a reindeer. How long will it take a motorcyclist to cover 420 km? Solve the problem, explaining the steps.
Answer: _________________________________________________.
Task 8.
140335947420In the figure, the habitats of the Orca whale are marked with numbers. Write down the names of these oceans. If necessary, reread the text and use the hemisphere map.
Answer: - _______________________;
- _______________________.



2 UDC BBK I93 6+ The publication is approved for use in educational process on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated (as amended by). Reviewer: teacher of the Department of Primary Education, MIOO, primary school teacher, State Budgetary Educational Institution Central Educational Institution 1296 Yu.A. Vasilyeva. I93 Final complex work. 4th grade / Comp. I.V. Klyukhina. M.: VAKO, p. ( Final certification). ISBN The publication contains tasks for the final assessment of knowledge of 4th grade students. The collection contains 9 versions of works, each of which contains 15 tasks. Compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education and taking into account the requirements for the level of training of primary school students. An example of completing the test is provided. Answers to the assignments are provided at the end of the publication. The manual is intended for primary school teachers, schoolchildren and their parents. UDC BBK ISBN VAKO LLC, 2016

3 From the compiler The proposed manual is intended for final testing of the knowledge of 4th grade students. It includes 9 options for the final comprehensive test, compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State educational standard(Federal State Educational Standard) of primary general education and taking into account the requirements for the level of training of students completing the fourth year of study in primary school. Students independently study the proposed text and complete assignments for it. Each version of the test contains 15 tasks, of which 1-8 are mandatory (the main part), and 9-15 are additional. Assignments help to identify the level of formation of universal educational actions and evaluate the success of mastering the fundamental subject competencies in the Russian language, literary reading, mathematics and the world around us. To carry out the final test it is necessary to allocate whole lesson. Answers to the assignments are provided at the end of the manual. Recommendations for evaluating results In tasks for working with text, the completeness and accuracy of sentences found and extracted from the text are taken into account. In tasks that ask you to solve a problem, not only the correct answer is taken into account, but also the solution itself. In multiple-choice tasks, you must select the correct answer(s) from among the options provided. If, along with the correct answers, the student also gives incorrect ones, then it should be considered that the task was completed incorrectly. Completion of one-part tasks is scored 1 point (correct answer) or 0 points (incorrect answer or no answer). In multi-part tasks, 1 point is awarded for each correct answer, and each incorrect answer or no answer is scored 0 points. The student has reached the basic level of training if he has completed at least 75% of the required tasks. 3

4 Sample test work In hot deserts All continents have their own well-known deserts: the Gobi and Karakum in Eurasia, the Atacama and Mojave in America, the Sahara, Kalahari and Namib in Africa, Victoria in Australia. And in all deserts there are “living miracles.” In the sands and on the rocks, which are so hot that you can bake eggs on them, in the salt licks, where the salt lies on the surface like a thin layer of snow, hardy inhabitants can be found everywhere. There is so much to see here: insects and spiders, rodents and small predators, birds, snakes and lizards. Animals hunt mainly at night, and wait out the heat of the day in shelters. Unique “forests” of thorny, sometimes leafless plants, cacti and euphorbia with bitter white juice also grow here. Shrubs and rare trees have unusually long roots, which allow them to “pump” water from great depths. Deserts come to life in spring and during rare light rains. Then lifeless spaces are covered with flowers and herbs, which have been waiting for life-giving moisture in the form of seeds and spores, sometimes for several years. (153 words) (According to B. Golovkin, A. Minin) 4

5 Deserts of the world Name Area, km² Type Amount of precipitation per year, mm Gobi sandy 50 Karakum sandy 100 Sahara sandy-rocky 130 Kalahari rocky-clayey 500 Namib sandy 10 Mojave sandy 150 Atacama sandy-stony 1 Victoria sandy-salt marsh 250 Main part 1. Remember when deserts come to life. Write a sentence from the text to support your answer. Underline the grammatical basis in it. Indicate above the main parts of the sentence what parts of speech they are. Indicate the grammatical features of the main parts of the sentence. verb Come to life (pl., present tense, sp.) noun. deserts (f.r., plural, 1st cl.) in the spring and during rare light rains. 2. Write out from the text a word with an unpronounceable consonant sound at the root, write down a test word. Write down three more words with this spelling. Well-known news, flattering, lean, selfish. 5

6 3. Remember what deserts are located on the continents globe. Fill in the table using the text data. Continent Eurasia America Africa Australia Name of the Gobi Desert, Karakum Desert Atacama, Mojave Sahara, Kalahari, Namib Victoria 4. Complete the task and mark the correct answer. Use the data from the Deserts of the World table and the world map. Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean A. Write down the name of the desert. The sands of this desert occupy a fifth of it, which is km². 6 Sahara

7 B. This desert is washed from the west by: 1) the Pacific Ocean 2) the Indian Ocean 3) Atlantic Ocean 4) Arctic Ocean 5. Complete the tasks. A. Write out the sentence from the text with homogeneous predicates, underline them. Indicate the case of nouns. I. p. Animals hunt mainly in D. p. V. p. nights, and wait out the heat of the day in P. p. shelters. B. Fill out the table. Write out the verbs from this sentence. Indicate their constant and unstable grammatical features. Verbs hunt wait Constant signs nesov. view, sp. nesov. view, sp. Fickle signs of the present. vr., plural hours present vr., plural B. Write out the verb from the table that corresponds to the scheme:. Wait 7

8 12 Option 1 The language of birds Finches can imitate each other. The parrot can imitate human words which he does not understand. Starlings warn each other of danger with a special cry. They fly away even if they hear this scream played on the tape recorder. Simply, the finch is born, already able to sing: “Whose are you? Whose are you? Whose are you? Are they? Are they? Someone's, barely! Tissy chii wee woo" The finch chirps and chirps, just like a human baby squeaks when hungry. Nobody teaches children to cry. The finch sings unconsciously, but different cases he has different songs. One song is sung to warn other finches that there is a hawk nearby, but it is sitting in a tree and therefore not too dangerous. And it’s a completely different song when the same hawk flies into the air, and then it’s really dangerous: just behold, it will rush down and grab its prey. Scientists have established experimentally that a finch sings like a finch, even if it spent its entire bird life in a place where it could never hear another finch. And if you raise two finches together but separately from their relatives, then each will sing more complex and varied songs than if they were kept alone. Each finch sings the song with which it was born, and each one in a slightly different way. But also, they imitate each other. At the same time, everyone adds something new to their song. And then everyone tortures-

9 repeat how someone else imitates him. And so on until both have exhausted their ability to imitate and mimic. Many birds and animals learn from each other, just like our sociable finches. They depend on each other and communicate with each other. (259 words) (According to F. Folsom) Name Body length, cm Wingspan, cm Birds Maximum flight speed, km/h Weight, g Distribution Budgerigar Australia parrot Starling Eurasia Finch Eurasia, North Africa Main part 1. Remember why starlings make noise special cry. Write a sentence from the text to support your answer. Underline the grammatical basis in it. Indicate above the main parts of the sentence what parts of speech they are. Indicate the grammatical features of the main parts of the sentence. 13

10 2. Mark the correct answer. Finches can imitate: 1) a person 2) each other 3) other birds 4) starlings 3. Mark the correct answer. Use the data from the Birds table. Twenty-fifth of a kilogram is the maximum possible weight of: 1) a finch 2) a starling 3) a budgerigar 4. Fill in the table. Write out three words from each spelling from the text. Spelling Word 1. Unstressed vowel sound in the verb prefix 2. Unstressed personal ending of the verb 3. Particle not with verbs 4. Spelling - in reflexive verbs 14

11 5. Complete the tasks. A. Write out the verbs from the last paragraph. Indicate their constant and unstable grammatical features. Underline the exception verb. B. Write out from the last paragraph words with vowels after sibilants. 6. Mark the correct answer. Use the data from the Birds table. The weight of a finch is one fifth of the weight of: 1) a starling 2) a budgerigar 7. Write down the solution and answer to the problem. Use the data from the Birds table. How many hours does a starling need to maximum speed flight to cover the distance that a budgerigar at maximum flight speed will fly in 7 hours. Answer: 15

12 8. Find and mark on the map the continents where you can see these birds in the wild. Use the data from the Birds table. Write down the names of the continents. Finch Starling Budgerigar Additional part 9. Think about the name of the branch of zoology that studies birds. Write it down. 10. Remember what skill the finch has. Write a sentence from the text to support your answer. 16

13 11. Write out the form of the word song from the penultimate paragraph. Indicate the case of these words. 12. Complete the tasks. 45 g Finch Budgerigar Starling A. The diagram shows the masses of the birds finch, budgerigar and starling. Determine the scale using the middle column on the diagram. Write it down. B. Determine the masses of the finch and starling. Write it down. Mass of a finch Mass of a starling 13. Remember what conclusion scientists came to after studying the characteristics of the finch’s singing. Write down your answer. 17

14 14. Mark the correct answer and complete the task. A. Chaffinch refers to: 1) migratory birds 2) sedentary birds 3) wintering birds B. Write down 3 more examples of this group of birds. 15. Using the data from the “Birds” table, come up with and write down compound task. Write down her solution and answer. Condition. Question. Answer: 18

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Final comprehensive test. 4th grade


complex work for 4th grade students

(to assess individual achievements of students)

Purpose of CMM

The work is intended to carry out the procedure for intermediate control of individual achievements of students in an educational institution according to subject areas“Philology: Russian language. Native language", "Mathematics", "The world around us".

The main goal of the work is to test and evaluate the ability of elementary school students to apply the knowledge acquired in the process of studying the Russian language, mathematics, and the surrounding world to solve various educational and practical problems using these educational subjects.

Documents defining the contents of CMM

    Federal state standard primary general education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No.373 from 06.10.2009G.)

    Planned results of primary general education (Planned results of primary general education / L.L.Alekseeva, S.V.Anashchenkova, M.Z.Biboletova, etc.); edited by G.S.Kovaleva, O.B.Loginova – M.: Education, 2009. – 120 p.; With. 22-26)

    Approximate program of primary general education of an educational institution. Primary school / [comp. E.S.With.; With.119-125)

    Planned results of students mastering the basic educational program primary general education. Formation of universal educational actions. Reading. Working with text. (Approximate basic educational program of an educational institution. Primary school / [compiled by E.S.Savinov]. – 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Education, 2010. – 204With.; With.36-44)

    Assessing the achievement of planned results. Primary school. Part 1, 2;edited by G.S. Kovaleva, O.B. Loginova – 1, 2, 3 ed. – M.: Education, 2009, 2010, 2011. – 96 p.

Approaches to selecting content and developing the structure of CMM. CMM structure

Based on the documents listed in paragraph.2 Specifications, a codifier has been developed that determines, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education, the planned results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education in the subject areas “Philology. Russian language. Native language”, “Mathematics and computer science”, “The world around us” for carrying out procedures for assessing the quality of primary education (intermediate monitoring of individual achievements of students in an educational institution).

The results of the student’s work make it possible to characterize it as a state basic training the student and his development (the ability to find several correct answers, express his thought, prove it, etc.).

Distribution of CMM tasks by difficulty level

The purpose of the intermediate work determined its structure and the level of difficulty of the tasks. The work contains two groups of tasks that are mandatory for all students. The purpose of the first group is to ensure that the student has achieved the level of basic training, and the second group is to ensure that the student has achieved an advanced level of training.

Of the 20 tasks of the test work, 16 tasks belong to the basic level of complexity, 4 tasks – to an advanced level. This ratio of tasks is dictated by the need to include in the work at least 75% of basic level tasks from total number tasks. Information about the difficulty level of the task is given below in the work plan.

Several types of tasks are used in the work: with a choice of the correct answer from several proposed ones, a ratio task, with a short answer, with a detailed answer.

System for assessing the performance of individual tasks and work as a whole

Tasks with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed ones are scored 1 point for making the right choice and 0 points for an incorrect choice or for both correct and incorrect choices. For tasks with short or extended answers, you can get from 5 to 0 points, the difference in scoring depends on the completeness and accuracy of completing the task. Details about assignment grading and scoring criteria are provided in the grading guide.

When assessing the performance of work as a whole, it is advisable. If desired, you can conduct a more differentiated assessment of the performance of the work by separately calculating the score that the student received for assignments on the main blocks of content presented in the work.

The work uses 2 criteria for achieving the basic level:

    Criterion 1 – critical value of achieving the basic level (50% of the tasks of the basic level or more have been completed);

    Criterion 2 is the prospective value of achieving the basic level, which can be used after the successful introduction of the second generation standards (65% of the basic level tasks or more have been completed).

As stated above, critical value achievement of the basic level is considered 50% of maximum score, which a student can receive for completing basic level tasks. If the student demonstrated results in completing basic level tasks below 50%, then for of this student it is necessary to organize special additional classes almost the entire course of mathematics, Russian language or the surrounding world of elementary school.

From the point of view of mastering the subject content, completing 50% of the tasks at the basic level is not always sufficient for successfully continuing education at the next level. This requirement Criterion 2 is more appropriate when the student completes 65% or more of the basic level items.

Execution time for CMM variant

The approximate time to complete the tasks is:

1) for tasks of a basic level of complexity – 1-3 minutes;

2) for tasks increased complexity– from 2 to 5 minutes;

The work is designed for 2 academic hours with a break (40 minutes + 15 minutes + 40 minutes). While completing tasks, it is recommended to conduct physical education every 15 minutes.

CMM option plan

Detailed information The distribution of tasks among sections of the program, by type of task and level of difficulty is given in the work plan.

Work plan

Ability to find correct explanation writing words with spelling patterns for the spelling of tested unstressed vowels and for the spelling of tested consonants at the root of the word.

Russian language

The ability to analyze sounds in a word based on hardness/softness.

Russian language

Ability to navigate text in search necessary information, produce parsing offers.

Russian language

The ability to navigate the text in search of the necessary information, write out nouns, adjectives, verbs, transforming them into the initial form.

Russian language, reading

The ability to analyze a word, indicating how many syllables, letters, sounds it contains

Russian language

Ability to translate verbal information into numbers, perform calculations correctly


Ability to fill out a table with data and establish relationships between quantities.


The ability to find the area of ​​a site using knowledge of its perimeter.


The ability to correlate information based on knowledge of animal behavior at different times of the year

The world around us

Total points50

Advanced quests

The ability to correlate the type of book with the title.

Ability to place punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members.

Russian language

Ability to navigate by the clock.


Solving skills word problem for the movement of several types of transport.


Total points


Total points

Formation of universal educational activities

Determining the sequence and action plan

Total points


Cognitive UUD

Search and selection necessary information

Structuring information

Conscious and voluntary construction speech utterance V in writing

Analysis and synthesis

Sign-symbolic modeling

Total points


The level of development of subject skills is calculated by the sum of points for all tasks at the basic level:

    from 0 to 23 points – reduced level, i.e. the student has not reached the basic level of development of subject skills in reading, Russian language, mathematics and the outside world (grade - “unsatisfactory”);

    from 24 to 48 points – basic level, i.e. the student has reached a basic level of development of subject skills in reading, Russian language, mathematics and the outside world (grade – “satisfactory”);

The increased level of development of subject skills is calculated by the sum of points for tasks of both basic and advanced levels: at least 29 points for tasks at a basic level and at least 5 points for tasks at an advanced level.

    from 0 to 34 points - has not reached an increased level of development of subject skills;

    from 35 to 57 points – the student has achieved an increased level of development of subject skills;

If a student scored from 34 to 48 points when completing tasks at a basic level, but did not score at least 5 points for tasks at an advanced level, then it is concluded that he has not achieved an increased level of development of subject results.

The level of formation of universal educational actions is calculated by the sum of points for completing certain tasks, both basic and increased levels, specified in the topic codifier.

Regulatory universal learning activities:

    0 – 4 points – low level formation;

    5 – 6 points – basic level of development;

    7-8 points – high level of formation.

Cognitive universal educational activities:

    0 – 18 points – low level of development;

    19 – 27 points – basic level of development;

28 – 36 points – high level of formation

Class 4 "___"

Option 1



horse , no ox. It is very cold; not every animal can withstand 40-degree frost. And how people could move (this was especially true in the old days) would be completely incomprehensible if they did not have a faithful and constant servant, such as a reindeer.


loved ones


Complete the tasks:



3 .

Deer meat, milk, skin, fat - everything is used by humans. ________________________________________________________________________ 4 .


"robe » .

The robe is ______________________________________________________


7 .

deer, hay, horse

offspring, horns, food

armor, fat, secret

milk, meat, moss

15. Write down:

356 ; _______dozens

2) number 514

1. animals

2. birds

3. fish

A. spawn throwing

B. laying eggs

G. shedding (coat change)

D. transformation into pupae

E. hibernation


collection “Beasts of the Arctic”

b) Deer eat hay and moss.

19* Look at the drawing.

This watch rush for 1 hour 05 minutes.


A. 8 hours 55 minutes IN. 9 hours 55 minutes WITH. 10 hours 55 minutes D . 9 hours 10 minutes

Final comprehensive test

Last name, first name (in full)___________________________________________

Educational institution ________________________________________

Class 4 "___"

Option 2

1. Pick up a pencil and start reading the text. At the teacher's signal, place the stick after the word you have read. Read the text to the end.


shore .

Penguins are differentFriend

Fly water

Complete the tasks:


    Write out all the nouns from the sentence in alphabetical order.


This text can be divided into ___________ parts.



    "feeding ».

Feeding is ______________________________________________________



land, nests, food

sea, egg, male

belly, life, chick

female, paw, skin

9. Write out the sentence in bold. Underline the main and minor members offers.


The word has ____________ syllables, ______________ letters, ____________ sounds.


15.Write down:

1) how many tens are there in number? 283 ; _______dozens

2) number 157 as a sum bit terms;




1. animals

2. birds

3. fish

A. spawn throwing

B. laying eggs

B. enhanced nutrition, food storage

G. shedding (coat change)

D. departure to warmer climes

E. going into the depths of the reservoir

1 _____, 2 _______, 3 _______

work "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

collection “Beasts of the Arctic”

reference book A.S. Pushkin. Collection Op. in 10 volumes

19*Look at the picture.

A. 8 hours 55 minutes IN. 9 h 05 min WITH. 10 hours 55 minutes D . 11 hours 45 minutes

Yogic comprehensive test work

Last name, first name (in full)___________________________________________

Educational institution__________________________________________

Class 4 "___"

Option 1

1. Pick up a pencil and start reading the text. At the teacher's signal, place the stick after the word you have read. Read the text to the end.


There are many deer in the world, but no breed of deer provides as many important services to humans as the strong reindeer. In those territories where reindeer live, neitherhorse

How do reindeer survive in harsh winter conditions? He is warmly dressed. Deer fur is special. In harsh times, the tips of the fur hairs seem to swell and thicken; such transformed fur reliably protects the deer from severe frosts, fur armor holdswarm Fine. And subcutaneous fat also helps not to freeze.

The deer's summer clothes are lighter, but even in them he languishes from the heat. It just so happened that no one gave, for example, a wild deer either shelter during the harsh time of frost records, or supplies of food, or protection from the wolf tribe. He himself has to take care of everything.

In the summer, the deer tries to accumulate mineral salts in the body. Otherwise, you can stretch your legs. But he doesn't hold them out. The secret lies in the special chemical properties of body tissues. Chemical processes, occurring in the tissues of reindeer legs, are very peculiar. Partly thanks to them, the beast's endurance is phenomenal.

Due to the lack of grass in distant lands, people do not prepare hay for reindeer herds; Yes, deer don’t like hay. Their favorite food is reindeer moss. They shovel the snow and pinch moss, which contains quite a lot of useful components.

Wild deer are somewhat larger than those that live under theloved ones human supervision. Wild deer, unlike domestic ones, are usually more wary and fearful.

Horns - one of the main advantages of deer; in northern breeds they are present in both males and females. Once a year, northern animals shed their horns. Indeed, why do we need the old additional structure? And over the summer, new, young antlers grow.

The average weight of a deer is 150 kg.

Reindeer transport their owners on light sleds with amazing speed and can travel more than a hundred kilometers a day.

Complete the tasks:

    Copy an excerpt from the text that contains a description of the characteristics of deer fur. Try to write correctly. Check it out. If there are errors, correct them.



3 . Write out all the nouns from the sentence in alphabetical order.

Deer meat, milk, skin, fat - everything is used by humans. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 . How long semantic parts can I split this text? Come up with a title for the second paragraph of the text.

This text can be divided into ___________ parts.

The second paragraph of the text can be entitled: ____________________________


5. Write how you understand the meaning of the word "robe » .

The robe is ______________________________________________________


6. Using information from the text, fill out the table:

7 . Write down the underlined words. Indicate in each word a spelling chart for the spelling of consonants and vowels at the root of the word, select test words. Come up with your own examples (one word at a time) for these spellings and write them down.

8. Mark √ the line in which words are written in which all consonant sounds are hard.

deer, hay, horse

offspring, horns, food

armor, fat, secret

milk, meat, moss

9. Write out the sentence in bold. Underline the main and minor parts of the sentence. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Select words from the text (3 words each) that relate to nouns, adjectives and verbs. Write them down in the table in initial form.

11. Write down how many syllables, letters, sounds there are in the word “moss moss”.

The word has ____________ syllables, ______________ letters, ____________ sounds.

12. Write it down mathematical expression and find its meaning.

To the product of twenty-five and five add ninety-seven.

13. Study the table and fill it out.

14. On a section of the field square shape They put up a barrier. What is the area of ​​this plot if the length of the fence is 28 meters?

Answer: plot area________

15. Write down:

1) how many tens are there in number? 356 ; _______dozens

2) number 514 in the form of a sum of bit terms;


16. Indicate for each of the classes of animals from the first column the characteristic spring phenomena in their life.

1. animals

2. birds

3. fish

A. spawn throwing

B. laying eggs

B. enhanced nutrition, food storage

G. shedding (coat change)

D. transformation into pupae

E. hibernation

1 _____, 2 _______, 3 _______

17* Use arrows to connect the type of book (publication) with the title.

work "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

collection “Beasts of the Arctic”

collected works of A.P. Chekhov "Vanka"

periodical press "Russians" folk tales»

reference publication by A.S. Pushkin. Collection Op. in 10 volumes

18* Indicate the sentence in which the punctuation marks are placed incorrectly. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

a) The day was sunny but cool.

b) Deer eat hay and moss.

c) Swans, geese, and ducks were preparing to fly to warm countries.

19* Look at the drawing.

This watch rush for 1 hour 05 minutes.

Please indicate right time, circle the letter of the correct answer .

A. 8 hours 55 minutes IN. 9 hours 55 minutes WITH. 10 hours 55 minutes D . 9 hours 10 minutes

20* Solve the problem, write down the answer.

Two buses left the bus station at the same time in the same direction. The first bus traveled 60 km every hour, and the second – 65 km. What will be the distance between the buses after 3 hours?

Answer: the distance between buses will be ________km.

Yogic comprehensive test work

Last name, first name (in full)___________________________________________

Educational institution__________________________________________

Class 4 "___"

Option 2

1. Pick up a pencil and start reading the text. At the teacher's signal, place the stick after the word you have read. Read the text to the end.


Penguins are amazing creatures, unlike any other living bird. They are best adapted to living in the water element and spend more than half their life in water. They need land only during the breeding and molting season, so penguins may not go out at all for months.shore .

Penguins are differentFriend from each other mainly in size. The largest - the emperor penguin - weighs up to 40 kg and reaches a length of 117 cm, the smallest - the little penguin - reaches 1.5 kg and has a body length of only 40 cm.

Fly these ancient birds cannot, but they swim perfectly. Penguins dive to a depth of 130m and can remain underwater up to 18 minutes and swim at a speed of 15 km/h. On land they move in small steps, holding their bodies upright, but they can also jump and glide quickly, lying on their stomachs and pushing off with their legs and flippers.

Penguins live in flocks and nest in large colonies (up to hundreds of thousands of pairs). Each bird within the colony knows perfectly well the exact location of its nest and easily recognizes its chicks and neighbors by their voice. The chicks of large emperor penguins develop slowly, so the birds arrive at the colony sites already at the end of the Arctic summer - in mid-April. After about 50 days, the female lays one egg weighing up to 450g. All this time she does not eat anything and, having laid an egg, immediately goes to the sea to feed.

Now the male takes over the baton - he incubates the egg, holding it on his paws and covering it with a special fold of skin on his belly so that it does not freeze. The female appears only after 3 months, and all this time the male is starving, losing almost half of his weight. After 1.5 months, the males return, and now they and the females take turns foraging for food. Only after 6 months, by December, the chicks fully fledge, leave the colony and begin to lead a nomadic life at sea.

Complete the tasks:

    Write out an excerpt from the text that contains a description of the penguin. Try to write correctly. Check it out. If there are errors, correct them.

    Write out all the nouns from the sentence in alphabetical order.

Each bird within the colony knows perfectly well the exact location of its nest and easily recognizes its chicks and neighbors by voice : _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    How many semantic parts can this text be divided into? Come up with a title for the fourth paragraph of the text.

This text can be divided into ___________ parts.

The fourth paragraph of the text can be titled: ____________________________


    Write how you understand the meaning of the word "feeding ».

Feeding is ______________________________________________________


    Using information from the text, fill in the table :

7. Write out the underlined words. Indicate in each word a spelling chart for the spelling of consonants and vowels at the root of the word, select test words. Come up with your own examples (one word at a time) for these spellings and write them down.

8. Mark √ the line in which words are written in which all consonant sounds are hard

land, nests, food

sea, egg, male

belly, life, chick

female, paw, skin

9. Write out the sentence in bold. Underline the main and minor parts of the sentence.


10. Select words from the text (3 words each) that relate to nouns, adjectives and verbs. Write them down in a table in initial form:

11. Write down how many syllables, letters, sounds there are in the word “egg”.

The word has ____________ syllables, ______________ letters, ____________ sounds.

12. Write down a mathematical expression and find its value .

Subtract fifty from the product of fifteen and five

13. Study the table and fill it in the answer form.

14. A fence was erected in a square-shaped area of ​​forest. What is the area of ​​this plot if the length of the fence is 32 meters?

Answer: plot area_______

15.Write down:

1) how many tens are there in number? 283 ; _______dozens

2) number 157 in the form of a sum of bit terms;



16. Indicate for each of the classes of animals from the first column the characteristic autumn phenomena in their life.

1. animals

2. birds

3. fish

A. spawn throwing

B. laying eggs

B. enhanced nutrition, food storage

G. shedding (coat change)

D. departure to warmer climes

E. going into the depths of the reservoir

1 _____, 2 _______, 3 _______

17* Use arrows to connect the type of book (publication) with the name

work "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

collection “Beasts of the Arctic”

collected works of A. P. Chekhov “Vanka”

periodical "Tales of the Peoples of the World"

reference publication by A.S. Pushkin. Collection Op. in 10 volumes

18*Indicate the sentence in which the punctuation marks are placed incorrectly. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

a) The forest was thunderous and scary.

b) They wandered through parks, alleys, squares.

c) The guys continued to walk, have fun and not think about bad things.

19*Look at the picture.

This watch is fast 1 hour 10 minutes.

Indicate the correct time, circle the letter of the correct answer:

A. 8 hours 55 minutes IN. 9 h 05 min WITH. 10 hours 55 minutes D . 11 hours 45 minutes

20*Solve the problem, write down the answer.

Two vans left the wholesale warehouse at the same time. The first van traveled 40 km every hour, and the second – 45 km. What will be the distance between the vans after 2 hours?

Answer: the distance between the vans will be ________km.

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