The influence of the color red on the human psyche. Psychological influence of color on a person

Did you know that color affects the human psyche, thoughts and feelings? He can make you happy and sad, soothe and irritate, his capabilities are simply amazing!

IN Have you noticed that you attract more attention when you wear a red sweater? Or that a group of people dressed in black looks extremely gloomy? Or that your colleague, wearing a white skirt, gives the impression of a very active person? If yes, then you will definitely be interested in the principles of color therapy and influence of color on a person.


  • Every color radiates electromagnetic waves, which affect people in different ways.
  • Its healing effect is immediate, because we perceive its energy not only with our eyes, but also with our skin.
  • By choosing the right shades for yourself, you will become healthier and more cheerful. Colors are sometimes called emotional food, and for normal operation Our body requires a “diet” of a wide variety of flowers.
  • Restoring peace of mind, colors also have a positive effect on the human psyche and health.
  • Food, clothing, makeup, furniture - all this can have a beneficial effect on you when correct selection colors.
  • Color and health. Knowing how different colors affect the human body, you can improve your well-being, appearance and even life itself.

The influence of color on a person


Warm, exciting and also provocative. The color of blood, fire, energy and passion.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESStimulates all types of energy, helps to gather mental and physical forces, when you are tired, your heart rate increases.
  • EXCESSred causes overeating, irritability and overexcitement.
  • APPLICATIONSuitable for living room and Not large quantities for the bedroom. Red clothing inspires confidence.
  • COMPENSATED green.


Color bright sun, which means optimism, energy and joy.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESA very powerful healer, it improves mental abilities, lifts your spirits, gives you confidence, energizes you.
  • EXCESSToo bright yellow can cause mental fatigue.
  • APPLICATIONThis one is in the kitchen warm color will create a pleasant atmosphere. Wear sunny yellow clothes on gloomy days.
  • COMPENSATED purple.


A calming and harmonious color that helps you feel one with nature.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESCalms, relieves tension. Green furniture and light green decor in hospitals promote the healing of patients.
  • EXCESSdark green can cause depression.
  • APPLICATIONCalm green shades are suitable for the bedroom, and bright ones for the kitchen or hallway. Green clothes gives peace.


This powerful combination of energetic red and optimistic yellow has a very strong impact on the human psyche.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESOrange color is uplifting and stimulating. creative thinking, helps bring ideas to life.
  • EXCESSorange can make you distracted.
  • APPLICATIONSuitable for living room and office. Orange scarves or jewelry with carnelian inspire optimism.


This color helps you express your individuality and also relaxes you.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESTurquoise has always been valued for its protective and healing qualities. Color therapists believe that it stimulates the immune system. In addition, according to research, turquoise helps relax muscles.
  • EXCESSturquoise promotes stubbornness and peremptory nature.
  • APPLICATIONThe color turquoise in the bathroom and decorations with turquoise enhance the feeling of peace.


The combination of red and blue is a very powerful color that influences human health and enhances intuition and empathy.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESpurple used for meditation or enhancing physical capabilities. Healers use amethyst to remove headache.
  • EXCESSlight purple will make you dreamy, and too much purple will make you fearful.
  • APPLICATIONSuitable for the bedroom as it promotes relaxation. Wear purple if you have to deal with difficult people.
  • COMPENSATED yellow.


Blue represents peace and harmony. It also helps to learn new things.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESShades of blue are very calming. They are used to reduce blood pressure and improve sleep. This color also relieves joint pain.
  • EXCESSdark blue evokes melancholy.
  • APPLICATIONBlue will make the bathroom an ideal relaxing place. Wear blue when you expect trust, respect and attention from people.
  • COMPENSATED orange.


Pink is the color of love and, thanks to the combination of red and white, balance and energy.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESImagine yourself surrounded by pink in stressful situations to instill confidence in yourself. Pink also promotes responsiveness.
  • EXCESSbright pink causes excitement.
  • APPLICATIONSoft pink shades good for bedroom. Wear light pink when you want to express love and care or ask for forgiveness.
  • COMPENSATED turquoise.

Color techniques

  1. A SMALL ACCENTYou don't have to dress up in one color from head to toe: a red scarf or handbag is quite capable of increasing your vitality.Scatter colorful pillows around the living room so that their colorful energy is concentrated in the right parts of the room.
  2. COLORED LAMPSHADES Use colorful bulbs or lampshades to add an energizing hue to the room.
  3. RAINBOW ON THE WINDOWS Bright, clear window decals produce the same rewarding effect as well-crafted stained glass.
  4. SLEEP STRONGLY If you have trouble sleeping, change the color of your bedroom to a more calming one: soft pink, light blue, soft purple.
  5. GOOD MOODYou are overcome by hopelessness and constant fatigue? Orange clothes and a bouquet of sunflowers will instantly lift your spirits.
  6. POWER OF STONE Place colored decorative crystals around your home and wear them jewelry to enhance the influence of flowers on a person and his psyche.
  7. POWER OF PETALS A bouquet composed of one or more shades that suit your needs - great way cheer up.
  8. COLORFUL MENUBeautiful food is easier to digest. Include more colorful foods in your daily diet.
  9. THEATRICAL EFFECTMulti-colored filters for theater spotlights can be easily adapted for home lamps.
  10. SMART COSMETICS Learn to influence others with lipstick or polish. For example, use pink tones if you want to appear friendly.
  11. SCENT OF COLOR Essential oils with bright colors can bring energy into your life in different shades, such as blue (lavender) or red (geranium).

The influence of other colors on a person and his psyche

Color therapists also use the following colors in their practice:

WHITE He includes all colors of the spectrum. Wearing white clothes will make you look organized, sincere and innocent. In combination with other colors, white does not look so strict.

BLACK Although not essentially a color, it is still used in color therapy. Wear black when you don't want to stand out, and present it when you want to get lost in thought.

GOLD It not only gives peace of mind, but also increases confidence in own strength. Wear gold rings, jewelry with amber or yellow topaz.

Discussions about the influence of colors on humans often refer to symbolic systems in different cultures, rather than to data. psychological research. However, it is no coincidence - there are many intersections here. CHT has summarized some of the information about exactly how colors affect our brains.

"Color is a product of light, emotive", stated Goethe in The Doctrine of Color. It is believed that he was the first to propose a system that describes the effect of a color palette on a person. But Goethe, like many other artists and writers, could rely only on his own instincts, on his observations and the traditions of color perception that already existed in the culture.

Only in the 20th century, with the development of psychology and experimental methods studying higher nervous activity, a scientific basis appeared for analyzing the influence of color waves. Despite large number experiments and tests, the effect of the colors of the surrounding world on our emotional state remains a mystery.

As stated in the modern monograph “Color and Psyche”, the influence of color on emotions occurs at several levels. In general, bright colors are exciting and active, while faded and dark colors are inhibitory and calming. But addiction to them and their impact very much depends on the circumstances and individual properties personality.

The effect of white color

The African Ndembu tribe has an expression “to have a white liver”, that is, to be understandable, not up to anything bad, not to pose a danger. Our language also reflects the attitude towards white as something pure and good: “white salary”, “ white light", "white bone", "white envy".

Anthropologists give two main reasons for this perception of white. Firstly, we are all familiar with the change of day and night, when clarity replaces visible world a feeling of danger and fear of the dark comes. Secondly, white is the color of the two most important human fluids that give life - milk and seminal fluids.

Science has found confirmation of traditional interpretations: white stimulates the ability to be active.

However, this applies to white as highest manifestation everything light and bright. Shadeless, empty white is not at all so clear. Kazimir Malevich, conducting experiments with color, came to the conclusion that the abundance of white puts pressure on the psyche, and proposed to abandon it as a color for hospital walls and doctor’s coats.

The influence of black

Black is the ancient antipode of white. Whatever our preferences in clothing style and interior design, it is more difficult for us to get into the mood for work if it is cloudy and dark, gloomy tones predominate.

Black, as the darkest possible, evokes associations with death, chaos and destruction. But the passivity and peace of black can be necessary for a person who is overexcited or tired - just as night is necessary after day.

U primitive people attitudes towards blacks were ambiguous. Sometimes black symbolized the source of hidden wisdom, as well as passion: women of the same Ndembu tribe, for example, blacken their genitals. Among the tribes of the dry regions of Africa, black was revered as the color of rain clouds, and people with especially black hair were considered more beautiful than others.

The influence of red

Red is the third most important color in traditional symbolism. It is undoubtedly primarily associated with blood. Since blood serves as a symbol of both death and life, red has never been classified as a uniquely bad or clearly good color. It has been proven that red and yellow, as the brightest colors, excite vital energy and stimulate activity. This color is often preferred by extroverts.

The nervous system of a rested and restored person, ready for intense activity, is interested in red.

But don’t rush to make scarlet the main color in the interior. The activity of red can be unhealthy; its prolonged exposure is fraught with overstimulation. Those who are under emotional stress and frustration do not like red, like other bright colors. It can increase muscle tension, increase blood pressure, and speed up breathing.

Interestingly, this is the most favorite color of children, regardless of the country and culture in which a person grows up. Bright colors act like vitamins on a child, and their absence can even cause a painful condition called “color deprivation” and lead to disorders of neuropsychic development.

Fear of the dark may not be due to the fact that the child does not want to be where there is no light, but to the lack of bright colors in his life.

The influence of blue

Blue in many ancient cultures was considered an attribute of the gods, the sky and a symbol of contemplation. This mythology is echoed by the avant-garde artist, who described blue as a paint calling to infinity.

Scientific evidence says nothing about the mysticism of blue, but confirms its characteristics as a relaxant.

An interior with a predominance of blue has a particularly good effect on those who need relaxation. The psyche, which is in a state of struggle, needs blue-green colors for balance, and in a state of rest, on the contrary, it needs active red-yellow colors. Long-term exposure to blue leads to inhibition and depression, sadness and boredom.

Green influence

Oddly enough, such an important color for nature and life as green was never included in the main set of symbolic colors of the primitive world. True, there is an opinion that it was one of the favorite flowers of the ancient Egyptians. But the ancient Chinese did not consider it a separate paint at all, but perceived it as a variant of blue. Appearing later in the symbolism of the peoples of the world, it was often perceived as neutral, not calling for anything.

Kandinsky believed green color passive and philistine bourgeoisie.

Today, living in cities and experiencing stress due to our isolation from nature, we often associate greenery with harmony, spring, youth. Like blue, it partly justifies its traditional characteristics as a calming color; it is really preferred by people who need rest; under its influence, activity decreases. Interestingly, with age, color preferences are redistributed towards calm blue-green, brown and olive shades.

The influence of yellow

Yellow in different periods symbolized a variety of things - from fame and enlightenment to separation and debt. The traditional symbolism of yellow is quite different from red, but in terms of their effect on our mood, these colors are very close.

Yellow invigorates, tones, warms, stimulates the central nervous system and thought processes.

Calm, confident people who do not suffer from emotional stress, have a special tendency towards bright yellow color. It is the second most popular color among children after red.

Kandinsky considered yellow an earthly color because it cannot be made deeper, unlike blue. But shades of yellow differ greatly in how we perceive them. Pure yellow is pleasant, cold tones were associated with gray and acquired negative connotations; they were associated with madness.

Studies conducted with patients with schizophrenia have not found any connection between the color yellow and this disease. True, exposure to some colors and, in particular, yellow, can enhance the vegetative properties of stress. If you sharply place a yellow screen in front of a person suffering from nausea, you can induce vomiting. This impact feels like a blow to the stomach.

The influence of pink color

Pink can be described as light red, which means it evokes positive, but not too intense emotions such as light joy, carefree. “Rose-colored glasses” is an expression in the best possible way describing the influence of the color pink. It reconciles a little, invigorates a little, refreshes a little, reminds of passion, but nothing more.

Popular culture of the 20th century turned pink into a symbol of girls, tenderness and kawaiiness. The prerequisites for this existed back in Ancient Rome, where pink was believed to be associated with sensitivity and emotion. But pink wasn't always seen as an exclusively feminine color. According to Goethe, young women prefer light shades - pink and blue. In general, shades of red were more likely to be related to men and were an attribute of strength and power.

Pink, blue, lilac. Psychology of color. The influence of three colors on a person.

Colors have a significant impact on a person's life. The color atmosphere of the interior and clothing has psychological impact and can be favorable and can be oppressive!

How to understand the Psychology of Color? How to understand unknown world paints? How to develop intuitive thinking that will help you bypass the negative aspects of an environment that is “not pleasing to the eye”?

We will look at the 3 colors of Psychological Orientation and the meaning of these in human personality psychology. These are Blue, Pink, Lilac. Colors in Psychology.

Psychology blue color. Meaning. Some researchers are of the opinion that the word “blue” originates from the word “dove.” But there is also an opinion that this word is a “relative” of the word “deep” (water conceals, in its depths, a bluish tint). Blue is considered the color of creativity. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in educational institutions.

The "sea" color has no bottom. He knows how to attract the attention of anyone. It intoxicates, calls for a search for meaning and truth. By the way, if you suddenly cannot live without the color blue in your clothes, this means that the energy of imagination is “seething” in you.

Blue color in the psychology of ancient peoples. Since ancient times, the color blue has been associated with noble origin. Surely you've heard of the blue blood that is said to flow in aristocratic veins. Some scientists are of the opinion that it all started with Ancient Egypt: there, the “heavenly color” was treated with such adoration that Egyptian women even painted their legs with blue paint. Thus, they tried to demonstrate varicose veins, which, as is known, “bear” a bluish tint. It is because of this that this disease was considered a sign of high origin.

Since cyan (blue) color is very close to black, both have identical symbolic meanings. Some tribes South Africa For example, dark blue or dark blue was considered a mournful color.

Blue is a “scorching” mixture of white and blue colors. Consequently, it affects the human condition in a similar way. " Heavenly color", surprisingly, heals suppuration and wounds. It also relieves the consequences of a difficult day and fatigue.

Blue color in psychology. Blue color is a symbol of fidelity, impressionability and affection. About those people who love this color, we can say with confidence that they easily succumb to despondency during failures. Lovers of blue color prefer peace, strive for harmony with people and with themselves, they have the ability for quite deep thoughts and aesthetic experiences. They are artistic workaholics and, therefore, reach incredible heights on the rungs of the social ladder. These people don't know how and don't like for a long time sit in one place: travel is their element. If you want to agree on something with people who love the color blue, just show patience and it will certainly be rewarded.

Favorite color is blue. This color is extremely comfortable, it comforts and calms. A lot depends on the state of the blue color: a sense of harmony, depth of feelings, degree of vulnerability. Blue color is an expression of reliability, integrity, trust and loyalty. Many people have come to the conclusion that blue is their Favorite color and it comes from the soul.

One of amazing properties blue color - his “ability” to expand space. Where there is blue color, or some shades of it, there is a feeling that the passage of time is significantly slowing down. Blue is the color of sensitivity. When you look at him, it seems that he is asking you to look inside yourself.

What does the color blue mean? Some people believe that blue is a symbol of peace. The lady who chooses him knows how to tell the truth, looking into his eyes, and, at the same time, not offend with a word. This happens because she is very confident in herself. Men who choose blue are reserved and cold.

Blue color in medicine. It has a blue color and medicinal properties: relieves headaches, refreshes. Blue color is simply a “salvation” for those who are trying to lose weight: it helps reduce appetite. Helps those who have high blood pressure: If you believe in the effectiveness of color therapy, then it can also reduce blood pressure. Also, blue color is useful for those who suffer from insomnia. It helps with diarrhea, vomiting and heartburn. For women: neutralizes PMS and reduces the amount of bleeding during menstruation.

The negative thing about color is that it, sometimes, “unintentionally,” can bring a person to melancholy, make him sad. Negative aspects with which the blue color “infects”: inability long time maintaining contacts with others, a skeptical mood in planning goals, constant, unremitting dissatisfaction with what is and is happening in at the moment.

This color is indispensable for shyness, fear of communication and self-consciousness. A person who is interested in meditation should also remember about the color blue, as it helps to “go into oneself” and be alone with one’s innermost thoughts. Therefore, if you want to do (or are doing) meditation, light and place a blue lamp or candle nearby.

Psychology of blue color in a person’s profession. What professions do lovers and lovers of blue choose? Those who are in any way associated with risk (for example: military man, fireman, pilot).

People who choose this color are distinguished by win-win intuition, incredible determination and determination. And those who do not feel sympathy for this color, or reject it altogether, dream of serious changes that can relieve depression and stress.

American psychology blue. At Harvard, doctors conducted an experiment. People were divided into several groups. One of them was left overnight in a room that was illuminated blue, and the other in green. It turned out that the “residents” of the green room do not feel as comfortable and good as those who spent time in the next room (with blue lighting).

Blue color is “born” for timid people who feel fear. There is no need to allow the color blue to be too much, since its excess will certainly lead to scandals, quarrels and manipulation of people. By the way, legends say that a too “flashy” blue color puts a person in a state of horror, causing ghosts and spirits.

Those who persistently reject the color blue acutely feel a lack of teamwork and friendships. Such people are weak, ambitious, but striving for superiority. Quite often, the blue color is strongly rejected by people suffering from nicotine addiction and by those who are not truly understood by their loved ones.

Pink color in psychology. Pink color in clothes. Meaning.

What does pink mean? Pink- symbolizes romance, kindness, love and passion. He is fueled by an aura of innocence and purity.

Pink is a mixture of white and red. Tenderness, masculinity, lightness, inspiration, strength, stability and self-love “live” in this color.

This color is the most passive of all in psychology. It reduces external and internal aggressiveness and provokes friendliness. Its violet (red-violet) hue suggests that it is most often chosen by people who do not recognize slavery (their motto is freedom in everything).

Pink is a calming color. Why, with psychological point In terms of vision, pink is considered a calming and calming color? The thing is that contemplation of this color can bring even the most irritable person to their senses, since pink dulls aggression and nervousness. (Example: a football team. Its coaches paint the walls in the locker room pink to reduce the degree of aggressiveness of the players on the field). In this regard, the color pink is often used in prisons and correctional homes to educate disadvantaged children.

This color always attracts the attention of others. Therefore, it is not surprising that, usually, packaging of goods (especially children's and women's) is produced in pink. Pink is the “native” color of Barbie dolls and ribbons (for girls) from the maternity hospital.

Who should I recommend this color to? For example, people who get irritated very quickly and take a very long time to come to their senses after that. Pink color has a calming effect nervous system and make people more restrained and much calmer.

You, of course, know that “pink” in English sounds like “pink”. It is this word that denotes something perfect and sublime. That's what they used to call it before beautiful people and any member of the elite.

Psychologists have proven that the color pink in psychology helps to get rid of stress, has a miraculous effect on the (shaky) psyche, and takes part in emotional balancing.

The color pink is limitless, but it has a drawback: it is quite rare in everyday life. Yes, this color cannot be called universal. But in combination with white it looks more than wonderful: white makes it softer, more romantic and gentle.

Chromotherapy recommends pink for those who find it difficult to calm down. Those who love pink are always in a dream world, soft, and sincerely believe in miracles. Admirers of the color pink dream of sublime and endless love, strive to create home coziness and comfort. They are gentle and relaxed, and their “meeting” with reality is quite difficult, since they live with rose-colored glasses. “Pinks,” unfortunately, tend to let people down, even those they value very much. They almost always overestimate their capabilities; their promises are usually just an illusion (they promise much more than they can deliver). Fans of pink are extremely lucky: they are said to live to a ripe old age.

Favorite color is pink. If you love the color pink, you do not tolerate cruelty and violence (in any form). You are talented, refined, but you have no ambition. Pink is your Favorite color.

Those who love pink are fickle. It is also disappointing that a “pink” person is capable of becoming upset and upset for absolutely any reason. Pink lovers are sensitive individuals. This is their pink color psychology.

Pink is a contradictory color: it can, at the same time, relax, create a feeling of comfort and disperse (mentally). What is the secret of the charm of this color? He has the ability to be very different.

Pink is the color of life (and all living things in general). Bright pink is more vibrant because it contains more red. Moderately saturated looks quite funny and cheerful. In general, the color is pink, the same as a baby's skin. From here, in fact, associations about childhood and infancy are born.

And remember emo. They “appropriated” this color to their subculture and, we see, how vulnerable and infantile pink can be.

Pink color in clothes began to be considered fashionable in the 30s of the twentieth century. This fashion was “invented” by Elsa Schiaparelli (a famous and gifted fashion designer). She is the one who started using bright neon pink for her clothing collection. And by the way, she called this color “shocking pink.” Interesting name, isn't it?

We all know well that, thanks to established stereotypes, it is dangerous to trust a woman driver with the steering wheel. Of course, it’s unfair on the part of men, but the fact remains a fact. Men, by their behavior, try in every possible way to prove that a woman has no place behind the wheel. In Switzerland, for example, men park in spaces designated specifically for women. Noticing such discrimination, the authorities decided to scare away the men. What, what did they do? They gave orders to paint the “women’s” parking lot pink and plant a flower garden nearby. A main goal was to at least somehow scare off the men. So, remember that pink is not the best option for meeting the opposite sex.

What are the benefits of “rose-colored glasses”? It improves digestion, reduces heartbeat and pulse rate, normalizes sleep, and greatly improves appetite. This is all rose-colored psychology.

Despite everything, the color pink and its shades can improve your mood. Let us verify this based on the results of one experiment. The authorities of Aurangabad (Indian city), just a couple of years ago, decided to repaint all the houses and buildings in the city pink. By doing so, they wanted to significantly improve the mood of all city residents who were tired of enduring the crime “running around” in their surroundings. It is safe to say that the huge amount of money allocated specifically for the experiment was not wasted: expectations were met.

Pink is the last light shade of red. However, pink color it is possible to maintain the activity of red, therefore, there is no place in it for either anger or jealousy. Be careful when communicating with people who love this color: they are very touchy (but quickly forgive an insult).

Lilac color in psychology. In the interior. Meaning.

What does it mean lilac color? Meaning of lilac color.

To begin with, a psychological experiment.

Do you see this Circle? - Look at its center. Hold your gaze. Stop your gaze in the center of the circle. Look at the crosshairs. You will see that the Lilac Dots have disappeared. What remains is a green marker running around the circle. Look away. Everything fell into place. This is the Psychology of Visual Thinking.

Lilac color in psychology- the color of a bright future, nostalgia and creativity. (In general, any shade of purple creates a feeling of mystery and mystery). Typically selected in adolescence. This is due to the fact that the lilac color is a mixture of blue and red (this mixture of two principles - the principles of masculine and feminine). Lilac color (like violet) is the basis of color therapy. It also denotes immaturity or vanity.

Lilac is the color of new beginnings and growth. It is like a long-awaited spring after a cold and long winter. Lilac is also the color of vigilance, regarding untapped opportunities.

Psychologists say that the color lilac signifies a strong attachment to things, people and lifestyles. It is for this reason that people who love this color have a very difficult time with separation. For them this is a “little death”.

If you love this color, then you are sensitive, creative, sophisticated, sometimes... infantile personality. However, you are also distinguished by distrust, secrecy, patience and taciturnity. It is commendable that you can steadfastly endure all the troubles presented by fate. You are always ready to help everyone, without demanding anything in return. You are responsive and optimistic, but still prone to depression, which, by the way, you recover from without outside help. Your “plus” is that, under no circumstances, do you blame fate for anything.

You strive to be non-standard, completely different from other people. Your goal is to be perfect. You adhere to the point of view that absolutely all the dark sides of life, if desired, can be ignored. The first impression of a person and his appearance is extremely important parameters for you. You are savvy, although you are no different subtle mind. You strive to gain complete independence. You have a talent for creating a cozy atmosphere and harmony. You are very susceptible to colds.

Since lilac color is “ close relative"violet, then people who give it their preference are very talented and unique. They are drawn to what is limitless and free. Lilac is their favorite color.

Lilac is a vibrant color, but a joyless one: it often causes a feeling of anxiety. If you absolutely do not like a given color, you - business man. You hate it when a person “walks away” from a direct, important conversation, because you yourself prefer to be straightforward. Nostalgia is not for you: you prefer to live only in the present. You do not favor superficiality as in appearance, and in behavior. If you don't like something, you definitely talk about it.

Lilac color in human psychology is the color of style. Piercing, mystical and strong. However, it is quite easy to overdo it. This is all because, in nature and in everyday life, this color is extremely rare (you can remember plums and grapes, but they are purple, not exactly lilac). The color lilac has a significant impact on the spiritual human state: thanks to it, you can learn to “take” power (creative) from your consciousness and free yourself from deep-seated fears.

Lilac is a unique expression of identification, impressionability, passion and curiosity. (From the fact that it constantly fluctuates from blue to red, from “calm” sensitivity to impulsive desire).

Whitened lilac is the color of meditation. Here it means calm and balance, but at the same time, this color is distant, unearthly and alienated.

“Hiding” red and blue colors in its depths, it has a depressing effect on the human nervous system.

Lilac, like violet, is like a cooled red. In this regard, he “sounds” a little sad, extinguished and painful. He is loved by those who have a rather unstable character. Lilac affects blood vessels, the psyche and the heart.

Lilac color in the interior. Color combination. How can this color be used correctly in an apartment or in the rooms in which you are located? Below you will find some interesting information regarding this.

So, let's start with your personal account. The color of eggplant (the one that is closer to purple) is perfect here. The lilac color will suit your bathroom very well: it will remind you of bouquets of lavender and lilac. This color brings warmth, creates comfort and real coziness.

In a nursery (for girls), it is best to use lavender, since this is Barbie doll's favorite color. There is much more in the dining room and living room purple will do than lilac.

By the way, it’s useful to know that lilac goes very well with white (in large quantities), with yellow, orange and gold (but here, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the room can simply easily turn into a clownery).

There was a time when lilac (and violet) was a completely unpopular color in America and was worn only by elderly ladies.

Anyone who rejects the color purple is prone to eroticism, afraid of losing his own self. These people are rational and know how to control their sensitivity.

“Lilac” is unique and cannot be influenced. He is an attractive and charming psychic. She surprises with her ability to quickly make all dreams come true. He is patient, playful, and accepts people as they are. His “goal” is to charm those around him. He often has his head in the clouds and loves to build “castles in the air.” In people, first of all, a lover of lilac appreciates kindness, tenderness and sincerity. If a person prefers dark lilac, then this indicates the need to manage his life.

Dark lilac color unites thinking and body. He is the color of inspiration, which is characteristic creative people and healers.

The most best professions for “purple” people - artists, actors, politicians, critics.

We all know that orange obtained by mixing red and yellow flowers, we examined their psychological characteristics in previous articles. But few people know what effect does the color orange have on a person? It is worth noting that this color is symbolized with vivid impressions, joy, holiday. It conceals within itself strong energy generating excitement, thereby he is able to motivate a person to action, remove stiffness and complexes from him, develop a desire for active and rich life. Fatigue and tension go away when you use the color orange in meditation; it can also relieve depression and apathy.

The color orange not only has a certain effect on a person, but can also tell about his psychological characteristics. So if you are a person who prefers this color, then we can say that you are a passionate and dreamy person, whose fantasies are easily realized. This happens because you have good intuition and can sense events that will happen to you in the future. Your remarkable quality is determination, this is what helps you move towards your goal and achieve excellent results. However, risk and excitement are in your blood. Your passion for various competitions can fill your mind so much that you won’t notice how, in a fit of passion for adrenaline, you can offend people close to you. Such a strong risk appetite is good for achieving a goal, but it is important to find an internal balance and control own behavior V similar situations. IN personal life deep recognition and respect awaits you, as you are noble, agile and impressionable, capable of getting carried away love relationships.

In addition to the impact on the human psyche, orange color also has a certain effect on the body. Most powerful positive influence This color is felt by the digestive organs, kidneys and bladder. Orange treat diseases of the spleen, small intestine, pancreas. If you want to get rid of harmful substances from the body, then the use of orange in meditation will come in handy. However, it should be remembered that this color is contraindicated in case of an unstable nervous system.

It should be noted that the color orange recharges the body with psychic energy, and in a room of this color the temperature seems several degrees warmer than in blue-green rooms. If you want to improve your appetite, then use orange to decorate your kitchen.

The influence of color on a person known since ancient times. History shows that color therapy was actively used during the reign beautiful queen Nefertiti. In Eastern countries, the method was often used to combat somatic diseases and mental disorders, and today even official medicine confirms the healing power of some flowers and their positive impact on the psyche. Important role in everyday life has the right thing.

Experts in the field of color therapy are confident that with its help people can regulate hormonal levels, fight and overcome diseases, including cancer. They were able to prove that different shades cause certain biochemical reactions in tissues, and this property makes it possible to use them for the benefit of health. Consider the impact various colors per person.
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Color and man

Blue and cyan

It is believed that blue color helps to relax the body, cleanse the mind of unnecessary emotions, helps with insomnia and reduces blood pressure. It is recommended for women during menopause and menstrual irregularities.

A room dominated by rich blue tones minimizes conflicts between people. And if you find it difficult to concentrate, then you simply can’t think of a better option.

However, overuse of dark, moody tones can lead to anxiety and bouts of depression.

Blue has a similar relaxing effect - it relieves tension, improves immunity, eases the condition of sunburn. It has a hypnotic effect, reduces appetite, prevents the development of glaucoma, cataracts and senile dementia.


This is the color of successful, self-confident people who want and know how to please others. Carries a positive charge, gives strength, energy and good luck. It lifts your mood, creates a feeling of freshness, helps cleanse yourself of toxins and stimulates the activity of the central nervous system.

Excess white can cause irritation and unpleasant associations with the hospital.

Yellow tones improve vision and stimulate appetite, but can sometimes cause excessive tearfulness in young children, since they negatively affect the ability to restrain their emotions.


Peace, harmony, great mood and emotions similar to those we get while being in nature. These are the pleasant associations many people have in connection with this color. It has a weak antimicrobial effect, stabilizes the heart rate, normalizes blood pressure, treats headaches and visual impairment.

Long contemplation of warm shades of green relaxes and has a beneficial effect on the psyche.

Green symbolizes wealth and prosperity and promises financial well-being. However, this is not the most best option for decorating a bedroom, as it activates mental activity and puts you in a working mood.

Red and orange

Radiating warmth and causing excitement, red improves metabolism, libido, and hemoglobin levels in the blood. Used to treat chickenpox, measles and scarlet fever, as well as purulent skin diseases. Not recommended for easily excitable people who get irritated by little things. Red gives you confidence and allows you to find the right decision in difficult situations.

All shades orange tones, in turn, have a similar effect - these are sources of vitality that provide therapeutic effect on the genitourinary, endocrine and digestive systems.

Orange frees you from internal conflicts, helps to get rid of complexes and emancipation.

This is a safe universal color that has virtually no contraindications.


Considered heavy and depressing, it can contribute to fear and feelings of loneliness. At the same time it takes strength and gives it away. Black is associated with sadness and mourning.

However, not everything is so bad, because it sets a person up to reduce the likelihood of making mistakes, deep thinking and comprehension of areas inaccessible to others, which is why business people prefer it.

Black suppresses appetite and masks figure flaws, which is why overweight women prefer it.


The color of the earth, symbolizing stability and reliability. If you show up to an interview with an employer wearing a brown suit, it will be easier for you to connect with him.

Brown, used in the interior, gives a feeling of comfort, protection, creates friendly atmosphere in the house.

Some overly gloomy tones can cause boredom and even depression.


It has a calming effect, so it is successfully used in the treatment of nervous diseases. Helps cope with fears and attacks of melancholy.

Purple color sharpens intuition and has a beneficial effect on spiritual development person and his creative abilities.


Associated with romance, femininity, sensuality and tenderness. It pleases the eyes, relieves headaches, relieves depression, and has a positive effect on the level of calcium in the blood. Gives a feeling of peace and serenity, reduces aggressiveness in unbalanced conflict people.

Perhaps it can be called the ideal shade for a marital bedroom.

Like this, manipulating the possibilities color range, you can regulate your emotional state, correct your health and attract into your life the energy you need at this stage.

Human health is influenced not only by color, but also.


Recipes traditional medicine most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an addition to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

Don't self-medicate!

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