Changes in the exam guidelines. Open task bank

Changes were made to the Unified State Examination in 2015 that apply to all subjects. They relate to the structure of CMMs:

  • works on each of the disciplines are divided into two parts (the first contains basic questions, the second - complicated ones);
  • tasks have continuous digital numbering without letters;
  • short answers have changed their form, they need to be written down as a number correct option, and not like a cross.

Changes in– significant.

The Unified State Examination in mathematics in 2015 will be held in two versions – specialized and basic. The first is intended for students who enter technical universities and must have good preparation on this subject. The second can be chosen by graduates who do not need mathematics for future study and work. The score for the basic exam cannot be taken into account when entering a university.

The profile CMM was created on the basis of last year’s. The following changes have been made to it:

  • the second part includes the task high complexity which tests the ability to use acquired knowledge in practice and work with models;
  • One task was excluded from the first part;
  • Questions No. 16 and 17 of the second part changed their form and thematic content.

Basic CMM does not contain tasks increased complexity. It takes the form of a test, all questions of which must be answered briefly.

Changes in– significant.

In order to differentiate between certifications based on the results of grades 9 and 11, the content of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language was completely revised in 2015. The number of tasks in the test has decreased from 39 to 25 and they are presented in a different format. The maximum score decreased from 64 to 55. One vocabulary task was also added to the test.

Changes in– significant.

Number Unified State Exam questions in biology in 2015 decreased from 50 to 40. At the same time, 9 tasks with short answers were excluded from testing (instead of 36 there were 25) and one extended task was added.

Changes in– significant.

VEGE in foreign languages ​​will be included in 2015 oral part, which tests students' speaking ability. Listening questions A1-A7 have been transformed into task 2 to determine correspondences from the listened text.

Changes in– significant.

The following adjustments were made to the VEGE in social studies in 2015:

  • from all thematic blocks one question with a choice of answers from several options has been excluded;
  • Questions No. 4,9,12,16 and 20 are presented as a multiple choice task;
  • added new question No. 21 on knowledge of the basics of the Constitution;
  • the number of tasks decreased from 37 to 36, maximum score– from 62 to 60;
  • The exam time has increased by 25 minutes.

Changes in– significant.

The number of questions in the Unified State Exam in physics in 2015 decreased from 35 to 32. Two calculation problems and one basic question were excluded from the test. As a result, the level of complexity of the work has decreased significantly.

Changes in– not significant.

The innovations of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry in 2015 are as follows:

  • quantity reduced general issues(from 28 to 26);
  • the maximum score decreased from 65 to 64;
  • The task of determining the molecular formula will be assessed according to different criteria; the maximum score for solving it has increased from 3 to 4.

Changes in– not significant.

The USE questions on geography in 2015, which are included in the first part, will be arranged in a different order.

Changes in– not significant.

The structure of the Unified State Exam in computer science in 2015 was optimized:

  • the number of questions was reduced from 32 to 27 by combining them by topic;
  • the maximum score decreased from 40 to 35.

Changes in– not significant.

The USE in history in 2015 will have a different periodization. A question on the topic of the Great Patriotic War (No. 15) has been added to the test, and two basic tasks have been excluded.

Changes in– not significant.

The Unified State Exam in Literature in 2015 will be conducted using CIMs new structure. No other changes were made.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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At the beginning of the new school year Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science (Rosobrnadzor) presented changes in the procedure and content of the Unified state exam who are expecting graduates in 2015. On September 8-11, a number of materials on this topic were published both on the Rosobrnadzor website and in the media (“Kommersant-Ogonyok”, “ Russian newspaper"). The changes will affect the Unified State Exam in mathematics, literature, Russian and foreign language, exam observation parameters, and the ability to retake it. Most changes are the result of analysis and discussion of practice conducting the Unified State Exam among school and university teachers.

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First innovation. The results of the Unified State Exam will be valid not for one and a half years, as before, but for four. That is, with a certificate of the 2015 model and all subsequent ones, it will be possible to enter universities four times.

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Second innovation. Categories of beneficiaries have been introduced who have the right to pass once preparatory courses at public expense. Representatives of these categories have the right to preferential admission to universities to complete a bachelor's or specialist's program if they successfully pass the exams. This means that the beneficiary has more chances to enroll than an ordinary student who has earned an identical number of points in the Unified State Examination certificate.

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Third innovation. Benefits remain valid for: ***participants of All-Russian Olympiads who took prizes; ***composition of students of Russian national teams taking part in Olympiads in general education disciplines international scale. ___________________________________________ The above beneficiaries are enrolled in universities without competitions and without entrance exams. On preferential terms, an applicant is allowed to submit documents and enroll in only one specialty at one university.

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Fourth innovation. Within the limits of the places allocated by the state, the right to study at the expense of the state is given to disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled people since childhood, people who have become disabled as a result of a military injury or during training military service who are allowed to study after the objective conclusions of a medical and social examination.

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Fifth innovation. In 2015, when entering universities, not only will Unified State Exam results, but also GPA certificate and other achievements of students, confirmed by documents, the so-called portfolio. In general, this innovation is assessed positively, as it allows a more objective assessment of the applicant’s activity, his creativity, ability for daily painstaking educational work.

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Sixth innovation. It is officially stated that mandatory Unified State Exam subjects in 2015 (mathematics and Russian language) will become two-level. To be able to enter a technical university, graduates will take mathematics at a specialized level, and the Russian language at a basic level. Humanitarian universities, on the contrary, will require the applicant to have a certificate of a specialized exam in Russian and a basic exam in mathematics. In 2015, the two-level exam will become the norm everywhere.

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Seventh innovation. The changes will also affect the delivery and storage of materials. In 2015, KIMs will be stored in special warehouses under guard until the start of exams. Local authorities education authorities will not have access to exam materials before the exam day. ***It is expected that such measures will prevent information leakage.

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Eighth innovation. Another innovation of the Unified State Exam 2015 is that they plan to develop different versions of CMMs for regions, taking into account time differences.

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Changes to the Unified State Examination in Mathematics in 2015 The Unified State Examination in Mathematics in 2015 is proposed to be carried out at two levels: basic and specialized. If an applicant intends to enter a university that requires an exam in mathematics, it is necessary to take the specialized Unified State Exam, the difficulty of which is the same as in 2014. Humanities majors can choose a basic level and test their knowledge of “mathematics for life.” Basic and specialized exams will be held in different days. If desired, a graduate can take both. The decision to “split” the exam is within the competence of the regions.

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Changes in the USE in a foreign language in 2015 The USE in a foreign language will also undergo a “bifurcation”: in addition to the written part, there will be an oral part – “Speaking”. 80 points is the maximum you can get for written part. For successful completion The oral part is worth 20 points. For now, they will take it voluntarily, but if you need high scores to get into your chosen university, you will have to do it. Moreover, a separate day is allocated for each part of the exam. The procedure for passing the Unified State Exam in a foreign language with the inclusion of an oral part has been worked out for more than one year in different regions. The student is left alone with a computer equipped with a special software, headphones and microphone. He receives tasks and completes them on record, which will then be assessed by independent experts. On September 10, a presentation of this technology for conducting the Unified State Exam took place at the Situation Information Center of Rosobrnadzor. It is planned that the Unified State Exam in a foreign language will become the third compulsory exam in 2020.

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Essay for admission to the Unified State Exam in the Russian language 2015. The essay is returned to the final exam. Now it will be a pass to the Unified State Exam, preceding it: the essay will have to be written in December. It will be assessed on a pass/fail system. The criteria for checking essays, of which there will be no more than 10, will be announced before October 1. If unsuccessful, the essay can be rewritten, twice - in February and at the end of April - beginning of May. Students with disabilities health can write not an essay, but a presentation. The opportunity to write an essay is also provided to graduates of previous years planning to enter universities. To do this, they need to attach themselves to the nearest school. Thematic directions of the essays: “It’s not for nothing that all Russia remembers...” (for the 200th anniversary of M.Yu. Lermontov); “Questions asked of humanity by war”; “Man and nature in domestic and world literature”, “Dispute of generations: together and apart”; “How do people live?”

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Every autumn, as soon as we celebrate September 1st, we wait with caution to see what changes will happen in the Unified State Examination this year? Let's figure it out.

Final essay

On behalf of Vladimir Putin, compulsory essays will return to schools. The final essay will be carried out in 11th grade as intermediate certification. Graduates will write it in their schools on December 3, 2014, and retake it on February 4 and May 6.

Without a pass on this work, a graduate is not allowed to take the Unified State Examination. For students with disabilities and disabled children, the essay will be replaced by a presentation.

The final essay can bring up to 10 additional points upon admission (if a specific university takes it into account).

Five main areas of topics for the final essay have been announced:

1. “It’s not for nothing that all of Russia remembers...” (200th anniversary of M.Yu. Lermontov).

2. Questions posed to humanity by the war.

3. Man and nature in domestic and world literature.

4. Dispute between generations: together and apart.

5. How do people live?

Based on these directions, specific essay topics will be developed, different for each time zone.


Despite the introduction of the final essay, the essay from part C remained in the same form.

But in general, KIM in the Russian language has undergone significant changes. Firstly, part A was excluded, which consisted of 30 test tasks. Now the work consists of 2 parts.

The first one includes 24 tasks with a short answer (the answer can be a number, a word, a phrase, a sequence of numbers or words)

The second is one task No. 25, which is an essay based on the proposed text (in the old way - C1).

Demo version of the Unified State Exam 2015 in Russian (with answers)

If we compare the 2014 CMMs with the 2015 demo version, we get the following comparison of tasks:

Task number for 2015 No. 2014 topic
1 A27 Information processing of written texts various styles and genres
2 A8
3 A12 Lexical meaning of the word
4 A1 Setting the accent
5 A5 Lexical norms
6 A3 Morphological norms (use of word forms)
7 A5 Syntactic norms
8 A14 Spelling of roots
9 A15 Spelling of prefixes
10 A17 Spelling suffixes various parts speech (except N/NN)
11 A16 Spelling personal endings of verbs and participle suffixes
12 A18 Spelling NOT and NOR
13 A19 Merged, hyphenated and separate writing words
14 A13 Spelling Н/НН in suffixes of various parts of speech
15 A23 Punctuation marks in a simple complex sentence
16 A21 Punctuation marks in sentences with isolated members
17 A22 Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence
18 A25 Punctuation marks in a complex sentence
19 A26 Punctuation in complex sentence With different types communications
20 A28 Text as a speech work. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text
21 A29 Functional and semantic types of speech
22 A30 Lexical meaning of the word. Groups of words by use and origin
23 B7 Means of connecting sentences in the text
24 B8 Language means of expression
25 C1 Composition

As you can see, the number of tasks in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language has greatly decreased (39→25), and the maximum has also decreased accordingly. primary score 64→55.


Starting from the 2014-2015 academic year, it is planned to introduce two separate exams in mathematics - basic and profile. However, the regions still have the choice to take mathematics in the old way (following the 2014 model).

1. Basic

The Basic Mathematics Exam is intended for graduates studying Mathematics for general development, as well as for applicants planning to enroll in specialties that do not require a high level of mathematics proficiency. Results basic exam are not converted into points and are not taken into account when entering a university.

The KIM of the basic mathematics exam is composed only of tasks basic level Difficulty with a short answer. The CMM will contain 20 tasks that check:

- ability to decide standard tasks practical content

- ability to carry out simple calculations, assessments and estimates

- ability to reason logically

- ability to act in accordance with simple algorithms

- the ability to use educational and background information

- ability to decide, incl. complex tasks requiring logical reasoning

Duration of the exam is 180 minutes.

2. Profile

The profile exam is designed for graduates and applicants planning to use mathematics for professional activities. The results of the specialized exam in mathematics are translated into a 100-point scale. The model of the profile exam was developed on the basis of the Unified State Exam in Mathematics - 2014 with some changes:

— in the 2nd part a task of a high level of difficulty with a detailed answer was added

— the basic level task is excluded from part 1

— minor changes affected tasks 16 and 17 (C2 and C3 - until 2014).

Exam duration: 235 minutes.


There will be significant changes in the Unified State Examination in Social Studies:

— in each of the 5 module blocks one task will be reduced

— tasks to address social realities (4, 9, 12, 16, 20) are given in the form of a task on multiple choice(as in B4 and B7 - until 2014)

— tasks B4 and B7 have been removed

— task 21 has been added, testing knowledge of the fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, human and civil rights and freedoms

total quantity tasks decreased 37→36

— the maximum primary score has changed from 62→60

— in the answer to tasks 1, 2, 5-7, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23 you now need to write a number

— the evaluation criteria for tasks 32(C5), 35(C8) and 36(C9) have been improved

— the work execution time has been increased from 210→235 minutes.


The Unified State Examination in foreign languages ​​will include an oral part, but it will be voluntary. You can earn 80 points without it (by completing all other tasks correctly), but applicants for high score will be forced to “speak.” You can get a maximum of 20 points for the oral part.

In addition, listening tasks (A1-A7) with a choice of answers will be transformed into task No. 2 to establish correspondence with the same objects of control.

Computer Science and ICT

In KIM in computer science, the total number of tasks has decreased from 32→27 and primary points 40→35.

The number of tasks was reduced by enlarging the topics of the tasks and bringing tasks that were similar in topic and complexity into one position. These “increased” positions were:

- storing information on a computer

— formal execution of algorithms

— technology of calculations and data visualization using spreadsheets

— transfer speed of sound and graphic files

Part 2 (tasks with a detailed answer) has not changed, but due to the reduction total number tasks, the number of points for these tasks increased.


Firstly, the number of tasks 50→40 has significantly decreased.

Secondly, the number of tasks with a choice of answers 36→25 has been reduced.

Thirdly, the number of tasks with extended answers 6→7 has been increased.


From now on, work on physics consists of 2 parts. The first part consists of 24 tasks: 9 tasks with a choice of answer and 15 tasks with the answer written in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers. The second part of the work consists of 3 tasks with the answer written in number (25-27) and 5 tasks with detailed description solutions.

The total number of tasks in the work was reduced from 35 to 32. At the same time, the number of calculation tasks included in the last part of the work was reduced by 2 tasks, and by 1 task. The number of basic level tasks in electrodynamics has been reduced.


From 2015, schoolchildren will have the opportunity to take the Unified State Exam in Geography upon completion of 10th grade.

The structure of the CMM has undergone changes (the sequence of tasks in part 1 of the work has been changed).


There will be no new history textbook, as the minister said, this year, but in connection with the implementation of the concept of a new educational and methodological complex for national history some changes were required in the Unified State Exam KIM in history.

Added a task to test knowledge of the facts of heroism Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War(task 15).

Also, in order to test knowledge of the history of Russia of the 20th century, a task has been added on the ability to conduct a search historical information in sources different types by periods 1914-1944, 1945-1991 (task 19).

Excluded are tasks A2 and A7, which concerned knowledge of basic facts and phenomena by period: 8th - 17th centuries, 18th - mid-19th centuries.


According to the literature, only one thing happened at KIM 2015 structural change: the work now consists of 2 parts, rather than 3 (B1-B12 and C1-C4 are in 1 part, but are designated only by numbers 1-16).


1. Reduced the number of basic level tasks 28→26

2. The answer to tasks 1-26 is now written in numbers

3. Maximum primary score reduced 65→64

4. The scoring system for the task of finding the molecular formula of a substance has been changed (3→4 points).

In 2014-2015 academic year The following changes will be made:

1. Only students who have successfully written a final essay will receive admission to the Unified State Exam (the test essay is to be completed in December, graded on a pass/fail system, 2 attempts at writing an essay are possible: in December with the possibility of retaking it in February.)

2. Upon admission to a university, students will be able to receive additional points for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language by submitting their final essay to the university. Universities will evaluate essays independently. Also, applicants will be able to receive additional points when entering a university, having a gold or silver medal, medals of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, World Championships, taking prizes at All-Russian Olympiads schoolchildren. Universities determine the list of personal achievements and the possibility of receiving additional points for them independently.

3. The Unified State Examination in a foreign language will have an oral “speaking” part.

And after 2015, changes such as:

1. The question of canceling block “A” (it is possible to post assignments from block “A” in the public domain);

2. The introduction of specialized and basic Unified State Exam level: - basic – solution to block “B” (maximum up to 70 points); -profile solution blocks “A” and “C” (maximum up to 100 points).

In the future, it is planned to give the student the opportunity to choose not only the exam block, but also the course itself: for example, basic in one subject and more advanced in another. Those. Schoolchildren will have the right to choose subjects that interest them and gain deeper knowledge in them.

3. It is planned to create throughout the Russian Federation Independent centers passing the Unified State Examination, which will be able to take state exams several times a year. In a number of regions, such centers are already operating in pilot mode. It is possible that three attempts to pass the exam will be free, and subsequent attempts will be paid (to cover the costs of organizing the Unified State Exam).

Changes that affected educational subjects:

In the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, Part “C” will be expanded, a two-level system of passing the exam will appear: for admission to humanitarian universities, graduates will take the exam at the profile level, and for admission to technical universities - at the basic level and an oral part will be introduced.

The Unified State Examination in mathematics will also have a two-level exam system: for admission to technical universities, graduates will take the exam at the profile level, and for admission to humanitarian universities - at the basic level.

In the Unified State Exam in social studies, the option of having an oral part is considered.

The Unified State Examination in Physics is considering a proposal to introduce physics as a compulsory course. passing the Unified State Exam subject.

In the Unified State Examination in geography, biology, literature and history, an oral part may appear. Also, the Unified State Examination in Literature considers the issue of conducting an exam in the form of an essay.

Option being considered introduction of the Unified State Exam in computer science and ICT in computer form.

Since 2009, all school, gymnasium and lyceum graduates have taken the Unified State Exam (USE) centrally. This form of examination also serves as final exam for schoolchildren and entrance exam to various universities. When it is carried out throughout the Russian Federation, the same type of tasks and uniform assessment methods are used. Upon completion of the Unified State Examination, graduates receive a certificate indicating the number of points for various subjects. The received Unified State Examination certificate is a graduate’s pass for admission to various universities RF. The more points you get on the Unified State Exam, the higher the likelihood of admission to prestigious universities on a budgetary basis. In 2015, changes were introduced to the procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination that will help eliminate some of the shortcomings identified during the examination Unified State Examinations of the past years. The changes will affect almost all items. WITH full list You can familiarize yourself with the changes being introduced.

Main changes in the 2015 Unified State Exam regulations

  1. Since 2015, changes have been made to the Unified State Examination regarding its regulations, according to which exams will be held in April, then in May and June. Unified State Exam schedule you can find .
  2. In 2015, graduates from previous years are allowed to take the exam in the same stream as current year graduates.
  3. Another innovation in the 2015 Unified State Examination procedure is the opportunity to take the exam in specific subject immediately upon completion of its study.

Note!The compulsory subjects of the Unified State Exam 2015, as before, are mathematics and the Russian language.

Changes in the Unified State Exam 2015. Required subjects


The structure of the Unified State Exam in mathematics in 2015 underwent significant changes: exam assignments have two levels: basic and profile.
Completing the basic level allows you to obtain a certificate, but is not the basis for admission to a university. The basic level is assessed by five-point scale. The basic level CMM contains 20 tasks that require a short answer.
The basis for admission to a university is the Unified State Examination in mathematics at the profile level. The Unified State Examination in mathematics at the profile level is assessed on a 100-point scale. The 2015 profile-level model has undergone virtually no changes. Time allotted for completing tasks profile Unified State Examination in mathematics, increased to 235 minutes.

Structure of the CMM option in mathematics:

  • The first part of the option - 9 basic level tasks
  • The second part of the option – 8 tasks of increased difficulty
  • The third part of the option – 4 tasks of a difficult level

You can see how to effectively prepare for the Unified State Exam in mathematics.

Russian language

Since 2015, a number of significant changes have been made to the Unified State Exam in Russian, namely:

  • There is no test part of the tasks
  • The total number of questions has been reduced to 25
  • Reduced maximum assessment score to 55
  • Admission to the Unified State Exam in Russian is the final essay that schoolchildren write during the school year
  • The Unified State Exam tasks are divided into two parts: the first part requires a short answer, and the second part requires you to write an essay based on the proposed text.

The duration of the state exam in Russian is 210 minutes.

Note! Changes in the 2015 Unified State Exam also affected the subjects that graduates can choose. More full information, which reveals in detail all the nuances of the changes, can be found atofficial website of RosobrnadzorV section of the Unified State Exam 2015, and they will help you prepare effectively for the Unified State Exam useful tips that you will find.

Changes in the structure of KIM for the Unified State Exam 2015

General changes to the CMM structure are as follows:

  • New forms and new format Unified State Exam assignments
  • Changed the structure of options
  • Continuous numbering of tasks has been introduced
  • Many subjects have reduced the number of suggested answers.
  • In some subjects, the quality of CIM has been changed, namely: certain topics have been excluded and the form of assignments has been changed
  • According to the updated criteria, tasks requiring a detailed answer will be assessed

Important! It is planned to equip almost all Unified State Examination points in 2015 with online video surveillance, and there are also plans to significantly increase the number of federal inspectors of Rosobrnadzor, who will monitor and identify Internet sites hosting unreliable CIMs.

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