How to understand that a person is using coke. What is cocaine

Cocaine is a powerful stimulant drug that gives a person a temporary feeling of euphoria and mental clarity. Cocaine is highly addictive and its use can lead to serious problems health problems, including overdose and death. It is not easy to determine whether a person is using cocaine or not, since these symptoms are very similar to those of other diseases. This article lists some signs to look out for if you're worried that a relative, friend, or coworker is using cocaine.


Part 1

Visual physical signs

    Look for white powder on the person's nose. Cocaine is a white powder that is usually taken intranasally (snorted through the nose). Look at the person's face and nose. Even if a person has wiped away traces of cocaine, you may still find traces of the powder on the person's clothing or on things they have used.

    • Check for items under the bed or under a chair that may have been used as a surface for snorting cocaine.
    • A person can justify himself by saying that it is powdered sugar, flour or other harmless substance. If this is not the first time you have noticed this, especially in places where the use of flour or powder is impossible (for example, on a magazine under the bed), then most likely it is cocaine.
  1. Regular use of cocaine by snorting through the sinuses can lead to chronic inflammation and nasal congestion. Often people who use cocaine have persistent cold symptoms, but they are actually healthy.

    Pay attention to the person's eyes. Because it is a powerful stimulant, people who use cocaine often have red, bloodshot eyes. Pay attention to this sign. Cocaine causes insomnia, which is why a cocaine user's eyes are especially red in the morning.

    Dilated pupils may indicate that a person is using cocaine. If you suspect that a person is using cocaine, pay attention to his pupils - they can be quite dilated even in a room with good lighting. A person may experience pain in bright light. Also, pay attention to the glasses - perhaps he wears them to reduce discomfort.

    Pay attention to the marks of injections on the human body. Some drug addicts sometimes dilute cocaine and inject it intravenously. Pay attention to the person’s hands, forearms, and legs, and check if there are any traces of injections. People who inject cocaine have marks on their arms called “tracks.” Therefore, pay special attention to this.

    Pay attention to the person's belongings that he may use for drug use. Cocaine is consumed in powder form. Crack is a cheaper version of cocaine that is smoked. Cocaine is also administered intravenously. Typically, a person uses various items for this.

    Pay attention to the consequences. A person who has taken a large dose the night before feels lethargic and depressed in the morning. You may have noticed that the person woke up irritated. There is a possibility that this is because he took a large dose in the evening. If you notice sudden changes in human behavior, this is a reason to think.

    • Very often a person tries to retire. If you notice that a person closes the door to his room and does not leave it for a long time, this may be a sign of drug use.
    • Some people use sedatives and alcohol to combat the effects of cocaine. In addition, drug addicts fight insomnia in this way.
  2. Observe long-term changes in the person's behavior or character. Over time, a person becomes more and more dependent on cocaine. His main task becomes the search for the next fix, which can cause serious harm to other daily responsibilities. Please note following signs which will show that a person has been using drugs for a long time:

  3. People who use drugs often experience financial problems. Cocaine is a very expensive drug. Sometimes, due to long-term cocaine use, people lose their jobs, which affects their financial status.

    • Perhaps a person asks to borrow money without saying where he is going to spend it.
    • Dependent people often take sick leave, are late, and rarely deliver work on time.
    • These people may begin to steal or sell their belongings to continue to finance their drug addiction.

Part 3

What to do
  1. Talk to the person about this problem. This is much better than just remaining silent. Tell the person that you have noticed that they are using cocaine and that you are concerned about their health and well-being. Say that you want to help the person overcome their habit or addiction.

    • Don't wait until the man will come in into such a strong addiction that he cannot get out of it. Cocaine is too dangerous a drug. Don't let the situation get out of control.
    • Bring specific examples, proving that a person uses cocaine. Be prepared for the person to deny their addiction.
    • Identifying the symptoms of drug addiction is the first step towards recovery. Naturally, this can be extremely painful, especially if this person is your relative. Never stop supporting him or lose hope; There are many ways to treat drug addiction.


    • Cocaine overdose can lead to heart attack, cerebral hemorrhage due to high blood pressure, increased body temperature to a dangerous level, kidney failure, delirium, convulsions and death. Many of these things can happen even after one dose. A heart attack or respiratory failure due to cocaine can occur both in the body of a person who has never used cocaine before and in the body dependent person with high tolerance.

Our experts

Igor Vladlenovich,

Head of the Psychotherapy Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Stanislav Olegovich,

head of department clinical trials drug addiction, Ph.D., psychiatrist-narcologist of the highest category

We absorb the laws of handling alcohol almost from childhood; we have witnessed the bestial state of binge drinking with our own eyes more than once. The same cannot be said about cocaine. About the consequences of its use most users are informed thanks to the turn-of-the-century novel “A Romance with Cocaine” by the writer Ageev, and in methods of emergency assistance in case of an overdose, we are guided by the film “”. Cocaine does not cause ataxia (impaired coordination) and dysarthria (confusion of speech) like vodka; under him they don’t shout songs in a bad voice, they don’t vomit under the table. The temptation is great, and the punishment, in its vagueness, seems not much more real than the Last Judgment.

In the press and Runet it is difficult to find a balanced and honest assessment cocaine like doping like social phenomenon- only unconvincing horror stories: “Don’t smell it, it’ll kill you!” At the same time, the users themselves only chuckle, removing the next line from the glass shelves specially installed in the toilets of most nightclubs. Someday you'll have to pay for everything - we kind of know. But today everyone seems to be alive. Yesterday they sniffed it, and they were all alive too. Well, unless blood rushes out of the nose from a perforation of the nasal septum, it’s even funny, especially from the outside. Well, maybe irreversible changes in neurometabolism and the brain - so go figure out what that means. Well, maybe a slight depression catches up with you in the morning, so it can be easily removed in a known way. And the fact that in this depressive situation some people go out of the window, open their veins or get behind the wheel... Probably, the person had problems, and cocaine had nothing to do with it.

If you are somehow familiar with the subject of our conversation, check out the opinions of experts and the interesting statistics that we have collected. Without sentimentality, without moralizing pathos, without snot. And then, as usual, decide for yourself. This .

If you don’t snort coke, don’t use stuff, etc. - perhaps you are unfashionable. Although there is another explanation. Maybe you're just a reasonable person.

According to the Federal Drug Control Service, something that only vaguely resembles it is sold under the guise of cocaine.

80% additives

According to law enforcement agencies, retail drug dealers sell a cocaine mixture, for the production of which two types of additives are used: inert and anesthetic. The first include relatively harmless talc, sucrose, lactose and similar substances that do not react with cocaine and do not affect its effect on the body.

Drug dealers usually use novocaine, lidocaine and analgin as anesthetic additives. They relieve the unpleasant pain that occurs when snorting cocaine through the nose. Theoretically, a person may be allergic to such substances, as well as to some other medications - this is a matter of individual intolerance.

20% pure cocaine

This is the average percentage of pure cocaine in most confiscations seized from drug dealers. The maximum concentration never exceeded 30%. The smaller the dose purchased, the more random the dealer, the lower the percentage. In early February, several grams of cocaine were confiscated from a small Moscow drug dealer. During the study, it turned out that there was only 3% cocaine in the mixture.

...and punishment

Besides harm to yours internal organs a fashionable hobby can also lead to problems with law enforcement agencies.

The Federal Drug Control Service is involved in the fight against drugs ( Federal service drug control). And if a person was accepted with a bag of powder or stoned, he is their client. Being under the influence of drugs entails administrative liability. Storage even small dose, in the region of a gram, guarantees criminal punishment. Further options, depending on the size of the dose and the scope of the party, are classified in the range from illegal possession to stash keeping and are punishable by different terms - up to 15 years with confiscation.

Corruption in the Federal Drug Control Service, to put it mildly, does occur. This is not denied even by the service itself. The Department of Internal Security regularly identifies employees who detain citizens (both with and without drugs) and extort money from them.

Not for a sniff

Dr. Mokhnachev undertook to dispel myths about the harmlessness of cocaine.

So, Doc, what exactly are the harms of cocaine?

The main problem is cardiovascular complications, which lead to fatal overdose. The second option is acute psychosis. Cocaine causes powerful vascular spasm. And which organ will it shoot at... It could be a cerebral hemorrhage, or a spasm of the heart vessels, or the kidneys could fail. And it makes no difference how the drug enters the bloodstream - through the nose or a vein.

A few words about the fatal dose...

No way! Firstly, I do not know the purity of the cocaine that is sold here. Secondly, everything is very individual. Some people remove two grams per night, while others will die from just one track. And if you write about a certain fatal dose, it will be on your conscience.

How does the brain react to cocaine?

The brain is being rebuilt very well. Cocaine causes a very strong restructuring of neurometabolic processes. That is, all areas suffer: otherwise you think, feel, touch... There is evidence that even a one-time try of cocaine causes irreversible damage to the brain.

What happens to emotions?

Firstly, the formation is inevitable. And secondly, irreversible personality changes. Even when a person quits cocaine, he is left with some kind of personal scar. Cognitive, intellectual abilities suffer less than alcoholics. But the spectrum is depleted emotional reactions, sensory dullness, loss of nuance.

Well, the most important thing is cocaine and sex

At first I'm interested in sex, then I stop. Psychostimulants do not add anything from the outside. They use the body's own resources. It's like you're borrowing from yourself. It’s the same with sex: increased sensations initial stage turns around. There's another one important point. Cocaine addiction is usually combined with alcohol addiction. Drinking is the most popular way to get off cocaine. As a result, we have both alcoholism and cocaineism. You will understand the most important thing: if this could be done without consequences, everyone would do it, because a person always strives for pleasure. But, alas, there are consequences. And what other ones!

Columbia coaster

Mood swings from narcissism to self-flagellation are the crowning number of any cocaine addict. Three volunteers recalled their ups and downs for us.

Anton, 28 years old, sound engineer. Topic for 3 years:
« The most disgusting thing about cocaine chatter is this false sentimentality mixed with euphoria, when you can no longer stop in the most vulgar narcissism. In the morning you come to your senses and remember how you delightedly reported that the smell of your own ass strangely excites you. And that’s why you go there and then smell your fingers. I hope they don't remember it. First of all, we said everything at once. And secondly, they were already at the stage when people begin to repeat their texts in a circle. The fatter the roads and the lower the IQ, the shorter the endlessly repeated soundtrack. I've seen girls get fixated on three phrases - over and over again»

Cocaine causes intensification of brain activity and sharpens the perception of even banal things. A person seems smarter and feels more confident. But since he does not become smarter, and as the dose increases, rather, on the contrary, a leap of ideas arises, which seems to be a flight of thought. Cocaine conversations recorded on a tape recorder sound extremely chaotic.

Alexey, 35 years old, stock trader. On topic for 10 years, although there were breaks:
« I've already had a breakdown in the middle of the week several times. I bought five at once so as not to light up again. Until I sentenced everything, I couldn’t stop. Three days with almost no food, only whiskey and cigarettes. At work I had to lie that I had a cold: I almost ruined the deal»

Commentary by Professor Belokrylov

A small dose of cocaine creates artificial mania, a state of accelerated thought process. As the dose increases, increased mental productivity becomes chaos and a false sense of superpowers arises. Relapses are typical indicators of drug addiction.

Nikolai, 22 years old, student. Recently on topic:
« Everyone worked so hard that no one came to orgasm. I was lethargic and didn’t even try. When it dawned, I pretended to be asleep. Your heart is pounding, your jaw is loose, you lie there like an asshole with eyes closed, alone with their most disgusting fears... And when the staff ended, these vampires threw such a shrill hysteria that everyone completely broke down. I hate these sunrises...»

Commentary by Professor Belokrylov

At the initial stage, cocaine, like any stimulant, enhances all desires, including sexual ones. Again, with increasing doses, as well as with prolonged use of cocaine, there is reverse effect- and decreased libido. A man stops enjoying regular sex. Moreover, he loses the social skills of finding sexual partners outside the cocaine environment.

The answer is very simple: stop using. This will be more difficult to do. Cocaine is much more addictive than the grown men in the women's restroom of the nightclub told you.


Stop listening to your friends and your own skeletons in the closet. As Professor Belokrylov assured us, cocaine addiction is not life sentence: huge amount people successfully overcome it even on their own, without the intervention of doctors. Although they don’t like to remember this, much less tell people “in the know.” Perhaps they don't want to interact with you at all.


Make a list. This will help you make meaningful choices and understand why you want to change something. Literally write down on a piece of paper in two columns everything why you love cocaine and why you hate it (wasted money, vile waste, the possibility of losing your job and family, going crazy...)

Here, outline point by point what you lose if you log out of the system. What are you afraid of? Left without friends? Bored for life? Turn into a commoner? Can't cope with work?

And finally, tell yourself what you think will change for the better in your life. Maybe you'll start to respect yourself more? Or can you fall in love and start a family? Or will you buy the car you have long dreamed of?


Read, comprehend and burn what you have written. Make a reasoned decision - to continue or stop, for which you will be responsible as a man. If you decide to continue, check out. If not, then...


Get ready to make some serious lifestyle changes. This is absolutely necessary condition. Think about it at this stage:

Who are you going to tell about your plan and ask for support? Maybe to friends who don't use? Ask to join their company for next evening or weekends. Agree that you can always call them when things get difficult.
How will you communicate with the guys from the party? You will have to stop going to the toilet with them in pairs, and some will probably try not to be deprived of this pleasure. Maybe you should stop seeing them? Or harshly and radically change the time, place, and most importantly, the thematic component of your meetings? True friends will treat your decision with understanding and respect.
What will you do free time and weekends?
What proven ways do you know to distract yourself from the desire to use? For some, jogging and a contrast shower help, for others - computer games, for some - communication with children. Remember the maximum number of countermeasures: they will all come in handy for you.
What situations, feelings and thoughts can cause you to deviate from your plan and provoke a cocaine relapse? Loneliness? Last time and that's it? I've held on for so long, is it possible? It's my birthday today, after all? Determine where the provocation may be hiding and how you will react to it.

Where do the roads lead?

Well, if you can’t cope with addiction yourself, contact a doctor. For example, to Professor Belokrylov.

What percentage of your patients are cocaine addicts?

Minuscule. Cocaine addicts are a very specific audience. These are wealthy people, representatives of the business and even political elite, for whom it is very difficult to admit dependence. Everyone believes that he is in control of the situation, drug addiction is not with him. Therefore, they prefer to address other complaints: heart, nerves... And they end up with the wrong specialists who treat them for the wrong reasons. But understand: there are no elite drug addicts, there are no sub-fence drug addicts, they are all equal. Admitting that a person is in trouble is very difficult with cocaine.

Where should a person who has realized his cocaine addiction go, and how does treatment proceed?

Well, for example, to us. And the treatment consists of two stages. The detoxification phase usually does not take more than two to three days. After which psychotherapy begins - group and individual. What the drug “gave” is taken away doubly after withdrawal. Heroism and self-satisfaction are replaced by a feeling of insignificance and shame. In the second stage, we relieve the so-called post-withdrawal syndrome and begin to deal with those latent mental disorders that led the patient to addiction. These are, as a rule, personality disorders, problems of emotionality and self-awareness.

Is hospitalization required?

It all depends on the degree of neglect. If depression is accompanied by suicidal tendencies, then, of course, hospitalization is mandatory. At first, isolation from the provoking environment is very important. Here, at the clinic, it is provided for. Those who come to us sign a contract that they will not leave voluntarily for two weeks. The total treatment period normally takes at least four weeks. And yes, everything happens anonymously: we don’t inform the dispensary.

American Cocaine Anonymous Society.


Have you ever used more cocaine than you planned?

Cocaine is the most famous and common substance used to obtain the so-called “high” and mental clarity. This drug, like other substances with psychogenic effects, causes physical and psychological dependence, therefore it is very important to identify the signs of coke use as early as possible.

What is cocaine?

Cocaine, also known as “coke”, “dust”, “snow”, is a strong psychostimulant - created from the leaves of the Coca plant. The substance was originally created as a remedy for coughs and nasal congestion, however, after people developed addiction and health problems, it was classified as a drug and banned.

Given its plant origin, the cost of cocaine is very high, which is why it has been dubbed the “drug of the rich.” However, it can also be found on the street, but under the guise of a cheaper smoking option, better known as “Crack”.

Signs of cocaine use

Of course, it is very difficult to determine in the early stages that a person is addicted to Cox, especially for people who rarely encounter drug addicts. Typically, relatives recognize a drug addict in their loved one when he or she exhibits pronounced dependence. However, a cocaine addict can be quickly identified by signs such as:

  1. Behavioral.
  • A person celebrates himself with confidence.
  • Mobility and activity that does not manifest itself in everyday life.
  • Reasonless laughter.
  • Talkativeness.
  • Regular visits to places where you can retire (toilet, bathroom, cellar, etc.).
  • Lack of personal hygiene. The addict often neglects cleaning the house and washing clothes, etc.
  • Stealth appears.
  • Periodic attacks of aggression.
  1. Physiological.
  • Dilated pupils, while the smell of alcohol does not come from the mouth.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Rapid weight loss.
  • Bleeding from the nose periodically appears, although such a phenomenon has not been observed in humans before. Some people may experience the so-called “Colombian runny nose” (mucous discharge with blood clots).
  • Frequent headaches and insomnia.
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • High blood pressure.
  • Pale skin.
  • Rapid breathing.

  1. External.
  • The presence of pipes and mouthpieces for smoking or inhalation through the nose in the apartment.
  • Having a lung white plaque on DVDs, glass table or mirror.
  • Finding very small parcels of paper, polymethylene, etc. containing bright white powder or slightly yellow crystals.
  • Cocaine is an expensive drug, and accordingly, savings and valuables that can be sold (furniture, appliances, jewelry, etc.) begin to disappear from the house.
  • The addict asks for large sums of money without explaining what he intends to spend it on.
  • Appearance of debts.

In addition to identifying using the above criteria, identify a cocaine addict using a “multi-test”. It can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy for about 300 rubles. The drug detection "multi-test" works similarly to a pregnancy test.

What dangers does cocaine pose?

Having used cocaine, a person almost immediately begins to experience strong euphoria, confidence, and a feeling of having increased significantly. mental abilities. It also lifts the mood and makes a person want to dance and socialize. At the same time, a strong psychological and pathological dependence arises.

Additionally, severe damage to the body is caused. Long-term use Cocaine provokes the following consequences:

People who use the drug in combination with alcohol are at increased risk. The fact is that when alcohol and cocaine are combined, a poison called cocaelythene is formed in the human liver. Therefore, if you drink alcohol while under the influence of drugs, there is a 75% chance of death.

Cocaine is a simple “white powder” that causes intense euphoria and adds color to a club party. Despite the fact that this substance has been dubbed a “drug for the rich,” it takes no less human lives than cheaper heroin. That is why cocaine is still one of the most dangerous drugs.

Cocaine is one of the most common and dangerous drugs in the world. It causes rapid addiction, personality degradation and has a devastating effect on human health. Death from a heart attack or stroke as a result of a cocaine overdose, suicide - this is the end of drug paradise.

What is cocaine? How to recognize a person under cocaine intoxication and is it possible to help him get rid of his addiction? How does cocaine act on the body, what harm does it cause to health? What to do if you overdose on cocaine? - you will learn about this from our article.

What is cocaine

What is this drug and where does it come from? Cocaine is narcotic substance plant nature. It is found in the leaves of coccus bushes, Latin name plants of this genus are Erythroxylum, which grow in the tropical regions of South America. By chemical nature cocaine is an alkaloid. Once in the human body, it has a strong psychotropic effect.

South American Indians knew about the stimulating properties of coccus leaves as early as the third century AD. They were chewed by warriors on long campaigns, messengers overcoming long distances, priests and tribal leaders for religious purposes. The leaves were used to increase stamina, to suppress hunger, and to lift mood. However, the use of cocci was not widespread. The Spaniards, who conquered the territory of Peru, played a significant role in the spread of the drug. They encouraged the consumption of coccus leaves by plantation Indians and also took full control of the cultivation of coccus bushes and the leaf trade. Already in late XVI For centuries, a lot of money has been made from cocaine. About 80% of Europeans in Peru were, one way or another, involved in the cocaine business.

Coccus leaves were first brought to Europe by Amerigo Vespucci. In the 17th century they were used as a drug, and in the 19th century cocaine was isolated as a pure substance and became widespread as medicine. The first synthetic cocaine was produced in 1897. Externally, the powder was used as an anesthetic, but at the end of the century it was replaced by other drugs of this series that did not have dangerous side effects. Cocaine was taken internally as a stimulant. Silent films and the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, largely contributed to the popularization of the drug. He himself was addicted to cocaine and prescribed it to his patients, recommended it to friends, and treated them for depression, neuroses and impotence.

So already in late XIX centuries, cocaine was widely used by all segments of the population. By the way, the well-known American drink “Coca-Cola” until 1906 contained cocaine obtained from coccus leaves, which explains its name. After cocaine was banned, it was replaced by caffeine.

At the beginning of the 20th century, many facts accumulated about deaths from cocaine overdose, the development of addiction and the destructive effect of this substance on a person’s personality and health. In 1922, cocaine was officially recognized as a drug and banned from circulation.

A new rise in the popularity of cocaine began in 1970. It has become fashionable to use it. Show business figures literally advertised the drug with their behavior, creating a myth about the beautiful and active life. Currently, about 70% of cocaine consumption occurs in countries of the South and North America, which is explained by the territorial proximity of plantations for growing coccus bushes. Approximately 20% falls to Western Europe. Experts estimate global cocaine consumption at 750 tons annually. According to UN statistics, the situation in the most problematic countries is as follows: in Spain, 2.6% of the population uses cocaine, in the USA - 2.5%, in Ireland - 2.4%, in England - 2.1%.

Cocaine is gaining popularity in Russia. Over the past five years, the turnover of this drug has increased tenfold. Cocaine smuggling occurs across the borders with the Baltic states, Ukraine and the Transcaucasian countries.

In terms of the scale of its destructive effect on an individual and society as a whole, cocaine is in second place after opiates.

Cocaine is considered a drug for the rich, but this is not entirely true. Test doses are sold at low prices, and when a person becomes addicted, the cost of the drug increases. Among cocaine addicts there are people of all ages, professions and social status. Significant amount The drug is distributed through nightclubs and expensive entertainment venues.

Varieties of cocaine

What is cocaine made from? - it is obtained from coccus leaves, the bushes of which are grown on plantations in South America. The leaders in the production of this drug are the drug cartels of Colombia, Bolivia and Peru.

Depending on the degree of purification and the addition of other substances, there are several varieties of cocaine. How cocaine is taken depends on the form of the drug. It is inhaled through the nose, injected intravenously or smoked, and less often taken orally.

Purified cocaine is considered an elite drug because its price is quite high. It is a fine powder with a chalk-like structure. Its color can be white, cream or yellowish. The taste is bitter and the powder causes a numb feeling on the tongue. This is an almost pure narcotic substance - 90% of the powder is cocaine hydrochloride.

Cocaine exerts its effect upon contact with mucous membranes, so the powder is inhaled or rubbed into the gums. To inhale it, pour it onto paper and form strips that are sucked into the nose through a rolled-up piece of paper. In their jargon, drug addicts call cocaine powder “snow”, “frost”, “refined sugar”, “dust”, “white”.

Various impurities are often added to the powder to reduce the cost of the final product. Lidocaine, which also causes numbness of the mucous membranes, or other anesthetics are more often used. Baking soda, starch, and boric acid are used as ballast - powdery substances similar in appearance to pure cocaine. A street dose may also contain various stimulants - from legal caffeine to amphetamine-type drugs.

Cocaine paste is cheaper, contains impurities, and is more viscous and moist in consistency. It is a product of the first stage of processing of coccus leaves. It contains from 40 to 80% cocaine. The paste is smoked by adding tobacco or marijuana.

Solutions for intravenous administration are less common. Experienced drug addicts inject intravenously and are no longer able to achieve the desired effect when inhaling the powder. Often, for a better “high,” heroin and other opiates are mixed into the cocaine powder. This mixture for intravenous administration is called “speedball” (English: “fast ball”). This is the most dangerous type of drug; when used, overdose and death often occur. When using speedballs, cross-dependence to both drugs develops, and it is extremely difficult for a person to get rid of it. The combined destructive effect on the body of heroin and cocaine increases many times over, and the addict degrades extremely quickly.

The drug for smoking is cocaine in crystalline form, it is called “crack”. When heated, the crystals break down with a characteristic sound, hence the name of the drug (“crack” is translated from English as “crack”). Externally, crack is small pieces light color, hard, uneven in shape. It was invented to reduce the cost of the drug and reach poorer segments of the population, since it costs less than powder.

There are also so-called cocaine analogues. Most of these are synthetic forms with a modified formula (mephedrone, 4-methylmethcathinone and others) to avoid being classified as drugs. Synthetic cocaine is cheaper, but has a less pronounced effect. Such “inventions” of chemists are monitored and suppressed by drug control.

Not long ago people started talking about legal cocaine - these are snorting mixtures with a similar effect. They claim to be natural, safe and non-addictive. But the effect of their use - euphoria, a surge of strength - indicates that these mixtures are just as dangerous as regular cocaine.

How does cocaine work?

The effect of cocaine on the body is determined by its inclusion in the transmission mechanism nerve impulses in the brain. It interferes with three systems at once: dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. These substances are responsible for the feeling of joy, happiness, self-esteem, and provide stress resistance. As a result of stimulation of such receptors, euphoria occurs - a feeling of lightness, happiness, extraordinary uplift. mental strength and performance. Subsequently, disruption of the brain receptors causes severe mental disorders and personality disintegration, similar to symptoms of schizophrenia.

This is the effect of cocaine that attracts future drug addicts.

  1. Feeling of happiness. Improves mood, talkativeness, and sociability. Under the influence of a drug, a person often reveals secrets.
  2. Increased mental activity. The addict thinks that he is able to decide difficult problems, he can handle anything, his memory and mental abilities are improving. But all knowledge and abilities disappear along with the effect of the drug.
  3. A burst of energy. Cocaine relieves drowsiness, increases performance and physical endurance. The drug addict thinks that he physical abilities have grown incredibly. In reality, he faces loss of coordination, balance, and disorientation in space. Cocaine users often fall and suffer various injuries.
  4. Feeling of superiority. A person under the influence of cocaine is confident that he is right. Fortunately, drug addicts are not able to finish what they start.

When inhaling the powder, the narcotic effect appears within five minutes and lasts about half an hour, up to a maximum of two hours. The duration of the “high” depends on the quality of the drug and the experience of the addict. Over time, tolerance (addiction) develops, larger doses become necessary, and the duration of euphoria decreases. The addict chases the elusive sensations, increasing the dose and frequency of use. Against this background, overdoses often occur.

Crack smokers are the most vulnerable. With this route of drug administration, addiction develops very quickly. Euphoria sets in within 10–15 seconds, but does not last long - about 20 minutes.

Signs of cocaine intoxication

It is sometimes difficult to recognize a cocaine addict, so the addiction worsens and it is too late to save loved ones. Cocaine addiction in Russia is not as widespread as in other countries Western Hemisphere, so people often don't pay attention to strange behavior. In addition, a drug addict with little experience can easily be confused with a simply excited person. Cocaine intoxication can be similar to the first stages of alcohol intoxication or the effects of energy drinks. The person is excited, talks a lot, laughs, and is overly self-confident.

What are the signs of cocaine use? - Narcologists divide them into physiological and psychological.

Physiological signs of cocaine use are a consequence of the drug's effect on the nervous system as a whole and on the nasal mucosa when the powder is inhaled. These include:

  • dilated pupils;
  • constant runny nose;
  • pale skin;
  • frequent illnesses respiratory tract infectious nature;
  • rapid breathing;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • increased body temperature, chills;
  • sweating;
  • decreased gag reflexes;
  • intestinal disorder;
  • An experienced drug addict loses a lot of weight.

Psychological signs of cocaine intoxication are as follows:

  • euphoria - causeless happiness;
  • mood swings - laughter, aggressiveness;
  • haste, talkativeness, excessive self-confidence;
  • overexcitement, insomnia, loss of appetite;
  • hallucinations and obsessive states are possible;
  • impulsiveness, lack of logic in actions;
  • financial difficulties;
  • frequent trips to the bath or toilet to take the next dose.

Experienced drug addicts have a neglected appearance - they stop taking care of themselves.

The effects of taking cocaine last for an average of half an hour. After the drug wears off, the person feels lethargic, weak, irritable, or depressed. Drug addicts drown out depression with alcohol, sedatives, tranquilizers.

As addiction develops, secrecy and unreliability appear. The drug addict lies to his loved ones, morality means nothing to him, and family values ​​are lost. Cocaine marathons also happen - several days of continuous drug use. During this time the person does not eat or sleep. Then exhaustion sets in nervous system, the addict falls into a deep sleep that does not give rest. Upon awakening, he is plagued by depression and a strong craving for drugs.

Cocaine intoxication can be determined using tests in different ways. The so-called metabolites (benzoylecgonine and ecgonine) are tested for cocaine or its breakdown products. There are rapid tests for urine, more complex methods carried out in the laboratory. How long does cocaine stay in the blood? Cocaine itself can be detected in the blood only within a few hours after taking the drug, but the metabolites are excreted in the urine within 2-3 days. They appear in the urine about an hour after taking the dose and persist for up to 10 days. Other biomaterials are also used to determine drugs: metabolites remain in saliva for 5 days, in hair for 3 months, in nails for 6 months.

Harm from cocaine

How dangerous is cocaine, in terms of physical health? Under the influence of the drug, blood vessels constrict, blood pressure rises, heart rate increases, and stress hormones are released into the blood. All this increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes, causes arrhythmias, aortic dissection, hypertensive crises - these are the most common reasons sudden death among cocaine addicts.

The consequences of cocaine use affect the entire body.

The combination of cocaine and alcohol is extremely dangerous for life. When using drugs and ethyl alcohol Ethylcocaine is formed in the body. It negatively affects the heart muscle, causing arrhythmia and cardiac arrest. Alcohol also slows down the elimination of cocaine from the body.

How does cocaine addiction develop?

From the first doses of cocaine, addiction rarely develops. Therefore, a person gets carried away, it seems to him that he can quit at any moment.

Many people try drugs out of curiosity, in pursuit of interesting sensations. Entertainment show stars use cocaine for courage and to improve performance.

Dependence on cocaine is more psychological - the addict wants to experience a state of euphoria more and more. No cocaine - severe depression occurs. An addict will do anything to get a dose and return to a “normal” state. The inability to get a dose can drive an addict to suicide.

Physical dependence is weakly expressed, but it exists. It manifests itself as withdrawal syndrome, which we’ll talk about a little later.

Cocaine overdose

Overdose often occurs due to the addict losing control of the amount of drug taken in pursuit of elusive sensations. The lethal dose of cocaine for the average non-user is 1.2 grams, but depending on individual characteristics the body can decrease to 20 mg. For comparison: a single street dose is 15–60 mg; and the dose to obtain the effect of the drug cocaine is defined as 1.5 mg pure substance per kg of human weight.


The symptoms of an overdose are quite characteristic, in contrast to the signs of cocaine intoxication. When the body is poisoned by cocaine, the following symptoms first appear:

Then they develop:

  • drowsiness, the drug addict wants to sleep, but cannot fall asleep;
  • muscle cramps in the arms and legs;
  • increased body temperature;
  • dehydration, dry mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, eyes;
  • heart failure, chest pain.

Cocaine causes severe vasoconstriction, which leads to heart attacks, strokes, acute renal failure, coma, and death from cardiac or respiratory arrest.

Sometimes excessive stimulation of the nervous system and seizures and convulsions develop. In case of severe overdose, convulsive seizures lead to impairment heart rate, cardiac arrest and death.

First aid

If there is the slightest suspicion that the victim has overdosed on cocaine, call 911 immediately. While waiting for the medical team to arrive, you should try to take the following actions.

Overdose is treated in a hospital.

Addiction treatment

Cocaine addiction is called cocaineism. There are no drugs with proven effectiveness for its treatment. The therapy is non-specific; the same techniques are used to get rid of addiction to other stimulants (amphetamine).

Healing begins with a person’s awareness of the fact of his addiction and the desire to get rid of it. It is impossible to cure a drug addict who does not want to stop taking cocaine.

The sooner the awareness of the problem and the desire to be treated comes, the higher the likelihood of returning to normal life. Therapy consists of several stages.

  1. The first stage is cessation of use and further abstinence from the drug. Stopping the intake of cocaine in the body causes withdrawal syndrome, or narcotic cocaine withdrawal. In this case, there arise muscle pain, aching joints, loss of appetite, insomnia. Psychological disorders have the greatest impact on a person: depression, loss of self-control, increased craving for drugs. Doctors help to cope with these symptoms - with the help of medications you can improve sleep, relieve depression, improve the functioning of the digestive system and other body systems.
  2. The second step is getting rid of psychological dependence on cocaine, stopping the craving for use. It lasts 3–6 months, which the patient spends in the clinic. During this time, it is important to develop motivation to healthy image life, identify the factors that pushed a person to take drugs and eliminate them.
  3. The third stage is returning to society. Social service employees help you find work, communicate, and identify your range of interests.

Throughout the entire period of recovery, the addict needs the help of a psychologist and the moral support of loved ones. With consistent and professional treatment, the chances of success are very good, even in cases of severe and long-term addiction.

In conclusion, let's say that cocaine is a dangerous and difficult drug, quickly addictive. A person cannot independently limit its use, as it becomes inadequate. Cocaine destroys the health, personality of the addict, his social connections and ultimately kills. But if the problem is recognized in a timely manner, the chances of getting rid of addiction are quite high. Be attentive to your loved ones and never believe that one dose is harmless.

Cocaine is a powerful psychogenic stimulant, producing a temporary euphoric sensation and a feeling of amazing mental clarity. This herbal narcotic substance can form a strong psychological dependence in a person. And its use causes serious health problems.

The effects of cocaine use

Cocaine is different high rate tolerance, in other words, the initial sensations of pleasure can be repeated only by increasing the dose. After use, the cocaine addict feels a euphoric rush, he is overwhelmed with energy, he feels new abilities and inexhaustible possibilities. This state can be compared to mild form stress – a person’s blood pressure rises, hormones go through the roof, etc.


Among positive effects Narcologists identify several characteristic effects from taking cocaine:

  1. Euphoria. Without a specific reason, a person suddenly becomes moody. His behavior becomes excessively talkative and talkative, and his sociability increases. A cocaine addict, under cocaine intoxication, can tell others details of his life that in a sober mind he would keep secret.
  2. Mental activity. While under the influence of cocaine, a person feels that his mental abilities have increased significantly, his memory has improved, and he is able to quickly resolve difficult situations, all his abilities have developed many times over. However, after the cocaine effect stops, all newly acquired abilities and knowledge disappear somewhere.
  3. Energy surge. Under cocaine, the addict experiences feelings of incredible performance, lack of drowsiness, while energy is literally in full swing, and physical abilities seem unlimited. But in reality, the movements lose coordination; when moving, the cocaine addict constantly stumbles, often falls, losing his balance, which often leads to serious injuries.
  4. Self-confidence. A person feels right in everything, everything he does is the only correct action. It’s good that in such a state, cocaine addicts are not able to bring what they started to its logical conclusion, otherwise unreasonable ideas and actions, supported by delusions of greatness and mission, could lead to very disastrous consequences.


There are much more negative effects after cocaine and they pose a serious threat to the body:

  • Cocaine has vasoconstrictor properties, in other words, it contracts blood vessels.
  • The drug increases temperature and respiratory rate, suppresses gag reflexes.
  • If the dose is excessively high, seizures or tremors may occur. Such processes cause nervous system damage, which results in depression of respiratory function and even myocardial arrest, which leads to death.
  • After repeated administration of the drug and its intense effect on the brain structures that control motivation and emotions, the cocaine user’s body becomes more susceptible to epileptic-like seizures.
  • The drug deprives cocaine addicts of appetite, which leads to exhaustion of the body, an imbalance of metabolic processes and essential nutrients.
  • Against the background of chronic use, cocaine psychosis develops, including manic ideas of persecution, paranoid states, various hallucinoses, lack of motivation and depressive disorders.
  • Inhalation of the drug causes mucous lesions and inflammatory lesions in the nose.
  • Intravenous injection increases the risk of developing inflammation of the cardiac structures, blood poisoning, hepatitis and AIDS.
  • When smoking a drug, a cocaine addict often experiences pulmonary circulation disorders, visual disturbances, causeless coughing, chronic bronchitis, etc.
  • When cocaine is combined with alcohol, the body produces ethylcocaine, a substance that causes myocardial arrhythmia and its complete stop.

Any method of use threatens the cocaine addict with serious problems, even death. But what sensations force a person to take more and more doses?


Considering the effect of cocaine, it is worth saying that the feeling of euphoria lasts only about half an hour, while maximum performance pleasure appears within 5 minutes after smoking or inhaling.

Under cocaine, the body begins to produce dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter, and the patient experiences feelings of euphoria and joy. While cocaine is working, dopamine concentrations remain at high level, but after the cocaine effect ends, it drops sharply.

Therefore, addicts become overwhelmed, dejected, sad and depressed. As a result, a craving for cocaine is formed, since the only way to get rid of depression is by administering another dose of cocaine.

Signs and symptoms

Cocaineism can be suspected by external manifestations mental and physical nature. People who take drugs change their behavior, they stop taking care of themselves, often show excessive self-confidence in their actions, have sharply changing moods, etc.


The following symptoms may indicate a person is on cocaine:

  1. Dilated pupils;
  2. Pallor of the skin;
  3. Hypersweating;
  4. Increased heart rate;
  5. Tachycardia;
  6. Constriction of blood vessels;
  7. Chills;
  8. Intestinal disorders;
  9. Hyperthermia;
  10. Rapid breathing;
  11. Suppression of gag reflexes;
  12. Frequent respiratory infections;
  13. Chronic rhinitis.

In case of an overdose, a cocaine user may experience severe convulsions. A cocaine addict begins to rapidly lose weight, his appearance becomes unkempt. The eyes of cocaine addicts often appear bloodshot, which is associated with prolonged and debilitating insomnia. Due to perceived insect bites, the addict scratches his skin. This phenomenon has even been called “cocaine bugs.”


Cocaine use has a noticeable effect on the behavior of the addict:

  • Since the drug causes euphoric states, the person becomes unreasonably happy.
  • His behavior shows excessive swagger and self-confidence, excessive talkativeness, and haste in his movements.
  • The person laughs more than usual or may suddenly become impulsive and aggressive.
  • Hallucinosis can also be a sign of cocaine addiction.
  • Similar behavioral changes can be observed in a person for about half an hour.
  • Cocaine addicts must regularly retire to take their next dose, so frequent absences from the bath or toilet against the background of the above symptoms should sow the seed of suspicion.
  • Constant overstimulation due to cocaine use provokes insomnia and lack of appetite.
  • There are consequences to using cocaine. So, after a fun evening spent on cocaine, the next morning a person experiences noticeable irritation, depression and lethargy. Some people treat the effects of cocaine with alcohol, tranquilizers or sedatives.
  • A person who uses cocaine often has financial difficulties, because this drug is very expensive. Therefore, such people often ask for a loan without explaining the purpose of the loan. Valuable and expensive items begin to disappear from the house, and the addict has to steal them to pay for doses of cocaine.
  • Over time, cocaine addiction develops. A cocaine addict becomes dishonest, unreliable and secretive; his behavior often exhibits sudden and causeless mood swings, and signs of mental imbalance and depression appear. The drug addict neglects past moral values, family, children, etc.

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