How to increase your IQ. — Types of intelligence and their properties

The level of a person’s intelligence depends, contrary to popular belief, not only on the number of books read and lectures memorized. Here is the presence healthy eating, and quantity sports loads, and even the rate of fire in computer games. In today's article, read about how to increase your IQ level by 16 points in just one week.

More vitamins

Day: Monday. Time taken: 30 seconds. Result: +2 IQ points

Athletes take creatine to increase their muscle mass, but this carboxylic acid also perfectly stimulates brain function. Research by Australian scientists from the Universities of Sydney and Macquarie shows that taking just 5 grams of pure creatine per day for a month will increase your intelligence level by as much as 14 points, and especially your ability to quickly calculate and perform logical operations.

Just remember this

Day: Tuesday. Time spent: 30 minutes. Result: +5 IQ points

An elastic and agile brain, capable of absorbing and remembering a large amount of information, is the key to success both in life and in passing iq tests. For development short term memory, Dr. Suzanne Jaeggi (University of Michigan) suggests playing the so-called at least once every two days. dual n-back games in which you need to remember a sequence of images and sounds.

Make up words

Day: Wednesday. Time spent: 1 hour. Result: +1 IQ point

IN Soviet era the game "Scrabble" was in deserved demand, but over time it was somehow forgotten. And completely in vain! WITH today Scrabble (a modern interpretation) should be your great friend. Because composing words from a limited number of letters is also development competent speech, and activation of vocabulary, which is undoubtedly in the best possible way will affect your IQ. Moreover, you can play anywhere and however you want - various variations of the game exist for all major desktop and mobile operating systems.

When you're too lazy and want to sleep... hit the treadmill

Day: Thursday. Time spent: 1 hour. Result: +2 IQ points

Researchers at the Institute of Neurology and Psychology, located in Sweden, assure that a healthy and well-functioning cardiovascular system can increase the level of intelligence by as much as 50% (although it seems to me that the process is more likely the opposite - the less health, the lower the intelligence). “Intense cardio training definitely has a positive effect on cognitive abilities human,” says Maria Aberg, who led the research. And by the way, for those who still doubt it, I remind you that it’s already spring outside and very soon you will be able to run in any park you like.

Get more diverse knowledge

Day: Friday. Time spent: 40 minutes. Result: +2 IQ points

Another key point in increasing Iq is the variety of knowledge gained. And the point here is not only in the general expansion of horizons, but also in training the brain, like ordinary muscles. Instead of your favorite NTV, turn on the Discovery Channel or National Geographic with its murders and series about cops. Read on the road not jokes from bashorg, but science fiction(for example). Don't get hung up on just one thing!

Give up meat

Day: Saturday. Time spent: 15 minutes. Result: +2 IQ points

It seems incredible, but the results of many studies conducted by different scientists in different countries and completely different years says one thing - vegetarianism can really improve your intelligence. I have not found any justification for such a cause-and-effect relationship, and to be honest, I myself am not yet ready to give up meat, but if you are already thinking about a vegetarian diet, then here is another argument in favor of this decision.

Play video games

Day: Sunday. Time spent: 1 hour. Result +2 IQ points

Everything is good in moderation, and computer toys are no exception. Military first-person shooters are good for improving the perception of visual signals and coordination of movements in real world. For example, a person who plays CS once a week with more likely will have time to react to a car suddenly flying onto the sidewalk and save own life. Also a kind of increase in the level of intelligence.

In the article you will learn:

Intelligence and 5 simple ways to increase it

Greetings to my readers! I'm glad you're with me again, because now I'll tell you5 simple ways how to increase your intelligence. Of course, this won’t make us geniuses, but we will also be less “stupid”I especially appreciated the results in professional field. And what can we say, we will all be old, and I personally early age I don’t want to lose my cognitive abilities and ruin the lives of my grandchildren!

Moreover, it is not necessary to practice all the methods; two or three are enough and your brain will work much better and will remain rational until old age.

So that it doesn’t look like the cat Matroskin in the famous cartoon:“We have the means. We are not smart enough..."

By the way, intelligence and psyche influence each other, so another important argument for “pumping” the brain is stress prevention and life harmony.

Why him?

Yes, you may ask, what is intelligence and why exactly should it be developed? I understand that as the ability to think qualitatively. That is, not just think, but be able to think, perceive any information in the most effective way for you. In order to accept right decision. And this is what the doctor ordered, don’t you agree? Intelligence also includes the ability to adapt to new situations and apply abstract concepts.

All in all, intelligence is

  • criticality of thought
  • adaptation to situations
  • learning ability
  • ability to use your knowledge
  • resource planning

By increasing your intelligence, you increase the abilities listed above.

Number one is the most important

Just think about how automated our lives are! Most of We perceive information (media, official duties, everyday affairs) automatically and immediately respond with the most predictable and habitual reactions. In such conditions, there is no place not only for creativity, but also for intellectual capabilities.

Therefore, the first and most important way in my guide: to be able to think, you need to think critically! That is, as possible think critically more often. Yes, it’s so simple, but incredibly important. For example, over a book read, over an event that occurred or a situation that arose in reality and on the screen. Before you say or do anything, take a special break for analysis and only then do or answer.

You can also read some books for self-development, approaching it with a critical eye.

It's impossible without this

The second method is to include in your work such thinking properties as attention, memory, perception. For example, if there are paintings, maps, etc. hanging at home or at work, then turn them upside down. Familiar things are seen and perceived completely differently, right?

Following this example, try to do everyday things differently: change the route to work, the order in which papers are stored, the structure of the report, the order in which you clean the house. Periodically rearrange the rooms; this will also refresh your boring life.

More at homethis is a good technique: Do in the dark what you do in daylight. Have you noticed how attentive and concentrated you are when you return from the toilet to your bedroom at night in a dark apartment? Now try not only walking through different rooms in the dark, but also, for example, tidying up, changing clothes, washing, or even taking a shower. Believe me, in addition to the benefits, you will get many interesting sensations!

I know what I’m talking about, because I myself periodically do something like this. I often write and brush my teeth with my left hand (I'm right-handed), and I like to take a bath or wash my face in the dark - it greatly enhances my body awareness. And sometimes I watch TV upside down. This may all seem strange to you, but 1) it's fun 2) it increases intelligence

And to develop and work with memory, read my article “”, there are links to very useful resources with memory games.

Two halves of one whole

Another excellent technique for intellectual self-development, which I have already mentioned a little, is training the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Contrary to stereotypes, both hemispheres are equally important in the formation of “quality brains.” Start with the most accessible exercise - Learn to write with the hand you use least. At least a few lines a day and you will make significant progress.

This seems like a simple tip, but it’s very difficult to follow at first! I read in one article about visualization that if you want to make your desired life scenario a reality, then write it down with your left hand (if you are right-handed) in a notebook for 21 days. Horror! This is what kind of torment you will have to endure, how much suffering you will have to draw hooks and circles like a first-grader.

Also start doing various household little things less active hand– wash dishes, comb your hair, fasten buttons, brush your teeth.

Right-handed it's worth learning how to play musical instruments, drawing, singing or creating creative crafts, and lefties, accordingly, practice the solution logic puzzles and math exercises.

We speak different languages

Next methodlearning foreign languages. Despite what some skeptics believe training different languages just a memory exercise, I'm convinced it's good technique if not to increase, then to strengthen and train mental activity. Moreover, it has been proven that learning languages ​​prevents age-related mental illnesses, which means a connection with intellectual potential There is.

Judge for yourself, to learn a language, you need to find patterns for applying the rules, compare various factors and concepts, analyze new words as symbols. Therefore, learn languages, and also acquire a mega-useful skill for traveling, reading foreign forums, books and watching films in the original.

I advise you to read about books that increase intelligence. This way you will double or even triple the effect!

Everything new is useful

The fifth method in my collection of tools for increasing intelligence is searching for and receiving new experiences. There is simply incredible diversity and richness of imagination. Try rock climbing or a trip to the Harry Potter Studios. Firstly, the mass new information, which is easy to remember and will give food for thought, travel provides. Study different cultures, traditions and laws, compare them with each other. Study cuisine, everyday life and people, this is a great opportunity to train your brain.

Secondly, the right films also help to stretch your brain. What films are worth watching, read in my article “ Films about self-development and self-improvement" Thirdly, look for sources of knowledge in various hobbies and interesting activities. Be sure to raise professional qualifications, participate in courses and trainings or conduct your own!

Getting rid of obstacles

Of course, there is no point in treating a disease if its symptoms are provoked. Which means everything that clogs the brain and does not allow them to rest, should be removed like garbage in your life: TV, hanging out in social networks, ineffective use of time.

Also without active brain stimulation blood and providing necessary nutrients, develop intellectual abilities impossible. Therefore, regularly exercise, maintain your health, lead an active lifestyle and eat right.

However, do not forget about classic methods increase intelligence: solve puzzles, guess at puzzles and crosswords, visit quest rooms. Be smart and clever!

Tell me, do you use any methods to increase your intelligence? Or are you relying on genetics?
June was with you.

I hope we are not saying goodbye to you. Subscribe to my blog news and tell your friends about it. Let's communicate together!

Yuri Okunev School

Hello friends. Yuri Okunev is with you.

Today the question on the agenda is: how to increase your IQ, develop intelligence and become smarter? It's no secret that intellectual and smart people are always valued, they get the best positions and their salaries are higher. Can everyone become an intellectual? And is there any connection between the brand of gasoline and the ability to solve super complex problems?

First things first.

Our brain can be compared to a machine. This machine provides us with opportunities to achieve our goals. Our work, career, daily activities are the path along which we go towards our goal.

What is a goal? It's different for everyone. I propose to call it conditionally the word “Success”. We are all moving towards success with at different speeds. Some are slower, some are faster...

What determines the speed of our car?
I hear the exclamation of avid motorists: “From the engine!” Right.

What is IQ?

In our case, the role of the motor will be performed by the level of intelligence - IQ (IQ).

IQ level is a conditional score in points that characterizes the degree intellectual development a specific person.

This term was first introduced by the Austrian W. Stern in 1911. And the first attempts to measure intelligence were made a little earlier, in 1903, by the French psychologist A. Binet, the author of the idea itself.

IQ level is determined using special tests. As a rule, it gives an idea of ​​a person’s potential, how flexible his thinking is, whether his memory works well, and whether he is able to solve certain problems. IQ cannot measure the level of knowledge and erudition.

What is the level?

The most famous test to determine IQ level is the Eysenck test. You can take it either at home or under the guidance of an experienced psychologist. In the first case, it is simpler and faster, in the second it will give more objective indicators.

The maximum number of points can reach up to 160 - this is the most powerful level of intelligence. Intermediate level– somewhere around 100-110 points. Below 80 points is low intelligence, and above 130 is quite high, only 2.2% of the planet's population has it.

Does the level of intelligence depend on the profession? To some extent it may depend, but not always. An ordinary turner at a factory may have an IQ of 125-130 points and be able to solve the most difficult tasks. But, let’s say, one of the US presidents, George W. Bush, was content with a level of 91 points.

In general, the level of IQ is directly related to the number of synapses - nerve connections that ensure the interaction of different parts of the brain. They are formed in childhood. Therefore, in a child under 10-11 years of age, the intelligence will still be quite weak, but in a teenager it is fully formed and remains at the same level throughout life.

Is it possible to develop?

But let's get back to our sheep. So, we found out that in order to safely drive a car to a destination called “Success”, the car must have a good engine (or iQ) that will not act up or knock.

But what to do if the “engine”, frankly speaking, is not very good? Pump it up! Of course, you won't get a racing car. But increasing your IQ by 10-12 points after a month of regular training, according to psychologists, is a very real result.

I use for this purpose service for the development of intelligence Brainapps. The training takes fifteen minutes a day and includes a variety of tasks to develop logic, attention and memory, which allows you to quickly improve your IQ. The training program is built individually.
We sorted out the engine. Let's move on.

What else?

On what components does the proper operation of a car depend? Any car enthusiast will answer this question:

  • From gasoline (what brand will you fill);
  • From good driver skills (should not confuse “gas” and “brake”).

Moreover, the last point will also affect the speed at which we will travel. Let's figure it out.

We choose only high-quality gasoline

Our brain needs nutrition. Some foods can speed up brain function and increase productivity, while others can slow it down. Same as gasoline: good brand– the engine is running, the bad one is also running. Only for a short time.

What products are these?

  • Walnuts – rich in protein, a valuable building material, also increase the amount of melatonin and normalize sleep;
  • Olive oil – slows down cell aging;
  • Berries – contain antioxidants, improve memory;
  • Hot pepper – increases brain performance and concentration;
  • Cocoa – strengthens blood vessels, has an anti-sclerotic effect.

By including these “additives” in the menu, add 3-5 points to your IQ.
Gasoline was poured. Now for our car to move...

Smoothly release the “Brake”

Otherwise, it’s useless to put pressure on Gas, isn’t it? 
What do you think will be discussed? About bad habits! Yes, yes, if you want to drive your car a little faster and not miss your goal, you need to reconsider your preferences.

What slows down your brain the most? And lowers your IQ?

  • Disorderly TV viewing. Talk shows designed for a narrow-minded audience and television series stretched out to infinity dull the brain, by the way, taking away a lot of useful time from us;
  • Regular listening to hard rock and pop music suppresses the functions of not only the brain, but also our entire body. New age, classical, instrumental or jazz music may be much more useful;
  • Sedentary lifestyle. The level of intelligence directly depends on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. Physical exercise and sports give us pleasure, and at the same time our body intensively produces the hormone dophanin, thanks to which the number of brain neurons is maintained at the desired level.
  • Low self-esteem. Self-doubt and the belief that you “never succeed” can ruin all your efforts. Develop positive thinking;
  • Well, I don’t think it’s worth talking about alcohol, nicotine and other “pleasures of civilization.” Even a schoolchild can understand what they cause oxygen starvation, and the brain slowly dies.

...And press the “Gas”

If you are done with “not very good” habits, it’s time to move directly to ways to develop intelligence:

  1. Read books, preferably fiction, and read them out loud, Japanese psychologists advise.
  2. Solve puzzles, crosswords, rebuses. Master the game of chess, checkers or backgammon - a great workout for the brain.
  3. Focus on math skills first. They form the basis of intelligence. Get out and study your logic textbook. Put the calculator out of sight and count in your mind.
  4. Be curious like children. Learn everything new, sign up for seminars and trainings, learn a second language, develop memory and attention.
  5. Even in ordinary everyday affairs, show non-standard thinking. We went to the store one way and came back completely different.
  6. Get creative.

Having implemented at least three points out of these six, feel free to add another 10 IQ points to your piggy bank.

Let's sum it up

So, to increase your IQ level, we will:

  • Regularly train the brain - pump up the engine of our miracle machine;
  • Give preference healthy food– fill in high-quality gasoline;
  • Press the gas pedal more often, without forgetting to release the “Brake” - we’ll say goodbye to bad habits, let's review the daily routine and include a lot of useful activities in it.

In this case, we will quickly reach the destination called “Success”.

That's all for today. Leave comments and share with friends on social networks. If you haven't subscribed to blog news yet, be sure to do so.

And I ran to increase my IQ.
See you soon everyone! Sincerely, Yuri Okunev.

It is impossible to become smarter overnight. Being smart is a way of life, a constant search and overcoming oneself. This is a rather difficult, but at the same time pleasant path. And you can choose how to start it.

1. Exercise regularly

This improves blood flow and saturates the brain with oxygen, and good physical condition promotes good mental health. Choose a program that is comfortable for your age and physical abilities. The main thing here is regularity.

2. Make sure you get enough sleep

Numerous studies have shown that lack of sleep reduces concentration, short-term and long term memory, speed of problem solving, visual and hearing acuity, slows down the reaction. Especially to maintain good mental health important the right combination deep and REM sleep. Here again, physical exercises from Lifehacker will help you.

3. Eat a healthy, balanced diet

Your brain needs a certain amount nutrients for optimal performance. Diversify your usual menu to get enough vitamins, amino acids and carbohydrates. You don't have to buy it for this. food additives! We wrote earlier.

4. If you smoke, stop!

5. Reduce your alcohol intake

Alcohol in small quantities, especially when combined with communication, may be beneficial for some brain functions. But excessive consumption can lead to acute and chronic impairment of its activity and cause irreversible cognitive impairment.

6. Learn new things regularly

Learn something new, e.g. foreign languages, playing musical instruments. Learn something you've been wanting to try for a long time! This promotes brain plasticity and flexibility. Studying mathematics is an excellent training for logic and abstract thinking, and also improves concentration, mental endurance and is guaranteed to raise your IQ by several points. Use to learn something new.

7. Maintain friendships with smart and educated people

Make regular meetings with them and discuss wide circle questions - challenging intellectual discussions will give you new ideas and perspectives. You will understand how smart people think and express themselves and what you might need to change about yourself.

If you are the most smart person in the room, then you are not in the room where you should be.

Alexander Zhurba, businessman and venture investor

8. Read at least one serious book a week and diversify your reading

This will improve vocabulary and verbal intelligence, and will also enhance your knowledge and speaking repertoire. There must be reading!

9. Play challenging computer games

Shooters and racing in best case scenario develop reaction speed, but do not provide you with mental stimulation. Choose a game that includes complex rules, strategy and requires certain mental skills. Such are, for example, the puzzle games Braid and Portal.

In multiplayer online games, perhaps Eve-online has the highest barrier to entry.

10. Let go of limiting beliefs about your own intelligence.

Many truly qualified people tend to underestimate their abilities and suffer from a lack of self-confidence. Often the opinions of parents, overly critical (or even incompetent) teachers matter more than stubborn facts your success. Believe in yourself and start living a full life!

With a few life hacks you can increase your IQ by a whole lot standard deviation. Challenge your brain - change your habits and routines, read more, solve puzzles and be open to new experiences that will increase your IQ level. Reinforce your efforts by eating plenty of protein, vitamin B, and rest, all of which improve your brain's ability to stay active. Proper nutrition And healthy image lives can work miracles. Are you ready?


Part 1

Change your daily routine

    Perform everyday tasks differently. Force your brain to form new connections and pathways by doing differently what you already do on autopilot. Try brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand (left if you're right-handed, right if you're left-handed). Walk as if you are going back through time. Talk to yourself in a different language. Do everything you can to change your routine.

    • Activities like these form new connections and pathways in your brain. We often take the simplicity of life for granted, especially when we have already developed a certain pattern of behavior. But when you break your usual routine, the brain has to relearn the skill, and this stimulates its work very well.
  1. Meditate. Many studies have shown that meditation is not only good for relieving stress and improving mood, it also improves brain function. Practice shows that they improve blood flow to the brain, train patience, concentration and memory. In addition, meditation is extremely relaxing.

    • Try meditating for 30 minutes a day. You can divide this process into 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to meditate in the morning when you wake up, after physical exercise and at night before bed.
  2. Consider taking supplements. The safest alternative to “smart” drugs are natural supplements. Just make sure you're taking the right amount by checking with your doctor first. All of the supplements listed below have proven benefits in scientific research:

    Start doing aerobic exercise regularly. Research by Win Wenger shows that breathing is directly related to attention span. Try scuba diving or running. If this does not suit you, then any other aerobic exercise will be helpful. Exercise twice a day for 45 minutes, after you wake up and before you go to bed. You can end these sessions with meditation.

    • Such physical activity good for the figure, and good appearance in turn improves mood. The more endorphins released during exercise, the more active your brain will be and the better you will feel.
  3. Sleep when your brain really wants you to. Some people have the most productive time of the day is 9 am, for others it is 9 pm. For some it may even be 3 am, or only after the third cup of coffee. Since we are all different, sleep when your brain needs it. Do you work best at night? Don't be shy, sleep until lunchtime. This doesn't mean that you are lazy, it means that you are wise.

    • Also try to sleep 7-9 hours a night. When you feel tired, your brain may not function at 100%. In this state, it downplays its abilities, putting you in a kind of hibernation mode, and does only the most necessary to breathe and maintain vitality. important processes in the body. Chronic sleep deprivation also prevents the brain from developing to its full potential and can lead to various mental and physical illnesses in the long run.

    Part 2

    Practice your skills
    1. Read as much as possible. Genetics aside, education is a huge factor in developing your IQ. Try reading about science, such as mathematics and physics. Various sciences increase understanding of the world around you, which in turn improves perception, vocabulary, logic, spatial and mathematical abilities.

      • Nowadays you can find many things on the Internet educational resources. Sources such as Universarium, Lectorium or even materials on YouTube will be useful.
    2. Make word puzzles and play various logic games. To prevent dementia and to support high activity brain, solve puzzles and problems regularly - which means (in this day and age) spend more time on the Internet and phone! Download apps like Lumosity, What Saying, Quiz Up and other games that activate all the inner reserves of your brain. Quit Candy Crush and spend more time improving your IQ.

    3. Take the tests again and again. An IQ test is no different from the chemistry test you took 4 times in school to finally pass the exam. An IQ test has the same basic structure and type of questions every time. Therefore, the more tests you take, the better your results will be.

      • The tests you can take online for free are not exactly the same ones you might have taken at a job center or a psychiatrist. If you want to know your real level IQ, you will have to deal with a real test. There is usually a fee for this test, so always try your best.
    4. Receive new experience. When you do the same thing day after day, your brain goes into autopilot mode. He stops responding to stimuli in his familiar environment. But when you have new experiences, your brain wakes up and absorbs everything, invigorated for change. Therefore, instead of watching another movie in the evening, lying on your favorite comfortable sofa, look for a museum, an exhibition or some new place that will be interesting to visit in order to always keep your brain in good shape.

      • Even if you just visit a new place or try new food, this will already be a good experience. This way you expand your knowledge and become better informed for future decisions. But the more they differ, the better. Consider this an excuse for an exotic vacation!
    5. Learn something new. Actively exploring new things helps your brain learn and make connections that weren't possible before. Learning a new skill like juggling, playing chess or lacrosse, or any other activity you've never tried before will be incredibly beneficial for your brain.

      • Learning a new language – great way force the brain to work on new pathways. It awakens inactive parts of the brain and is also impressive and applicable to the real world.

    Part 3

    Change your diet
    1. Eat plenty of protein for breakfast. Protein has the ability to increase the production of neurotransmitters in the brain, which in turn increases levels of norepinephrine and dopamine - all of which increases your alertness and improves problem-solving skills.

      • This is especially important because breakfast prepares you for the day ahead and fills you with energy. Sugar at breakfast simply causes your energy levels to plummet a couple of hours later, slowing you down and making you even hungrier than before.

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