How to win over. How to win someone over: the opinion of psychologists

Who among us would not like to please others, winning over our interlocutors from the very first meeting? A lot depends on this skill - career success and personal life, ability to influence people, friendly support. Our article will help you strengthen your position in society, become the life of the party and leave only positive impressions in people’s memories. The main thing is to know a few important rules, which we will look at below.

9 ways to win the heart of your interlocutor

1. Even posture

A straight back and widely spread shoulders tell the interlocutor that in front of him stands a strong and confident person who definitely has inner rod. On a subconscious level, a straight back evokes respect, and if you add an open smile to everything else, this will make a new acquaintance feel genuine sympathy and goodwill towards you.

2. Calling by name

When we call our interlocutor by name, it helps him to open up in our presence, to feel unique, to stand out from the crowd. A pleasant feeling that automatically transfers to us. At the same time, this practice allows you to better remember a new acquaintance and quickly move to a more intimate level of communication.

3. Eye contact

A time-tested method will help you make the impression of an attentive and interested listener - learn to give your interlocutor during a dialogue feedback, supporting with him eye contact, nodding and assenting. The main thing is to look into the eyes, and not at the lips or much lower.

4. Language mimicry

A good way to quickly get liked is to try to speak the language of your counterpart, imitating his speech nuances and turns of phrase. To do this, listen to the words a person uses to describe his work, emotions, things around him, and then use similar declensions. “Machine” or “typewriter”, “cash” or “loot”, “beloved woman” or “chikulya” - don’t be afraid to notice the nuances and imitate them a little. A person is close to people who are on the same conceptual level with him.

5. Mirror movements

Our brain is designed in such a way that it sympathizes with people who unconsciously repeat its movements. This knowledge should be used by periodically copying the pose or gestures of a new acquaintance. Just don’t overdo it, don’t turn into a parody clown, otherwise you’ll get reverse effect. Do you see that the interlocutor crossed his legs or leaned to the right side? Mirror this pose and look at the effect produced.

6. Admiration and praise

Who doesn't like compliments? Try to admire other people's skills, talents and achievements more often, noticing literally every little detail. Does a person tell you how they lost a couple of kilos on a new diet, got a raise, or learned a new hobby? Praise his work, tell him how strong and strong-willed he is, real example for imitation. Is it difficult to do this on your own? Then say a compliment from a third person, for example: “Dmitry Lvovich told me about what a wonderful specialist you are. So I just wanted to get to you!”

7. Comfortable environment

Our perception is designed in such a way that it connects the first impression of a person with our own internal state. This means that if we felt good and comfortable, the person also seems warm and interesting. But if we experienced discomfort, something hurt or felt cold, the impressions take on a negative connotation. What to do? Get acquainted in a comfortable and cozy place, preferably over a cup of something tasty or strong, then the interlocutor will have no choice with which memories to associate you with.

8. Small mistake

Nobody likes perfect people who are perfect in every way. These people seem like strangers, and you are afraid of making mistakes with them. That’s why you can win over your interlocutor by making a small mistake, which a new acquaintance will correct “in a fatherly way.” Stumble, spill a glass of water, or put the wrong emphasis on a word. This will allow people to behave more naturally in your presence and give them confidence in the right to make mistakes.

9. Minor service

The catch is that it should not be provided to you, but to you. The essence of the method is to ask a new acquaintance for easy help, which he simply cannot refuse. For example, explain to you how to get to the main entrance of assembly hall, borrow a book for a couple of minutes, ask to hold your things, and then thank you warmly. After a person has agreed to a small service, it is easier to persuade him to help you with a larger one; he will be more willing to respond to your requests. This effect was named after Benjamin Franklin, who was the first to discover such a trick.

Use our tips only for good and remember, to win someone over, use less manipulation, but more sincerity! People sense bad acting.

Hello, my dear readers and blog guests! Everyone wants good relationships with people. But they don’t add up by themselves. Therefore, it is worth mastering the art of setting them up. Without it, it is impossible to make a friend, create close relationships or establish connections with co-workers. Their essence lies in creating deep sympathy for oneself, a friendly attitude and the desire to continue further communication. In reality, there is nothing particularly difficult here, since the interlocutor, in turn, is usually interested in this. And today we will talk about how to win someone over.

Who needs the ability to win people over?

First of all, such a useful skill is especially necessary for representatives of certain professions. There are specialties for which communication becomes the core around which their entire professional activity. Therefore, people occupying these positions must be able to create an atmosphere of trust from the first word or even, perhaps, from the first sight. Their ability to earn a living and be .

It is very important to have such important skills:

  • teachers;
  • teachers;
  • educators in kindergarten;
  • artists;
  • heads of various departments;
  • sellers;
  • managers;
  • sales agents;
  • journalists;
  • doctors;
  • nurses;
  • officials;
  • politicians;
  • clergy, etc.

It is important for these people to be able to create an atmosphere full trust, help your interlocutor relax, set him up for a thorough dialogue. At the same time, you need to be very patient, be able not to judge people for minor shortcomings, and strive to capture their attention. You cannot allow indifference towards a person during a conversation, ignore requests or appeals, or respond rudely.

How to win someone over

In addition, you need to be able to actively use nonverbal communication methods. This means that you should smile at people, listen to them with an interested look, and act naturally, but not cheekily. Such simple ways help to completely win them over.

It is also very important to be able to use special methods communication. Among them may be the following.

These skills will help you quickly win over a person, arouse sympathy, and interest you in further conversation.

In the case where this has already happened, you should immediately make it clear to your interlocutor that you are ready to communicate in response. If you do this sincerely, without hiding your positive emotions, you can make a pleasant acquaintance or even find a new friendship.

Be sure to take into account:

Under no circumstances should the principles be used. People quickly recognize them and develop a strong dislike for such a person.

It is worth remembering that the most attractive feature is. This is what usually accompanies charm. Therefore, first you need to be kind to your self. This quickly makes it clear to others that this is a pleasant and friendly person. If internal self-esteem is not too high, it needs to be developed psychological methods or at least smile at yourself in the mirror in the morning and say: “You look so good!”

It is equally important to be able to help the interlocutor feel attractive, competent and important. Therefore, from the very first minutes you need to treat him as a very respected person. If there is something interesting about him, he is dressed beautifully or has achieved some high results, it is better to note this immediately at the beginning of the conversation.

A compliment on one's appearance, suit or hairstyle can be quite useful. It doesn't hurt to remember that he is also shy in front of a new person and resorts to the same tricks to create a positive atmosphere. Therefore, it is enough just to meet him halfway with an open soul.

The ability to win people over requires not only learning, but also maintaining this skill in yourself every day. It is especially important in professional field, where not only suitability for the position held depends on this, but also earnings and a pleasant atmosphere in the team. See you again!

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All people, without exception, want their appearance in any company to bring a lot of positive and pleasant emotions. Everyone wants to be liked and charming, so that after leaving or talking they will think: “What a nice and good man" Someone will say that it is given from birth and to be sociable and easily make contact with any people is not something everyone can do. And we will answer that communication and charm are easily cultivated. And so, we present to your attention the secrets that will tell you how people like you and win them over.

Don't be tense

Nobody wants to talk with a pinched ball of nerves. Such a person causes either pity or irritation. Try to be casual in your interactions.

There is no need to choose sophisticated words, fiddle with something in your hands, nervously walk from corner to corner, stagger in a chair or sit in a motionless position.

Always appropriate golden mean. In order not to appear too cheeky, adhere to generally accepted rules of politeness and etiquette, while at the same time not harnessing yourself into too narrow boundaries during the conversation.

Talk about the man himself

Sometimes it is very difficult to choose a topic for conversation, especially with stranger. It seems like we’ve already talked about life, the weather and politics, but what to do next? And then we bring the conversation to your interlocutor.

According to research, talking about oneself gives people the same pleasure as eating or taking a bath.

Ask general questions about a person, take an interest in his activities.

Listen carefully

The ability to listen is very valuable.

Not only will the person tell you about himself. He must see that he is perceived, listened to with attention, and not interrupted. Have the patience to listen to even the most boring story, complementing it with nods of the head in agreement, exclamations and regrets. The interlocutor will definitely be pleased to communicate with you.

To earn your favor, you need to ask for advice. Give the other person the opportunity to feel that their point of view is very important to you. That he himself, as a person, is important to you, and you need him.

Common interests

We feel trust and warmth from those people who are very similar to us. Use this knowledge to please others.

Focus your communication on common interests and hobbies.

Interlocutor's state

If your friend, with whom you want to establish contact, Bad mood, problems at work and at home, then your joyful and exuberant behavior will cause irritation and negativity. Learn to observe the other person's state of mind. Support him in difficult moment, show compassion and understanding. Help others in word and deed. Then you will earn not only someone’s sympathy, but also good attitude to you for life.

Body language

Conversation with a man who has a stone face and motionless body causes difficulties. It is not always possible to understand what he is thinking about and whether he is telling the truth. Use gestures, facial expressions and reinforce your words with them. Look away from other objects from time to time. Try to smile more often.

A smile opens the door to any heart.

Touch the person and even hug them. A few seconds of hugging activates the production of a hormone that helps build trust in a person. Observe, at the same time, the other person's reaction. If such manifestations of yours displease your interlocutor, keep your distance when communicating.


It is very pleasant to communicate with a witty person who loves to joke. Such a person will always find a way out of the most difficult situation. And if he doesn’t find it, he will definitely laugh at her and show her in a less gloomy light. Develop this quality in yourself, and you will see how your environment and your life will change. Don't be afraid to laugh sincerely and heartily. Just remember, you should joke not at the person, but at the situation.


Continuing the previous secret, we can say that jokes and humor may not even be very funny. Sarcasm, irony and dark humor are in fashion now. IN modern world so few are happy and positive people. When such a “sunny” person appears, they immediately begin to turn him with envy and bewildered glances into the same gray dull mass. Don't give in to the general mood.

In order to please someone, we usually give compliments and try to show concern for the person. However, psychologists argue that the mechanism for the emergence of sympathy is triggered by opposite actions. Main principle the ability to win over a person - to make him like himself. We offer you 6 methods to charm your interlocutor.

  1. Make a mistake

In a conversation, you may incorrectly name some well-known historical date or confuse geographical names. Give your interlocutor the opportunity to correct you, and as a result of this, he will begin to feel more confident, this will reduce the distance between you and, most importantly, he will no longer be afraid of making mistakes himself. Demonstrating your own imperfections attracts people to you.

  1. Talk to people about themselves

We sometimes don't notice how focused we are on ourselves and how oblivious we are to others. Your chances of being liked by your interlocutor will increase if you show sincere interest in his life, affairs, and opinion on the issue under discussion. This principle was formulated by Dale Carnegie: “You will make more friends in two months by showing genuine interest in people than by trying to make them interested in you in two years.”

  1. Give a compliment in the third person

Such compliments can endear your interlocutor to you even more than direct praise. By giving such a compliment, you present the success of your interlocutor as a well-known fact. For example, you could say, “All the women in our department want to know the recipe for the pie you baked for the New Year.”

  1. Show compassion

People are pleased when their emotions are shared with them, it brings them closer and establishes trust relationship. To support a person, you can say, “You were nervous today. We all have days like this!” And if he has a successful day, cheer him up with the words: “How well everything is working out. Great!".

  1. Ask for help

It turns out we love more those we help than those who help us. This phenomenon was noticed by Benjamin Franklin, who said: “He who has once done you good will be more willing to help you again than he whom you have helped yourself.” When a person helps us, he becomes more significant in own eyes and in order to win someone's sympathy, it is more effective to ask him for a favor than to do him a favor yourself. At the same time, you should not abuse requests and ask for something difficult to fulfill.

  1. Give him the opportunity to praise himself

By asking questions about what a person likes and what he does best, you will unwittingly provoke him to praise himself. People like it. To be able to give them such pleasure is an art, and once you master it, they will definitely like you.

Today we will talk about how to win someone over and consider secret services methodology, which was revealed by Jack Schafer - American professor psychology, for a long time previously worked as an FBI special agent. I noticed that in lately They started writing a lot about this, and so I also decided to keep up and will look at how to gain a person’s favor using the methods of the special services using examples.

Let's start with why this is even needed. Yes for anything! The ability to win someone over will definitely be useful to you both in business and in some personal, everyday, everyday matters.

So, Jack Schafer told how the intelligence services were taught to win people over with the help of personal charm. The main conclusion he made is this:

To win over a person, you need to make him like himself.

Reception 1. Make a mistake. Yes, yes, that's right. When you start communicating with a person, you can deliberately make some obvious, but insignificant mistake, so that he notices it and corrects you. And you will pretend that you are embarrassed and correct yourself.

What is the essence of this technique? Firstly, you will demonstrate to your interlocutor that you are imperfect, you are an ordinary, simple person who also tends to make mistakes. This will immediately relieve tension. Secondly, your interlocutor will feel more confident, even psychologically feel a certain superiority, and in such a state it is much easier to win over a person, because this way he will think that he is in control of the situation, not suspecting that the opposite is true. Next, your communication will become more free and relaxed.

For example :

  • While I found this Pushkina, 12, I asked everyone...
  • Pushkina, 13!
  • Oh yes, sorry, of course, 13!

Reception 2. Talk to your interlocutor about him. To win a person over, you need to be interested in him. His affairs, his health, his mood, his interests, his children, his opinion, his life in general. That's when he will become interested in you. If you focus on presenting yourself favorably, it will have the opposite effect.

It is very important for any person how interesting he is, how significant he is in the eyes of others. Make him believe that you are really interested in him and really matter to you, and you can easily win his favor. By the way, subsequent techniques will be based on this.

For example :

  • You have these beautiful paintings hanging in the hall. Are you interested in painting?
  • We heard they are going to build a new one nearby shopping mall. What do you think about this?

Reception 3. Give compliments in the third person. If you want to win someone over with compliments, it won't always work. Because many people will simply mistake them for flattery, which will only make matters worse for you. But there is a way to enhance the effect of compliments: you just need to do them not from yourself, but as if from a third person, from someone else.

For example :

  • Your boss recommended you as the most responsible and competent specialist;
  • Heard a lot positive feedback about your company, even from competitors.

Reception 4. Empathize with your interlocutor. A person will definitely be pleased when you express your sympathy and empathy for him in something, but the degree of this sympathy must be chosen correctly, the main thing is not to overdo it.

The purpose of this technique is to show the interlocutor that you are not indifferent to his feelings and emotions, and that you are imbued with them. This will unite you more, bring you closer psychologically and help you easily win over a person.

For example :

  • I can imagine how difficult it was for you to develop your business in the conditions of such powerful competition...
  • Yes, now there is a crisis, everyone is in recession, I understand...

Reception 5. Ask your interlocutor for a favor. When thinking about how to win over your interlocutor, you can resort to this technique. When you ask a person for a favor, he will psychologically feel a little higher than you in his eyes, this will relieve tension, he will relax, and it will be easier for you to take over his consciousness.

Only this request, of course, should not be very significant and adequate, one that he would definitely agree to.

For example :

  • Could you look after my things so I can quickly make a call and come back?
  • Could you get someone to show me the building?

Reception 6. Make the person praise himself. This is the last, very effective, but also rather difficult technique to achieve a person’s favor. It consists of this: you need to bring the conversation to the point where your interlocutor praises himself. How to do this needs to be thought out depending on the situation.

But in this case, the effect will be very good: the interlocutor will feel his importance, his significance, will grow in his eyes and relax, which will be to your advantage.

For example :

  • Interlocutor: I have been working towards creating this business for several years.
  • You: I can imagine what it's like not an easy path. This requires nerves of iron and a character of steel!
  • Interlocutor: yes, of course, it was not easy, but I was able to overcome all these difficulties.

These are the methods, according to FBI special agent Jack Schafer, that the secret services’ methodology teaches how to win over a person. I hope that you will find them useful and will use them only with good intentions.

With this I say goodbye to you! Be successful and financially literate! See you again at !

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