What questions should you ask yourself? What new mistakes will I make next? Am I sharing love with others?

They say that time changes things, but in reality you change them yourself. /Andy Warhol/

WITH personal diaries People's relationships are different. Someone writes every day, carefully recording all the events that happen. And someone, it seems, wants to, even buys an elegant notebook, starts writing, but after a couple of weeks things don’t work out. There is not always time to reflect and analyze your life, and most often diaries are started precisely for this.

Diary "My 5 years"- Not regular diary. Imagine that you are asked a question and you answer it, like during an interview. Every day there is a different question and only four lines for the answer. A kind of daily blitz interview, during which you can get to know yourself better.

This is a diary for 5 years, which is why it is also called "five book". You can start keeping such a diary at any time. Just find today's date and start writing. For example, you started on January 1st. Once the year is over, you go back to the beginning and answer the same question you asked a year ago. But most likely your answer will change. And at the same time, you will remember what you were thinking about, what you were happy about on this day a whole year ago. And so, day after day, year after year, you can remember the most various events in life and perhaps understand how they affected you.

I can say that It is very pleasant to fill out such a diary. Firstly, it is always interesting “what the coming day has in store for us,” namely, what question. I honestly don't peek into tomorrow, and thus I always have a surprise question. Secondly, filling out the diary is pleasant and quick. Although, it depends on the question. For example, I read the question in the morning. And if it requires thinking, then during the day I mentally return to it and formulate an answer, and then write it down in the evening. Such thoughts “warm up” the brain and every day you have new topic for quiet reflection. Plus, aphorism is trained own statement, because not much space is given for each answer.

IN bookstores I have come across other similar “five-books”, with different cover designs, but with the same questions inside. Having looked through them and compared them with the questions in this diary from the publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, I definitely liked it more. The questions in the “My 5 Years” diary seemed to me more interesting, diverse and often very philosophical. I liked the stylish cover, thick paper, and convenient bookmark. Here what questions can you find inside:

Do you think people change over time?
- What are you reading now?
- Which art direction is closer to you: classic, modern, abstract art?
- Tell me about your house.
- How to make today more joyful?
- What question do you like to ask people?
- What would you like to change right now?
- Remember your last dream.
-Which celebrity would you like to talk to?
- What kind of person are you?
- What is your motto?
-Are you wearing socks now?
-Who are you looking for? last time angry?
- What do you see as evidence of the existence of higher powers?
- What do you think should be studied at school?
-What do you always laugh at?
- Today you learned...
- What's on your wish list?
-Who did you help today?
- Describe this day in five words.

As you can see, the questions are very different, affecting different faces personality and life.

For yourself?
To understand yourself better, you need to be able to ask the right questions. Stephen Aitchison's 30 provocative questions can serve as an example of such internal dialogue.

What are the right questions? Probably those that help you see yourself from the outside, through the eyes of an outside observer.

If everything in your life is going great, you can quickly skim through S. Aitchison’s 30 questions (or even not read them at all) and move on through life with a joyful smile. What if something in your life is not going as you would like?

Often a person finds himself in a dead end situation:

No progress;

— no expected results;

- no prospects;

- it seems to you that there is no way to move from the “dead point.” This can apply to any area of ​​activity: relationships, work, health, career, friends.

Some call this state “rat race”, others call it “the usual comfort zone.” This may be due to depression or loss of strength. What to do in such a situation?

Stop and calmly analyze what is happening to you.

IN lately many began to turn to professionals for help: psychologists or personal coaches. They help you understand yourself and existing problems.

What does a psychologist or coach do?

Asks the right questions. In this case, in no case will a professional answer for you. He will only lead you to the right question.

If you want to independently understand your specific impasse, re-read Stephen Aitchison's list of 30 provocative questions. If you answer them honestly and truthfully, then most likely you will find hints: where to move next.

30 provocative questions by Stephen Aitchison.

1. What can I do today to achieve my goals?

2. What time are you most productive at work?

3. What can I do today to pamper myself?

4. What are 5 things I can be grateful for in my life?

5. What can I do today to make a difference in someone's life?

6. What is my best character trait?

7. What do I really want to do with my life?

8. Do I really want these people (list) in my life?

9. What can I do to save a small amount every day?

10. How much TV do I watch during the day?

11. Do I really need all these things?

12. When was the last time I read good book?

13. When was the last time I said “No”?

14. Does it really matter what other people think of me?

15. What do I want to achieve this year?

16. What's the next one? great goal"What do I want to achieve?

17. What can I do to feel happy?

18. When was the last time I broke the boundaries of my comfort zone?

19. What are my life values?

20. What steps should I take today in order to move towards my plans?

21. What should my ideal day look like: from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed?

22. Which good habits I would like to vaccinate myself?

23. How can I get rid of bad habits?

24. Who inspires me the most?

25. What qualities do people I admire have?

26. Will my dreams remain just dreams, or can I make them real?

27. What would happen if I let go of _______________?

28. What do I really love about my job?

29. What would I do differently if I had the opportunity to live this moment again?

30. What will I do after reading these questions?

After reading this list, the conclusion suggests itself: The more often we review our emotions, feelings, habits, thoughts, the simpler, easier and more interesting we will live.

Often correct question, given to yourself, makes you move better and faster in the right direction. By answering it, you have a vision of new possibilities, you begin to feel a surge of strength and energy.

For me Stephen Aitchison's 30 provocative questions became an example of how to ask yourself questions correctly and really lead to another realization: how and where to move on. Especially from the 25th to the 30th.

How to ask questions correctly to yourself?

Do you have a problem with this?

How correct and on time questions asked help you in life?


Questions for every day

Ask yourself daily the following questions, and you will see the progress you made during the day.

How close am I to my goal?

Was I confident today?

Have I got any new ones today? interesting ideas? Which?

Have I done anything that I've never done before?

Did I have to push myself to take action?

Did I act under the influence of a momentary mood? What did this lead to?

What was my mood today?

What could be the consequences?

Have I been irritated with or without reason?

What is really important to me?

Now – an assessment of the results of the day.

Did my actions make any difference today?

Which ones exactly?

– positive: _____________.

– negative: _____________

How satisfied did I feel with myself today in all areas of my life (on a scale of 1 to 5):

- V professional field;

- V personal life;

– in the field of health;

– _________________.

You can imagine your coach asking you these questions.

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These questions will help you not only remember all the good things that happened in the past day, but also set yourself in a positive mood.

1. What did I learn today?

Which easy question- the schoolchildren will say. But those of us who are older will think about it. After all, many of our actions have already been worked out, the work has been brought to automaticity, even the recipes for the dishes that we prepare remain unchanged from year to year. Meanwhile, it is with age that our brain needs to learn something new. Not only new words foreign language, as we are often advised, but also new movements, new look activity. To enjoy life more fully, you need to bring back lightness and a willingness to enjoy change.

2. How much stress did I experience today?

We have several alternative ways to charge mobile phone at any time, but look at how we treat ourselves. Our own energy needs to be somewhere around 5% before we finally allow ourselves to rest.. If we just keep going day after day because we still have energy, it can lead to burnout.

Every day is good just because you lived it

3. How am I feeling?

We must always remember that mental health– this is the main thing. Listen to yourself more carefully, especially if you notice that at the end of each day you feel sad or annoyed. “Ask yourself why this is happening and what can be done about it. Clarify the reasons for yourself and make a decision to respond to the situation soon so that these feelings of annoyance and disappointment do not transform into constant dissatisfaction and irritability. Because they can lead to changes in your behavior,” advises John Greden, director of the Center for Depression Research at the University of Michigan.

4. How did I make others feel?

We don't always ask this question. It is especially useful for those who like to review the grievances caused by others. Listen to the wisdom of Zen:

“If people find a mistake you have made and try to make you look bad, slander and denigrate you, take a step back and take a closer look at yourself.

Don't harbor hatred, don't get into arguments, don't lose your temper, don't get angry or be offended.

Just go through it all and act like you didn't see or hear anything. Ultimately, the gloating ones will disappear on their own.”

Do we have enough empathy or simply attention to the other person next to us?

5. What can I do better tomorrow?

You need to ask yourself this question if you feel sad because of some mistakes you have made. Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes – and yet we are still here.

Those who have done at least a little dancing know how important it is to transfer weight from one leg to the other in time in order to move further or make a turn. Otherwise, you will simply get tangled in your legs. Same here - don’t hang on to failure, shift your weight and give yourself the momentum to move on.

Failures, no matter how frustrating they may be, do us a favor—they give us clarity. Once the dust settles and we stop blaming ourselves or circumstances, we begin to see much further - what needs to be done to move in the right direction.

6. What am I grateful for today?

Because every day is good just because you lived it. If you're not in the mood to give thanks yet, just make a note good points, nice little things and set yourself up to notice more tomorrow.

7. What made me smile?

Because each of us deserves to end our day on a happy note.. Just think how much easier your sleep will be without heavy thoughts. Even if the day is not going well, they will help simple steps. A song that will give you peace, a photo that will make you smile, a meditation or phrases that will help you regain a sense of peace.

For more information, visit the Huffington Post website

Today I will talk about five best questions questions to ask yourself every day. These motivating questions will help you understand what is more important to you, where you should move and what to devote your time to. After all, the most big mistake What a person can do, even unconsciously, is to plunge himself into the infinite.

It would seem that a person is so busy with something that he does not have enough time for anything. But at the same time he is not moving anywhere, his life is simply stalled. Coming a waste time. Every day he only loses his energy. And in return he receives neither results nor satisfaction. Of course, this person does not experience any joy from his life.

At the same time, it is enough to avoid this disastrous mistake Just. To do this, you need to develop the habit of starting your day with correct installation at him. For wherever you go, that is where you will reach. So try working with your journal every morning and answering five questions in writing. important issues.

So you immediately “kill two birds with one stone”:

  • You get all the benefits that the process brings to our lives.
  • Steer the steering wheel of your life in the right direction.

I have prepared for you five important questions to think about every day. They are made in the form of cards that need to be printed, pasted on solid foundation and put it in your Diary.

The best
motivating questions
for every day

What gives
this practice

As you can see, the technique itself is completely simple. But you will get the strongest results from it. The few minutes you spend answering these questions will be a real tuning fork for you. settings your day.

Think about how musicians tune their instruments. This way they achieve a cleaner and more harmonious sound. Is your life less important to you? And you are not at all interested in its harmony?

Nobody says that you have to write a diary every morning your entire life. Use this technique when your life needs adjustment. To begin with, try to do this at least in within a month. A shorter period does not make sense. Since any processes in our consciousness definitely have time for their consolidation.

The month is minimum term. I usually recommend three months. Then you will definitely get a strong result. First of all, you will see how much more focused and efficient your life will become. Moreover, you will have time for yourself, your family and friends. Because the habit of “running in circles” will disappear on its own.

By the way, for the most advanced there are two more very good ones. You can also print out these cards to try answering them. I would call these two questions questions of action. They are like an engine that pushes you forward.

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