Summary of a lesson on speech development, letter n. Summary of a lesson on the formation of phonetic-phonemic concepts in the senior group for children with disabilities

Abstract speech therapy session V senior group contains educational games and tasks on the topic “Sound [n]” and allows you to form phonetic-phonemic concepts of children with general underdevelopment speech. In addition to classical means, it is proposed to use a surprise moment, the introduction of a hero, an audio recording, which causes positive motivation and interest in the activity in children. This lesson will be of interest to speech therapists, speech pathologists, and educators.

Summary of a lesson on the formation of phonetic-phonemic concepts in the senior group for children with general speech underdevelopment.

Topic: “Sound [N]. Journey to the Princess Nesmeyana"

Target :

  • Introducing children to the sound [n].



  • introduce children to the sound [n] and the method of its characterization based on articulatory and acoustic features;
  • clarify the articulation of the sound [n];
  • continue to formulate the concept of “consonantal voiced sound”;
  • learn to clearly intonate the sound [n];
  • learn to identify sounds [n];
  • teach analysis and synthesis of forward and backward syllables.

Correctional and developmental:

  • develop visual and auditory attention;
  • develop phonemic hearing;
  • develop coordination of speech with movement.


  • teach to listen to other children, not to interrupt;
  • develop cooperation skills, independence, initiative.


  • “Zvukovichok” (symbol of consonant sounds (hard, voiced)), sound articulation profile [n], story picture“Princess Nesmeyana”, individual mirrors, sound pencil cases (for each child), “flying carpet”, audio recording.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time.

The speech therapist invites children into the office, invites them to say hello to the guests and go to the carpet.

Speech therapist: Guys, look, we have a new carpet in our group. But this is not an ordinary carpet, but a flying carpet. Do you want to go on a trip with it?

Then make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and we will begin our journey.

Music is playing.

The carpet rises smoothly and slowly, carrying us across the sky. Houses, fields, forests and rivers float far below... And you and I flew to the land of fairy tales. Open your eyes and slowly get up. Look who's greeting us. Do you recognize the heroine of the fairy tale?

Children: Tsarevna-Nesmeyana.

Speech therapist: That's right! Sit on your chairs.

2. Main part.

Speech therapist: Guys, listen carefully to the story about the princess.

Once upon a time there was a princess. She was such a roar, such a screamer. Never smiled in my life, never laughed. So they called her Princess Nesmeyana. Nesmeyana sits on the throne and whines: [n]-[n]-[n]. Guys, take the mirrors and show how Nesmeyana whined.

Children: Pronounce the sound [n], observing the articulation in the mirror.

Speech therapist: Guys, have you already guessed what sound we will be introduced to?

Children: We will get acquainted with the sound [n].

Speech therapist: That's right! Let's see how we pronounce the sound [n]. (The speech therapist places a diagram of the articulation of the sound [n] on the board.) The lips are open. The teeth are close together. The tip of the tongue is pressed against the upper teeth. Guys, what does the exhaled air meet in your mouth?

Children: The air meets a barrier in the mouth.

Speech therapist: If the air meets a barrier in the mouth, can we sing the sound [n]?

Children: No.

Speech therapist: What do we call sounds that cannot be sung?

Children: Agree.

Speech therapist: That's right! The sound [n] is a consonant sound. Now put your hand on the neck and pronounce the sound [n]. Is the neck shaking?

So what is the sound [n]?

Children: The sound [n] is ringing.

Speech therapist: That's right! Guys, look what happens to our lips when we pronounce the sound [n]?

Children: Lips don't smile.

Speech therapist: So what is the sound [n]?

Children: The sound [n] is hard.

Speech therapist: What color circle do we use to indicate a consonant? solid sound? What does the bell mean?

Children: We denote a hard consonant sound with a blue circle. A bell indicates that the sound is ringing.

Speech therapist: Well done! Let's all repeat about the sound [n]. What is he like? And the sound player will help us.

Children: Repeat the characteristics of the sound.

Speech therapist: Well done! Guys, Nesmeyana doesn’t even look at us, but roars even more than ever. Let's play the game “How are you?” and let us show Nesmeyana that one must live with joy.

Speech therapist: Well done! Guys, come to Nesmeyana’s nanny and let’s make her laugh, catch the sound [n] in words. Let's play the game “Catch the sound [n]”. I will pronounce the words, when you hear the sound [n] - clap your hands.

Princess, roars, smiles, cries, prince, throne, noise, Nesmeyana, whines, screams.

Children: Do the task.

Speech therapist: Well done! But Nesmeyana still roars, swears, and drags the nannies by the braids. The nannies ran away. Nesmeyana was left alone.
It's night outside. Look at the picture “Princess Nesmeyana.” Name words with the sound [n]. Where is the [n] sound hidden, at the beginning, in the middle or at the end?

Children: Name words with the sound [n], determine the place of the sound in words.

Speech therapist: Well done! Guys, Nesmeyana is sitting alone, all in tears, capricious. Overseas princes came to her. They walk in front of her, joke, and she gives them tasks: “What I say, show it on the diagram” (an, in, na). The princes cannot complete her task. Can you?

Children: Make diagrams of syllables using sound pencil cases.

Speech therapist: Well done, guys! Nesmeyana was glad that you completed her task and smiled. Nesmeyana realized that it is better to live with joy than to be sad and sad. Let us also give smiles to each other. And now it's time to return to the group.

Sit on our magic flying carpet and close your eyes.

Music is playing.

The carpet rises smoothly and slowly, carrying us across the sky. Far below, fields, forests and rivers float by... Gradually, the magic carpet begins to descend and lands in our group. Open your eyes, slowly get up.

3. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: Guys, did you enjoy the trip? What sound did we encounter on our travels? What did you like most? What was the hardest thing to do?

Children: Answer questions.

Gerasimova Tatyana Sergeevna,
teacher speech therapist,
MDOU " Kindergarten No. 67″,
Yaroslavl city

Olga Efremova
Summary of a literacy lesson “Sound and letter N”

Sound and letter N

Educational objectives. Letter N and sound [n]. Formation of the ability to find new letter among other letters of the alphabet. Improving the skill of reading syllables with completed letters.

Developmental tasks. Improving phonemic awareness, developing visual and auditory attention, gross and fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, and creative imagination.

Educational tasks. Formation of skills of cooperation, interaction, goodwill, responsibility, independence.

Equipment. sticks, cubes, "My primer» and workbooks according to the number of children, simple and colored pencils, subject pictures for an organizational moment.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. Development of phonemic representations.

The teacher greets the children.

Teacher: The one who names the eye ones will sit down sounds. Then consonants.

The children answer.

Teacher: Right! Sit down. What words end with a sound: elephant, dream, clown.

Children's options.

Teacher: Right. Today on class we'll meet something new sound and letter N.

2. Sound [n]. Articulation sound. Development of visual gnosis, constructive praxis, fine motor skills, phonemic hearing. Cultivating a soft voice attack.

The teacher places a picture of a crying girl on the board.

Teacher. Look at the picture. The girl whines n-n-n. Repeat, Misha, how the girl whines.

Child. N-n-n!

Teacher. Let's say it together sound"N", lips in a neutral position, the tip of the tongue is raised and rests on the upper incisors. When spoken sound Vibration of the nasal cavity is felt. What is this sound?

Children. Consonant

Teacher How did you guess that this is a consonant? sound?

Children: Because it can be drawn, but it cannot be sung.

Teacher: And what color circle will we use to denote it?

Children: Blue circle

3. Game "Catch sound» Development of phonemic hearing. Selection sound[N] from a series of vowels sounds, syllables

Teacher: You need to catch sound [n]. When you hear it, clap your hands. N, t, p, m, n, o, a, n. Na, ma, an, un, pa, am, but.

4. Game "Define a place sound in a word»

Teacher. Listen to the poem and name the words that begin with sound [n].

Natasha has a freckled nose.

Our Nata is a first-grader.

Children. nose, Natasha, ours, Nata.

P a g o g Well done! Have you heard all the words that start with a vowel? sound [n].

The teacher displays diagrams indicating the place sound in a word.

Teacher Next task. You need to determine where it is sound[n] in each of these words.

Looking at pictures whose titles include sound [n], and location determination sound in a word: threads, lemon, glass, drum, rhinoceros, night.

Teacher: Well done, you did a good job.

5. Getting to know letter N. Development of visual gnosis and constructive praxis.

The teacher places a three-dimensional letter N.

Teacher Leg, leg

A belt was placed across it.

Letter letters“H” with a finger in the air.

How many sticks will it take to build letter N?

Children: Three

Teacher Well done! you folded letter N, and now put the sticks into containers. See how cubes can be used to make letter N. Try this too.

The teacher removes the containers.

Educator Look at letters H on the blackboard. One is big and the other is small.

6. Exercise "Find pictures". Development visual perception, phonemic representations.

The teacher posts a picture.

P a g o g And now let's find objects on this page whose names also begin with this sound N.

Children. Socks, thread, knife, scissors.

P a g o g Look at the flowers. These are narcissists. Repeat this word.

Children. Daffodils.

P a g o g From what sound does this word begin?

Children. Co sound [H].

7. Exercise "Let's read". Formation of reading skills.

P a g o g Now let's read the syllables and words.

Children, first in chorus, and then one by one, read the syllables, and then the words.

8. Physical education break.

9. Work in a notebook. Development of fine motor skills, graphomotor skills. The teacher invites children to tables, hands them open notebooks and containers with pencils.

Peda g about g What letter do you see on the leaves?

Children. This letter N.

P food g o g What pencil will you color it with?

Children. Blue.

Teacher Why?

Children. This is a consonant letter.

P a g o g Color the big one letter in blue pencil, and small circle the letter first, and then color it.

The children complete the task, the teacher watches how they sit, how their notebooks are laid out, how they hold their pencils.

P a g o g What pictures do you see on this page?

Children. We see threads.

11th e a g o g From what sound do their names begin?

Children. Co sound [n].

11. Organization of the end classes. Assessment of children's work.

The teacher invites the children to remember what they did in class.

Pe d a g o g With which letter did you meet today?

Children. WITH letter N.

P a g o g What is it letter?

Children of Solasnaya.

P a g o g How many sticks do you need to take to fold letter N?

D s t i. Three sticks.

P a g o g What words are in sound [n] you remember?

P a g o g What we did on class?

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson on teaching literacy in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard “Sound [U] and letter U” Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson. Type of lesson: training. Group of children by structure speech disorder: FFNR Age:.

Summary of a literacy lesson for children of the preparatory group “Sound [O] and letter O” Goals: Repetition of studied vowels, differentiating them from each other. Updating children's knowledge about the letter O. Consolidating the visual image.

Summary of a literacy lesson for children of the preparatory group “Sound [U] and letter U” Goal: Generalize knowledge about the sound and letter U. Develop the ability to isolate the vowel sound U from a number of other sounds, from words. ; selection of words for a given one.

Summary of the literacy lesson “Sound [ts]. Letter C" Objectives of the lesson: to introduce children to the letter C, to teach read words with a given letter; to form the skills of spelling correctly, express.

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Tansulu Karagasekova
Lesson summary “Consonants [N], [N’], letters N, n”

Subject: Consonants(n, n, letters N,n.


Introduce sounds(n,n) And letters N,n; give an idea that one letter can mean two sound;

Learn to produce sound analysis of words with students sounds, make up sound-letter models;

Improve phonetic hearing, develop attention, thinking, fine motor skills hands.

Guys, look how unusual this magical flower is.

You noticed that his bud is closed. Why do you think? What needs to be done to make it bloom? You said everything correctly.

And I think that our magic flower will bloom if you actively work on class and complete all tasks. You agree? Yes!

With each completed task, the petals will open.

And so the first task:

Let's do a verbal warm-up:

1. What are words made of?

2. What words consist of sounds?

3. What words consist of letters?

4. What two groups are they divided into? sounds?

5. What do you know about vowels sounds? (stresses, how many vowels, so many syllables)

6. What do you know about consonant sounds?

7. How is it different? sounds and letters?

Let's remember how a horse is driven? BUT?

Which one is the first? sound in this word? (n)- Which? consonant.

Why do you think this is consonant? That's right, the air meets an obstacle (tongue, lips).

What is the name of sounds, when pronounced, the air encounters an obstacle and is delayed? (consonants) .

Open the notebooks with bookmarks and look at the pictures and say NOTES and THREADS. How many sounds in a word notes. Which one is the first? sound in word notes.

N – consonant

what is the second one sound in word notes?

O is a vowel, we designate it letter O.

What is the third sound in word notes?

T - consonant solid is indicated by a blue chip

What is the fourth sound in word notes?

Y – vowel

How many sounds in a word Notes? (4- four)

How many letters in the word Notes? (also four)

Put emphasis on the word notes.

The stress falls on the first syllable, on the vowel O sound.

How many syllables are there in the word note? (two syllables).

And now sound analysis words THREAD

N – consonant, soft

I – vowel, stressed

T - consonant, hard

TO - consonant, soft

I – vowel, unstressed

How many sounds? (5 - five)

Did you put an emphasis on the word thread?

First syllable stressed NI

How many syllables are in the word thread (two syllables)

Compare sounds in a word notes, threads, how are they similar and how are they different? (This consonants)

sound N - hard

sound N – soft

Consonants which are pronounced with a voice are called voiced consonants.

Which letter we can designate two sound N and N – are designated by one letter N is capital and small.

Which house will you live in? letter N?

Let's make friends letter N with vowels and vice versa reading NA, NU, NI, BUT, NY, NOT and AN, UN, IN, OH, UN, EN. (reading text)

A game: think of a word with sound(n) at the beginning of a word

Nose, carried, hole, leg, Nina, socks, rhinoceros, pump.

You have envelopes with tasks inside. Open it, read it carefully, look at it and start doing it.

I. Write a sentence of three words and make a diagram.

II. Based on the picture, come up with a sentence and make a diagram of it.

Bottom line: from which letter we met today. What can you tell us about her?

Literacy activity

Goal: introduce children to sounds[Н] and [Н’], their features and the letter N


    Clarify the articulation of the sounds [Н] and [Н’]

    Sound differentiation[N] and [N’]in words

    Develop phonemic awareness

    Develop positional analysis

    development of memory, attention, imagination

Equipment: computer, presentation, pictures, counting sticks

    Organizing time.

“Guys, let’s stand with you. Let's take a deep breath and raise our arms up, exhale, lowering our arms. Now let’s clap our hands, smile at each other and sit down in our seats.”


"Children, guess the riddle

Three cute little animals

And they built huts,

And they ran away from the wolf,

Guess what their names were?

(Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf)"

    Identify sounds

(Slide 1) “And today Naf-Naf and Nif-Nif came to visit us. And they were very interested, can you determine what the first sound is in each of the Piglets’ names?

What is the first sound of Naf-Naf? [N]

What is the first sound of Nif-Nif? [N’]"


“The piglets are happy that you were able to correctly identify the first sounds of their names. And now they ask you to tell them how to pronounce them correctly.

Let's look at each other and pronounce the sound [N].

Are our lips closed or open? (open)

Where is our tongue? Behind the lower or upper teeth? (behind the top)

Now say the sound [N’].

Are our lips parted too?

Is the tongue behind the lower or upper teeth? (behind the lower ones)

Let's put our palm to the neck and pronounce [Н] and [Н']. What do we have with vocal cords happening? (Vibrate).

Now let's put our hand to our mouth? Do you feel air stream Or does the tip of the tongue interfere with its passage? (The tip of the tongue gets in the way).”

    The difference between the sounds [N] and [N’]

(Slide2) “Naf-Naf and Nif-Nif thank you for telling them how to correctly pronounce the sounds [N] and [N’]. But look, they found a scheme and can’t figure it out. Let's help them?

Look, the sound [N]. The piglets don't understand why we mark it with a blue circle? (Because he's hard)

And why do we depict a bell next to the sound [N]? (because it is loud).

And why is there a green circle next to the sound [N’]? (because it's soft)

Why is there a bell next to [N’]? (because he is loud)"

    Divide things

"The piglets tell you Thanks a lot for helping them figure this out complex scheme and they now know how the sound [N] differs from the sound [N’].

(Slide3) And they offer to play a game with them. There are a lot of things in this picture. And we will share them with you. Those things in the names of which we hear [N] will be given to Naf-Nafu. And those in which we hear [N’] “Nif-Nif.”

    Find the sound

(Slide4) “Now let’s try to find our sounds [N] and [N’] in words. Look, there are two diagrams shown here. The first shows that the sound is at the beginning of the word, and the second that the sound is at the end. Let's name the objects in the pictures and determine where the sounds [Н] and [Н'] are. At the beginning or at the end."

    Physical minute

One - get up, pull yourself up
Two - bend over, straighten up
Three - three claps of the hands, three nods of the head.
Four - wider legs.
Five - wave your arms
Six - sit down quietly at the table. (for the second repeat)

    What's missing?

(Slide 5-10) “I know that this week you learned a lot about shoes. Let's look at the pictures and you can tell me what kind of shoes are shown on them.

Nif-Nif and Naf-Naf decided to play a prank on us and check whether you and I are attentive. Look at the pictures and remember what shoes are shown on them.

Look, the piglets stole something. What's missing?

    Letter N

(Slide11) “Guys, there are sounds [N] and [N’]. We say them. And there is the letter N, which we write and read.

Look at her. It consists of three sticks: two vertical and one horizontal.

What does the letter N look like? (ladder, hammock)

Let’s make it out of counting sticks.”

    Children, what sounds did we talk about today?

What letter?

Who came to visit us today?

What did you like most about the lesson today?

Guys, Naf-Naf and Nif-Nif thank you for the lesson and say that you are great!


Contribute to the development of sound-letter analysis.
Promote the development of phonemic hearing.
Introduce the sound “N” as a consonant sound and its symbol – a blue square.
Learn to determine the place of a sound in a word and designate it on a diagram using a symbol.
Continue to teach children to listen carefully to the text of the poem, to select words not just by sound, but also by those that are appropriate in meaning.
Learn to distinguish sounds in words with intonation.
Introduce the printed spelling of the letter “N”.
Learn to write the words “MOON”, “SOAP” using symbols and letters.
Learn to conduct phonemic analysis of these words.
Teach to understand learning task and do it yourself.
Develop the skills of self-control and self-esteem.


Image of Dunno, workbooks, colored pencils, pens, subject pictures, cards diagramming the place of sound in a word; symbols of vowels and consonants, cubes, mirrors, magnetic letters.

NNOD move:

Introduction to the topic

Guys, do you like fairy tales? Which one is your favorite? fairy tale hero? Today a fairy-tale hero will also come to us. And you will find out who it is if you guess the riddle:

Blue hat,
Yellow pants
In the city of Flowers -
The main braggart.

Tried to rhyme
This shorty
Only he didn’t
A true poet.

Lots of adventures
What happened to him
But it's worth admitting
This boy is cute.

Who is this? Guess it!
The baby's name is...

Children sit at tables and open their workbooks.

Game "Give me a word"

Dunno wants to play the game “Give me a word” with you. Listen carefully, find the clue in your notebooks and circle the clue picture.

And a rooster with a prickly hedgehog
They cut lard with sharp...
(With a knife)

Who alone has a horn?
Guess it!

What is the first sound in the words “KNIFE” and “RHINO”? (“N”).

Working with mirrors. Characteristics of the sound “N”

Say the sound "N". In what position are the lips, teeth, tongue? What prevents sound from coming out? Tell Dunno, what sound is this? The sound “N” is a consonant, voiced hard or soft. What color do we use to indicate the consonant hard sound “N”? (blue). A consonant soft sound"NY"? (green)

Game “Locate the place of the sound in the word”

Name the pictures, emphasizing the “N” sound. Dunno does not know where the sound “N” is located in the word “ELEPHANT”. Let's give him a hint and draw a blue square in the appropriate place in the diagram.

One child does the task at the board, and the rest of the children do it in their notebooks.

Where did you draw the blue square in the rectangle under the image of the elephant? (At the end, because the “N” sound in the word elephant is heard at the end).

Where did you draw the blue square in the rectangle under the picture of the umbrella? (In the middle, because the “N” sound in the word elephant is heard in the middle)

Where did you draw the blue square in the rectangle under the pump image? (At the beginning, because the sound “N” in the word “ELEPHANT” is heard at the beginning).

What do we do with sounds? (We pronounce and hear). How do we indicate the sound “N” in writing? (letter).

Introducing the letter "N"

What does the letter "N" look like? What elements does it consist of? (From 3 sticks).

One, two, three, four, five - come out and play quickly. One, two, three - we will turn into a letter.

Children are divided into pairs and “turn” into a letter, build a letter with the help of their hands, fingers, and lay it out from cubes.

Writing letters, reading syllables

Dunno saw a house in which only vowels live. It was boring for them to live without neighbors, and he proposed to populate the empty apartments with new tenants - the letters “N”. Trace the letter "H" with dots and then write before the vowels.

Read the syllables. (In chorus, girls, boys, individually). The letters began to have fun and balls flew into the sky from each floor. Match the balls with the corresponding syllable in the house.

Phonetic analysis of the words “MOON”, “SOAP”

How many syllables are in the word MOON? (Two syllables).

Name the first syllable (“LU”). Name the first sound in the syllable “LU” (“L”). What sound is this? (hard consonant, denoted by a blue square). What's the second sound? (“U”, vowel sound, draw a red square), etc.

How many vowel sounds are there in the word "MOON"? How many consonants? (A similar analysis is carried out with the word “SOAP”).

Summing up the lesson

What did Dunno learn from us today?

The teacher analyzes what the children did best and what caused difficulties.

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