Where to go if you take chemistry. Where to apply for chemistry and biology? Pharmacy college or university

This way you can decide which direction to choose, since there are a lot of specialties related to chemistry and biology in various fields. It is very important to choose exactly the activity that you will like, because from each employee associated with these disciplines, as a rule, responsibility, accuracy, erudition and ingenuity are expected. At the same time, we will list where to enroll in biology and chemistry.

Biological direction

With knowledge of biology, you can work in the field of flora, study flora, agriculture. Currently, science is popular in the direction genetic engineering, studying biological processes in living nature. Ecology is not far behind in popularity. If you are taking or have already passed the Unified State Exam, but don’t know where to go with chemistry and biology, then you can consider the following options:

  • botany;
  • zoology;
  • agronomy;
  • ecology;
  • psychology;
  • pedagogy.

There are other areas that are related to those listed above.

Activities in the field of chemistry

Chemical processes can be observed everywhere: in nature, in technology, and in medicine; even cosmetology cannot do without this science. But what should we do with biology and chemistry so that more attention is paid to chemistry?

A chemist typically spends most of his time in the laboratory. He may be involved in chemical or medical research, study manufacturing technology various materials, engage in research in the field environment.

Is biochemistry necessary?

But it also happens that a student knows and loves both subjects very well: chemistry and biology. Of course, he has every chance of becoming an excellent specialist. But who should know these two sciences perfectly? Let's list:

  • doctors;
  • pharmacists;
  • biochemists.

Which universities accept applicants with knowledge of chemistry and biology?

You have successfully passed the Unified State Exam (Russian, Chemistry, Biology), but don’t know where to apply?

In this case, focus on the following institute profiles:

  • medical;
  • pedagogical;
  • multidisciplinary (there will probably be a suitable faculty there).

For example, you can enroll in Moscow at:

  • MMA im. Sechenov.
  • Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.
  • RUDN University

You can also choose agricultural university or technical if there is interest in agriculture or technology.

What specialties exist?

Where to go with biology and chemistry? We discussed this issue earlier. Now we will briefly list which specialties correspond to these areas:

  • biologist;
  • chemist;
  • biochemist;
  • ecologist;
  • agronomist;
  • geneticist;
  • engineer;
  • microbiologist.

There are other qualifications that may differ in their narrow profile.

What kind of work can you do?

School graduates and their parents are wondering who can work in biology and chemistry, where they can go. As we have already discussed above, the choice is quite wide. If a person knows how to explain simple and complex things, conduct basic experiments, and share his knowledge with an audience, then it is recommended to choose pedagogical activity with the possibility of admission to graduate school.

If you have an interest in medicine and a desire to study everything that happens in the human or animal body, then you can choose biochemistry to work in a laboratory and conduct various tests.

For lovers rural life, nature can also be used to study the living and inanimate world.

For those who like to research something, to get to the truth on their own, it is better to consider scientific research laboratories to create new drugs, household chemicals or various cosmetics.

Is the job promising?

This question often worries parents. It is difficult to say for sure whether there is career growth, any prospects. Often it all depends on the person himself, his personal qualities and professionalism. If he wants to learn, develop, if necessary, study, for example, foreign languages to go to conferences or on business trips to other countries, then, of course, his profession is promising. Such activities will not only bring good income, but will also help the development of science and the surrounding world.

What can you do on your own?

Sometimes it happens that an adult who has worked for some time at an enterprise realized that there is a desire to open his own laboratory for research or conduct various seminars, trainings, but lack of knowledge and skills.

Then he wonders where he can go by taking chemistry and biology. What can you offer? For example:

  • carrying out psychological trainings and consultations;
  • independent research in the field of biochemistry;
  • tutoring;
  • studying science for the purpose of writing articles, blogs, books.

To study chemistry and biology yourself, you need to invest in the purchase of equipment, consumables and tools.

Disadvantages for those who know chemistry and biology well

The disadvantage of almost all chemists and biochemists is that they work with harmful and even dangerous substances. If a researcher has a predisposition to allergies, has concomitant diseases, or weak immunity, then it is better not to go into such a field at all. But if everything is in order with your health, then you can safely ask where to go with biology and chemistry. There is plenty to choose from: there are suitable faculties in medical, agricultural, technical and pedagogical universities.

It must be remembered that the work of such specialists is harmful, your health condition may worsen, so it is recommended to familiarize yourself with future profession.

Successfully writing the Unified State Exam in chemistry and biology is not an easy task. It is not surprising that these items are chosen by purposeful and serious guys. The secret of success is not just memorizing formulas, properties of elements and living organisms, but in a deep understanding complex processes and laws that describe the world around us.

Most graduates who take the Unified State Exam in chemistry and biology are planning to connect their lives with medicine.

Getting into medical school has always been difficult. Nowadays, admission is also complicated by the fact that, in addition to traditional chemistry and biology, you have to take exams in other subjects - mathematics, physics, and the Russian language. Medical schools also require passing a professional test.

Which universities are easier to get into and which are more difficult?

Having good results Unified State Exam in chemistry and biology, as well as in some other subjects, you will be able to apply for three selected areas and try your luck.

Biology, bioengineering

If you are interested in biology as a science and want to give the world new biotechnologies, then you have a direct path to Moscow State University. In the direction of “Biology” (Faculty of Biology), the passing score is 438, 157 budget places are allocated. To get into one of the 20 places in the field of “Biology” at the Faculty of Biotechnology, you must score at least 455 points. In the field of "Bioengineering and Bioinformatics" only 30 applicants will be able to get into the budget, the bar is the highest - 462 points. Additional exam in all specialties - mathematics.

Soil science

To thoroughly study all the intricacies of land use and reclamation, apply for the specialty “Soil Science” at Moscow State University. Plank height - 385, budget places- 57. Additional exam - mathematics.


This is a very interesting agricultural specialty related to the cultivation of plants, increasing productivity and soil fertility. If you decide to get this profession, then this can be done in the Russian State Agrarian correspondence university. Pass level 209 and 75 budget places.

General Medicine

Apply by this direction quite difficult. For example, at Moscow State University the passing score is 465 points, but only 35 places are allocated; in addition, you additionally need to take mathematics. In Sechenovsky medical university you need to provide 282 points on the Unified State Exam, 700 people will be accepted on the budget. In “Pirogovka” the passing score is slightly lower - 254, but there are also fewer places - 600.


To enter Moscow State University, you need to score 429 points and additionally pass mathematics, there are 15 budget places. At the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov has a passing score of 233 and 200 places. At the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov established a threshold of 248 points, 30 applicants will be accepted for the budget. Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after. A. I. Evdokimov (Moscow State Medical University named after A. I. Evdokimov) 24 people who received at least 257 points on the Unified State Exam will study for free.


You can become a highly qualified nurse by enrolling in the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenov. The passing score is 199, the number of budget places is 20.

Medical and preventive care

Training in this area is conducted at the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenov, passing score - 236.

Medical biochemistry

The chances of enrolling on a budget are approximately the same in both universities. At the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov has a passing score of 252, but there are only 10 places. At the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov requires 283 points, but more places are allocated - 18.


To become a competent pediatric doctor, you need to undergo training in this area at the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov or at the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenov. In “Pirogovka” the passing score is 248, and there are 45 budget places. In “Sechenovka” there are almost three times more places than 150, but the requirements for applicants are higher - the passing score is 330, in addition, you need to pass a professional test.


The most difficult thing is to enter Sechenovka, the passing score is 326, but 100 budget places are provided. In the profile MGMSU named after. A. I. Evdokimov has set the bar at 261 points, and there are 68 places. At the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov’s passing score is 258, but from federal budget only 35 places are paid.


Having passed biology with a high score, you can apply for. In addition to this subject, you will have to bring test results in the Russian language, chemistry and mathematics, and also, possibly, pass an additional intra-university exam in your favorite natural science (disciplines may vary depending on the university). It would be nice if you also understood and - at the beginning of your studies at the Faculty of Biology, a lot of attention is paid to this subject.

Biology is mandatory exam upon admission to the faculty. Along with this discipline, you will have to show your knowledge of the Russian language and chemistry. If you would like to engage not in treating people, but in developing and implementing latest technologies and ultra-modern equipment, you will also need knowledge of physics.

Psychologist is another specialty for which admission will not be possible without testing. If you have a tendency to humanities, you can give preference to this faculty. However, the list of required items varies depending on the educational institution. As a rule, applicants, in addition to biology, also provide Unified State Exam results in Russian language, mathematics or history.

The final and most important stage is passing the entrance exams. You must take this seriously. Never use cheat sheets, be careful when writing your test work, and be confident in your oral answers. Try to tie everything you say to .

Useful advice

To successfully enroll in Faculty of Medicine, don't count on luck. Once you have submitted your documents to admissions committee, forget about night parties and country holidays. Now main tasksuccessful completion entrance examinations. Only after they are completed can you relax a little. But do not forget that studying at a medical school is a serious and responsible matter.

Those who claim that modern youth are not interested in anything are very, very wrong. Many young people are interested in biology beyond their school or university curriculum. It is not for nothing that Russia is still, fortunately, a leading scientific power in this area.


You can order the literature you need in online bookstores or by electronic catalogs libraries presented on the Internet.

If you have a good command of, and especially special terminology, then you can start correspondence with biology students and scientists from all over the world, communicating with them in special forums and exchanging experience and knowledge.

If you want to first understand the practice, and only then move on to theory, visit the “anatomy”, collect herbariums, go to field practice more often and write down your observations.

Nowadays it is very important to get higher education in order to get a prestigious job in the future and earn a decent income. Many universities throughout Russia are ready to open their doors to everyone who seeks knowledge on various scientific directions. Having decided on your future profession, all you have to do is choose the university itself and the form of education.


If you have made a firm decision for yourself because you want to help people in difficult life situations and give them moral support, then studying full-time or evening will be especially interesting for you. It's there experienced teachers you will be invited to participate in psychological games, seminars, trainings, etc. The work of a psychologist involves communicating with people, so this fact is very important. After all, it is on practical exercises received theoretical knowledge are worked out and consolidated.

It doesn't matter what city you live in. You always have the opportunity to graduate from a university and receive a diploma in psychology. For example, in Yekaterinburg there is the Ural State, in which they have created good conditions for students. The university has its own library, which is very important. The management of this university periodically holds scientific Olympiads and conferences, where there is always a chance to improve your knowledge.

Always ready to accept students St. Petersburg state university. Having a very strong teaching staff, he can offer you quite exciting learning, which will help you develop in the chosen direction. This university has created a program that pays attention to culture, sports and health, which will make your studies more interesting.

In Moscow, many institutes, universities and academies are simply fighting for their students, offering them different training options and payment schemes. And also create favorable conditions for non-resident citizens. Here we can note such universities as Moscow State University, Moscow pedagogical university, Moscow Humanitarian-Economic Institute, etc.

Also, do not forget about, which upon completion gives you the right to practice in your profession as a specialist. One of the institutes offering a similar form is the Institute positive technologies and consulting. There are several directions in it, which are supervised by qualified teachers. Distance learning is very convenient for many students. Because myself educational process happening in your free time. The big advantage is that studying at

Chemistry and biology - quite complex sciences, not every student chooses them as their favorites while studying. On the other hand, at all times they belonged to a popular industry and required certain knowledge, character and predisposition. It is believed that these sciences are given to a few, because they are complex, but in fact, it is often enough to understand their basics for interest to arise, and it becomes clear that this is not just calculations and memorization of terms, but a whole interesting and fascinating world.

On the one hand, graduates, knowing such disciplines, are ready to realize themselves in many areas in the future. On the other hand, the exams are difficult, and you can enter many universities only by passing and additional items. The fact is that these directions alone are not enough. In most cases, you are required to have results in the following subjects:

  1. Mathematics.
  2. Russian language.
  3. Chemistry.
  4. Biology.
  5. Physics or natural science are often added here.

As a result, a graduate can enroll in many places, but to do this they need to take many subjects. Not every applicant will agree to prepare for four subjects where they can get by basic mathematics and tongue.

Where can you go if you passed biology and chemistry?

In fact, there are quite a few professions that require only one of these subjects. But if you come to the admissions committee with not only biology, but also chemistry, your chances of admission (especially budgetary basis), are increasing. But where can you go if you have passed both chemistry and biology? Absolutely - to a medical university. Today many presenters medical universities require not only these two disciplines, but also the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. These include:

  1. First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov.
  2. IMU im. Pirogov.
  3. State Medical and Dental University.
  4. State Medical University named after Pavlova.

These are universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but in almost all major cities there are prestigious and large educational institutions this direction. But you should understand that even after passing the necessary exams, you can enter the budget with with great difficulty. The competition for one place is big, the people with the highest scores go first. high scores in biology and chemistry, language plays a lesser role here. Priority is given to students who have participated in Olympiads and won prizes, and can also confirm participation in other competitions and conferences.

Other options for both disciplines

Where else can you go if you pass these two disciplines? After all, becoming a doctor is very difficult; not every applicant is ready to go to such a university, especially since the workload and responsibility in it are colossal. Another option is to go to a veterinary academy.

If you are not indifferent to animals, are not squeamish, and want to get a profession that is profitable and in demand at all times, then the question is “Where can I go?” disappears by itself. Veterinarians have a never-ending supply of clients, especially considering that almost every family now has a pet. It is easier to study at such a university than at a medical institute.

Definitely both biology and chemistry are needed to become a biochemist. Such a specialist also quickly finds where to go to work. Having a diploma from the Faculty of Biochemistry, you can go to work in many laboratories related to medicine, food industry, pharmacology. Biochemists often find work in cosmetic centers, and they may even work in a hospital.

In addition, the profession of an agronomist is now gaining enormous popularity. In Russia, the agricultural sector is constantly developing and is promising. This requires both chemistry and biology. As a result, a student can study to become a vegetable grower, botanist, agricultural technician, or breeder.

Options for chemistry and biology separately

There are certain specialties where you can take only chemistry or only biology, but the presence of a second discipline plays a certain role and is a priority for the commission. Taking chemistry, you can easily go in the following directions:

  • pharmacology;
  • theoretical chemistry;
  • industrial chemistry;
  • agronomy (some specialties do not require biology);
  • fire safety.

Software engineers fire safety are required in almost any enterprise or company. This will require not only knowledge of chemistry, mathematics and language, but also excellent physical training. As a result, you can become an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a fire inspector, or an engineer. All these professions are prestigious and in demand.

Pharmacology is a promising industry at any time. You can get a job as a pharmacist, or develop and create new medicines. Specialists go to work in pharmacies, hospitals, and factories.

Theoretical chemistry is required for laboratory workers, as well as chemists who want to stay in science. Unlike industrial, where it is possible to become an engineer, technologist in many fields, both organic and inorganic compounds. You can work in almost any factory and industrial facility in the laboratory and workshop, in the technology sector.

Biology: what is it for?

Biology is also taken for many specialties. For example, it is needed for psychology. This profession is now in demand; many universities have or are opening psychological faculties. As a result, you can become such a specialist:

  • speech pathologist;
  • psychologist;
  • psychoanalyst;
  • psychotherapist.

As you can see, in early XIX century (and Liebig graduated from the gymnasium in 1819) was not among the famous and prestigious. But it was thanks to chemistry that humanity emerged from the Stone Age into the age of metals and hundreds of thousands of other materials that have become irreplaceable. Think about it: everywhere we are surrounded by materials to which chemists had a hand. Chemicals are used to make fabrics, clothing, shoes, furniture, dishes, detergents and explosives, paints, building materials, cosmetics, electrical equipment, all types of transport and many more useful and necessary things. “Chemistry stretches its hands wide into human affairs” - these are the words of M.V. Lomonosov perfectly expresses the scale of chemistry.

And the chemist himself changes the face of the world. He creates new substances and composite materials from ordinary mineral raw materials, transforms natural components into hundreds and thousands of products, necessary for a person. By the way, humanity today knows about 10 million chemical compounds, and you have a chance to increase this number by becoming a pioneer of new ones.

Will you make a chemist?

Perhaps right now you are deciding whether you should connect your destiny with chemistry, whether you have the abilities that would allow you to do something in this area brilliant career. Academician D. A. Epstein argued that they consist of two main components: “chemical head” + “chemical hands.”
How to understand this? We can say that a person has a “chemical head” if he is characterized by good logical, associative and imaginative thinking, ability to abstract and generalize, terminological memory. (However, these same qualities will allow their owner to succeed in any field natural science- biology, physics or geography.)

But the most important thing in a real chemist is a keen interest in substances and the processes of their transformation, a desire to work with them. The peculiarity of chemical thinking lies in figurative and model representations about matter and its transformations at the microcosm level. And when a person with such thinking has neat, sensitive hands, he is a born synthetic chemist or analyst.

When considering the biographies of recognized luminaries of chemistry, one can notice that it was the processes of transformation of substances that aroused their keen interest in childhood. Thus, D. I. Mendeleev spent his childhood at a glass factory, Yu. Liebig enthusiastically watched the preparation of medicines in his father’s pharmacy, V. Ostwald was engaged in photography, and he was especially interested in the preparation of solutions of developers, fixers, as well as the processes through which The image appears on the paper. Many more examples can be given, but I think the main idea is clear - you can become a good chemist if you care about the chemistry of processes.

And in order to check in more detail the degree of your abilities and get to know chemical science and the chemical industry in detail, read the book by G.V. Lisichkin and L.A. Korobeinikova “Are you fit to be a chemist?”


It should be remembered that at his workplace a chemist constantly deals with toxic, caustic, flammable substances, so contraindications for this profession should not be ignored. This is an imperfection of the senses (tactile sensitivity, vision, smell), a disorder nervous system(dizziness, hand tremors), cardiovascular diseases and respiratory system, absent-mindedness, unstable attention, high tendency to allergic reactions. All this can make working in your specialty unbearable.

At the same time, one should not think that a modern chemist is doomed to poor health. Compliance with safety regulations, use modern means protection allows you to eliminate harm to health or reduce it to a minimum.

Three ways

For a person who decides to become a chemist, three possible areas of study open up, which will largely determine their future place of work.

Scientific activities

A classical chemical education can be obtained at the Faculty of Chemistry of a classical university. In the best possible way Such a specialist can realize his capabilities as a research chemist. This field of activity is right for you if you are interested in scientific research, you like to do additional chemistry, you make significant progress in chemical olympiads, you realize vital importance chemistry in the life of mankind and dream of a Nobel Prize. Let's say right away that such an application of forces has great prospects. So, out of 14 main applied problems requiring resolution in the 21st century (according to the report of the National engineering academy USA for 2006), three will have to be decided by chemists. The above-mentioned “chemical head” + “chemical hands”, an irresistible desire to find the truth and the ability to do research will be especially useful to a research chemist.

According to the career guidance terminology of psychologists, the sphere of work of a research chemist is “man-matter” (in combination with the types “man-nature”, “man-technology” and “man-sign systems”). The main content of the work is the study of the structure of matter and mechanisms chemical reactions, analysis and synthesis of substances, development of scientific theories.

Modern chemical laboratory equipped with many sophisticated instruments, but for a chemical researcher it is still important to be able to work well with your hands.

The main result of the work is the accumulation of scientific information, publications in scientific journals, patents.

If you want to engage in science in the field of chemistry, then the research laboratories of universities and research institutes await you as a place of work. The leading chemical research institutes in Moscow are:

Young specialists are always welcome here - and you can continue your education by studying in graduate school, but there is one significant drawback. Research institutes are budgetary organizations, and salaries here are small (within 10-20 thousand rubles), especially for beginning specialists. So choose scientific career or enthusiasts whose decision scientific problems capable of absorbing entirely, or those who want to acquire initial experience necessary for a successful start in the profession. After all, many enterprises will be happy to receive a leading specialist or head of a laboratory with a candidate’s degree, and even more so a doctor of sciences.


Pedagogical chemical education can be obtained in chemical and biological faculties classical university, as well as at the chemical or biological-chemical faculty pedagogical institute(there are several of these in Moscow alone). A person with such an education expects workplace chemistry teacher at school or chemistry teacher at colleges and technical schools. In addition to the “chemical head” and “chemical hands”, you will need pedagogical abilities, since in this case the “man-person” interaction comes first, and only then - “man-matter” and “man-nature”.

You should become a chemistry teacher if you like the work of a teacher (try to put yourself in the shoes of your current teacher), you love children and nature, and have success in studying chemistry at school. The main content of the teacher’s work is the actual process of teaching chemistry, main result labor - increasing the level of chemical education of students, their ecological culture. Let us note that, of all areas of a chemist’s activity, it is in teaching that contact with hazardous substances is minimal, which means there is a risk of injury or acquisition over time. chronic disease is practically reduced to zero. Jobs here are also doing well: teaching staff are always needed - but the salary in this field of activity leaves much to be desired. In Moscow the situation is more favorable than in the regions: here average salary teachers at the beginning of 2008 was about 20 thousand rubles - in the periphery this figure drops to 5-10 thousand rubles. However, the ministry is now taking a number of measures to increase the prestige of the teaching profession and rejuvenate teaching teams, because today 40 percent of school teachers are of retirement age and they need replacements.


Technological specialists chemical education graduates from faculties of chemical technology technical universities, among them the leading ones are:

  • Russian Chemical-Technological University named after. D. I. Mendeleev (Russian Chemical Technology University),
  • Moscow state academy fine chemical technology named after. M. V. Lomonosova,
  • Moscow State Open University.

A person who has received an education here will find a job as a process engineer in a chemical production. The main spheres of action of a technologist are “man-technology” and “man-matter”, the presence of technical thinking, inventive abilities is welcomed, the place of work is factory workshops and production laboratories (work indoors or on outdoors, in a “chemical microclimate”). Just recently, many chemical enterprises in Russia were idle, and only 5-7% of graduates went to work at the factories specialized universities, but now times are changing - and reviving chemical industry is in dire need of young specialists. In addition, today many chemical enterprises in Russia have begun to offer decent salaries - for example, at a plant a specialist can receive from 25,000 to 50,000 rubles, and in some cases you can count on the provision of departmental housing. Chemical technologists are in great demand at enterprises producing and processing plastics, at factories producing paint and varnish materials, fertilizers, in the petrochemical industry. The essence of the work of a chemical technologist is to develop new compositions with given properties; in conducting research on the selection of optimal raw materials, the introduction of technologies for the production of new products and control over these processes; in studying the properties of the obtained substances and adjusting formulations in order to improve their quality.

Let us note that today it is not just chemist-technologists who are especially in demand (and have the highest level of income), but specialists who are able to work with suppliers of raw materials and are well versed in the market chemicals, can develop and lead projects to introduce a new type of product. This means that you will need initiative, the ability to work with people, and additional knowledge in economics and management. All these qualities will help you make a career and take leadership positions at a chemical enterprise.

Get a chemical education

The good news is that the competition for chemical specialties is usually small, even in leading specialized institutes it is rarely more than two people per place. For example, at the Russian Chemical Technical University named after. D.I. Mendeleev for the popular specialty " Chemical technology organic matter“Last year the competition was 1.8 people. Most high competition was, perhaps, at the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University (3.4 people). Note, however, that in the last ten years, up to 80% of medalists who applied here become students of the Faculty of Chemistry. I think this situation is more likely due to the demographic crisis than to a decline in applicants’ interest in chemistry. However, this is no reason to relax: entrance exams are still complex. Except specialized chemistry, you need to pass mathematics and Russian language. Most “chemical” universities offer preparatory courses.

However, those who have entered the chemistry department need to prepare for long and hard work. Studying to become a chemist is really difficult - and only possible for those who are sincerely passionate about this science. Chemistry in one form or another is studied throughout the entire period of study. You will get a close acquaintance with inorganic, organic, analytical, physical, colloidal and other types of chemistry. Traditionally, large volumes cause difficulties higher mathematics and physics, studied in the first two years. If the university is technological, then complex technical disciplines should be added to this: “Automation of chemical and technological processes”, “Control, accounting and technical and economic analysis in the industry”, etc.

And we can only wish success to all future chemists in their admission, study and employment.

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