Megapolis message. What is a metropolis, its problems and advantages

Man builds his cities in breadth and height, occupying more and more space around the centers of his states. In this way, unusually big cities, where millions live, seek their happiness, work and relax. The lights of a big city, a metropolis, are hypnotizing. The second word, so exquisitely impressive, is increasingly used in conversations. It has long replaced the word “city” for some of these centers. As we know, a metropolis is a very big city. Or maybe we know very little about him, about this beautiful word? We propose to understand in a little more detail what a metropolis is. The word itself comes from a combination of two Greek forms. If someone came up with an association with such a phenomenon ancient civilization, like policies, city-states, then this is very useful. Megalo, which translates as “big” and polis, which translates as “city”, are the two components that make up the modern designation for the largest city. So, we got the answer to the most important question- What is a metropolis? We know the definition and origin of the word. His historical development Let's touch on it further. History of the use of the word "megapolis" in geographical science began in the 17th century. The English researcher T. Herbert first used this term to designate the capitals of states. Since then, the evolution of the meaning of the word has tied it to the name of only cities that are especially large in global significance. According to the criterion introduced in UN publications, a metropolis must have at least 10 million inhabitants.

A metropolis is the largest form of settlement, which is formed as a result of the merger of many neighboring urban agglomerations. For reference, let's digress to the additional concept of agglomeration (from Latin agglomero - “I join”) - a set of cities with strong economic and cultural ties. As a result, they become a single functional unit. They form around large cities, mainly in industrial areas with high density population. At further growth and the development of connections, cities and agglomerations are united into megacities.

Now we know what a metropolis is in geography. The formation and development of large cities were constantly monitored. Thus, according to statistics, in 1900 there were only 10 cities in the whole world that could be considered megacities. In 1955, there were already 61 cities with a population of more than a million, and in 1990 - as many as 276. As can be seen from the figures, trends towards globalization and consolidation of settlements are gaining momentum. The most populous cities historically appeared in America. So, back in 1950, New York had more than 12 million residents. The Eurasian continent lagged behind just a little - Shanghai with its 10 million and London. Before the start of the new millennium, in 1995, the picture of the world's megacities was even more impressive. In Japan, the Tokyo-Yokohama megacity had more than 26 million inhabitants. New York did not grow as much - up to 16 million, Mexico City - up to 15.5.

Greek megas - large + polis - city) is a term first proposed by the English author of travel essays T. Herbert in the 17th century. to designate the main city of the country. IN British dictionary Geographical Terms (published in 1961) it is considered outdated, but has not completely disappeared from the lexicon (especially journalistic).

Great definition

Incomplete definition


megacity), a very large city. Until the 1880s, until us. London did not exceed 4 million inhabitants; cities of this size were unknown. By 1980, the number of such cities reached 35, and at the end. By 1990 there were more than 60 of them, 50 of them in developing countries. Among the most big cities a subgroup of metals is distinguished - agglomerates, according to UN terminology. In 1980, we had seven agglomerates. more than 10 million people In con. 1990s There are now 22 such cities, all but five of which are in developing countries. Mn. Mexico is already facing enormous difficulties (urbanization) in providing its residents with water, electricity, food and work (employment).

Mikhail Gabolaev
Dmitry Pavlov
Andrey Karasev
Anton Dashkin Megapolis (group) Megapolis (group)

"Megapolis"- Soviet and Russian rock band, founded in Moscow in 1987. The group’s birthday is apparently May 27, which is when the debut album “Morning” was released. The first performance of Megapolis took place in June 1987 at the Moscow Rock Laboratory festival in the Gorbunov House of Culture.

Many of the group's songs are written to poetry famous poets: Joseph Brodsky ( “There”, “Christmas Romance”, “Debut”), Alexander Barash ( “Loner”, “Mary of Egypt”, “Homage to Dennis Silk”, “Thunderstorm in the Country”, “The Ballad of Wax and Honey”, “Wet Lies”, “After Half a Century”), Vasco Popy ( "Seeds", "Nails"), Andrei Voznesensky ( "New Moscow sirtaki").

In the mid-90s, Oleg Nesterov began producing (recording studios "Light", "Snegiri"). In 1996, the album “Thunderstorm in the Village” was released, after which the group went on a long rest, releasing individual songs. She left to return in May 2010 with a new album, “Supertango,” which was recognized as the most successful.



In April–November 1986, at a rehearsal base, young Moscow musicians Mikhail Gabolaev and Oleg Nesterov recorded material that was later included in the debut magnetic album “Morning,” published in samizdat on May 27, 1987. This date has now become official day birth of the group. In June of the same year, the group played its first concert at the Gorbunov House of Culture at the rock laboratory festival. The performance was remarkable: “Megapolis feels confident in the mysteries of electronic magic. Their composition “Fisherman” turned out to be the most popular at the concert.”(“Moskovsky Komsomolets”, June 28, 1987). The composition of the group at that time was as follows: Oleg Nesterov - guitar, vocals; Andrey Belov - bass guitar; Mikhail Alesin - drums; Alexander Suzdalev - keyboards; Arkady Martynenko - keyboards; Igor Zhigunov - percussion.

In January 1988, Megapolis became part of the Stas Namin Production Center. In February, the musicians accepted an offer from the Melodiya record company to release a record based on the album “Morning”. The disc was recorded by sound engineer German Petrov in October-December. The album, released in mid-1989, was called “Poor People”. On the anniversary of the creation of the ensemble, an article dedicated to Megapolis was published in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. The ensemble was named “a purely Moscow creation that could only be born here and only now”.

In 1988, Megapolis took part in several major festivals the rock movement that gained incredible popularity - “Rock for Peace” (Green Theater, May), “Rock against Repression” (Dubna, September), “Rock for Democracy” (USC CSKA, December).

In 1989, the famous presenter of “Muzoboz” and director of the program “Vzglyad” Ivan Demidov shoots two music videos for the group "Muscovites" And "Christmas Romance". At the beginning of the year, the production company ARS organizes a number of concerts for the group throughout the country. In March, the German radio station WDR airs a 20-minute program dedicated to Megapolis. And in August, the musicians will make their debut abroad - at the “World Music for the Head and Belly” festival in Berlin, in which musicians from 32 countries take part. The group is participating in a joint tour of the GDR with the American group The Beatnics. IN summer period The composition has almost completely changed. Now he looked like this: Oleg Nesterov - vocals, guitar; Mikhail Gabolaev - bass guitar; Yuri Matsenov - guitar; Andrey Nadolsky - drums; Alexander Suzdalev - keyboards; from June to November Vitaly Churilov - guitar. That same summer, the musicians starred in feature film“Our man in Sanremo”, presenting four of their songs there and playing themselves.


In July 1990, the Mosfilm studio released a new album, “Motley Winds” (sound engineer: Vasily Krachkovsky). As part of the New Year's program "A", a new one was presented, which later became extremely popular song "New Moscow sirtaki"(to poetry by Voznesensky). At the end of the year, an offer to record vocals for a song "There"(written to poems by Brodsky, on the album “Motley Winds” performed by Oleg Nesterov) accepted by Lev Leshchenko. It was the sunset Soviet era, and the song sounded extremely relevant: “The wheat moved, leaving the coat of arms, into the herbarium...”. In 1993, director Dmitry Fiks will shoot a video for this song in the spirit of the video "High"(With English  - “High”) by the group “Cure” (earlier in early 1992, directors Mikhail Khleborodov and Sergei Kosach began filming a video, but due to lack of funds they were forced to suspend the process).

In January 1991, keyboard player Alexander Suzdalev left the group. From March to December, Mosfilm records the album “ woman's heart" During the same period, the project “Unborn Hits for Germany” was invented and began to be implemented - the translation of popular Russian songs into German ( "Lilies of the valley", "Volga").

In February 1992, Megapolis went to Germany, where he performed in clubs in Cologne and Düsseldorf, and was also invited to participate in radio and television programs. In the fall, the group's songs are also broadcast on Russian radio stations. In October, Dmitry Fiks shoots a video for the song “ Autumn-86", using amateur footage of the Cologne carnival. In December, drummer Andrei Nadolsky left the group.

Throughout 1993, Megapolis has been working on a new album, Megapolis, for which a German company signs a publishing contract with the group. After participating in the “Generation-93” video clip festival, the group gains many new fans, and songs are increasingly heard on domestic radio stations. In December, the album was recorded at the Mosfilm tone studio. The sound engineer was again Vasily Krachkovsky.

On January 13, 1994, at the next “Generation-94”, the group of musicians received the main prize “ golden apple» per clip "Karl-Marx-Stadt", which soon went on air on the German channel VIVA. Since January, the ensemble's musicians Mikhail Gabolaev and Oleg Nesterov have begun working on dance remixes of their songs. This project is called "M. E.G.A.P.O.L.I.S./NEGORO” and will be fully completed in January 1995. In February and March, several club shows of the so-called “NEGORO-Show” take place, where the artists did not sing or play, but only danced to the music. The group participates in the Eurovision 94 qualifying competition with the NEGORO version of the song "Pushkin". Dmitry Fiks uses an old amateur film camera to shoot a low-budget video for a song "I am spring". On May 27, the Moscow Youth Palace (MDM) is hosting a presentation of the collector’s edition of the albums “Women’s Heart” and “Motley Winds” released on one disc. Finally, in August, first in Germany, and a month later in Russia, the album “Megapolis” is published. In December, drummer Alexander Filonenko and guitarist Andrey Kifiyak joined the ensemble.

In May 1995, guitarist Yuri Matsenov left the band. In July, filming of a video for the song “40 Nights of Waltz” (directed by Dmitry Fiks) took place. In September, the Triary company, together with Soyuz, publishes on cassette an album of remixes “M. E.G.A.P.O.L.I.S./NEGORO.” In November in St. Petersburg at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, as part of the event “Musical Philosophy of the End of the 20th Century,” the group gives a solo concert.

On February 23 and 24, 1996, the group gives an acoustic concert at the Utopia club, later, in August, published on disk by Moroz Records. Dmitry Fiks shoots a video "Pushkin". In June, the collection “Deus Ex Machina” was released in Europe, which included the composition “Megapolis” “1+1” from the album “Megapolis”. In the summer, recording of a new album takes place in Germany at Dieter Dierke's studio (sound engineer - Brigitte Anderhausen). In September, Dmitry Fiks shoots another video for the song "Star". And then the creative association “Two Wings” makes a video for the composition "Seduction". During the heart surgery of the then Russian President Boris Yeltsin, the musicians attract attention with their action " Get well soon, Boris Nikolaevich!" or "36.6". This clip was among the best at the Generation-97 festival. At the end of the year, the album “Thunderstorm in the Village” is released - sad and lyrical, unlike the previous creations of “Megapolis”.

In 1996, the group received the Golden Gramophone Award for the song “Woman’s Heart”.

Since the beginning of 1997 songs "Star" And "The Ballad of Wax and Honey" often heard on radio stations, video for the composition "36.6" reaches the top of the music television charts. In April, Dmitry Fiks begins filming the film “A Little History,” dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the “Megapolis” ensemble. In addition to live performances, the film uses rare archival materials, clips, and interviews with participants. In July, as part of an event dedicated to the upcoming 850th anniversary of Moscow, the song “Moscow is the City of Love” was recorded, which was included in the collection “Songs about Moscow”. In October, a contract was signed with the Soyuz concern to publish the collection. best songs, which comes out in March 1998.

Mikhail Gabolaev and Oleg Nesterov devote themselves to producing activities. Among the first wards were the groups “Masha and the Bears”, “Litmus”, and later “Underwood”. In January 1998, a new guitarist Maxim Leonov appeared in the group. At the end of the year, Megapolis is working on a Russian version of Peter Seeger's composition “Where are the flowers?”(“Where Have All the Flowers Gone?”), recording it in a duet with Masha Makarova. Director Roman Prygunov and cameraman Vlad Opelyants will later shoot a video for this song.

In March 1999, Nesterov, Gabolaev and Giedrius Klimkyavichus founded the Snegiri Music company. In September, together with one of the Bullfinch projects - DJs "Krugozory" - the ensemble is shooting a video for the song “Old age will not end”(director - Roman Prygunov).


In March 2000, Alexey Kadlubovich joined the band as a drummer. The group increasingly performs with an acoustic program, and soon consciously refuses club concerts for the general public.

Since 1999, Oleg Nesterov has repeatedly made statements about preparing to record a new album for the group, but the recording was constantly postponed. In the fall of 2003, a song with provocative lyrics was broadcast on radio stations. “Smiles of love or ezhik forever” ("The hedgehog hiding between your legs"). After this there was a lull again. And on April 28, 2006, for the first time in for a long time The musicians performed at a Moscow club. Among others, a new song was performed "Winter ("Wounds on the Glass")" based on poems by Alexander Barash. A video was shot for this song in the same 2006, and in June 2007 the long, painstaking work of the Bold Design studio on a new animated video for the song was completed "World Karl-Marx-Stadt".


During their work as producers, Oleg Nesterov and Mikhail Gabolaev completely changed their views on the process of creating music. The result was the album “Supertango” (2010), released by the Soyuz company with the participation of Snegiri-Music. This work immediately received an award for “ best album 2010" at the annual festival "Steppenwolf" and was recognized as the best record by the magazine "Afisha". After the premiere of Supertango, Megapolis returned to active concert activity.

In 2012, the group recorded four songs from the album "Supertango" as a duet with Yolka. They were included in the joint single “Stars, Stars”.

From the life of the planets

In 2014, the release of the multi-format project “From the Life of the Planets” took place, which was based on music for real-life scripts of unmade films of the 60s: “The Pier”, “Seven Evil Pairs”, “Premonition”, “Jump and Jump the Ceiling Collapsed” . This musical dedication is presented in the form of a double album of the same name, a large-scale Internet resource, unique in its kind, created in the format (, and a full-fledged musical performance. During the work, archives were studied State Museum cinema, RGALI, Gosfilmofond, RIA Novosti, personal archives. The heroes of those events provided great help and support: Alexander Mitta, Andrei Smirnov, Natalya Ryazantseva, Yuliy Fait, Sergei Solovyov, Ali Khamraev, Yuri Klepikov, German Klimov. The project became a laureate in two categories of the Steppenwolf 2014 award, topped the list of the best musical projects of the year according to Snob magazine and was included in the shortlist of the Snob: Made in Russia 2014 award. Has been named one of the most significant cultural events recent years. Large-scale electronic resource received national award“Book of the Year 2015” in the category “ E-book" For this project, the Megapolis group was nominated for the “Person of the Year 2015” magazine award.

In the spring of 2016, the Megapolis group began work on a new project.


  • Oleg Nesterov - vocals, guitar, acoustic guitar
  • Mikhail Gabolaev - bass guitar
  • Dmitry Pavlov - electric guitar, lead guitar
  • Andrey Karasev - violin, keyboards
  • Anton Dashkin - drums (since 2011)

Former members

  • Andrey Belov - bass guitar (1987-1989)
  • Mikhail Alesin - drums (1987-1989)
  • Alexander Suzdalev - keyboards (1987-1991)
  • Arkady Martynenko - keyboards (1987)
  • Igor Zhigunov - percussion (1987)
  • Yuri Matsenov - guitar (1989-1995)
  • Vitaly Churilov - guitar (1989)
  • Andrey Nadolsky - drums (1989-1992)
  • Ruslan Valonen - keyboards (1991-1992)
  • Alexander Kosorunin - drums (1993-1994)
  • Alexander Filonenko - drums (1994-2000)
  • Andrey Kifiyak - guitar (1994-1998)
  • Maxim Leonov - guitar (1998-2008)
  • Alexey Kadlubovich - drums (2000-2011)


  • - Christmas tree market (pre-“Megapolis”)
  • - Morning
  • - Poor people
  • - Variegated breezes
  • - A woman's heart
  • - Megapolis
  • - Negoro
  • - Acoustic concert in “Utopia” (concert)
  • - Thunderstorm in the village
  • - The best
  • - Smiles of love or ezhik forever (maxi-single)
  • - Megapolis In Love (collection)
  • - Supertango
  • - Stars, stars (Yolka&Megapolis EP)

See also

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  • A. S. Alekseev. Who's Who in Russian Rock Music. - M. : AST: Astrel: Harvest, 2009. - P. 300-302. - ISBN 978-5-17-048654-0 (AST). - ISBN 978-5-271-24160-4 (Astrel). - ISBN 978-985-16-7343-4 (Harvest).



  • on YouTube

An excerpt characterizing Megapolis (group)

-What are you crying about? “I’m happy for you,” said Princess Marya, having completely forgiven Natasha’s joy for these tears.
– It won’t be soon, someday. Think about what happiness it will be when I become his wife and you marry Nicolas.
– Natasha, I asked you not to talk about this. We'll talk about you.
They were silent.
- But why go to St. Petersburg! - Natasha suddenly said, and she quickly answered herself: - No, no, this is how it should be... Yes, Marie? That's how it should be...

Seven years have passed since the 12th year. The troubled historical sea of ​​Europe has settled into its shores. It seemed quiet; but the mysterious forces that move humanity (mysterious because the laws determining their movement are unknown to us) continued to operate.
Despite the fact that the surface of the historical sea seemed motionless, humanity moved as continuously as the movement of time. Various groups of human connections formed and disintegrated; the reasons for the formation and disintegration of states and the movements of peoples were prepared.
The historical sea, not as before, was directed by gusts from one shore to another: it seethed in the depths. Historical figures, not as before, rushed in waves from one shore to another; now they seemed to be spinning in one place. Historical figures, who previously at the head of the troops reflected the movement of the masses with orders of wars, campaigns, battles, now reflected the seething movement with political and diplomatic considerations, laws, treatises...
Historians call this activity of historical figures reaction.
Describing the activities of these historical figures, who, in their opinion, were the cause of what they call the reaction, historians strictly condemn them. All famous people of that time, from Alexander and Napoleon to m me Stael, Photius, Schelling, Fichte, Chateaubriand, etc., pass before their strict judgment and are acquitted or condemned, depending on whether they contributed to progress or reaction.
In Russia, according to their description, a reaction also took place during this period of time, and the main culprit of this reaction was Alexander I - the same Alexander I who, according to their descriptions, was the main culprit of the liberal initiatives of his reign and the salvation of Russia.
In real Russian literature, from a high school student to a learned historian, there is not a person who would not throw his own pebble at Alexander I for his wrong actions during this period of his reign.
“He should have done this and that. In this case he acted well, in this case he acted badly. He behaved well at the beginning of his reign and during the 12th year; but he acted badly by giving a constitution to Poland, by making Holy Alliance, giving power to Arakcheev, encouraging Golitsyn and mysticism, then encouraging Shishkov and Photius. He did something wrong by being involved in the front part of the army; he acted badly by distributing the Semyonovsky regiment, etc.”
It would be necessary to fill ten pages in order to list all the reproaches that historians make to him on the basis of the knowledge of the good of humanity that they possess.
What do these reproaches mean?
The very actions for which historians approve of Alexander I, such as: the liberal initiatives of his reign, the fight against Napoleon, the firmness he showed in the 12th year, and the campaign of the 13th year, do not stem from the same sources - the conditions of blood , education, life, which made Alexander’s personality what it was - from which flow those actions for which historians blame him, such as: the Holy Alliance, the restoration of Poland, the reaction of the 20s?
What is the essence of these reproaches?
The fact that such a historical person as Alexander I, a person who stood at the highest possible level of human power, is, as it were, in the focus of the blinding light of all the historical rays concentrated on him; a person subject to those strongest influences in the world of intrigue, deception, flattery, self-delusion, which are inseparable from power; a face that felt, every minute of its life, responsibility for everything that happened in Europe, and a face that is not fictitious, but living, like every person, with its own personal habits, passions, aspirations for goodness, beauty, truth - that this face , fifty years ago, not only was he not virtuous (historians do not blame him for this), but he did not have those views for the good of humanity that a professor now has, who has been engaged in science from a young age, that is, reading books, lectures and copying these books and lectures in one notebook.
But even if we assume that Alexander I fifty years ago was wrong in his view of what the good of peoples is, we must involuntarily assume that the historian judging Alexander, in the same way, after some time will turn out to be unjust in his view of that , which is the good of humanity. This assumption is all the more natural and necessary because, following the development of history, we see that every year, with every new writer, the view of what is the good of humanity changes; so that what seemed good appears after ten years as evil; and vice versa. Moreover, at the same time we find in history completely opposing views on what was evil and what was good: some take the constitution given to Poland and the Holy Alliance as a merit, others as a reproach to Alexander.
It cannot be said about the activities of Alexander and Napoleon that they were useful or harmful, because we cannot say for what they are useful and for what they are harmful. If someone does not like this activity, then he does not like it only because it does not coincide with his limited understanding of what is good. Does it seem good to me to preserve my father’s house in Moscow in 12, or the glory of the Russian troops, or the prosperity of St. Petersburg and other universities, or the freedom of Poland, or the power of Russia, or the balance of Europe, or famous family European enlightenment is progress, I must admit that the activity of every historical figure had, in addition to these goals, other, more general goals that were inaccessible to me.
But let us assume that so-called science has the ability to reconcile all contradictions and has an unchanging measure of good and bad for historical persons and events.
Let's assume that Alexander could have done everything differently. Let us suppose that he could, according to the orders of those who accuse him, those who profess knowledge ultimate goal movement of mankind, to order according to the program of nationality, freedom, equality and progress (there seems to be no other) that the current accusers would have given him. Let us assume that this program was possible and drawn up and that Alexander would act according to it. What would then happen to the activities of all those people who opposed the then direction of the government - with activities that, according to historians, were good and useful? This activity would not exist; there would be no life; nothing would have happened.
If we assume that human life can be controlled by reason, then the possibility of life will be destroyed.

If we assume, as historians do, that great people lead humanity to achieve certain goals, which consist either in the greatness of Russia or France, or in the balance of Europe, or in spreading the ideas of revolution, or in general progress, or whatever it may be, it is impossible to explain the phenomena of history without the concepts of chance and genius.
If the goal European wars the beginning of this century was the greatness of Russia, then this goal could be achieved without all the previous wars and without invasion. If the goal is the greatness of France, then this goal could be achieved without revolution and without empire. If the goal is the dissemination of ideas, then printing would accomplish this much better than soldiers. If the goal is the progress of civilization, then it is very easy to assume that, besides the extermination of people and their wealth, there are other more expedient ways for the spread of civilization.
Why did it happen this way and not otherwise?
Because that's how it happened. “Chance made the situation; genius took advantage of it,” says history.
But what is a case? What is a genius?
The words chance and genius do not mean anything that really exists and therefore cannot be defined. These words only mean to a certain extent understanding of phenomena. I don't know why this phenomenon happens; I don’t think I can know; That’s why I don’t want to know and say: chance. I see a force producing an action disproportionate to universal human properties; I don’t understand why this happens, and I say: genius.
For a herd of rams, the ram that is driven every evening by the shepherd into a special stall to feed and becomes twice as thick as the others must seem like a genius. And the fact that every evening this very same ram ends up not in a common sheepfold, but in a special stall for oats, and that this very same ram, doused in fat, is killed for meat, should seem like an amazing combination of genius with a whole series of extraordinary accidents .
But the rams just have to stop thinking that everything that is done to them happens only to achieve their ram goals; it is worth admitting that the events happening to them may also have goals that are incomprehensible to them, and they will immediately see unity, consistency in what happens to the fattened ram. Even if they do not know for what purpose he was fattened, then at least they will know that everything that happened to the ram did not happen by accident, and they will no longer need the concept of either chance or genius.
Only by renouncing the knowledge of a close, understandable goal and recognizing that the final goal is inaccessible to us, will we see consistency and purposefulness in the lives of historical persons; the reason for the action they produce, disproportionate to universal human properties, will be revealed to us, and we will not need the words chance and genius.
One has only to admit that the purpose of the unrest of the European peoples is unknown to us, and only the facts are known, consisting of murders, first in France, then in Italy, in Africa, in Prussia, in Austria, in Spain, in Russia, and that movements from the West to the east and from east to west constitute the essence and purpose of these events, and not only will we not need to see exclusivity and genius in the characters of Napoleon and Alexander, but it will be impossible to imagine these persons otherwise than as the same people as everyone else; and not only will it not be necessary to explain by chance those small events that made these people what they were, but it will be clear that all these small events were necessary.
Having detached ourselves from knowledge of the ultimate goal, we will clearly understand that just as it is impossible for any plant to come up with other colors and seeds that are more appropriate to it than those that it produces, in the same way it is impossible to come up with two other people, with all their past, which would correspond to such an extent, to such the smallest details, to the purpose that they were to fulfill.

Basic, essential meaning European events the beginning of this century there is a militant movement of the masses of European peoples from West to East and then from East to West. The first instigator of this movement was the movement from west to east. In order for the peoples of the West to be able to make the warlike movement to Moscow that they made, it was necessary: ​​1) for them to form a warlike group of such a size that would be able to endure a clash with the warlike group of the East; 2) so that they renounce all established traditions and habits and 3) so that, when making their militant movement, they have at their head a person who, both for himself and for them, could justify the deceptions, robberies and murders that were accompanied this movement.
And starting from french revolution the old, not great enough group is destroyed; old habits and traditions are destroyed; a group of new sizes, new habits and traditions are developed, step by step, and the person who must stand at the head of the future movement and bear all the responsibility of what is to be accomplished is being prepared.
A man without convictions, without habits, without traditions, without a name, not even a Frenchman, by the most strange accidents, it seems, moves among all the parties that concern France and, without attaching himself to any of them, is brought to a prominent place.
The ignorance of his comrades, the weakness and insignificance of his opponents, the sincerity of the lie and the brilliant and self-confident narrow-mindedness of this man put him at the head of the army. Brilliant composition of soldiers Italian army, reluctance to fight opponents, childish insolence and self-confidence acquire for him military glory. Countless so-called accidents accompany him everywhere. The disfavor into which he falls from the rulers of France serves to his advantage. His attempts to change the path destined for him fail: he is not accepted into the service in Russia, and he fails to be assigned to Turkey. During the wars in Italy, he is on the verge of death several times and is saved each time in an unexpected way. Russian troops, the very ones that could destroy his glory, for various diplomatic reasons, do not enter Europe as long as he is there.
Upon his return from Italy, he finds the government in Paris in that process of decay in which the people who fall into this government are inevitably erased and destroyed. And for him there is a way out of this dangerous situation, consisting of a meaningless, causeless expedition to Africa. Again the same so-called accidents accompany him. Impregnable Malta surrenders without a shot; the most careless orders are crowned with success. The enemy fleet, which does not let a single boat through, lets through an entire army. In Africa, a whole series of atrocities are committed against almost unarmed inhabitants. And the people who commit these atrocities, and especially their leader, convince themselves that this is wonderful, that this is glory, that this is similar to Caesar and Alexander the Great, and that this is good.
That ideal of glory and greatness, which consists in not only not considering anything bad for oneself, but being proud of every crime, attributing to it an incomprehensible supernatural significance - this ideal, which should guide this person and the people associated with him, is being developed in the open air Africa. Whatever he does, he succeeds. The plague does not bother him. The cruelty of killing prisoners is not blamed on him. His childishly careless, causeless and ignoble departure from Africa, from his comrades in trouble, is given credit to him, and again the enemy fleet misses him twice. While he, already completely intoxicated by the happy crimes he had committed, ready for his role, comes to Paris without any purpose, the decay of the republican government, which could have destroyed him a year ago, has now reached its extreme, and the presence of him, fresh from a person's parties, now only can elevate him.

Chicago is the third most populous city in the United States(according to statistics, 8,000,000 people live there) and one of the largest transport hubs North America. The city of Chicago is located in Illinois, on the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan. Chicago is home to the most majestic and tall building USA - Sears Tower. Its height is 443 m, and including television antennas it is 527 meters. The tower was built in 1974 and has an area of ​​418,000 m2.

The Sears Tower consists of nine towers, which are connected into a single structural composition. This tower is essentially an office building consisting of 110 floors. Another skyscraper that deserves attention is the John Hancock Center.

Its height reaches 344 meters, this 100-story building appeared in 1969, and on its 44th floor there is a luxurious swimming pool. Not the highest (only 179 meters), but quite interesting among 10 megacities of the world in my own way appearance(shaped like a corncob) is the Marina City building located in Chicago.


Seattle is the largest city located in the northwest of the United States., with a population of 592,800 people, as of 2008. The main production facilities of companies such as Boeing and Microsoft are located in its vicinity. Among the city's attractions, one can highlight the most famous skyscraper in Seattle is the world-famous symbol of the city - the Space Needle tower, which in translation means Space Needle.

The height of the tower is 184 meters and it was built in 1962. The Space Needle has an observation deck from which you can see a beautiful panorama of Seattle, Mount Rainier and the Cascade Mountains; the tower also houses the SkyCity restaurant, which translates to Heavenly City, and a large gift shop.

Downtown architecture with famous tower The Space Needle, set against the picturesque backdrop of the port, makes Seattle's skyline one of the most recognizable among other American cities. It’s nice to stroll along the city embankment both in the morning and in the evening, go to a restaurant, feed the seagulls, buy a souvenir or just admire the fountains.


Paris is not only the capital of France but also amazing beautiful city with its centuries-old history and architectural attractions. The population in 2009 in Paris is 2,203,817 people.

Paris is very diverse in terms of nationality - Portuguese, Africans, and people from Algeria and other European countries have found refuge here. Probably the most famous asset of Paris is the Eiffel Tower, which was built in 1889 as a temporary structure, planned for demolition, but fortunately, it pleases us to this day.

The height of the Eiffel Tower together with the antenna is 324 m. Currently, the tower is used to transmit television signals, radio and cellular communications. Another attraction in Paris is La Defense - this is the largest business center in Europe, it is also called “Parisian New York”. La Defense consists of 12 sectors, of which we can note the Grand Arch of Defense, Areva Tower, Manhattan and the center of the latest Industry and Technology - CNIT.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong - located on the Kowloon Peninsula and washed from the west, east and south by the South China Sea. To the most famous skyscrapers can be attributed to the International Finance Center or translated as International financial center.

Its height reaches 415 meters together with the antenna spire, this is no more, no less, but as many as 88 floors. The architecture of the tower is interesting - it tapers towards the top, due to which it looks unique. The international financial center was built in 2003 to house financial firms on its premises.

A notable skyscraper in Hong Kong is the Bank of China Tower, which is 367 meters high. This 70-story building has a small observation deck from which you can admire the northwestern part of Hong Kong. Construction of the tower lasted for five years - from April 18, 1985 until May 17, 1990. But the most unusual in Hong Kong is the Lippo Center I skyscraper, reminiscent of koalas climbing up. The height of Lippo Center I is 172 meters and was built in 1988.


Pittsburgh is a city located in the state of Pennsylvania, which is located in the United States. Pittsburgh's population is 312,819 people, and the city's area covers 151.1 km².

Pittsburgh was founded in 1758 and over time grew into such a mighty and strong city. It can be confidently attributed to cultural, transport, scientific center area, which is also called the Pittsburgh Tri-State.

The main attractions of the city include the Museum natural history Carnegie University of Pittsburgh, which is one of the largest in the USA. Pittsburgh can be easily recognized by its central part - the so-called “golden triangle”, which consists of many skyscrapers and bridges. Like any skyscraper, there is an observation deck from which you can enjoy an indescribable view of the city and its surroundings. The Golden Triangle contains numerous company offices, luxury shops, as well as cozy restaurants and cafes.


Houston is a city in the United States with an area of ​​1,471 km².. It is located in the southeastern part of Texas, not far from the Gulf Coast.

The city was founded by two brothers in 1836 on the banks of the Buffalo River. The city's population is 2,208,180 people and this is not the limit. By nationality we can distinguish Hawaiians, Mexicans, Americans and African Americans.

This is a dynamically developing city with its own architectural masterpieces and attractions. Just look at the Houston rodeo, the Museum district, with its numerous museum complexes, or the Manned Center spaceships them. Lyndon Johnson, i.e. NASA. There are two centers in Houston with high-rise buildings- These are Downtown and Uptown, which are located slightly south of Downtown. From 10 megacities of the world Here I would especially like to highlight the more famous Houston skyscraper - JP Morgan Chase, which has a height of 305 meters. From the observation deck of this building, from a bird's eye view, you can see how big, powerful and beautiful Houston is.


Tokyo is the capital of Japan, which is located in the southeastern part of the island of Honshu., namely on the Kanto Plain, which is located in the bay of Tokyo Bay in the Pacific Ocean. The area of ​​the city occupies 2,187.08 km², the population is over 12.5 million people.

The most high density population accounts for this city. Tokyo is a gigantic metropolis in which Tokyo has found its place National Museum And Imperial Temple; a huge Aquarium and the Tokyo TV Tower - Tokyo Tower, which is a fairly tall skyscraper, its height is 333 meters, it was founded in 1958. Tokyo Tower is a symbol of the city and the Japanese are no less proud of it than the French are of theirs. Eiffel Tower. The TV tower has two observation decks from which an amazing panorama of Tokyo Bay opens.

I would especially like to note the complex of modern and fashionable skyscrapers, which is called the “Three Towers” ​​and is located on the island of Harumi. Yes, in Tokyo there really is something to see and get unforgettable impressions and emotions.


Dubai is one of largest cities United United Arab Emirates , with a population of 1,870,000 people. Dubai is located on the shores of the Persian Gulf and covers an area of ​​1,114 km². Burj Dubai, which should be completed and put into operation in the near future, has declared itself as the tallest skyscraper in the world. Its height will be, according to preliminary data, 818 m and will be 160 floors. The shape of the skyscraper is a stalagmite and will differ from other skyscrapers in its design features.

The outer cladding is made of special reflective glass, which, according to the developers, will protect the tower from overheating and bright sunlight. But Dubai is famous not only for this ultra-modern skyscraper, but also for the Burj al-Arab, which means Arab Tower.

This is a luxurious seven-star hotel, with a building height of 321 m. The Arabian Tower could be considered the tallest hotel in the world, but in 2008 a hotel even taller than this was built, called the Rose Tower. Moreover, the Rose Tower is also located in Dubai and is 333 meters high.


London is the largest city located in the British Isles. In addition, London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, England and Northern Ireland. The area of ​​the capital is 1579 km², while the population living in London exceeds 8 million people.

By national composition You can distinguish the English, who live in the majority, and the Irish. Probably the most famous assets of London are the Big Ben tower, which was built in 1858 and whose height is 61 m without the spire, Westminster Abbey and the Tower fortress. As for skyscrapers, the more famous is 30 St Mary Ax (The Gherkin), i.e.

The Mary Ax Tower, 30, is a forty-story skyscraper that in appearance resembles a gherkin or a cucumber. The tower design is made in the form of a greenish mesh shell with a central support base. An excellent panorama can be seen from 30 St Mary Ax (The Gherkin). By the way, the skyscraper is located in the center of the city's financial buildings and is the headquarters of Swiss Re.


Sydney is essentially Australia's largest city and oldest, located on the southeast coast.

The settlement was founded in 1788, and after just over 200 years the city has turned into a modern, expensive city with numerous attractions and architectural values. Sydney's population is approximately 4.5 million people, with an area of ​​12,145 km².

The symbol of the city is the Opera building, whose exact name is Sydney Opera House, which took 14 years to build. A wonderful place for relaxation and inspiration is the largest Chinese Garden of Friendship, located not in China, but in Sydney.

Among the high-rise buildings it can be noted TV tower AMP Tower Centerpoint, where from a height of 305 meters you can see the entire city with bays, beaches and even the outskirts of Sydney with Blue Mountains. The observation deck can be reached by elevator, but for those who like walking, there is a staircase consisting of 1,504 steps. Sydney is truly a city of culture and learning.

Today, village life no longer attracts almost anyone, and all young people strive to get to the city. Megacities are especially attractive to most people. And even though there are problems with “green zones”, there are a lot of opportunities for development and career growth.

About the concept

In this article I would like to talk about this huge city, which is home to more than a million people. In short, this is true, but there are many nuances here. If you look into history, you can say that this concept arose back in 1676. It was introduced into use by the traveler Thomas Herbert, who decided to name all capitals in this way large countries, which he had a chance to visit. If we talk about today, it has transformed somewhat. Today, a metropolis is a union of several nearby cities into one. It is noteworthy that after such a merger, the economy, infrastructure, etc. become unified and common to one


What else makes the metropolis different? This is population. Often such cities are overcrowded with residents, and the density of people is quite high. An interesting fact is that in megacities there are few, the bulk of people are visitors.


Let us further understand the concept of “metropolis”. What is it? It is worth noting that such major cities In addition to population, they also differ in area. On the territory of a metropolis there are usually many not only important structures for its life, but also about five various types transport, which, by the way, do not depend on each other. An example would be Tokyo, where people get around using subways, buses, monorail, high-speed trains And commuter trains. Transportation by helicopter is also possible there.

Real megacities

People are accustomed to calling the term “metropolis” all cities that are densely populated by people. However, this is not entirely true. It may be interesting to note that there are only 5 such cities in the world, according to UNESCO. The only and largest megacities are the Tokyo-Yokohama tandem, where the population is more than 28 million people, Bombay with nineteen million inhabitants, Sao Paulo and Mexico City, where 16 million people each live, and New York, where 16.5 million people live.


Urbanization processes lead to the emergence of new metropolitan cities over time. Scientists have calculated that this number could double in about two decades. So, an example can be Japan, or rather its east coast, where a characteristic association occurs. The same formations can be seen in Germany on the Rhine coast around Dusseldorf and Cologne, as well as on the California coast.

About the suburbs

Knowing that a metropolis is a connection of several cities, it is interesting that such new formations can arise due to the expansion of suburbs. Such a development policy is currently visible mainly in US cities, and scientists have generally called Los Angeles a prototype of the city of the future. Why is this so? Everything is simple, if so far suburban areas are created primarily for a quiet family life, then over time it is planned to transfer some enterprises and organizations to such formations so that a person, without leaving his area, can work, live, study and have fun there.

About psychology

Based on the foregoing, you can create an idea of ​​​​the concept of “megapolis”: what it is and on what principle such formations are created. However, there is another angle from which such a large city can be viewed. This is the psychological component of life there. What does it mean? It's no secret that only in a big city can you find something you like and realize yourself (this mainly applies to creative and purposeful people). In such cities you can do whatever you want, you can realize all your bold ideas and undertakings. Such cities welcome originality and brightness. However, it is worth saying that it will be difficult for a weak person accustomed to the measured pace of life to survive there. Indeed, in a metropolis, time and space are miraculously transformed, acquiring new frameworks. And only the Positive and at the same time negative side The metropolis is also the fact that no one here pays attention to anyone, people don’t care what a person does, what he’s wearing and what kind of thinking he has (by the way, this is what more often than usual leads provincials who have come to conquer a big city to a dead end) . But here it’s also hard to wait for help, everyone is for himself, all people are independently fighting for their place in the sun. Also, in a metropolis you can always find a job, even when it would seem that everything is already lost; there is always a shortage of workers, especially in service areas.

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