The main themes of Tyutchev's lyrics, table with examples. The main themes and motives of Tyutchev's lyrics essay

F.I. Tyutchev is a brilliant lyricist, a subtle psychologist, a deep philosopher. A singer of nature, keenly aware of the cosmos, a wonderful master of a poetic landscape, spiritual, expressing human emotions.

Tyutchev's world is full of mystery. One of his mysteries is nature. Two forces constantly confront and coexist in it: chaos and harmony. In the abundance and triumph of life, death lurks; under the cover of day, night hides. Nature in Tyutchev’s perception is continuously doubling, “polarizing.” It is no coincidence that the poet’s favorite technique is antithesis: the “valley world” is opposed to the “icy heights,” the dim earth is opposed to the sky shining with a thunderstorm, the light is opposed to the shadows, the “blessed south” is opposed to the “fatal north.”

Tyutchev's paintings of nature are characterized by dynamism. In his lyrics, nature lives in different watches days and seasons. The poet paints the morning in the mountains, and the “night sea,” and the summer evening, and the “hazy afternoon,” and the “first thunder of spring,” and the “gray moss” of the north, and the “fragrances, flowers and voices” of the south.

Tyutchev strives to capture the moment of transformation of one picture into another. For example, in the poem “The gray shadows mixed...” we see how dusk gradually thickens and night falls. Quick shift the poet conveys states of nature using non-union designs, homogeneous members offers. The dynamism of the poetic picture is given by the verbs: “mixed,” “fell asleep,” “faded,” “resolved.” The word “movement” is perceived as a contextual synonym for life.

One of the most remarkable phenomena of Russian poetry is Tyutchev’s poems about the captivating Russian nature, which in his poems is always spiritualized:

Not what you think, nature:

Not a cast, not a soulless face -

She has a soul, she has freedom,

It has love, it has language...

The poet strives to understand and capture the life of nature in all its manifestations. With amazing artistic observation and love, Tyutchev created unforgettable poetic paintings of the “original autumn”, spring thunderstorm, summer evening, morning in the mountains. In a wonderful way Such a deep, heartfelt image of the natural world can be described in a description of a summer storm:

How cheerful is the roar of summer storms,

When, throwing up the flying dust,

A thunderstorm that has swept in like a cloud,

Confuses the blue sky.

And recklessly and thoughtlessly

Suddenly he runs into the oak grove,

And the whole oak grove will tremble

Broad leaves and noisy...

Everything in the forest seems to the poet alive, full deep meaning, everything speaks to him “in a language understandable to the heart.”

With images of the natural elements, he expresses his innermost thoughts and feelings, doubts and painful questions:

Calm order in everything;

There is complete harmony in nature, -

Only in our illusory freedom

We are creating discord with her.

“The faithful son of nature,” as Tyutchev called himself, he exclaims:

No, my passion for you

I can’t hide it, Mother Earth!

In the “flourishing world of nature” the poet saw not only “an excess of life”, but also “damage”, “exhaustion”, “a smile of withering”, “spontaneous discord”. Thus, and landscape lyrics Tyutcheva expresses the poet’s contradictory feelings and thoughts.

Nature is beautiful in all its manifestations. The poet sees harmony in “spontaneous disputes.” The harmony of nature is opposed to the eternal discord in human life. People are self-confident, they defend their freedom, forgetting that man is just a “dream of nature.” Tyutchev does not recognize separate existence, believes in the World Soul as the basis of all living things. A person, forgetting about his connection with the world around him, dooms himself to suffering and becomes a toy in the hands of Rock. Chaos, which is the embodiment of the creative energy of the rebellious spirit of nature, frightens people.

Fatal principles, the onset of chaos on harmony determine human existence, its dialogue with fate. A person is fighting a duel with “irresistible Fate”, with disastrous temptations. He tirelessly resists and defends his rights. The problem of “man and fate” is most clearly reflected in the poem “Two Voices”. Addressing the readers, the poet calls:

Take courage, O friends, fight diligently,

Although the battle is unequal, the struggle is hopeless!..


anxiety and labor are only for mortal hearts...

For them there is no victory, for them there is an end.

The silence of nature that surrounds man looks ominous, but he does not give up; he is driven by the noble will to resist merciless force and courage, the readiness to go to death in order to “snatch the victorious crown from Rock.”

All his work bears the stamp of thoughts about the contradictions in public life, of which the poet was a participant and thoughtful observer.

Calling himself “a fragment of old generations,” Tyutchev wrote:

How sad a half-asleep shadow is,

With exhaustion in the bones,

Towards the sun and movement

To wander after a new tribe.

Tyutchev calls man insignificant dust, a thinking reed. Fate and the elements rule, in his opinion, over a person, a homeless orphan, his fate is like an ice floe melting in the sun and floating into the all-encompassing sea - into the “fatal abyss.”

And at the same time, Tyutchev glorifies the struggle, courage, fearlessness of man, the immortality of feat. With all the fragility of human existence, people are possessed by great thirst fullness of life, flight, heights. Lyrical hero exclaims:

Oh Heaven, if only once

This flame developed at will -

And, without languishing, without suffering any longer,

I would shine - and go out!

Tension and drama penetrate into the sphere human feelings. Human love is only a “fatal duel.” This is especially acute in “ Denisievo cycle" Tyutchev’s psychological mastery and depth of comprehension of the innermost secrets of the human heart make him the forerunner of Tolstoy’s discoveries in the field of “dialectics of the soul,” and determine the movement of all subsequent literature, which is increasingly immersed in the subtlest manifestations of the human spirit.

The mark of duality lies on love lyrics Tyutcheva. On the one hand, love and its “charm” are the “key of life”, “wonderful captivity”, “pure fire”, “the union of the soul with the dear soul”; on the other hand, love seems to him like “violent blindness,” “an unequal struggle between two hearts,” “a fatal duel.”

Tyutchev's love is revealed in the guise of an insoluble contradiction: boundless happiness turns into tragedy, moments of bliss entail terrible retribution, lovers become executioners for each other. The poet makes a stunning conclusion:

Oh, how murderously we love,

As in the violent blindness of passions

We are most likely to destroy,

What is dear to our hearts!

Tyutchev's lyrics are full of anxiety and drama, but this is the real drama of human life. In an effort to capture it, to transform it into beauty, this is also a “victory.” immortal forces" One can speak about Tyutchev’s poetry in his own verses:

Among the thunder, among the lights,

Among the seething passions,

In spontaneous fiery discord,

She flies from heaven to us -

Heavenly to earthly sons,

With azure clarity in your gaze -

And to the rioting sea

The oil of reconciliation is pouring.

Literary heritage Tyutchev is small in volume, but A. Fet rightly noted in the inscription on Tyutchev’s collection of poems:

Muse, observing the truth,

She looks and on the scales

This book is small

There are many heavier volumes.

  1. Theme of space and chaos
  2. Nature as part of the whole

Tyutchev - master of philosophical lyricism

Philosophical lyrics as a genre - always thinking about the meaning of existence, about human values, about the place of man and his purpose in life.
We not only find all these characteristics in the works of Fyodor Tyutchev, but, re-reading the poet’s legacy, we understand that Tyutchev’s philosophical lyrics are the creations of the greatest master: in depth, versatility, psychologism, and metaphor. Masters whose words are weighty and timely, regardless of the century.

Philosophical motives in Tyutchev's lyrics

Whatever philosophical motives No matter how they sound in Tyutchev’s lyrics, they always force the reader, willy-nilly, to listen attentively, and then think about what the poet writes about. This feature was unmistakably recognized in his time by I. Turgenev, saying that any poem “began with a thought, but a thought that, like a fiery point, flared up under the influence of a deep feeling or strong impression; as a result of this ... always merges with an image taken from the world of the soul or nature, is imbued with it, and itself penetrates it inseparably and inseparably.”

Theme of space and chaos

For the poet, the world and man, the entire human race and the Universe are “inseparably and inextricably” connected, because Tyutchev’s poems are based on an understanding of the integrity of the world, which is impossible without the struggle of opposites. The motif of space and chaos, the original basis of life in general, the manifestation of the duality of the universe, like no other, is significant in his lyrics.

Chaos and light, day and night - Tyutchev reflects on them in his poems, calling the day a “brilliant cover”, a friend of “man and the gods”, and the healing of a “sick soul”, describing the night as revealing an abyss “with its fears and darkness” in human soul. At the same time, in the poem “What are you howling about, night wind?”, turning to the wind, he asks:

Oh, don’t sing these scary songs
About ancient chaos, about my dear!
How greedily the world of the soul is at night
Hears the story of his beloved!
It tears from a mortal breast,
He longs to merge with the infinite!
Oh, don’t wake up sleeping storms -
Chaos is stirring beneath them!

Chaos is “dear” for the poet, beautiful and attractive - after all, it is part of the universe, the basis from which light, day, bright side Space, again turning into darkness - and so on ad infinitum, the transition of one to another is eternal.

But with a new summer - a new cereal
And a different leaf.
And again everything that is will be
And the roses will bloom again,
And thorns too, -

we read in the poem “I sit thoughtfully and alone...”

The eternity of the world and the temporality of man

Chaos, the abyss, space are eternal. Life, as Tyutchev understands it, is finite, man’s existence on earth is precarious, and man himself does not always know how or want to live according to the laws of nature. Speaking in the poem “There is melodiousness in sea ​​waves ah..." about complete consonance, order in nature, the lyricist complains that we realize our discord with nature only in "ghostly freedom."

Where and how did the discord arise?
And why in the general choir
The soul sings something other than the sea,
And the thinking reed murmurs?

For Tyutchev, the human soul is a reflection of the order of the universe, it contains the same light and chaos, the change of day and night, destruction and creation. “The soul would like to be a star... in the pure and invisible ether...”
In the poem “Our Century,” the poet argues that a person strives for light from the darkness of ignorance and misunderstanding, and having found it, “murmurs and rebels,” and so, restless, “today he endures the unbearable...”

In other lines he regrets the limit of human knowledge, the impossibility of penetrating the mystery of the origins of being:

We soon get tired in the sky, -
And no insignificant dust is given
Breathe divine fire

And he comes to terms with the fact that nature, the universe, moves on in its development dispassionately and uncontrollably,

One by one all your children,
Those who accomplish their useless feat,
She equally greets her
An all-consuming and peaceful abyss.

In a short poem “Thought after thought, wave after wave...” Tyutchev poignantly conveys the “affinity of nature and spirit, or even their identity” that he perceived:
Thought after thought, wave after wave -
Two manifestations of one element:
Whether in a cramped heart, or in a boundless sea,
Here - in prison, there - in the open -
The same eternal surf and rebound,
The same ghost is still alarmingly empty.

Nature as part of the whole

Another famous Russian philosopher Semyon Frank noted that Tyutchev’s poetry is permeated by a cosmic direction, turning it into philosophy, manifesting itself primarily in the generality and eternity of themes. The poet, according to his observations, “directed his attention directly to the eternal, imperishable principles of existence... Everything serves as a subject for Tyutchev artistic description not in their individual...manifestations, but in their general, enduring elemental nature.”

Apparently, this is why examples of philosophical lyricism in Tyutchev’s poems attract our attention primarily in landscape art, whether the artist “writes” the rainbow words in his lines, “the noise from a flock of cranes,” the “all-encompassing” sea, the “rashly and madly” approaching thunderstorm, “radiant in the heat” river, “half-naked forest” spring day or autumn evening. Whatever it is, it is always part of the nature of the universe, an integral component of the universe-nature-man chain. Observing in the poem “Look how in the expanse of the river...” the movement of ice floes in the expanse of the river, he states that they are floating “towards the same place” and sooner or later “all - indifferent, like elements - will merge with the fatal abyss!” The picture of nature evokes reflections about the essence of the “human self”:

Isn't this your meaning?
Isn't this your destiny?..

Even in the seemingly completely simple in essence and perception of the poem “In the Village,” describing a familiar and nondescript everyday episode of a dog’s prank that “disturbed the majestic peace” of a flock of geese and ducks, the author sees the non-randomness, the conditionality of the event. How to disperse stagnation “in the lazy herd... a sudden onslaught of the fatal was needed, for the sake of progress,”

So modern manifestations
The meaning is sometimes stupid... -
...Another, you say, just barks,
And he performs his highest duty -
He, comprehending, develops
Duck and goose talk.

The philosophical sound of love lyrics

We find examples of philosophical lyrics in Tyutchev’s poems in any topic of his work: powerful and passionate feelings give rise to philosophical thoughts in the poet, no matter what he talks about. The motive of recognition and acceptance of the impossibly narrow limits of human love, its limitations, sounds endlessly in love lyrics. In “the violent blindness of passions, we most likely destroy what is dear to our hearts!” - the poet exclaims in the poem “Oh, how murderously we love...”. And in love, Tyutchev sees the continuation of confrontation and unity inherent in the cosmos, he speaks about this in “Predestination”:

Love, love - says the legend -
Union of the soul with the dear soul -
Their union, combination,
And their fatal merger,
And... the fatal duel...

The duality of love is visible in Tyutchev’s work from the very beginning. A sublime feeling, a “ray of sunshine”, an abundance of happiness and tenderness and at the same time an explosion of passions, suffering, a “fatal passion” that destroys the soul and life - all this is the poet’s world of love, which he so passionately talks about in the Denisiev cycle, in poems “I remember the golden time...”, “I met you - and all the past...”, “Spring” and many others.

The philosophical nature of Tyutchev's lyrics

The philosophical nature of Tyutchev’s lyrics is such that it not only affects the reader, but also completely influences the work of poets and writers. different eras: the motives of his lyrics are found in the poems of A. Fet, symbolist poets, in the novels of L. Tolstoy and F. Dostoevsky, the works of A. Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam, I. Bunin and B. Pasternak, I. Brodsky, E. Isaev.

One of the main motives of Tyutchev's poetry is the motive of fragility, the illusory nature of existence. The ghostly past, everything that was and what no longer exists. “Ghost” is Tyutchev’s usual image of the past: “The past, like the ghost of a friend, We want to press to our chest,” “O poor ghost, weak and vague, Forgotten, mysterious happiness,” “ghosts of the past better days" From “living life” only memories remain, but they inevitably fade and disappear: the soul is condemned to “watch how everyone in it dies out.” best memories" “Everything without a trace.”

But the present, since it ceaselessly, inexorably and completely disappears, is also just a ghost. The symbol of the illusory nature of life is a rainbow. She is beautiful, but this is just a “vision”:

Look - it has already turned pale,

Another minute, two - and then what?

Gone, somehow gone completely,

What do you breathe and live by?

(“How unexpected and bright...”)

This feeling is sharply expressed in poems such as “Day and Night”, where all outside world recognized as a ghostly “veil thrown over the abyss”:

But the day fades - night has come;

She came, and from the world of fate

Fabric of blessed cover

Having torn it off, it throws it away...

And the abyss is laid bare to us

With your fears and darkness,

And there are no barriers between her and us -

This is why the night is scary for us!

This image is repeated even in detail. The day moves away like a veil, goes away “like a vision”, “like a ghost” - and a person remains in true reality, in boundless loneliness: “He is abandoned to himself”, “In his soul, as in an abyss, he is immersed, And there is no outside support, no limit.” The element of the “night soul” is revealed, the element of primordial chaos, and a person finds himself “Face to face before the dark abyss”, “And in the alien, unsolved, night He recognizes the ancestral heritage.”

To understand Tyutchev’s poetry, it is essential that behind such poems there is a feeling of loneliness, isolation from the world in which the poet lives, a deep disbelief in the powers of this world, and the consciousness of the inevitability of its death.

The motif of loneliness is also heard in Tyutchev’s poems about a homeless wanderer alien to the world (the poems “The Wanderer”, “Send, Lord, your joy...”), about living in the past and abandoning the present (especially “My Soul, Elysium of Shadows...” ."), about a generation driven out of life and “carried into oblivion” (these are not senile laments; cf. the poem of the 20s “Insomnia”, the poem of the 30s “Like a bird, the early dawn ...”), about aversion to noise, to the crowd, a thirst for solitude, silence, darkness, silence.

Behind Tyutchev’s “philosophical” thoughts there is a feeling of deep loneliness, and the desire to break out of it, to find a way to the world around us, to believe in its value and strength, and despair from the realization of the futility of attempts to overcome one’s rejection, one’s isolation in one’s own self.

The feeling of the illusory nature of the world and one’s isolation from the world is opposed in Tyutchev’s poetry by an ardent “passion” for the earth with its pleasures, sins, evil and suffering and, above all, a passionate love for nature:

No, my passion for you

I can’t hide it, Mother Earth!

Spirits of ethereal voluptuousness,

Your faithful son, I'm not thirsty.

What is the joy of paradise before you,

It's time for love, it's time for spring,

Blooming bliss of May,

Ruddy light, golden dreams?..

Lesson topic:

“Stages of the biography and creativity of F.I. Tyutchev. Main themes and ideas of the lyrics. Lyrics of nature"

(1 lesson)

Lesson objectives:

    Introduce students to the biography of F.I. Tyutchev.

    Consider with an example famous poems the poet's originality of the lyrics of nature, the main themes and ideas of the lyrics.

    Practice your ability to analyze lyrical works, highlighting them key images and determining their meaning.

    Develop communication skills students, literate monologue speech, ability to work independently with reference materials, lyrical works.

    To instill a love of nature through the art of words, to awaken interest in reading masterpieces of Russian literature.

Lesson algorithm:

    Organizational moment. 1 min

    Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson. 1 min

3. Introduction to the lesson plan. 1 min

4. Working with the epigraph for the lesson. 2 min

5. Introductory conversation about Tyutchev. 2 min

6. Study new topic. 16 min

7. Consolidation of the studied material

(practical work of students) 17 min

8. Generalizations and conclusions. 1 min

9. Lesson summary and grading. 2 min

10. Homework. 2 min

Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the lesson.

1. Development of cognitive interests.

2. Completeness of the UZN.

3. Activation of mental activity.

4. Use of various forms of work.

5. Implementation of individual and differentiated approaches.

6. Development of imagination, all types of thinking.

7. Development of the ability to analyze, compare, specify, generalize and independently draw conclusions.

8. Moral and aesthetic impact.

9.Usage practical experience students and their knowledge when explaining new material.

10. The use of a computer and a multimedia projector allows you to increase the pace of the lesson.

Workbook layout.

Stages of the biography and creativity of F.I. Tyutchev. Main themes and ideas of the lyrics. Lyrics of nature.

Basic summary.

Main topics:

    Nature theme.

    Theme of love.

    Theme of the Motherland.

    Philosophical lyrics.

Features of nature image:

1. Tyutchev’s nature is changeable, dynamic, it is all in the struggle of opposing forces.

2. Nature in Tyutchev’s poems is humanized and spiritualized. She is internally close and understandable to a person, akin to him.

3. Nature and man form a unity in the poet’s lyrics, therefore many of his poems have a two-part composition, built on the parallelism between the life of nature and the life of man.

Nature in different times year.

Winter: The winter “miracle” takes place in a state of nature’s magical sleep, the music of the verse imitates the magical action of the Enchantress, who bewitches, enchants and hypnotizes, plunging into sleep, which is especially emphasized by repetitions. Poems fascinate with their music, cast a spell





    Organizational moment.

2. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

In today's lesson we will get acquainted with the stages of the biography and creativity of F.I. Tyutchev, determine the features of the lyrics of nature, consider the main themes and ideas of his poetry. Our lesson is unusual. During this lesson, the computer will help us understand. So, let's go.

3. Familiarization with the lesson plan.

Check out our lesson plan. Today they are also helping me teach a lesson... (the teacher names the students who prepared individual messages.)

4. Working with epigraphs.

The epigraphs of our lesson can be the statements of great Russian writers about Tyutchev. I.S. Turgenev said about the poet: “Tyutchev... created speeches that are not destined to die.” I.S. Aksakov believed that “... for Tyutchev, living means thinking.”

Do you agree with these statements?

(Students’ answers and reasoning)

5. Introductory conversation about Tyutchev.

What do you know about Tyutchev? (learn the answers).

What can you say about his work?

What poems did you read or learn?

What is the poet writing about? (about nature, about its beauty).

Let's get to know this amazing poet better.

6. Work on a new topic.

1. Messages from individually prepared students on the poet’s biography.

(notes are kept in a notebook at the same time)

After the messages, students are asked to view slides on the poet’s biography and make adjustments to their notes.

Reading recorded facts from Tyutchev’s life (survey of 2-3 students)

2. Tyutchev the poet(student's story using prepared slides).

Tyutchev developed as a poet by the end of the 20s. A significant event in the literary life of Fyodor Ivanovich was the publication of a large selection of his poems in Pushkin’s Sovremennik (No. 3, 4, 1836) under the title “Poems sent from Germany” and signed by F.T.

Tyutchev attracted attention in literary circles, but his name still remained unknown to readers.

Since the late 40s, a new literary upsurge begins lyrical creativity Tyutchev, but his name is still almost unknown to the Russian reader, and he himself does not take part in literary life. The beginning of his poetic fame was laid by Nekrasov’s article “Russian minor poets” (in the magazine “Sovremennik” No. 1, 1850), in which he spoke about Tyutchev as a poet of extraordinary talent, not at all noticed by criticism, and put the unknown Fyodor Ivanovich on a par with Pushkin and Lermontov.

A collection of Tyutchev's poems was published in 1854 on the initiative and under the supervision of I.S. Turgenev. And late, but genuine fame comes to Tyutchev.

The fate of Tyutchev the poet is unusual: this is the fate of the last Russian romantic poet, who worked in the era of the triumph of realism and yet remained faithful to the precepts of romantic art.

3. The teacher’s word about the main themes and ideas of Tyutchev’s lyrics.

Tyutchev’s poetry cannot be imagined without the lyrics of nature, since, as we have already said, he entered the consciousness of readers as a singer of nature.

The predominance of landscapes is one of the hallmarks of his lyrics. It is correct to call it landscape-philosophical: pictures of nature embody the poet’s deep, intense tragic thoughts about life and death, about man, humanity and the universe: what place does man occupy in the world and what is his destiny.

What are the features of the image of nature?

Tyutchev’s nature is changeable, dynamic, it is all in the struggle of opposing forces.

The poet is especially attracted to the transitional intermediate moments of the life of nature.

Nature in Tyutchev’s poems is humanized and spiritualized. She is internally close and understandable to a person, akin to him.

Nature and man form a unity in the poet’s lyrics, therefore many of his poems are characterized by a two-part composition, built on the parallelism between the life of nature and the life of man. The usual opposition between nature and civilization for romantics is taken to the extreme. It is alien to the poet not only modern society, history, culture, civilization - everything seems illusory to him, doomed to destruction.

So, man in Tyutchev’s poetry is twofold: he is weak and majestic at the same time.

Tyutchev's lyrics are imbued with admiration for the greatness and beauty, infinity and diversity of nature.

He introduced ancient images into poetry and uniquely captured all four seasons of the year in his poems.

Let's try to understand some poetic masterpieces that characterize different seasons of the year, and reveal the meanings of the images.

7. Consolidating a new topic.

Practical work students (work in groups). Each group was given poems about the seasons in advance.

Student performance.

1 group. "Winter"

1. Expressive Reading verse by heart. “The forest is bewitched by the Enchantress Winter.”

The winter “miracle” takes place in a state of nature’s magical sleep; the music of the verse imitates the magical action of the Enchantress, who bewitches, enchants, hypnotizes, plunging into sleep, which is especially emphasized by repetitions. Poems fascinate with their music and cast a spell.

Group 2 “Autumn”.

1. Expressive recitation of poetry by heart. “There is in the original autumn...”

2. Brief Analysis(the theme and idea, key images, feelings and mood when reading the poem are called, visual arts)

The conclusion is written down in a notebook: Pictures of autumn are painted brightly, the action on the ground is intertwined with the favorite vertical movement from the sky.

Group 3 "Spring".

1. Expressive recitation of poetry by heart. “I love thunderstorms at the beginning of May...”

2. Brief analysis (the theme and idea, key images, feelings and mood when reading the poem, visual means are called)

The conclusion is written down in a notebook: Tyutchev sublimely conveys the beauty of the world. The spring action, the “thunderstorm”, unfolding in the heavens, touches the earth. We feel it, there is a feeling of spring and freshness.

Group 4 “Summer”.(poem of your choice)

1. Expressive recitation of poetry by heart.

2. Brief analysis (the theme and idea, key images, feelings and mood when reading the poem, visual means are called)

The conclusion is written down in a notebook: Tyutchev's summer is often stormy. Nature is full of movement, full of sounds, colors. And again the poet makes us feel the approach of the holiday.

8. Generalizations and conclusions.

So, what is special about Tyutchev’s depiction of nature? How does his view differ from ours?

(Students’ answers are heard and a conclusion is drawn).

Tyutchev depicts nature not from the outside, not as an observer and photographer. He is trying to understand the soul of nature, to hear its voice. Tyutchev’s nature is living, sentient being.

9. Summing up the lesson.

What new did you learn from Tyutchev’s life?

What images did the poet introduce into his lyrics?

What are the features of the image of nature?

10. Giving marks for the lesson.

11. Homework.

“A few lines are enough for Tyutchev; solar systems, the foggy spots of “War and Peace” and “The Brothers Karamazov” he compresses into one crystal, into one diamond. That is why criticism attacks him so mercilessly. His perfection is almost impenetrable to her. This nut is not so easy to crack: the eye sees, but the tooth is numb. To interpret Tyutchev is to turn a diamond into coal,” wrote D. Merezhkovsky.

Today, many years later, we take upon ourselves the courage to once again take up the interpretation of Tyutchev’s poetry. The most important thing that is striking in Tyutchev’s lyrics is its philosophical nature, scale, and tendency to deep generalizations. Even the poet’s poems about nature and love are imbued with philosophical thoughts. In these thoughts it is revealed human soul, the tragedy of her earthly existence is revealed. Tyutchev’s man is a part of nature, the crown of her creation, but at the same time his worldview is deeply tragic, it is poisoned by the awareness of frailty human existence. The poet sees this as the eternal conflict between man and nature.

Tyutchev's nature - living creature, full of powerful vital forces:

Not what you think, nature:

Not a cast, not a soulless face -

She has a soul, she has freedom,

It has love, it has language...

However, this language is incomprehensible to humans. This is exactly what the poet states in the poem “There is melodiousness in the sea waves.” Nature is filled with tranquility, harmony, rationality and proportionality: “there is melodiousness in the sea waves,” harmony in the rustling of reeds, “calm order in everything.” The freedom of man, this piece of nature, is illusory and illusory. He realizes his discord with nature, without understanding its true reasons:

Where and how did the discord arise?

And why in the general choir

The soul doesn’t sing like the sea,

And the thinking reed murmurs?

Nature for the poet is a “sphinx”; with her “skill” she destroys a person who strives to know her and unravel her secrets. However, all the efforts of people are in vain: “It may turn out that she has not and never had any Riddle.” In his disappointment, sense of hopelessness, and tragic worldview, Tyutchev goes further, refusing to see meaning in the very “creation of the Creator”:

And there is no feeling in your eyes,

And there is no truth in your speeches,

And there is no soul in you.

Take courage, heart, to the end:

And there is no Creator in creation!

And there is no point in praying!
(“And there is no feeling in your eyes”)

Just like nature, man himself is incomprehensible, his inner world. His soul is an “Elysium of shadows,” silent and beautiful, but far from life’s real joys and sorrows.

Tyutchev’s favorite landscapes paint pictures of night nature, when the whole world is plunged into darkness, into chaos, and shrouded in mystery:

Mysteriously, like on the first day of creation,

In the bottomless sky the starry host burns,

Exclamations can be heard from distant music,

The neighboring key speaks louder.

For Tyutchev, the darkness of night is always accompanied by some kind of deadness, bliss, immobility; the world of daytime life is, as it were, closed by a special curtain: “Movement has become exhausted, labor has fallen asleep...”. But at the same time, in the silence of the night, some kind of “wonderful nightly hum” wakes up. In this hum, the life of the invisible world, mysterious forces beyond the control of man are revealed:

Where does it come from, this incomprehensible hum?..

Or mortal thoughts freed by sleep,

The world is incorporeal, audible but invisible,

Now swarms in the chaos of the night.
(“How sweetly the dark green garden breathes”)

The hour of night for the poet is “an hour of unspeakable melancholy.” And at the same time, he would like to inseparably merge with this unsteady twilight, the night air, the slumbering world:

Quiet dusk, sleepy dusk,

Lean into the depths of my soul,

Quiet, languid, fragrant,

Fill it all up and quiet it down.

Feelings are the haze of self-forgetfulness

Fill it over the edge!..

Give me a taste of destruction

Mix with the slumbering world!
(“The gray shadows mixed together”)

Along with the theme of nature, the motif of time, past and future enters unusually harmoniously into Tyutchev’s lyrics. The poem “I sit thoughtfully and alone” is dedicated to this topic. Time is inexorable and irrevocable - man is powerless before its power. Man is just an “earthly grain” that quickly withers. But every year, every summer - “a new grain and a different leaf!” However, the motive of the future, the understanding of the infinity of human existence, does not balance here pessimistic thoughts poet. Motive of confrontation eternal life nature and finite, mortal human life sounds unusually poignant here:

And again everything that is will be

And the roses will bloom again,

And thorns too...
But you, my poor, pale color,

There is no rebirth for you,

You won't bloom!
(“I’m sitting thoughtfully and alone”)

A plucked flower will eventually wither, just as the living beating of human life fades away. The very feelings of love and bliss are also perishable. Tyutchev’s man is helpless, disarmed by ignorance in the face of time and fate:

Alas, that our ignorance

And more helpless and sadder?

Who dares to say: goodbye

Through the abyss of two or three days?
(“Alas, what of our ignorance”)

Being a romantic, Tyutchev poeticizes and spiritualizes the unrestrained play of natural elements - “the roar of summer storms,” the riot of violent sea waves. The poet finds the quiet whisper of the waves and their wonderful play in the sun “sweet.” He can also hear the “violent murmur” of the sea, its “prophetic groans.” The poet’s heart is forever given to the capricious elements of the sea; at the bottom of the sea he forever “buried” his “living soul.”

In the poem "Wave and Thought" sea ​​element the poet compares it with the world of human thoughts, with the impulses of the heart. Human thoughts follow each other, like wave after wave. And in the heart there is still the same “eternal surf and rebound.” A painfully melancholy feeling is mixed here with the poet’s philosophical thought: our earthly affairs, joys and sorrows are just an “alarmingly empty ghost.”

We find in the poet's lyrics quite realistic landscapes, which, however, are full wonderful charm, special Tyutchev's subtlety and grace. They can only be compared with the paintings of Russian nature created by Pushkin.

There is in the initial autumn

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day is like crystal,

And the evenings are radiant...
(“There is in the primordial autumn”)

In Pushkin’s poem “Autumn” we read:

It's a sad time! charm of the eyes!

I am pleased with your farewell beauty,

I love the lush decay of nature,

Forests dressed in scarlet and gold.

Tyutchev’s spring landscapes are also magnificent, when nature smiled “through thinning sleep.” Nothing can compare to the beauty of the first green leaves washed in sun rays, with freshness spring wind, with the blueness of the sky, with the singing of a distant pipe... The human soul itself, it would seem, wakes up along with spring awakening nature.

Thus, the world of nature in Tyutchev’s lyrics is a mysterious and unknowable world, a world opposed to human life and its transitory joys. Nature looks at man indifferently, not allowing him to penetrate into its essence. Love, bliss, dreams, longing and sadness - all these feelings are transitory and finite. Tyutchev's man is powerless in the face of time and fate - nature is powerful and eternal.

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