Why kind people become cruel. Let's get started

Every day, continuous negativity of various sizes penetrates into our lives. The media helpfully report who killed, robbed, and ran over whom. Constantly various sources information brings to our attention information about new disasters and political unrest. And the positive news, compared to the amount of negative news, is negligible. It seems that there is absolutely no kindness and goodness left in the world. Unfortunately, this stream has so “clogged” people’s heads that today no one even thinks about why people are so cruel? How can I change this? And is it really modern humanity so soulless?

Main reasons

Why are there so many cruel people? The answer to this question should be sought in the causes of aggression. It should be noted that the manifestation of cruelty has many faces. However, it is not difficult to identify her. A person who causes pain to another, causing them to suffer, whether morally or physically, is fully aware of this and seeks to cause harm - cruel.

Psychologists identify three reasons why people are cruel:

  • Dissatisfaction with life. People who are dissatisfied with their fate are quite often exposed to stress and depression. These emotions overwhelm their souls so much that they are ready to break free at any moment. That is why all the negativity is often spilled out by mothers on their children. Some people, out of anger, break tree branches and beat animals. This state of mind quite dangerous, since it threatens the owner with the occurrence of neuroses, mental disorders. In addition to all this, constant negativity seriously shortens life expectancy and leads to the development of heart disease or skin problems.
  • Indifference. Very often it is this that gives rise to unjustified cruelty. Some people don't even try to understand how much pain their actions, and sometimes words, can cause. They don't think about how much they can hurt someone else. At the same time, the object of their cruelty becomes a weak creature who cannot show emotions and explain what pain they caused him.
  • Suppressed emotions. Sometimes a person shows aggression “on the side.” This behavior is typical of those who everyday life forced to constantly hide and suppress desires, emotions, impulses. Most often, such cruelty is characteristic of grown-up children (especially boys) who grew up in a family of authoritarian parents. Employees who are forced to unquestioningly carry out the orders of their boss, without being able to express their will, in some conditions can show extremely cruel ruthlessness.

Historical cruelty

The older generation likes to wonder why so many cruel people appeared? Everyone was kinder before. Listening to their complaints, you involuntarily agree. You just have to open a newspaper or watch the news.

Earlier people are worth thinking about. And before - when? Millennia ago, when cannibalism flourished? Well, these people can be by and large even somehow justify it. They were primitive. And oh humane treatment they didn’t know their neighbors at all. Or maybe those who lived during the era of the Inquisition were kinder? Or during the reign of Stalin? Many people were in prison thanks to denunciations. How many of these “good-natured people” sincerely tried to present their neighbor with a “gift”!

Why does it feel like there are so many cruel people today? Of course, the media made their contribution. In the era of democracy, they pay more attention to manifestations of cruelty. It should be noted that the level of humanity among humanity has increased, which is why aggression is so striking.

Relationships with family

All people tend to be cruel. For some this happens very rarely. Others show aggression quite often. At the same time, anyone can commit a cruel act, and quite often such outbursts occur in truly kind people. Unfortunately, all the negativity spills out on those closest to us. For those who are truly loved and very dear. Why are people so cruel? What makes them “take out” their anger on their relatives, and restrain their outbursts of anger with those around them? Why can’t you control your behavior when communicating with loved ones?

Yes, because relatives When communicating with strangers, a person restrains himself. There are many reasons: both the desire to win over the interlocutor and the fear of losing interesting friend. In the case of a boss, intemperance can lead to dismissal. But when you get into the circle of relatives, especially in bad mood, even one word can make a person angry. That's when the scandal flared up completely empty space. Of course, this is fundamentally wrong, but the accumulated negativity requires discharge. That’s why it spills out on those closest to us. They, even if you greatly offend them and quarrel with them, love them so much that they will still forgive.

Root of Evil

The feeling of anger is given by nature. It is necessary in order to mobilize all forces for the fight in dangerous moments. But how it will be used by a person depends on the moral standards instilled in childhood. If parents show aggression towards their child, it will definitely come back to haunt them. Relationships between children and fathers based on fear are likely to be adopted by the adolescent in his interactions with peers. It is in the family that one should look for the root of evil. This kind of upbringing clearly explains why people become cruel.

Although in this situation the child may develop another model of behavior: he decides that he is bad and is to blame for everything. Such a teenager becomes a victim of cruel treatment by peers. Often he does not even look for methods of protection, believing that he deserves this.

Sometimes the cause of aggression may not be violence at all, but overprotection. This method of education puts a feeling of permissiveness into the child’s subconscious. The teenager considers himself the most important and demands unquestioning obedience. Unfortunately, a person who was not taught by his parents to respect others will not gain this wisdom anywhere else. He won't even notice how he humiliates you.

Instability in society

An indirect cause of cruelty is growing anxiety. instability creates a feeling of discomfort. From TV screens, people again see cruelty. A person whose psyche is formed is able to distinguish the grain from the husk; he will not accept aggression as a call to action. A child will absorb on-screen scenes of violence like a sponge. And he can perceive all this as a kind of school of life. It is important to realize how much such television hurts the child’s psyche, and the answer to the question: “Why did people become cruel?” will be received instantly.

Feelings of rejection

It is especially developed in adolescence. However, many adults carry these feelings into adult life. Quite often you can observe a picture when a child exclaims loudly on the street and points his finger at a person with a different skin color or who has a physical disability.

Adults react completely differently. On a subconscious level, they experience a sense of danger. Immediately there is a desire to withdraw. But for some it manifests itself in cruelty and violence. It is this feeling that sometimes makes teenagers bully peers who are different from them. Why are people so cruel? Again, the instilled skills of tolerance and respect in the family will not allow a teenager or adult to behave this way.

How to defend a victim

Psychologists say that in a group it is quite easy to determine which people are cruel and who is a “lamb.” Therefore, it is recommended to identify a victim of aggression by the following signs:

  • self-doubt;
  • full acceptance of the view that trouble is deserved.

You should start with awareness of your “I”. Every person has a number of advantages and disadvantages. He is what he is. And no one has the right to offend him. Only by fully accepting this truth can you move further along the path of raising self-esteem and developing a sense of success. Parents can help the child in this awareness. For an adult, since the pattern of behavior is ingrained, it is better to use the help of a professional psychologist.

As a rule, being interested in some new activity helps a lot. You can even enroll in a martial arts section.

It is very important to think through your reaction to the offender. He will perceive you completely differently if the answer is different from his expectations. In some cases it helps. Try not to succumb to irritation and direct a complex conflict into a joke. At the same time, learn to perceive unpleasant situations less acutely.

How to deal with your own aggression?

The reasons described above give an idea of ​​why good people become cruel. But how to deal with such manifestations? What to do if you start to boil internally?

Perfectly clears away negativity physical activity. After all, sport teaches conscious control over your emotions and body. Psychologists often recommend mastering breathing exercises. It will allow you to control both body and spirit.

Find a safe outlet for accumulated negativity. Release your emotions with a scream. Just not on your family or your colleague. Shout where it's needed. For example, become an ardent football fan or attend rock concerts.

By the way, psychologists recommend this technique: stand near railway In the evening. When the train passes, scream as loud as you can, as loud as you can. The noise of the wheels will drown out any sound. No one will hear you, but your body will receive the necessary release.


Remember that only you can cope with the feeling of cruelty that arises inside you. And this is completely within your power. If you want to find the answer to the question “why are people so cruel”, start with yourself. Analyze your behavior. Get rid of the poisonous feeling, because sooner or later it threatens to develop into severe depression.

Facing ruthlessness is scary precisely because it is difficult to imagine situations that could provoke it. Failure to understand how a person who is humane by nature is capable of cruel acts makes us powerless in the fight against this problem.

There are a number of significant factors that influence mental state person. To inhumanity in certain cases Just a few of them are cited, namely:

  • fear for one's own life;
  • nervous breakdown;
  • low self-esteem;
  • imitation.

I will defend myself!

There is nothing more amazing than the instinct of self-preservation. In an effort to save or protect themselves from an external threat, people demonstrate frantic strength and intelligence. But such talents are not always used with good intentions. When a person panics, his conscience is muffled, which means that while defending himself, he may well hurt someone else.

Strange pleasure

Stress is not as dangerous as its consequences. Prolonged depression constant worries, frequent quarrels with friends and relatives - sooner or later all this undermines mental health. As a result, a person shows cruelty without realizing that he is doing wrong. Sometimes it comes to the point that causing pain seems pleasant to him.

acknowledge me

Self-doubt is often compensated by strength. Gain respect by showing, faster and easier than any other in a known way. And so people find themselves faced with an eternal choice: to use force and get what they want here and now, or to seek the recognition of others for a long time, doing good deeds every day?

I want to be like you

There are more independent people than independent individuals. When adapting to life and society, a person can take a model of behavior from someone whose life seems correct and desirable to him. Children copy the actions of their parents, and friends usually do the same when they find themselves in similar situations. This suggests the following: at the sight of cruelty emanating from an ideal, a film hero or an idol, imitative individuals themselves unconsciously act mercilessly.

People see cruelty not as horror, but as a solution to problems, not as a bad act, but as a way to show their strength, not as a character trait, but as a short-term insanity. However, turning a blind eye to inhumanity once, there is a huge risk of not having time to prevent it next time.

/ / / Can a kind person be cruel?

Each of us has heard that there is a white lie. This means that for the sake of saving another person, we are ready to lie, because the bitter truth will do more harm than good. Sometimes a lie is needed to prepare a person mentally for unpleasant news. Is there cruelty for good? I think there still is. Parents, for example, can be extremely strict with their children and may even show cruelty in order to instill kindness in them. Can a kind person be cruel? I also think it can. Cruelty can be not only a personality characteristic, but also a defensive reaction.

Much attention has been paid in the literature various types cruel behavior. Here in the Bolkonsky family from the novel “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy's impression is that the old prince is indifferent and cruel towards children. But all the actions he commits are dictated by excessive love for his children. On the outside he is evil and harmful, but inside he has a loving, kind and merciful heart beating. He wishes only the best for his daughter Marya, and her daughter understands this and unquestioningly obeys his orders.

In general, it is very difficult for children to understand the motives and actions of their parents, because younger generation no life experience yet. Marya may not understand why her father orders her to do this and not otherwise, but she is afraid of upsetting her beloved father. The example of the Bolkonsky family shows readers that even a kind person can show cruelty to achieve a good goal or for proper education child.

Another example of a simultaneously tough and kind person is from the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". On the one side, main character Roman is a kind person. He loves his sister and his mother very much, selflessly helps the Marmeladovs, and is ready to give his last money for a stranger. Rodion cannot even pass by a drunk girl on the boulevard, because she needed help.

Raskolnikov commits a double murder, thereby showing cruelty. He says he's doing it for good. Is it possible to base goodness on heartlessness and cruelty? Dostoevsky shows us the entire difficult path of repentance that Rodion overcame on the path to goodness. In this example we see that a kind person is capable of cruelty.

It's not just evil people who can be cruel. I believe that there are no good and evil people. Each of us is capable of cruel acts. But it is important to remember that everyone makes their own decisions and is responsible for them. Good may sow good, but good cannot be found through evil. shortcut to kindness. As Miguel de Cervantes said: “Cruelty cannot be the companion of valor,” so good people should refuse aggressive methods influence to achieve a good goal.

It sometimes happens that people who have been kind, generous and merciful all their lives suddenly change a lot and become angry, rude and cruel. Why is this happening? What makes people change their character so dramatically? It is worth trying to answer these questions.

I have a few thoughts on this. In my opinion, very great influence Society influences human behavior. It is difficult to remain kind and compassionate if you are constantly surrounded by anger, indifference and cruelty. You can, of course, endure and not allow yourself to sink to the level of others, but, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. As an example, we can cite the story of Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin from the story “The Overcoat” by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. All his life he faced rudeness from society, ridicule, mockery and cruelty.

When Bashmachkin lost his overcoat, the most expensive thing for him, which he got very with great difficulty, no one helped him, everyone pushed him away and abandoned him, so Akaki Akakievich himself became insensitive and cruel after his death. He became as indifferent to the feelings of others as before others were indifferent to him and his feelings.

But we must not forget that any person is still free to decide for himself how to behave and what to do, he just needs not to break, not to cave in under the dirty, low society. An example of this is Luka, the mysterious wanderer from Maxim Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths.” He is as poor as the rest of the characters in the work, and besides, unlike them, he does not even have a permanent shelter. He also found himself “at the bottom,” but regardless of this, Luka does not waste his life on endless drinking, swearing and anger.

Even if many do not like his philosophy and outlook on life, Lucca continues to remain merciful, continues to help the residents of the shelter, supports them and tries to guide them true path. Luke does this because he wants to be kind, he does not accept cruelty. Much for him help is more important and compassion for people.

Anything can happen in a person's life. He can become cruel due to the loss of loved ones, due to a difficult situation in life, bad influence from society. But in any case, only the person himself must choose how he wants to live and whether he should succumb to anger and become cruel.

Effective preparation for the Unified State Exam (all subjects) - start preparing

Updated: 2018-12-03

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. December is just around the corner, which means there is exactly a month left before writing the final essay.

This is not so little, considering that in four weeks, with a fair amount of work, you can write from 5 to 10 test essays.

This article is devoted to one of the thematic areas offered to graduates in 2018. It is formulated as follows: the essay “Kindness and.” To successfully write a text on this topic, just take a few simple steps.

Formulating specific essay topics

To begin with, we suggest that you comprehend the stated direction and formulate 5 approximate topics. This does not mean that you will get them in the exam. But, using at least one or two of them, you will come closer to understanding the problem. For example let's take the following topics:

  1. — “How do kindness and cruelty coexist in the human heart?”;
  2. - “Is it possible cruel man on good deed?»;
  3. - “Why do kind people become cruel?”;
  4. — “Where does kindness end and cruelty begin in a war situation?”;
  5. - “Why are children cruel to each other?”

Choose a topic that is closer to you and proceed to the next stage of work.

Looking for quotes

Quotes will help diversify your essay. They are best placed in the introduction to the essay. Well chosen quote makes it possible to build on it and formulate your own.

To connect sentences, use expressions based on accepting an argument:

“A famous scientist expressed the idea that yellow unicorns are quite rare creatures, and one cannot but agree with this / this idea is confirmed in fiction, / And life experience confirms this..."

or based on his refutation:

“The writer proposes to consider yellow unicorns as a normal phenomenon, but we will try... to prove the opposite / argue with this point of view / reason differently...”

For example, using the aphorism of Honore de Balzac:

"Cruelty and fear shake hands with each other"

You can comment on the essay about the causes of cruelty.

And a quote from Leo Tolstoy will be the best start to your own reasoning:

"The most best qualities without kindness they are worth nothing, and the worst vices are easily forgiven..."

Arguments from literature on the topic of kindness and cruelty

A good illustration of the stated direction will be Pugachev’s behavior in “ The captain's daughter » A.S. Pushkin.

The scenes of the rebels' reprisals against the captain and captain, horrifying in their cruelty, are replaced by an episode of the inexplicable good nature of the rebel towards Pyotr Grinev. What makes the same person be sometimes heartless and sometimes merciful?

The famous Gogol story " Taras Bulba"tells about the life of the Cossacks, whose goal in life is to defend in military battle. In a situation of war, the world is divided into “us” and “strangers”, therefore cordial and fair in peaceful life Taras Bulba becomes merciless towards his son when it comes to loyalty to the Fatherland.

Believing that the right punishes the wrong, “one’s own” - “their”, the father brutally kills his own son. Bulba's cruelty is determined by the era in which he lives, the culture and traditions of his environment.

M. Gorky in the play “ At the bottom"draws images of heroes who find themselves outside the normal social environment. All of them, due to various circumstances, become inhabitants of a shelter in which cruelty, envy, and the desire to deceive reign.

Only Luke the Comforter is good. But in reality, his kindness turns out to be insufficient to save them: it dissolves in words and is not confirmed by deeds. Such kindness is worse than cruelty: it becomes destructive for the characters.

In addition to the mentioned works, it is permissible to refer for arguments to:

  1. story by I. S. Turgenev “Mu-mu”
  2. his novel "Fathers and Sons"
  3. novel by I. A. Goncharov “Oblomov”
  4. poem by S.A. Yesenina "Anna Snegina"
  5. story by A. I. Solzhenitsyn “Matryonin’s yard”
  6. novel by B. L. Pasternak “Doctor Zhivago”
  7. epic novel by M. A. Sholokhov “Quiet Don”
  8. and other literary sources.

Let's get started

We will try our best formulate succinctly main idea , illustrate it with logical, interconnected arguments and draw a conclusion that corresponds to the main thesis stated at the beginning.

Let's sketch plan: “Kindness and cruelty. Composition". It should consist of three elements:

  1. - introduction;
  2. - main part;
  3. - conclusions.

Additional Tips accept here:

For example, let’s take the third topic: “ Why do kind people become cruel?" On the draft we will write down arguments that will help illustrate the evil, aggressive behavior a person who was previously in good standing.

To the two main arguments, it would not be amiss to add a third (preferably from Western European literature). Each paragraph should end with a mini-conclusion, and the entire text of the work should end with a general conclusion.

Example of a final essay: “Why do kind people become cruel?”

The Chinese sage Confucius said: “All people are born good.” It’s hard to argue with this: babies don’t know envy, deceit, or lies. They are defenseless in front of people and are equally open to good and evil. Why does it happen that kind people become cruel?

IN loving families Calm sons and affectionate daughters are growing up. And if the family is dysfunctional (parents quarrel, focus only on themselves, disappear completely), childhood collapses. What a person will be like depends on the environment in which he grows up. If someone good-natured shows aggression and callousness towards others, it means that he was hurt, offended, insulted, and forced to lose faith in people.

An example of this is the official Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin from the story by N.V. Gogol's "The Overcoat". Serving honestly in my department, " little man“I didn’t dream of anything, but as soon as Akaki Akakievich wished new overcoat how providence laughed at him. The overcoat was perceived by the official as alive - he thought about it so much, prepared for so long for the new life, the symbol of which it became.

And when the overcoat finally came into his possession, unknown people took it away. Bashmachkin died of shock. The ghost of Akaki Akakievich began to take away the overcoats of everyone he met. So N.V. Gogol described the model of the birth of cruelty: the offended becomes an offender. True, it happens only after the death of the hero.

In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" the problem reaches its climax. The murder of the old woman by student Raskolnikov is a reaction to the cruelty of the world around him, which burdens the hero. Blood begets blood, evil cannot stop evil.

Only the sacrificial love of Sonya Marmeladova breaks this chain. Pride gives way to repentance, cruelty gives way to the kindness that lived in Raskolnikov’s heart even when he was a child. Another example of the transformation of a kind person into a cruel one is illustrated by the beautiful girl Lorelei, recorded by the German romantic poet Clemens Brentano.

The river fairy Loreline (or Lorelei) sits on top of a rock and sings sweet songs that drive everyone crazy who hears them. Lorelei's beauty is destructive, but it does not please the girl, because her heart is broken unrequited love. Having suffered from the cruelty of her lover, Lorelei indifferently destroys other young men, and then dies herself. This is how cruelty destroys everything around and inside a person.

No matter how kind we are, life sends us severe tests, and not everyone has the strength to withstand. Few people retain such qualities as warmth and warmth throughout their lives. People become cruel to protect themselves from new pain, to take revenge, to fight back against those who have offended them. Only love can break this circle. It is she who gives strength to live on.

Analyzing the results and preparing for the Unified State Exam

The final essay will show how ready you are for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language.

Even if the test is successfully received, honestly ask yourself the following questions:

  1. - Is there a lot? literary works have I read it?
  2. — Do I know how to select quotes and arguments?
  3. — Am I able to draw logical conclusions?
  4. — Was it easy for me to write the essay?

If the answer to at least one of these questions is negative, it makes sense to continue writing test essays, bringing this skill to perfection. Then part WITH your written exam will absolutely please both you and the examiners.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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