Detailed 30 day plan for learning English. Is there a ready-made and effective program for learning English on your own? How to create a lesson program

As E. Reznikova said, “First – the plan, then the answer, whether it was a success or not.” Very correct aphorism. After all, timely planning eliminates many problems in any business. Therefore, everyone needs to formulate their own study plan in English and develop some rules for effective language acquisition.

Let us note that for those who take up learning a foreign language on their own, it is much more difficult than studying with tutors and professional teachers. You will need hard work, perseverance, willpower, and self-discipline. In specialized courses, you are simply a passive learner, but in independent study, your goal is to become an active learner.

Before we proceed directly to studying the rules and plan, we need to determine the necessary set of tools that will help any beginner learn the language:


Self-instruction manual

Grammar guide


Mobile programs

Audio or regular book for beginners

You choose any of these tools at your discretion.

Foreign Study Plan

  • Choosing a methodology. Choose the method you like. For example, the Dragunkin course, the Pimsleur method, the Polyglot system. Practice this method until you pass the first level, then evaluate the results.
  • Choice teaching aids– dictionaries, video courses, tutorials, audio books and phrase books, as well as websites. Follow the recommendations of one or two sources and follow them, evaluating their effectiveness after three to four weeks
  • Choose for yourself perfect time to start classes and the duration of the lesson. For example, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday from 8:30 to 9:30. Spend at least 1 hour a day studying, but no more than two
  • Tutor lessons. A professional will explain to you obscure rules and other phenomena two or three times a month English speech, will work on your pronunciation
  • Create a detailed plan. Distribute when and what you intend to master, but do not overdo it. Be adequate, don't take on too much. Choose the best rhythm and pace of learning for yourself. Don't try to master a huge section right away. It’s much better to break it up into a couple of separate lectures.
  • Create comfortable conditions. Remove everything that will disturb you and distract you from your studies - turn off the radio and TV, speakers near the computer if they are not useful for studying, close unnecessary tabs and windows in the browser. Sit comfortably, have a pen and workbook ready
  • Hearing. With audiobooks, TV, radio, films, cartoons, entertainment programs and a professional voice-over, learn to recognize fluent British and American speech
  • Reading. Study English-language books, magazines, articles, newspapers, children's fiction, posts on the Internet as often and as much as possible. Use texts different types complexity, based on own level knowledge of English
  • Replenishment of vocabulary. Every day increase your vocabulary by 15-20 words. To simplify the process, learn thematic vocabulary - colors, top 100 phrases, numbers, animals, furniture, situational expressions, wardrobe items, etc.
  • Talk. Oral practice is the key to successful mastery of English speech, so communicate with Americans and Britons on the Internet, unite in communities of interest, and act out dialogues
  • Grammar. Enrich your vocabulary by set expressions, and the nature of their occurrence, thanks to the laws of grammar.

Follow this plan, get motivated and you'll master English in no time.

Based on materials from the site

Greetings, friends!

Many people wonder - Is it possible to learn English on your own and for free?

The question is complex and interesting! And here two aspects should be considered - theoretical and practical!

Theoretically, it is possible to learn English from scratch on your own, but practice shows something completely different!

To practical examples There was more independent learning of English, today I have prepared a plan for those who plan to independently learn English from scratch.

So, I present to you a plan for self-studying English in 6 months. Six months is a suspended sentence. Some will probably complete the program earlier, others later.

I would like to point out right away that learning English on your own requires much more. effort and discipline . This is where you should be an active learner, learning rather than being taught.

Before we talk about the plan, you need to decide on a set of tools that will help you learn English on your own:

  • Grammar reference book (the thinner the better)
  • Dictionary (the most convenient, of course, are online dictionaries)
  • study guide (to suit your taste)
  • phrasebook
  • special mobile applications to expand vocabulary (for example, Anki)

Before you start learning English on your own, it is important to decide on the materials. The mistake of most people is to spend time not on learning the language, but on studying materials and existing techniques. Today, many publishers offer bright, colorful, interesting textbooks. They are all good in their own way. It should be based on your goals and interests. Ask yourself a question: what materials do I want to use to learn the language?

Conventionally, the entire process of learning English can be divided into three stages. I wrote about this in more detail.

Now let's move on to the plan.

1 - 2 months.

The first two months are the most important time for those who are learning English. You build a system, develop the habit of learning the language. This is the time when the foundation is laid.

The main thing here is to surround yourself with English: books, songs, communication.
But in any case, I would recommend that you take classes with a teacher at this time. The teacher will help you with grammar and various nuances, and introduce you to the world of language.

Of particular note is the expansion of vocabulary; Every day you need to learn 15 new words. In order to communicate fluently in English you need to know approximately 2500 - 3000 words. By studying 15 words every day, in six months you will expand your vocabulary to the desired level.

During this time, you should devote at least 2 hours a day to learning the language.

3 - 4 months.

The stage of progress and skill development has arrived. By this time, you already know about 900 words and can carry on conversations on certain topics.

If you have the opportunity, continue your studies with a teacher.
The time has come to find a person - a partner who, like you, is learning the language. This can be done in various language communities(more on this). In general, it is no secret that learning English is much faster and more fun if you have a partner, friend, or colleague.

At this stage, you should hone your skills, namely, devote at least 2 hours a day to the language, but already by practicing and developing speaking and listening skills.

Also force yourself to think in English. Every time you think about something, mentally translate all thoughts into English.

5-6 months.

By this time you already speak English well. And all you really need is PRACTICE! Practice, talk a lot with friends and partners.

TV shows, films and books (no longer simple ones) in English will also help you with this.
Stock up on a few films in English. And don’t worry about not understanding something while watching. Understanding speech from a film is much more difficult than understanding the speech of a real interlocutor.

Continue to devote 2 hours to the language every day (at this stage, it will be easiest for you)

And now, it’s done! You have reached your goal! Now you need to “hone your skills”

In this article we will tell you When is the best time to start learning English from scratch?, consider guide to learning English for beginners and also share useful tips and life hacks on this topic. Let's go!

When is the best time to start learning English?

There is an opinion that if you want to learn a foreign language, you need to start studying before a certain age. Based on the popular view held today, children younger age easier to understand the structure foreign language than adults; because childhood is a certain critical period individual development and learning any foreign language.

According to new research in the study of brain networks that used innovative statistical methods, our ability to learn language gradually declines as we age. Alas, this is a fact.

In the video below, Professor of Speech and Hearing Sciences Patricia Kuhl shares with us amazing research findings on how babies learn a second language - by listening to those around them and "gathering statistics" on the sounds they need to learn. Deeply thought out laboratory experiments showed how complex the reasoning of six-month-old children is in comprehending their world. Check it out yourself!

  • Clear goal

You need to clearly understand why you are going to learn English from scratch. This is a serious matter!

Example: Perhaps you are planning a tour soon? English speaking countries- in this case, it’s time to familiarize yourself with the basic set vocabulary; learn and improve listening and pronunciation skills, and at the same time self-study, go to tourist English courses with a tutor.

  • Qualified mentor

At the initial stage, it is very important to have a qualified specialist nearby who can correct the pronunciation and lay the foundation of English vocabulary and grammar.

Having international certificates “CELTA” or “TESOL” for a teacher will be a big plus. Moreover, practicing speaking only by memorizing phrases and sentences out loud is not the most effective and certainly not fun activity. Experienced English-speaking or Russian-speaking teacher will always be able to correct your mistakes and direct the conversation in the right direction.

  • Liabilities

Learning English requires enormous motivation. If you are confident that you are ready to start studying, make a commitment and approach the learning process with full responsibility. After all, in the end, your work and efforts will definitely lead to the fulfillment of your goal.

  • Pleasure

What we do best is what brings us joy and pleasure in life. If you don't like learning English, then you're doing something wrong. You can, for example, choose serious topics: oil and gas, information technologies, but at the same time the material will be presented in a positive and exciting way.

A great option is to make your own own program rewards so that there is an incentive to systematically move forward and not stop there.

Guide to learning English from scratch

  • First, as previously mentioned, clearly define the purpose of the study and the time frame for achieving the task. Assess your strengths adequately.
English for beginners is not a level that will allow you to pass later international exam TOEFL or IELTS on highest score and enroll in a foreign university.
  • Secondly, if you have already decided which version of the English language you will need in life, then focus on it: American, British, Australian, etc. This approach will allow you not to waste time learning English that does not evoke emotions and inspiration in you.
  • Thirdly, choose the appropriate training format for yourself: offline or online; group classes or individual lessons; Russian-speaking tutor or English-speaking teacher. It's no secret that learning in a familiar and comfortable home environment much more convenient than classes in another part of the city. Moreover, if you would like to purposefully engage with native(native speaker), then online learning will be an ideal option for you.
  • And finally, fourthly, buy manuals in bulk with names like “English for Dummies from Scratch” NOT costs! In the 21st century, you can find a lot of useful free resources and alternatives printed publications in digital format, with the help of which literally in a matter of seconds you can check the correctness of a particular task; learn new vocabulary; work on the nuances of grammar, and have fun watching your favorite YouTube channels and movies.


Now you know what to do! To make learning English comfortable and fruitful, do not hesitate to ask your teacher for help and clarify any unclear points. And remember that English for beginners is a chance to plunge into a new world!

The distance between your dreams and reality is called "action".

Big and friendly EnglishDom family!

This article will focus on plans and steps that language learners need to take.

Of course, if you are studying in, the teachers will take on a lot, testing you and preparing a detailed study of a foreign language.

But if you decide to study independently or additionally, then you will need an accurate plan, with the help of which the most difficult goal can be presented as a sequence of achievable tasks. The experience of polyglots shows that with each new language the learning process becomes more interesting and clearer, so start planning right now.

Have you ever thought about where you will apply new language, how does it differ from other languages ​​and what is its culture like? For example, what associations does it evoke in you? Are you thinking about a trip to Rome, are you mentally traveling to sunny Venice or traveling through the magnificent Puglia? Perhaps you love croissants for breakfast with a cup of cappuccino, adore pasta with seafood and love various sauces? What do you think of when you speak Italian? Do you remember Marcello Mastroianni or Hugo Tognazzi? Perhaps Raoul Bova is the sexiest actor for you? Once you find your emotions associated with a language, it will be easier to start learning it.

The next step is to define your goals. Answer the following questions:

  • Why are you learning a language?
  • Are you going to apply your knowledge in practice?
  • Do you want to work abroad?
  • Strive to communicate common topics?
  • Do you want to master it?

To achieve each goal, you will need certain actions: to communicate on general topics you will need grammar and basic vocabulary, to master business vocabulary you will need standard vocabulary, after which you can move on to and learn how to use them correctly in speech and correspondence. This path can be quite difficult to follow on your own, so do not hesitate to ask your teacher for advice.

Remember that to develop all skills, you need to pay attention to all aspects of the language: grammar, writing, colloquial speech, understanding, vocabulary, reading and pronunciation.

It is important to understand that the learning process may be different if you started the language from scratch or continued to study it. If you want to consolidate the acquired knowledge and remember the material, you can practice vocabulary on special sites and study with a teacher for regular speaking practice. Learning a language from scratch requires much more serious tasks: mastering phonetics and reading rules, understanding grammar and composing sentences, working on pronunciation and constantly expanding your vocabulary.

Decide for yourself the order of topics you will study. Do you want to go on a trip? Then your topics will be the airport, cafes and restaurants, taxis, ATMs, shopping, etc.

Don't forget about active work: It’s better to practice every day for 10-15 minutes than once a week for 1.5 hours.

Don’t be afraid to dream and make plans, but don’t forget to put everything into practice as soon as possible so as not to “burn out.” Don't live in illusions, learn languages ​​today!

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