Proposal l. I looked at my paper version, it looks like this:

A large convoy of Russian men was coming towards them, bringing provisions to Sevastopol, and now coming from there, filled with sick and wounded soldiers in gray greatcoats...

If the answer is 1.3, then Alexander is most likely right - just a typo, it must be brought and went, because for educational assignments the text is often “combed” under necessary rules, that’s why they write “based on Tolstoy’s stories,” and not “According to Tolstoy.”

How to explain in this sentence the presence of the conjunction AND between participial phrases relating to different defined words? Are they the same? Is it possible to say that the proposal allows grammatical error?

By modern rules syntax - yes, a grammatical error, L. Tolstoy was often accused of sloppiness in syntax, but he did not give in to criticism. Tolstoy's syntax is modeled on the syntax of French analysts and uses all available means of complex logical subordination. This combination of the purest colloquial dictionary with a very complex and logical syntax gives Tolstoy's Russian language a special personality. He had his own view of the language of a work: deliberate imperfection of form should catch, slow down reading, and force one to delve deeper into the essence of what was said. In his treatise “What is Art,” he writes that art should have nothing to do with beauty; the purpose of art is to be a means of transmitting feelings from one person to another.

In my opinion, this proposal reflects exactly that. If he had "combed" the sentence in accordance with the rules for constructing sentences with homogeneous participial phrases, then it would turn out that this convoy was bringing provisions, but he wants us to understand: simple Russian men they were transporting provisions to the fighting Sevastopol, but from there they were transporting wounded soldiers, but in the second part of the sentence it is important to convey that the train was full wounded. Homogeneous members did not fit in any way, so he used something like an adjunction, but in general everything still looked like sentences with homogeneous members, after all, we were talking about the same train of Russian men. It turned out to be a rough, clumsy phrase, but the meaning is true - what he wanted to convey.

This is something like how some forms of subjects agree with predicates. If it's important to us total number counted objects, we put the predicate in units. number: Several bullets squealed over my head, but if these are individuals and each individual is important to us, we put it in the plural: Several strangers in uniform frock coats they were talking about something.

Such freedom has been legalized, but we consider Tolstoy’s proposals a mistake. Apparently, such “sloppiness” is forgiven to a genius; it just needs to be understood, and certainly cannot be used in educational assignments, That's why similar phrases lead to normative view. In this case, the task developers made a mistake and issued real phrase Tolstoy.

Automation of sound [l] in phrases

Pronounce the phrases correctly

Blue glass, blue bell. Blue plate. Blue cloud, blue dress.

Blue clouds, blue bells, blue glasses.

Yellow calendula, yellow moon. Yellow sun, yellow blanket. Yellow sunflower, yellow spikelet.

Yellow scarves, yellow blouses, yellow flippers.

Answer correctly. What kind of chalk is there? What more can be said white?

“Pick up a word.”

Marmalade... ( sweet), and halva... ( sweet). Pastila too... ( sweet).

Sweet apple. A prickly needle.

Sweet apples. Sticky needles.

Sour dogwood. Golden sunflower.

Sour cherry plum. Evil Polkan.

Sour apple. Bad boy.

Sour apples. Wavy hair.

Affectionate Slava. Radiant sun.

Affectionate Mila. Moonlit night.

Tender sunshine. Deep well.

Tender rays. Soup plate.

Cheerful clown. Deep wells, plates.

Light scarf. Plastic lampshade.

What are the objects made of? ( Made of plastic.) So what are these items? ( Plastic.)

Plastic spoon.

Plastic chair.

Plastic plates.

Find a word or two. Scarlet... ( handkerchief), white... ( chalk), white... ( cloud), ripe... ( strawberry), sad... ( Mila), skillful... ( Human), brave... ( pilot), sweet, nice... ( Baby).

Who will find more words? What kind of apple is this? ( Whole, ripe, sour, sweet, yellow.)

Automation of the sound [l] in sentences and coherent speech

Two word sentences

Mikhail is brave. Volodya left. The chair fell. Mila sang. Volodya was running.

Make up proposals

the wolf was jumping

the squirrel ran

the kids smiled

Three and four word sentences

Pavel drank milk. The cat lapped milk. Mila knocked over her chair. Mila put on a robe. Lana slept for a long time. Slava made a chair. Mikhail watered the horse.

Volodya sat down at the table. There is a chair near the table. Klava planted phloxes. Slava made the raft. Gladioli grow near the house.

The ball rolled under the chair. Lana stood near the chair. Mikhail sat down in a chair.

Imagine that you are an artist. I order you a painting blue color. What will you paint with blue paint? (I I'll draw blue clouds.)

Sentences with conjunctions a, and

Lana goes to school, and Mila goes to kindergarten.

The jackdaw sat on a stick, and the stick hit the jackdaw.

Mila is affectionate, but Klava is more affectionate.

I put the book on the table and sat the doll on the chair.

Lola took a broom and swept the floor. The baby fell and cried. The goat went into the garden and ate cabbage. Pavel took a saw and a hammer and made a shelf.

Execution of orders. Take the doll and sit on the chair. What did you do? I took the doll and sat down on the chair. Take the squirrel and put it on the shelf. What did you do? I took the squirrel and put it on the shelf.

Development of prosody

Say the phrase “What a bee” with different intonation. What bee? (interrogatively) What a bee! (with admiration.) What bee?! (with fear.)

Name it extra words in a sentence. Repeat the sentence.

The lamp hung, shone, then went out very brightly. ( The lamp shone very brightly.)

The boat rowed, sailed, flew along the river.

The table hung, sat, stood in the room.

The snow melted, sparkled, ran in the sun.

At night the moon and sun shine.

Volodya walked, sang, and sat along the street.

Klava sang, ate, and threw out songs.

Slava made, made, knocked together, hung, sawed a birdhouse.

Lana baked, broke and threw the pies.

Mila sewed, knitted, and threw a scarf to the doll.

“Like it or don’t like it.”

I like sweet marmalade. What do you like?

Would I like to eat a sweet apple? What about you?

I love blue bells, how about you?

Which flower do you like better - calendula or gladiolus?

“Finish the sentence.”

On the way Pavel... ( walked). To the forest Pavel... ( came up). It's in a thick forest... ( came in) and a wave there... ( found). I cut off the fungus and put it in the box. Along the path he... ( walked), ringing song... ( hummed). Pavel to the river... ( came up), he forded the river... ( moved).

Repeat the whole story.

"Learning to think."

Think and say what connection exists between the drawn objects. I will say a word, and you name an object that has some connection with the word.

Thunderstorm - lightning.

Hay - pitchforks.

Table - spoon.

Light - lamp, light bulb.

Borsch - beets.

Needle - Christmas tree, trunk.

The bed is a shovel.

Cutlet - fork.

“Developing attention.”

Find 10 differences. Two Christmas trees decorated with flags. Which flag came off? What's missing from this tree?

"The fifth is odd."

Row of flowers and strawberries.

How do you understand words stupidity, stupid?

What do the words mean? headwash?Puzzle?Sip, swallow?

Topics for composing stories and fairy tales

"Sea". Key words: scuba diver, scuba gear, fins, balloon, halibut, lobster, flounder, diver, boat, oar, icebreaker, boat, deck.

Have you been to the sea? Who needs scuba gear, fins and a tank?

"Geologists". Key words: hammer, pickaxe, tent, mineral, diamond, gold.

"Room". Figure 42. (See color insert.) Key words: table, lamp on the table, ceiling, lampshade with a light bulb above the table, chair, armchair, floor, shelf, lilies of the valley on the shelf, ball under the chair. The cat is near the table. Mila is sitting in a chair, Slava and soldier Danil are at the table.

Names: Mila, Pavel, Volodya, Klava, Slava, Danil, Lusha.

"Playing Football" Key words: Pavel, Volodya, hit, played, football, broken glass, fragments.

What did Pavel and Volodya do? What's happened?

"For mushrooms." Key words: Christmas trees, waves, squirrel, Pavel, Mila, basket.

Give the children names that contain the sound [l]. What did the children take with them? What trees grow in the forest? ( IN Christmas trees grow in the forest.) Who is sitting on the Christmas tree? ( A squirrel sits on a Christmas tree.) What mushrooms grow near the Christmas tree? ( Waves grow near the Christmas tree.) Who hid behind the Christmas tree? ( A snake hid behind the tree.) What's under the tree? ( There is a stick under the tree.) Who jumped out from under the tree? ( A hare jumped out from under the tree.)

Where did Mila and Pavel go?

"Garden". Key words: scarecrow, vegetables, beets, onions, eggplant, sunflower, lettuce.

"Cloth". Key words: dress, scarf, tights, blouse, T-shirt, baseball cap, leggings, pullover. Cotton, patch, patch.

"Animal World". Key words: elk, fallow deer, wolf, she-wolf, cubs, jackal, raccoon, manul, squirrel, elephant, donkey, wild ass, goat, deer, weasel.

"Dishes". Key words: plate, fork, spoon, salt shaker, salad bowl.

"Fridge". "Products". Name the items in the refrigerator. What should not be in the refrigerator?

Key words: balyk, sausage, milk, sunflower oil, butter, lard, apples, eggplant, halva, marmalade, marshmallow, strawberry, salad, onion, onion, beet, blueberry, apple, strawberry, cherry plum, doll, pita bread.

What can you enjoy? What do the words mean? delicacy, feast on, tasty morsel?

Do you know these words? Creamery, creamery. What's happened glaze? What does the word mean slice? A large piece is a slice, and a small piece is a slice.

"Aquatic Animals" Key words: crested whale, sperm whale, serval, beluga whale, narwhal, minke whale, bottlenose whale, northern swimmer, manatee, llama, lobster, weasel, sunfish, beluga, beluga whale, tadpole.

"Deep - shallow." Who swims deeper than others?

"Birds". Key words: harrier, eagle, swallow, cormorant, pigeon, nightingale, capercaillie, woodpecker, jackdaw, oriole, falcon, nuthatch, harrier, coot, sea eagle, phalarope, warbler, flamingo, goldfinch.

"Everything for the home" store. Key words: needle, pin, broom (mother’s things).

"Tools". Key words: shovel, jigsaw, brace, crowbar, chisel, awl, saw, file, hammer (dad's things).

"Toys". Key words: doll, spinning top, wolf cub, Christmas tree, squirrel.

Say it kindly. Shovel - spatula, spatula. Needle - needle. Saw - file, nail file.

Dad bought himself a big shovel, and Lana bought a shovel. Little Volodya - a spatula.

"In the meadow." Key words: bells, bees. Pure sayings with the word bee.

- Bee, bee, where have you been?

- I flew to the meadow,

I collected honey there.

"Sporting goods store." Key words: fins, paddle, scuba gear, skis, poles, bicycle, motorcycle, baseball cap, T-shirt, ski suit.

Imagine that you are looking at products. Share your impressions with your mother. What would you like to buy for your sports activities? Tell me what you saw in the store.

"Sport". Key words: track cycling, cyclist, bicycle racing, basketball, volleyball, football, slalom, rock climber, swimmer.

"Ski trip." Key words: Christmas tree, squirrel, skis, skiers, track, sticks, Mikhail, Alla and Volodya, Christmas tree, squirrel's pantry, fell, stood up, went down, saw, looked, jumped, galloped, nibbled.

Where is the ski track? Where did the children put their skis and poles? ( Near the Christmas tree.)

"Rescuers". “Volodya is a rock climber.”

Key words: rock, rocks, rock climber Pavel, clouds, swallow, eagle, mountain goat, blue gorge, cave, stalactites, transcendental.

What two words are the word made up of? rock climber?

"School". Key words: school, pencil case, globe, class, atlas, paints.

"The sound is lost." What sound is lost in the word g...obus?

"The sound got lost." What sound has taken the wrong place? school?

Make sentences with words Lola, came out, came up, left, came, crossed over.

Word analysis school. Reading words.


Imagine that you are in a zoo. What animals have the sound [l] in their names? Invite your friends to watch them. Look what big elephant! What an evil wolf!

3. Test “Complete the sentence” by L. Dusset.(See Appendix 1)

Goal: stimulating the mechanisms of positive thinking.

4. Exercise “My Family”

Goal: forming an adequate assessment of one’s own family.

The presenter asks the children to arrange the pretend family as the child’s family looked like last night.

After the exercise, reflection is carried out. Children say how they felt, what they wanted to do.

5 Games with a parachute.

A ball is added to the parachute game.
6. Relaxation exercise “Declaration of self-worth” V. Satir(Children's version)

Goal: formation adequate self-esteem; development of self-regulation skills.

Children are asked to listen, repeat, and then memorize the text:
I am me!

And there is no one in this world like me!

I have a lot of things:

Victories, mistakes, successes, troubles!

I am me!

I'm building myself! I am great! I am cool!

“I” is a very important word for me!

Lesson 9.
Subject: I know my strengths and weaknesses.

Objectives: - overcoming the behavioral consequences of the violence suffered and formulating adaptive models behavior.

1. Greeting.

The presenter asks the guys to say hello in different ways.

2. Warm-up “Emotional vocabulary”.

The presenter shows the children the letters and asks them to remember the emotion for this letter.

3. Exercise “When I’m angry..”

Children continue the given phrase. This is where we work with feelings. (See Appendix 2).

4. Exercise “Miracle Cactus”

Goal: harmonization emotional state, sensory stimulation.

The presenter reads the fairy tale “The Miracle Cactus” to the children. (See Appendix 2)

Next, children are asked to sculpt the shape of a cactus from plasticine, decorate it with toothpicks and flowers cut out of paper. Children can also use ready-made plastic flowers and herbariums. At the end of the exercise, reflection is required.

Note for the Presenter: The technique is aimed at developing psychological problems in aggressive children. By working with plasticine, the process of kneading blocks, which is difficult for a child, a transition occurs internal state into the material. The resulting material is a container of the child's emotions. The spines serve as a symbol of the child’s aggressive reactions to the world around us. And the moment flowers are attached to these spines can have a corrective effect.

5. Games with a parachute. (See Appendix 2).

I'm doing well
I do almost everything well

I do a lot of things wrong

I'm doing everything wrong
Many things bring me pleasure

Something brings me joy

Nothing makes me happy
I'm always bad

I'm often bad

I'm rarely bad
I rarely think about what bad things can happen to me

I'm worried that something bad will happen to me

I'm sure something terrible will happen to me
I hate myself

I don't love myself

I like myself
Everything bad happens as a result of my mistakes

A lot of bad things happen as a result of my mistakes.

Bad things usually aren't my fault.
I don't think about committing suicide

I'm thinking about suicide, but I won't commit it

I want to kill myself
I cry every day

I cry often

I rarely cry
I feel anxious all the time

I often feel anxious

I rarely feel anxious
I like being with people

I don't like being with people

I don't really want to be with people
I can't decide on much

It's hard for me to decide on many things

I make decisions easily
I look good

There are some things about my appearance that don't suit me

I look ugly
I always have to force myself to do schoolwork

I often have to force myself to do schoolwork

Execution school assignments a small problem for me
I have trouble sleeping every night

I often sleep poorly

I sleep very well
I rarely get tired

I'm often tired

I feel tired all the time
Most of the time I don't want to eat

I often don't want to eat

I eat very well
I don't care about pain

I often have pain

I'm in pain all the time
I don't feel alone

I often feel lonely

I always feel alone
School never makes me happy

Sometimes school makes me happy

School often makes me happy
I have many friends

I have friends, but I would like to have more of them

I have no friends
My studies are fine

I'm not studying as well as before

Now I have bad grades in subjects that I used to do well
I'll never be as good as the other guys

If I want, I can become as good as others

I'm as good as the other guys
Nobody really loves me

I'm not sure if anyone loves me

I am sure that I am loved
I usually do what I'm told

As a rule, I don't do what I'm told

I never do what I'm asked to do
I fight often

I fight from time to time

I never fight
Calculation of the total indicator.

Organize audio automation in the form play activities. Classes should last 15-20 minutes for children under 4.5 years old, and older - 30 minutes. The baby should not be allowed to become tired.

The sound l is pronounced for a long time and only with a motionless tongue. When the tongue lifts away from the alveoli, a vowel sound is produced.

Before proceeding with automation, the child must learn to correctly pronounce an isolated sound.


ly - lu - lo - la
la - ly - lu - lo
ly - la - lo - lu

al - ol - st - yl
yal - yol - yul - il - ate
al - yal - ol - yol

La: laz, varnish, paw, spinning top, ash, led, affairs, lived, small, saw, bench, lamp, fist, roll, salad, robe, rock, diver, tent, pin, swallow, lily of the valley, Mila, lived, sang, washed, blew, ran, saw, offended, dressed, school, noodles, ate, avalanche, wrote, read, threw, carried, drove, carried.

Lo: forehead, crowbar, elk, boat, spoon, elbow, horse, stocking, swamp, galoshes, well, Volodya, hungry, cold, breakdown.

Lu, ly: bow, beam, puddle, Lusha, hole, spinning top, ash, saw, sheepskin coat, beluga, naughty, onion, bast, skis, oxen, tables, baby, wormwood, smile, skier, cobblestone, Luka, moon, meadow, lawn, basket, dove, acorn, deck, cabbage rolls, receive, pitchfork, scarlet, white, sluggish, cute, whole, bold, ripe, dull, bees, glasses, channels, pencil cases, landslides, stations, vacations, kids, blazing.

Al: ball, shaft, gave, sting, hall, small, jackdaw, stick, rolling pin, violet, slept, fell, tired, glass, channel, dug, wrote, pencil case, collapse, station, knocked, metal, tie, diamond, alphabet, halva, marshal, sage, balcony, issued, fell, fell, dripped, poured, stomped, groped, kicked out.

Ol: ox, goal, stake, floor, table, duty, wolf, hill, long, shelf, full, lightning, noon, prick, case, goldfinch, football.

Street: hum, blew, chair, aul, bun, loudly, blew, put on shoes, yawned, pulled, fell asleep, whispered, shook, pinched, took out, threw, stuck, arched, blew, knocked, muscle, stockings, volcano.

Yl: whined, was, howled, washed, washed, forgot, howled, passionate, bottle.

Yal: crumpled, took off, took, soldered, calmed down, stood, drove, withered, occupied, changed, understood, raised, was afraid, laughed, winnowed, sowed, melted, winnower, seeder.

Yol: led, walked, silk, fir-tree, heifer, bangs, bee, donkey, goat, cauldron, new settler, click, panicle.

Ate: ate, chalk, sang, sat down, dressed, could, buzzed, hung, managed, wanted, sat, hissed, made noise, whistled, squirrel, finely, knot, saw, brought out, went out, offended, hated, Pavel, woodpecker, ashes.

Il: beat, dear, Neil, watered, Mikhail, hammered, drove, carried, mowed, bought, carried, taught, planted, visited, dragged, fork, vein, saw, drinking bowl, mower, stretcher, learned, knocked out, drank, dropped off, pulled out, released, jumped out.

"Difficult" words with two sounds l :
barked, swam, pricked, weeded, sent, grinded, did, lapped, climbed, caressed, stroked, swam, adjusted, weakened, caught, broke, swallowed, pampered, bell, pounded, threshed, reported, put, kissed, burst, listened, served, heard, received, smiled.

Words with consonant clusters:
thank, eyes, smooth, burned, cereal, Klava, class, pantry, flame, swim, plate, plastic, patch, scarf, Slava, sweet, weak, peel off, send, flag, bottle, went, came out, block, globe, clump, raft, seal, square, elephant, oar, word, complex, fleet, clap, cotton, blouse, heel, stupid, club, flowerbed, tangle, strawberry, plough, rumor, listen, case, serve, merit, lumps, angry, fangs, swim, hear, boilers, whip.

Mila was eating a salad.
Lusha took the spatula.
The swallow made a nest.
Mom made milk noodles.
Mila washed her palms.
There are burdocks and wormwood near the tents.
Winter has come.
Get your skis and sled ready. Lusha chopped onions and beets.
Mila saw an elephant.
Slava goes to the storeroom to get the oars.
IN deep well the water is cold.
There are ripe and sweet apples in the store.
Volodya is a brave swimmer and is not afraid of depth.
Klava put a white scarf on her head.

Select pictures: shovel, boat, soap, doll. Start a sentence, and the child will finish according to the picture, then repeat the entire sentence.

Uncle Luka is digging a flowerbed (with a shovel).
Volodya and Slava are sailing on (a boat).
Klava washed her palms (with soap).
The dog took the doll into the closet.
Volodya rode (a bicycle).
Mikhail looked at (the globe).
Paul was catching (a pigeon).
Pavel sat down at (the table).

Uncle Mikhail watered the horse.
Grandpa Neil caught a swarm of bees.
Pavel caught a jackdaw.
My brother went to football.
Vova put the bottle on the shelf.
Dad bought a Christmas tree.
The chair fell to the floor and I got scared.
Pavel saw a squirrel on the Christmas tree.
Mikhail played football and scored a goal.
Uncle Neil tied his tie and left.
Father went to the station.

A dog was barking in the yard.
A raft was floating along the river.
The kitten lapped milk.
Pavel smoothed his hair.
Neil received a letter from Mikhail.
Neil ironed the towel and handkerchiefs himself.
I found and put a lot of worms in the jar.
My father served in the navy and sailed on a submarine.
The soldier reported that he had completed the task.
Petya broke and then repaired the bike.
Volodya forgot where he put his pencil case.
A dog barked and fell silent in the yard.
The cat caught the mouse, but did not catch it - the mouse ran away.
The stake is near the table, the table is near the stake.
Here the cheerful bun rolled like a ball.

A white blanket covered the ground.
The sun became hot, the blanket began to flow.

Whipped on the ears, whipped on the cheeks,
He tore the hat off his head and... ran away.

Mila doll.

Lusha's mother bought a doll. Lusha liked the doll. Blue eyes, Blonde hair, white dress, white shoes. Lusha named the doll Mila. The doll is very cute. Lusha was with Mila all day. She dressed her and put her shoes on. I washed her hair and combed her hair. She put the doll to sleep and rocked it to sleep. Lusha took care of the doll. One day Lusha put the doll to sleep. Mom called Lusha to dinner, and the dog took the doll away. She carried the doll and ruined it. Lusha cried, but did not leave the doll. Then my mother bought the same doll. She secretly exchanged it, and Lusha didn’t realize it.

Our cat loves to sleep. So he entered and went under the bench. He stretched out, covered himself with his paw and fell asleep. I slept to my heart's content. The cat stood up, yawned and stretched. And then he began to wash himself.

Volodya wanted to fish. He knew the places where roach are caught. Volodya took the boat and sailed. It was sunny and warm. Volodya did not swim for long. I stopped near the pool. He took out a fishing rod and began to fish. There were all sorts of fish: both small and large. Having caught a lot of roach, Volodya reeled in his fishing rod. He pushed the boat and sailed home.

Learn the poems by heart.

Everything is white, white, white. There was a lot of snow.
These are fun days! Everyone - on skis and skates!

The tin soldier lived. He sang, joked and did not bother.
He fought and never got tired. And he fell, and he got up himself.
And he always remembered his soldier’s family in battle.
Where he was for everyone, and every single one stood for him! (V. Aushev)

Christmas tree.
The tree cried at first from the warmth of home.
In the morning she stopped crying, started breathing, and came to life. (S. Marshak)

White snow, white chalk, a white hare is also white.
But the squirrel is not white, it wasn’t even white. (I. Tokmakova)

The hare is white.
White hare, white hare, where did you run after the bast?
The white hare answered: “I didn’t run, I galloped.”

§1. General information

Let us remember: sentences are divided into two-part ones, grammatical basis which consists of two main members - subject and predicate, and one-component, the grammatical basis of which consists of only one main member: subject or predicate.

One-part sentences are divided into two groups:

  • with the main member - subject
  • with the main member - predicate

The latter are divided into four types.

So, total one-part sentences There are five types. Each has its own name:

  • nominal
  • definitely personal
  • vaguely personal
  • generalized-personal
  • impersonal

Each type is discussed separately below.

§2. One-part sentences with the main member - subject

Name sentences- These are one-part sentences with the main member - the subject.
IN denomination sentences the existence of an object or phenomenon is reported or an emotional and evaluative attitude towards it is expressed. Examples:

Sweet raspberries!
What a beauty!

Nominal sentences with particles here, there have demonstrative meaning: There's a village!

Nominal sentences can be uncommon and consist of only one word - the main member, or common, including other members of the sentence:

Blue sky overhead.

Blue sea at your feet.

There is a small table covered with a tablecloth by the window.

Most often, the following are used as subjects in nominative sentences:

  • nouns in I.p.: Heat!
  • pronouns in I.p.: Here they are!
  • numerals or combinations of numerals with nouns in I.p.: Twelve. First of January.

§3. One-part sentences with the main member - the predicate

One-part sentences with the main member - the predicate - are not the same in the structure of the predicate. There are four types.

Classification of one-part sentences with the main member - the predicate

1. Definitely personal proposals
2. Vaguely personal sentences
3. Generalized personal sentences
4. Impersonal offers

1. Definitely personal proposals

Definitely personal proposals- these are one-part sentences with the main member - the predicate, which is expressed by the personal form of the verb in the form of 1 or 2 l. or a verb in imperative mood. The person is defined: it is always either the speaker or the interlocutor. Examples:

I love meeting with friends.

the action referred to in the sentence is performed by the speaker, verb in the 1st form. units

Let's call tomorrow!

encouragement to joint action speaker and interlocutor, verb in the imperative mood)

How are you living?

the action about which information is obtained is performed by the interlocutor, verb in the form of 2 l. plural

In narrative and interrogative sentences the action of the speaker or interlocutor is expressed:

Tomorrow I'm leaving on a business trip. What do you prefer for dessert?

IN incentive offers expresses the motivation for action of the interlocutor:

Read! Write! Fill in the missing letters.

Such sentences are independent, they do not need a subject, because the idea of ​​a person can be expressed in language by personal endings of verbs.

2. Vaguely personal sentences

Vaguely personal proposals- these are one-part sentences with the main member - the predicate, which is expressed by a verb in the form of 3 l. plural in the present or future tense or in the plural form. in the past tense. Person is not defined: the action is performed by someone unidentified.

unknown, not determined by whom the action is performed

It was reported on TV that...

it is not determined who performed the action

Such sentences do not need a subject, since they express the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uncertainty of the persons performing the action.

3. Generalized personal sentences

Generalized personal proposals- these are one-part sentences with the main member - the predicate, standing in the form of 2 l. units or 3 l. plural in the present or future tenses or in the form of 2 l. units or plural imperative mood:

In generalized-personal sentences, the person appears in a generalized form: all, many, and the action is presented as ordinary, always performed. Such proposals express the collective experience of the people as a whole and reflect stable, generally accepted concepts. Examples:

If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds.
You cannot build your happiness on someone else's misfortune.

The action being spoken of is common and common to all people, conveying the idea of ​​collective experience.)

Chickens are counted in the fall.

It does not matter who specifically performs the action, what is more important is that it is performed usually, always, by everyone - the collective experience is reflected, while a specific person is not implied.

In generalized-personal sentences, the idea of ​​a generalized person is important, therefore they express generalizations characteristic of proverbs and sayings, aphorisms, various kinds maxims.


Not all textbooks highlight generalized personal sentences in special type. Many authors believe that definite-personal and indefinite-personal sentences can have a generalized meaning. Examples:

If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds.
(considered as a definite personal sentence that has a generalized meaning)

Chickens are counted in the fall.
(considered as an indefinitely personal sentence having a generalized meaning)

What is the basis for different interpretations?
Authors who highlight generalized personal sentences in separate type, pay more attention to the meaning of this group of sentences. And those who do not see a sufficient basis for this put formal features (verb forms) at the forefront.

4. Impersonal offers

Impersonal offers- these are one-part sentences with the main member - the predicate, standing in the form of 3 l. units present or future tense or in the form s.r. past tense. Examples:

The action or state is expressed in them as involuntary, in no way dependent on any person or group of persons.

The predicate in impersonal sentences can be expressed in different ways:

1) impersonal verb: It was getting dark. It was getting dark.
2) personal verb in impersonal use in the form of 3 l. units present or future tense or in s.r. units past tense. It's getting dark, it's getting dark.
3) brief passive participle in the form of w.r.: Already sent to the market for fresh products.
4) in a state category word: Are you cold?, I feel good.
In the present tense, the zero copula of the verb be not used. In the past and future tenses, the connective be is in the following forms:

  • past tense, singular, middle: I felt good.
  • future tense, singular, 3 l.: I will be fine.

5) infinitive: To be a scandal, to be in trouble.
6) impersonal auxiliary verb with infinitive: I wanted to relax.
7) a state category word with an infinitive: Have a good rest!
8) negatives: no (no - colloquial), nor: There is no happiness in life!

Impersonal sentences are also diverse in the meanings they express. They can convey the states of nature, the states of people, and the meaning of the absence of something or someone. In addition, they often convey the meanings of necessity, possibility, desirability, inevitability, etc.

Test of strength

Find out your understanding of this chapter.

Final test

  1. Is it true that one-part sentences are those with one main predicate member?

  2. Is it true that one-part sentences are those with one main member - the subject?

  3. What are sentences with one main member - the subject - called?

    • incomplete
    • nominal
  4. What is the offer: What nonsense!?

    • nominative
    • definitely personal
    • impersonal
  5. What is the offer: Take care of nature!?

    • definitely personal
    • vaguely personal
    • impersonal
  6. What is the offer: The newspaper published a weather forecast for the week.?

    • vaguely personal
    • generalized-personal
    • definitely personal
  7. What is the offer: I'm shivering.?

    • nominative
    • impersonal
    • definitely personal
  8. What is the offer: It's getting light.?

    • impersonal
    • vaguely personal
    • generalized-personal
  9. What is the offer: He wanted to sleep.?

    • definitely personal
    • vaguely personal
    • impersonal
  10. What is the offer: Would you like some tea?

    • definitely personal
    • vaguely personal
    • impersonal

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