Compliance with all modern language standards. Orthoepy

There are written and oral norms.

Written language norms are, first of all, spelling and punctuation norms. For example, the spelling N in the word worker, and NN in the word nameNNik, is subject to certain spelling rules. And the placement of a dash in the sentence Moscow is the capital of Russia is explained by the punctuation norms of the modern Russian language.

Oral norms are divided into grammatical, lexical and orthoepic.

Grammar rules are rules for using forms different parts speech, as well as the rules for constructing sentences. The most common grammatical errors associated with the use of the gender of nouns are “railroad rail, French shampoo, big callus, registered parcel post, patent leather shoes.” However, rail, shampoo is a noun male, and a callus, a parcel, a shoe are feminine, so one should say “a railway rail, a French shampoo and a large callus, a custom-made parcel, a patent leather shoe.”

Lexical norms are the rules for using words in speech. An error is, for example, using the verb lay down instead of putting. Despite the fact that the verbs lay down and put down have the same meaning, put down is a normative literary word, and lay down is a colloquial word. The expressions: I put the book back in its place, etc. are errors. The verb to put should be used: I put the books in place.

Orthoepic norms are pronunciation norms of oral speech. (Orthoepy from the Greek orthos - correct and epos - speech). Compliance with pronunciation standards is important for the quality of our speech. Pronunciation that corresponds to orthoepic standards facilitates and speeds up the process of communication, therefore the social role of correct pronunciation is very great, especially now in our society, where oral speech has become a means of the widest communication at various meetings, conferences, and forums.

The norm is conservative and aimed at preserving linguistic means and the rules for their use, accumulated in a given society by previous generations. The unity and universality of the norm are manifested in the fact that representatives of different social strata and groups that make up a given society are obliged to adhere to traditional methods of linguistic expression, as well as those rules and regulations that are contained in grammars and dictionaries and are the result of codification. Deviation from linguistic tradition, from dictionary and grammatical rules and recommendations is considered a violation of the norm. However, it is no secret that at all stages of the development of a literary language, when using it in different communicative conditions, variants of linguistic means are allowed: you can say cottage cheese - and cottage cheese, spotlights - and spotlights, you are right - and you are right, etc.

The norm relies on traditional ways of using language and is wary of linguistic innovations. “The norm is recognized as what was, and partly what is, but not at all what will be,” wrote the famous linguist A.M. Peshkovsky. He explained this property of both the literary norm and the literary language: “If the literary dialect changed quickly, then each generation could only use the literature of its own and the previous generation, many two. But under such conditions there would be no literature itself, since the literature of each generation is created by all previous literature. If Chekhov had not already understood Pushkin, then Chekhov probably would not have existed. Too thin a layer of soil would provide too little nutrition for literary sprouts. The conservatism of the literary dialect, uniting centuries and generations, creates the possibility of a single powerful centuries-old national literature.” However, the conservatism of a norm does not mean its complete immobility in time. It is another matter that the pace of normative changes is slower than the development of a given national language as a whole. The more developed the literary form of a language is, the better it serves the communicative needs of society, the less it changes from generation to generation of people using this language.

And yet, a comparison of the language of Pushkin and Dostoevsky with the Russian language of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries reveals differences that indicate the historical variability of the literary norm. In Pushkin's times they said: houses, buildings, now - houses, buildings. Pushkin’s “Rise up, prophet...” must, of course, be understood in the sense of “rise up,” and not at all in the sense of “raise an uprising.” In F. M. Dostoevsky’s story “The Mistress” we read: “Then the ticklish Yaroslav Ilyich... directed a questioning glance at Murin.” The modern reader realizes that the point here is not that Dostoevsky’s hero was afraid of tickling: ticklish is used in a sense close to the meaning of the words delicate, scrupulous, and is applied to a person, i.e. in a way that no one would use it today (usually: a sensitive question, a sensitive matter). A.N. Tolstoy, almost our contemporary, in one of his stories describes the actions of a hero who “began to follow the flight of kites over the forest.” Now they would say: I began to follow the flight of kites.

May change regulatory status Not only individual words, forms and structures, but also in a certain way interconnected speech patterns. For example, this happened with the old Moscow pronunciation norm, which by the second half of the twentieth century was almost completely replaced by a new pronunciation, closer to the written form of the word: instead of boyus, smyalsa, zhyra, verkh, chetverg, strict, assent, korishnevy, slivoshnoe (butter) , sinful (porridge) began to say I’m afraid, laughed, heat, top, Thursday, strict, assent, brown, butter (butter), buckwheat (porridge), etc.

The sources for updating the literary norm are varied. First of all, this is a living, sounding speech. It is mobile, fluid, it is not at all uncommon for it to contain things that are not approved by the official norm - an unusual emphasis, a fresh word that is not in dictionaries, syntactic phrase, not provided for by the grammar. When repeated repeatedly by many people, innovations can penetrate into literary use and compete with facts sanctified by tradition. This is how options arise: next to you are right, you are right appears; Designers and workshops are adjacent to the forms of designers and workshops; the traditional conditioning is replaced by the new conditioning; slang words lawlessness and partying flash in the speech of those whom society is accustomed to considering as exemplary bearers of the literary norm.

These examples indicate that speech practice often runs counter to normative instructions, and the contradiction between how one should speak and how one actually speaks turns out to be the driving stimulus for the evolution of the linguistic norm.

Norms in the modern Russian language are an indicator of purity, correctness, and accuracy of speech

1. The concept of language norms.

2. Standard options.

3. Orthoepic, morphological, syntactic, lexical norms.

“This Russian language is difficult, dear citizens! I heard a conversation the other day. It happened at the meeting. My neighbor leaned over and politely asked:

– What, comrade, will this be a plenary meeting or what?

“Plenary,” the neighbor answered casually.

“Look,” the first one was surprised, “that’s why I’m looking, what is it?” As if it were plenary.

“Yes, be calm,” the second one answered sternly. – Today it’s very plenary and the quorum has reached such a level – just hang in there.

– ...But it’s somehow closer to me. Everything somehow comes out in them minimally on the essence of the day... Although I will say frankly that I have a rather permanent attitude towards these meetings. So, you know, the industry is going from empty to empty.

It’s difficult, comrades, to speak Russian!” – concludes the author of the story M. Zoshchenko.

Indeed, it is difficult if you do not know the rules and norms that exist in each language.

The most important quality of speech culture is its correctness. Literary correct speech constructed in accordance with language norms.

The norm of language (literary norm) is the rules of use speech means, a uniform, exemplary, generally accepted use of elements of a literary language in a certain period of its development. Characteristic features of the norm of the Russian literary language - relative stability, prevalence, common usage, universally binding, compliance with the use, custom and capabilities of the language.

The literary norm is mandatory for oral and written speech and depends on the conditions in which speech is carried out. The norm does not divide the means of language into good or bad. It indicates the appropriateness of using them in communication. Sources language norms– works classical literature, common modern language use, scientific research.

The norm reflects the desire of language in a given period to stop, solidify, stability, continuity, universality, and at the same time the desire to go beyond the original, generating new possibilities.

Language norms are a historical phenomenon, constantly changing. Changes in literary norms are associated with the development of language, social change, the development of literature, etc. What was the norm in the last century and even 10 years ago, today may be a deviation from it. If you look at dictionaries from 100 years ago, you can see how norms have changed, for example, pronunciation and stress.

So, in the 19th century. they said - trains, weather, nowadays only older generation actors pronounce the return particle xia – sj firmly - returned (b).

The sources of changes in the norms of the literary language are different: living Speaking, dialects, borrowings, professionalisms. Changes in norms are preceded by the appearance of their variants, which actually already exist in the language and are used by its speakers. Variants of norms are reflected in dictionaries of modern literary language.

For example, in the “Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language” variants of words are given - thinking, thinking, etc.

There are 3 degrees of normativity, which are reflected in various dictionaries:

norm of the 1st degree – strict, rigid, does not allow options (putting down, not laying down);

norm of the 2nd degree – neutral, allows equivalent options (decent (w));

norm of the 3rd degree - more flexible, allows conversational, outdated forms(cottage cheese, cottage cheese).

The 1st degree norm is called imperative norm, norms of the 2nd and 3rd degrees - dispositive norms.

Currently, the process of changing language norms has become especially active and noticeable against the backdrop of events of historical and political significance, economic reforms, changes in social sphere, science, technology.

A linguistic norm is not a dogma. Depending on the goals and objectives of communication, on the characteristics of a particular style, deviations from the norm are possible. But these deviations should reflect the existing norms in the language.

The following norms are distinguished: spelling, spelling and punctuation, lexical, morphological, syntactic.

Orthoepic norms (Greek correct speech) - norms of pronunciation and stress.(He took ishshaka from the store (boxes) - incorrect pronunciation makes it difficult to understand.) Spelling errors make it difficult to perceive the speaker’s speech. Social role correct pronunciation is very great, since knowledge of spelling norms greatly facilitates the communication process. In the play by D.B. Show "Pygmalion" professor of phonetics Higgins not only taught the dirty street flower seller Eliza Doolittle, who spoke vulgarly and incorrectly, to be literate and cultural speech. She has turned into an elegant and charming woman, realized her place in society.

In Russian, the stress is free, not fixed, in different places, that is, it is on any syllable in the word - begin, began, began. The emphasis is mobile - right, right, right.

There are common mistakes to avoid:

– for example, at the end of words G should sound like To, exception is the word God(x);

– combination – chn- this is how it is pronounced, except for proper names: - Nikitishna - and individual words - yaishnitsa, kopeeshny, trifle as options;

- before the letter e consonants in borrowed words are softened - rector, engineer, theory, the sound is pronounced softly l– molecule; in some borrowed words there are consonants before e pronounced firmly - codex (code), cafe (cafe);

– stress in verb forms: verbs ending in – ate with stress in indefinite form on last syllable: award – awarded, form – formed.

In order not to make mistakes in speech, it is necessary to use special dictionaries, for example, the “Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language”. It gives normative marks.

Equal options are connected by a union And; variants of norms, one of which is the main one: the mark “acceptable” - additional, marked “acceptably outdated” – add. outdated

Options outside the literary norm use prohibitive marks: “not recommended” - not rec., " wrong" - not right.,"grossly wrong" - grossly wrong.

A whole layer of vocabulary is associated with professional sphere consumption. Dictionaries also record these options - atomic, compass, alcohol - and have the mark - prof.

Lexical norms, or norms of word usage, are

the correct choice of a word from a number of units that are close to it in meaning or form,

- the use of a word in the meanings that it has in the language,

– the appropriateness of its use in a given situation. Compliance with lexical norms – the most important condition correctness of speech.

Lexical norms first of all require knowledge of the meaning of words. In addition, compliance with lexical norms is correct and appropriate use synonyms, polysemantic words, obsolete words, neologisms, phraseological units, words foreign language origin. The same applies to clericalism and professional vocabulary.

(“The waves rolled over the pier and fell down like a swift jack.” From the novel “12 Chairs” by I. Ilf and E. Petrov.

“Oblomov was lying on the sofa, where his personality was decaying.” From the essay.)

Lexical norms require lexical compatibility, that is, words in a sentence must be selected taking into account their semantic compatibility, for example, you cannot say: increasing the level (it can increase or decrease); borrow money from someone (borrow - lend).

Lexical norms are associated with the ability to distinguish paronyms (words that sound similar, but have different meaning). For example, put on - put on. The verb to put on is used when the action is directed at its manufacturer - to put on a coat, glasses, as well as in constructions with the preposition to - on child. The verb to dress is used when the action is directed to another object, designated indirect object– dress a child, a doll. Or provide – submit (I was given the floor at the meeting. The report must be submitted in writing).

Must be avoided in speech

– pleonasms (redundancy of expression: a souvenir, my autobiography, a price list;

– tautologies (repetition of words with the same root or identical morphemes): this abstract provides data; the following shortcomings should be noted.

Compliance with lexical norms makes speech accurate. Speech accuracy requires:

ability to think clearly (logical accuracy),

knowledge of the subject of speech (subject accuracy),

knowledge of the meaning of words used in speech (conceptual accuracy).

Failure to comply with standards leads to errors and oddities. For example, one study provides a translation of the words of a Russian song: “And who knows why he blinks...”: “Nobody knew what was wrong with his eye.”

Morphological norms require the correct formation of grammatical forms of words of different parts of speech.

The most common errors:

1. Foreign language unbending words, denoting inanimate objects, usually belong to the neuter gender: highway, cafe, coat.

2. In the genitive plural the following forms are used:

– masculine words: a pair of shoes, boots, stockings (socks, oranges, eggplants, hectares, tomatoes, tangerines), Armenians, Georgians, Bashkirs, Tatars, Turkmens (Kalmyks, Mongols, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Yakuts), ampere, watt, volts (grams, kilograms);

– feminine words: barges, waffles, fables, shoes, weddings, sheets;

– neuter words: saucer, towels, blanket, mirror;

– words that do not have a singular number: manger, everyday life, twilight.

3. Prepositional forms like on vacation, on vacation preferably on – e(on - y - colloquial forms).

4. In literary language, forms ending in - and I: director, inspector, doctor, professor, vacation, passport, etc.; with ending – and, – s: engineers, drivers, accountants, editors, contracts, cakes, workshops, etc.

5. Preposition because of used when a negative reason is given, thanks to - at positive reason(due to the rain I missed the bus, thanks to the rain the fields turned green).

6. Pronouns are often used incorrectly: correctly - I’m thinking about you, I miss you, they miss us, I’m coming to you, their choice (not theirs).

7. Adjective in short form – characteristic, inactive, responsible.

8. The education of comparative and superlatives: It’s impossible to say – the closest one.

9. The collective numerals two, three, etc. are used in the following cases:

– with nouns naming male persons (two friends);

– with nouns children, people, guys, persons (meaning person);

– with nouns used only in plural(three days).

Syntactic norms prescribe the correct construction of phrases and sentences. When constructing sentences, it is necessary to remember that in the Russian language, with free word order, direct word order is preferable rather than reverse (inversion). In direct order, the subject precedes the predicate, the initial information is new information. If this order is not followed, the sentence may be ambiguous. “Will he go to the seminar? He will go..."

When constructing a phrase, you need to remember about management. For example, director of something, in charge of something, pay for something, pay for something, talk about something, point out something, worry about someone, worry about someone, superiority over something -, advantage over someone, etc.

Prepositions thanks, in agreement, in spite of require consumption dative case- according to the timetable.

It is a mistake to use two subjects: The room was not small at all.

It is often unjustified to include a word like this, for example: Automation conditions, they are like this...

With a subject expressed by a collective noun (row, majority, minority, part) in combination with genitive case plural, the predicate is usually placed in the plural if we're talking about about animate objects, and only when it comes to inanimate objects (most students passed the exams).

At the words a lot, a little, a little, a lot, how much the predicate is placed in singular(how many schemes were developed?).

Prepositions are used to express cause-and-effect relationships in view of, as a result of, in connection with, due to and etc.

Building participial turnover, we must remember that the main action, expressed by a verb, and the additional action, expressed by a gerund, are performed by one person: While reading a book, the student usually took notes.

When using homogeneous members of a sentence, you must remember:

– it is impossible to combine heterogeneous concepts as homogeneous members – study mathematics and varieties of tea; and also you cannot include specific and generic concepts (I love mathematics, physics, academic subjects);

- double unions should bind precisely homogeneous members: he not only received technical task, but also fulfilled it;

– at two homogeneous members a general controlled word is placed if the control words require the same case and preposition (read and take notes on lectures) (not right, love and think about the country).

It is also necessary to avoid piling subordinate clauses, for example: Design engineers gathered for a meeting, which took place in assembly hall, which was recently renovated by builders who tried to correct the deficiencies within the time limit that was established by the plan, which was approved a month ago in the same room.

In M. Bulgakov’s novel “ dog's heart“An example of incorrect sentence construction: “We, the management of the building,” Shvonder spoke with hatred, “came to you after a general meeting of the residents of our building, at which the issue of densifying the apartments of the building was raised...” - Who stood on whom? - Philip Philipovich shouted.

Stylistic norms are associated with the characteristics of functional styles, speech genre, with the purpose and conditions of communication.

“Of course, standing on the platform, I inform you that apartment No. 10 is suspicious in terms of moonshine. And in the kitchen their little dog, a poodle, attacks the consumer and tears his legs. This poodle, cholera in her side, grabbed me by the legs.” This letter from the hero of the story, M. Zoshchenko, is an indicator of the mixture of different styles - official business, scientific, colloquial and everyday. As a result, the official paper causes laughter.

Norms make speech understandable, logical, and expressive.

In the Russian language, native Russian vocabulary makes up 90%. The rest of the vocabulary is borrowed from different languages. Original Russian vocabulary is divided into the following groups:

– Indo-Europeanisms are the most ancient words, formed in 5–4 thousand BC. e. (oak, wolf, sheep, mother, son, moon, snow, daughter);

– Common Slavic vocabulary – words inherited from the Common Slavic language before the 6th century. and now used in South Slavic, West Slavic and East Slavic languages ​​(see, sow, fight, head, man, sit, gold, I, you, you);

– East Slavicisms – words that arose and are used in the East Slavic group of languages ​​(Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian) (here, today, village, dog, bullfinch);

– Russian words themselves appear in the period from the 16th century. to the present (sadness).

Borrowed vocabulary consists of three groups:

1) words that are the only names for life important concepts(bed, bath, mathematics, sailor, guitar);

2) words that are the only names of designated concepts, but are recognized as foreign (metro, trolleybus, pajamas);

3) names that have original Russian analogues (punctual - precise, contract - agreement).

The third group gives barbarisms - foreign words, included in speech unnecessarily. Currently, there are a lot of them - impeachment, monitoring, holding, presentation, briefing, populist, etc. Purity of speech requires correct use borrowed words and limits the scope of their distribution.

Relevance is a requirement for such a selection of linguistic means that make speech meet the goals and conditions of communication. The same style is not suitable for every situation, age, moment and listener. There are stylistic, contextual, personal and psychological relevance. Style is taking into account the methods of selecting vocabulary in accordance with the style used - business, scientific, conversational. Contextual is determined by the speech environment. Personal-psychological requires speaking delicately and tactfully, kindly and respectfully.

A beautiful, correctly constructed speech is always rich in nuances, it is expressive, evokes a response, and creates a certain mood.

The expressiveness and richness of language depends on the inclusion of epithets, metaphors, the use of phraseological units, comparisons, hyperboles and much more. Examples include the works of Russian poets and writers, speeches by famous Russian lawyers, lectures by scientists, and articles by journalists.

All of us, all of us in this world are perishable,

Copper quietly pours from the maple leaves...

May you be blessed forever,

What has come to flourish and die.

S.A. Yesenin

A.C. Pushkin, according to estimates, used more than 21 thousand words, Shakespeare - more than 20 thousand words, modern man– significantly less – 5–9 thousand. “Consolidated Dictionary of Modern Russian Vocabulary” in 2 volumes contains more than 170,000 words. It is a kind of guide to dictionaries, as it includes 14 dictionaries. This and other dictionaries reflect various aspects of linguistic reality modern period, linguistic richness. Using dictionaries, you can significantly expand your lexicon and check yourself.

There are explanatory dictionaries that explain the meaning of words, one of the most popular is edited by SI. Ozhegova. Published etymological dictionaries, explaining the origin and history of words, dictionaries of synonyms, homonyms, dictionaries foreign words, dictionaries of word compatibility, spelling dictionaries, dictionaries of Russian names and many others.

Thanks to the use of norms, richness and expressiveness, as the great L. Tolstoy said: “The Russian language is real, strong, where necessary - strict, serious, where necessary - passionate, where necessary - lively and lively.”

1. Types of norms, practice of their application. Give your examples of using norms in speech.

2. Working with a dictionary.


Russian language dictionaries

Alexandrova Z.E. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. M., 1989.

Akhmanova O.S. Dictionary of homonyms of the Russian language. M., 1989.

Belchikov Yu.A., Panyusheva M.S. Dictionary of paronyms of the modern Russian language. M., 1994.

Lvov M.R. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language. M., 1997.

Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1997.

Pronouncing dictionary Russian language / Ed. P.A. Avanesova. M., 1989.

Rosenthal D.E., Dzhandzhakova E.V., Kabanova N.P. Handbook of spelling, pronunciation, literary editing. M., 1999.

Modern dictionary of foreign words. M., 1993.

Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language / Ed. A.I. Molotkov. St. Petersburg, 1994.

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LITERATURE IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE SOURCES Boccaccio G. Decameron / Trans. with it. N. Lyubimova; Life of Dante / Trans. with it. E. M. Linetskaya. 1987. Villani J. New Chronicle, or History of Florence. M., 1997. Dante A. New Life; The Divine Comedy/ Per. with it. M. Lozinsky. M., 1967. Dante A. Small

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From the book Everyday Life of the Surrealists. 1917-1932 by Dex Pierre

From the book England and the British. What guidebooks are silent about by Fox Kate

Bibliography in Russian Antokolsky P. Two centuries of French poetry. M., 1976. Anthology of the literary avant-garde of the 20th century / Translated. from English and French, comp. V. Lapitsky. 2nd ed., add. and processed St. Petersburg, 2006. Anthology of French surrealism of the 20s / Comp., commentary, trans. S. Isaeva, E.

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Class norms speech culture You can't talk about English speech etiquette, without mentioning classes, because any Englishman, as soon as he speaks, instantly reveals his belonging to one class or another. Perhaps this is true to some extent and

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From the author's book

Books about F. Schubert in Russian The life of Franz Schubert in documents: According to publ. Otto Erich Deutsch and other sources / Comp., total. ed., introduction and notes. Yu. Khokhlova. – M., 1963. Memoirs of Schubert / Comp., trans., preface. and note. Yu. N. Khokhlova. – M.: Music, 1964. Franz Schubert.

Language norms(norms of a literary language, literary norms) are the rules for the use of linguistic means in a certain period of development of a literary language, i.e. rules of pronunciation, spelling, word usage, grammar. A norm is a pattern of uniform, generally accepted use of language elements (words, phrases, sentences).

  • Linguistic phenomenon is considered normative if it is characterized by such features as:
    • compliance with the structure of the language;
    • massive and regular reproducibility in the process speech activity majority of speakers;
    • public approval and recognition.

Linguistic norms were not invented by philologists; they reflect a certain stage in the development of the literary language of the entire people. Language norms cannot be introduced or abolished by decree; they cannot be reformed administratively. The activity of linguists who study language norms is different - they identify, describe and codify language norms, as well as explain and promote them.

  • The main sources of language norms include:
    • works of classical writers;
    • works modern writers, continuing classical traditions;
    • publishing funds mass media;
    • common modern usage;
    • linguistic research data.
  • The characteristic features of language norms are:
    • relative stability;
    • prevalence;
    • common use;
    • universal obligatory;
    • correspondence to the use, custom and capabilities of the language system.

The norms common to oral and written speech concern linguistic content and construction of texts.

Lexical norms, or norms of word usage, are norms that determine the correctness of choosing a word from a number of units that are close to it in meaning or form, as well as its use in the meanings that it has in the literary language. Lexical norms are reflected in explanatory dictionaries, dictionaries of foreign words, terminological dictionaries and reference books. Compliance with lexical norms is the most important condition for the accuracy of speech and its correctness. Their violation leads to lexical errors different types:

· incorrect choice of a word from a number of units, including confusion of paronyms, inaccurate choice of synonym, incorrect choice of unit semantic field(skeletal type of thinking, analyze the life activity of writers, Nikolaev aggression, Russia experienced many incidents in the internal and foreign policy);

· violation of the norms of lexical compatibility (a herd of hares, under the yoke of humanity, a secret curtain, ingrained foundations, has gone through all stages of human development);

· the contradiction between the speaker’s intention and the emotional and evaluative connotations of the word (Pushkin correctly chose the path of life and followed it, leaving indelible traces; He made an enormous contribution to the development of Russia);

· the use of anachronisms (Lomonosov entered the institute, Raskolnikov studied at the university);

· a mixture of linguistic and cultural realities (Lomonosov lived hundreds of miles from the capital);

· misuse phraseological units(Youth was flowing out of him; We need to get him out into fresh water).

Grammar rules are divided into word-formation, morphological and syntactic. Grammatical norms are described in "Russian Grammar", prepared by the Academy of Sciences, in Russian language textbooks and grammatical reference books.

Word formation norms determine the order of combining parts of a word and forming new words. A word-formation error is the use of non-existent derivative words instead of existing derivative words with other affixes, for example: character description, salesmanship, hopelessness, the writer’s works are distinguished by their depth and truthfulness.

Morphological norms require the correct formation of grammatical forms of words of different parts of speech (forms of gender, number, short forms and degrees of comparison of adjectives, etc.). Typical violation morphological norms is the use of a word in a non-existent or inflectional form that does not correspond to the context (the analyzed image, the reigning order, the victory over fascism, called Plyushkin a hole). Sometimes you can hear the following phrases: railway rail, imported shampoo, registered parcel post, patent leather shoes. In these phrases it is allowed morphological error- the gender of nouns is incorrectly formed.

Syntactic norms prescribe the correct construction of the main syntactic units- phrases and sentences. These rules include rules for word agreement and syntactic control, correlating parts of a sentence with each other using grammatical forms of words so that the sentence is a literate and meaningful statement. Violation syntactic norms available in following examples: reading it, a question arises; The poem is characterized by a synthesis of lyrical and epic principles; Married to his brother, none of the children were born alive.

Stylistic norms determine the use of linguistic means in accordance with the laws of the genre, features functional style and - more broadly - with the purpose and conditions of communication. Unmotivated use of the words other in the text stylistic coloring causes stylistic errors. Stylistic norms are recorded in explanatory dictionaries as special notes, and are commented on in textbooks on the stylistics of the Russian language and speech culture. Stylistic errors consist of violation stylistic norms, inclusion in the text of units that do not correspond to the style and genre of the text.

The most typical stylistic errors are:

· stylistic inappropriateness (goes in cycles, royal lawlessness, doesn’t care, the love conflict is depicted in all its glory - in the text of an essay, in a business document, in an analytical article);

· use of cumbersome, unsuccessful metaphors (Pushkin and Lermontov are two rays of light in dark kingdom; These flowers - the messengers of nature - do not know what kind of violent heart beats in their chests under the stone slabs; Did he have the right to cut off this thread of life that he did not hang?);

· lexical insufficiency (I am deeply concerned about this issue);

· lexical redundancy(He wakes them up so that they wake up; We must turn to the period of their lives, that is, the period of time when they lived; Pushkin is a poet with capital letters this word);

· ambiguity (While Oblomov was sleeping, many were preparing for his awakening; Oblomov’s only entertainment was Zakhar; Yesenin, preserving traditions, but somehow did not love the fair female sex so much; All actions and relationships between Olga and Oblomov were incomplete) .

Spelling standards- these are the rules for naming words in writing. They include rules for designating sounds with letters, rules for fused, hyphenated and separate writing words, rules for using capital letters and graphic abbreviations.

Punctuation standards determine the use of punctuation marks.

Punctuation means are as follows functions:

· delimitation in a written text of one syntactic structure (or its element) from another;

· fixation in the text of the left and right boundaries of a syntactic structure or its element;

· combination of several in the text syntactic structures into one whole.

The norms of spelling and punctuation are enshrined in the “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation”, the only most complete and officially approved set of spelling rules. Based on these rules, various reference books on spelling and punctuation have been compiled, the most authoritative among which is considered to be the “Handbook of Spelling and Punctuation” by D.E. Rosenthal.

Orthoepic norms include norms of pronunciation, stress and intonation. Compliance with spelling norms is an important part of speech culture, because their violation creates in listeners an unpleasant impression of the speech and the speaker himself, and distracts from the perception of the content of the speech. Orthoepic norms are recorded in orthoepic dictionaries of the Russian language and dictionaries of accents. Intonation norms are described in “Russian Grammar” and Russian language textbooks.

Related information.


Topic: Standards of modern Russian language


1 The concept of a language norm and its functions

2 Norms of modern Russian language

3 Language norms and speech practice


List of used literature


The history and culture of the people is reflected in the language. Moreover, the most essential part of the collective experience of a people, which manifests itself in intellectual activity and in the “inner world” of a person, finds its expression through language in oral speech and in written texts.

The concepts of “normal” and “norm” are important for many types of human activity. There are standards for the production of products (for example, at a factory) and normals, i.e. technical requirements that these products must satisfy. Nutritionists talk about nutritional standards, athletes “fit” into certain standards (in running, in jumping). No one doubts the fact that in any civilized society there are norms of relationships between people, norms of etiquette; Each of us has an idea of ​​what is normal for human communication, and what is abnormal, goes beyond the limits of some unwritten norm. And our everyday speech is replete with these words: How are you? - Fine!; Well how are you? - Nothing, it’s normal. Moreover, the norm is invisibly present in our statements that do not contain the words norm or normal. When we say: a comfortable chair, a too dark room, inexpressive singing, we mean certain generally accepted “norms” for the comfort of a chair, the lighting of the room, and the expressiveness of singing.

There is a norm in language too. And this is quite natural: language is an integral part of not only a civilized society, but also of any human society in general. Normativity is compliance with language norms, which are perceived by its speakers as an “ideal” or correct example.

The language norm is one of the components of national culture. Therefore, the development of a literary norm, its codification, and the reflection of the normalizing activities of linguists in grammars, dictionaries and reference books are of great social and cultural importance.

All of the above justifies the relevance of this topic.

Purpose of the work: a comprehensive study and analysis of the norms of the modern Russian language.

The work consists of an introduction, 3 chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

1 The concept of a language norm and its functions

Norm is one of the central linguistic concepts. Most often, this term is used in combination with “literary norm” and is applied to those varieties of language that are used in the media, in science and education, in diplomacy, lawmaking and legislation, in business and legal proceedings and other areas of “socially important” predominantly public communication. But we can talk about the norm in relation to a territorial dialect or social jargon. Thus, linguists use the term norm in two senses - broad and narrow.

In a broad sense, the norm refers to such means and ways of speech that have been spontaneously formed over many centuries and which usually distinguish one type of language from others. That’s why we can talk about a norm in relation to a territorial dialect: for example, normal for Northern Russian dialects is Okanye, and for Southern Russian dialects - Akanye. Any social or professional jargon is also “normal” in its own way: for example, what is used in trade argot will be rejected as alien by those who speak the jargon of carpenters; established ways of using linguistic means exist in army jargon and in the jargon of musicians-“labukhs”, and speakers of each of these jargons can easily distinguish someone else’s from their own, familiar and therefore normal for them, etc.

In a narrow sense, a norm is the result of the codification of language. Of course, codification is based on the tradition of the existence of language in a given society, on some unwritten but generally accepted ways of using linguistic means. But it is important that codification is the purposeful ordering of everything related to language and its application. The results of codifying activities are reflected in normative dictionaries and grammars.

The norm as a result of codification is inextricably linked with the concept of literary language, which is otherwise called normalized or codified. The territorial dialect, urban vernacular, social and professional jargons are not subject to codification: after all, no one consciously and purposefully makes sure that Vologda residents consistently okal, and residents of the Kursk village Akali, so that sellers, God forbid, do not use the terminology of carpenters, and soldiers - words and expressions of Labouche jargon, and therefore the concept of norm in the narrow sense of this term just discussed is not applicable to such varieties of language - dialects, jargons.

Language norms are not invented by scientists. They reflect natural processes and phenomena that have occurred and are occurring in the language and are supported by the speech practice of native speakers of a literary language. The main sources of language norms include the works of classical writers and some modern writers, the language of Central Television announcers, generally accepted modern usage, data from live and questionnaire surveys, scientific research by linguists, the language system (analogs), and the opinion of the majority of speakers.

Norms help the literary language maintain its integrity and general intelligibility. They protect the literary language from the flow of dialect speech, social and professional jargon, and vernacular. This is an important function of norms - the function of protecting the language. In addition, norms reflect what has developed historically in a language - this is a function of reflecting the history of the language.

Speaking about the essence of a norm, it should be remembered that a norm is not a law. The law constitutes a necessity that does not allow any deviations, while the norm only prescribes how it should be. Let's compare the following examples:

1. A stone thrown up must then fall down (this is a law of nature);

2. A person living in a society must follow the rules of the community, for example, not knocking on the wall with a hammer after 11 pm (these are social norms);

3. A person in the process of verbal communication must place stress correctly (these are language norms).

So, the norm only indicates how it should be - this is the function of the prescription.

Thus, a language norm is the traditionally established rules for the use of speech means, i.e. rules of exemplary and generally accepted pronunciation, use of words, phrases and sentences.

2 Norms of modern Russian language

There are written and oral norms.

Written language norms are, first of all, spelling and punctuation norms. For example, the spelling N in the word worker, and NN in the word nameNNik, is subject to certain spelling rules. And the placement of a dash in the sentence Moscow is the capital of Russia is explained by the punctuation norms of the modern Russian language.

Oral norms are divided into grammatical, lexical and orthoepic.

Grammar rules are the rules for using the forms of different parts of speech, as well as the rules for constructing a sentence. The most common grammatical errors associated with the use of the gender of nouns are “railroad rail, French shampoo, big callus, registered parcel post, patent leather shoes.” However, rail, shampoo is a masculine noun, and callus, parcel, shoe are feminine, so we should say “railroad rail, French shampoo and large callus, customized parcel, patent leather shoe.”

Lexical norms are the rules for using words in speech. An error is, for example, using the verb lay down instead of putting. Despite the fact that the verbs lay down and put down have the same meaning, put down is a normative literary word, and lay down is a colloquial word. The expressions: I put the book back in its place, etc. are errors. The verb to put should be used: I put the books in place.

Orthoepic norms are pronunciation norms of oral speech. (Orthoepy from the Greek orthos - correct and epos - speech). Compliance with pronunciation standards is important for the quality of our speech. Pronunciation that corresponds to orthoepic standards facilitates and speeds up the process of communication, therefore the social role of correct pronunciation is very great, especially now in our society, where oral speech has become a means of the widest communication at various meetings, conferences, and forums.

The norm is conservative and is aimed at preserving the linguistic means and rules for their use accumulated in a given society by previous generations. The unity and universality of the norm are manifested in the fact that representatives of different social strata and groups that make up a given society are obliged to adhere to traditional methods of linguistic expression, as well as those rules and regulations that are contained in grammars and dictionaries and are the result of codification. Deviation from linguistic tradition, from dictionary and grammatical rules and recommendations is considered a violation of the norm. However, it is no secret that at all stages of the development of a literary language, when using it in different communicative conditions, variants of linguistic means are allowed: you can say cottage cheese - and cottage cheese, spotlights - and spotlights, you are right - and you are right, etc.

The norm relies on traditional ways of using language and is wary of linguistic innovations. “The norm is recognized as what was, and partly what is, but not at all what will be,” wrote the famous linguist A.M. Peshkovsky. He explained this property of both the literary norm and the literary language itself: “If the literary dialect changed quickly, then each generation could only use the literature of its own and the previous generation, many two. But under such conditions there would be no literature itself, since the literature of each generation is created by all previous literature. If Chekhov had not already understood Pushkin, then Chekhov probably would not have existed. Too thin a layer of soil would provide too little nutrition for literary sprouts. The conservatism of the literary dialect, uniting centuries and generations, creates the possibility of a single powerful centuries-old national literature.” However, the conservatism of a norm does not mean its complete immobility in time. It is another matter that the pace of normative changes is slower than the development of a given national language as a whole. The more developed the literary form of a language is, the better it serves the communicative needs of society, the less it changes from generation to generation of people using this language.

And yet, a comparison of the language of Pushkin and Dostoevsky with the Russian language of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries reveals differences that indicate the historical variability of the literary norm. In Pushkin's times they said: houses, buildings, now - houses, buildings. Pushkin’s “Rise up, prophet...” must, of course, be understood in the sense of “rise up,” and not at all in the sense of “raise an uprising.” In F. M. Dostoevsky’s story “The Mistress” we read: “Then the ticklish Yaroslav Ilyich... directed a questioning glance at Murin.” The modern reader realizes that the point here is not that Dostoevsky’s hero was afraid of tickling: ticklish is used in a sense close to the meaning of the words delicate, scrupulous, and is applied to a person, i.e. in a way that no one would use it today (usually: a sensitive question, a sensitive matter). A.N. Tolstoy, almost our contemporary, in one of his stories describes the actions of a hero who “began to follow the flight of kites over the forest.” Now they would say: I began to follow the flight of kites.

The normative status of not only individual words, forms and constructions, but also certain interconnected speech patterns can change. For example, this happened with the old Moscow pronunciation norm, which by the second half of the twentieth century was almost completely replaced by a new pronunciation, closer to the written form of the word: instead of boyus, smyalsa, zhyra, verkh, chetverg, strict, assent, korishnevy, slivoshnoe (butter) , sinful (porridge) began to say I’m afraid, laughed, heat, top, Thursday, strict, assent, brown, butter (butter), buckwheat (porridge), etc.

The sources for updating the literary norm are varied. First of all, this is a living, sounding speech. It is mobile, fluid, and it is not at all uncommon for it to contain things that are not approved by the official norm - an unusual accent, a fresh word that is not in dictionaries, a syntactic turn that is not provided for by the grammar. When repeated repeatedly by many people, innovations can penetrate into literary use and compete with facts sanctified by tradition. This is how options arise: next to you are right, you are right appears; Designers and workshops are adjacent to the forms of designers and workshops; the traditional conditioning is replaced by the new conditioning; slang words chaos and party flash in the speech of those whom society is accustomed to considering as exemplary bearers of the literary norm.

These examples indicate that speech practice often runs counter to normative instructions, and the contradiction between how one should speak and how one actually speaks turns out to be the driving stimulus for the evolution of the linguistic norm.

3 Language norms and speech practice

At different periods of language development, the literary norm has qualitatively different relationships with speech practice.

In the era of democratization of the literary language, i.e. the introduction of broad masses of people who do not know the literary norm to it, the conservatism of the normative tradition, its resistance to “illegal” innovations weakens, and elements appear in the literary language that until that time the norm did not accept, qualifying them as alien to the normative language. For example, the expansion of the range of masculine nouns characteristic of modern speech practice, forming the nominative plural using inflection - a (- "I) (inspector, searchlight, sector, workshop, mechanic, turner), means that speech practice puts pressure on the traditional norm, and for some groups of nouns the formation of forms starting with -a (-“я) turns out to be within the codified norm.

The genitive plural form of socks (several pairs of socks), along with the traditional normative socks, recently allowed by modern codifiers of the grammatical norm, is an undoubted concession to the vernacular, from which the genitive plural form with a zero ending (sock), previously assessed as undeniably incorrect , spread among literary speakers. The influence of the colloquial and professional-technical environment also explains many other options allowed by the modern Russian literary norm: agreement, agreement, agreements (along with traditional agreements, agreements, agreements), disarmament negotiations (along with negotiations on disarmament), etc.

Speech practice can contribute not only to the penetration of new units for a literary language into a standardized language, but also to the strengthening of new models in it - word formation, syntactic and others. For example, numerous lexical borrowings from other languages, mainly from English, which expanded the standard Russian vocabulary at the end of the twentieth century, also contribute to the fact that structurally new types of words appear under the influence of foreign language samples. These are, for example, combinations of the form business plan - the traditional model for the Russian language is a phrase with the genitive case: business plan. Unusual - from the point of view of normative tradition - syntactic constructions may also appear. For example, headlines like Summing up (containing a gerund), which began to appear in our press approximately in the second half of the twentieth century, arose under the influence of corresponding constructions of the English language (cf. summing up).

Even more indicative is the pressure of speech practice on the traditional norm in the field of spelling. For example, writing a number of words related to the religious sphere with a capital letter: God, Mother of God, Christmas, Easter, Candlemas, Bible, etc. arose initially in written practice, and only then was approved as a mandatory spelling norm. Meanwhile, according to the old spelling norm, recorded in the 1956 Code of Spelling and Punctuation Rules, all these names and titles had to be written with a lowercase letter.

In the process of updating the norm, the prevalence and frequency of a particular innovation in speech practice is of a certain importance. A common, widespread mistake can also be an obvious mistake: for example, a pronunciation like an incident, unprecedented, very often found even in public speech, in particular among journalists, is an undoubted violation of the pronunciation correctness of speech.

However, it is important in what environment a particular innovation appears that contradicts the traditional norm. If it is introduced and often used by those who are considered bearers of exemplary, cultural speech, then the innovation can take root: for example, instead of the old norm of stress in the word rakurs, a new one has now prevailed - rakurs. Along with these, there are facts of speech that cannot be called new, and at the same time they have no chance of becoming normative. They are peculiar symbols of “illiterate” speech, unliterary vernacular: document, portfolio, percentage, means, benefits, begin, deepen, etc. Whatever their usage, they contrast too much with the normative tradition.

This does not mean that everything that appears outside the literary language - in common speech, social and professional jargon - is denied access to general use. On the contrary, both modern speech practice and facts characteristic of the Russian language of the past indicate the influence of both vernacular and jargon on literary speech: the word burning came from the speech of fishmongers, hasty - from the language of the military (V.V. Vinogradova “History of Words” ).

And in the Russian literary language of our days, facts coming from vernacular and jargon often become widespread (linguists call such areas of language uncodified). Thus, attention is drawn to the extreme activation of the plural forms of masculine nouns with stressed inflections. Many of these forms penetrate into public speech from the professional environment: platoon - from the speech of the military; term and search - from the speech of prosecutors and police officers (convict and case initiated). Cooks talk about how they cook soup and make cake, and perfumers talk about what miraculous creams they have, builders are haunted by weak rigging cables, etc.

Doctors say: treat the patient, inject penicillin (this verbal model is also active in the speech of financiers and businessmen who pay bills and talk about the need to finance a project). The prevalence of such forms in professional speech has been noted by linguists for a long time, but a significant increase in the frequency of these forms in public speech - on radio, television, in newspapers - can be considered a characteristic feature of our time.

Conscious deviations from the norm, dictated by a person’s desire to achieve communicative comfort in a certain social environment, deserve special discussion. Academician I.P. Bardin, when asked about the emphasis with which he pronounces the word kilometer, answered: “At a meeting of the Presidium of the Academy - kilometer, otherwise Academician Vinogradov will frown. Well, at the Novotulsky plant, of course, a kilometer, otherwise they will think that Bardin is arrogant.”

Conscious deviations from the norm can be made for a specific purpose - irony, ridicule, language play. This is not a mistake, not an innovation, but a speech technique that testifies to the freedom with which a person uses language, consciously - with the aim of making a joke, playing on the meaning or form of a word, making puns, etc. - ignoring normative guidelines.


So, based on the above, we will draw brief conclusions.

A linguistic literary norm combines tradition and purposeful codification. Although the speech practice of educated, literary-speaking people is generally oriented toward the norm, there is always a kind of “gap” between normative guidelines and prescriptions, on the one hand, and how language is actually used, on the other hand: practice does not always follow normative recommendations.

The linguistic activity of a native speaker of a literary language proceeds in constant - but usually unconscious - coordination of his own speech actions with traditional ways of using linguistic means, with what is prescribed by dictionaries and grammars of a given language, and with how the language is actually used in everyday communication. contemporaries.

Violation of language norms can cause complete misunderstanding if, instead of a normative (well-known) word, some little-known (dialect or slang) word is used. Violation of normativity can manifest itself in incorrect stress in words, lexical and grammatical errors. In this case, the effectiveness of communication decreases, in addition to misunderstanding, for another reason: non-normative use always reveals the speaker’s lack of education and encourages the listener to treat him accordingly.

Language norms are a historical phenomenon. Changes in literary norms are due to the constant development of language. What was the norm in the last century, and even 15–20 years ago, today may become a deviation from it.

The historical change in the norms of a literary language is a natural, objective phenomenon. It does not depend on the will and desire of individual native speakers. The development of society, changes in the social way of life, the emergence of new traditions, the improvement of relationships between people, the functioning of literature and art lead to the constant updating of the literary language and its norms.

List of used literature

Ageenko F.L. Dictionary of accents of the Russian language / F.L. Ageenko, M.V. Zarva. - M., 2000.

Belchikov Yu.A. The Russian language is wealth, the heritage of Russian national culture / Yu.A. Belchikov. - M, 2001.

Vvedenskaya L.A. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook for universities / L.A. Vvedenskaya, L.G. Pavlova, E.Yu. Kashaeva. – Rostov-on-Don, 2001.

Dantsev D.D. Russian language and culture of speech. Textbook for technical universities / D.D. Dantsev, N.V. Nefedova. – Rostov-on-Don, 2002.

Krasivova A.N. Business Russian language: Educational and practical guide / A.N. Krasivova. – M, 2001.

Modern Russian language: Textbook / Edited by N.S. Valgina. - M, 2002.

Peshkovsky A. M. Objective and normative point of view on language // Peshkovsky A. M. Selected works. - M., 1959. - P.55

Krysin L.P. Social marking linguistic units// Questions of linguistics. - 2000. - No. 4.

See, for example: Eskova N.A. Brief dictionary difficulties of the Russian language. - M., 1994. - P.88; Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 1997. - P.126.

Orthoepy. Modern spelling standards. Basic spelling rules modern Russian literary language.

In literary language, we focus on generally accepted patterns - norms. Norms are characteristic of different levels of language. There are lexical, morphological, spelling, phonetic norms. There are pronunciation standards.

Orthoepy - (Greek orthos - “simple, correct, epos - “speech”) is a set of rules that establish pronunciation standards.

The subject of orthoepy is oral speech. Oral speech accompanied by a number of mandatory features: stress, diction, tempo, intonation. But spelling rules only cover the area of ​​pronunciation individual sounds in certain phonetic positions or combinations of sounds, as well as features of the pronunciation of sounds in certain grammatical forms, in groups of words or individual words.

Compliance with spelling rules is necessary; it helps to better understand speech.

Pronunciation standards are different character and have different origins.

In some cases, the phonetic system dictates only one pronunciation possibility. Any other pronunciation would be a violation of the laws of the phonetic system.

For example, inability to distinguish between hard and soft consonants

or pronunciation of only hard or only soft consonants; or the distinction between voiceless and voiced consonants in all positions without exception.

In other cases, the phonetic system allows not one, but two or more pronunciation possibilities. In such cases, one possibility is recognized as literary correct, normative, while others are assessed either as variants of the literary norm or are recognized as non-literary.

The norms of literary pronunciation are both a stable and developing phenomenon. In every this moment they contain both something that connects today’s pronunciation with past eras of the literary language, and something that arises as new in pronunciation under the influence of the living oral practice of a native speaker, as a result of the action internal laws development of the phonetic system.

Modern Russian pronunciation evolved over the centuries, from the 15th to the 17th centuries. based on the so-called Moscow vernacular, formed on the basis of the interaction of northern Great Russian and southern Great Russian dialects.

By the 19th century Old Church Slavonic pronunciation has developed in all its main features and, as an exemplary example, has spread its influence to the pronunciation of the population of other large cultural centers. But there has never been complete stability in pronunciation, in the pronunciation of the population major centers there were always local differences.

So, the norms of literary pronunciation are a stable and dynamically developing phenomenon; they are based on the laws of functioning of the phonetic system of the language and on socially developed and traditionally accepted rules, which are subject to changes in the process of development of oral literary speech as a result of the influence on her various factors language development. These changes initially have the character of fluctuations in norms, but if such changes do not contradict the phonetic system and become widespread, they lead to the emergence of variants of the literary norm, and then, possibly, the establishment new normal pronunciation.

There are several sources of deviation from the norms of literary pronunciation: 1) the influence of spelling, 2) the influence dialect features, 3) influence native language(accent) – for non-Russians.

Heterogeneity of pronunciation in various groups population determined the emergence of the doctrine of pronunciation styles. For the first time, L.V. Shcherba took up issues of pronunciation style; he identified two pronunciation styles:

1. Complete, characterized by maximum clarity and clarity of pronunciation;

2. Incomplete style - the style of ordinary casual speech. Within these styles, various variations are possible.

In general, the current orthoepic norms of the Russian language (and their possible options) are registered in special dictionaries.

It should be highlighted:

a) rules for pronunciation of individual sounds (vowels and consonants);

b) rules for pronunciation of combinations of sounds;

c) rules for pronunciation of individual grammatical forms;

d) rules for pronunciation of individual borrowed words.

1. The pronunciation of vowel sounds is determined by their position in pre-stressed syllables and is based on phonetic law, called reduction. Due to reduction, unstressed vowels are preserved in duration (quantity) and lose their distinct sound (quality). All vowels are subject to reduction, but the degree of this reduction is not the same. Thus, the vowels [у], [ы], [и] in an unstressed position retain their basic sound, while [a], [o],

[e] change qualitatively. The degree of reduction [a], [o], [e] depends primarily on the place of the syllable in the word, as well as on the nature of the preceding consonant.

a) In the first pre-stressed syllable the sound [Ù] is pronounced: [vÙdý / sÙdý / nÙzhý]. After hissing words, [Ù] is pronounced: [zhÙra / shÙry].

In place of [e] after the hissing [zh], [sh], [ts] the sound [ые] is pronounced: [tsyepnóį], [zhyeltok].

After soft consonants, in place of [a], [e], the sound [ie] is pronounced:


b) In the rest unstressed syllables in place of the sounds [o], [a], [e] after hard consonants, the sound [ъ] is pronounced: [кълькÙла́/ стъхÙво́ѯ/

pар٨во́с] After soft consonants in place of the sounds [а], [е] is pronounced [ь]: [п "тьч" ok / ch"мда́н].

2. Pronunciation of consonants:

a) norms of literary pronunciation require positional exchange paired deaf and voiced in the position before the deaf (voiced only) - voiced (voiced only) and at the end of the word (voiced only): [hl"ep] / trupk / proz"b];

b) assimilative softening is not necessary, there is a tendency towards its loss: [s"t"ina] and [st"ina", [z"d"es"] and [z"es"].

3. Pronunciation of some vowel combinations:

a) in pronominal formations that, in order - what is pronounced as [pcs]; in pronominal formations such as something, mail, the pronunciation [h"t] is almost preserved;

b) in a number of words of predominantly colloquial origin, [shn] is pronounced in place of chn: [kÙn "eshn / nÙroshn].

In words of book origin, the pronunciation [ch"n] has been preserved: [ml"ech"nyį / vÙstoch"nyį];

c) in the pronunciation of the combinations st, zdn, stn (hello, holiday, private trader), there is usually a reduction or loss of one of the consonants: [prazn"ik], [ch"asn"ik], [hello]

4. Pronunciation of sounds in some grammatical forms:

a) pronunciation of the form I.p. units adjectives m.r. without stress: [krasnyį / with "in"iį] - under the influence of spelling arose - й, - й; after back-lingual g, k, x ® й: [t"íkh"iį], [m"ahk"iį];

b) pronunciation – sya, - sya. Under the influence of spelling, soft pronunciation has become the norm: [ньч "елас" / нъч "iels" а́];

c) the pronunciation of verbs na - ive after g, k, x, the pronunciation [g"], [k"], [x"] became the norm (under the influence of spelling): [vyt"ag"iv't"].

5. Pronunciation of borrowed words.

In general, the pronunciation of borrowed words is subject to the phonetic system of the Russian language.

However, in some cases there are deviations:

a) pronunciation of [o] in place of [Ù]: [boá/ otel"/poet], although [rÙman/[pÙĵal"/pÙtsent];

b) [e] is preserved in unstressed syllables: [Ùtel"ĵé / d"epr"es"iįь];

c) before [e] g, k, x, l are always softened: [g"etry /k"ex / bÙl"et].

The pronunciation of borrowed words should be checked in a dictionary.

Speech norms act differently in different styles pronunciation: colloquially, in the style of public (book) speech, of which the first is implemented in everyday communication, and the second - in reports, lectures, etc. The differences between them relate to the degree of vowel reduction, simplification of consonant groups (in conversational style the reduction is more significant, the simplification is more intense), etc.


1. What is the subject of the study of orthoepy?

2. Describe the basic rules for pronunciation of vowel sounds.

3. Describe the basic rules for the pronunciation of consonant sounds.

4. Indicate the main features and variants of pronunciation of individual grammatical forms acceptable by literary norms.

5. Indicate the pronunciation features of some combinations of sounds and doubled consonants.

6. Describe the main features of the pronunciation of vowels and consonants in foreign words.

7. What are the main reasons for the appearance of pronunciation variants and violations of the norms of literary pronunciation?


1. Avanesov R.I. Russian literary pronunciation. M., 1972.

2. Avanesov R.I. Russian literary and dialectal phonetics. M., 1974.

3. Gorbachevich K. S. Norms of the modern Russian literary language. M., 1978.

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