Ranking of higher educational institutions in the world.

Presented to the attention of readers best universities in the world 2016 according to the British publication Times Higher Education, which conducted a global study among higher educational institutions.

(University of Chicago, USA) opens the top ten best higher education institutions in the world in 2016. Today, the University of Chicago has 12 scientific institutes and 113 research centers. This is where a lot has been done important discoveries: the world's first nuclear chain reaction; the hereditary predisposition of people to cancer has been proven; the assertion about positive impact reading classical literature on the human brain. Also, graduates of the University of Chicago developed a modern doctrine of the US military-political course. 89 Nobel laureates studied or worked here.

(ETH Zürich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland) ranks ninth in the ranking best universities world 2016. It is famous for its training programs and scientific developments in the fields of engineering, technology, mathematics and natural sciences. ETZ Zürich has 21 Nobel Prizes awarded to its alumni and professors, including the 1921 Physics Prize to Albert Einstein.

(Imperial College London, UK) in 2016 took eighth place in the list of the best educational institutions in the world. It is famous for its engineering and medical specialties. Notable alumni of Imperial College include 15 Nobel laureates, including the inventor of penicillin, Sir Alexander Fleming, the inventor of holography, Dennis Gabor, and Sir Norman Howorth for his research on carbohydrates and vitamin C.

(Princeton University, USA) is ranked seventh in the top ten best universities in the world in 2016. The laboratory of Princeton University surprises with the breadth of developments in various types scientific activity. The discovery of the fractional quantum Hall effect belongs to Princeton graduate Daniel Tsui, who received the Nobel Prize for it. John Nash's research in mathematics revolutionized game theory, which became the basis of a separate branch of experimental economics. Princeton scientists were able to cross the speed of light barrier, disproving Einstein's theory. They were also able to increase productivity solar panels by 175%, which will allow in the future to resolve issues with energy crisis. Over the years of its existence, this university has raised 35 laureates Nobel Prize, including John Nash (mathematics) and Richard Feynman (physics).

(Harvard University, USA) takes sixth position in the ranking of the best universities 2016. Graduates of the legendary Harvard are prominent figures, businessmen, politicians, others creative personalities. Among them are eight US presidents, including John Kennedy and Barack Obama. Also popular Hollywood stars are Matt Damon and Natalie Portman. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, also studied at Harvard. Bill Gates, who was expelled for poor academic performance, but still received a diploma a few years later. But his companion Steve Ballmer managed to immediately successfully complete his studies at Harvard. Ukrainian figures also studied at the educational institution: Orest Subtelny, Grigory Grabovich, Yuri Shevchuk.

(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) is located in the middle of the ranking of the best universities in the world in 2016. It is here that pioneering research is carried out in the fields of robotics, information technology, artificial intelligence, economics and mathematics. The institute has world-famous research centers- Lincoln Laboratory, engaged in technological developments in the field national security, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Laboratory, Cambridge Electron Accelerator Laboratory. About 11,000 students study at the institute at a time, of which 10-15% are foreigners. About 1,500 teachers provide training.

(University of Cambridge, UK) is ranked fourth in the list of the best higher education institutions in 2016. It is especially famous for its success in the bosom of exact sciences and medicine. No other university in the world has given the planet as many Nobel Prize winners as Cambridge. 88 university alumni and faculty received this prestigious academic award. 29 of them received prizes in physics, 25 in medicine, 21 in chemistry, 9 in economics, 2 in literature and one peace prize. Famous medieval scientists such as Isaac Newton and Francis Bacon studied here. It was in Cambridge that the creators of modern nuclear physics – Lord E. Rutherford, N. Bohr and J. R. Oppenheimer – worked, taught and researched.

(Stanford University, USA) opens the top three universities in the world 2016. It is known for its innovation in the field of industry high technology. It is considered a global research center and a giant in the field of networking technologies. The place is known for the birth of such branded companies as Facebook, Apple, Xerox, Hewlett-Packard. Many startups are created here and the future of the IT industry is determined.

(University of Oxford, UK) ranks second in the ranking of the best higher education institutions in 2016. Main directions educational activities University is considered to be the humanities, mathematics, physics and social sciences, also medicine. Happening at Oxford University huge amount discoveries in the field of cosmology - the study of Mars, the trajectory of galaxies (for example, it was found that our galaxy will collide with the Andromeda galaxy in about 5 billion years), the development of theories of the emergence of the Universe. In particular, in 2013, scientists at Oxford University discovered a “glass planet” whose surface is strewn with an analogue of our earthly glass.

(California Institute of Technology, USA) tops the ranking of the best universities in the world 2016. Abbreviated as Caltech. He owns the laboratory jet propulsion, which runs most of NASA automatic spacecraft. Caltech remains a relatively small university, with approximately 1,000 undergraduate and 1,200 graduate students. There are 31 Nobel Prize winners associated with Caltech in one way or another. Of these, 17 are graduates and 18 are professors. 65 alumni and faculty have received the U.S. National Medal of Science or the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, and 112 have been elected to membership. national academies Sci.

Let's get acquainted with the best universities in the world, according to the Academic Ranking of Universities (ARWU) for 2018.

To compile one of the most influential educational rankings in the world, specialists from Shanghai Jiao Tong University use indicators such as: the number of graduates and employees who have received a Nobel or Fields Prize, the number of most cited researchers in various subject areas as well as the number published in scientific journals such as Science And Nature.

It’s interesting that for more than a dozen years in the ranking best universities US institutions dominate (8 out of 10). Thanks to their teaching, these universities top many top lists in the field of education year after year.

10th place | University of Chicago(University of Chicago)

This higher education institution ranks 4th in the world in terms of the number of Nobel laureates. Throughout the history of the university, 89 employees and students received this award.

9th place |Caltech(California Institute of Technology)

One of the two most important (the second can also be found below in this list) technical educational institutions in the world, specializing in engineering and exact sciences. The Institute owns jet propulsion laboratory, which runs the majority of NASA.

8 place |Columbia University(Columbia University)

7 place| Oxford University(University of Oxford) - UK

The first English-speaking university in the UK and the oldest in the world. This institution has graduated 25 British prime ministers, as well as a whole galaxy of brilliant scientists in the field and literature, including such outstanding writers as John Tolkien and Lewis Carroll.

6th place |Princeton University(Princeton University)

Princeton University is one of the most prestigious universities USA and, like Columbia, is part of the Ivy League. It is curious that this educational institution does not have schools of business, medicine or law, but it offers one of the best education in the world in the field of science, as well as in the field of engineering.

5 place |University of California at Berkeley(University of California, Berkeley)

The best public university in the world and the only public university ranked in the top ten educational institutions planets. It is one of the most advanced centers for training specialists in IT technologies throughout the world.

4th place | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

One of the most prestigious technical educational institutions in the world. The university is a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence and .

3rd place | Cambridge University(University of Cambridge) - UK

One of the oldest (second after Oxford) and largest universities in the UK, tuition fees range from 12 to 29 thousand pounds sterling per year, depending on the chosen specialization.

One of famous teachers of this university is an outstanding theoretical physicist of our time - .

2nd place | Stanford University(Stanford University)

Located in Silicon Valley, this private research university occupies top positions in numerous rankings of educational institutions around the world. Graduates of this university subsequently founded companies such as , HP, EA Games, Cisco, Yahoo, Sun Microsystems, Nvidia and many other global businesses.

1st place | Harvard University(Harvard University)

The oldest American university has been leading the list of the best universities in the world for many years now. Harvard ranks first in the United States for the number of billionaires among its graduates, and it is the largest academic institution and the third largest in the country.

Photo: photo.tarikmoon.com

If you decide to enroll in one of these universities, you should remember that without the proper level (the minimum required level of most universities is IELTS from 8 points) it will be simply impossible to pass the competition.

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Ranking of the Best Universities in the World - a global study and accompanying ranking of the best higher education institutions of global importance. The ranking is calculated annually using the methods of the British publication Times Higher Education (THE) with the participation of the Thomson Reuters information group and is considered one of the most influential global university rankings. Developed in 2010 and replaced the popular World University Rankings, which had been published since 2004 by Times Higher Education in collaboration with Quacquarelli Symonds. In turn, Quacquarelli Symonds has been publishing a ranking of the best universities in the world since 2010 called QS World University Rankings, which is also considered one of the leading in this field. THE rankings are now integrated into government policies and strategic plans of educational institutions around the world.

The achievement level of universities is assessed based on the results of the combination statistical analysis their activities, audited data, as well as the results of an annual global expert survey of representatives of the international academic community and employers who express their opinions about universities. The surveys cover tens of thousands of scientists from most countries of the world. The criteria for selecting experts for the survey are scientometric analysis of productivity and citations, as well as teaching and scientific activity in higher education institutions for more than 16 years, with at least 50 published scientific works and other criteria. During the surveys, experts select from six thousand institutions only the best, in their opinion, higher education institutions, as well as strong universities for continuing education at the master's and doctoral levels. The analysis of the activities of educational institutions consists of 13 indicators. The main evaluation criteria are international student and teaching mobility, the number of international scholarship programs, the level of scientific research, contribution to innovation, citation of scientific works, the level of educational services, and so on.

The new edition of the ranking was published on September 21, 2015 and covers 980 universities (about 5% of all higher education institutions in the world), however, Times Higher Education publishes only the TOP 200 in the public domain (see table below). The University of Oxford (Great Britain) took first place in the ranking. Further in the top ten: California Institute of Technology (USA), Stanford University (USA), Cambridge University (UK), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), Harvard University(USA), Princeton University(USA), Imperial College London (UK), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (Switzerland), University of California at Berkeley (USA).

Overall, the United States continues to dominate among global universities, but this year it continues to lose ground. For the first time in the 12-year history of the ranking, a European university (the British University of Oxford) took first place and the United States thus lost its status as the state where the best university in the world is located. The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich also strengthened its position in the TOP 10, ending up in ninth place for the second year in a row. Last year, the university became the first non-Anglo-American institution to be included in the top ten universities in the world over the past ten years. Among representatives of Europe best results Germany has shown through its universities that carry out influential research. Of the 41 universities in Germany included in the ranking, 22 universities were in the TOP 200 and nine in the TOP 100. Also, all 13 leading Dutch universities active in scientific research, entered the TOP 200, and this is the first time such a full-time entry into this elite group has occurred.

At the same time, European universities show a mixed picture in the rankings, increasingly losing ground under the growing pressure of Asia, which is demonstrating real and steady growth in the rankings. The current ranking includes 290 Asian universities from 24 countries, and an elite group of 19 universities made it into the TOP 200, while six European universities fell out of the TOP 200. Peking University of China joined the TOP 30, taking 29th place (compared to 42 last year). Five out of six representatives of Hong Kong entered the TOP 200 - this is more than all other representatives of the Asian region. South Korea has also achieved great success. The National University of Singapore, the best university in Asia, is in a record 24th place. Interestingly, many of developing countries in the rankings strive to follow in the footsteps of their Asian colleagues and build premier universities that can compete with the best in the world.

In the expanded ranking of world universities this year 24 Russian universities were included, 11 of which were included in the ranking for the first time. Leader among Russian universities there remains Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (MSU), which took 188th place in the global ranking. Last year, Moscow State University took 161st place (see Ranking of the best universities in the world 2015), and before that it was only in the group of 200–250.

Phil Bathy, editor of the Times Higher Education ranking of higher education institutions in the world, comments: “It is gratifying that Russia this year took 24th place in the expanded list of the best universities in the world. The leading University of Russia - Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov - remains in the TOP-200 at 188th place, and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology rose to the level of 301–350. It’s also nice to see ITMO University and graduate School economy - at levels 351–400 and 401–500, respectively. This is partly because Russia recognizes more than ever the importance of participating in global benchmarking activities. However, it will be difficult to realize the country’s ambitious plans to promote five universities into the world’s top 100 by 2020: only one university is in the TOP 300 this year, compared to four in last year’s list. IN total nine out of 24 Russian universities moved down. To solve this difficult task, Russia will have to work hard to improve its universities in the face of heating up global competition.”

Rating University Country
1 University of Oxford Oxford University United Kingdom
2 California Institute of Technology Caltech USA
3 Stanford University Stanford University USA
4 University of Cambridge Cambridge University United Kingdom
5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA
6 Harvard University Harvard University USA
7 Princeton University Princeton University USA
8 Imperial College London Imperial College London United Kingdom
9 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich Switzerland
10 University of California, Berkeley University of California at Berkeley USA
10 University of Chicago University of Chicago USA

1. University of Oxford, UK

2. California Institute of Technology, USA

3. Stanford University, USA

4. University of Cambridge, UK

5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

6. Harvard University (USA)

7. Princeton University, USA

8. Imperial College London, UK

9. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich), Switzerland

10-11. University of California, Berkeley USA

University of Chicago, USA

12. Yale University, USA

13. University of Pennsylvania, USA

14. University of California at Los Angeles Los Angeles, UCLA), USA

15. University College London (UCL), UK

16. Columbia University, USA

17. Johns Hopkins University, USA

18. Duke University, USA

19. Cornell University, USA

20. Northwestern University(Northwestern University), USA

21. University of Michigan, USA

22. University of Toronto, Canada

23. Carnegie Mellon University, USA

24. National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore

25-26. London School of Economics and political sciences(London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE), UK

University of Washington, USA

27. University of Edinburgh, UK

28. Karolinska Institute, Sweden

29. Peking University, China

30-31. Federal polytechnic school Lausanne (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Switzerland

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany

32. New York University (NYU), USA

33-34. Institute of Technology Georgia (Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Tech), USA

University of Melbourne, Australia

35. Tsinghua University, China

36-38. University of British Columbia, Canada

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

King's College London, UK

39. The University of Tokyo, Japan

40. Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium

41. University of California, San Diego, USA

42. McGill University, Canada

43-44. Heidelberg University, Germany

The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

45. University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

46. ​​Munich technical university(Technical University of Munich), Germany

47. Australian national university(Australian National University), Australia

48.University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

49. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

50. University of Texas at Austin, USA

51-52. Brown University, USA

University of California, Davis, USA

53. University of Minnesota, USA

54. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

55. University of Manchester, UK

56. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

57-58. Berlin University named after Humboldt (Humboldt University of Berlin), Germany

Washington University in St. Louis, USA

59. Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

60-62. University of Queensland, Australia

University of Southern California, USA

University of Sydney, Australia

63. University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

64. Boston University, USA

65. Wageningen University and Research Center, Netherlands

66. Highest normal school(École Normale Superieure), France

67. University of Maryland, College Park, USA

68. Pennsylvania State University, USA

60. Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

70. Purdue University, USA

71. University of Bristol, UK

72-73. Ohio State University, USA

Seoul National University, Republic of Korea

74. Monash University (Australia)

75. Free University of Berlin, Germany

76. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

77. Leiden University, Netherlands

78-79. University of New South Wales, Australia

Rhine-Westphalian Technical University Aachen (RWTH Aachen University), Germany

80-81. University of Groningen, Netherlands

University of Pittsburgh, USA

82-85. Dartmouth College, USA

Emory University, USA

Technical University of Berlin, Germany

University of Warwick, UK

86. Utrecht University, Netherlands

87. Rice University, USA

88. University of Glasgow, UK

89-90. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea

University of Tübingen, Germany

91-92. University of Helsinki, Finland

Kyoto University, Japan

93. Uppsala University, Sweden

94. Maastricht University, Netherlands

95. University of Freiburg(University of Freiburg), Germany

96-97. Durham University, UK

Lund University, Sweden

98-100. Aarhus University, Denmark

University of Basel, Switzerland

University of California, Irvine, USA

Russian universities in THE ranking 2016-17

sign "!" newcomers of 2015 are marked, "↓ and " - a decrease (growth) in the ranking, without symbols - the position of the university in the ranking has not changed

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