Prince Alexander battle on Lake Peipus. What year was the Battle of the Ice? Causes of the Battle of the Ice

Borders modern Russia historically associated with borders Russian Empire, which were influenced certain events. And therefore, the significance of the Battle of the Ice is very great: thanks to it, the Teutonic Order forever abandoned serious claims to Russian lands. Although this did not protect our ancestors from the Golden Horde, it helped to defend, at a minimum, western borders, showed people in difficult times that they are capable of winning.

However, before Battle on the Ice happened, it was preceded by other events that largely predetermined it. In particular, the Battle of the Neva, which clearly demonstrated the military leadership talent of the then young Prince Alexander. Therefore, it’s worth starting with it.

The Battle of the Neva itself is directly determined by the claims of both the Swedes and Novgorodians to Karelian Isthmus and on the Finnish tribes. What was connected with the influence and with the advance of the crusaders to the west. Here historians differ in their assessments of what happened. Some believe that Alexander Nevsky stopped the expansion with his actions. Others disagree, believing that the significance of his victories was greatly exaggerated and that the crusaders actually had no real intention of advancing in earnest. So the Battle of the Neva and the Battle of the Ice still cause a lot of controversy. But it is worth returning to the first event.

So, the Battle of the Neva took place on July 15, 1240. It should be noted that the young Prince Alexander at that time was a very inexperienced commander; he participated in battles only with his father, Yaroslav. And this was, in fact, his first serious military test. Success was largely determined by the suddenness of the appearance of the prince along with his retinue. The Swedes, who landed at the mouth of the Neva, did not expect serious resistance. In addition, in the summer they experienced serious thirst, as a result, as many historians noted, they found themselves either drunk or hungover. A camp set up near the river meant the presence of tents, which turned out to be very easy to cut down, which is what the youth Savva did.

The timely warning of the Izhora elder Pelgusius, who monitored these lands and sent messengers to Alexander, thus came as a complete surprise to the Swedes. As a result, the Battle of the Neva ended in a real defeat for them. According to some reports, the Swedes loaded almost 3 ships with the bodies of the dead, while the Novgorodians killed about 20 people. It is worth noting that the battle began during the day and lasted until the evening; at night hostilities ceased, and in the morning the Swedes began to flee. No one pursued them: Alexander Nevsky did not see the need for this, in addition, he was afraid of increasing losses. Please note that he received his nickname precisely after this victory.

What happened between the Battle of the Neva and the Battle of the Ice?

After the battle on the Neva River took place, the Swedes abandoned their claims. But this did not mean that the crusaders stopped thinking about conquering Rus'. Do not forget in which year the described event took place: our ancestors already had problems with the Golden Horde. What's with feudal fragmentation significantly weakened the Slavs. Understanding the date is so important here because it allows you to relate some events to others.

Therefore, the Teutonic Order was not impressed by the defeat of the Swedes. The Danes and Germans decisively moved forward, captured Pskov, Izborsk, founded Koporye, where they decided to strengthen themselves, making it their fortpost. Even summary Laurentian Chronicle, which tells about those events, makes it clear that the successes of the Order were significant.

At the same time, the boyars, who had considerable power in Novgorod, became alarmed about Alexander’s victory. They were afraid of his increasing power. As a result, the prince left Novgorod after a major quarrel with them. But already in 1242, the boyars called him back with his squad because of the Teutonic threat, especially since the enemy was approaching the Novgorodians closely.

How did the battle take place?

So, famous battle On Lake Peipsi, the Battle of the Ice took place in 1242 on April 5. Moreover, the battle was carefully prepared by the Russian prince. What makes it clear is the work of Konstantin Simonov dedicated to this event, which, although it cannot be called impeccable historical source In terms of authenticity, it's pretty well done.

In short, everything happened according to a certain pattern: the knights of the Order, in full heavy armor, acted as a typical wedge for themselves. Such a ramming attack was intended to demonstrate the full power of the enemy, sweep him away, sow panic and break resistance. Such tactics have repeatedly proven successful in the past. But Alexander Nevsky really prepared the Battle of the Ice in 1242 well. He studied weak spots enemy, so the archers were first waiting for the German “pig”; their main task was simply to lure out the knights. Which then came across heavily armed infantry with long pikes.

In fact, it was difficult to call what happened next anything other than a massacre. The knights could not stop, because otherwise the front ranks would be crushed by the back ones. It was not possible to break the wedge at all. Therefore, the horsemen could only move forward, hoping to break the infantry. But the central regiment was weak, but the strong ones were placed on the sides, contrary to the then established military tradition. In addition, another detachment was placed in an ambush. In addition, Alexander Nevsky perfectly studied the area where the Battle of the Ice took place, so his warriors were able to drive some of the knights to where the ice was very thin. As a result, many of them began to drown.

There is another important factor. He is also shown in “Alexander Nevsky”, famous painting, cards, pictures also depict it. This is the stampede of the monster who was helping the Order when she realized that professional warriors were fighting against her. Speaking even briefly about the Battle of the Ice, one cannot help but note the excellent knowledge of the knights’ weapons and weak points. So, they were frankly helpless when they were pulled off their horses. And that is why the prince armed many of his warriors with special hooks, which made it possible to throw the crusaders to the ground. At the same time, the battle that took place turned out to be very cruel to the horses. To deprive the horsemen of this advantage, many injured and killed the animals.

But what were the results of the Battle of the Ice for both sides? Alexander Nevsky managed to repel claims to Rus' from the west and strengthen the borders for centuries to come. What had special meaning taking into account how much the Slavs suffered from invasions from the east. In addition, the first battle in history took place where infantrymen defeated heavily armed horsemen in full armor in battle, demonstrating to the whole world that this was quite possible. And although the Battle of the Ice did not have a very large scale, from this point of view Alexander Nevsky demonstrated good talent as a commander. As a prince, he acquired a certain weight, they began to reckon with him.

As for the Order itself, it cannot be said that the defeat in question was critical. But 400 knights died on Lake Peipus, and about 50 were captured. So for its age, the Battle of the Ice still caused quite serious damage to the German and Danish knighthood. And for that year it was not the only problem The Order, which also clashed with the Galicia-Volyn and Lithuanian principalities.

Reasons for winning the battle

Alexander Nevsky won a convincing victory in the Battle of the Ice. Moreover, he forced the Teutonic Order to sign a peace treaty on his own terms. In this agreement, he forever renounced any claims to Russian lands. Since we were talking about spiritual brotherhood, which was also subordinate to the Pope, the Order could not break such an agreement without problems for itself. That is, even speaking briefly about the results of the Battle of the Ice, including diplomatic ones, one cannot fail to note that they were impressive. But let's return to the analysis of the battle.

Reasons for victory:

  1. Well chosen place. Alexander's soldiers were lighter armed. Therefore, thin ice did not pose such a danger for them as for knights clad in full armor, many of whom simply drowned. In addition, the Novgorodians knew these places better.
  2. Successful tactics. Alexander Nevsky was in complete control of the situation. He not only correctly used the advantages of the place, but also studied the weak points in the usual style of fighting, which the Teutonic knights themselves repeatedly demonstrated, starting from the classic “pig” and ending with their dependence on horses and heavy weapons.
  3. Underestimation of the Russians by the enemy. The Teutonic Order was accustomed to success. By this time, Pskov and other lands had already been captured, and the knights did not encounter any serious resistance. The largest of the conquered cities was taken thanks to betrayal.

The battle in question was of great cultural significance. In addition to Simonov's story, several films were made based on it, including documentaries. This event was covered in many books, both fiction and biographical, dedicated to the personality of Alexander Nevsky. Many consider it extremely important that the victory occurred during the onset of the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

Many memorable battles have taken place throughout history. And some of them are famous for the fact that Russian troops inflicted a devastating defeat on enemy forces. All of them carried great significance for the history of the country. It is impossible to cover absolutely all the battles in one short review. There is not enough time or energy for this. However, one of them is still worth talking about. And this battle is an ice battle. We will try to talk briefly about this battle in this review.

A battle of great historical significance

On April 5, in 1242, a battle took place between the Russians and Livonian troops(German and Danish knights, Estonian soldiers and Chud). This happened on the ice of Lake Peipsi, namely in its southern part. As a result, the battle on the ice ended with the defeat of the invaders. The victory that took place on Lake Peipsi has a great historical meaning. But you should know that German historians and to this day they unsuccessfully try to downplay the results that were achieved in those days. But Russian troops managed to stop the advance of the crusaders to the East and prevented them from achieving the conquest and colonization of Russian lands.

Aggressive behavior on the part of the Order's troops

In the period from 1240 to 1242, the German crusaders, Danish and Swedish feudal lords were activated aggressive actions. They took advantage of the fact that Rus' was weakened due to regular attacks from the Mongol-Tatars under the leadership of Batu Khan. Before the battle on the ice broke out, the Swedes had already suffered defeat during the battle at the mouth of the Neva. However, despite this, the crusaders launched a campaign against Rus'. They were able to capture Izborsk. And after some time, with the help of traitors, Pskov was conquered. The crusaders even built a fortress after taking the Koporye churchyard. This happened in 1240.

What preceded the ice battle?

The invaders also had plans to conquer Veliky Novgorod, Karelia and those lands that were located at the mouth of the Neva. The Crusaders planned to do all this in 1241. However, Alexander Nevsky, having gathered the people of Novgorod, Ladoga, Izhora and Korelov under his banner, was able to drive the enemy out of the lands of Koporye. The army, together with the approaching Vladimir-Suzdal regiments, entered the territory of Estonia. However, after this, unexpectedly turning to the East, Alexander Nevsky liberated Pskov.

Then Alexander moved again fighting to the territory of Estonia. In this he was guided by the need to prevent the crusaders from gathering their main forces. Moreover, by his actions he forced them to attack prematurely. The knights, having collected enough great forces, set out to the East, fully confident of their victory. Not far from the village of Hammast, they defeated the Russian detachment of Domash and Kerbet. However, some warriors who remained alive were still able to warn of the approach of the enemy. Alexander Nevsky placed his army at a bottleneck in the southern part of the lake, thus forcing the enemy to fight in conditions that were not very convenient for them. It was this battle that later acquired such a name as the Battle of the Ice. The knights simply could not make their way towards Veliky Novgorod and Pskov.

The beginning of the famous battle

Two warring parties met on April 5, 1242, early in the morning. The enemy column, which was pursuing the retreating Russian soldiers, most likely received some information from the sentinels sent ahead. Therefore, the enemy soldiers took to the ice in full order of battle. In order to get close to the Russian troops, the united German-Chud regiments, it was necessary to spend no more than two hours, moving at a measured pace.

Actions of the Order's warriors

The battle on the ice began from the moment when the enemy discovered Russian archers about two kilometers away. Order Master von Velven, who led the campaign, gave the signal to prepare for military operations. By his order, the battle formation had to be compacted. All this was done until the wedge came within range of a bow shot. Having reached this position, the commander gave an order, after which the head of the wedge and the entire column set off their horses at a fast pace. A ramming attack performed by heavily armed knights on huge horses, completely clad in armor, was supposed to bring panic to the Russian regiments.

When there were only a few tens of meters left to the first rows of soldiers, the knights set their horses into a gallop. They performed this action in order to enhance the fatal blow from the wedge attack. The Battle of Lake Peipus began with shots from archers. However, the arrows bounced off the chained knights and did not cause serious damage. Therefore, the riflemen simply scattered, retreating to the flanks of the regiment. But it is necessary to highlight the fact that they achieved their goal. Archers were placed on the front line so that the enemy could not see the main forces.

An unpleasant surprise that was presented to the enemy

The moment the archers retreated, the knights noticed that Russian heavy infantry in magnificent armor was already waiting for them. Each soldier held a long pike in his hands. It was no longer possible to stop the attack that had begun. The knights also did not have time to rebuild their ranks. This was due to the fact that the head of the attacking ranks was supported by the bulk of the troops. And if the front rows had stopped, they would have been crushed by their own people. And this would lead to even greater confusion. Therefore, the attack was continued by inertia. The knights hoped that luck would accompany them, and the Russian troops simply would not hold back their fierce attack. However, the enemy was already psychologically broken. The entire force of Alexander Nevsky rushed towards him with pikes at the ready. The Battle of Lake Peipus was short. However, the consequences of this collision were simply terrifying.

You can't win by standing in one place

There is an opinion that the Russian army was waiting for the Germans without moving. However, it should be understood that the strike will only be stopped if there is a retaliatory strike. And if the infantry under the leadership of Alexander Nevsky had not moved towards the enemy, it would have simply been swept away. In addition, it is necessary to understand that those troops that passively wait for the enemy to strike always lose. History clearly demonstrates this. Therefore, the Battle of the Ice of 1242 would have been lost by Alexander if he had not taken retaliatory actions, but had waited for the enemy, standing still.

The first infantry banners that collided with German troops were able to extinguish the inertia of the enemy wedge. Impact force has been spent. It should be noted that the first onslaught was partially extinguished by archers. However, the main blow still fell on the front line of the Russian army.

Fighting against superior forces

It was from this moment that the Battle of the Ice of 1242 began. The trumpets began to sing, and Alexander Nevsky’s infantry simply rushed onto the ice of the lake, raising their banners high. With one blow to the flank, the soldiers were able to cut off the head of the wedge from the main body of the enemy troops.

The attack took place in several directions. Apply main blow there must have been a large regiment. It was he who attacked the enemy wedge head-on. The mounted squads attacked the flanks of the German troops. The warriors were able to create a gap in the enemy forces. There were also mounted detachments. They were assigned the role of striking the chud. And despite the stubborn resistance of the surrounded knights, they were broken. It should also be taken into account that some of the miracles, having found themselves surrounded, rushed to run away, only noticing that they were being attacked by cavalry. And, most likely, it was at that moment that they realized that it was not an ordinary militia that was fighting against them, but professional squads. This factor did not give them any confidence in their abilities. The battle on the ice, pictures of which you can see in this review, also took place due to the fact that the soldiers of the Bishop of Dorpat, who most likely never entered the battle, fled from the battlefield after the miracle.

Die or surrender!

The enemy soldiers, who were surrounded on all sides by superior forces, did not expect help. They didn't even have the opportunity to change lanes. Therefore, they had no choice but to surrender or die. However, someone was still able to break out of the encirclement. But best forces The crusaders remained surrounded. The Russian soldiers killed the main part. Some of the knights were captured.

The history of the Battle of the Ice claims that while the main Russian regiment remained to finish off the crusaders, other soldiers rushed to pursue those who were retreating in panic. Some of those who fled ended up on thin ice. It happened on Teploe Lake. The ice could not stand it and broke. Therefore, many knights simply drowned. Based on this, we can say that the site of the Battle of the Ice was chosen successfully for the Russian army.

Duration of the battle

In the first Novgorod Chronicle it is said that about 50 Germans were taken prisoner. About 400 people were killed on the battlefield. Death and captivity of such large number professional warriors, by European standards, turned out to be a rather severe defeat that borders on catastrophe. Russian troops also suffered losses. However, compared to the enemy’s losses, they turned out to be not so heavy. The entire battle with the head of the wedge took no more than an hour. Time was still spent pursuing the fleeing warriors and returning to their original position. This took about 4 more hours. The ice battle on Lake Peipus was completed by 5 o'clock, when it was already getting a little dark. Alexander Nevsky, with the onset of darkness, decided not to organize persecution. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the results of the battle exceeded all expectations. And there was no desire to risk our soldiers in this situation.

The main goals of Prince Nevsky

1242, the Battle of the Ice brought confusion to the ranks of the Germans and their allies. After a devastating battle, the enemy expected that Alexander Nevsky would approach the walls of Riga. In this regard, they even decided to send ambassadors to Denmark to ask for help. But Alexander, after the won battle, returned to Pskov. In this war, he sought only to return the Novgorod lands and to strengthen power in Pskov. This is exactly what was successfully accomplished by the prince. And already in the summer, ambassadors of the order arrived in Novgorod with the aim of concluding peace. They were simply stunned by the Battle of the Ice. The year when the order began to pray for help is the same - 1242. This happened in the summer.

The movement of Western invaders was stopped

The peace treaty was concluded on the terms dictated by Alexander Nevsky. The ambassadors of the order solemnly renounced all the encroachments on Russian lands that occurred on their part. In addition, they returned all the territories that had been captured. Thus, the movement of Western invaders towards Rus' was completed.

Alexander Nevsky, for whom the Battle of the Ice became the determining factor in his reign, was able to return the lands. The western borders, which he established after the battle with the order, were held for centuries. The Battle of Lake Peipus went down in history as a remarkable example military tactics. There are many determining factors in the success of Russian troops. This includes the skillful construction of a combat formation, the successful organization of the interaction of each individual unit with each other, and clear actions on the part of intelligence. Alexander Nevsky took into account and weak sides enemy, was able to do right choice in favor of a place to fight. He correctly calculated the time for the battle, well organized the pursuit and destruction superior forces enemy. The Battle of the Ice showed everyone that the Russian military art should be considered advanced.

The most controversial issue in the history of the battle

The losses of the parties in the battle - this topic is quite controversial in the conversation about the Battle of the Ice. The lake, together with Russian soldiers, took the lives of approximately 530 Germans. About 50 more warriors of the order were captured. This is said in many Russian chronicles. It should be noted that the numbers indicated in the “Rhymed Chronicle” are controversial. The Novgorod First Chronicle indicates that about 400 Germans died in the battle. 50 knights were captured. During the compilation of the chronicle, the Chud were not even taken into account, since, according to the chroniclers, they simply died in a huge number. The Rhymed Chronicle says that only 20 knights died, and only 6 warriors were captured. Naturally, 400 Germans could fall in the battle, of which only 20 knights could be considered real. The same can be said about captured soldiers. The chronicle “The Life of Alexander Nevsky” says that in order to humiliate the captured knights, their boots were taken away. Thus, they walked barefoot on the ice next to their horses.

The losses of Russian troops are quite vague. All chronicles say that many brave warriors died. It follows from this that losses on the part of the Novgorodians were heavy.

What was the significance of the Battle of Lake Peipsi?

In order to determine the meaning of the battle, it is worth taking into account the traditional Russian historiography point of view. Such victories of Alexander Nevsky, such as the battle with the Swedes in 1240, with the Lithuanians in 1245 and the Battle of the Ice, have of great importance. It was the battle on Lake Peipsi that helped hold back the pressure of quite serious enemies. It should be understood that in those days in Rus' there were constantly civil strife between individual princes. One could not even think about cohesion. In addition, constant attacks from the Mongol-Tatars took their toll.

However, the English researcher Fannel said that the significance of the battle on Lake Peipus is quite exaggerated. According to him, Alexander did the same as many other defenders of Novgorod and Pskov in maintaining long and vulnerable borders from numerous invaders.

The memory of the battle will be preserved

What else can you say about the Battle of the Ice? A monument to this great battle was erected in 1993. This happened in Pskov on Mount Sokolikha. From real place battles, it is located almost 100 kilometers away. The monument is dedicated to the “Druzhina of Alexander Nevsky”. Anyone can visit the mountain and see the monument.

In 1938, Sergei Eisenstein filmed Feature Film, which it was decided to call “Alexander Nevsky”. This film depicts the Battle of the Ice. The film became one of the most striking historical projects. It was thanks to him that it was possible to shape the idea of ​​the battle in modern viewers. It examines almost to the smallest detail all the main points that are associated with the battles on Lake Peipus.

In 1992, a documentary film entitled “In memory of the past and in the name of the future” was shot. In the same year, in the village of Kobylye, in a place as close as possible to the territory where the battle took place, a monument to Alexander Nevsky was erected. He was located near the Church of the Archangel Michael. There is also worship cross, which was cast in St. Petersburg. For this purpose, funds from numerous patrons were used.

The scale of the battle is not so huge

In this review, we tried to consider the main events and facts that characterize the Battle of the Ice: on what lake the battle took place, how the battle took place, how the troops behaved, what factors were decisive in victory. We also looked at the main points related to losses. It should be noted that Chudskaya battle Although it went down in history as one of the most grandiose battles, there were wars that surpassed it. It was inferior in scale to the Battle of Saul, which took place in 1236. In addition, the battle of Rakovor in 1268 also turned out to be larger. There are also some other battles that are not only not inferior to the battles on Lake Peipus, but also surpass them in grandeur.


However, it was for Rus' that the Battle of the Ice became one of the most significant victories. And this has been confirmed by numerous historians. Despite the fact that many specialists who are quite attracted to history perceive the Battle of the Ice from the perspective of a simple battle, and also try to downplay its results, it will remain in everyone’s memory as one of the largest battles that ended in a complete and unconditional victory for us. We hope that this review helped you understand the main points and nuances that accompanied the famous massacre.

29.12.2014 0 14908

Many books and articles have been written about the famous battle on the ice of Lake Peipus in April 1242, but it itself has not been fully studied - and our information about it is replete with blank spots...

“And there was an evil slaughter, and a crackling sound from the breaking of spears, and a sound from the cutting of a sword, and the frozen lake moved. And there was no ice visible: it was all covered in blood...”

At the beginning of 1242, German Teutonic knights captured Pskov and advanced towards Novgorod. On Saturday, April 5, at dawn, a Russian squad led by Novgorod prince Alexander Nevsky, met the crusaders on the ice of Lake Peipsi, at the Crow Stone.

Alexander skillfully surrounded the knights, built in a wedge, from the flanks, and with the blow of an ambush regiment he encircled them. The Battle of the Ice, famous in Russian history, began. “And there was an evil slaughter, and a crackling sound from the breaking of spears, and a sound from the cutting of a sword, and the frozen lake moved. And there was no ice visible: it was all covered in blood...” The chronicle reports that the ice cover could not withstand the retreating heavily armed knights and failed. Under the weight of their armor, the enemy warriors quickly sank to the bottom, choking in the icy water.

Some circumstances of the battle remained a real “blank spot” for researchers. Where does truth end and fiction begin? Why did the ice collapse under the feet of the knights and withstand the weight of the Russian army? How could the knights fall through the ice if its thickness near the shores of Lake Peipus reaches a meter in early April? Where did the legendary battle take place?

The domestic chronicles (Novgorod, Pskov, Suzdal, Rostov, Laurentian, etc.) and the “Elder Livonian Rhymed Chronicle” describe in detail both the events preceding the battle and the battle itself. Its landmarks are indicated: “On Lake Peipus, near the Uzmen tract, near the Crow Stone.” Local legends specify that the warriors fought just outside the village of Samolva.

The chronicle miniature drawing depicts the confrontation between the parties before the battle, and defensive ramparts, stone and other buildings are shown in the background. In the ancient chronicles there is no mention of Voronii Island (or any other island) near the site of the battle. They talk about fighting on land, and mention ice only in the final part of the battle.

In search of answers to numerous questions from researchers, Leningrad archaeologists led by military historian Georgy Karaev were the first to go to the shores of Lake Peipsi in the late 50s of the 20th century. Scientists were going to recreate the events of more than seven hundred years ago.

At first, chance helped. Once, while talking with fishermen, Karaev asked why they called the area of ​​the lake near Cape Sigovets a “cursed place.” The fishermen explained: in this place to the very severe frosts What remains is the polynya, “whitefish,” because whitefish have been caught in it for a long time. In cold weather, of course, even the “sigovitsa” will be caught in ice, but it is not durable: a person will go there and disappear...

So it's no coincidence southern part lakes local residents called Warm Lake. Perhaps this is where the crusaders drowned? Here is the answer: the bottom of the lake in the Sigovits area is replete with groundwater outlets that prevent the formation of a durable ice cover.

Archaeologists have established that the waters of Lake Peipus are gradually advancing on the shores, this is the result of a slow tectonic process. Many ancient villages were flooded, and their inhabitants moved to other, higher shores. The lake level is rising at a rate of 4 millimeters per year. Consequently, since the time of the blessed prince Alexander Nevsky, the water in the lake has risen by a good three meters!

G.N. Karaev removed depths from the lake map less than three meters, and the map is “younger” by seven hundred years. This card suggested: the most bottleneck In ancient times, the lake was located right next to “Sigovitsy.” This is how the chronicle “Uzmen” received an exact reference, a name that does not exist on modern map lakes.

The most difficult thing was to determine the location of the “Crow Stone”, because on the map of the lake there are more than a dozen Crow stones, rocks and islands. Karaev's divers examined Raven Island near Uzmen and discovered that it was nothing more than the top of a huge sheer underwater cliff. A stone shaft was unexpectedly discovered next to it. Scientists decided that the name “Raven Stone” in ancient times referred not only to the rock, but also to a fairly strong border fortification. It became clear: the battle began here on that distant April morning.

The expedition members came to the conclusion that the Raven Stone several centuries ago was a high fifteen-meter hill with steep slopes; it was visible from afar and served as a good landmark. But time and waves did their job: the once high hill with steep slopes disappeared under water.

Researchers also tried to explain why the fleeing knights fell through the ice and drowned. In fact, at the beginning of April, when the battle took place, the ice on the lake was still quite thick and strong. But the secret was that not far from the Crow Stone they beat from the bottom of the lake warm springs, forming “sigoviches”, so the ice here is less durable than in other places. Previously, when the water level was lower, underwater springs undoubtedly hit the ice sheet directly. The Russians, of course, knew about this and avoided dangerous places, but the enemy ran straight.

So this is the solution to the riddle! But if it is true that in this place the icy abyss swallowed up an entire army of knights, then somewhere here his trace must be hidden. Archaeologists set themselves the task of finding this last piece of evidence, but current circumstances prevented their achievement. ultimate goal. It was not possible to find the burial places of the soldiers who died in the Battle of the Ice. This is clearly stated in the report of the complex expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences. And soon allegations appeared that in ancient times the dead were taken with them for burial in their homeland, therefore, they say, their remains cannot be found.

A few years ago, a new generation of search engines - a group of Moscow amateur enthusiasts ancient history Rus' again tried to resolve the centuries-old mystery. She had to find burials hidden in the ground related to the Battle of the Ice on a large territory of the Gdovsky district of the Pskov region.

Research has shown that in those distant times, in the area south of the now existing village of Kozlovo, there was some kind of fortified outpost of the Novgorodians. It was here that Prince Alexander Nevsky went to join the detachment of Andrei Yaroslavich, hidden in an ambush. At a critical moment in the battle, an ambush regiment could go behind the knights' rear, surround them and ensure victory. The area here is relatively flat. Nevsky’s troops were protected on the northwestern side by the “sigovits” of Lake Peipus, and on the eastern side by the wooded part where the Novgorodians settled in the fortified town.

The knights advanced from the southern side (from the village of Tabory). Not knowing about the Novgorod reinforcements and feeling their military superiority in strength, they, without hesitation, rushed into battle, falling into the “nets” that had been placed. From this it can be seen that the battle itself took place on land, not far from the shore of the lake. By the end of the battle, the knightly army was pushed back onto the spring ice of Zhelchinskaya Bay, where many of them died. Their remains and weapons are still at the bottom of this bay.

By the middle of the 13th century, the Eastern Baltic became a place where the interests of several geopolitical players collided. Short truces were followed by outbreaks of hostilities, which sometimes developed into real battles. One of the greatest events in history was the Battle of Lake Peipsi.

In contact with


The main center of power in medieval Europe was the Roman Catholic Church. The Pope had unlimited power, had colossal financial resources, moral authority and could remove any ruler from the throne.

Organized by dads Crusades The entire Middle East was in a fever for Palestine for a long time. After the defeat of the crusaders, the calm was short-lived. The object that was to taste “European values” were the pagan Baltic tribes.

As a result of the active preaching of the Word of Christ, the pagans were partly destroyed, some were baptized. The Prussians disappeared completely.

The Teutonic Order settled on the territory of modern Latvia and Estonia, whose vassal was the Livonian Order (the former clan of the Swordbearers). He had common border with the feudal republics of Rus'.

States of medieval Rus'

Mister Velikiy Novgorod and the Pskov state had their own plans for the Baltic states. Yaroslav the Wise founded the Yuriev fortress on Estonian land. The Novgorodians, having subjugated the bordering Finno-Ugric tribes, made their way to the sea, where they encountered Scandinavian competitors.

In the 12th century there were several waves of Danish invasions of the Baltic lands. Systematically seizing the territory of the Estonians, the Danes settled in the north and islands of the Moonsund archipelago. Their goal was to transform the Baltic Sea into a “Danish lake”. The Swedish expeditionary force, with which Alexander Nevsky fought, had the same goals as the Novgorodians.

The Swedes were defeated. However, for Alexander Yaroslavich himself, the victory on the Neva turned into an unexpected “surprise”: the Novgorod elite, fearing the strengthening of the prince’s influence, forced him to leave the city.

Composition and strengths of the warring parties

Lake Peipsi became the site of a clash between Novgorodians and Livonians, but there were many more parties interested and involved in this event. On the side of the Europeans were:

  1. Livonian Landmastery of the Teutonic Order (what is commonly called Livonian Order). His cavalry accepted direct participation in conflict.
  2. Bishopric of Dorpat (autonomous part of the Order). The war took place on its territory. The city of Dorpat sent out a foot militia. The role of the infantrymen is not fully understood.
  3. The Teutonic Order, which exercised general leadership.
  4. The Roman throne provided financial support, as well as moral and ethical justification for European expansion to the East.

The forces opposing the Germans were not homogeneous. The army consisted of representatives of different lands who had own beliefs. Among them were those who adhered to traditional pre-Christian beliefs.

Important! Many participants in the battle were not Christians.

Forces of the Orthodox-Slavic military alliance:

  1. Mister Veliky Novgorod. Nominally it was the main military component. The Novgorodians provided material supplies and provided rear support, and were also infantry during the battle.
  2. Pskovskaya feudal republic. Initially it acted in alliance with Novgorod, then stepped aside, taking a neutral position. Some Pskovites volunteered to fight on the side of Novgorod.
  3. Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. Direct military ally of Alexander Nevsky.
  4. Volunteers from among the Prussians, Curonians and other Baltic tribes. Being pagans, they were highly motivated to wage war against the Catholics.

Home military force The Russian squad was Alexander Nevsky.

Enemy tactics

The Livonians chose an opportune moment to start the war. IN strategically The Russian lands represented an ineffective dynastic union, the members of which had no other connections other than mutual grievances and claims.

The unsuccessful war with Rus' reduced it to a semi-subordinate state to other states.

Tactically, the matter seemed no less winning. The Novgorodians who drove Alexander away were good traders, but not soldiers.

Their loose, poorly trained militia was not capable of meaningful and prolonged combat operations. There were no experienced governors (military specialists - professionals capable of leading troops). There was no talk of any unified management. The Novgorod veche, with all its positive aspects, did not contribute to the strengthening of state structures.

Another important “trump card” of the Livonians was the presence of agents of influence. In Novgorod itself there were supporters of maximum rapprochement with Catholics, but there were many more of them among the Pskovites.

The role of Pskov

The Pskov Republic carried greatest losses from the Slavic-Germanic conflict. Being at the very line of confrontation, the Pskovites were the first to come under attack. A small territory with limited resources was increasingly burdened by this situation. Both the authorities and the population, especially rural ones, had their place.

Start of the war

In August 1240, parts of the crusaders became more active, capturing the city of Izborsk. The few detachments of Pskovites who tried to recapture it were scattered, and Pskov itself was besieged.

After negotiations, the gates were opened, the Germans left their representatives in the city. Obviously, some agreements were concluded according to which the Pskov lands passed into the enemy zone of influence.

In the official national history Pskov's behavior is characterized as shameful and treacherous. However, it should be borne in mind that this was sovereign state, who had the right to enter into any alliances with any side. Politically, Pskov was as independent as Novgorod or any Russian principality. Pskovites had the right to choose with whom to enter into alliances.

Attention! Novgorod did not provide assistance to its ally.

The Novgorodians also turned out to be unable to resist the enemy on the coast. Not far from the sea, the Livonians built a wooden fortress (Koporye) and imposed tribute on the local tribes. This move remained unanswered.

Alexander Nevsky came to the rescue

“Prince Alexander came to Novgorod, and for the sake of Novgorod,” says the chronicle. Realizing that further development events could lead to a sad outcome, the Novgorod authorities asked for help. Grand Duke Vladimirsky sent them a detachment of cavalry. However, only Alexander Yaroslavich, with whom the Novgorodians had recently been in conflict, could cope with the Germans.

The young commander, who had recently tried the sword on the Swedes, acted quickly. In 1241, his squad, reinforced by a militia of Karelians, Izhorians and the Novgorodians themselves, approached Koporye. The fortress was taken and destroyed. Alexander released some of the captured Germans. And the winner hanged the Vod (a small Baltic people) and the Chud (Estonians) as traitors. The immediate threat to Novgorod was eliminated. It was necessary to choose the location of the next strike.

Liberation of Pskov

The city was well fortified. The prince did not storm the fortified fortification, even after receiving reinforcements from Suzdal. In addition, the enemy garrison was small. The Livonians relied on their Pskov proteges.

After a short skirmish German army blocked, the soldiers laid down their arms. Alexander left the Germans for later ransom, and the Russian traitors and ordered the Estonians to be hanged. Next the path went to Izborsk, which was also liberated.

Behind a short time the area was cleared of uninvited guests. Before princely squad it was a foreign land. Having pushed forward the vanguard for reconnaissance and robbery, Alexander entered the borders of Livonia. Soon the advance detachment came across enemy cavalry, retreating after a short battle. The opponents learned each other's location and began preparing for battle.

Great Battle

Both sides relied on heavy cavalry. At the time described troop effectiveness(briefly) was assessed as follows:

  1. Regular heavy cavalry. The striking force of almost any European army.
  2. Feudal militia. Knights serving certain number days. Unlike the regular cavalry, they had low discipline and did not know how to fight on horseback.
  3. Regular infantry. Almost absent. The exception was archers.
  4. Foot militia. Europeans had almost no medieval Rus' forced to be used quite widely. Its combat effectiveness was very low. A hundred knights could defeat an army of thousands of irregular infantry.

The Order and Alexander Nevsky had at hand armored horsemen with iron discipline and many years of training. It was they who fought on April 5, 1242 on the shores of Lake Peipsi. This date became significant for Russian history.

Progress of hostilities

The knightly cavalry crushed the center of the Novgorod army, which consisted of infantrymen. However, the inconvenient terrain forced the crusaders slow down. They got stuck in a static cabin, stretching the front more and more. The Dorpat foot militia, which could have balanced the forces, did not come to the rescue.

Without room to maneuver, the cavalry lost its “move” and found itself squeezed into a small, inconvenient space for battle. Then the squad of Prince Alexander struck. Its location, according to legend, was the island of Voroniy Kamen. This turned the tide of the battle.

The cavalry of the Aloth Order retreated. The Russian cavalry pursued the enemy for several kilometers, and then, having collected prisoners, returned to the banner of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich. Nevsky won the battle. The victory was complete and received loud name - Battle on the Ice.

Data on the exact location of the battle, the number of participants, and losses vary. The map of the Battle of the Ice is approximate. Exist different versions events. Including those who deny the very fact of the battle.


The victory over the knights significantly reduced the pressure on the borders of Russian lands. Novgorod defended access to the sea and continued profitable trade with Europe. An important moral and political aspect of the victory was the disruption of the plans of the Roman Church to penetrate Catholicism into the East. A border was established between Western and Russian civilizations. WITH minor changes it still exists today.

Secrets and mysteries of the Battle of Lake Peipsi

Alexander Nevsky, ice battle


One more thing needs to be noted important battles. After a long series of defeats, Mongol invasion and national humiliation, was a resounding victory was won. The significance of the Battle of the Ice is that, in addition to military success, significant psychological effect. From now on, Rus' realized that it was capable of defeating the most powerful enemy.

Battle on the Ice, artist V.A. Serov (1865-19110

When did the event take place? : April 5, 1242

Where did the event take place? : Lake Peipsi (near Pskov)


    Army Novgorod Republic and the Vladimir-Suzdal principality under the leadership of Alexander Nevsky and Andrei Yaroslavich

    Livonian Order, Denmark. Commander - Andres von Velven


Livonian Order:

    Capture of Russian territories in the northwest

    Spread of Catholicism

Russian troops:

    Protection of the northwestern borders from German knights

    Prevention of subsequent threats of attack on Rus' by the Livonian Order

    Advocating for access to Baltic Sea, trade opportunities with Europe

    Defense of the Orthodox Faith


    In 1240, Livonian knights captured Pskov and Koporye

    In 1241, Alexander Nevsky recaptured Koporye.

    At the beginning of 1242, Nevsky and his brother Andrei Yaroslavich of Suzdal took Pskov.

    The knights were lined up in a battle wedge: heavy knights on the flanks, and light knights in the center. In Russian chronicles, this formation was called the “great pig.”

    First, the knights attacked the center of the Russian troops, thinking to surround them from the flanks. However, they themselves found themselves caught in pincers. Moreover, Alexander brought in an ambush regiment.

    The knights began to be pushed towards the lake, where the ice was no longer strong. Most of the knights drowned. Only a few managed to escape.


    The threat of capture of the northwestern lands has been eliminated

    Saved trade relations with Europe, Rus' defended access to the Baltic Sea.

    According to the agreement, the knights left all conquered lands and returned prisoners. The Russians also returned all the prisoners.

    Western raids on Rus' ceased for a long time.


    The defeat of the German knights is a bright page in the history of Rus'.

    For the first time, Russian foot soldiers were able to defeat heavily armed cavalry.

    The significance of the battle is also great in the sense that the victory took place during the period of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. In case of defeat, it would be much more difficult for Rus' to get rid of double oppression.

    Was protected Orthodox faith, since the crusaders wanted to actively introduce Catholicism in Rus'. But it was Orthodoxy during the period of fragmentation and yoke that was the connecting link that united the people in the fight against the enemy.

    During the Battle of the Ice and the Battle of the Neva, military leadership talent was revealed young Alexander Nevsky. He used proven tactics:

    Before the battle, he inflicted a number of successive blows on the enemy, and only then did the decisive battle take place.

    used the surprise factor

    successfully and on time introduced an ambush regiment into battle

    the disposition of the Russian troops was more flexible than the clumsy “pig” of the knights.

    skillful use of terrain features: Alexander deprived the enemy of freedom of space, while he himself used the terrain to deliver a strong blow to the enemy.

This is interesting

April 18 (according to the old style - April 5) is the Day military glory Russia. The holiday was established in 1995.

Material prepared by: Melnikova Vera Aleksandrovna

Monument to the squads of Alexander Nevsky on Mount Sokolikha in Pskov

Battle on the Ice, artist Matorin V.

Battle on the Ice, artist Nazaruk V.M., 1982

Alexander Nevskiy. Battle on the Ice, artist Kostylev A., 2005

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