Russian language in the form of a game. Didactic games in Russian language lessons in elementary school

Intellectually - educational game"Russian language"

Extracurricular activity in Russian language grades 5-7

Description of work: I bring to your attention the development of an intellectual and educational game "Russian Language" for students in grades 5-7. This material will be useful to Russian language teachers and class teachers.
Target: creating conditions for developing students’ motivation to learn the Russian language.
1. Development of logical and creative thinking.
2. Development of attention, memory, observation, thought processes.
3. Development of teamwork skills.

Explanatory note.
The form of intellectual games is very interesting for students of any age, as it involves a keen spirit of competition. Carrying out such games helps to increase intellectual level schoolchildren, the development of heuristic abilities, the cohesion of children's teams. This form can be used both in class and in extracurricular activities.

1 competition. WARM UP.
Answer who or what is being said.
1) “Personal file” of the student for the official use of his parents (diary).
2) What is a pen storage? (pencil case).
3) The Earth, which anyone can spin (globe).
4) Its long-awaited sound is divine music for a schoolchild who has not learned his lesson (bell).
5) What is the name of school limestone? (chalk).
6) An object that refutes the saying “What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax” (eraser).
7) The word white in relation to the word black (antonym).
8) It is written the same way, but the meaning is different (homonym).
9) What is the meaning of a tree growing in the forest and the word tree written on paper? (root).
10) It occurs between the root and the ending (suffix).
11) In which letter must the word-agreement be placed in order to obtain the product of melting snow? (in Oh yeah.)
12) It is with this “tool”, which is part of speech, that A.S. Pushkin called to “burn the hearts of people” (verb).

For a long time now, no one has argued with the statement that the Russian language is the richest in the world. One of its values ​​is great amount proverbs and sayings that have come to us from time immemorial and are still created verbally folk art. They express folk wisdom, and using them in your speech will help make it more vibrant, original, and interesting.
Now I want to invite you to answer the questions: remember the relevant proverbs and sayings, formulate them verbatim. The task may also include phraseological units, which are close to
1. He is healthy, in healthy body... (healthy mind).
2. Part of the clothing that is recommended to be kept wider... (the pocket is wider).
3. His eyes are big... (fear).
4. Only there there is free cheese... (in a mousetrap).
5. They are waiting for her, sitting by the sea... (weather).
6. This part of the object can be gold... (middle).
7. What food does a shoe sometimes ask its unlucky owner to eat? (porridge - “the boots are asking for porridge”).

3 Competition. "WHAT IS THIS? WHO IS THIS?"
Answer the questions: what is it? who is this?
This author sleeps in a briefcase... FOUNTAIN PEN
This pony is the day of the week... MONDAY
This raft is made of linen... TOWEL
This cancer stronger than an elephant... TRACTOR
This brand eats bananas... MONKEY
This cheese comes from a forest clearing... RUSSUL

4 Competition. PLACE THE VOWELS.
This competition requires a certain amount of imagination and a large vocabulary from you. But first, remember which letters are called vowels.
Now, please, arrange the vowels in the constructions offered to you.
For example:
Letter E
SVR – Sever
VR – VeeR
Tick ​​- Tick
Teams receive a task on cards:

5 Competition. EDITOR.
In this competition I will test your ability to construct sentences correctly.
You are offered excerpts from children's essays. Find the mistake in each sentence and explain why you can’t write it that way.
The facilitator distributes texts to the teams:
1) I put on my coat and went for a walk (I put it on myself).
2) Our class is making waves throughout the school with good grades (known throughout the school).
3) There was an elderly mushroom (old) standing by the road.
4) Our team lost due to the absence of two leading athletes (due to).
5) She is confident in her abilities (confident in her abilities).

6 Competition. ORAL SPEECH.
In this competition you need to connect phraseological combination(number) with its explanation (letter).
1. Don’t lose face.
2. Control yourself.
3. Flash like lightning.
4. The game is not worth the candle.
5. Shoot without missing.
6. By all means.
7. Don't find a place for yourself.
8. Hanging your head.
A. An activity that does not justify itself.
B. Definitely.
V. Very quickly.
G. Right on target.
D. Maintain composure.
E. Show yourself from the best side.
G. To be in a state of great excitement.
Z. Be upset.
Key: 1E, 2D, 3B, 4A, 5G, 6B, 7G, 8Z.

7 Competition. FUNNY GRAMMAR.
reads a poem by O. Vysotskaya
Noun – school,
Wakes up - verb.
With the adjective cheerful
A new school day has arrived.
We stood up - pronoun,
The number strikes seven.
For learning, without a doubt,
Everyone needs to be accepted.
We'll call it excellent
We appreciate in the lessons.
We comply as usual
Discipline and regime.
Neither do we have particles,
We need to repeat them
And don’t be lazy
And don’t waste an hour!
After school, as you know,
We are riding in a sleigh.
Particularly appropriate here
Interjections oh and ah!
And then by the warm stove
Repeating parts of speech!

Let's work with parts of speech. Form nouns from the given adjectives.
Brave - courage, strong - strength, proud - pride, wise - wisdom, rude - rudeness, cheerful - fun, smart - intelligence, brave - courage, kind - kindness, rich - wealth, lazy - laziness.


Reads the statement of I.S. Turgenev: “Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language is a treasure, this is an asset passed on to us by our predecessors! Treat this powerful weapon with respect; in the hands of skilled people it is capable of performing miracles.”

All participants are given a brochure "Russian Language".

Stelmachenok Lyudmila DmitrievnaMBOU "Secondary School No. 27", PermPrimary school teacher

« Didactic games at Russian language lessons"

“Without play there is not and cannot be full-fledged mental development. The game is a huge bright window through which spiritual world The child receives a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around him. Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

How to make a Russian language lesson interesting, entertaining and a favorite subject for a child?

Play is the main activity of a child. It plays a big role in the formation and development of mental, emotional, physical and creativity child. The game helps develop memory, thinking, imagination, attention,helps the formation phonemic awareness words, enriches the child with new information, activates mental activity, attention, stimulates speech. As a result, children develop an interest in the Russian language. Not to mention the fact that didactic games in the Russian language contribute to the formation of spelling vigilance in younger schoolchildren.

A didactic game is a valuable means of cultivating children’s mental activity; it activates mental processes, arouses in students a keen interest in the learning process. In it, children willingly overcome significant difficulties, train their strength, develop abilities and skills. She helps to do anything educational material exciting, creates a joyful working mood in students, and facilitates the process of learning knowledge.

In didactic games, the child observes, compares, juxtaposes, classifies objects according to certain criteria, performs analysis and synthesis available to him, and makes generalizations.

Play activity as an element of the lesson can be used at any stage - from checking homework to completing test work and generalizations.

1. Didactic game “Hard - Soft”

Goal: repetition of spelling of hard and soft signs.

Students are divided into two teams. One team is called “Stone”, the other is called “Vata”. The “Stone” team stands up if I read the word with a firm sign, if I read a word with soft sign, the “Vata” team stands up.

Words: congress, drive in, blizzard, pouring, entrance, pouring, announcement, stakes, runners, detour, ears of corn, drink, shooting, etc.

2. Didactic game “Be careful.”
Purpose: to activate memory, attention, lexicon based on knowledge of the rules.

From the proposed poems, write down words with combinations zhi, shi:

1. They lived in a siskin hut,

Mice, hedgehogs, swifts,

Walruses come to visit them

And giraffes and snakes.

2. Vest, animal, belly,

Giraffes, painting, lives,

Rose hips, tires, reeds,

Cars and pencils

Circle, serve, make friends and live,

Hurry up, make you laugh,

Sizzling and sewing.

All combinations of ZHI and SHI

Write only with the letter I!

3. Game "Boomerang"

develops attention and speed of reaction in children: the student needs to remember the right word and “return” it to the teacher.

Find a synonym.

Ordinary person(unsophisticated), simple task(light),simple truth(capital);restless person(restless),restless look(anxious);strong friendship(reliable),strong sole(durable).

Find an antonym.

Close shore(far),close person(stranger);funny comedy(boring), fun mood(sad); deep well(small), deep knowledge(superficial);small fish(large), shallow river(deep).

4. “Phraseological menagerie” .

Goal: expanding students' vocabulary.

Add the missing word - the name of the animal. Hungry like... (a wolf). Cunning like... (fox). Cowardly as... (hare). Dumb like... (fish). Prickly like... (hedgehog). Healthy as... (bull).

5. “How many points - so many sounds"

Equipment: cube, on the sides of which different number dots: two, three, four, five, six; one side is empty.

Children take turns throwing the dice and calling out words in which the number of sounds is equal to the number of dots on the top edge cube. If a zero is rolled, the player skips his turn and passes the die to the next player.

6. Didactic game: “In one word.”
Goal: to activate children’s vocabulary, develop the ability to generalize.
Students are asked to replace combinations of words and sentences with one word with the syllables cha, shcha, chu.schu.

1. Tree stump - ... (block).

2. Sixty minutes-…(hour).

3. Dense frequent forest - ... (thicket).

4. A predatory fish with sharp teeth - ... (pike).

5. What are heavy frying pans made of -... (cast iron).

6. Cover your eyes from the sun - ... (squint).

7. A vessel with a handle and spout for boiling water or brewing tea - ... (teapot) and

7. Didactic game: “Everything is the other way around.”
Goal: to consolidate the spelling of words with the combination –chn-.
The teacher invites the children to replace the proposed phrases like noun + noun with another so that one of the words includes the combination -chn-.

Christmas tree toy-…(Christmas tree toy)

The hero of the fairy tale is... ( fairy tale hero)

Apple juice-… (apple juice)

Milk soup -…(milk soup)

Strawberry jam-… (strawberry jam)

Buckwheat porridge-… (buckwheat porridge)

Water from the river-... (river water)

Hole in the castle -…(keyhole)

Wheat flour -... (wheat flour), etc.

8. Didactic game: “Replace the letter.”

Goal: to activate the mental activity of students, to develop spelling and phonetic vigilance, attentiveness, and logical thinking.

Children are offered the original word with a spelling, they change either one or two sounds in it, while maintaining the combination -chk-, and get new words. The winner is the one who completes greatest number words

daughter pen
barrel river

night candle

hummock stove

point kidney

cloud daughter

car night
9. Didactic game “Find the mistake.”
Goal: to develop the ability to identify words in speech that denote an object.

The teacher names a number of words denoting the names of objects and makes one “mistake.” Students must determine which word is the odd one out and why.
1. Doll, house, sea, came out, student.

2.Map, sun, iron, door, sailor.

3.Girl, chalk, more, pencil, toad.

4.Castle, heavy, rooster, plate, cherry.

5. Runs, book, window, gate, elephant, etc.

10. Didactic game “Find a pair.”
Goal: to develop the ability to correctly correlate the name of an object and an action.

Equipment: each student has a card on his desk with the words written in one column: blizzard, thunder, sun, lightning, wind, rain, snow, clouds, fog, frost, and in the other column words-actions: drips, floats, falls, spreads, floats, sweeps, thunders, bakes, sparkles, blows, crackles.

For each word denoting the name of a phenomenon, students select a word denoting the action of the object, marking it with an arrow.

11. Didactic tasks and exercises.
Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic “Dividing soft sign”, to develop memory and thinking.

1. First name the words in which you need to write the letter b at the end, and then in the middle.

2. Find words with a soft separator. Emphasize them: drink, sew, beat, family, ring, spear, pony, dress, coat, sparrow, sew, etc.

3. Write down the words with the separator b:

The seal lies all day long,

And he is not too lazy to lie down.

It's a pity, seal diligence

Not a role model.

(B. Zakhoder)

If only you had some fox teeth, hare!

If only you were gray and had wolf legs!

Here's to you, scythe, and lynx claws!

-Uh, what do I need fangs and claws?

My soul is still like a hare.

4. Charades.

I am with a softened L - underground With a hard L I am on the wall

I can be stone or brown. (books, for example, on me),

And with a hard one - anyone in the room, But as soon as you soften the L,

IN geometric figure. Turn it into a dance right away.

(Coal-corner) (Polka-shelf).

Without M - I should show off in the forest;

S M - the courts are afraid of me.


Children really like these coloring pages:

Subject: Entertaining games In Russian.


Progress of the lesson

There are 2 classes taking part in the game:

  • 1 team - 4 “a” class
  • 2nd team – 4th “in” class

A captain is selected for each team.

Today we are holding an important event in our class. Guests, fans, and assistants came to us. They will count the points after each competition. Before we begin, each team must prove its ability to participate in the game.

The captain selects an envelope (there is a task inside).

1. Make up the team name from the letters.

1 envelope:


2 envelope:

Smart guys.


Here the game begins.
Now I think it's time
Teams to start fighting
Practice in word games.

1 task: “Word game”

Each team receives a task on a sheet.

Change one letter in each word to make a new word. For example: soda is an owl.



Well done, everyone did it. Music. Scoring (questions for fans).

Task 2: “Compiler”

Come up with words that have small word SPRUCE(write on the board SPRUCE)

Answers:strand, tunnel, vermicelli, overcoat, Monday, orange, crack, bumblebee, drill, goal, vest, bed, dumplings, gazelle, mill.

If children find it difficult, help them find words using riddles or leading questions.

Music. Scoring (questions for fans).

Task 3: Competition “Who is faster?”

Listening to riddle questions, guess them and write down the first letters of the riddle words on a line. If you do everything correctly, then from the 15 letters you receive you will form 3 words. Answer: What part of speech does each of them belong to?

(On the screen)

  • I'll turn the magic circle and my friend will hear me. (Telephone)
  • This fairy-tale hero loved to ride on the stove. (Emelya)
  • These are small horses, and their names are simply... (Pony)
  • I don’t eat myself, but I feed people. (Spoon)
  • How does summer end? (ABOUT)
  • Favorite mouse treat? (Cheese)
  • Playing ball with rackets. (Tennis)
  • A flock of bees is called... (Swarm)
  • A terrible, toothy sea predator. (Shark)
  • Five steps - a ladder, on the steps - a song. (Notes)
  • They came to us with melons and striped balls. (Watermelons)
  • Dried grapes. (Raisin)
  • This is what they call a hole in both a tree and a tooth (Duplo)
  • Your schoolwork must always be in order (Notebooks)
  • What are salochki? (A game)

Now guess 3 words. Let's all guess together.

WARM– can be both a noun and an adverb;

A COUNTRY- noun;

GO- verb.

Submit the sheets to the jury for verification. Scoring. Music.

Task 4: Game “Draw a proverb”

It is necessary to use a drawing to show the meaning of the proverb. It is taken into account how correctly the children understood and revealed the meaning of the proverb.

The teams are given an envelope. The captain draws out a proverb.

  1. "One head it's good, but two better".
  2. “If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.”

Hand over the sheets to the jury. Scoring (questions for fans).

Task 5: Captains Competition “Proverb we know you...».

Proverb, we know you
But that's not who you were
Not really a naughty letter
Have you taken someone's place again?

(Correct mistakes.)

  1. Two boots - container.
  2. A whisker is good, but two is better.
  3. The first wedge is lumpy.
  4. You can't spoil Sasha with oil.

(Whose captain will correct mistakes faster.)

Music. Scoring.

Task 6: game: “Make a proverb”

Each team receives cards with words. We need to collect proverbs.

(Which team will collect the proverbs faster.)

Scoring. Music.

Task 7: Game: “Find the pairs”

Each team receives a card. It contains words in two columns. For each word in the first column, the team is asked to select words from the second column and write down the pairs.

Whose team is the first to cope raises their hand.

Music. Scoring.

Task 8: Competition “Guess the word.”

Each team is given a piece of paper with a task: to solve the charade, write down the word and sort it out according to its composition.

1 team:

My root is from words FAIRY TALE,
The suffix, as in the word CARRIER,
The prefix in the word CONSUMPTION,
The ending is in the word HOME.

(Answer - NARRATOR)

Team 2:

The root of the word SNOWFLAKE,
The prefix in the word DRIVEN,
Suffix in the word FORESTRY,
The ending in the word TABLE.

(Answer - SNOWDROP).

These points are entered on the scoreboard.

Task 9: “Catchphrases”

Reveal the meaning of expressions that are called catchphrases or phraseological units. The task is carried out orally in turns. The captain pulls out a card with an expression

Music. Scoring.

10. Homework: Typesetter game

From the word ACTIVITY it was necessary to compose about 40 words (singular and plural nouns.)

The teams take turns reading out the words.

Give the sheet to the jury. Summarizing. Rewarding.

Our lesson has come to an end. I'm glad you were able to show your best qualities- quick wits, quick reaction, perseverance and, of course, a sense of helping each other. If some tasks were difficult for you, do not be discouraged or discouraged. Remember: you are talented, smart, each of you is the only one unique personality. Let's consider all your wrong answers as a reason to analyze their reasons and an incentive to further work to improve your creativity.


  1. "5000 games and puzzles."
  2. V.Volina “Feast of the Primer”.

A valuable method of stimulating interest in learning is the method of using various games and game forms of organization cognitive activity in classes with students and schoolchildren.

The most budget game form is language game, part of which are verbal (not acting) and verbal role-playing games.

It is also advisable to highlight linguistic educational games.

What is the difference?

Word game is a game with words. The game takes place exclusively through verbal interaction between the players. Verbal play is aimed not only at developing linguistic flair, but also at developing attention and memory.
Verbal role-playing games-- variety role playing games With complete absence material component: the game takes place exclusively through verbal interaction between the players, who describe the actions of their characters, and the master, who describes the realities of the surrounding world and the reactions of the master characters.
Linguistic game is a language game associated with learning language and enriching speech, with the development logical thinking, communicative features speech from the point of view of taking into account lexical, grammatical, orthoepic, syntactic features speech.

Hence, linguistic games there are: orthoepic, lexical, grammatical, syntactic.

Linguistic game “Hidden Motives”

Surely, in the life of every person there was a situation when he committed some action and could not explain why he did this or that way. The solution to possible ulterior motives possible through sequential analysis of previous events.

What we are working on: logic of speech.

Rules: We divide the group into pairs (sometimes it’s easier to unite not in pairs, but in triplets). In each pair, one of the participants tells a situation that he cannot explain. The partner, through leading questions, tries to find out the facts and connect them into syllogisms.

A syllogism is “a form of inference, reasoning, when a third, conclusion, is derived from two given premises or judgments.”
For example, everyone students take exams in the summer. I'm a student, which means I have exams in the summer.

In the second round, the interlocutors change places. Then comes reflection.

Word game “One day in the life”

The essence of the game: choose any profession with your students. Together, you compose a story from only nouns (verbs, adjectives) about working day professional.

For example, a story about a teacher’s day: bell-breakfast-lesson-question-answer-A-grade-teacher’s-principal-scandal-lesson-bell-home-preparation-sleep.

Important condition: Before naming a new noun, each player must repeat everything that was named before him. Then the story will be perceived as a complete work. To better remember the named nouns, I advise you to carefully look at all the speakers, as if associating the word with a specific person.

Word game “New Dictionary”

We usually play in a circle with students as a warm-up during any lesson.

The essence of this game is to come up with new meanings for ordinary and all familiar words.

For example: a boyfriend is a fish soup lover, a monster is a volcano, a priestess is a woman who loves to eat, etc.

The one who picks up the most wins interesting words. The time allocated for preparation is agreed upon in advance.

Word game “Taboo”

When I need to get listeners/students and pupils talking, or bring them to the topic of the lesson, or repeat previously studied material, I use word game"TABOO".
The rules are simple: the student/student receives a card with a word written on it. It needs to be explained. And under this word, or next to it, there are several more that cannot be used in the explanation.
Other students must guess this word.

It is better to prepare cards yourself - for a specific topic (for example, an essay-reasoning - for students, or general scientific terminology - for students).

Linguistic game “Sound Images”

The teacher reads/displays the words of the writer E. Zamyatin:
“Every sound of the human voice, every letter, in itself evokes certain ideas in a person, creates sound images. I am far from attributing a strictly defined semantic or color meaning to each sound, however
The sound [r] clearly tells me about something loud, bright, red, hot, fast.

[l] – about something pale, blue, cold, smooth, light.

The sound [n] is about something tender, about snow, sky, night:

The sounds [d] and [t] are about something stuffy, heavy, about fog, about darkness, about something musty.

The sound [m] is about sweet, soft, about mother, about the sea.

[a]- is associated with latitude, distance, ocean, haze, scope.

C [o] - high, blue, womb:

S [i] – close, low, squeezing.”

Assignment: come up with words starting with the letters RLNDTMAOI. Ask students to voice their sound images.

Word game “Letters-Letters”

One student thinks of a word for another, which he must explain to the others, but he can only use words starting with one letter, for example, “p” (any except those with the same root). That is, the word “house” will have to be explained, for example, like this: “built - I live.”

If you couldn’t guess right away, you can throw in additional associations: “building, room, space, the simplest concept...” And finally add, for example, “Perignon” - by association with Dom Perignon champagne.

If the guessers are close to winning, then the teacher will use comments like “approximately”, “approximately”, “almost correct” - or, in opposite situation: “bad, wait!” Usually, after the word is guessed, the person explaining comes up with a new word and whispers it in the ear of the person who guessed it - he becomes the next leader.

Word and language games are in a great way increase the effectiveness of classroom training. They can be used at various stages of the lesson: at the beginning - to create favorable atmosphere and repetition of material that will later be used in speech, in the middle or end of the lesson - to relieve fatigue, at the end of the lesson, when there are a few minutes left before the bell rings and there is no point in starting some more serious exercise.

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