Western administrative district. Ramenki District

The Western Administrative District begins in the very center of the city and ends far beyond the Moscow Ring Road. The territory of the district is 153 sq. km is 14.2% of the entire territory of Moscow.

The population of the district as of January 1, 1999 was 935.7 thousand people, which is 11.1% of the population of Moscow.

The population density (excluding large forest parks) is one of the lowest in the capital - 6.2 thousand people per square meter. km (for the city as a whole - 7.9).

The birth rate has increased compared to 1993, but is lower than the Moscow average and amounts to 7 people. per 1000 inhabitants.

252.5 thousand pensioners live in the district.

The district consists of 13 districts.

District name

Population (thousand people)

District name

Population (thousand people)

Dorogomilovo Ramenki
Krylatskoe Solntsevo
Kuntsevo Troparevo-Nikulino
Mozhaisky Filevsky Park
Novo-Peredelkino Fili-Davydkovo
Ochakovo-Matveevskoe Vnukovo
Vernadsky avenue

About 30% of the district's territory is occupied by parks, forest parks, and reservoirs. Here are such picturesque places of the capital as Vorobyovy Gory, Krylatskoye, Poklonnaya Gora, recreation areas "Rublevo" and "Meshcherskoye", the Moscow and Setun rivers, ponds in Kuntsevo and in the Olympic Village.

The most important transport routes are Leninsky Prospekt, Vernadsky, Michurinsky, Kutuzovsky, Rublevskoye Shosse. Two metro lines and 118 surface urban transport routes pass through the district.

The Western District is among the industrialized: there are more than 50 large industrial enterprises, over 30 construction organizations, 50 research and design institutes. In total, according to the Moscow City Statistics Committee, 79,839 enterprises are registered in the district various shapes properties that employ 411.6 thousand people, or 8.1% of all employed in the Moscow economy.

Industrial enterprises of Western administrative district Currently, 7.2% of the city's industrial output is produced. Enterprises are located mainly in 5 industrial zones, occupying about 10% of the district's territory. Most famous: State space center named after M.V. Khrunichev, JSC VILS, JSC MRTZ, JSC MTZ Rubin, JSC Ochakovsky Dairy Plant, JSC Moscow Champagne Wine Factory, JSC Mostochlegmash, KO Oktyabr, JSC Zarnitsa, JSC "MPBK "OCHAKOVO", JSC "ZhBI-10 Plant".

Predominant industries: mechanical engineering, building materials industry, food industry.

The district's enterprises produce the most important types of products, such as: televisions, safety shaving blades, lumber, steel pipes, building bricks, wall materials, fabrics, film materials, whole milk products, vodka and alcoholic beverages, champagne, soft drinks , equipment for light industry.

In the sphere of the consumer market of goods and services, a set of measures has been provided for the uninterrupted supply of consumer goods to the residents of the district, the creation of a modern wholesale and retail trading network. 163 consumer market enterprises were reconstructed and modernized, 131 new stationary enterprises were opened, and the development of the Russian Bistro network of national cuisine enterprises continued.

The construction complex put into operation the medical building of city hospital No. 31 with 120 beds, an ambulance and emergency medical care station on Lomonosovsky Prospect for 17 cars, two buildings (for installation of equipment) of dental clinics on Michurinsky Prospect. Outside the plan, the Center for Social Rehabilitation of Disabled People was put into operation on the street. Udaltsova and Orphanage"Pension family education"on Marshala Nedelina Street.

Among the industrial facilities, the production and administrative buildings of OJSC Meat Processing and Processing Plant "CampoMos" on Ryabinovaya St., 32 and the production building of JSC Moscow Beer and Soft Drink Plant "Ochakovo" on Ryabinovaya St., 44 were put into operation.

According to the program for developing a network of gas stations and car washes in the city, 11 gas stations were put into operation in the district. and sinks - 12 pcs.

In the complex of the Olympic Village of the 1998 World Youth Games, a school building for 550 students and a preschool institution for 115 places were put into operation.

Among the sports facilities in the new Olympic Village in 1998, an indoor tennis center with an area of ​​11.7 thousand square meters was commissioned and as part of the Golden Keys residential complex on the street. Minsk sports and recreation complex with a swimming pool. In an extremely short period of time, at the expense of the city budget and the prefecture, an indoor skating rink was built on the street. Chobotovskaya in the Novo-Peredelkino area.

The provision of car owners - residents of the district with places to store vehicles is 38.5%, i.e., based on the number of cars, the district requires an additional 106 thousand m/spaces.

The problem with vehicle storage places is especially acute in the areas of Krylatskoye, Kuntsevo, Ramenki and Troparevo-Nikulino, where the provision of vehicle storage places is at the level of 20%.

The program for commissioning multi-storey garages with a capacity of 8 thousand parking spaces, approved for 1998, has been completed.

At the end of 1998, the municipal fund for supporting small businesses in the Western Autonomous Okrug began to operate.

On the territory of the Western Autonomous Okrug there is Moscow State University, Academy of Public Administration, Academy of National Economy, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Academy of Fine Chemical Technology, Moscow Institute of Radio Electronics and Automation, Aviation Technology Institute, Moscow Economic and Statistical Institute, FSB Academy.

There are 30 cultural centers and clubs, 3 exhibition halls, 2 theaters, and 4 museums in the district. A large number of sports facilities are concentrated here: 10 stadiums, 2 sports complexes, the Fili Aquatic Sports Palace, city-wide sports centers built for the 1980 Olympics: the Olympic Village sports complex, a rowing canal, a bicycle track. A new “Olympic Village-98” was built for the 1998 World Youth Games.

The measures taken succeeded in increasing the network of non-state clubs and municipal institutions. In addition to the two municipal institutions formed in 1997, three more were created in the Vnukovo, Krylatskoye, and Troparevo-Nikulino districts. The network of non-state clubs operating in the district has been verified. As of January 1, 1999, their number was 46, with about 18 thousand children and adolescents.

The district's healthcare is provided by: 51 clinics, 11 specialized dispensaries, a district diagnostic center, 3 hospitals, 2 children's homes. The largest medical institutions operate in the district, such as the Republican Cardiology Center, City Clinical Hospital No. 31, which is called the “clinic of the 21st century,” and the city cardiology clinic.

In the Western educational district a unified educational space, which made it possible to create adaptive system development of the child’s personality and mainly satisfy the social order of the population.

There are 150 general education and 4 evening schools, 185 preschool institutions, and 11 vocational schools in the district.

For the period 1995-1998. fundamentally new schools were opened, which successfully passed certification in 1998 and confirmed the highest qualification category. These are gymnasium schools No. 1541, 1542, 1543; pedagogical school-gymnasium No. 1400; schools-universities No. 1131, 98, 887; school with external education No. 712; sports and pedagogical complex (school No. 801) "Sparta".

Maintaining the standard of living of the poor population was carried out on the basis of a set of social measures. As part of the comprehensive program, free meals for schoolchildren, assistance to single pensioners, free and reduced-price medicines, support for disabled people with rehabilitation means, payment for medical services, etc. were organized. 155.4 thousand people, or every sixth resident of the district, received various types of assistance.

There are 379,960 recipients of pensions and benefits registered with social security institutions in the district, which is 40% of the total number of residents of the district.

In 1998, work continued to open social protection institutions in each district. A social service center (SSC) "Vernadskogo Avenue" has been opened, work is underway to select premises for the SSC "Fili-Davydkovo".

The number of residents served by CSC workers at home in 1998 was 13,443 people. (1997 - 12865 people).

Social and medical service departments have been opened at the Filevsky Park and Kuntsevsky CSOs, which provide pre-medical health care. A specialized department for medical and social rehabilitation of disabled people has begun to operate at the Mozhaisky Center.

In total, there are 13 central medical centers, 12 medical and social health centers and 11 medical and social examination bureaus in the district.

In 1998, work continued on social support for persons without a fixed place of residence. There are two institutions for people of this category in the district: the Novo-Peredelkino reception center for 70 people. and the social hotel "Vostryakovo" for 30 beds.

The district's population lives in 368,348 apartments. The average provision of one resident of the district with living space, according to MosgorBTI, is 12.9 square meters. m (total area - 20.8 sq.m).

There are 16,416 families (54,247 people) registered for improving housing conditions in the district, or 17% of the entire Moscow waiting list.

The number of people on the waiting list in the district living in communal apartments: 5,489 families (14,811 people), which is 29% of the total number of residents of communal apartments (19,249 families, 38,178 people).

At the end of 1998, 737 families (1,538 people) were provided with free space.

In 1998, 562 communal apartments were liquidated in the district.

At the beginning of 1998, there were 164 dormitories left in the district, including 73 apartment dormitories, 51 corridor dormitories, 26 student dormitories, 14 municipal police dormitories. In total, 70 dormitories have been liquidated since 1993, including 21 in 1998.

In 1998, 140,428 thousand sq.m. of living space was received on the territory of the district for the resettlement of residents from dilapidated and five-story housing stock.

A Migration Center for refugees and internally displaced persons is being created in the Vostryakovo microdistrict.

Through the efforts of construction organizations, investors, customers, the prefecture and its structural divisions, in 1998, 500.4 thousand square meters of housing were put into operation in the district, including under the program for the reconstruction of dilapidated five-story housing stock of 244.9 thousand square meters. m. This exceeds the established 1998 target for housing commissioning by 11% and reconstruction by 21.5%. Compared to 1997, 67% more housing was put into operation, including almost twice as much under the program for the reconstruction of dilapidated five-story housing stock.

In order to ensure the safety of the housing stock, in 1998, 9,335 entrances were closed (100%), 18 standard entrances were equipped, 8,732 entrances were put in order, 3,567 existing doors were repaired, 3,273 metal doors were installed, 2,375 combination locks, 3,723 intercoms, 2,726 entrances were repaired, 1,935 window frames were installed, lighting was restored in 4,113 entrances, 39,873 mailboxes were installed, 166 rooms in the entrances were equipped for organizing duty.

In 1998, 93% of the district's housing stock was serviced by contractors selected through a competitive process. In the district there are 50 contractors performing work on the operation and maintenance of the housing stock, of which 44 were selected on a competitive basis.

Expenditures on housing and communal services account for up to 34.6% of all budget funds of the district. Allocations allocated from the city budget are allocated for the maintenance of 2,644 buildings with a total area of ​​16.9 million square meters, including 0.95 million square meters of non-residential area.

The district's improvement works are financed from budget funds. The area of ​​external improvement facilities is 8 million square meters, the area of ​​green spaces is 1352 hectares.

Carrying out selective major repairs of the housing stock is entrusted to 13 directorates of a single customer, the committee public self-government"Kuntsevo-38" and joint-stock company "Utilities". In 1998, 248 thousand square meters of steel and soft roofing, 19.5 thousand linear meters of utilities were repaired, 234 elevators were modernized and 41 elevators were replaced.

A lot of work is being done by the district in the formation of extra-budgetary funds of the district and district administrations, holding competitions for long-term lease of land plots and non-residential premises. The funds accumulated in the funds are used to implement social and cultural programs, are invested in housing and communal services, and are used to provide material assistance to socially vulnerable segments of the population. In 1998, using funds from the financial resources fund, the prefecture paid for the construction and logistical equipment of two clinics in Novo-Peredelkino and a clinical hospital.

Significant funds are transferred to provide financial support to law enforcement agencies.

The main direction of investment activity is the implementation of the concept of socio-economic and urban development of the Western Administrative District. The volume of investments in 1998 was equivalent to $26 million. A year earlier, more than 80% of the total housing area was built at the expense of commercial structures. Investors are Russian companies and banks. The possibility of attracting foreign investment is being explored as part of the project for the reconstruction of the Kievsky Station area. An important area of ​​investment activity is attracting investment in the production sector to introduce the latest technologies.

Environmental pollution The atmosphere in the district is caused mainly by road transport, which accounts for more than 90% of emissions.

The largest air polluters among energy and industrial enterprises are CHPP-25 and a number of house-building plants in the Ochakovo, Matveevskoye, and Vostryakovo microdistricts. Carbon monoxide, ammonia, gasoline, toluene, acetone, sulfur dioxide, and hydrocarbons are released into the atmosphere.

On the territory of the district, excesses of the maximum permissible concentration by 5 or more times for ammonia, toluene and xylene were detected as a result of stationary measurements, and for carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and others - as a result of route observations.

On average, every resident Western District consumes 480 liters of water per year.

Western District has average level soil contamination with heavy metals. However, several geochemical anomalies can be identified. One of them occupies the left bank of the Moscow River in the Luzhnetsk floodplain. Here, in recent years, there has been an increase in accumulation heavy metals, which is largely explained by natural instability to pollution.

In the Moscow State University park and on the Sparrow Hills, apples, rowan berries and linden blossoms were tested for the content of heavy metals. In apple and rowan fruits, high coefficients of the total concentration of elements - vanadium, titanium, molybdenum, nickel, copper, silver, cobalt - were revealed. Vanadium, lead, chromium, and nickel accumulate in linden blossom. The population collects apples, rowan trees, and linden blossoms in the Moscow State University park, along Michurinsky Prospekt, Kosygina Street, and thereby exposes themselves to great danger.

In the district, territories can be identified that belong to geological risk zones, where landslide processes are especially active. On Vorobyovy Gory, active movements are observed over 600 - 650 m along the slope (the area where the metro bridge is located).

Green spaces are represented by relatively small city parks - Fili Park, Suvorov Park, Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill, park on Vorobyovy Gory. Water surfaces - the rivers Moscow, Setun, Ramenka, Olympic and Troekurovsky ponds. Separately, it should be noted the extensive recreational territory of the Olympic Sports Center of Trade Unions with a rowing canal and green areas along the cycling route.

In 1998, 7,372 crimes were registered on the territory of the Western Administrative District, which is 16.7% more than in 1997.

The number of economic crimes has increased. There is an acute problem with non-resident crime, crimes related to the sale and storage of drugs, illegal weapons trafficking, and ensuring order on the streets of the district.

At the same time, there has been a decrease in the number of the most dangerous acts such as murder, rape, robbery, burglary and robbery, as well as crimes committed with the use of firearms and explosive devices.

The effectiveness of counteraction efforts has increased illegal trafficking weapons and drugs.

Among the territorial departments of internal affairs, the Filevsky Park, Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, and Krylatskoye police departments are the most productive. Low results in - OVD "Prospekt Vernadskogo", "Ramenki" and "Solntsevo".

In 1998, the prefecture allocated more than 13 million rubles to the police for capital construction, repair work and other needs. A bus was purchased and converted into an operational mobile headquarters. 2301.9 sq.m of non-residential premises and about 1,800 sq.m of housing for employees were provided. A new building for the Ramenki police department is being built.

In 1998, the prefecture received 4,307 written requests from citizens. In 1997 - 4598, in 1996 - 4792 requests.

The topics of appeals, as in 1997, were dominated by issues of improving the living conditions of citizens - 39.5%, maintenance and operation of the housing stock, landscaping - 28%, social issues- 7%, construction of garages and parking lots - 6.7%.

Residents of the Kuntsevo, Mozhaisky, Fili-Davydkovo, and Dorogomilovo districts most often contacted the authorities.

During 1998, 3,440 people contacted the prefecture's reception desk.

Residents of the Novo-Peredelkino, Krylatskoye, and Troparevo-Nikulino districts contacted the reception desk the least.

In 1998, monthly meetings between prefecture and district leaders and the population were introduced. The topics of the meetings cover the main areas of activity of executive authorities. During the reporting period, meetings were held in the Ramenki districts (the topic was the resettlement of residents from dilapidated five-story housing stock), Filevsky Park (implementation of the concept of socio-economic development of the district), Krylatskoye (socio-economic and urban development of the district), Kuntsevo and Fili-Davydkovo (decision issues of social protection of the population), Mozhaisky (on the work of the housing and communal services sector in the district), Vernadsky Prospekt (on reforming the housing and communal services of the district), Ochakovo-Matveevskoye (on the reconstruction of dilapidated housing stock in the district), Novo-Peredelkino and Solntsevo (about the state and prospects for solving transport issues), Troparevo-Nikulino (about the prospects for construction in the region).

In informing the population about the activities of government bodies in the Western Administrative District, 18 newspapers are actively used, of which 3 are for children and adolescents, and 14 cable television studios, which cover from 65 to 96% of the population of all 13 districts.

Material provided by the Committee on Telecommunications and Media
Moscow Government

If anyone can “measure” its prestige with the historical center, it is the Western Administrative District. The elitism of its territories began to take shape more than half a century ago, when spacious quarters for nomenklatura and diplomats began to appear in the west of the capital. And when industrialization exposed new problem modernity – ecology, – the JSC’s quotes went up even more rapidly.

Whether the architects of the last century were driven by precise calculations or were attracted by the very aesthetics of the area, they “hit the mark”: it is the Western District that is noted by scientists as one of the most environmentally friendly areas of Moscow. This is if we assume that there is generally some kind of environmental well-being in the overpopulated and polluted capital, all of whose residents are a priori at risk.

The image of respectability of the Western District, which originated in the 1950s of the last century, was actively supported by the “new Russian” elite. Businessmen of the new wave willingly settled along Kutuzovsky and Michurinsky Avenues, giving them the status special territories. The trend continues today: from 1991 to the present, the Western District has been leading in the number of new business and premium class buildings in Moscow. As, indeed, in terms of the number of residents with above-average income.

The main contingent of the Dorogomilovo, Ramenki and Fili-Davydkovo districts is a wealthy middle class with incomes of over 10 thousand dollars. The “celestials” are located nearby: through the efforts of politicians, oligarchs and show business stars, the castle extension of Rublevskoye Highway has turned into the famous Rublevka - a synonym for the wealth and power of the powers that be. Although Rublevka is not a territory of Moscow, it has a significant impact on the life of the district. This is especially acutely felt when Rublevskoye Highway and Kutuzovsky Prospekt are blocked for the passage of government motorcades, which causes undisguised antagonism of the people towards their government.

When it comes to the prestige of a closed joint-stock company (usually at the suggestion of luxury housing developers), many analysts technically overlook the fact that there is a reverse side to this coin. Even in the most premium areas of the JSC - Ramenki, Dorogomilovo, Krylatskoye - there are many people living who are not burdened with income. These are the same pensioners and public sector employees who found themselves hostage to the “pretty wrapper”: the infrastructure of prestigious areas is “tailored” for above-average incomes. Some neighborhoods don't even have convenience stores, so buying essential groceries is already a challenge.

However, some of its districts more significantly discredit the prestige of the JSC. For example, Solntsevo with its “gangster” past and present known throughout the country. Or the enclave district of Vnukovo, which is full of wooden barracks, and some houses are not supplied with gas... Of course, this district is hardly associated with the urban area, but it makes its feasible contribution to the overall rating of the company.

In the Ochakovo-Matveevskoye district, 3/4 of the territory is occupied by an industrial zone, which also does not bode well for the district. In general, the Western District combines splendor and poverty, and it is difficult to give an unambiguous assessment. But if you “dissect” the district into more understandable areas, then the contrasting mosaic will gradually form into an overall picture that is closer to reality.

The elitism of territories is a subjective concept, which means it can be manipulated. Therefore, many experts note that the company is too overvalued. But what cannot be taken away from the district are its attractions. Starting with the unique park complex in Vorobyovy Gory, a favorite place for many Muscovites and wedding processions: the nature reserve of the same name on the steep bank of the Moscow River, the famous “mountain” (as Muscovites called the observation deck), the Botanical Garden and the main building of Moscow State University.

On Kutuzovsky Prospekt there is the well-known Triumphal Arch, a memory of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812, and next to it is the Panorama of the Battle of Borodino museum and the large-scale Victory Park with the Poklonnaya Gora memorial complex. So there are plenty of Moscow business cards at the JSC.

Ecology of the district: double standards and realities

According to many ratings and comparative characteristics, the Western District ranks first not only in sky-high real estate prices, but also in terms of ecology. Of course, these two indicators are interrelated. But just as good ecology objectively makes the district more attractive, numerous developers and realtors, for selfish reasons, are doing their best to maintain the ecological face of the district in the top, top positions.

The main benefit to the district comes from the western and southwestern winds, which predominate in the Moscow wind rose. Therefore, the west of Moscow is invariably more attractive than other parts of the world for environmental reasons. The second reason for the favorable ecology of the JSC is green areas. The natural and historical park “Moskvoretsky” is the most significant and largest among them, it is located in the north of the district. This is a specially protected area along the Moscow River, which includes the Rublevsky Forest, the Krylatsky Hills Nature Reserve, Serebryany Bor, etc.

In the center, all along Kutuzovsky Prospekt the natural reserve “Valley of the Setun River” is located, in the east of the JSC there is the Vorobyovy Gory reserve, in the south there are the Troparevsky and South-Western forest parks. In total, green lands occupy 1/4 of the area of ​​the district. Also in the JSC, on an area of ​​more than 10 hectares, a huge number of flower beds have been laid out, which is half of all flower beds in Moscow. And this is not only an environmental benefit, but also an element of aesthetics.

However, it is no secret that about 90% harmful effects the metropolitan atmosphere accounts for motor transport. Therefore, areas with large highways are the first environmental destroyers. The closed joint-stock company is literally riddled with such things, so the areas around Kutuzovsky, Michurinsky, Lomonosovsky Avenues, Mozhaiskoye and Rublevskoye Highways, and Vernadsky Avenue are problematic. Permissible concentrations of CO, nitrogen oxides, formaldehyde near these highways, according to Mosekomonitoring, are sometimes exceeded by 2-3 times. And this does not take into account the round-the-clock noise, so you can’t open the window or go out onto the balcony to breathe.

Slightly less damage to the environment is caused by industrial enterprises, in terms of which the company is also far from an outsider. Many areas of the district contain hidden threats to the environment. In the Filevsky Park area, right on the banks of the Moscow River, there is a huge space research and production center that produces Proton launch vehicles. Where there is space, there is always a state secret. And where there is a secret, there will be trouble: secrets usually turn out to be very toxic. In the Mozhaisk region there is the All-Russian Institute of Light Alloys VILS, where smelting furnaces smoke around the clock, non-stop.

In total, there are 5 industrial zones on the territory of the JSC, the two largest are located in the Ochakovo-Matveevskoye area. Along with the harmless Ochakovo brick factory, the disposal site for demolished 5-story buildings, the Ochakovo brewery, etc., Moscow’s largest CHPP-25 operates there, which is also the worst polluter of the atmosphere in the surrounding areas. And if green spaces partially save you from vehicles, and even houses on the 2nd line from the roads already have normal air, then the maximum concentration of harmful emissions from CHPP-25 remains within a radius of 5-7 km. And a separate performance for residents of houses along Ochakovskoye Highway is the night release of pressure in the thermal power plant (a prohibited technique, but practiced regularly, and can easily turn an unprepared “come-in-large” into a stutterer for the rest of his life).

Thus, there is no clear answer to the environmental situation of the company, even if all the ratings in the world say otherwise. Of course, compared to the southeast, the Western District is an oasis, but the issue of your location in the closed joint-stock company must be approached consciously. You should avoid proximity to stationary industrial facilities and do not settle along major avenues. And the more green space nearby, the better. Therefore, the cleanest districts of the Closed Administrative District (and the whole of Moscow) are deservedly Kuntsevo, Krylatskoye, Troparevo-Nikulino, and in the center - Ramenki and Vernadsky Avenue.

Population of the district: one can only dream of such neighbors

The general opinion of the residents of the UAB is that living in the district is a bit cramped. However, statistics do not confirm this: the Western District has a moderate population density. The most densely populated area is Krylatskoye (34 thousand people per 1 sq. km), the freest area is in Vnukovo (10 thousand people per 1 sq. km). A average density in Moscow (20 thousand people/1 sq. km) are exceeded only by Dorogomilovo, Ochakovo-Matveevskoye and Solntsevo. So the most prestigious central areas are relatively free, especially since the houses there are mostly high-rise, and residents are distributed vertically upward in space, without taking up too much capital land.

The total population of the district is 1.3 million people, which also corresponds to other districts. But in terms of the quality of its residents, the closed joint-stock company stands out noticeably among its neighbors. For a long time, the “cream” of Soviet society lived in the west of Moscow. These places were allocated for officials, party apparatus and diplomats. The children and grandchildren of many “formers” continue the traditions of their fathers, constituting, if not the bohemia of the capital’s society, then swimming in this broth somewhere above the middle.

In the 90s, various businessmen who caught their goldfish in the troubled waters of the transition period, when an uncontrolled market poured into Russia and drowned it with all its guts. For two decades, the former brave boys learned how to conduct business in a civilized manner, and now look very respectable.

Well, today apartments in closed joint-stock companies are purchased mainly by representatives of the middle class. They also rent living space here, which is not cheap at all. These are either new arrivals of elite bottling (usually from the Moscow region), or immigrants from the Garden Ring, who, for example, have children, which makes living in the center inconvenient.

Thus, over the decades, a contingent of wealthy and prosperous people have been formed in the Western District, for whom issues of comfort and safety are of great importance. Therefore, most areas of the district are socially and criminally prosperous and recommended for living, naturally, if there are appropriate financial opportunities.

However, we should not forget that poor citizens also live in the JSC. Mainly, of course, in distant areas where inexpensive municipal housing predominates: Solntsevo, Novo-Peredelkino. It should be noted that in these areas, families of construction workers and those on the city waiting list initially received apartments, so everything here is more modest and simpler. Of course, a lot ordinary people lives in more prestigious areas of the district, so its social infrastructure, designed more for high incomes, is gradually beginning to develop in the economy segment.

Frankly, many residents of the Western District are pleased with the relatively small percentage of labor migrants who have recently filled the entire capital. Even according to official data from the Russian Federal Migration Service, about 1 million migrant workers live in Moscow. But fortunately for the JSC, mostly not on its territory.

Geographical division: the “unwild” west

The Western District includes 13 districts, three of which are located outside the Moscow Ring Road. Of the remaining ten, it is difficult to call any area a residential area. In fact, both cultural and business center The s of Moscow are shifted to the west, and there is no feeling of the outskirts here.

Even two of the seven legendary Stalinist skyscrapers (by the way, they are the tallest and most famous) are located in the Western District. And the main building of Moscow State University, the most famous high-rise building, protrudes deeply relative to the rest of its fellow buildings to the southwest, as if defining the strategic direction of Moscow’s development.

Perhaps ironically, or perhaps in strict accordance with the mental program of Stalinist architects-alchemists, it was in the southwest that the capital grew into the territories of New Moscow, becoming 2.5 times larger. Truly, a scale worthy of Joseph Vissarionovich. Just for fun, it’s worth mentioning the Skolkovo Innovation Center, located outside the Moscow Ring Road very close to the azimuth indicated by the Moscow State University skyscraper. And if we take the line further, we will end up in Vnukovo, a distant region of the same closed joint-stock company, and also an international airport.

Dorogomilovo district. Dear and sweet

Dorogomilovo is the oldest district of the Western District. It has been part of Moscow since the beginning of the 19th century, when it could all have been lost within the borders of today’s 3rd Transport Ring. It is closest to the center, and this is, in fact, the center, since it is surrounded on three sides by the districts of the Central Administrative District: Arbatsky, Presnensky and Khamovniki. Despite the small area (neighboring Ramenki, for example, is 2 times larger), the area is literally crammed with attractions.

The large-scale Europe Square, located on the right bank of the Moscow River, includes very diverse, but equally global objects: the sculpture “The Rape of Europe” and fountains with dynamic LED lighting, the Radisson Slavyanskaya hotel, once one of the most pathetic in the capital, as well as the largest in Moscow in their “weight” categories, Kyiv Station and the Evropeisky shopping center.

The Triumphal Gate in honor of the victory of the Russian army in the War of 1812 opens the familiar territory of Russian military valor, compactly located along Kutuzovsky Prospekt. The names of the streets in this area already immerse you in the atmosphere of the glory of Russian commanders: Kutuzovsky Prospekt and Proezd, Denis Davydov, General Ermolov, Barclay streets. Not far from the arch there is a panorama museum “The Battle of Borodino”, and on the other side of Kutuzovsky Prospekt there is a colossal memorial Complex Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill, in which the memory of the Second World War of 1941-1945 is immortalized. The style of Zurab Tsereteli, the main sculptor of the project, is easily discernible in the scale of the memorial’s structures, located on an area of ​​20 hectares.

At one time, serious battles flared up over this memorial complex; its construction was even suspended. The defenders of old Moscow were categorically against the construction of structures on Poklonnaya Hill, one of the “seven hills” of the capital, as a result of which it was razed. But the construction was pushed through by Luzhkov, and Victory Park was opened in 1995, on the 50th anniversary of the Victory. However, the park soon turned into a place, if not folk festivals, then constant “movement”: wedding processions, skateboarders, shopping tents and attractions, which is already perceived by many veterans as blasphemy.

Residential buildings in Dorogomilovo are built exclusively of brick. This was the case in the 1950s, when almost the entire party and state elite of the country lived here, and it remains so now, with the construction of elite residential complexes. This is the only area in Moscow completely built up with luxury Stalin buildings. The five-story buildings that are subject to demolition throughout Moscow are absent in Dorogomilovo, the status is not the same. The area's availability of metro stations is simply amazing: there are three metro lines, including the ring line, and the exits of 6 stations are located. Half of the area is surrounded by the Moscow River along its perimeter, providing excellent views (albeit mainly from high-rise buildings, and the rest - depending on your luck). Therefore, Dorogomilovo is in high demand, despite expensive housing.

If someone is being stalked obsession to buy an apartment here, you need to be prepared to seriously fork out: there are simply no one-room apartments in Dorogomilovo, a two-room apartment costs about 15 million rubles, and a three-room apartment will cost all of 25 million. Finding housing for rent is also problematic, and the few options that exist are calculated mainly for top managers of foreign and Russian companies, and the average price tag starts from 60 thousand rubles.

To briefly outline Dorogomilov’s risk factors, they include:

  • Kyiv Station as the epicenter of homeless people, gypsies and scammers of all stripes, as well as dirt and garbage, the constant attributes of a public place;
  • industrial zone "Berezhkovskaya Embankment", adjacent to the access roads of the Kievsky railway station, on which the plant is located polymer materials NPO "Plastik", the former Dorogomilovsky chemical plant, and CHPP-12 (it is not known which of them is more dangerous, but many of the Dorkhimzavod workers were not even 60 years old);
  • constant noise and indelible dirt on the windows from Kutuzovsky Prospekt, around which the residential areas of Dorogomilovo are mainly concentrated.

And yet this is a fairly attractive area, conveniently located in the very heart of metropolitan life. Here you can buy quality products in the best Dorogomilovsky market in Moscow, go shopping and have a cultural relaxation at the Evropeisky, take a walk along the Ukrainian Boulevard, admiring the views of the Moscow City complex, located on the other side of the river. And you can easily get to it via the Bagration covered shopping and pedestrian bridge, which has also become a high-tech attraction of the area. But not everyone can afford to live here.

Ramenki district. An ordinary miracle

One of the most picturesque areas of Moscow, completely devoid of industrial enterprises. Located on the high right bank of the Moscow River, from where the observation deck of the Sparrow Hills offers an incomparable view of the entire central part of Moscow. This point, as well as the adjacent alley and the university quarter with the Main building of Moscow State University, are favorite places for newlyweds, ordinary Muscovites and entire thematic groups: roller skaters, bikers, scooterists, amateurs role playing games etc.

Ramenki is also famous for the state reserve Vorobyovy Gory, a green outlet in the west of Moscow, due to which it ranks first in air cleanliness among all districts of the capital. This place has a special aura and a wonderful view of the whole of Moscow. It is not for nothing that here, on Kosygina Street, the presidents of the USSR Academy of Sciences, academicians Keldysh and Alexandrov, and Chairman of the Council of Ministers A.N. Kosygin, and even the country's top leaders: N.S. Khrushchev, and a little later - M.S. Gorbachev. And currently, on a large territory of the reserve there is a complex of guest houses of the Presidential Administration.

The main transport arteries of the district are Lomonosovsky and Michurinsky avenues, dividing Ramenki into four equal square. Moreover, to the northeast of Lomonosovsky Prospekt, that is, on half the territory of the district, there are practically no residential buildings: one square is completely occupied by the Moscow State University campus, on the second there is a golf club, the Mosfilm film studio and the “Embassy Quarter”, as the embassies are unofficially called 16 states, closely pressed against each other in the area of ​​Lomonosovsky Prospekt and Mosfilmovskaya Street.

The “Valley of the Setun River Valley” nature reserve is also located here, protecting Ramenki with a green wall along the entire northwestern border. Life goes on only in the small 5th microdistrict on the street. Dovzhenko with the famous round house, as well as in the 2nd and 3rd microdistricts of Ramenki, located near the street. Mosfilmovskaya, where there are excellent views of Moscow and many luxury residential complexes. The most famous of them are the residential complex “Vorobyovy Gory”, “House on Mosfilmovskaya”, “Golden Keys”.

The metro in Ramenki is tense: there are two stations, and they are located on the very border with the Gagarinsky district of the South-Western Administrative District - Vernadsky Avenue. But the road network is well thought out, and the area is considered traffic-free, which also has a beneficial effect on the environmental situation.

The cost of apartments in Ramenki is at the level of the center of Moscow. Prices for a two-room apartment, of which there are few here, are scattered in a wide range from 10 to 20 million, depending on the quality of the house. A three-ruble ruble costs from 16 million to infinity. For example, there are copies for 140 million rubles in the Monolit club house on the street. Kosygina. For that kind of money you can buy a luxurious mansion somewhere on the Cote d'Azur or on the coast of Florida, but in our capital - only 3 rooms in an anthill with oligarch neighbors. Renting apartments is also expensive: a two-room apartment costs 40-45 thousand, a three-room apartment costs 55-60 thousand, and these are the most modest options. But life in Ramenki is very similar to a fairy tale :)

Filevsky Park and Fili-Davydkovo: “loin” areas. Who wants something tasty?

These areas are united not only by geographical proximity and related names. Unlike the aristocratic Dorogomilovo and Ramenki, housing is more affordable here, but the prestige is no less, especially in Fili-Davydkovo. But in terms of the landscaping of the courtyards and the availability of kindergartens, schools and additional institutions. formation, these two districts will give the favorites a big head start.

The Filevsky Park district is located along the bend of the Moscow River. Only 80 thousand people live here on an area of ​​8 square meters. km. True, almost 3 square meters. km of district land is occupied by Fili Park, a popular recreation spot for residents of the neighboring districts of Filevsky Park, Kuntsevo and Fili-Davydkovo. One of the largest parks in Moscow contributes to the popularity of neighborhoods close to protected oak forests, lakes and alleys, especially since the capital authorities have started a global reconstruction there. They promise to turn Fili into an analogue of the famous Tivoli amusement park in the center of Copenhagen. It remains to be seen whether dashing officials will be able to preserve the originality of this unique natural monument, or whether the result will be a new misery of the Luzhkov-Sobyanin era.

Residents of the districts are fanatical about the issue of coziness of courtyard areas, turning them into a kind of large flower garden. Flower beds, flowerpots - immutable attribute many Filevo streets and courtyards. Dogs are walked in separate areas, the facades of many houses are entwined with vines carefully planted by residents, and kindergartens and schools compete with each other for the title of the most comfortable.

The idyll is slightly blurred by the industrial zone in the Filevsky Park area, as well as Kutuzovsky Avenue, which cuts right through the Fili-Davydkovo area. From the first - an unpleasant neighborhood with the Space Research and Production Center named after. Khrunichev, from the second - all the “charms” of a large transport artery, which is also a government highway: soot on the windows facing the avenue, exceeding the maximum permissible concentration of harmful emissions, round-the-clock noise, from which even reinforced noise-proof double-glazed windows cannot save you. During the day there are traffic jams, at night there are bikers and street racers who have chosen the traffic-lightless Kutuzovsky as a racing track. Another fly in the ointment is added by the absence of convenience stores along Kutuzovsky Prospekt, which is very depressing for ordinary residents. But, having gone a little deeper into the Fili-Davydkovo quarters, you again feel comfortable and at home.

Fili-Davydkovo is recognized as the third most suitable district in Moscow for families with children. In addition to favorable ecology, landscaped courtyards and park areas, here are the legendary Lomonosov School of Moscow State University and its preschool physics and mathematics boarding school named after. Kolmogorov, cadet boarding school "Navigatskaya school", a school with in-depth study of the French language and French theater, Olympic reserve school, etc.

The good news is that in the Fili-Davydkovo and Filevsky Park areas, in addition to elite and Stalinist houses, there is a lot of economy-class housing that is more affordable for ordinary people. True, there are few offers: locals are very reluctant to leave these beloved areas, and even when exchanging living space, they are looking for options to stay in their native Fili.

With some effort, you can find a one-room apartment for 5 million or even cheaper, although the average price is around 8 million. Rooms are sold for 2-2.5 million rubles, with all the attendant specifics. Renting a one-room apartment will cost about 25 thousand, and a two-room apartment will cost 30 thousand. But the furnishings will be very modest, and most likely an apartment rented for that kind of money will require serious cosmetic repairs.

Krylatskoe. An outlet in a modern metropolis

This area, immersed in greenery and replete with rivers, canals and lakes, is somehow hard to call a bedroom, although it insists on its western point in MKAD. Many favorable factors have come together here, as a result of which Krylatskoye is the undisputed favorite in terms of comfortable living and the longed-for dream of many Muscovites.

The ecology of Krylatskoye has always been and, it seems, will remain at a very high level: there are completely no industrial enterprises here, but there are many unique recreational areas: Krylatsky Hills, Serebryanoborsky Forestry, Tatarovskaya Floodplain. And the views from the windows of houses, especially in the Krylatsky Hills area, are simply mesmerizing. The social composition of the district is practically exemplary: in Soviet times, scientists, ministry employees and diplomats received apartments here, and in the 1990s they were joined by representatives of the creative intelligentsia, businessmen and politicians, including the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, who lived in Krylatskoye in the early 1990s.

There is no better place in Moscow to practice sports: the sports heritage of the 1980 Olympics is almost entirely concentrated here. Rowing canal, cycle track, skating center, tennis courts and ski slopes, archery fields, 2 golf clubs, snowboard and motocross tracks. The social infrastructure of the district is considered one of the best not only in terms of quantity, but also in quality of kindergartens and schools, where many residents of neighboring Kuntsevo send their children. Shopping centers and shops are able to satisfy not only the needs of residents of neighboring Rublyovka, but also more modest needs: the area includes Kopeika, Seventh Continent, Perekrestok stores, and more than enough beauty salons, fitness centers, cafes and restaurants.

The disadvantages of the area are very narrow courtyards and a catastrophic lack of parking spaces, constant winds, inconvenient narrow exits to Rublevskoye Highway, as well as its unpredictability due to its government status.

The main residential development is panel high-rise buildings in experimental open-plan areas of the 1980s. And numerous business class houses. Many people consider apartment prices to be unreasonably high, but demand creates supply. The cheapest one-room apartment can be found for 7 million, a two-room apartment for 10 million, a three-room apartment for 13 million. If you want decent housing in the same economy class, then these figures need to be increased by one and a half to two times. Renting an apartment in Krylatskoye is also not a cheap endeavor. On average, a one-room apartment is 35 thousand, a two-room apartment is 40 thousand, a three-room apartment is 45-50 thousand.

Kuntsevo district. Legacy of the last century

Having crossed from Krylatskoye to the other side of Rublevskoye Highway, we will find ourselves in the Kuntsevo area. Unlike his much-hyped neighbor, Kuntsev has nothing special to boast about. All the advantages of this area, beautifully described by real estate agents, are accompanied by the words “neighborhood”: ecology, sports facilities, supermarkets. That is, everything is very, very close, in Krylatskoye, and therefore it makes sense to be proud of such a neighborhood.

Objectively, compared to Krylatsky in Kuntsevo it is 2 times higher density population and there are practically no modern houses in the economy segment. The average age of the Kuntsevo housing stock is 50 years; naturally, during this time the old barracks have become quite worn out and become obsolete. Buildings dating back to 1917 are still alive here, and the proportion of brick and wooden buildings is almost 50 to 50. A branch of the Belarusian Railway runs along the entire area, which also does not add to its attractiveness.

Kuntsevo is famous only for its medical centers. Here are the Central Clinical Hospital, the Neurosis Clinic and the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery, which have gained the image of highly professional clinics and receive patients from almost all of Moscow. The Kuntsevo market is also very popular among residents not only of Kuntsevo, but also of neighboring areas. Here you can find a wide variety of products at affordable prices.

Prices for apartments in Kuntsevo are lower than in Krylatskoye, but housing is not that cheap for a residential area. A one-room apartment costs on average 6.5 million, a two-room apartment costs 8 million, rent will cost 30 and 35 thousand rubles, respectively.

Mozhaisk district. Buffer zone between Western prosperity

Mozhaysky district is a historical continuation of the former town of Kuntsevo near Moscow. The main development is similar to Kuntsevo: a lot of dilapidated housing, against which modern business-class houses are being built. From the north and south, the area is sandwiched by industrial zones with far from safe production facilities. In the north of the district, in the Kuntsevo industrial zone, the Moscow Electroshield plant and the All-Russian Institute of Light Alloys - VILS are located. It is its non-stop cycle furnaces that are responsible for the increased content of dioxins in neighboring soils - by-products of smelting production. And old-timers remember how in the 80s, multi-colored snow often fell in this area, and one night magnesium reserves exploded, illuminating the entire area with a blinding flash. Many then decided that a nuclear war had begun, but newspapers and television were usually silent.

In the south, the district borders with Ochakovo-Matveevsky and shares with it the Severnoye Ochakovo industrial zone, where within the boundaries of the Mozhaisky district there is a concrete plant and the Moscow Radio Engineering Plant, which produces S-300 missile systems. And the busy Mozhaiskoye Highway runs through the entire central part of the district, connecting Odintsovo near Moscow with the capital and turning into Kutuzovsky Prospekt. So the ecology of the region cannot be called favorable; in the Western District, the situation is worse only in the neighboring Ochakovo-Matveevsky.

The social infrastructure of the district is also rated as the worst in the district, with the second highest population density: there is not enough for 135 thousand people shopping centers, normal shops, as well as cafes, restaurants and bars. There is only one cinema in the area, but there are many sports grounds. There is not a single metro station here; the only salvation for horseless residents are the railway platforms Setun, Rabochiy Poselok, and Kuntsevo-2. True, they are all located on the northern border of the region, and the residents of its southern part are getting out as best they can.

Housing here is predictably cheap, even by Moscow standards: a one-room apartment costs 5 million, a two-room apartment costs 6.5 million, a three-room apartment costs 7.5-8 million rubles. Rent will cost approximately 20-25 and 30-35 thousand for a one-room and two-room apartments respectively. But there are simply no cheap three rubles in the area.

District Ochakovo-Matveevskoye. Conditionally livable

The Ochakovo-Matveevskoye district is primarily known for its industrial enterprises. The most dangerous of them (and the largest Mosenergo facility in Moscow) is CHPP-25, which stably supplies almost the entire Western District with oxides of nitrogen, sulfur, carbon, and dozens of other elements of the periodic table. The Kauchuk plant and the Campomos meat processing plant also cause significant harm to the ecology of the area. In addition, in Ochakovo there is a disposal site for the dismantling of five-story buildings, a champagne wine factory, the Ochakovo beer and non-alcoholic plant, the DSK-2 house-building plant, and the Ochakovo dairy plant. In general, the district pays in full for the entire prosperous Western District.

Another significant disadvantage of this is enough large district is the complete absence of metro stations not only on its territory, but even on distant approaches. Getting to the center by car is also not easy: Kutuzovsky and Michurisky avenues are equidistant from residential areas, and on top of that, they are constantly busy. Well, in addition, there is an almost complete absence of parks in the area, which is nonsense for the Western District. However, in residential areas of Matveevsky, landscaping of courtyard areas is at a fairly high level.

And yet, from the point of view of living, the area seems far from a disastrous place. The main residential areas are separated from enterprises by the Aminevsky Highway, which draws the line between compact industrial zone"Ochakovo" and the residential area "Matveevskoe". Where, by the way, not a single old five-story building remains. Modern residential development is an undoubted advantage of the area. Coupled with reasonable housing prices: one-room apartment - 5.5 million, two-room apartment - 7 million, three-room apartment - 9 million. And we must not forget that this housing is not in squalid khrushchev houses. And it’s also too early to sound the alarm about an environmental disaster: according to the comparative characteristics of all Moscow districts, Ochakovo-Matveevskoye occupies the position of a stable middle peasant.

Troparevo-Nikulino and Vernadsky Avenue districts. A poet's dream

The neighboring districts of the UAB are small, but unusually cozy. There are no industrial enterprises here, and the infrastructure social climate, the quality of housing and the presence of green areas consistently keep them both in the top twenty most comfortable districts of the capital, despite the serious distance from the center (Troparevo-Nikulino generally borders the Moscow Ring Road).

Vernadsky Avenue: on an area of ​​only 4.6 square meters. km there are 4 residential areas plus the New Olympic Village, the 50th Anniversary of October Park, the former park. Nikolskoye village, the impressive territory of MGIMO University. As well as 4 clinics, 12 kindergartens, 7 schools, 6 centers additional education. Troparevo-Nikulino accommodates 6 universities, 13 schools, 17 kindergartens, and more than half of its territory is occupied by landscaped and well-groomed park areas. Troparevo-Nikulino is successfully separated from the Moscow Ring Road by the Troparevo Forest Park.

There is a metro station in the center of each district, and for ground transport– three largest arteries: Michurinsky Prospekt, Vernadsky Prospekt and Leninsky Prospekt. Perhaps, the only negative areas is the frequent congestion of these highways.

Housing is presented in all forms - from economy class to penthouses. The most modest one-room apartment can be bought for 5.5 million, a two-room apartment for 7.5. The largest selection of three-room apartments: from 9 to 25 million rubles. Rent will cost 30, 35 and 45 thousand rubles respectively.

Solntsevo and Novo-Peredelkino. Zamkadye is not for everyone

These areas remained untouched by the general image of prestige associated with the Western District. Being territorial and social “outcasts” of the district, these young areas are counting only on a bright future, which should bring with it new metro stations, a light metro line, and many infrastructure facilities. The main advantage of these ZAO districts located outside the Moscow Ring Road is their good ecology and low housing prices. And the most serious problem is the great distance from the center. Even the Moscow region Reutov, Khimki and Mytishchi are closer to the city than other Muscovites from Solntsevo and Novo-Peredelkino.

However, life in these areas does not seem too provincial: high-quality housing stock, modern neighborhoods and developing infrastructure smooth out the disadvantageous geographical position. Apartments here are consistently in demand not only among newcomers, but also among Muscovites themselves: the best option is to move your beloved mother-in-law from the Moscow region here. Moreover, with the advent of the Novomoskovsk district, this is no longer the outskirts of Moscow, but a completely central territory.

Prices for apartments range from 3 to 6 million for a one-room apartment, from 5 to 8 million for a two-room apartment, from 6.5 to 10 million for a three-room apartment. Apartments in new buildings are mainly offered for rent, and the price does not seem so low: a one-room apartment will cost about 30 thousand, a two-room apartment - 35 thousand rubles, so in 7 years the landlord can buy himself another similar apartment or move to a larger one. prestigious area.

Vnukovo. I'm standing by the plane's steps

The Vnukovo district, the former most distant enclave of the Western District and the entire capital, today finds itself surrounded by the territories of the Novomoskovsky and Troitsky administrative districts of Moscow. Its main and only attraction is Vnukovo International Airport, which occupies 2/3 of the area. The remaining territory contains old brick and panel houses from the 1960s, as well as wooden barracks. The main contingent is aviation workers: pilots, technical and airport maintenance personnel.

There are no new buildings in the area due to lack of demand. People in their right mind who are not connected to the airport are unlikely to agree to live 11 km from the outskirts of Moscow under round-the-clock monitoring of increased decibels and in an area with questionable cleanliness of air, water and soil. But theoretically, you can rent a 1-room apartment for 15 thousand rubles, and a two-room apartment for 20 thousand. What if someone likes it?

CJSC infrastructure: the rich don't cry here

Assessing the general state of the district’s infrastructure, it should be noted that its characteristic feature is the emphasis on residents with above-average incomes. This primarily applies to grocery and hardware stores. In the prestigious areas of Dorogomilovo, Ramenki, Fili-Davydkovo there is a catastrophic lack of retail outlets with reasonable prices and the necessary range of goods. Therefore, for many residents of the district, a serious problem is the purchase of clothes, shoes, household goods and even the most necessary products nutrition.

A similar situation is observed with cafes, bars, bowling alleys and other places of entertainment. In the areas adjacent to the main highways of the district, especially Kutuzovsky Prospekt and Rublevskoye Shosse, there are practically no establishments with low prices, so it is very difficult for an ordinary person not only to shop, but also to relax in the closed joint-stock company.

But when it comes to education and healthcare, it will not be easy to compete with the Western District in these areas. Among the universities in the district are the famous Moscow State University, as well as the equally famous MGIMO, MESI, MATI, Academy of National Economy, Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc. In terms of the number of kindergartens, schools and children's centers of additional education per capita, the district is a clear favorite. The same picture applies to sports institutions of various profiles. Just look at the Olympic center in Krylatskoye, which has enough sports facilities for half of Moscow.

The transport component of the district's infrastructure is very specific. On the plus side, there is an excellent supply of stations for as many as four metro lines, with the exception of the Ochakovo-Matveevsky and Mozhaisky districts, as well as the Solntsevo, Novo-Peredelkino, and Vnukovo suburbs. However, the main railway lines of the Kyiv and Belarusian directions pass through these areas, partially compensating for the lack of a metro.

The road network is in perfect condition due to the fact that half of the district's transport arteries are government highways. For the same reason, there are almost no traffic lights on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, Mozhaiskoye and Rublevskoye Highways, which greatly facilitates traffic. But this does not save us from traffic jams, which have become an integral part of the everyday life of the company. From Vernadsky Avenue to Rublevskoye Highway during rush hours and beyond, there is a great standstill, which is aggravated by regular road closures for the passage of government motorcades.

Cleanliness and exemplary maintenance of courtyard areas is another distinctive feature of the district. This can be explained both by the high social status of the majority of residents of the closed joint-stock company, which determines an additional level of comfort in residential areas, and by the increased self-awareness of ordinary citizens. Plus, thanks to elite housing, there are a lot of underground parking lots in the district, which practically eliminates the problem that is painful for the capital parking spaces in the yards.

Economy of the district: habitat of office “plankton”

A significant part of the Western District is completely devoid of industrial enterprises. First of all, these are areas adjacent to the central part of the city. And the industrial zones remaining there from Soviet times are essentially no longer such: in Dorogomilovo, near the Kievsky railway station, only CHPP-12 operates. On the territory of the Moscow Instrument-Making Plant there are numerous office premises, in the building of the former Badaevsky brewery there is a very expensive and very closed club “Roof of the World”, and significant areas of the NPO “Plastic” along the Berezhkovskaya embankment are waiting in the wings to turn into an autonomous quarter of residential and office buildings for the upper middle class strata.

By the way, in the Western District the conditional number of jobs in office and business centers is approximately equal to the number of all residents of the district. Therefore, many people do not need to travel far to work; everything is “close by”. The largest are the Legion business center, the Radisson SAS Slavyanskaya business center, the Krylatsky Hills business park, the Vereiskaya Plaza, Ryabinovaya Plaza, Ochakovo, Druzhba business centers and many smaller ones office centers have attracted thousands of tenants of various calibers, from Gazprom and Rosgosstrakh to the equally significant Coca Cola, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, Intel, Honda, Dixie, STS TV channel and many others. Office centers are evenly distributed throughout the district, so business life is in full swing even in the most remote areas of Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, Kuntsevo and Krylatskoye.

The main operating industrial enterprises are concentrated in the Ochakovo-Matveevskoye region. Of these, the largest are the Moscow Champagne Wine Factory, the Ochakovo Beer and Soft Drinks Factory, the Ochakovo Dairy Plant, and the CampoMos Meat Processing Plant.

CampoMos, operating since 1990, has many open positions with attractive salaries. For example, sales representatives (approximate monthly income up to 70 thousand rubles, including salary plus bonuses), promotional managers with a salary of 60-80 thousand rubles. However, it is worth taking into account subtle nuances: it is difficult to get to the place of work, especially if you do not have a personal car, and after the probationary period you can be left without pay and without work. Those who dare to look for luck at CampoMos need to at least carefully read the employment contract, so as not to be left with nothing later.

The Ochakovo beer and non-alcoholic plant is famous throughout the country. Ochakovsky kvass has probably been tried by every second resident of our Motherland. Due to the scale of the plant and the workers’ opinions about it are almost polar. At the same time, there is always an opportunity to prove oneself: Ochakovo is constantly looking for workers in various areas of production and sales of products. You will have to work hard here, but with some persistence you can make money and a career. Moreover, the plant has not noticed the practice of “throwing away” money. To do this, you don’t have to be the best, it’s enough just to be better than your colleagues.

A similar situation is observed at the Ochakovsky dairy plant, part of the Wim-Bill-Dann holding. There are also many construction enterprises in the district: the DSK-2 house-building plant, an asphalt plant, a concrete plant, the Kuntsevo reinforced concrete plant, etc. However, the chances of finding a job with decent pay and adequate working conditions are very few: the capital’s construction industry tends to exploit disenfranchised migrant workers.

The largest and most famous retail outlets of the company are the Evropeisky shopping center near the Kievsky railway station and the Gorbushkin Dvor shopping complex, located in the building of the former Rubin plant. The former informal “Gorbushka” at the Gorbunov House of Culture, closed in 2000, received official registration here and is the largest trading platform in Russia for buyers of consumer electronics and music lovers of all stripes. Only the prices here are no longer so tasty, and there is no trace left of the hype of the 90s. Those who once drove halfway across Moscow to Gorbushka now order everything via the Internet.

Crime: life has become easier

The criminal situation in the Western District is generally characterized as calm. There are almost no classic sources of danger here in the form of large food markets and habitats of illegal labor migrants. And even the Kyiv railway station cannot be called a fly in the ointment in the general idyll. Therefore, the Western District is one of the most favorable for living in terms of safety. The level of street crime in the ZAO is one of the lowest in Moscow, which is why the district is indicated primarily for families with children.

However, a large number of business centers actualizes the problem of office theft, and the abundance of luxury real estate attracts apartment dwellers to the territory of the closed joint-stock company. Mozhaisk district and Kuntsevo lead among all Moscow districts in the largest number of burglaries. Not far from them are Fili-Davydkovo and Ramenki. Another problem caused by the wealth of the district's population is car theft. According to this indicator, the company is one of the three most dangerous districts of the capital, and a car can be stolen in broad daylight, especially in Dorogomilovo and Krylatskoye.

The most famous criminal phenomenon “attributed” to the Western District is the Solntsevo organized crime group. The separate brigades of racketeers that emerged in Solntsevo from the late 1980s were subsequently merged into the most influential criminal group Moscow, whose main areas of control were the Vnukovo and Domodedovo airports, automobile and clothing markets in the south and southwest of the capital, large hotels, restaurants and many small objects. The gang was distinguished by particular cruelty, both towards victims and towards its members. Many contract killings and showdowns in the capital took place under direct participation"Solntsevskie"

Over time, outright lawlessness transformed into business projects and close penetration into law enforcement agencies. Many banks came under the control of the group, the common fund was invested in real estate and large enterprises, and commercial firms were opened, including abroad. The surviving authorities moved abroad, and Solntsevo crime took on a “businesslike” appearance.

Sights: don't sit still

The Western District offers many options for interesting relaxation and just a pleasant time free time. The most common are visits to Victory Park on Kutuzovsky Prospekt and a park with an observation deck on Vorobyovy Gory. Very often there you can witness sporting events, concerts, flash mobs and other social activities.

It's always lively here, especially on weekends. Skateboarders, rollerbladers and cyclists are permanent residents of these two parks. From the pier near Vorobyovy Gory you can take a walk along the Moscow River or take a boat ride, and the area in front of Moscow State University often turns into a center for sports and musical events. Fans of outdoor picnics can visit specially equipped areas in the same Sparrow Hills, as well as in the Troparevsky forest park and the Setun River valley.

Victory Park, ironically, is a place for concerts and folk festivals. As an exception - rallies in support of the ruling party. There is also an amusement park called Carousel, where you can find a variety of entertainment, from trampoline jumping to a panic room. In addition to the “movement”, in Victory Park there is a museum of the Great Patriotic War and an exhibition of more than 300 items military equipment open-air display of wartime aircraft, artillery, tanks and vehicles. Also on Poklonnaya Hill there is a memorial synagogue, a mosque and the Church of St. George the Victorious. Everyone has their own establishment, no discrimination based on religion.

One of famous museums Moscow, located in the Joint Administrative District, is the Battle of Borodino Panorama Museum. In addition to the panorama itself, which makes a strong impression, there are samples of weapons, uniforms and camp utensils of the Russian and French armies, as well as many paintings describing the events associated with the Battle of Borodino in 1812.

Less known, but extremely interesting is the excursion to the Mosfilm film studio. There is a museum of retro cars, each of which starred in more than one famous film, as well as costumes and scenery for famous films. An open-air stage set for the ancient city of the 19th century has been installed, and in the filming pavilions you can join the creative process of filmmaking. In a word, everyone will learn a lot of new and interesting things here and will be filled with positive emotions for more than one day.

Western Administrative Okrug (JSC) on the map of Moscow.

The Western District of Moscow consists of 13 districts: , , and .

Western District is considered a prestigious district of the capital. These areas have been elite since distant Soviet times, when houses for diplomats and nomenklatura workers were traditionally built here. Since then, living in the west of the capital has been just as prestigious as living in its historical center. Due to the fact that there are few industrial enterprises here, this district maintains a favorable environmental situation, which, in turn, also affects the prestige of the Western District.

“New Russians” willingly settled in the respectable district, replacing the old owners, settled in elite areas and continue to maintain the image of a special territory along Michurinsky and Kutuzovsky Avenue. According to statistics, Western County has more residents with above-average incomes than other counties. In areas like and, even an economy-class store is difficult to find, because the entire infrastructure is already adjusted to customers with high incomes.

But still, several districts of the Western District spoil the overall prestige. , and, with its industrial zone, significantly reduce general indicators prosperity, but still everyone associates the Western District with elitism and big money.

In the Western District there are legendary Sparrow Hills, which all wedding cars try to visit. The park complex in these mountains is a favorite vacation spot for Muscovites. One of the attractions known throughout the country is the Botanical Garden, which is still visited by people from all cities of Russia. Moscow State University building on Vorobyovy Gory is considered by some to be the hallmark of this area. But the Triumphal Arch on Kutuzovsky and the museum located not far from it are called the same calling cards “ Panorama of the Battle of Borodino" Poklonnaya Hill, as a memorial complex of Victory Park, is also a symbol of Moscow.

In general, there are many popular objects in this district that can be business card capital Cities. Tourists who come to Moscow have something to see in the Western District. And yet, half of all Moscow flower beds are located on the territory of this district, and every summer it turns into a real garden.


Bounded from the north by the Khoroshevsky forest park (Serebryany Bor), from the west by the Moscow Ring Road, from the southwest by Vernadsky Avenue and Leninsky Prospekt, from the east - the valley of the Moscow River. Consists of 15 districts: Vnukovo, Dorogomilovo, Krylatskoye, Kuntsevo, Matveevskoye, Mosfilmovsky, Mozhaisky, Novo-Peredelkino, Ochakovo, Vernadskogo Avenue, Ramenki, Solntsevo, Troparevo-Nikulino, Filyovsky Park, Fili-Davydkovo, as well as the territory of the villages of Rublevo (with the village of Myakinino), Vnukovo and Tolstopaltsevo (with the village of the same name). The district includes the historical areas of Tatarovo, Cherepkovo, Peredelkino and others. The area is 132.8 km 2, including residential 83.6 km 2. Population 961.5 thousand people (over 11% of the total number of Muscovites); population density is 7.2 thousand people per 1 km 2, which is significantly lower than the average city population density (1995).

The company has a high scientific potential and a relatively small number of industrial enterprises. The largest scientific and educational centers of all-Russian significance are concentrated in the district: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Academy of National Economy under the Government Russian Federation, Academy foreign trade, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Cardiology Center, Astronomical Institute named after P.K. Sternberg (with observatory), Institute military history Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (IVIMO), etc.

Industry is represented by about 50 enterprises with a small number of employees. The largest industrial enterprises are: a champagne wine factory (in Ochakov), a beer and soft drink factory, Mostochlegmash, a television plant, Rubin, and Moskirpich. On the territory of the district there is the Mosfilm film concern.

The main transport routes are: Vernadsky Avenue, Kutuzovsky, Leninsky, Michurinsky and Lomonosovsky Avenues, as well as Mozhaiskoye Highway, Rublevskoye Highway, Borovskoye Highway, Minskaya Street, Belorusskoye and Kievskoye directions of the Moscow Railway. On the territory of the district there are Kyiv railway station and Vnukovo international airport.

The total area of ​​the housing stock is 19.1 million m2, the provision of housing for the population is 19.9 m2 per inhabitant (1995).

The district is heterogeneous in terms of the nature of its development. In the areas of Fili-Davydkovo, Ochakovo, Matveevskoye, Solntsevo, Kuntsevo and others, five-story buildings of the first period of industrial housing construction predominate; in Fili, on Kutuzovsky, Lomonosovsky prospects, Mosfilmovskaya street - the so-called Stalinist houses of the 1940-50s; in Ramenki, Krylatskoye, on Michurinsky Prospekt - multi-storey residential buildings with improved layout from the 1970s-80s; Residential areas were built in Troparyovo, Olympic Village, Krylatskoye, Nikulino. Mass housing construction is underway in Solntsevo (1995). An area of ​​promising housing construction is Novo-Peredelkino, where cottage development is also underway. Since 1993, the reconstruction of “five-story buildings” began in the areas of Fili-Davydkovo, Kuntsevo, Vernadsky Avenue, etc.

The trade sector is represented by about 600 enterprises of all types of ownership; the largest are the trading houses “Krylatsky”, “Troparevo”, “Molodezhny”, “Minsk”, “Lux”, Dorogomilovsky and Kuntsevo city markets.

The district has 62 outpatient clinics (including 17 for children), 2 maternity hospitals, 2 children's homes, 10 dispensaries, 11 hospital institutions (including 2 for children), a children's psychoneurological hospital, a Clinical Hospital of the Medical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation (Central Clinical Hospital), the hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the Cardiology Center, the All-Russian Medical Center for Laser Surgery, etc.

In 1995, the public education system included 255 preschool institutions, 4 educational and educational complexes “school-kindergarten”, 3 boarding schools (including a specialized boarding school for orphans), 144 general education, 11 music schools, a sports school, an art school , as well as 9 secondary specialized educational institutions and 7 universities; among educational institutions - Lomonosov Moscow State University, University of International Relations, Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after M.V. Lomonosov, Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Institute of Economics and Statistics, Aviation Technology Institute, All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics, Pedagogical University.

The network of cultural institutions includes 44 libraries, 10 cinemas, 15 cultural centers (Ramenki, Zvezda, Malysh, etc.), 15 clubs, 3 exhibition halls (Solntsevo, Kuntsevo, Ramenki Gallery) ), theater and concert hall in the Olympic Village. The South-West Theater and the Buff Theater operate in the district under the direction of Yu.D. Kuklachev, 5 museums (including the panorama museum “Battle of Borodino”, “Kutuzovskaya Izba”). In 1995, the Victory memorial complex was built on Poklonnaya Hill with the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War. There are 10 stadiums (Medic, Fili, etc.), the Krylya Sovetov Sports Palace, the Fili Aquatic Sports Palace, as well as the Olympic Village built for the 1980 Olympics, the Krylatskoye sports complex, and a ski jump on Vorobyovy Gory and etc.

Among the historical, cultural and architectural monuments: former Kuntsevo estate, Triumphal Arch, 9 churches (including the Church of the Intercession in Fili with a branch of the Central Museum of Ancient Russian Culture and Art named after Andrei Rublev).

There are hotels and hotel complexes: “Ukraine”, “Radisson-Slavyanskaya”, “Salut”, “Kyiv”, “Krylatskoe”, “Lux”, “Friendship”, Central House of Tourists (CDT), hotel “Mozhaisky”, etc.

JSC is one of the ecologically clean areas of the city. About 1/3 of the territory is occupied by parks and forest parks. The most popular places of recreation and recreation include the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, Bakovsky Forest Park, Troparevsky Forest Park, Suvorov Park, Vorobyovy Gory with the landscape park of the same name, Fili-Kuntsevo Forest Park, embankments of the Moscow River, Serebryany Bor, Poklonnaya Gora with Victory Park, Krylatskoye, zones recreation Rublevo, Meshcherskoye, ponds in Kuntsevo, in the Olympic Village, etc.

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  • - Western administrative district of Moscow. Western Administrative District Bounded from the north by the Khoroshevsky forest park, from the west by the Moscow Ring Road, from the southwest by...

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  • - Northern Administrative District In the north it is limited by the Moscow Ring Road, in the south - by the Smolensk direction of the Moscow Railway, in the west - by the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway, the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo park and the Khimki Reservoir, on...

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  • - North-Western Administrative District In the north it is limited by the residential areas of Kurkin, in the west - by the Moscow Ring Road, in the east - by the Khimki Reservoir, in the south - by the Moskva River valley, by the green area of ​​the Khoroshevsky forest park and the Mnevnikovskaya bend...

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  • - Northwestern administrative district of Moscow. North-Western administrative district In the north it is limited by residential areas of Kurkin, in the west by the Moscow Ring Road, in the east by...

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  • - in Moscow, one of the territorial units of the city, formed for the administrative management of the relevant territories, coordination of the activities of district administrations, territorial divisions and services...
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  • - an administrative district, the residents of which are jointly responsible for order and perform duties together...

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"Western Administrative District" in books


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From the book Konev. Soldier's Marshal author Mikheenkov Sergey Egorovich

Chapter twenty one. THE WESTERN AND NORTH-WESTERN FRONT In August 1942, Konev was appointed commander of the troops of the Western Front. Zhukov, as Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief, left for Stalingrad. The center of gravity of the battles, his main efforts were in the East

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author Verkhovsky Yakov

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There was only one day left before the “sudden” attack. June 21, 1941, Saturday, 2:40 am. Western Military District

From the book Stalin. Secret "Scenario" of the beginning of the war author Verkhovsky Yakov

There was only one day left before the “sudden” attack. June 21, 1941, Saturday, 2:40 am. Western Military District There is a cloud of dust above the August forests. Everything suggests that a blow is about to strike. At the border you can hear the rumble of engines, the clanging of German tank tracks, and above

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10.7. NORTHWESTERN FEDERAL DISTRICT Center - St. Petersburg, 11 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Area - 1677 thousand square meters. km. Population - 14.6 million people. Contribution to GDP is about 10.4%. The northwestern regions of Russia with ports on the Baltic and North Seas have long served Russia as a “window to Europe.”

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