A scoring system for grades. Ten-point system: mark values

“We are either rated too highly or not highly enough; We are never accepted for our real worth."

M. Ebner-Eschenbach

A new, beloved tradition of the Association became an important stage in self-education for me. Lesson Tatiana Adolfovna Vakhovskaya prompted me to look at the problem of assessing student achievements with different eyes.

Assessing a student’s achievements is a strategic link in education, from correct setting which largely depends not only educational success schoolboy, but also life success person. Normative expression of assessment subject results has been a school mark for centuries.

Every new minister of education Russian Federation raises a question about changing the existing five-point system . But everything remains the same. Maybe this is not a coincidence?

Comparing evaluation criteria in different historical eras Kuban, Russia, the world, I will assume that a five-point assessment system may initially be considered sufficient, since for many years used by many generations of teachers.

Over time, teachers began to use a four-point and even three-point grading system. Thus, behind the scenes, “2” was taken out of use: final, exam, and annual grades. It was regarded as an extremely low subscore, since the mark “1” was not used, because was highly emotional. “1” - one might say, an emotionally charged “two”. Thus, “1” does not have an evaluative function, but an educational, reprimanding one. In other words, there is nothing behind the “one”! More often than not, “1” is an indicator that the teacher has lost his nerve from the intolerance of the current situation.

According to the majority of teachers in the near abroad, there are difficulties in assessing children’s results using a multi-point system, and they mentally equate the existing result to a 5-point system, after which they mentally translate it into a 10-, 20-, 50-, or 100-point system (worldwide) practice), i.e. Moving away from the 5-point assessment system, teachers mentally assigned 5 points and then multiplied by the appropriate coefficient.

This also, in my opinion, proves that the need for large quantities no points. Difficulties even arise: a large number of points greatly inclines the teacher to freely and unscrupulously weigh in points the result that he needs to evaluate.
That is why, in the end, in my opinion, for many years the departure from the five-point system either falls silent, then rises again, but does not leave the agenda. BUT the evaluation system remains the same.

In reality, the five-point system has been replaced by a four-point system, but rather a three-point system. But if we follow the original explanations of what to charge students for, if we follow them in full, then we will get a more successful and fair system.
Even using “pass/fail”, especially in high school, the teacher is able to accurately determine whether a high school student has knowledge or ignorance, especially since there is a 5-point scale, this can be done very accurately.

I propose to define grade criteria five-point system as follows:

"1" – the student does not develop knowledge for further implementation of the educational process;

"2" - awarded if the student has scattered knowledge, but further completion of the program is impossible (there are serious gaps, knowledge is extremely insufficient);

"3" - available individual knowledge, which, with efforts on both sides, teacher and student, could lead to successful completion programs.
Here I would like to note the difficulty of setting the mark “three” - which has different colors: “mediocre” or “satisfactory”. This circumstance makes the “troika” long-suffering:
“3” is the sister of “2”,
“3” is the sister of “4”.
No other grade requires such a balanced and thoughtful assessment by the teacher. We can say that “3” is an alarming line between an unsuccessful “2” and a good “4”.

"4" – the correct answer contains minor inaccuracies or errors that cannot ultimately affect the result (I’ll give an example: not a gross arithmetic error in a problem with the correct solution)

"5" – is as clear as the ideal to which we strive.

The proposed scoring, when “1” is not the teacher’s emotion, but a measurement of the student’s learning, is based on the study of history school assessment. In my opinion, the attitude towards school grades - meaningful and emotional - today has diverged from the original position. And this is bad, because... sharply narrowed the possibilities of assessment, sharply coarsened the entire educational process. These changes provide an opportunity to talk about injustice school grade.

In my opinion, developing a responsible, emphatically attentive attitude towards “3” will lead to a decrease in the bias of this very mass assessment and will reduce the destructive role of this long-suffering score.

Any evaluation system has light and shadow. There is no absolutely good grading system. Increasing points in the evaluation system, in my opinion, will lead to new troubles and mistakes.

Any assessment system requires a clear definition of criteria and a definition of the point at which failure follows. And the main thing is that teachers follow these criteria. The multi-point system mitigates, but does not eliminate the problem. And here it is important to win traditional views students, parents, teachers on a five-point grading system.

Analyzing existing innovation processes in education, which concern virtually all its aspects, the problem of assessing student achievements cannot be ignored, which must also undergo changes. In my work I tried to show how to painlessly move from existing system assessment to a more productive one - ten points. On initial stage I familiarized students in detail with the new assessment system and grading criteria. Together with the guys, we analyzed some types of activities and gave marks on both a 5-point and a 10-point scale.

This assessment system allows you to:

· expand the existing framework for tracking students’ knowledge;

· evaluate student achievements more objectively;

· promotes the formation and development of self-analysis and self-esteem;

· more clearly implement differentiation and individualization of training;

· orient students towards success;

· generate interest in learning.

The problem of assessing knowledge, skills and abilities throughout the formation and development of the school was dealt with by both scientists and policymakers, but the problem of teachers’ value judgments was rarely singled out as an independent one.

The problem of reliable assessment of students’ learning skills is extremely important and significant for educational system.

The problem of assessing students' learning skills is presented in the works of such methodologists as V. Zaitsev, V.P. Simonov, E.G. Cherenkov.

The monitoring and evaluation system cannot be limited to a utilitarian goal - checking the assimilation of knowledge and the development of skills in a specific academic subject. She puts it more important social task: to develop in schoolchildren the ability to check and control themselves, critically evaluate their activities, find errors and ways to eliminate them.

Value judgments in the form of verbal assessments are rather scanty and dry, which does not allow one to appreciate diversity educational work student.

I tried to show the imperfection of the existing five-point system (although in fact only three positive marks are used in certificates), how to distinguish between such indicators “everyone knows program material", "knows all the required program material."

And also the possibility of using ten-point scale assessments, where the marks “1”, “2”, “3” are positive.

The possibility of stimulating students by using a more accurate, in value judgments, ten-point assessment system.

Checking and assessing the achievements of schoolchildren is a very significant component of the learning process in one of the important tasks pedagogical activity teachers. This component, along with other components of the educational process (content, methods, means, forms of organization) must comply modern requirements society, pedagogical and methodological sciences, main priorities and goals of education.

A reliable assessment of the results of students’ educational and cognitive activity and the teacher’s corresponding value judgment are impossible when using an actual three-point scale, but at least or all five-point scale, or another, more detailed one. Otherwise, teachers are forced to use a surrogate scale (points on a three-point scale, supplemented by them with “plus” and “minus” signs) and evaluate with the same points different levels training.

Points “3”, “4”, “5” and corresponding value judgments are used to evaluate: students in gymnastics classes and classes for gifted children; students of general education classes and students of correctional and developmental education classes. As practice shows, it is simply impossible to distinguish between these grades given in educational documents, which is a serious contradiction. The consequence of this is the unreliability of assessing a person’s training as a whole.

10 point scale

Main indicators of the educational level (students' level of learning)

Training in %

1 point - very weak

I attended the lesson, listened, watched, took dictation from the teacher and friends, and copied from the board.

Distinction, recognition (level of familiarity)

2 points - weak

Distinguishes any process or object from their analogues when they are presented to him in finished form.

3 points - mediocre

I remember most of text, rules, definitions, formulations, laws, but cannot explain anything (rote memorization)

Memorization (unconscious reproduction)

4 points - satisfactory

Demonstrates a complete reproduction of the studied rules, laws, mathematical and other formulas, but finds it difficult to explain anything.

From 10% to 16%

5 points - not good enough

Explains individual provisions of the learned theory, sometimes performs such mental operations as analysis and synthesis.

From 17% to 25%

Understanding (conscious reproduction)

6 points - good

Answers most questions on the content of the theory, awareness of learned theoretical knowledge, the ability to draw independent conclusions.

From 26% to 36%

7 points - very good

Presents clearly and logically theoretical material, is fluent in concepts and terminology, is capable of generalizing the stated theory, clearly sees the connection between theory and practice, and knows how to apply it in simple cases.

From 37% to 49%

Elementary skills (reproductive level)

8 points - excellent

Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the theory learned and applies it easily in practice. Does almost everything practical tasks, sometimes making minor mistakes, which he corrects himself.

1. It is more effective to use the whole variety of value judgments as a factor of stimulation and positive motivation of students for educational activities.

2. Overcome the syndrome of fear of negative value judgments and corresponding negative scores of type “1” and “2”, because on this scale they are also positive and must be “earned” in a certain way.

3. Create more comfortable conditions for “weak” and “difficult” students to stay in educational institutions.

4. Eliminate the unfounded claims of students and parents to assess the learning of their children on the basis of a simple and understandable assessment methodology.

Difficulties transition period from a three-point scale to a ten-point scale arise only when issuing educational documents, but they are easily overcome.

Ten point scale

Surrogate scale

Five-point scale

1 point - very weak

"2+" (very weak)

3 points (satisfactory)

2 points - weak

"3-" (weak)

3 points - mediocre

"3" (mediocre)

4 points - satisfactory

“3+” (satisfactory)

5 points - not good enough

"4-" (not good enough)

4 points (good)

6 points - good

"4" (good)

7 points - very good

"4+" (very good)

8 points - excellent

“5-” (excellent with a minus)

5 points (excellent)

9 points - great

"5" (excellent)

10 points - great

“5+” (excellent, as an exception)

This table allows (as long as there is a five-point, but actually a three-point scale) to assign final grades to certificates in accordance with it, i.e. in accordance with the existing state standard. [Zaitsev V. Does a mark stimulate // Public education-1991 No. 11 p. 32-33.]



The problem of assessing educational achievements

Analyzing the existing innovative processes in education, which concern virtually all its aspects, one cannot ignore the problem of assessing student achievements, which must also undergo changes. In my work, I tried to show how to painlessly move from the existing assessment system to a more productive one - ten-point. At the initial stage, I familiarized students in detail with the new assessment system and grading criteria. Together with the guys, we analyzed some types of activities and gave marks on both a 5-point and a 10-point scale.

This assessment system allows you to:

  1. expand the existing framework for tracking students' knowledge;
  2. evaluate student achievements more objectively;
  3. promotes the formation and development of self-analysis and self-esteem;
  4. to more clearly implement differentiation and individualization of training;
  5. orient students towards success;
  6. create interest in learning.

The problem of assessing knowledge, skills and abilities throughout the formation and development of the school was dealt with by both scientists and policymakers, but the problem of teachers’ value judgments was rarely singled out as an independent one.

The problem of reliable assessment of students' knowledge of learning is extremely important and significant for the educational system.

The problem of assessing students' learning skills is presented in the works of such methodologists as V. Zaitsev, V.P. Simonov, E.G. Cherenkov.

The monitoring and evaluation system cannot be limited to the utilitarian goal of checking the assimilation of knowledge and the development of skills in a specific academic subject. It poses a more important social task: to develop in schoolchildren the ability to check and control themselves, critically evaluate their activities, find mistakes and ways to eliminate them.

Value judgments in the form of verbal assessments are rather scanty and dry, which does not allow assessing the diversity of a student’s educational work.

I tried to show the imperfections of the existing five-point system (although in fact only three positive marks are used in certificates), how to distinguish between such indicators as “knows all the program material”, “knows all the required program material”.

And also the possibility of using a ten-point rating scale, where the marks “1”, “2”, “3” are positive.

The possibility of stimulating students by using a more accurate, in value judgments, ten-point assessment system.

Checking and assessing the achievements of schoolchildren is a very significant component of the learning process in one of the important tasks of a teacher’s pedagogical activity. This component, along with other components of the educational process (content, methods, means, forms of organization) must meet the modern requirements of society, pedagogical and methodological sciences, the main priorities and goals of education.

A reliable assessment of the results of students’ educational and cognitive activity and the teacher’s corresponding value judgment are impossible when using an actual three-point scale, but at a minimum, either the entire five-point scale or another, more detailed one is necessary. Otherwise, teachers are forced to use a surrogate scale (points on a three-point scale, which they supplement with plus and minus signs) and evaluate different levels of learning with the same points.

Points “3”, “4”, “5” and corresponding value judgments are used to evaluate: students in gymnastics classes and classes for gifted children; students of general education classes and students of correctional and developmental education classes. As practice shows, it is simply impossible to distinguish between these grades given in educational documents, which is a serious contradiction. The consequence of this is the unreliability of assessing a person’s training as a whole.

The structure and content of a ten-point system for assessing the degree of student learning, which serves as the basis for the development of such scales in various academic subjects.

10 point scale

Main indicators of the educational level (students' level of learning)

Training in %


1 point - very weak

I attended the lesson, listened, watched, took dictation from the teacher and friends, and copied from the board.

About 1%

Distinction, recognition (level of familiarity)

2 points - weak

Distinguishes any process or object from their analogues when they are presented to him in finished form.

From 2% to 4%

3 points - mediocre

I remember most of the text, rules, definitions, formulations, laws, but cannot explain anything (rote memorization)

From 5% to 9%

Memorization (unconscious reproduction)

4 points - satisfactory

Demonstrates a complete reproduction of the studied rules, laws, mathematical and other formulas, but finds it difficult to explain anything.

From 10% to 16%

5 points - not good enough

Explains individual provisions of the learned theory, sometimes performs such mental operations as analysis and synthesis.

From 17% to 25%

Understanding (conscious reproduction)

6 points - good

Answers most questions on the content of the theory, awareness of acquired theoretical knowledge, ability to draw independent conclusions.

From 26% to 36%

7 points - very good

Presents theoretical material clearly and logically, is fluent in concepts and terminology, is capable of generalizing the theory presented, clearly sees the connection between theory and practice, and is able to apply it in simple cases.

From 37% to 49%

Elementary skills (reproductive level)

8 points - excellent

Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the theory learned and applies it easily in practice. Completes almost all practical tasks, sometimes making minor mistakes, which he corrects himself.

Using a ten-point scale in practice allows you to:

  1. It is more effective to use the whole variety of value judgments as a factor of stimulation and positive motivation of students for educational activities.
  2. Overcome the syndrome of fear of negative value judgments and corresponding negative scores of type “1” and “2”, because on this scale they are also positive and must be “earned” in a certain way.
  3. To create more comfortable conditions for “weak” and “difficult” students to stay in educational institutions.
  4. Eliminate the unreasonable claims of students and parents to assess the learning of their children on the basis of a simple and understandable assessment methodology.

Difficulties in the transition period from a three-point scale to a ten-point scale arise only when issuing educational documents, but they are easily overcome.

The relationship of the ten-point scale with the existing and surrogate scales.

Ten point scale

Surrogate scale

Five-point scale

1 point - very weak

"2+" (very weak)

3 points (satisfactory)

2 points - weak

"3-" (weak)

3 points - mediocre

"3" (mediocre)

4 points - satisfactory

“3+” (satisfactory)

5 points - not good enough

"4-" (not good enough)

4 points (good)

6 points - good

"4" (good)

7 points - very good

"4+" (very good)

8 points - excellent

“5-” (excellent with a minus)

5 points (excellent)

9 points - great

"5" (excellent)

10 points - great

“5+” (excellent, as an exception)

This table allows (as long as there is a five-point, but actually a three-point scale) to assign final grades to certificates in accordance with it, i.e. in accordance with the currently existing state standard. [Zaitsev V. Does a mark stimulate // Public education-1991 No. 11 p. 32-33.]

In educational institutions different countries Knowledge assessment systems vary. In Russia, schools, as well as higher and secondary educational institutions, use a five-point assessment system.

Most Russian schools have been using a five-point grading system for decades. It is familiar to both students, parents, and teachers. However, questions about reform of the assessment system are now increasingly being raised.

The five-point system is to determine student knowledge using assessments such as: 5 – excellent– used in case of deep assimilation of the material, convincing answer, absence of errors, 4 – good– is given in the case when the material has been mastered, but minor inaccuracies were made when completing the task, 3-satisfactory– used when there is some knowledge that the student cannot accurately express, makes mistakes, 2 – unsatisfactory- indicates a poor understanding of the material and 1. In practice, such a rating as 1 is practically not used, therefore there is no specific definition for it. Theoretically, a score of 1 indicates a lack of understanding of the material.

Also a feature of such a system is that, as final assessment cannot be given a 1 or 2. Often, instead of giving a student a failing grade, the teacher offers to correct it immediately. Pluses or minuses are also often added to the numbers. They are also used only for intermediate assessments.

The assessment criteria are the student’s level of knowledge, as well as comparison with the template for completing certain tasks. The number of tasks completed, the breadth of the answer, and the subject also influence the determination of the final grade. There are also separate selection criteria for written and oral responses. Often, the teacher’s personal emotions influence the assessment.

Pros of the five-point grading system

  • Five-point grading system familiar and familiar to many. Therefore, parents and students do not have questions about assessment criteria. This is the main advantage of this system.
  • It is also an advantage sufficient simplicity of evaluation criteria. Unlike other assessment methods that use more ratings, the five-point scale does not include many criteria by which the depth of understanding of the material is determined. This takes less time for the student to answer, as well as for the teacher to check the work.
  • In order to determine the correct grade using a ten-point grading system, the teacher needs to ask the student a set of additional questions. At the same time, the five-point system suggests a specific level of knowledge for each assessment.
  • Availability large number assessments blurs the lines between them. So, for example, in a five-point grading system there is big difference between 5 and 3. If we take a ten-point grading system, then the difference between 5 and 7, for example, is difficult to identify not only for the student, but also for the teacher.

Disadvantages of the five-point system

  • Currently, there is increasing debate about the need to reform the assessment system. Many educational institutions, primarily private schools, are switching to other knowledge assessment systems.
  • The main disadvantages are the non-use in practice of such assessments as 2 and Such assessments indicate poor mastery of the material, or even a lack of knowledge on some topics. Therefore, they cannot be used as a final assessment.
  • Using ratings such as 5-, 3+ reduces the accuracy of the result. Such grades are also not used as final grades, but are often given as intermediate grades. A rating scale with a wide range of ratings allows you to evaluate knowledge more specifically and objectively.
  • The big disadvantage of the five-point scale is that it differs from many modern methods knowledge assessment. Most shining example– United State Exam. It is compulsory for graduates of each school; further training child. At the same time, the grading scale for the Unified State Exam is 100 points. Therefore, students and parents often have problems analyzing exam results, since they are accustomed to a five-point scale.
  • Many experts call the disadvantage of all scoring systems lack of assessment of student progress. Scores are awarded for specific work only and strict criteria are used. In this case, the student’s previous level of knowledge is not taken into account. This prevents the teacher from assessing the student's progress. He is forced to evaluate only specific work, taking into account uniform criteria. Also, when grading, in addition to knowledge, the student’s behavior and his relationship with the teacher are often assessed. Therefore, the assessment does not accurately characterize the depth of a student’s knowledge.

The education system undergoes many changes every year. Therefore, the five-point knowledge assessment system is becoming less and less relevant. Experts have been arguing for years about the need to reform it.

Majority foreign countries use other assessment systems, which also have their advantages and disadvantages. Today, the issue of abolishing any point system at all is acute, since grades often become a reason for severe stress students. At the same time, assessments cannot accurately characterize the child’s level of knowledge, and also do not take into account his progress.

IN Soviet era A five-point system for assessing student knowledge was developed. Its criteria were clearly stated in a special regulation and brought to the attention of students, parents and, of course, teachers. And on modern stage development of the Russian educational system, the need arose for its modernization. Let's take a closer look at this system.

Features of the modern assessment system

The task of the teacher is to develop in schoolchildren the desire for self-education, to create in students the need to acquire knowledge and acquire skills mental activity. But to evaluate such student activity, a 5-point system is not enough. Therefore, the problem of finding new evaluation criteria is currently particularly relevant.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. First of all, the five-point rating system is not suitable for determining the level of general cultural skills and special knowledge. And without them, it is impossible for school graduates to fully adapt to the realities of society.
  2. Moreover, it happens active development information systems, the possibility of individual growth in mastering which is also difficult to evaluate at 5 points.

Graduate Requirements

From the walls educational institutions real creators must come out, capable of taking responsibility, able to solve practical and theoretical problems varying degrees complexity. And the classic five-point system in school has long been outdated, since it is not compatible with the requirements of the new federal standards, which were introduced at the primary and secondary levels of schooling.

What determines the effectiveness of training?


Let us repeat that the five-point assessment system, the criteria of which were developed in Soviet times, has lost its relevance and is recognized by leading teachers as untenable and unsuitable for new students. educational standards. It is necessary to modernize it, use new criteria for analysis personal growth schoolchildren and their educational achievements.

Only if the marking scale is brought into line with the main pedagogical principles, we can talk about taking into account the individuality of each child. Among the priorities that should be taken into account during modernization assessment system, we highlight the use of multi-level gradation of marks, due to which academic achievements schoolchildren will be assessed adequately.

Many countries have already abandoned the five-point rating system, recognizing such an option as untenable for a modern system. The issue of changing it in Russia is currently being decided. Thus, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, traditional points have already been removed from elementary schools so that children can develop and improve themselves without experiencing psychological discomfort.

Ten in the diary. The school will switch to a more detailed assessment of knowledge

A friend complained: “My son has four and five in his diary, and the teachers scold him for laziness and poor knowledge. I started to look into it - it turned out that they were having an experiment at school, now instead of an A they give the child a ten!" Yes, you won’t envy parents who are accustomed to a five-point system for assessing knowledge: not only is the Unified State Exam graded on a 100-point scale, but even last fall of the year, Minister of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko announced an experiment on a more detailed assessment of academic performance in Russian schools. True, the final transition to it is expected no earlier than in four to six years.

— Of course, it (a more differentiated scale) is needed. If only because children need to be taught that they will have a 100-point scale on the Unified State Exam. They need to be prepared for a more differentiated assessment of their knowledge,” the minister said. - But there can be no revolutions in this matter. And the kids must recognize the new grading scale, and both parents and teachers must evaluate for themselves exactly what is being graded for what.

Therefore, the minister is waiting for proposals from experts. So far, they consider the 10-point scale to be the most optimal.

In fact, the discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of the 5-point academic performance scale that is familiar to us has been going on for ten years, if not more. But the debate went neither shaky nor slow, until on the eve of Teacher’s Day last year, Russian President D.A. Medvedev supported the idea of ​​​​introducing more fractional system assessment of knowledge at school. This happened during the finals of the “Teacher of the Year” competition. Then a teacher from Noginsk complained that the grading systems in the certificate and the Unified State Examination certificate were very different. In general, the president decided that “we need to think about a more detailed assessment of knowledge in school,” and officials took the matter in hand.

Why is five not enough?

So why did our teachers not like the usual “threes”, “fours” and “fives”? After all, the five-point scale has existed in Russia for almost 170 years, and it seems that everyone has always been happy with it. True, until 1917, teachers also assessed students’ knowledge verbally: “1” corresponded to the definition of “weak progress”, “2” - “mediocre”, “3” - “sufficient”, “4” - “good”, “5” — “excellent.” In 1918, points were abolished, grades were replaced by characteristics that took into account not only academic performance, but also the student’s social activity at school and outside its walls. But in 1939, verbal assessments returned, although now teachers gave “unsatisfactory”, “satisfactory”, “good” and “excellent”. In 1944, the usual fives and threes were added to them.

Alas, it has now become clear that the existing five-point system has actually turned into a three-point system. In fact, what kind of teacher would give a careless student a “1” in the quarter? True, you can find a “two”, but not as a final (annual) grade, but as an intermediate grade. And, to be honest, no one has yet been able to clearly explain how a unit differs from a two.

As a result, the teacher says: “I just fell short of a B” and gives a “solid C.” He will give the same C, only “weak”, to another student. The diaries will show the same grades - go figure who is more diligent, who has more knowledge. And again, for excellent knowledge, both a gifted student - an Olympiad winner, and someone who simply learned a lesson - will receive an A. On a ten-point scale, the winner of the city Olympiad will receive 10, and a diligent student will receive 8. So teachers say that the current system does not stimulate the student and does not allow the teacher to accurately and objectively assess the knowledge of students.

"The teacher has more possibilities objectively evaluate knowledge, parents like that children are not given twos and ones, students have more incentives to study well - their achievements are more noticeable. Today you got four points, tomorrow - five, the day after tomorrow - six. For strong children, such a mark is more objective, and motivates weak ones to further improvement. So, the student received a “seven” and understands that he is nothing short of an “eight”. Otherwise they would have given him a "B". And it’s still a long way to get to the “A”,” teachers say.

— The fact that the range of grades becomes wider is better for the school. You can’t give a student an A with a minus or a four with two pluses in a journal or certificate. Fives are also different. One is tense, the other is honest. Five with a minus turns into a five, four with a minus turns into a four. But, you see, there is a difference between these assessments, says teacher Lyudmila Timchishina from the Moscow region.

In addition, the 10-point system is easier to relate to Unified State Exam scale. I got 80 points - the same as 8 at school. This means the result is excellent. Got 50 - that's 5 points, that is, a three. And it would not occur to anyone to prove that, having scored 50 points, he successfully passed the Unified State Exam. True, there is a danger that new system Practically no one will receive dozens of assessments of knowledge. After all, this assessment can only be obtained for outstanding knowledge that goes beyond school curriculum.


In Russia there is experience in assessing on a 10, 12 and even 100-point scale. But in the certificate of all students experimental schools there are the usual “fives” and “fours”. For example, at Shalva Amonashvili’s school since 1966 year goes by experiment on non-judgmental learning. Several schools in Magnitogorsk operate according to the same scheme - where teachers are limited to "pass" and "fail" classes. Moscow School 1804 uses a 12-point grading system (“eight” is already a good grade). In selected schools Altai Territory a 100-point system is used (less than 50 points - “unsatisfactory”, 50-70 points - “satisfactory”, 70-90 points - “good”, 90-100 points - “excellent”).

For example, in a gymnasium in the Moscow region of Maryino, such an experiment has been going on for the eleventh year. Here 10 points in the Russian language are given to someone who not only demonstrates excellent knowledge, but also achieves research level V creative work, “reads artistically, writes without a single mistake, cleanly and accurately.” A student receives a top ten in physics if his knowledge is broader than the scope of the school curriculum. But no one is particularly upset about this. An A will still be included in the certificate, and it doesn’t matter how many points you have - 8, 9 or 10.

A 10-point knowledge assessment scale has been used since 2004 in Proletarskaya high school Serpukhov district. It all started with 5 "b". In 2004, such a grading system was introduced in all subjects. Parents enthusiastically supported the initiative. Already by the end of the first year of study in the fifth grade, there was an increase in learning motivation, a decrease in anxiety and, as a consequence, an increase in academic performance and the quality of knowledge. Since 2005, I have joined the experiment to introduce a ten-point scale primary school. Now 14 classes of the school are studying according to the ten-point system, which is 74% of the students. School teachers say that the ten-point system gives the student the opportunity to predict his quarter grade during the quarter and, if desired, increase it.

But at the same time, the evaluation criteria are described in some detail.. This virtually eliminates teachers' mistakes. True, based on the results academic quarters and year, the score is converted to five points.

Moscow school 1071 is already in its sixth year academic year in a row in the students' diaries flaunts " decimal system". Only “one” remained unchanged. “Two” in this system means three with a minus, three means the usual “three”, and four means three with a plus. And instead of “five with a minus” children are given eight. Instead of the usual “five” nine If the student has tried very hard ten The school is confident that children deserve a varied approach to assessing knowledge.

By the way, children also receive “nines” and “tens” for a quarter. The traditional scale appears only when issuing a certificate. If a student transfers to another school, a piece of paper with traditional marks is pasted into the transcript.

Who's against it?

Due to the fact that, in the end, “nines” and “tens” have to be converted into a traditional grading scale, the experiment did not take root in some schools. These include the Moscow school of 1968. Five years ago, they also tried to introduce a 10-point rating scale. But the children were given “tens” and “nines” in their diaries, and at the end of the quarter and year they had to convert these grades into a five-point “format,” which greatly puzzled the teachers. Let's say a child got an "eight" five minus, but on the traditional scale he had to give a "four". In the end I had to go back to traditional system.

The Internet is also full of questions from perplexed parents. It’s not so easy for them to understand what’s what. It’s not for nothing that my friend couldn’t understand the teachers’ complaints against her son for a very long time.

The parents’ point of view is shared by the President of the All-Russian Education Fund Sergei Komkov:

Moms and dads will not understand what grade their child received. After all, they are accustomed to the traditional scale. Children will not be able to defend their grade. After all, there are no traditional criteria for what gets a “seven” and what gets an “eight.” In addition, 3.5 million teachers will need to be retrained. And if in Moscow and St. Petersburg teachers are more advanced, then in the outback teachers best case scenario will multiply the scores by two. There will be an effect of the absence of odd numbers.
He also does not understand how a 10-point scale will help students adapt to the Unified State Exam:

If such a transfer is related to the state exam, why not transfer it to a 100-point system? Our education system cannot be subjected to structural changes. This will only distract everyone from the problem of the quality of education.

Supporters of the 5-point system consider its main advantages to be “soft” and the usual type of assessments. And so that teachers can more accurately assess knowledge, they suggest putting “4.5” or “4.8” instead of “a plus.” A variant of the 5-point scale can also be considered a 10-point scale, which “rounds” the pros and cons to a whole point.

How are they doing?

However, the innovation has many supporters. Since the president hinted at 10 points, you can be sure: the experiment will not only begin, but will also continue and become mandatory. Remember history of the Unified State Exam- and you will understand everything right away.

Having at your disposal instead of the previous five - ten points, school teacher will now be able to record the half marks that he always gave in practice. But before the experiment, “five with a minus”, “four with a plus” or a saving “C” with a huge minus easily led to a subjective and biased approach to the child, for which persistent and legally savvy parents could spoil the teacher a lot of blood and nerves. Having ten points, you can much more accurately take into account both the advantages and disadvantages of both the oral answer and written assignment. And, for example, in the group of “excellent students,” distinguish those who perform the minimum with a grade of “8” from those who are more talented—with a grade of “9.” And, finally, just child prodigies can be safely given a “10”. The "good" students will now have two grades - "6" and "7", while the "C" students will have "5" and "4". Anything below is bad.

What adds enthusiasm to supporters of the innovation is the fact that the five-point system is used by everyone fewer countries, including in the post-Soviet space. Let's say, in Ukraine the decision Verkhovna Rada A 12-point knowledge assessment system has been introduced - a student who studies at “10”, “11” and “12” is considered an excellent student. And in Belarus, schools switched to a ten-point system on September 1, 2002. The 10-point system is used in both Moldova and Latvia. In France, excellent students receive 14-16 points out of a possible 20, in the USA -91-99 points out of a maximum 100. In Angola, a student can get from 0 to 20 points, and in Mozambique - from 1 to 20. But in Mozambique, what in Angola good grades start with "nine".

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