The technological component of the pedagogical process is UT. Main components of the pedagogical process: description, principles and functions

The concepts of “pedagogical culture” and “pedagogical activity” are not identical, but they are united. Pedagogical culture, being personal characteristics teachers, appears as a way to implement professional activities in the unity of goals, means and results. Various types of pedagogical activities, forming functional structure cultures have a common objectivity as its resulting form in the form of specific tasks. Problem solving involves the exercise of individual and collective capabilities, and the solution process itself pedagogical tasks is a technology of pedagogical activity that characterizes the way of existence and functioning of a teacher’s professional pedagogical culture.

Analysis of the concept of “technology” indicates that if at first it was associated mainly with the production sphere of human activity, then in lately has become the subject of many psychological and pedagogical studies. The increased interest in educational technology can be explained by the following reasons:

The diverse tasks facing educational institutions require the development of not only theoretical research, but also the development of technological support issues educational process. Theoretical research reveal the logic of knowledge from studying objective reality to the formulation of laws, the construction of theories and concepts, while applied research analyze teaching practice, accumulating scientific results;

classical pedagogy with its established patterns, principles, forms and methods of teaching and upbringing does not always respond promptly to scientific basis many scientific ideas, approaches, techniques; lags behind and often hinders the introduction of new techniques and methods of teaching;

widespread introduction into the educational process information technology and computer technology required a significant change in traditional methods of teaching and education;

general pedagogy remains very theoretical, the methodology of teaching and upbringing remains very practical, therefore an intermediate link is required that allows one to actually connect theory and practice.

Considering pedagogical technology in the context of professional pedagogical culture, it is legitimate to highlight in its structure such an element as the technology of pedagogical activity, which captures a set of techniques and methods for the holistic implementation of the pedagogical process. Introduction to scientific circulation The concept of “technology of pedagogical activity” presupposes the construction of a model that would be based on the ideas of a systemic, holistic approach, considering pedagogical activity as a process of solving diverse pedagogical problems, which are essentially tasks of social management. The technology of pedagogical activity is considered through the prism of solving a set of pedagogical tasks according to pedagogical analysis, goal setting and planning, organization, assessment and correction. The technology of pedagogical activity, therefore, is the implementation of techniques and methods for managing the educational process at school.

A pedagogical task, expressing the unity of the goal of the subject of activity and the conditions in which it is solved, must meet a number of requirements, for the implementation of which pedagogical actions are carried out as ways to solve pedagogical problems.

Methods for solving a problem can be algorithmic or quasi-algorithmic. Algorithmic method is used if the procedure for solving the problem consists of efficient operations and does not contain ambiguously determined branches. The quasi-algorithmic method of solving a problem contains ambiguously determined ramifications, determined by the conditions of the actual problem. In pedagogical practice, quasi-algorithmic methods of solving problems predominate. The high level of problem solving in a teacher’s activity is due to the presence of various models and solution structures recorded in the individual’s memory. Often an adequate solution is not found, not because there is no memory “in storage” adequate ways decisions, but because the teacher (often a beginner) does not see and does not accept the situation itself that requires a decision.

Based on the characteristics of the teacher’s pedagogical activity, the logical conditionality and sequence of his actions, operations for its implementation, the following binary groups of pedagogical tasks can be distinguished:

analytical-reflexive - tasks of analysis and reflection of the holistic pedagogical process and its elements, subject-subject relations, emerging difficulties, etc.;

constructive and prognostic - tasks of building an integral pedagogical process in accordance with the general goal of professional pedagogical activity, developing and making pedagogical decisions, predicting the results and consequences of decisions taken pedagogical decisions;

organizational and activity-based - tasks of implementing optimal options for the pedagogical process, combining diverse types of pedagogical activities;

assessment and information - tasks of collecting, processing and storing information about the state and prospects of development pedagogical system, its objective assessment;

correctional and regulatory - tasks of correcting the course, content and methods of the pedagogical process, establishing the necessary communication connections, their regulation and support, etc.

The named tasks can be considered as independent systems, representing a sequence of actions, operations that characterize specific types of technologies in the teacher’s pedagogical activity. Analysis of the structure of pedagogical activity allows us to identify a system of actions, since the concept of pedagogical action expresses what is common to all specific types pedagogical activity, but cannot be reduced to any of them. At the same time, the pedagogical action is that special one that expresses both the universal and all the richness of the individual. This allows you to ascend from the abstract to the concrete and recreate in knowledge the object of pedagogical activity in its integrity.

The identified groups of pedagogical tasks are typical for a teacher as a subject of professional activity, however, they require a creative individual-personal solution in a specific pedagogical reality.

4. Personal and creative component of professional and pedagogical culture

Representing the constantly enriching value potential of society, pedagogical culture does not exist as something given, materially fixed. It functions by being included in the process of a person’s creatively active mastery of pedagogical reality. The professional and pedagogical culture of a teacher objectively exists for all teachers not as a possibility, but as a reality. Mastery of it is carried out only by those and through those who are capable of creatively deobjectifying the values ​​and technologies of pedagogical activity. Values ​​and technologies are filled with personal meaning only in the process creative quests and practical implementation.

IN modern science creativity is considered by many researchers as an integrative, system-forming component of culture. The problem of the relationship between personality, culture and creativity is reflected in the works of N.A. Berdyaev. Considering global issue interaction between civilization and culture, he believed that civilization in in a certain sense older and more primary than culture: civilization denotes a social-collective process, and culture is more individual, it is associated with the individual, with the creative act of man. N.A. Berdyaev saw the fact that culture is created by the creative act of man as its ingenious nature: “Creativity is fire, but culture is the cooling of fire.” The creative act is located in the space of subjectivity, and the product of culture is in objective reality.

Creative character pedagogical activity determines a special style mental activity teacher, associated with the novelty and significance of its results, causing a complex synthesis of all psychic spheres(cognitive, emotional, volitional and motivational) personality of the teacher. A special place He is occupied by a developed need to create, which is embodied in specific abilities and their manifestation. One of these abilities is the integrative and highly differentiated ability to think pedagogically. The ability for pedagogical thinking, which is divergent in nature and content, provides the teacher with active transformation pedagogical information, going beyond the boundaries of the time parameters of pedagogical reality. The effectiveness of a teacher’s professional activity depends not only and not so much on knowledge and skills, but on the ability to use the information given in a pedagogical situation in various ways and at a fast pace. Developed intelligence allows the teacher to learn not just isolated pedagogical facts and phenomena, but pedagogical ideas, theories of learning and education of students. Reflexivity, humanism, focus on the future and a clear understanding of the means necessary for professional improvement and development of the student’s personality are characteristic properties teacher's intellectual competence. Developed pedagogical thinking, providing deep semantic understanding pedagogical information, refracts knowledge and methods of activity through the prism of one’s own individual professional and pedagogical experience and helps to gain personal meaning of professional activity.

The personal meaning of professional activity requires a sufficient degree of activity from the teacher, the ability to manage and regulate his behavior in accordance with emerging or specially set pedagogical tasks. Self-regulation as volitional manifestation personality reveals the nature and mechanism of such professional personality traits of a teacher as initiative, independence, responsibility, etc. In psychology, properties as personality traits are understood as stable, recurring in different situations characteristics of an individual's behavior. In this regard, the point of view of L.I. Antsyferova on the inclusion of the ability to organize, control, analyze and evaluate into the structure of personal properties deserves attention own behavior in accordance with his motives. In her opinion, the more habitual a particular behavior is, the more generalized, automated, and abbreviated this skill is. This understanding of the genesis of properties allows us to imagine integral acts of activity with psychological dominant states arising on their basis as the basis of these formations.

A creative personality is characterized by such traits as willingness to take risks, independence of judgment, impulsiveness, cognitive “meticulousness,” criticality of judgment, originality, courage of imagination and thought, sense of humor and a penchant for jokes, etc. These qualities, highlighted by A. N. Luk, reveal the characteristics of a truly free, independent and active personality.

Pedagogical creativity has a number of features (V.I. Zagvyazinsky, N.D. Nikandrov):

it is more regulated in time and space. The stages of the creative process (the emergence of a pedagogical idea, the development, implementation of meaning, etc.) are rigidly interconnected in time and require an operational transition from one stage to another; If in the activity of a writer, artist, scientist, pauses between stages of the creative act are quite acceptable, often even necessary, then in the professional activity of a teacher they are practically excluded; the teacher is limited in time by the number of hours allocated to studying a specific topic, section, etc. During training session expected and unforeseen problematic situations, requiring a qualified solution, the quality of which, choice the best option decisions may be limited due to this feature, due to psychological specificity solving pedagogical problems;

delay in the results of the teacher’s creative searches. In the sphere of material and spiritual activity, its result is immediately materialized and can be correlated with the set goal; and the results of the teacher’s activities are embodied in the knowledge, abilities, skills, forms of activity and behavior of students and are assessed very partially and relatively. This circumstance significantly complicates making an informed decision at a new stage of teaching activity. Developed analytical, predictive, reflective and other abilities of a teacher allow, on the basis of partial results, to foresee and predict the result of his professional and pedagogical activities;

co-creation of the teacher with students and colleagues in the pedagogical process, based on the unity of purpose in professional activity. Atmosphere creative search in teaching and student groups acts as a powerful stimulating factor. The teacher as a specialist in a certain field of knowledge during the educational process demonstrates to his students creative attitude to professional activities;

dependence of manifestation of creativity pedagogical potential teachers from methodological and technical equipment educational process. Standard and non-standard educational and research equipment, technical support, the methodological preparedness of the teacher and the psychological readiness of students for a joint search characterize the specifics of pedagogical creativity;

the teacher’s ability to manage personal emotional and psychological state and cause appropriate behavior in the activities of students. The teacher’s ability to organize communication with students as creative process, as a dialogue, without suppressing their initiative and ingenuity, creating conditions for full creative self-expression and self-realization. Pedagogical creativity, as a rule, is carried out in conditions of openness and publicity of activity; The class reaction can stimulate the teacher to improvise and be more relaxed, but it can also suppress and restrain creative search.

The highlighted features of pedagogical creativity allow us to more fully understand the conditionality of the combination of algorithmic and creative components of pedagogical activity.

The nature of creativity pedagogical work is such that it immanently contains certain characteristics regulatory activities. Pedagogical activity becomes creative in cases where algorithmic activity does not produce the desired results. The algorithms, techniques and methods of normative pedagogical activity learned by the teacher are included in huge amount non-standard, unforeseen situations, the solution of which requires constant anticipation, changes, corrections and regulation, which encourages the teacher to demonstrate an innovative style of pedagogical thinking.

The question about the possibility of teaching and learning creativity is quite legitimate. Such opportunities are inherent primarily in that part of pedagogical activity that constitutes it regulatory framework: knowledge of the laws of the holistic pedagogical process, awareness of goals and objectives joint activities, readiness and ability for self-study and self-improvement, etc.

Pedagogical creativity as a component of professional pedagogical culture does not arise on its own. For its development, a favorable cultural atmosphere, a stimulating environment, and objective and subjective conditions are necessary. As one of the most important objective conditions for the development of pedagogical creativity, we consider the influence of sociocultural, pedagogical reality, the specific cultural and historical context in which the teacher creates and creates in a certain time period. Without recognizing and understanding this circumstance, it is impossible to understand the actual nature, source and means of realizing pedagogical creativity. Other objective conditions include: a positive emotional psychological climate in the team; the level of development of scientific knowledge in psychological, pedagogical and special fields; availability of adequate means of training and education; scientific validity methodological recommendations and installations, material and technical equipment of the pedagogical process; availability of socially necessary time.

Subjective conditions for the development of pedagogical creativity are: knowledge of the basic laws and principles of the holistic pedagogical process; high level of general cultural training of teachers; possession modern concepts training and education; analysis typical situations and the ability to make decisions in such situations; desire for creativity, developed pedagogical thinking and reflection; teaching experience and intuition; ability to make operational decisions in atypical situations; problematic vision and mastery of pedagogical technology.

A teacher interacts with pedagogical culture in at least three respects: firstly, when he assimilates the culture of pedagogical activity, acting as an object of social and pedagogical influence; secondly, he lives and acts in a certain cultural and pedagogical environment as a carrier and translator pedagogical values; thirdly, it creates and develops professional pedagogical culture as a subject of pedagogical creativity.

Personality characteristics and creativity manifest themselves in diverse forms and ways creative self-realization teachers. Self-realization is the sphere of application of the individual’s individual creative capabilities. The problem of pedagogical creativity has direct access to the problem of teacher self-realization. Because of this, pedagogical creativity is a process of self-realization of the individual, psychological, intellectual strengths and abilities of the teacher’s personality.

Technological component professional and pedagogical culture.

The concepts of “pedagogical culture” and “pedagogical activity” are not identical, but they are united. Pedagogical culture, being a personal characteristic of a teacher, appears as a way of implementing professional activities in the unity of goals, means and results. Diverse types of pedagogical activity, forming the functional structure of culture, have a common objectivity as its resulting form in the form of specific tasks. Problem solving presupposes the implementation of individual and collective capabilities, and the process of solving pedagogical problems itself is a technology of pedagogical activity that characterizes the way of existence and functioning of the teacher’s professional pedagogical culture.

An analysis of the concept of “technology” indicates that if at first it was associated mainly with the production sphere of human activity, then recently it has become the subject of many psychological and pedagogical studies. The increased interest in educational technology can be explained by the following reasons:

‣‣‣ The diverse tasks facing educational institutions require the development of not only theoretical research, but also the development of issues of technological support for the educational process. Theoretical research reveals the logic of knowledge from the study of objective reality to the formulation of laws, the construction of theories and concepts, while applied research analyzes pedagogical practice that accumulates scientific results;

‣‣‣ classical pedagogy with its established patterns, principles, forms and methods of teaching and upbringing does not always promptly respond to the scientific substantiation of many scientific ideas, approaches, and techniques; lags behind and often hinders the introduction of new techniques and methods of teaching;

‣‣‣ the widespread introduction of information technologies and computer technology into the educational process required a significant change in traditional methods of teaching and education;

‣‣‣ General pedagogy remains very theoretical, teaching and upbringing methods remain very practical, and therefore an intermediate link is required to actually connect theory and practice.

Considering pedagogical technology in the context of professional pedagogical culture, it is legitimate to highlight in its structure such an element as the technology of pedagogical activity, which captures a set of techniques and methods for the holistic implementation of the pedagogical process. The introduction of the concept of “technology of pedagogical activity” into scientific circulation involves the construction of a model that would be based on the ideas of a systemic, holistic approach, considering pedagogical activity as a process of solving diverse pedagogical problems, which are essentially the tasks of social management. The technology of pedagogical activity is considered through the prism of solving a set of pedagogical problems in pedagogical analysis, goal setting and planning, organization, assessment and correction. The technology of pedagogical activity, therefore, is the implementation of techniques and methods for managing the educational process at school.

A pedagogical task, expressing the unity of the goal of the subject of activity and the conditions in which it is solved, must meet a number of requirements, for the implementation of which pedagogical actions are implemented as ways to solve pedagogical problems.

Methods for solving a problem can be algorithmic or quasi-algorithmic. The algorithmic method is used if the procedure for solving a problem consists of efficient operations and does not contain ambiguously determined branches. The quasi-algorithmic method of solving a problem contains ambiguously determined ramifications, determined by the conditions of the actual problem. In pedagogical practice, quasi-algorithmic methods of solving problems predominate. The high level of problem solving in a teacher’s activity is due to the presence of various models and solution structures recorded in the individual’s memory. Often an adequate solution is not found, not because there are no adequate solutions “in the storehouses” of memory, but because the teacher (often a beginner) does not see and does not accept the situation itself that requires a solution.

Based on the characteristics of the teacher’s pedagogical activity, the logical conditionality and sequence of his actions, operations for its implementation, the following binary groups of pedagogical tasks can be distinguished:

Analytical-reflective - tasks of analysis and reflection of the holistic pedagogical process and its elements, subject-subject relationships, emerging difficulties, etc.;

Constructive and prognostic - the tasks of constructing an integral pedagogical process in accordance with the general goal of professional pedagogical activity, developing and making pedagogical decisions, predicting the results and consequences of made pedagogical decisions;

Organizational and activity-based - tasks of implementing optimal options for the pedagogical process, combining diverse types of pedagogical activities;

Evaluation and information - tasks of collecting, processing and storing information about the state and prospects for the development of the pedagogical system, its objective assessment;

Corrective-regulating - tasks of correcting the course, content and methods of the pedagogical process, establishing the necessary communication connections, their regulation and support, etc.

The named tasks can be considered as independent systems, representing a sequence of actions and operations that characterize specific types of technologies in the teacher’s pedagogical activity. Analysis of the structure of pedagogical activity allows us to identify a system of actions, since the concept of pedagogical action expresses something common that is inherent in all specific types of pedagogical activity, but cannot be reduced to any of them. At the same time, the pedagogical action is that special one, which expresses both the universal and all the richness of the individual. This allows you to ascend from the abstract to the concrete and recreate in knowledge the object of pedagogical activity in its integrity.

The identified groups of pedagogical tasks are typical for a teacher as a subject of professional activity, however, they require a creative individual solution in a specific pedagogical reality.

Technological component of professional pedagogical culture. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Technological component of professional pedagogical culture." 2017, 2018.

One of the essential characteristics of the pedagogical process is its technologization - compliance with the content and sequence of educational stages requires special attention to the use, development and improvement of pedagogical technologies.

Pedagogical technology (Greek techne - skill and logos - word, teaching) - a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special approach and composition of forms, methods, methods, use of chalk, tools (schemes, drawings, diagrams, maps) in the educational process .

UNESCO interprets educational technology as system method creation, application of the process of teaching and assimilation of knowledge, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction in order to optimize the forms of education.

The concept of “pedagogical technology” is somewhat broader than the concept of “educational technology”, since it also covers educational technologies. IN pedagogical literature are used as identical concepts of “teaching technology” and “instructional technology.” There is an opinion that the concept of “educational technology” is somewhat narrow from the concept of “educational technology”, since the concept of “educational technology” encourages us to consider a specific technology that allows for good teaching, that is, highly effective, and the concept of “educational technology” is less targeted and allows us to consider various technologies of teaching and learning.

Pedagogical technology must satisfy the following methodological requirements:

Conceptuality (each pedagogical technology should be characterized by reliance on a certain scientific concept, which provides philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical justification for achieving educational goals)

Systematicity (educational technology must have all the features of a system: the logic of the process, the relationship of all its parts, integrity);

Manageability, which provides diagnostic planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results;

Efficiency (educational technologies exist in specific conditions and must be effective, result and at optimal costs, guarantee the achievement of a certain standard of training);

Reproducibility, what does possible use(repetition, reproduction) of pedagogical technology in other similar educational institutions other entities

Each pedagogical technology can be effective provided it is psychologically justified and practical. The development and application of any pedagogical technology requires the creative activity of teachers and students, involving them in creative participation in the development of technological tools: drawing up technological diagrams, maps, organizing technological forms of education and training. The teacher’s activity turns out to be a deep knowledge of the psychological characteristics of students, making adjustments to the deployment technological process, organizing mutual consultations, mutual verification and mutual evaluation.

The result of pedagogical technology depends on the level of skill of the teacher, his general development, general psychological climate in the team, material and technical equipment, students’ mood, etc.

In general, pedagogical technology brings pedagogy closer to exact sciences, and makes teaching practice an organized, controlled process with expected positive results

. Questions. Task

1. Reveal the essence of the pedagogical process, characterize its structure. Why does the teacher play the leading role among the components of the pedagogical process?

2. Describe the main patterns of the holistic pedagogical process

3. Can the basic principles of the pedagogical process be divided into important and unimportant?

4. Justify the need holistic approach to the practical application of various pedagogical technologies

. Literature

Dialogue of cultures and spiritual development of man:. Materials. All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference-. K, 1995. Likhachev. B. T. Pedagogy -. M, 1996

Educational technologies:. Tutorial/. Edited by 0. M infantry -. K, 2002

Selevko. G.K. Modern educational technology:. Tutorial -. M:. Public education, 1998

Forgive me everyone for clogging up your friend feed, I'll delete it all in a day
here will be my cheat sheets

Topic 1. Pedagogy as a science

Question No. 1. The subject of pedagogy as a science is...

    purposefully organized pedagogical process

    contradictions, patterns, relationships, technologies for organizing the implementation of the educational process

    methods of organizing the pedagogical process

    a set of rules for raising and educating children

Question No. 2. The functions of pedagogy as a science do NOT include...

    scientifically based goal setting and planning of the education system

    implementation of the results of pedagogical research into practice

    analysis, generalization, interpretation and evaluation of teaching experience

    studying biological factors personality development

Question No. 3. Founder scientific pedagogy in Russia is...

    A.S. Makarenko

    Ya.A. Comenius

    K.D. Ushinsky

    N. K. Krupskaya

Question No. 4. The emergence of pedagogy as a science was determined by...

    parents' concern for their children's happiness

    biological law of preservation of the species

    objective need to prepare a person for life and work

    progress of science and technology

Question No. 5. The science that studies the patterns of influence of the social environment on the formation of personality is called ____________ pedagogy.




Question No. 6. Outstanding domestic teachers of the twentieth century are...

    K.D. Ushinsky

    A.P. Solzhenitsyn

    A.S. Makarenko

    V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Question No. 7. The first universities appeared...

    V Ancient Greece in the 3rd century BC

    in Russia in the 18th century.

    V Western Europe in the XII-XIII centuries.

    V Ancient Rome in the 1st century

Question No. 8. Into the structure pedagogical sciences NOT included...

    preschool pedagogy


    comparative pedagogy

    educational psychology

Question No. 9. Match scientific discipline and its contents

1. studies the specifics of public education, accumulated and reflected in national culture parenting experience A) ethnopedagogy
2. studies the features of raising and educating children with disabilities in physical, mental and mental development B) education theory
3. studies the process of formation of the individual and the team, patterns, principles, relationships, methods of its implementation B) defectology
4. studies the learning process, the content of education, principles, forms, methods and means of realizing learning goals D) learning theory

Question No. 10. The section of pedagogy that develops the education system for people of retirement age is called...

    special pedagogy

    third age pedagogy

    correctional pedagogy

    social pedagogy

DE No. 1. General Basics pedagogy

Question No. 1. The process and result of students mastering the system of scientific knowledge and experience cognitive activity called...





Question No. 2. A set, a special set of forms, methods, methods, teaching techniques and educational means systematically used in the educational process - This…

    pedagogical task

    educational technology

    pedagogical activity

    pedagogical process

Question No. 3. The process of human development under the influence of external and internal, controlled and uncontrollable, social and natural factors called...





Question number 4. Establish correspondence between concepts and their definitions.

1. Process and result of quantitative and qualitative changes in the body, psyche, intellectual and spiritual sphere of a person

A) socialization

2. A person’s assimilation of values, norms, attitudes, patterns of behavior inherent in given time to this society, social community, group and reproduction social connections and social experience

B) development

3. The purposeful process and result of a person’s mastery of a system of scientific knowledge, cognitive skills and skills and formation on this basis of the individual’s worldview

B) education

4. The process of purposeful formation of personality in a specially organized educational system

D) education

Question No. 5. The basic unit of the pedagogical process is...

  1. pedagogical task

    pedagogical activity

Question No. 6. Establish correspondence between concepts and their definitions

Question No. 7. Education is defined as...

    purposeful activities to transfer socio-cultural experience accumulated by previous generations

    a purposeful, systematic process of influencing an individual in order to prepare for working life

    the process of quantitative and qualitative changes in the human body and personality under the influence of various factors

    a purposeful systematic process of influencing an individual with the aim of shaping character, moral and volitional qualities, norms and rules of behavior in society, worldview

Question No. 8. The main characteristics, corresponding to the concept"training" are...

    systematic teacher’s work aimed at transferring knowledge, skills and abilities to students, preparing them for active life

    interaction between teacher and students aimed at mental development, mastery of knowledge, skills, a culture of mental work, and the formation of a scientific worldview

    orderly activity of the teacher to implement the learning goal, ensuring education is informed, awareness and practical application knowledge

    equipping students with knowledge and methods educational activities, as a result of which their mental development occurs

Question No. 9. The process of purposeful transmission of socially significant experience by previous generations to subsequent ones is called...





Question No. 10. Purposeful interaction between a teacher and students, as a result of which the knowledge, skills and abilities of students are formed, is called ...





DE No. 1. General fundamentals of pedagogy

Topic 3. Education as social phenomenon and pedagogical process

Question No. 1. The unity of all components of education with their relative autonomy determines...

    continuity of education

    processuality of education

    functionality of education

    integrity of education

Question No. 2. The introduction of new things into the goals, content, methods and forms of teaching and upbringing is called pedagogical (it) ...





Question No. 3. Essence vocational education is...

    in improving the technical training of students

    in the formation of professionally significant personal qualities

    in the formation of the necessary knowledge system

    in preparing a person for a specific professional activities

Question number 4. The content of education is understood as...

    the process and result of learning, mastering systematic knowledge

    system of scientific knowledge, practical skills and skills, ideological and moral-ethical goals that students need to master

    a holistic pedagogical process purposefully organized in social institutions

    a set of systematized knowledge, skills, experience in implementing methods of activity, experience in an emotionally holistic attitude towards the environment

Question No. 5. The specific content of educational material is revealed in...



    teaching aids


Question No. 6. One of the global trends in the development of education is...

    reduction in school class sizes

    reducing the duration of university studies

    continuity of education throughout human life

    compulsory preschool education

Question No. 7. System-forming component educational system is…

    variety of educational institutions

    purpose of education

    methods, technologies and means of education

Question No. 8. The principle of the unity of federal education is implemented through...

    state educational standard

    administrative component

    national component of educational programs

Question No. 9. The main development trend modern system secondary education in Russian Federation is…





Question No. 10. In the Middle Ages, the main factor determining the development of education in Western Europe was...

    influence of Christianity

    the advent of machine production

    public education management

    the emergence of the first schools

DE No. 1. General fundamentals of pedagogy

Topic 4. Methodology of pedagogy and methods of pedagogical research

Question No. 1. The relevance of the study is determined by...

    logical justification of its importance

    importance for the development of pedagogical science

    timeliness and significance of the problem under study for practice

    compliance with the educational paradigm at this stage of development of pedagogy

Question 2. Identification of socio-psychological relationships among members of a study group in quantitative terms is carried out using the method...

    studying documents



Question No. 3. To the species pedagogical experiment relate...





Question No. 4. Existentialism as methodological approach in the pedagogy of the school is revealed the following statement

    to achieve the effect of education, you need to select effective incentives

    education must be cleared of ideological ideas

    science is powerless to determine the goals of education

    the purpose of education is Christian morality

Question No. 5. Methods pedagogical research can be divided into...

    general and specific scientific

    theoretical and empirical

    teaching methods and methods of education

    verbal and visual

Question No. 6. K theoretical methods pedagogical research refers...

    modeling, synthesis, comparative historical analysis, induction

    comparison, observation, testing, correlation

    generalization, experiment, ranking, observation

Question No. 7. A method of pedagogical research that allows you to turn qualitative factors into quantitative series is called...





Question No. 8. The method of mass collection of materials using special questionnaires is called...



    test work


Question No. 9. K empirical methods pedagogical research includes...

    synthesis, analysis

    ranking, scaling

    survey, generalization

    experiment, observation

DE No. 1. General fundamentals of pedagogy

Topic 5. Goal setting in pedagogy

Question No. 1. The main and final result of teaching activity is...

    high student achievement

    the student himself, the development of his personality

    achieving state educational standards

    high level of teacher skill

Question No. 2. The influence on the development of a person’s motivational and value sphere is the essence...




Question No. 3. The assimilation of systematized knowledge about the world around us, the development of cognitive and practical skills, the formation of a scientific worldview, the ability for self-education and self-improvement constitute the goal...


    pedagogical diagnostics



Question No. 4. System of basic parameters accepted as state norm education is...

    social ideal

    education standard

    educational tasks

    purpose of education

Question No. 5. The purpose of education in modern Russia is…

Question No. 6. The purpose of education in China and Japan is...

    mastery scientific knowledge, ideological and moral values, skills, norms of behavior

    fostering respect for elders, focusing on endless self-improvement

    raising strong, resilient, disciplined and skillful warriors

Question No. 7. The purpose of education in Sparta was...

    mastery of scientific knowledge, ideological and moral values, abilities and skills, norms of behavior

    raising strong, resilient, disciplined and skillful warriors

    fostering respect for elders, focusing on endless self-improvement

DE No. 1. General fundamentals of pedagogy

Topic 6. Pedagogical process

Question No. 1. Purposeful interaction between teachers and students, realizing the goals of education in the conditions of the pedagogical system, is called pedagogical...





Question No. 2. Driving forces The pedagogical process is its...





Question No. 3. The system of basic requirements for the organization of the pedagogical process unites it...

  1. patterns



Question No. 4. The study of the state of the pedagogical process is called ...


  1. pedagogical diagnostics


Question No. 5. The components of the structure of the pedagogical process do NOT include...

  1. reflective


Question No. 6. The effective component of the structure of the pedagogical process reflects ...

    methods and means of implementing the pedagogical process

    degree of effectiveness of the pedagogical process, changes achieved in accordance with the goal

    a set of formed relationships, experience of activity and communication

    socio-economic, moral and psychological conditions for the pedagogical process

Question No. 7. The conditions for the effectiveness of quality control of the educational process include...

    consistency of control actions between members of the administration

    the presence of scientifically based criteria for the results of the educational process

    consistency of control functions

    unexpected nature of control

Question No. 8. The components of the pedagogical process are...

    family, school, society

    teachers, students, parents

    goals, content, forms and methods of education and training

    knowledge, skills and abilities of students

Question No. 9. The main contradiction in the pedagogical process is the contradiction between...

    family and school

    its ideal goals and real results

    knowledge and skills of students

    teachers and students

Question No. 10. Objectively existing, stable connections between by individual parties the pedagogical process constitutes it...





The pedagogical process is the developing interaction between educators and students, aimed at achieving a given goal and leading to a predetermined change in state, transformation of the properties and qualities of the students. Ensuring the unity of training, education and development on the basis of integrity and community is the main essence of the pedagogical process.

The components of the system in which the pedagogical process takes place are teachers, students, and conditions of education. The target component of the process includes the whole variety of goals and objectives of pedagogical activity: from the general goal - comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual - to specific tasks of formation individual qualities or their elements. The content component reflects the meaning invested both in common goal, and in every specific task, and the activity-based one is the interaction of teachers and students, their cooperation, organization and management of the process, without which the final result cannot be achieved. This component in the literature is also called organizational, or organizational-managerial. The effective component of the process reflects the effectiveness of its wrangling and characterizes the progress achieved in accordance with the goal.

Stages of the pedagogical process

Pedagogical processes have cyclical nature. The same stages can be found in the development of all pedagogical processes. The main stages can be called: preparatory, main, final. At the “preparation of the pedagogical process” (preparatory) stage, proper conditions are created for the process to proceed in a given direction and at a given speed. At this stage the following are decided important tasks:

1) goal setting;

2) diagnosis of conditions;

3) forecasting achievements;

4) design and planning of process development.

The main stage - the implementation of the pedagogical process - can be considered as a relatively separate system, which includes important interrelated elements:

1) setting and explaining the goals and objectives of the upcoming activities;

2) interaction between teachers and students;

3) use of the intended methods, means and forms of the pedagogical process;

4) creation favorable conditions;

5) implementation of various measures to stimulate the activities of schoolchildren;

6) ensuring the connection of the pedagogical process with other processes.

Analysis stage results achieved(final). This stage is necessary in order not to repeat in the future the mistakes that inevitably arise in any, even very good organized process in order to take into account the ineffective moments of the previous one in the next cycle. By analyzing, we learn. The teacher who benefits from the mistakes he makes grows.

Components of the pedagogical system

A pedagogical system is a combination of components (parts) that remains stable during changes. If changes (innovations) exceed a certain permissible limit (margin of safety), the system is destroyed, and in its place appears new system with other properties. Professor V.P. Bespalko presents the following interconnected set of variant elements:

1) students;

2) educational goals (general and partial);

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