One and two letters n in different ones. “Spelling N and NN in participles and adjectives

1. Suffix -N- is written:

· In adjectives formed from nouns using the suffixes –AN-, -IN-, -YAN-: leather – leather, goose – goose, silver – silver.EXCEPTIONS: wooden, tin, glass.

· In adjectives and participles formed from verbs imperfect form who do not have with them dependent words: forged, loaded, baked, gilded, smoked.EXCEPTIONS:

seen, given, done, desired, cutesy, slow, pecked, sacred, heard, arrogant.

· In adjectives with the prefix NOT-: quicklime, uninvited, uncut, unbleached, unworn. EXCEPTIONS:

unexpected, unforeseen, unheard of, unseen, unexpected, unseen.

· In short forms of participles passive voice past tense: sown, filled, set, excited.

· In short adjectives and in adverbs formed from full adjectives with -N-: confused - confused, mad - furiously, gilded - gilded, ruddy - rouge, young - yuna.

· In adjectives related to non-derivatives: crimson, green, blue, ruddy, young, and also in some other adjectives: mutton, single, pork, smart.

2. Suffix -NN- is written:

· In adjectives formed from nouns ending in -H: long, valuable, captivating, picturesque.

· In adjectives with suffixes -ONN-/-ENN-: propaganda, station, cranberry, straw.

· In adjectives formed from perfective verbs, usually with prefixes or dependent words: frozen, mowed, forged, smoked, purchased, dried in the sun. EXCEPTIONS: named brother, imprisoned father, dowry.

· In adjectives formed from verbs ending in -OVAT/EVAT: uprooted, motivated.

· In adjectives formed from nouns ending in -МЯ: nominal, seed, temporary, parietal.

· In short adjectives and adverbs formed from full adjectives with -НН-: inspired, excited, educated(those. literate).


1. In some cases, the spelling of adjectives with -N- or -NN- is determined by the semantics of the word.

wind have:

suffix -YAN- if they define an object powered by wind (windmill);

the suffix -EN- if they define an object containing wind (windy day, windy girl);

suffix -ENN- in all prefix formations(windless, leeward, weathered).

Adjectives from the generating stem oil have:

the suffix -YAN- if they define something that is cooked in oil, or something that runs on oil (oil paint, oil pump);

suffix -EN- if they define something that is specially spread with butter (butter pancakes, butter cakes, hence carnival, this also includes the metaphorical epithet buttered eyes);

suffix -ENH- in participles and adjectives with dependent words (hands oiled with cream, oily sweatshirt).

2. It is necessary to distinguish between the forms of a short adjective and short communion as a predicate: the girl is brought up - the girl was raised by her grandmother; the woman is educated – the department was founded last year; the group is organized in all matters - the conference is organized by the department.

Questions for control:

Assignments on the topic:

Task 1. Educate verb forms, in the suffixes of which the vowel infinitive is retained.

Depend, fold, knead, stir, deflate, roll out.

Task 2. Explain how the words in pairs differ. Taking advantage reference material, explain their spelling.

To decorate - to paint, to be late - to participate, to count - to advise, to manage - to admonish, to confess - to educate, to dance - to hum.

Task 3. Write down, highlighting spellings and grouping words in columns:

1) valid prib. present vr., 2) suffering. prib. present vr., 3) actual. prib. pr. vr., 4) suffer. prib. pr. vr. Explain the spelling of words according to the diagram (see "Reference Material").

creeping, barking, barking, chasing, noticing, noticed, kneaded (in dough) - kneaded (dough), sawing, piercing, struggling, developed, cherished, pumped out (oil from a barrel) - pumped out (from a barrel barrel), provided, hung (in the gallery of paintings), hung (a kilogram of sugar), traveled, well-trodden, fanned, provided, healing, adhesive, glued, enduring, loving, dispelled, traveled, dependent, breathing, watering.

Task 4. Insert the missing letters and justify your choice.

A job corrected by someone, a load dropped, paths cleared; the building is about to be built...but; unpleasant news, crowned...with laurels, scattered...rays, an unnoticed friend, tangled...hare tracks, leaf...strewn alleys of a coastal park, someone... that girl, wasted time; the snow melted unexpectedly, without offending anyone.

Task 5. Fill in the missing letters.

Nurtured, kneaded (dough), dropped, noticed, engaged, significant,, cherished, chalked. ..desirable, under-weighted (grain), under-weighted (curtains), independent,,,, celebrated, transferred..., shot... (deer), shot... (gun), shot... (traitors), scattered..., dispersed, heard... , creeping, dragging, dragging, lost, crowned.

Task 6. Explain the difference in spelling of words in paired phrases.

The woman is smart and educated. - The commission was formed the other day.

The children were inattentive and absent-minded. - The troops were scattered throughout the forest. He says depressed. “The uprising was suppressed.” The decision was hasty and ill-considered. - The decision has not been thought through by anyone. Sauerkraut- pickled cabbage for the winter. Unmown meadow. - Mowed meadow. Come to a dinner party. - Uninvited guests. sworn brother. - Named after you. Windy day. - Calm day.

Remember:uninvited n oh, name n oh, unseen NN oh, unheard of NN oh, unexpectedly NN oh bad luck NN O

Task 7. Replace the dots with the missing letters. Explain why in some cases we write N, in others - NN.

Bee...honey, wheat...porridge, with condensed...milk, oil...stain; painting, rice: ... with oil paints; a clay vase, a wooden building, located in a, noticeable shortcomings, a rye...field sown, a meadow not yet mown, some sort of seed ...things the wardrobe...about the target...harvest, the girl is very educated...and, far away...draw a broken line, silver and gold... jewelry, a wounded man, a seriously wounded fighter, at dawn.

Spelling N and NN in nouns

In derived nouns n or NN written depending on the morphemes with which nouns are formed, or in accordance with the stem from which they are derived.

1. NN is written:

1) if the root of the word ends in n and the suffix begins with n: elder-nick (elderberry), druzhin-nick (druzhina), malin-nick (raspberry), swindler-nick (moshna), aspen-nick (aspen), rowan-nick (rowan); besdorn-nits-a (dowry), besson-nits-a (sleep), zvon-nits-a (ringing), log-nits-a (log);

2) if the noun is formed from an adjective with nn, or from a participle: morbidity (painful), agitation (excited), hryvnia (kryvnia), power of attorney (trusted), cutesy (prissy), spoiled (spoiled), izbn-ik (chosen), exiled (exiled), konn-itsa (horse), koren-ik (indigenous), larch-itsa (deciduous), accident (accidental), education (educated), obshchestven-ik (public), organization ( organized), plenn-ik (captive), possan-ik (sent), privileged-ist (privileged), proizvodstven-ik (productive), millet-ik (millet), craft-ik (craft), sotsanny-ik (related ), sacred-ik (sacred), seminal-ik (seminal), sov-ik (own), sovrem-ik (modern), coherence (agreed), nebula (foggy).

2. N written in words: bagryan-itsa (crimson), varen-ik (boiled), windy-ost, windy-ik, windy-itsa (windy), gostin-itsa (living room), drovyan-ik (wood-burning), konoplyan-ik (hemp) , kopchen-ost (smoked), kostyan-ika (bone), maslen-itsa (oily), wiser-ost (sophisticated), ovsyan-itsa (oatmeal), peat-ik (peaty), smyshlen-ost (smart) and etc., as well as in the words alder-nik, omshan-ik.

Spelling Н and НН in suffixes of denominal adjectives (formed from the name of a noun)

1. Nn is written:

1) for adjectives formed from nouns using suffixes -enn-, -onn-: artificial, cranberry, straw, operating, session, station etc.; This also includes adjectives formed from nouns ending in mya (time, flame, etc.): temporary, fiery, seed, nominal, tribal etc.

In an adjective windy one is written n , since it is formed not from the noun wind, but from the verb wind using a suffix -n- , which does not contradict the spelling rule n in verbal adjectives: weathered, weathered, windswept- formed from verbs;

2) for adjectives formed from adjectives using a suffix -enn-, pointing to to a large extent sign: tall, hefty, wide and others;

3) for adjectives formed from nouns with a base on n(second -n- adjective suffix): long (length), true (truth), millionth (million), ancient (antique), canvas (canvas) etc.

Adjectives like mutton, carp, seal are written with one n , since they are formed from nouns with a stem in n by adding a suffix -j- .

Words spicy, rosy, youthful written with one n (non-derivative adjectives); in words derived from them, one n is also written: spice, ruddy, blush, youth(But: youth, since this word is formed from the combination young naturalist).

2. N is written on adjectives formed from nouns using suffixes -in-, -an-, -yang- : pigeon(pigeon), goose(goose), chicken, eagle, swan, leather(leather), sandy(sand), cereous(wax), linen(canvas), silver, wood-burning etc.

Exceptions: glass, tin, wood.

It is necessary to distinguish between adjectives, the spelling of which depends on their meaning:

A) windy- “accompanied by the wind, with the wind” (windy weather), “frivolous” - transl. (fickle girl, youth); wind- “powered by the force of the wind” (wind engine, pump, mill); in combination chickenpox the adjective is written with a suffix -yan- , cf.: chickenpox- decomposition;

b) buttery- “soaked in oil, lubricated, stained with oil” ( butter pancakes, porridge, hands), trans. ( oily eyes, oily voice, also: Shrovetide week - Maslenitsa); oil- “for oil, from oil, in oil” ( oil cookies, oil paint, oil engine, pump etc.); compare: oil bottle(“intended for oil”) and buttery bottle(“stained with oil”);

V) silver- “subjected to silver, covered with silver” (silver spoon); silver- “made of silver” (silver spoon);

G) salty- “containing salt” (salted fish); salt- “consisting of salt” ( salt mine, salt pillar). In combination salt acid is written as a suffix on the adjective -yan- .

Spelling N and NN in verbal adjectives and participles

Full forms

Written with NN suffixes of full forms of passive past participles: -nn- And -yonn- (-enn- ). Adjectives correlative to them in form are written in some cases also with NN in a suffix, in others - with one n .

1. Written with NN participles and adjectives -ovanny, -evanny, -evanny(formed from verbs in -ow, -eat), For example: pampered, uprooted, lined, painted, organized; uprooted, spoiled, painted over, lined, reorganized.

2. Also written with NN communion not on -ovated(-evanny, – evanny) verbs perfect form and correlative adjectives; the vast majority of such verbs contain a prefix.

a) Examples of forms formed from prefixed verbs: bleached, washed, knitted, fried, written on, dyed, peeled, scolded, dyed, counted, unraveled, made.

b) A list of forms of native verbs without prefixes, as well as some verbs in which the prefix can only be distinguished etymologically: abandoned, given, finished, bought, deprived, captured, forgiven, abandoned, decided, captured, revealed; met, started, offended, acquired, obliged, visited, supplied.

Forms are also written according to this rule. two-species(having the meaning of both perfective and imperfective forms) verbs to marry, bequeath, promise, execute, give birth: married, bequeathed, promised, executed, born.

Exceptions. Are written with one n correlative with participial forms adjectives in the following stable combinations: dead man, named brother, named sister, imprisoned father, imprisoned mother, Forgiveness Sunday .

3. Participles are not on -ovated(-evanny, -evanny) verbs imperfect form(they are formed only from prefixless verbs) and the adjectives correlative with them are written differently: participles with NN , adjectives – with one n , For example: carts loaded with firewood, fish fried in oil, an oil painting, hair cut by a barber And short-cropped hair, green-painted benches, a floor that has not been swept for a long time, walls that have not yet been whitewashed, money that has been counted more than once, an offer made many times; But: loaded barge, fried fish, painted beauty, cut hair, painted benches, swept floor, whitewashed walls, a few minutes, feigned indifference; similarly knitted And knitted, ironed And ironed, woven And braided, brushed And cleaned; also written: chewed And chewed, pecked And pecking, forged And forged.

According to this rule, forms of two-type verbs are written concuss, baptize And injure. Wed: a shell-shocked soldier, a seriously wounded soldier, a soldier wounded in the leg, a newly baptized baby, But: shell-shocked commander, wounded soldier, baptized child.

As can be seen from the examples, the participle is recognized by the presence of dependent words. There are, however, rare cases when the dependent word is not a sign of the participle. For example, you should write: his mustache is clearly dyed(obviously artificial, where is the word obviously used with an adjective); the walls, previously whitewashed, are now covered with green paint(walls that used to be white).

In words with the prefix not-, in compound words and in some combinations? repetitions, the forms of participles and adjectives are written in the same way as in a separate (without a prefix and not as part of a compound word or repetition combination) use .


1. Words with a prefix Not- :

Written with NN : uneducated, unlined, untested, unfinished, unbought, unforgiven ;

Written with n : unbleached, unironed, uninvited, unforged, unfed, unpainted, unmeasured, unpaved, unplowed, uninvited, uncounted.

2. Difficult words:

Written with NN : highly qualified, fully stamped, acquired, freshly painted, purposeful, born blind, insane;

Written with n : plain dyed, homespun, finely crushed, impostor, seriously wounded, whole-cut .

3. Repeat combinations with a prefix re- in the second part, having an intensifying meaning. In them, the second part is written in the same way as the first (with NN or n ), For example:

Written with NN : mortgaged-remortgaged, resolved-resolved ;

Written with n : patched-re-patched, washed-re-washed, mended-re-fixed, read-re-read, darned-re-darned.

Exceptions. Written with NN instead of n :

a) adjectives desired, awaited and (as part of stable combinations) has it been seen before?; Is it unheard of? They are formed from imperfect verbs wish, wait And see, hear .

Special cases: adjectives put on flooded sea; they are formed from imperfect prefix verbs put on, pour out, i.e. from verbs with a suffix - va- , which do not naturally form passive past participles;

b) adjectives with a prefix not-: unknown, unseen, unforeseen, unwanted, unexpected, unexpected, unexpected, unheard of, unexpected and (consisting of sustainable combination) watchful eye;

c) compound adjectives long-awaited, home-grown and (consisting of own name) Andrew the First-Called.

The second parts of these prefixes and compound adjectives also correlate with imperfective verbs.

Short forms

Short forms of passive past participles are written with one n , For example: read, read, read, read; read, read, read, read; tagged, tagged, tagged, tagged; marked, marked, marked, marked. Neuter forms are also written in impersonal use, eg: smoked, polluted, driven, walked, driven-crossed, walked-crossed .

Short forms (except for the form masculine) adjectives with a qualitative meaning, coinciding in form with the passive participles of the past tense of perfective verbs, written with nn , For example: brought up, brought up, brought up(from adjective well-mannered‘discovering results’ good upbringing’); spoiled, spoiled, spoiled(from adjective spoiled‘accustomed to fulfilling one’s whims’); sublime, sublime, sublime(from adjective exalted‘full of high content’). Such adjectives have the forms comparative degree: more educated, more spoiled, more elevated.

Compare in pairs following examples with short forms of participles and adjectives: She was raised by a distant relative . – She has good manners, she is well-mannered. She's spoiled good conditions She is capricious and spoiled.

Brief adjective forms na-ny are written with one n , if these adjectives require dependent words and do not have a comparative form. Examples: attached to someone‘attached’ – She is very attached to him; full of something‘full, imbued’ – The soul is filled with sadness; heard about something‘well-informed’ – We've heard a lot about his tricks.

Some adjectives have different meanings short forms spelled differently. For example, different spelling short forms of the word devotee: She is kind and loyal And She's dedicated. In the first example devoted- same adjective as educated, spoiled, sublime, it has a comparative degree more faithful; in the second - the same as attached, fulfilled, heard(requires dependent words: to anyone, anything).

Short forms of adjectives, expressing different emotional states, can be written with n or with NN depending on the conveyed shades of meaning. For example: She's excited(she feels nervous) – Her speech is excited(her speech reveals, expresses excitement). In the first case, it is also possible to write excited(which would emphasize that her appearance expresses excitement), and in the second case the writing excited impossible (since speech cannot ‘experience excitement’).

IN difficult cases To distinguish between such short forms, you should refer to the academic “Russian Spelling Dictionary”.

Short forms of complex adjectives, the second parts of which coincide with the participles on -ny, written with n or NN depending on the value. Adjectives expressing characteristics that can be manifested to a greater or lesser extent, i.e. forming comparative forms, have short forms (except for the masculine form) with NN ; adjectives that do not allow comparative forms in meaning have short forms with one n , For example:

well-mannered, -no, -nny; landscaped, -no, -nny; self-confident, -no, -nny; purposeful, -no, -nny; purposeful, -no, -nny(there are comparative forms more well-mannered, more comfortable, more self-confident, more purposeful, more purposeful);

interconnected, -but, -us; interdependent, -but, -us; generally recognized, -but, -us; contraindicated, -but, -we(no forms of comparative degree).

Short forms of adjectives with a qualitative meaning, the full forms of which are conveyed in writing with one n , are written in the same way as complete ones. For example: done, done, done(from made‘unnatural, forced’); prostitute, confused, prostitutes(from confused‘illogical, confusing’); scientist, scientist, scientists(from scientist‘knowing something thoroughly’). Comparative forms are also written ( more elaborate, more confused, more learned) and adverbs -O(done, confused, learned).

Such adjectives are few in number; the vast majority of adjectives correlative with participles -ny have no qualitative significance; these are boiled, boiled, soaked, dried, chiseled etc.


Adverbs on -O , formed from adjectives and passive participles, are written with double n or one n - depending on how the corresponding adjective or participle is written.

For example:

Written with NN : unexpected, unheard of(from unexpected, unheard of), excitedly, excitement(excited), confident;

Written with n : confusing(talks confusedly), confusion, confusion(from confused), learned(very learnedly expressed),windy(It's windy outside today).

This note is addressed to those who still have not learned how to determine how many letters n write in one word or another. Or those who reread the rules for the tenth time and cannot understand them. Brew yourself tea, make sandwiches. The conversation will be serious.

How to reduce the likelihood of correct spelling

Easily. Write at random or because it looks so “beautiful”. Or the first and second at the same time.

How to increase the likelihood of correct spelling

Don't be lazy and don't skip any of the points in the algorithm. Only then will you master the skill of determining the number of letters n in a word to the point of automatism.

Aerobatics - determining the quantity n on the go.

You can, but not right away.

Sequence of actions

To begin with, we always determine the part of speech. This must be done according to the question that we ask by the way.

  • Noun - Who? What?
  • Adjective - Which?
    • Short adjective - what?
  • Adverb - How?
  • Communion - Which?
    • Short participle - what?
  • Verbal adjective - Which?

You already have a question: how to distinguish between those parts of speech that answer the same question?

Adjectives and participles

An adjective is formed from a noun, and a participle is formed from a verb.

Long- it's an adjective because it answers a question Which? and derived from the noun length.

Strewn- this is a participle because it answers a question Which? and is derived from the verb put to sleep.

By the way, participles also have characteristic suffixes. In the forms of the present tense: -ush-, -yush-, -ash-, -yash-, -eat-, -om-, -im-. In the past tense forms: -vsh-, -sh-, -in-, -t-, -enn-, -yonn-, -nn-. These suffixes are used as an additional check to see if you have identified the part of speech correctly.

Participles and verbal adjectives

Now we have another problem: both participles and verbal adjectives formed from a verb. Both answer the question Which?. How to distinguish them?

Firstly, the verbal adjective is formed from an imperfective verb, and the participle is formed from a perfective verb.

How to determine the type of a verb? Easily. If he answers the question what to do?, then the form is imperfect (indicates an unfinished action). If he answers the question what to do?, then the perfect form (denotes a completed action).

Secondly, verbal adjectives do not have dependent words.

A dependent word is a word to which you can ask a question from the main word.

Try to determine for yourself which of these words is a participle and which is a verbal adjective: a solved problem, a loaded car.

Answer. Solved- participle. Here are all the arguments: it answers the question Which?; derived from the verb decide; this verb is perfect because it answers a question what to do?.

Loaded- verbal adjective. And here's why: answers the question Which?; derived from the verb load; this verb is imperfect because it answers a question what to do?; there are no dependent words.

In order for a verbal adjective to become a participle, it is enough to do one of two things:

  1. Add a dependent word.
    A car loaded with people. Loaded by whom?- a person. Now this is a sacrament.
  2. Change the form of the verb.
    Loaded car. Derived from the verb download which answers the question what to do? and therefore refers to the perfect form.

Short adjectives and short participles

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Realized that the word answers the question what?.
  2. We think from which full form the word is formed.
  3. We determine the part of speech of the full form (read the differences between adjectives and participles above).

Here is a table for clarity.

Hooray. Now we know which part of speech our word belongs to.

Applying the rules

Look how simple it is once we know the part of speech:

We also write two letters n in participles with suffixes -ova- And -Eve-.

In a word asphalted we write NN, because there is a suffix -ova-.

Make sure that -ova- or -Eve- They were just suffixes. In words forged And chewed there are no such suffixes. They have roots cov- And chew-. These words contain one letter n, because they belong to verbal adjectives.

You also need to remember the words: unexpected, unexpected, seen, unseen, seen, read, heard, unheard, desired. Just remember them.

It remains to deal with adjectives, nouns and adverbs.

In adjectives and nouns we write one n only in one case: if there is a suffix -en-, -yan-, -in-: leather en oh, silver yang oh, chickens in oh, sand en ik. Exceptions: glass, tin, wood.

We write in adjectives NN in the following cases:

  1. In suffixes -onn-, -enn-: station onn oh, time enne y.
  2. If a word is formed from a noun whose stem ends in -n: tuma NN y.
    Pay attention to the second point special attention. Without it you would write in the word fog one letter n, since there is a suffix -en-. But this word has no suffix -en-! Why? Because -an- is part of the root. The word is formed from a noun fog, the stem of which ends in n. Adjectives are written by analogy pocket, long, citric and many others. Don't forget about this rule.

Words windy, buttery, oil are not adjectives, since they are formed from verbs: wind, oil. Here everything works according to the rules of verbal adjectives and participles. Or just remember that these three words are spelled with the same letter n. In other cases, already with two (wind n oh, no wind NN y).

OK. What about short adjectives?

Everything is simple here: they contain the same number of letters n, how many and in full.

What about adverbs?

It's the same story here. We write the same amount n, how much is in the word from which the adverb is formed.

Slowly- an adverb because it answers a question How?. Derived from an adjective slow. In this adjective we write NN in the suffix -enn-, so we write it the same way in adverbs.

Attention! An adverb can be formed not only from an adjective, but also from other parts of speech. For example, confusing to explain. The logic here is tricky. Adverb confusing derived from the word confused, which is a verbal adjective (answers the question Which?; no dependent words; derived from an imperfective verb confuse). Because confused is a verbal adjective, then in it we write one n. And if so, then we write the same amount in the adverb that is derived from it.

A little exercise. Explain the production n-nn in a sentence.

Pickled mushrooms, fried sausage, buttered rye cakes, condensed milk, beef liver, baked potatoes slightly rolled in ashes, and a sip of a drink infused with some outlandish drug will seem tasty on fresh air for the most sophisticated gourmet.

1. With one letter n are written:

1). Adjectives with a non-derivative base: red, young, blue. There is no suffix in such adjectives. The letter n is part of the root.

2). Denominate adjectives with the suffix -n: winter (from: winter), summer (from: summer).

3). Denominate adjectives with the suffixes -an, -yan: sandy, silver (adj. meaning “name of material, substance”), and -in: mouse, sparrow (adj. meaning “accessories”).


wooden, tin, glass write with two letters NN.

4). Verbal adjectives, if there is no prefix and explanatory word: fried meat.


Write with two letters NN words from the list:
given, arrogant, abandoned, desired, bought, seen, made, cutesied, captivated, deprived, sacred, read, desperate, minted, cursed, unheard of, unseen, unexpected, unforeseen

Don't be confused!

The list of exceptions does not include words uninvited, uninvited, named, which are consistent with the data above. Write them according to the rule: unsolicited advice, uninvited guest ,sworn brother.

5). Short adjectives in the masculine form singular: advice is valuable - (m.r.), as well as short adjectives in all other forms if they are formed from full adjectives with one letter n: red girl (from the full form with one letter n: red), the sun is red, the girls are red.

7). Adverbs ending in -o and -e, formed from adjectives with one letter n: windy, neat.

2. With two letters NN are written:

1). Denominate adjectives with the suffix -n if the noun root ends in a letter n: autumn, spring, sleepy.

2). Denominate adjectives with suffixes -enn, -onn: alphabetic, portioned.


flighty man, windmill, chicken pox, But windless day,leeward side.

3). Verbal adjectives with the suffix -nn: uprooted area, defective item.
Figure out how the word is formed: defective ← reject + nn.
Write the suffix -NN in verbal adjectives formed from a generating stem with suffixes: -eva//-ova, -eva: uprooted←uproot, formed←form.

It’s easier to remember this way: adjectives ending in eva+nn+y, ova+nn+y, eva+nn+y.

4). Exceptional adjectives:

Exception: wooden, tin, glass write with two letters - NN .
Exception: given, swaggering, abandoned, desired, bought, seen, made, cutesy, captive, deprived, sacred, read, desperate, embossed, damned, unheard of, unprecedented, inadvertent, unexpected(see point 5).

5). Passive past participles, if there are prefixes or explanatory words: a written essay, mittens knitted (by whom?) by grandmother, as well as participles and verbal adjectives formed from perfective verbs without prefixes: bought, abandoned, given (the latter are included in the list of words for memorization in paragraph 5 along with other examples).

6). Short adjectives formed from the full form with two letters NN(except for the form m.r. singular, in which there is always one letter n): the night is moonless, advice is valuable.

7). Adverbs ending in -o and -e, formed from adjectives with two letters NN: sincerely, thoughtfully, calmly.

Н/НН in participles and verbal adjectives

Spelling Н or НН in passive participles is one of those rules that are regularly encountered in dictations, essays and tests.

First of all, remember the rule: In the suffixes of full passive participles, two letters N are written, for example, CUTTED TREES. In the suffixes of short passive participles, one letter N is written, for example, TREES ARE CUTTED.

But since they are full passive participles sometimes very similar to adjectives, to avoid mistakes, it is useful to remember the four conditions under which two letters N are written:

1) the participle has a prefix (except NOT-), for example, DRIED MUSHROOMS;

2) the participle was formed from a perfective verb, for example, SOLVED PROBLEM - from the verb DECIDE (what to do? – perfect form);

3) the participle has dependent words, for example, MUSHROOMS DRIED (where?) IN THE OVEN;

4) The participle is formed from the verb using the suffixes –OVA- or -EVA-, for example, EXCITED FACE.

If a word does not have any of these characteristics, then it is written with one N.

In addition, there are several words with two letters N, the spelling of which must be learned in the same way as we memorize exception words: UNSEEN, UNHEARD, UNEXPECTED, UNGUESSED, ACCIDENTAL, DESIRED, CHEERING, SACRED, CHANDED.

Samples of reasoning

(1) How many N should be written in the participle from the phrase DELETED GARDEN? First of all, you need to see if the participle has a prefix. In our case, there is a prefix, which means that this word must be written with two N: DENIED GARDEN.

(2) How many Ns should be written in the participle from the phrase BROSHEY LOOK? First of all, let's see if the participle has a prefix. In our example, the participle does not have a prefix, therefore, we need to take the next step: determine the type of verb from which this participle was formed. BROSHE__Y was formed from the verb THROW (what to do?) This verb is of the perfect form, which means that in the participle you need to write two letters N: Abandoned LOOK.

(3) How many Ns should be written in the participle from the phrase FISH FRIED IN THE OVEN? The participle in this phrase has dependent words: ROASTING (where?) IN THE OVEN. Therefore, in the participle you need to write two letters N: OVEN FRIED FISH.

(4) How many N should be written in the participle from the phrase ASPHALTED_OE HIGHWAY? Since this participle contains the suffix -OVA-, it must contain two letters H: PAVED HIGHWAY.

(5) How many N should be written in the word WEAVE_AYA from the phrase WEAVE_AYA BASKET? Since it has no prefix, no dependent words, no suffixes -OVA- or -EVA-, and also because it was formed from the imperfective verb WEAVE (what to do?), you need to write one letter N: WICER BASKET.


“How can I not love him?” she said to herself, delving into his frightened and at the same time joyful gaze.

Levin immediately thought about this, but, despite this, he decided that such views of him from Sviyazhsky were only his unfounded assumption...
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

Well, the guest is uninvited,
Perhaps Father will come in!
I ask you to serve the young lady in love!

They wove scarlet ribbons for her
In two light brown braids,
They brought flowers and clothes
Unseen beauty.

Whoever wants to come to us is welcome;
The door is unlocked for invited and uninvited...
(A. S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”)

Parsley, you are always with new clothes,
With a torn elbow.
(A. S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”)

... Information was requested from the hostile ministry about the measures that were in last decade applied...
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

And that consumptive one, your relatives, the enemy of books,
The academic committee that settled...
(A. S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”)

And then she thinks -
God knows why -
That the starry sky is sand
Sprinkled leaf,
Constantly day and night on the road
A wonderfully well-coordinated cart...
(N. A. Nekrasov, “Russian Women”)

Levin always came to Moscow excited, hurried, a little constrained and irritated by this constraint and for the most part with a completely new, unexpected way of looking at things.
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

No, to this deforested forest
I won't be lured in
Where were the oak trees up to the sky?
And now the stumps are sticking out!
(Nekrasov, “Russian Women”)

He drove to the serf ballet on many wagons
From mothers, fathers of rejected children?!
(A. S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”)

Stepan Arkadyevich had already gone downstairs, undressed, washed again, put on a ruffled nightgown and lay down... (Leo Tolstoy, “Anna Karenina”)

You will come to Nerchinsk if you
The road won't kill you.
Hardly four miles per hour
The chained one is coming...
(N. A. Nekrasov, “Russian Women”)

With a face disfigured by passion, pale and shaking lower jaw, Vronsky hit her in the stomach with his heel and again began to pull on the reins...
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

Daria Alexandrovna's eyes widened at this elegant carriage she had never seen before...
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

Finally married his daughter,
He took a dowry - shish, for his service - nothing.
(A. S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”)

She remembered how she told almost a confession that her husband’s young subordinate made to her in St. Petersburg...
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

At lunchtime they arrived: Alexey Alexandrovich’s old cousin... ...and one young man recommended to Alexey Alexandrovich for the service.
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

To pen from cards? and to cards from the pen?
And what is the proper time for the tides to ebb and flow?
(A. S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”)

I’m running, I won’t look back, I’ll go looking around the world,
Where there is a corner for someone who is offended!..
(A. S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”)

Stepan Arkadyevich... in this comic courtship... and accidentally went so far that he no longer knew how to get back...
(Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina)

What are these people called politely?
More tender? - he is a secular man,
A notorious swindler, rogue:
Anton Antonich Zagoretsky.
(A. S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”)

Because he softened the angry guest,
I wanted to praise.
(A. S. Griboyedov, “Woe from Wit”)

You sit silently for an hour,
Undepressed, cheerful mind
Meanwhile it works...
(N. A. Nekrasov, “Russian Women”)

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