Thematic week in the preschool educational institution: "The corner of the planet where we live." “Solar Circle” (L. Oshanin, A. Ostrovsky)


Russian Federation

Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Municipal preschool educational institution"Seven-flowered flower"

Berkakit village, Neryungri district

678990, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Neryungri district, Berkakit village, Basharina st., 5.

Summary of the lesson in the cognitive direction ( regional component)

Topic: “A corner of the planet, where we live”

Prepared by:

Teacher Leskova A.A.

“A corner of the planet, where we live”

Goal: Implementation of the regional component by introducing children of the older group to the Native Land.


Educational objectives: Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about nature native land, culture, life of the indigenous peoples of the North; consolidate children’s knowledge about the animal world of Yakutia, form an initial idea of ​​​​the “Red Book of Yakutia”, about some birds and animals listed in the Red Book.

Developmental tasks: learn to maintain a conversation about nature, express your point of view, reason and give the necessary explanations, develop coherent speech, memory, thinking, the ability to reason, draw conclusions; develop independence.

Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, a desire to take all possible part in its conservation and protection. Activate children's vocabulary (Red Book, reserve).

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, look how many guests are in our hall, let's say hello to them.

Eberde (hello).

Guys, today I invite you to a tour of the museum.

Educator: What is the name of the person who conducts the excursion?

Children: Tour guide.

Let's remember the rules of behavior in the museum.

Children: Don't talk. Do not touch the exhibits with your hands.

Don’t be naughty, listen carefully, answer questions fully, move quietly.

Guide: Well done, then let's start our excursion.

Let's go to the map. Tell me, what is the name of our country?

Children: Russia.

Guide: That's right, is our country big or small?

Children: Big.

Guide: Of course it’s big, and that’s why our country was divided into many Republics.

Guide: Guys, there is such a concept as “small Motherland”, how do you understand what “small Motherland” is? Small Motherland– this is the place where you were born, where your parents live. This is your village where you study or attend kindergarten. This is our Republic. Guys, tell me, what is the name of our republic?

Children: Sakha Yakutia.

Guide: Look at the map of Russia. Our Yakutia occupies quite large territory and is the largest region of Russia. (The teacher moves a pointer along the border of Yakutia).

Now let's look at the map of Yakutia.

What can you see on the map?

Children: Rivers, seas, cities.

Guide: What cities of Yakutia do you know?

Children: Yakutsk, Mirny, Aldan, Lensk and of course ours hometown- the city of Neryungri!

Guide: Guys, Yakutia is a very multinational republic, among large quantity nationalities there are representatives of indigenous peoples of the Republic of Sakha.

Root people-people, who lived on these lands for a long time.

The indigenous peoples of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) include:

Yakuts, Dolgans, Evenks, Evens, Yukaghirs, Chukchi.

Guide: Let's go and see how the indigenous peoples of Yakutia live.

The home of the Yakuts was a booth or chum - a hut made of poles in the shape of a cone, covered with birch bark, felt or reindeer skins; The booth is the winter home of the Yakuts, the summer home of the Yakuts is called urasa (examination of the home).

Since the 20th century the Yakuts began to buildhuts .

And now I suggest you and I watch a video about the culture and life of the peoples of the north.

  1. A collapsible dwelling - a tent - is adapted to the conditions of a nomadic lifestyle. A fire used to be lit in the center of the chum; now an iron stove is lit.
  2. Men are engaged in fishing, hunting, and raising deer. Deer have great importance for the people it is also transport for moving across the vast expanses of Yakutia. Deer skins are used to insulate homes, as well as to make clothing and national Yakut footwear - high boots. Deer meat is used for cooking.
  3. Women prepare food, raise children, and embroider beaded patterns on fur clothing. Clothes are decorated with appliqués in the form of geometric patterns.
  4. Currently national clothes more often used as a holiday. Only nomadic reindeer herders dress in clothes made of reindeer fur, which are best adapted to the harsh northern climate.
  5. The folklore of the peoples of the North is diverse:

ceremonial (ritual);



  1. Yakut national instruments are drum, tambourine,

kyryimpa - string instrument with bow and khomus.

Guide: Yakutia is a special, extraordinary region. A lot grows here different trees and berries. Let's remember what trees and berries grow in Yakutia.

Go to the table, take the cards and name what is shown on them?

Children: pine, spruce, birch. Cedar, red rowan, willow, aspen, bird cherry.

Children: blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries, currants, honeysuckle.

Guide: Attach your cards to our map.

Guide: The forests of Yakutia are home to many different animals and birds. Let's come up and look at them (children are offered stuffed birds and animals to look at).

  1. Capercaillie - a large bird, it can be identified by its bright red eyebrows. The capercaillie prefers remote places in forests. These birds also love swamps, which are rich in a variety of berries. Spring mating is typical for this bird.

Let's listen to the wood grouse talking.

  1. And this bird is a nutcracker.

The bird fully justifies its name - “nutcracker”: in the taiga it feeds almost exclusively on cedar nuts, which its beak, well adapted for this purpose, helps it get from the cones. They peck nuts down to the last grain, stuff their crops with nuts, and then hide them in remote corners of the forest.

The cedar population largely depends on the number of this bird. That's how useful the activity of this little bird is! Listen to the voice of this bird.

  1. Do you recognize this bird? It's a Woodpecker- a small bird. What can you tell about this bird? The beak is sharp and durable. He breaks through the bark of a tree to find insect houses. They have very long tongue, and all so that you can get your own food. Let's listen to his voice too.
  2. Lapwing bird . There is a crest on the head. These birds are very mobile, they run deftly and quickly among the grass. When a person or animal appears in a meadow or field, several birds immediately fly up to meet each other, shouting “whose are you, whose are you.” For agriculture The lapwing bird brings great benefits by destroying insect pests.

Now let's look at some animals living in the forests of Yakutia.

  1. Bear . The largest predatory animal in our forests. A bear sleeps in a den in winter. Educator: Why does the bear sleep in winter?

Children: In winter, it is difficult for a bear to find food.

Guide : How does he sleep all winter and eat nothing?

Children: The bear eats a lot in the fall, and fat accumulates under its skin.

  1. And this clumsy in appearance, but very fast, strong and dexterous predator - wolverine. Omnivorous predator - feeds on hares, birds, rodents, fish, berries. Despite great strength, strong teeth and sharp claws, the main weapon is an unpleasant smell, which no animal can withstand, so no one attacks the wolverine. And we will move on.
  2. This is a fox. A fox does not change its fur coat in winter. Why do you think the fox needs such a fluffy tail? The tail warms you and covers your tracks.

The little fox knows - the fox, all its beauty is in its fur coat. Guys, what do you think a fox eats?

Who is the fox sniffing out under the snow? The fox is hunting for mice. In winter, life in the forest freezes and mice – voles – become the fox’s main food. A fox mouses - this means it hunts mice.

  1. Hare - the hare digs a hole in the snow in winter; in winter it is white, and in summer its fur is gray. It feeds on grass, tree bark, and bush branches. The hare is saved from predators by its fast legs and keen hearing.

Guys, I propose to tell a poem about this animal.

Guide: Now let's play a game“Find the extra animal and birds”.

Among the pictures you need to find extra animals or birds and say why they are extra.

(Hare, fox, wolf, arctic fox, brown bear, reindeer, tiger, koala, hippopotamus)

Tiger, koala,......, are superfluous, since they do not live in Yakutia. Well done!

Then select the animal that lives in Yakutia and attach it to the map.

Now let's look at our map. How beautiful she has become.

Guide: Guys, you know, there are still a lot of animals that live in Yakutia and some of them are included in this book. Do you know what this book is called? It’s the Red Book. It contains all the animals and plants that are in danger of dying. There are very few of them left on Earth!

– Who can tell us how we can help animals that are in danger of dying?

Children: They must be protected! They need help. Ban hunting, we need to feed them, don’t destroy their nests.

Guide: That's right, and alsoNature reserves have been created to protect rare animals and plants. A reserve is an area of ​​nature that is protected. You cannot hunt, fish, or cut down trees on its territory. We have many nature reserves in Yakutia.

And now I invite you to play the game “Polar Owl and Eurasians”.

Goal: to develop agility, endurance, and develop speed skills.

The polar owl is in the corner of the area or room. The rest of the players are Europeans.

To the quiet, rhythmic beats of a small tambourine, the eurasians run around on the playground; when the tambourine hits loudly, the eurasians stand in a column and do not move. The polar owl flies around the hemlocks and takes the one who moves or stands still with him. At the end of the game (after three or four repetitions), those players who distinguished themselves with greater endurance are noted.

Rules of the game: No loud bangs should be heard. long time. Children must react quickly to changing impacts.

Guide: And guys, I want to tell you about the northern miracle, the northern lights. You know what the northern lights are - they're a stunning light display on Earth, a sparkling, multi-colored glow in the sky.

The Northern Lights can only be seen in the southern and northern polar regions Earth. You can see the northern (aurora) lights in winter, when the weather is clear (show a video about the aurora).

Questions for children:

  1. What is the name of the region in which we live?
  2. What is our region rich in?
  3. What measures have been taken to protect the nature of our region?
  4. What do the indigenous peoples of the Sakha Republic do?

Guide : “Today you and I continued our acquaintance with the region in which we have lived since birth, we learned how huge, endless, rich it is, many different peoples live in it. Although our region is harsh, the nature is very beautiful.

Guide : And in conclusion, let's listen to the poem that our guys will tell. "Beloved Land" (author Tatyana Demina)

  1. The sun is shining over the taiga,

The river roars in the depths,

And the wind blows across the sky

Golden clouds.

  1. The clumsy bear walks

Crumples green leaves

Deer wander through the bushes,

They pinch moss and grass.

  1. I love your open spaces

Yakut land, native land,

Where are the forests, fields and mountains.

They captivate with beauty.

  1. Always be so beautiful

Shine like a bright star,

Yakut land, beloved land

Live forever in memory!


korsүөkhhe dieri. ( Korsүөkhhe dieri)

Target: formation of a tolerant attitude towards one’s own ethnic culture and the culture of other peoples.


— enrich initial ideas about planet Earth, the people who inhabit it, and their equality;

- stimulate manifestation cognitive interest to the phenomena of planet Earth;

— build skills self-use acquired knowledge in gaming activities.

Equipment: projector, slides depicting the planets of the solar system, planet Earth, national flags different countries (Russia, America, Japan, Egypt), the nature of Russia, a globe, an audio recording of the song “We are the children of the Galaxy” (music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky), printed board games “Who lives where?”, “Dress the doll”, flags of different countries, illustrations depicting the nature and animal world of Russia and other countries.

Progress of the lesson

Educator. Guys, librarian Lyudmila Nikolaevna turned to us for help. She asked for help in preparing and holding a holiday for little readers, dedicated to the Day Earth. She has already selected many books and encyclopedias with pictures for an exhibition about our planet. But the little readers who visit her library love to play different games and listen interesting stories! Lyudmila Nikolaevna knows that many children in our group traveled with their parents to different countries and can talk interestingly about what kind of people live there, what language they speak, and about the culture of these countries. Guys, do you agree to help the librarian? How can I help her?

Children. Together with your parents, you can come up with travel stories, bring our albums with photographs, talk about games, and the culture of different countries.

Educator. Well done, how well you came up with everything! I suggest making newspapers with your parents about your trip to the country you visited. And to make the newspapers interesting, let's remember everything you know about planet Earth today in class.

The teacher brings a globe to the group.

How many of you know what this is?

Children. This is a globe.

Educator. We have already looked at the map. And this is a globe. It is round, i.e. the same shape as the planet Earth on which we live. Globe is a model of the Earth. The word "globe" means ball. The image on the globe resembles the image on the map. The planets that make up the solar system revolve around the sun. (The teacher’s story is accompanied by a slide show showing the planets of the solar system through a projector.) The most beautiful of all planets is the Earth. This is what our planet looks like from space.

The teacher shows a slide with a picture of the Earth.

What does she look like?

Children. On the ball.

Educator. Planet Earth is a huge ball that rotates around the Sun and at the same time around its axis. The Earth flew around the Sun - a year has passed. I turned around and a day passed. Look at the globe. What color does it have the most?

Children. Blue.

Educator. You already know what the blue color on the map means. What then?

Children. Water - seas and oceans.

Educator. Yes, indeed, this is water that surrounds the continents on all sides. And that’s why, when you look at our planet from space (pays attention to the slide), it appears blue. But the land is painted different colors. What does the color green mean?

Children. Forests, plains.

Educator. What about brown?

Children. Mountains.

Educator. But here there is a lot yellow, what does this mean?

Children. There is a desert here.

Educator. On land there are blue spots and lines. What is this?

Children. Lakes and rivers.

Educator. You remember well everything that I told you when we got acquainted with the map. All people love and take care of their planet; many songs and poems have been invented about it. Listen to one of them.


There is one garden planet

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Calling migratory birds,

It's the only one they bloom on

Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise...

Take care of your planet -

After all, there is no other one like it!

Y. Akim

Educator. Try to find our country on the globe.

Children complete the task.

Well done, you showed it correctly on the globe. Russia is surrounded on all sides by other states. If you look at the globe, you will see that there are many countries on the continents, painted in different colors. Tell me, what countries do you know?

The children answer.

What countries did you travel to with your parents?

The children answer.

Now we will play a game during which you will remember that every country has its own main city, has its own flag.

Game "Get to know the country"

The teacher shows the flag of the country, names the continent on which it is located and the capital, and the children must guess it.

Russia - mainland Eurasia - capital Moscow.

Egypt - continent Africa - capital Cairo.

Japan - continent of Eurasia - capital Tokyo.

Ukraine - mainland Eurasia - capital Kyiv.

Educator. Guys, do you think the kids who will be at the library at the party will like this game?

Children. Yes.

Educator. Let's play a game that will remind you that nature is different in different countries.

Game "What's extra?"

The teacher shows the children four illustrations depicting the nature and animal world of Russia and other countries, for example, palm trees, elephants, giraffes, etc., grain, rice, cotton fields, etc. One of them does not apply to Russia. Children must say which picture is the odd one out and why they decided so.

The teacher shows slides depicting the nature of Russia.

Educator. Let's once again admire the beauty of Russian nature.

A child reads M. Isakovsky’s poem “Go beyond the seas and oceans...”.

Guys, there are many people living on Earth. They are distinguished by their skin color, which signifies their race. What races do you know?

Children. Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid.

Educator. I suggest playing a game in which you will remember where people of different races live and how they differ in appearance from each other.

Game "Who Lives Where?"

Children are offered a map with parts of the world: Europe, Asia, Africa and cards with images of people of different races. You need to put the cards in the place on the map where they live. When completing the task, children, at the teacher’s suggestion, talk about the features appearance people of different races (skin color, eye color and shape, hair characteristics - color, softness, hardness, curliness).

Educator. Guys, listen to a poem that will remind you of how people living on Earth differ from each other.


All the people in different countries

On all continents.

We say - so strange! —

In different languages.

I know the time will come.

I know the time will come:

- I'm your friend! - Vanya will say,

And John will understand.

And Vanya John will answer:

- I am your friend forever!

And everyone on the whole planet

They will understand them without difficulty!

A. Usachev

Children. They speak different languages.

Educator. Right! People are not only different races, but also of different nationalities. People of each nationality have their own language that they speak. Let's play a game.

Game "Guess the language"

The teacher names the nationality, and the children name the language spoken by its representatives.

Germans - German language.

The Chinese are Chinese.

The Japanese are Japanese.

Russians - Russian language.

Educator. Guys, how else do people differ from each other? different nationalities?

Children. They have different national costumes, their own songs, games, dances, and national dishes.

Educator. Right! People of different nationalities have their own folk songs, dances, crafts, musical instruments, i.e. has its own culture, has its own traditional cuisine. Guys, librarian Lyudmila Nikolaevna asked me to pick up interesting games, with the help of which it will be possible to introduce young library readers to the culture of different countries. Do we have a game in our group that can introduce what different peoples wear different folk costumes?

Children. Yes.

Educator. What is it called?

Children."Dress the doll."

Game "Dress the doll"

Children are given paper dolls with distinct external features: skin color, hair, facial features (nationalities are spoken out) and several national costumes. Children must choose a costume for each doll and tell about its distinctive features.

Educator. Guys, do you want to play the American game “Five Little Monkeys”?

Finger game "Five Monkeys"

(carried out with musical accompaniment)

Five monkeys were jumping in the crib,

(The children do free movements hands with fingers spread, show the number “5”.)

One of them fell

(Children raise the index fingers of both hands (the rest are gathered into fists).

Head down.

(Touch their head with their index fingers and tilt it down slightly.)

Mom - on the phone.

(Pretend to dial a number on the phone dial.)

The doctor answers:

(Pretend to be holding the phone receiver.)

Stop the children from jumping, miss!

(While pronouncing the text, they threaten index finger right hand.)

Educator. Guys, did you like the game?

Children. Yes.

Educator. Let's tell Lyudmila Nikolaevna about her. Let her teach little readers how to play it. This fun game they will love it! What other games do you know from around the world?

Children. “Salki” is Russian folk, “Salki in a circle” is African, “Lame duck” is Ukrainian, “Catch the dragon by the tail” is Chinese.

Educator. So we remembered that people of different countries have their own history and culture, every person loves and appreciates them. Why is it necessary to respect the culture of other peoples?

Children. Because all peoples take care of their culture, cultural heritage created by people themselves.

Educator. The culture of other peoples must be respected; it reflects all the values ​​that are important for each country. I think that everything we talked about today in class will help you and your parents make interesting family newspapers about your travels to different countries. What games can we choose for Lyudmila Nikolaevna?

Children. “Find out the country”, “What’s extra?”, “Who lives where?”, “Guess the language”, “Dress the doll”, “Five monkeys”.

Educator. I would like to end today’s lesson with a wonderful song about planet Earth.

An audio recording of the song “We are the children of the Galaxy” (music by D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky) is played.


  1. Deepen the understanding that planet Earth is a huge ball, most of which is covered with water. Besides water there are continents - solid ground- land where people live.
  2. Introduce children to scientific version formation of continents on planet Earth, with symbols land, water on maps and globes, with the names and location of continents on the map.
  3. To bring to an understanding of the uniqueness of our planet, since only on Earth there is life.
  4. To foster a desire to protect our Earth.
  5. Encourage children to make inferences based on available information.
  6. Develop imagination, associative and creative thinking.
  7. Improve dialogic and monologue forms of speech.

Materials and equipment:

Large image of parts of the world (continents), globe, physical map world, map “Solar System” (for children), poster “Solar System”, didactic picture “All Earth”, paintings depicting various peoples inhabiting planet Earth, apple, top.

Progress of the lesson

On the central wall of the hall hangs a large panel depicting globe. On the side wall there are: an old map, a map of the land before Cook's discovery, a physical map of the world, a poster " solar system" Books about planet Earth, about Space, slides and illustrations “The Universe”, “Peoples of the World” are laid out on tables near the wall.

Children enter.

The Russian melody sounds folk song“Motherland” (“I see wonderful freedom”).

Teacher. Good afternoon, my young friends! Guys, we live in a country that has amazing beautiful name- Russia. Our Motherland is great! It spreads freely from the snows and ice of the Far North to the southern seas, from Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. This is a huge state!

You and I have made many interesting and exciting trips around our native country. What did you see around you and learn?

Children. Russia has high mountains, deep rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes.

Children. There are small rivers, light birch groves, sunny meadows, ravines, swamps and fields.

Teacher. We are proud of our great Russia, its diverse nature, rich mineral resources, and especially its hardworking and talented people, inhabiting it. But there are other countries in the world where the same people live, but they speak different languages. And we all have common house. If you guess the riddle, you will find out its name:

No beginning, no end
No back of the head, no face.
Everyone knows, both young and old,
That our house is a huge ball.

Children. Earth.

Children. And people also say this: “She didn’t give birth to anyone, but everyone calls her mother.”

Teacher. What do you know about our planet? What is it like, Earth?

Children. Our planet is a huge, enormous ball. So big that it takes many, many days, even months, to travel around it.

Children. She's round like an apple. The Earth revolves around the Sun, like an airplane around a turret. Moreover, it itself rotates around its own axis, spinning like a top, only slowly.

Children. The Earth is a satellite of the Sun. She is much smaller than the sun. Together with our planet, eight other planets revolve around the Sun.

Children. But only on our Earth there is life.

The teacher approaches a poster depicting the Solar System and invites the children to find our home - Earth - among these planets.

The child finds and shows.

Teacher. Who wants to show our home planet on a star map?

Children show.

Teacher. How did you know that this was Earth?

Children. Our planet is blue.

Teacher. Why is she blue?

Children. There is a lot of water on Earth.

Children. When astronauts look at our planet from space, it appears to them as a luminous ball of beautiful blue color.

Teacher. Well done, guys! Why do you think there is life on Earth?

Children. On Earth there is water to drink and air to breathe.

Teacher. Right. Water and air are necessary for all living organisms.

My friends! But have people always had this knowledge? It turns out not. But how did they picture the Earth they lived on? Very different. Their ideas seem fantastic, fabulous, implausible to us today. Let's see how they painted our world.

Demonstration of illustrations.

Children. In ancient times, people thought that the Earth was huge and flat, like a pancake or a plate, and that you could reach the edge of the Earth.

Children. Some said that it was supported by three huge whales that swam in the ocean.

Children. Others argued that the flat Earth is supported by three elephants, elephants stand on the back of a huge turtle, and the turtle swims in the ocean...

Children. There were even daredevils who dreamed of getting to this edge and seeing what was there, at the edge of the Earth, and whether it was possible to fall from it.

Children. People set off on foot, or on horseback, or by ship.

Teacher. And did they get to the ends of the Earth?

Children. No. As soon as they reached the sea or ocean, they believed that their journey was over: this was the end of the Earth. Then there is nothing else but water.

Teacher. Children, but there were also people who, having reached the seashore, boarded a ship and continued their journey. These sailors finally became convinced that, setting off from some place and always moving in the same direction, for some reason they returned to where they started their journey. “Why is this happening?” - people thought. Yes, because, suddenly someone realized that the Earth is not flat as a pancake. No, it's round like a ball.

Teacher. The time of great sea voyages played a big role in understanding our world. The first trip around the world was made by the sailor-traveler Magellan on five ships. For three years his ships sailed forward and forward, without changing direction and checking their path by the stars. Four ships were lost in the rough ocean waters. And only one ship called “Victoria” circled the Earth and returned to the port on the other, opposite side. So people realized how big our Earth is, and they proved that the Earth is a ball and can be driven around it.

Showing illustrations of sailing ships.

Teacher. Why did people in ancient times have the wrong idea about the structure of our world?

Children. In ancient times, people could not move long distances on earth. After all, there were no roads, no ships, no trains, no planes. Therefore, no one was able to reach the “ends of the earth” to check the stories about whales, elephants, and turtles.

Physical education minute. Music is playing.

The teacher reads the riddle, the children perform the following movements:

Someone in the morning, slowly, (Walk in place.)
Inflates a yellow balloon (Children blow and spread their hands.)
And how do you let go of it - (Raise your hands up, clap.)
It will suddenly become light all around. (Turns to the sides.)
What kind of ball is this?

Children (in unison). Sun.

Teacher. Friends, what then surrounds the Earth? And it is surrounded by a huge space, which is called outer space, or outer space. This space is not empty, it is filled with various cosmic bodies– stars, planets, comets and meteorites.

Above the Earth there is a huge ocean of air - the atmosphere, and every day, every hour, every minute, without noticing it, we “swim” in it. And passers-by on the street, and cats, and dogs, and pigeons, and even trams and trolleybuses “swim” in this ocean. It is very important for our life. You and I breathe air, animals, birds and plants also breathe - all living things on earth cannot do without it. And if this ocean disappeared, then our Earth would become a lifeless planet in just a few minutes. Air envelope The Earth is her amazing blue “shirt”. In such a “shirt”, our planet does not overheat from the sun’s heat, nor does it get cold from the cosmic cold, like, for example, the Moon and the planet Mercury. The air shell is a battle chain mail that protects the Earth from space “projectiles” - meteorites. One more important work air ocean - monitor the climate on our planet, transport cold air to the south, warm air to the north. And only thanks to the air shell - the atmosphere on Earth, the only planet in the entire solar system, life exists.

Children, how before people have you ever imagined what heaven is?

Children. When people thought the Earth was flat, they thought that during the day it was covered with a blue cap - the sky along which the Sun moves. And at night some huge giant covers it with a black cap. Only this cap is full of holes; there are many small holes in it through which light enters the Earth.

Teacher. These holes are the stars. Only later did people realize that stars are something completely different. How many of you know what stars are?

Children's answers.

Teacher. That's right, stars are huge fireballs. Why do they seem so small to us?

Children. They are very far from us.

Teacher. Which star is closest to us?

Children. This is our star - the Sun.

Children. It gives our planet light and warmth, without it there would be no life on Earth.

“Cosmic” music sounds.

Children and their teacher stand in a circle. In the middle of the circle is a large image of the All-Earth (made from pieces fastened on the inside).

Teacher. Many millions of years ago the Earth was a huge continent. As a result of natural disasters, this continent began to collapse, large and small pieces began to separate from it.

The teacher removes the fastenings from the All-Earth model. Children end up with large and small pieces of “sushi” on their hands. Upon careful examination, children recognize the outlines of them. modern continents and islands.

Children are invited, looking at a physical map of the world, to independently lay out continents and islands on blue matter that represents the ocean.

Children look at the continents and name them.

Children. Africa, America, Australia, Europe, Asia, Antarctica.

The teacher shows them on the globe.

Teacher. What is a globe?

Children. A globe is a tiny model of the globe. It depicts what is on the real Earth: oceans and land.

Teacher. You see that the globe rotates around its axis. (Rotates the globe.) The Earth rotates in the same way. The Earth exposes the Sun to one side or the other. So they say: “Day and night - a day away!”

The continents are inhabited by animals, they grow various plants, different peoples live. The teacher shows illustrations, books, posters. Offers to listen to V. Orlov’s poem “Common House”.


Under one blue
We live under a common roof.
House under a blue roof
Both spacious and big.
The house is spinning near the sun,
To keep us warm
So that every window
It could illuminate.
So that we can live in the world,
Without being scared, without threatening,
How good neighbors
Or good friends.

Teacher. The earth is not only land, but also oceans and seas. Guys, what is more on the globe – water or land?

Children's answers.

Teacher. Children, imagine that the Earth is an apple.

The teacher peels the apple, leaving approximately one-fifth of the peel.

Teacher. This will be the land, and everything else will be rivers, lakes, seas, oceans. Thus, you see that the land does not occupy most of Earth. Maybe you know the names of some seas and oceans?

Children's answers.

The teacher shows the seas and oceans on the globe, then shows slides “Planet Earth”.

Teacher. Our planet Earth is beautiful and amazing. As long as a person lives, he always, throughout his life, admires its beauty and comprehends its secrets and mysteries.

The earth is our common home for everyone who lives on it. Everyone needs it, and everyone who lives on it also needs the Earth. We have a common roof over our heads - blue sky. There is a common floor underfoot - earth's surface, we have one lamp and stove for everyone - the Sun. We have a common water supply and a wind-driven fan.

The music of Yu. Chichkov “Scherzo” is playing.

Children put on hats of insects, birds, and animals. A musical composition is performed, children dance and pretend to be animals. The composition ends with the children forming freely.

Children read poetry.

First child.

Our planet Earth is very generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields are our dear home, guys!

Second child.

Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.
Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won’t let anyone offend her.

Third child.

We will take care of birds, insects, animals.
This will only make us kinder.
Let's decorate the whole earth with gardens, flowers...

All children.

We need such a planet!

Music by Erio Mariconi “Raindrops”.


Our native home, our common home -
The land where you and I live!
Just look around:
There is a river here, a green meadow there.
You can't get through the dense forest,
You won't find water in the desert!
And somewhere there is a mountain of snow,
And somewhere it’s hot in winter...
They have one name:
Forests, and mountains, and seas -
Everything is called Earth!


  1. Levitan E.P. Kids about stars and planets. – Petrozavodsk: Krugozor, 1995.
  2. Levin B., Radlova L. Astronomy in pictures. – M.: Children's literature, 1967.
  3. Grizik T. Exploring the world. – M.: Publishing House “Education of Preschool Children”, 2004.
  4. Skorolupova O.A. Conquest of space. – M.: Publishing House Scriptorium 2000 LLC, 2003.
  5. Klushantsev P.V. What did the telescope tell you? – L.: Children's literature, 1980.

Kislinskaya Lyubov Nikolaevna
Place of work: GKKP " Kindergarten No. 2 "Baldyrgan"
Position: kindergarten teacher

Target : To give the concept that planet Earth is our common home, which must be taken care of together. To form in children the idea that everything in nature is interconnected. Develop environmental empathy, interest, caring attitude and love for the surrounding world, for your planet. Educate children ecological culture and literacy.

Material : model of the globe - globe. Map of hemispheres, garbage, black scarf, decorating the group with trees, flowers, fir trees, fabric. Hats for staging - lion, snake, owl, goose, crane, duck, dove, bell.

Preliminary work: Excursions into nature. Memorizing poems, songs, talking about the rules of behavior in the forest. Preparing children to stage the skit “What the Bell Tolls.”

Progress of the lesson.

Peace, peace, peace everywhere, peace in you, peace in me!

Ved: Our common home, our home native - Earth, where you and I live! Just look around: Forests and mountains and seas Everything is called earth! And if you fly into space, then from the window of the rocket you will see our blue ball, your favorite planet!

- Let's look at a model of our planet. What is another name for it?
model of the globe, (answers)

And my first question is: So why blue, Our common home, Our globe, (answers)

– So: most of the earth’s surface is covered by water. What do we know about
this water?


A spring gushed from the depths of the earth

Instantly became a crystal stream

They are in a hurry, running forward like a stream

And now the river is already flowing!

The river doesn't flow somehow

And it goes straight to the sea

And the sea is like a huge mouth

All the waters of the rivers will pour into itself

Well, then he will accept them himself

Vast Ocean

Clean spring water

And he will wash the globe.

Ved: So - water is rivers, lakes, seas, oceans. Planet earth is not only water, but also land. And so that we can clearly see our planet, it is depicted on the map. Show what continents you know (answers)

So our globe is ready

There are six continents on it

Well, where are the miracles?

Miracle is life everywhere

Both on land and in water

Well, now about the most important thing

It's scary to look at our land

Once upon a time pure blue

Now he is dirty and sick.

The water is getting cloudier every day

And the air, how much dirt there is in it

Every living thing can die

Earth, what have they done to you!

– Guys, what do you think we will talk about now?

- Yes, our planet is sick.

– I invite you to relax in the forest. Do you want it? Then imagine that we are already in
forest, (music)

Hello our dear forest! We are glad to meet you

- Look, the woodsmen are coming towards us. Hello, foresters! Why are you so sad?

Lesovichki: Hello guys!

  • People came to relax in the forest. They burned fires, destroyed anthills and scattered garbage. Even the lake suffered from them.
  • Nature is like a wounded bird. Screams, asks for help. We are ashamed that such people exist.

Ved: Don’t be upset, forest people. Not all people are bad. Our guys know the rules of behavior in the forest. They can tell you about it.

Do not break branches, do not damage the bark of trees, do not swing on branches, do not collect birch sap, why? Don’t pick flowers, let them decorate the clearing. Do not destroy anthills, bird nests, do not make noise in the forest, do not leave garbage in the forest, do not light fires.

Lesovichki: Well done guys, you know the rules of behavior in the forest.

Ved: Don't be sad, forest people. Our guys will help restore order in the forest. And the game will help us with this “Who can put things in order faster and more accurately? lake And V little forest."

Game:“Who will restore order on the lake and in the forest faster and more accurately” - Well, well done, guys, Rakhmet! Our Lesovichki cheered up.

Lesovichki: The forest is always happy to have such guests.

Ved: Guys, why are we friends with the forest? Why do people need it?

The forest is our wealth.

The forest is the green outfit of the planet.

The forest is a home for animals and birds.

The forest is our friend.

The forest is a storehouse where nuts, berries, and mushrooms grow.

The forest is clean air.


  • One day I was walking around my property. A fish jumped out of the water and said I can’t live there anymore.
  • Guys, why didn’t the fish want to stay in the water, because water is its home?

Ved: And we will answer this question with a song.

We throw waste and garbage into the river

They say the water will carry away

But water has limits of patience

Look ahead.

No need to wash or get drunk

Chemistry instead of water

The fish are gone, the birds are gone

And soot - pounds

People please be quiet, be quiet.

Let the waste disappear in the darkness

Keep the air clean

The water be clear, and we are on earth!


  • Yes, our planet is seriously ill. And this happened due to human fault.
  • Now the inhabitants of the forest will show you a scene “What is the bell tolling for?”

Characters: Lion - arystan, owl - zhapalak, snake - zhylan, goose - kas, duck - urek, pigeon - kagershyn, crane - tyrna.

Far, far away, in a dense forest there is one clearing. Residents gathered in this clearing. When it was necessary to decide important issues. And the ringing of a bell gathered everyone into the clearing. One day the bell rang so loudly that the animals hurried to the clearing, wanting to find out who was disturbing them and asking for help and protection.

Lion: You know that no one dares to call for trifles. So which of you is asking for help and protection?

Birds(together): We birds ask for help and protection.

Crane: A lot of us are dying, many species of birds have even become extinct completely, and all this is due to the fault of humans.

Snake: How can a person do this to you? This can't be true. After all, we are all part of nature.

Lion: We all have a mother named nature!

And she has enough kindness for everyone

And we live, imprinted forever

There are beautiful features in her soul

Fields, meadows, lass and mountains.

Pigeon: I am the passenger pigeon. Man destroyed us on an unprecedented scale. There are almost no of us left.

Owl: Doesn’t a person understand that by destroying you, he himself will die. Man learned to fly through the air like a bird. Swim underwater like a fish. All he has to do is learn to live with dignity on earth.

Duck: We are waterfowl. So much industrial waste is thrown into the water, and so much oil is spilled into the sea, that it is difficult for us to feed ourselves.

Goose: Air pollution with various gases also leads to our death.

My planet is a human home.

But how can she live under a smoky hood?

Where is the gutter ocean,

Where all nature is caught in a trap.

Lion: Man, listen to the king of patient animals.

And forgive me that my words will not sound like a king. You, master! We don’t want to argue with you and we can’t. But without us, imagine...

Snake: Will the earth be earth?

Lion: But without us, you understand...

Owl: Will the sea remain the sea?

Lion: Human babies will remember us and cry!

Birds: We are fluffy lumps of heat. We are a living animal!

Lion: Everything is yours on the planet...

All together: But there is nothing of ours!!!

Ved: Yes, everything - people, animals, birds, plants - are inhabitants of planet Earth, and the Earth is our common home, which we must protect. Guys, do you want to be wizards? Go out into the clearing, stand more comfortably: feet shoulder-width apart, close your eyes and listen to me carefully, (music)


If I were a tree, my legs would hold me tight. Because they sprouted deep into the ground - these are my roots.

My body is a tree trunk, the trunk of a slender, beautiful birch tree. My skin has become hard and tough, but it is smooth and transparent, it will protect me from injury. Children will understand that it is impossible to strip bark from trees (bolmaids).

My hands are twigs. The breeze blew, the branches swayed in one direction, talking with their friends in the other direction.

It’s so good, the sun wakes up and warms us. The branches straighten out, and the trunk holds us tightly - not a single branch will come off.

And then the birds arrived. They sat on the branches and sang. How good! How beautiful it is all around! Let's not disturb them!

– Did you like being wizards? Because of man, all nature is dying. And what has been done cannot be corrected.

Children: Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world

Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it

We won’t let anyone offend her

We will take care of birds, insects and animals.

This will only make us kinder.

Let's decorate the whole earth with gardens of flowers

You and I need such a planet

Ved: Thank you Lesovichs for your hospitality. Let's smile as nicely as possible. Nature is our good, our good, faithful friend. Drawing: “My planet is Earth.”

Kazakh words: sit down - otyryndar, yes - iya, right - durys, good - zhaksy, not allowed - bolmaids, thank you - rakhmet, come on in - kiriniz.

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