Types of influence of natural conditions on people's lives. How do natural conditions affect people's lives? National clothes of Ossetians

Natural conditions influence almost all aspects Everyday life the population, the characteristics of its work, leisure and life, people’s health and the possibility of their adaptation to new, unusual conditions.

Total score natural conditions determined by their level comfort for a person. To measure it, up to 30 parameters are used (duration of climatic periods, temperature contrast, climate humidity, wind conditions, the presence of natural foci of infectious diseases, etc.).

According to the level of comfort, the following are distinguished:

extreme territories(polar regions, high mountain
areas of high latitudes, etc.);

uncomfortable territories - areas with harsh natural
conditions unsuitable for life of an unadapted population;
are divided into cold humid(arctic deserts, tundra), arid
territories (deserts and semi-deserts), as well as mountainous areas;

hyper-comfortable areas - areas with limited
favorable natural conditions for the resettled population,
are divided into boreal(forests temperate zone) And semiarid(steppes
temperate zone);

comfortable areas - areas with minor
deviations from the natural optimum to form a constant

comfortable areas - areas with almost ideal
conditions external environment for the life of the population, are typical for
southern part of the temperate zone, in Russia they are represented by insignificant
areas by habitats.

Nai most of our country - the coldest in the world (the average annual temperature of the Russian territory as a whole is below -5 degrees Celsius) - belongs to extreme and uncomfortable territories. However, the bulk of the population lives in regions with pre-comfortable and comfortable conditions. Within their limits - in Central Russia, in the North Caucasus, in the Middle Volga region - there are 25 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, most of the largest urban agglomerations.

Concept "natural conditions" in itself presupposes one or another type of economic activity. It is natural conditions that often predetermine economic diversity human activity, industry specialization of individual regions, the pace of economic and social development. It is essential that the influence of natural conditions on the national economy is ambiguous and largely depends on the level of development and economic situation country or region.

Natural conditions are of primary importance for those industries National economy, which operate under open air. First of all, this is rural, forest and water management. Their specialization and development efficiency are directly related to soil fertility, climate, and water regime of the territory. Transport and many other industries are also under their influence.

economic spheres.

It is known, for example, that when organizing the extraction of mineral resources, not only their reserves and quality characteristics, but also the conditions of their occurrence, which directly affect the method, scale and cost of production. In the practice of the mining industry, it often happens that the most economical are not the richest deposits, but rather the relatively poor ones, but located in more favorable natural conditions.

Almost all types of construction are highly dependent on natural conditions. Its cost is determined by such terrain parameters as the strength and water content of soils, the degree of seismicity, swampiness of the territory, the presence permafrost, mountainous terrain, etc. Creating a similar functional facility in the northern and northeastern regions of Russia can be an order of magnitude more expensive than in the south of the European territory of the country.

The natural parameters of the territory also have a significant impact on the organization of urban public utilities. Thus, the cost of heating, water supply, sewerage, lighting of dwellings, as well as their construction, also vary significantly depending on the climate and engineering and geological conditions. In the northern regions of Russia, the heating season lasts up to 10 months a year, compared to 4-5 months in the south of the country. Costs increase accordingly.

In the north and in other regions with extreme natural conditions, there is a need to create special technical means, adapted to these conditions, for example, with an increased margin of safety. In the northern version, this is the ability to withstand low temperatures, in the south - high, and for regions with a monsoon climate - the ability to work normally in particularly humid conditions. For Russia, most of the territory is located in precisely such extreme natural conditions - this is especially significant.

Special attention deserves a question about natural conditions for agriculture, where they played and are playing a decisive role. The specialization and efficiency of the agricultural sector of the economy, especially for Russia, are directly related to the natural fertility of soils, climate, and water regime of the territory.

Growing methods different cultures and breeding of farm animals depend on agro climatic conditions - lshmat resources in relation to the interests (demands) of agriculture. The influence of climatic conditions on agricultural production can be quantified through agroclimatic indicators. Agricultural climate assessment is based on a comparison of the agroclimatic conditions of the territory with

environmentally diverse requirements cultivated plants to their life factors.

It is obvious that agroclimatic conditions differ significantly from place to place. Understanding the patterns of agroclimatic differentiation is necessary not only for managing the agricultural sector of the national economy, but also for the purposes of political and economic analysis. It is estimated, for example, that the agroclimatic potential of the United States is approximately 2.5 times higher than that of Russia. From this natural scientific fact it follows that, with equal costs, the productivity of US agriculture will always be higher by at least the same amount than in our country.

When assessing agroclimatic conditions, as well as for a number of other practical purposes, data on zonal differences in the country’s territory are used. On the territory of Russia there is a change natural areas from north to south: arctic deserts, tundras, forest-tundras, forests (divided into subzones of taiga and mixed and deciduous forests), forest-steppes, steppes, semi-deserts and subtropics.

Show, using examples known to you, the influence of natural conditions on economic activity of people. Is this connection strengthening or weakening? Explain why.


Nature has a very strong influence on human activities, and, in my opinion, this influence is weakening, especially in recent centuries.

I'll explain why.

From the point of view of the quantitative influence of nature on human activity, it remains as it was. How much rain, winter, fires and hurricanes there were 500 years ago, is about the same now. But the qualitative influence has changed. Until the 20th century, the main branch of the economy was the agricultural sector (farming), which is dramatically influenced by natural conditions. Then, not only did industry and the service sector come to the fore, but humanity also learned to counteract poor natural conditions by growing crops in greenhouses.

This applies not only to the economic sphere. Primitive walked around half naked and froze from the cold. Then warm clothes appeared. Previously, if a fire started in the forests, the forests could disappear if the rain did not come. Now the taiga is being extinguished from helicopters and airplanes.

This list of examples can be continued for a long time, and they will all confirm my point of view. Although, there may be exceptions.

Bibliographic description:

Nesterova I.A. The influence of natural conditions and natural resources on the territorial organization of society [ Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia website

The territorial organization of society is influenced by many factors. One of them is the presence of certain natural resources and the characteristics of climate and other natural conditions.

Concept and types of natural factors

Despite evolution, natural factors continue to play a significant role in human life. Natural factors are a broad concept that includes such important elements as natural resources and natural conditions. In addition to them, it also includes such concepts as landscape sustainability and ecological situation.

Let's consider each element that makes up natural factors. First of all, let us turn to the interpretation of the concept of “natural conditions”.

Under natural conditions It is generally accepted to understand the totality of the most important natural characteristics of a territory, reflecting the main features of the components natural environment or local natural phenomena.

It is natural conditions that have direct influence on the everyday life and lifestyle of the population. Details of what depends on natural conditions are presented in the figure below.

The components of the natural environment are: climate, geological environment, surface and underground waters, soils, biota, and landscapes. Separately, the distribution of local natural phenomena should be highlighted. What it is? Local natural phenomena represent particularly dangerous natural phenomena and anomalies, as well as foci of infections.

Climatic conditions are of no less interest. They exert their influence through the relationship of heat and moisture. Thermal resources determine the energy of plant growth.

The territory of Russia is the largest in the world and is 17,125,191 km². There is climatic diversity on the territory of the Russian Federation. However, most of the area is in cold climates. This affects the characteristics of economic activity.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that Russia as a whole is the northernmost and most cold country in the world, which affects its economy, the economy and the characteristics of the development of society. 10 million km2 is occupied by permafrost.

The fact is that the specifics of permafrost must be taken into account when constructing and laying cables, when installing power lines, etc.

Second climatic factor is hydration. Precipitation frequency affects Agriculture, housing and communal services and other important elements of life in the territories.

No less important are relief features and geological structure . By influencing all components of the natural environment, relief contributes to the emergence of differences in landscapes and at the same time is itself affected natural zoning And altitudinal zone.

Engineering and geological conditions of the area include factors such as the interconnection of layers earth's crust, state upper layers. These factors influence the engineering and economic activity of territories, as they perform the following tasks presented below.

Accounting mining and geological conditions vital in all areas of economic activity, but especially in urban planning, transport and hydraulic engineering.

Separately, the soil factor should be mentioned. Soil is important for agriculture and construction. In this aspect, we highlight the structure chemical composition and soil density. The value of soil lies in its ability to supply plants with nutrients.

Let's also look at the biota. Biota is understood as a historically established set of living organisms living on any large territory, i.e. fauna and flora of this territory. The characterization of the natural conditions of the area also includes an assessment of the flora and fauna.

So, natural factors play a vital role in human life. They determine his life, leisure time and state of health. Based on this, we can safely say that natural factors influence territorial division and local government.

Classification of territories by comfort level

Now we will consider each type of territory separately from the point of view of its potential features. As you can see in the figure, the territories are:

  • extreme territories;
  • uncomfortable territories;
  • comfortable areas;
  • hyper-comfortable areas;

Let's start, of course, with extreme territories. They are the most difficult to economic development regions. These include: polar regions, high-mountain regions of high latitudes, etc.

Then there are territories that are less difficult for life and economic life, which are called uncomfortable territories. They are characterized by harsh conditions, a harsh climate, which is unsuitable for life for an unadapted population. Such territories include: arctic deserts, tundra, arid territories and mountainous regions.

Hyper-comfortable areas are considered more or less comfortable for life. These are areas where natural conditions are limitedly favorable. The settlers feel quite comfortable in such territories. Hyper-comfortable areas boreal and semiarid.

And finally, the most convenient for life are comfortable areas And comfortable areas. Pre-comfortable areas include areas with minor deviations from the natural optimum for the formation of a permanent population. Comfortable areas are those areas where conditions are almost ideal for the population to live. Such territories are located in the southern part of the temperate zone; in Russia they are represented by small areas.

Natural conditions are very important for those sectors of the national economy that operate in the open air. This is, first of all, agriculture, also water and forestry. Construction is very dependent on natural conditions. Hence the difference in financing the same objects in different territories.

Natural disasters and disasters

Various disasters and disasters have a strong influence on the development of territories. natural disasters. They act as a specific form of natural conditions.

The following natural disasters are considered the most common and dangerous for humans:

  • earthquakes
  • floods,
  • tsunami,
  • hurricanes and storms,
  • tornadoes,
  • typhoons,
  • collapses.
  • landslides,
  • sat down
  • avalanches,
  • forest and peat fires.

Typical examples adverse events nature are droughts, frosts, very coldy, thunderstorms, heavy or prolonged rains, hail and some others.

Many areas need protection from natural disasters. This significantly increases the cost of construction and maintenance municipalities and communications. In addition, the cost of technologies adapted to increased loads or capable of preventing hazardous impacts is significantly higher.

The connection between natural conditions and human health is obvious. The quality of water, air, soil, and climatic conditions determine a person’s health, ability to work, and longevity. In preserving people's health and treatment various diseases important role belongs natural factors: sun, sea, forest, mountain air, sea ​​water, mineral waters, healing mud.

Favorable conditions for human life and activity. Part of the territory of our country is characterized by favorable conditions for human life and health: warm sunny summers, moderately cold winters, sufficient quantity precipitation, an abundance of attractive picturesque landscapes. The climate of the middle and southern parts is very favorable for health European territory, south Western Siberia, North Caucasus. For example, for a resident of temperate latitudes the most favorable are following conditions: temperature in winter -8 ... -10 °C, in summer +23 ... +25 °C, wind speed in winter -- 0.15 m/s, in summer -- 0.2-- 0.4 m/s , relative humidity air respectively 40-60%. These territories have long been developed and have high density population.

Development of territories with extreme conditions. However, in our country there are many places with unfavorable conditions for human life.

Extreme conditions are conditions that are extremely unfavorable for the human body: very low winter temperatures, very high temperatures summer, strong winds, very high humidity.

In our country, the following territories with extreme conditions can be distinguished: tundra, deserts, areas of sharply continental climate in Siberia, the Far Eastern monsoon zone. In Primorye, for example, summers are very damp. IN Eastern Siberia the coldest areas are located Northern Hemisphere, where it is extremely difficult to erect any buildings due to the presence of permafrost soils. In winter, the thermometer shows -50 ... -60 °C, and in summer sometimes more than +30 °C. Here are the largest annual temperature ranges on our planet: 95 ° C in the south and 105 ° C in the north, with the highest temperatures observed in winter Atmosphere pressure in Russia. Frosts of -45 ... -50 °C can remain here continuously for 1.5 to 3 months.

Such conditions create great difficulties not only to man, but also to tools. Temperature -45 °C is critical for mechanisms. For northern regions they must be made from special frost-resistant materials.

The development of territories with extreme conditions requires significant material costs funds, people's enthusiasm, the use of science and technology.

Natural natural phenomena and their causes. Significant difficulties in human life and activity are associated with natural disasters natural phenomena. Natural disasters usually mean unexpected disruptions to the normal course that are severe in their consequences. natural processes.

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