Tkachenko speech therapy encyclopedia. Speech therapist at your home

Today, many children need the help of a specialized speech therapist because incorrect pronunciation words and slurred speech are the key to falling behind in the Russian language at school. That is why a lot of literature on this topic is published to help parents.

Dimensions: 261x205x25 mm

Pages: 288 (Offset)

This is what he writes

The speech therapy set consists of a book and a CD with personal exercises.
The book presents a unique, highly effective system of exercises for correcting pronunciation deficiencies in preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. The disc contains a recording of lessons personally addressed to each child.
Consistently presented methodological, textual and visual material will allow adults to improve the child’s pronunciation, attention, memory, imagination, logic, and replenish their knowledge. Working with the book and disk provides: a smooth increase in the complexity of the exercises, the strength of pronunciation skills, accessibility, entertainment and high learning efficiency.
The kit is addressed to parents, speech therapists of preschool, school and medical institutions, educators and tutors for classes with children aged 4-8 years.

Basically, I liked the book, but I wasn't thrilled with it. It consists of different chapters. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific sound.

Each chapter contains many exercises specifically for practicing sound:

exercises for the muscles of the tongue and a description of the correct isolated sound pronunciation,

practicing sounds in syllables and words,

practicing in word combinations,

and finally automation in stories.

The age range is large, so not all exercises can be performed by a child at 4-5 years old. This must be taken into account.

Attached to the book disk with lessons, but we have never used it. . It's more of a demonstration. Those. it contains recommendations on how to pronounce words correctly so that the child hears the sound. There is a mention of lotto cards. But this book does not come with lotto.! (I'm taking off a star for this).

And now the main thing: if the child does not have a sound, then practicing it using a book is useless!

According to the book, unfortunately, you will hardly understand whether the child is speaking correctly or not. That's why You can’t do it without the help of a speech therapist! Very often, only a specialist can teach and get a child to correct pronunciation. That's exactly why this the book is a learning aid.

The material is certainly good, but it there is not enough words to work on. I would like more diverse words. The child remembers very quickly what is in the book. Therefore, I always additionally searched on the Internet, and then printed out 2-3 sheets with words where the right sound occurs:

at the beginning of a word

in the middle of a word

at the end of a word

and in difficult words with a consonant cluster.

The most difficult sounds for us, perhaps, turned out to be “R” and “R”. To work them out, I had to buy separate ones books.

To summarize, I note that this is rather a description of the system of how sounds should be practiced and in what sequence. But for self-study she won't fit. Only with the help of a qualified speech therapist can your child learn to speak correctly and beautifully!

BBK 74.3 T48


Shakhovskaya S.N.- laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education, professor of the department

speech therapy of State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University;

Each of the 25 parts of the manual provides the number of exercises that will be sufficient for working with a child with the most serious and persistent violations of sound pronunciation. The volume of these parts is not the same: most great place devoted to the formation of four basic sounds (S, Ш, L, R) from three main groups (whistling, hissing, sonorant). Basic sounds, the articulation of which is the initial one for a whole group of sounds, are distorted by children most often, are pronunciationally complex and, as a rule, take a long time to form.

For other speech sounds, the so-called derivatives, the articulation of which is repeated in relation to the basic ones with some nuances, the number of exercises is deliberately reduced.

The number of exercises in distinguishing speech sounds has been increased for those sounds that are mixed by children both by ear and in pronunciation (R - L, S - Sh, 3 - F). For sounds that are mixed only by ear (Ш - Ж, С - Сь, Р - Рь), the number of exercises is deliberately reduced. See the footnotes and exercise notes for more detailed explanations.

Main features of the book

The book presents a highly effective system of 500 exercises, the most complete of those published, proven by many years of practice. It is designed to correct pronunciation deficiencies in children 4-8 years old.

Educators know that traditional speech therapy classes are not very entertaining, since they are based on mechanical work child - repeated repetitions and memorization. In this book, most of the exercises are given a playful orientation, but at the same time the main teaching task is preserved - the formation of correct pronunciation.

In addition to the stages of consolidating the pronunciation of each sound, as well as distinguishing between mixed sounds, the book reflects the stage of preparation for evoking a sound. It should be noted that the author’s special techniques make it possible to obtain a clear, stable speech sound from the child already at the preparatory stage and thereby reduce the participation of the speech therapist to a minimum.

The correctness of the child’s performance depends on the accuracy of the explanation of the task. Therefore, the book offers ready-made formulations with which adults address children.

To increase the effectiveness of the exercises, learning objectives are identified in each of them. The exercises are multifaceted (multidimensional) and, in addition to the main goal, allow you to develop a number of important speech and cognitive skills (auditory attention and memory, verbal-logical thinking, imagination And etc.).

What is the originality and effectiveness of the author’s technology?

Traditional methods of speech therapy work are combined in the book with new, most modern techniques and original proprietary technologies, thanks to which the effectiveness of training significantly increases and the correction time is reduced. For example: to consolidate the soft sound Ль (and it, as a rule, is formed first of all disturbed sounds) in some speech therapy benefits The following verses can be found:

All the snowstorms have died down.

And the frosts don't crack.

Drops dripped from the roofs,

And the icicles hang in a row.

Of course, this poem can be used in speech therapy work to consolidate the sound L, but only in cases where the other sounds are pronounced by the child absolutely correctly. If the child incorrectly pronounces the more complex sounds P, Pb, Sh, S, Shch in the text, then, fixing one correct sound LAH, it will simultaneously reinforce the incorrect, distorted pronunciation of more complex sounds. This situation is unacceptable!

In the book for similar cases texts are offered that do not contain more complex sounds that are often incorrectly pronounced by the child. For example:
We bought sticky clay.

Lina sculpts the lion and the lion cub.

Olya sculpts a fawn,

And Tolya sculpts a peacock.

This text is free from all sounds following the sound L in the main row. Long-term practice confirms that, by memorizing such texts, a child more easily focuses on the sound being formed, masters it faster, is freed from additional difficulties, does not reinforce other, distortedly pronounced sounds, etc.

This feature is only one of ten that distinguishes the author’s approach to correcting pronunciation deficiencies. We hope that the methodology outlined in the book will be appreciated by specialists, and its use will help any child speak more clearly, beautifully and correctly.

How to use the universal speech therapy lotto

Visual material for classes is presented in two types in the book - these are black and white pictures located next to the texts of the exercises, as well as a color universal speech therapy lotto. Lotto consists of 16 applications. Appendix 2 shows images of a boy and a girl. For them you need to choose names with different sounds(Sonya, Roma, Masha, Zhenya, etc.). Depending on the sound being studied, the child selects not only names, but also other words to make sentences. Cards (diagrams and symbols) are also located here for analyzing the sound-syllable composition of a word, as well as clarifying the most important distinctive characteristics speech sounds: their sonority - dullness and hardness - softness.

Working with diagrams and symbols will help the child understand not only the internal (meaning), but also the external (sound) characteristics of the word. In addition, exercises for sound analysis contribute to clearer, more conscious pronunciation in general, and also prepare children for competent writing.

Lotto sheets 4-16 show subject pictures with a certain sound in the names. By cutting each sheet, you will receive from 12 to 24 cards to reinforce the pronunciation of each sound being formed. Place them in separate envelopes and be sure to write the Application number on each of them. Cards are used repeatedly in exercises, i.e. they are universal.

How to achieve the greatest learning effect

First of all, determine which speech sounds the child pronounces incorrectly. Write them down and compare them with the contents of the book. When developing correct pronunciation, start with the sound that is presented earlier than others in the book. Then, with the participation of a speech therapist or just using a book, evoke this sound (stages “Sound warm-up”, “Articulation exercises”). And only then begin work on consolidating a clean, correct, stable sound in syllables, words, etc.

Do all the exercises without skipping or rearranging. Remember that each of them, despite its small volume, represents a complete section of work. Even if the child has begun to pronounce the sound being formed correctly, complete all exercises to the end. Firstly, the skill requires strength, and secondly, the exercises are multifaceted. In addition to consolidating pronunciation skills, they are designed to develop in the child all the constituent elements of the speech system (vocabulary, grammar, coherent speech), as well as basic cognitive processes(attention, perception, memory, thinking, imagination).

In order for the corrected sound to smoothly, naturally and firmly enter into the child’s independent speech and become its integral part, an adult should be patient, tune in to the painstaking, daily work. First of all, during classes he must speak loudly, clearly, expressively and achieve the same (gently but persistently) from the child! Make sure that when pronouncing words or sentences with a certain speech sound, the child pronounces it exaggeratedly, “presses” on it. However, not only the new sound, but the entire text as a whole should be pronounced loudly, clearly and slowly by the child.

Try to give a playful character to exercises in which mechanical repetition and memorization are inevitable: offer to repeat syllables or words as many times as there are fingers on your hand, buttons on the table, pencils in a cup, etc.

Exercise your baby in the morning or immediately after nap 15-20 minutes a day. At the same time, monitor not the time, but the child’s condition and the effectiveness of the classes. Remember: it is better to do one exercise several times, but achieve results, than to “run through” several exercises and remain at the same level. Be interested, collected, persistent. Don't forget to smile and praise your baby for any achievement, even the smallest one.

Good luck to you!

Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, excellent student public education, speech therapist of the highest qualification TL. Tkachenko


Soft sound L, despite the ease of pronunciation, is often distorted by children and is usually formed over a long period of time.

The nature and number of exercises in the section correspond to the specified features.


Perception of the sound Ль at the beginning of words

Look at the pictures and listen carefully to how an adult pronounces their names correctly and incorrectly. If the picture is named correctly, raise your hand up and say Yes. If the picture is named incorrectly, shake your head and say No.

enta rent genta enta

venta tape venta genta

nenta tape menta tape

imon lemon lemon nimon

Vimon Himon Mimon Jimon

zimon rimon lemon gimon

If, at the end of the exercise, the child continues to confuse the correct and incorrect names of the pictures, the adult analyzes the pronunciation of other words with the first sound L in the same way (see Lotto, Appendix 4).

Perception of the sound L in a stream of other sounds

Listen carefully and remember what sound it makes powerboat when floating on water (take a picture-symbol of the sound L from Appendix 1). Use your palms to pretend to be a small motor boat when you hear it humming, and don’t react to other sounds.

Remember that the child is asked to listen to sounds, not letter names (sha, em, ve, etc.). Consonant sounds are pronounced briefly, as they are heard in combinations after the vowel a: al, am, ai, as, or between two vowels a: ava, aza, ada, aha. The exercise should be performed until the child confidently responds to each adult pronouncing the sound L in a long sound series.

L - M - N- L - A - L - V - 3 - L - U - O - V - M - L - N-M-S-Z-F-L-T-Y-U-SH-D- G-I-E-L


Development of the articulatory movements necessary for the sound Л

Sit in front of the mirror, carefully, accurately, and slowly do each exercise. Repeat it 5-8 times.

Check the correctness of the exercises using the picture and description.


Stick out your wide tongue, relax it, put it on lower lip. Hold in this position for 10 seconds. Make sure your tongue doesn't tremble.


Open your mouth wide. Raise the wide tongue upward. Stretch the side edges and the tip of the tongue towards the upper teeth, but do not touch them. Hold in this position for 10 seconds.

"Delicious jam»

Open your mouth slightly. stick out broad tongue, lick it all over upper lip and remove it to the back of your mouth. Do it slowly, at the adult’s expense.


Open your mouth wide. Raise your narrow tongue up and touch the tubercles (alveoli) behind the upper teeth. Hold in this position for 10 seconds.


Do the “Sail” exercise. Move the tip of the tongue along the surface of the palate back and forth slowly, at the adult’s count.


Stick your wide tongue to the roof of your mouth. Open your mouth as wide as possible, so that the hyoid ligament (frenulum of the tongue) stretches. Hold in this position for 10 seconds.

WITH with helpthisexercisesCannoticeablystretchunderlinguisticbunch.

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