How is a high school gym different? What is the difference between a gymnasium and a regular school: using the example of my children

There are few of them, but they are quite significant.

All gymnasium students take exams after fourth grade. Only those who successfully pass the tests are enrolled in fifth grade. Any exam is stressful for a child; at this age, the body is not yet ready for such stress. Especially if the student is in danger of being sent to a regular school. What, perhaps, scared the child’s teachers and parents during his four years of study at the gymnasium?

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It is no secret that any educational institution tries to “keep its mark”, to maintain high performance student performance, because this automatically increases the rating in the eyes of others and parents in the first place. And the workload in the gymnasium is heavy. If a child does not cope, he may have problems with self-esteem, with the help of classmates and even teachers. And in the worst cases, the child may be persuaded to leave the gymnasium and go to a regular school. So as not to “disgrace” my native gymnasium!

Pros of gymnasium

Most teachers in a gymnasium should have the highest category. It is then that a regular school can “grow” into a gymnasium. And according to the rules, the staffing level in gymnasiums should be 100%, and, if possible, even have a reserve.

The material support of a gymnasium is, as a rule, better than that of a school. BUT! Help with this often falls on the shoulders of parents. And you need to be prepared for this.

As a rule, after exams, mostly strong and purposeful children remain in the gymnasium. That is, a favorable environment is created for successful learning and maintaining discipline. There are examples to follow, there is someone to follow.

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Gymnasiums don’t need “loud” stories and scandals, so often in gymnasiums they look after children a little more than in regular schools. Parents are immediately informed about absences, poor academic performance and inappropriate behavior.

At least two foreign languages ​​are taught at the gymnasium, while at school there is only one. Also, the number of different electives in the gymnasium is much greater than in school. Although, perhaps, not everyone will agree with me that this is a plus. Because this is an additional burden.

How to get to the gymnasium?

Documents from parents of first-graders for admission to the gymnasium will begin to be accepted in the summer. Those who are geographically related to this educational institution should not worry about this: they enroll first. For the remaining free places Anyone can apply.

In Minsk there are gymnasiums that are separate from the district. Then the application is submitted on a first-come, first-served basis: whose name is included in the list first is the high school student. IN Lately parents are literally ready to spend the night near the school doors in order to have time to submit a package of documents. The lists begin to be compiled the day before the start of accepting applications by the parents themselves, who are on duty near the gymnasium.

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What to choose: school or gymnasium?

To sum up, we can say for sure that this issue is very complex. And it needs to be solved in conjunction with the following factors:

First, take a closer look at the child. If you see that even before school your child enjoys reading, counting, and learning something new, then, perhaps, he will be more comfortable in a gymnasium, where the level of students will be a little higher. In a regular school, such a child may find it boring to repeat and learn to read along with “lagging” children.

Conversely, if the child does not yet show interest in studying, then it is worth choosing a school. It is better to try to enroll in a gymnasium after the fourth grade if you see that school is easy for your child. But even in this case there are pitfalls. If the same result is obtained on the exam, preference is given to “your” child from the gymnasium.

Secondly, don't forget to take into account the area in which you live. If the area is disadvantaged, then all the “overlooked” children will go to a regular school. In such children more freedom and independence, they try adult “life” earlier.

Thirdly, look at the ratings of schools and gymnasiums in your area, read reviews on forums. The latter, of course, is nothing more than subjective opinions, but it is worth taking them into account. After all, it may well turn out that the school near your home is quite strong and no worse than the nearest gymnasium. Talented and sensitive teachers work there, students delight with victories at Olympiads, and graduates with admission to prestigious universities.

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The choice is yours!

There is also a very widespread and, in my opinion, fair opinion that since the curriculum of a gymnasium and a school for the first four years is no different, then you need to choose not an educational institution, but a teacher! After all, it is often the first teacher who shapes the student’s future attitude to learning and the student’s opinion about himself! That's why many parents ask friends about teachers primary classes.

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Be that as it may, it’s up to you to decide where to go to study for your child. You should not blindly believe the opinions of others. Go to the school, meet the director, the head teacher educational work and teacher junior classes. Look at the children at recess, ask to see the teacher for a lesson. This will help you do right choice. After all, it’s not so important what the name of the educational institution is, the main thing is sensitive and good teachers!

A large number of educational institutions literally drives parents into a dead end. Finding the answer to the question of where to send your child is difficult. Therefore, it is worth understanding what each of the institutions is and how a regular school differs from a gymnasium and lyceum.


This is an educational institution. In it, each of the disciplines is taught in equally with some exceptions. For example, if a school has classes with in-depth study of a subject.

The program complies state requirements, loads - to the standards established for a certain age. Free and school time distributed so that the child has it sufficient quantity how to perform school activities, as well as for sections/clubs and extracurricular activities.


It is considered an elite educational institution. In middle or high school, so-called pre-profile preparation is introduced, which, of course, takes more time. The program and loads are individual for each educational institution.
Also, in the gymnasium there is often a division according to the interests of the child. This allows you to quickly decide future profession. The educational institution provides a universal and multifaceted education.


Often refers to a specific university. Usually it prepares the child for admission to this particular institution. In addition, training is conducted by teachers from a specific university. The level of education is an order of magnitude higher. In this case, the main emphasis falls on specialized disciplines. Sometimes this institution gives the opportunity to enroll immediately in the second year.

The school has the opportunity to upgrade its status to a gymnasium or lyceum, but this is difficult.

Disadvantages of gymnasium and lyceum

To answer the question and lyceum, you must first highlight the positive and negative sides of these establishments. Let's start with the cons. In some of the institutions (in gymnasiums specifically, in lyceums - selectively) after certain classes exams are being held. If the results are poor, the child may face expulsion from the educational institution, and this is a certain stress.

Also due to the pursuit good performance teachers and management are trying to weed out students who cannot cope with the increased workload. A variety of methods are used for this and sometimes have a negative impact on the teenager’s self-esteem.

The controversial point is material support establishment, which is an order of magnitude higher than that of regular school. This aspect mainly falls on the shoulders of the parents.

Advantages of gymnasium and lyceum

Teachers at these institutions must have the highest category. At the same time, the teaching staff must be fully staffed. Unlike school, here each teacher teaches only one subject.

Since at various stages they are eliminated various students- the level of the rest is quite high. And this makes children strive for great success.
In such establishments they try to exclude various conflict situations and possible fights. Therefore, children are monitored more than in schools, and absenteeism and deteriorating performance are immediately reported to parents.

The variety of electives in these educational institutions is an important factor. It also provides training in at least two foreign languages, and in a more in-depth form. In a regular school, most often one is studied, less often two, but not so thoroughly.

What is the difference between a school and a gymnasium and a lyceum? Education

Since education in schools is public and is regulated by a set of rules and laws adopted by the relevant authorities, its level in these institutions is equivalent. Textbooks and additional literature the same for everyone. At the same time, there are standard loads (a 45-minute lesson), as well as regulations that determine the number of hours of load for a certain age. The standard age for admitting a child to school is 7 years.

This all lowers things a bit. educational level of these establishments. The main task of parents is to interest the child in learning. After all, generally accepted standards are boring for children.

Of course, a lot depends on the teachers. If they are able to interest the child in something, then the process of learning the material is much easier. It's very difficult not to make a mistake with this.

But gymnasiums and lyceums adjust the workload and type of education to suit themselves. Teaching staff interested in the good academic performance of each child. Therefore, a variety of programs and methods are invented and selected. This helps you understand the material better. However, the load level is an order of magnitude higher than school workload. This is very exhausting for children, especially elementary school students. There is less free time. Therefore, if a child has any hobbies or activities, then there may not be enough time for them, but no one has canceled homework.

What is the difference between a school and a gymnasium and a lyceum?

What is the difference between establishments? Let's figure it out now. The teaching staff is stronger and more staffed in lyceums and gymnasiums. Training there is conducted according to an expanded program and is multidisciplinary and more in-depth, unlike school.

The school teaches only one foreign language. Moreover, it is up to the management to choose. Whereas gymnasiums and lyceums give preference to English as the main language and one or two more as additional ones. In gymnasiums and lyceums, electives and scientific work are conducted.

What's better?

We figured out how a school differs from a gymnasium and a lyceum. What's better? Every parent, of course, wants to give their child quality education. However, it is worth considering his capabilities, abilities and desires. Even if the child is still small, it is possible to determine where he will feel more comfortable and confident. There is no need to increase your self-esteem and ambitions with the help of a baby who may simply not be ready for heavy loads. Therefore, when choosing an educational institution, you should take a closer look at your child. If the ability to learn material well and love for various types learning manifested itself in early age(the child began to read, count, and write early), it is most likely that in a regular school, where in the first grade children learn the alphabet and counting, he will be bored. Then there is a chance that the baby will lose interest in learning.

Although it also happens that before school the child did not show much of himself. But having entered the first grade, it suddenly turned out that he was madly interested in one or several subjects at once. Then you should try to enter, for example, a gymnasium after the 4th grade. Sometimes it is appropriate to choose an institution with in-depth study of your favorite subject.

Also, when choosing an institution, it is worth taking into account the opinions of the parents of those children who have already been studying there for some time. Then it's easier to understand where better teacher, attitude towards children and much more.


Now you know the difference between a regular high school and a gymnasium and lyceum. We have analyzed the features of each establishment. We hope that this information was useful to you.

If there are children in the family, then sooner or later the question of the possibility of getting an education at a gymnasium will still be raised. It's prestigious, it gives more chances for successful admission to a higher education institution. However, it should be understood that the child will be more tired, will have less time to rest and healthy sleep. Therefore, before taking final decision, it is worth studying all the pros and cons of schools and gymnasiums, and, taking into account the characteristics of your child specifically, make the right choice.

School is an educational institution in which the learning process consists of three stages:

  1. primary school (grades 1-4)
  2. basic education (grades 5-9)
  3. secondary education (grades 10-11).

The form of organizing working time is the alternation of lessons lasting 40-45 minutes and breaks (from 5 to 30 minutes).

Gymnasium belongs to elite educational institutions.

Initially, the gymnasium was a platform for teaching sports sciences, as evidenced by the name of this institution. “Gymnasium” is translated from Greek as “a place for gymnastic exercises.”

Educational program of school and gymnasium

The programs for secondary schools are in many ways inferior to the program for the gymnasium.

After grade 9, a division into specialized training is provided.

In addition to a more in-depth study of standard disciplines, a number of general developmental subjects are taught in gymnasiums: art, philosophy, rhythm, etc. As a result, graduates of the gymnasium have a broad outlook, are pleasant interlocutors, they know how to reason and draw conclusions, have their own point of view on any issue and can defend it with honor, and easily pass university exams.

Teaching staff

In order for a school to acquire the status of a gymnasium, it is necessary that most of teachers had the highest category, which corresponded to the selected level of complexity of the subject.

If interchangeability of subject teachers is possible at a school (for example, a history teacher can teach physical education in the absence of a physical education teacher), such a replacement is unacceptable for a gymnasium. The staff should be fully staffed with specialists, and, if possible, there should be some reserve.

Foreign languages

In an ordinary school, starting from grades 5-6, as a rule, one foreign language is taught. The gymnasium must provide the opportunity to study at least two languages, one of which is English. One language is taught from the first grades, a second is added from the fifth grade.

Material support

The gymnasium classrooms must be equipped with all laboratory and demonstration equipment, and the library is filled with educational and fiction. External and internal state premises must be in decent condition.

The funding for the gymnasium significantly exceeds the funding for the school, and accordingly, the material base is much better.

The gymnasium must have a computer class with Internet access, and most often more than one. It is recommended for schools to have a computer lab, but not all schools have yet implemented this recommendation.

Extracurricular activities

In addition to various sections and clubs, which are also found in secondary schools, in the gymnasium there is widespread scientific work children. Conferences and scientific round tables, lectures by famous scientists. There is close cooperation with university teachers.

Conclusions website

  1. Education at the gymnasium is multidisciplinary, according to an expanded program. The school is satisfied with general educational standards.
  2. Staffing with teachers and material base in the gymnasium 100 percent.
  3. At school it is enough to teach one foreign language, at the gymnasium - at least two, and one from primary school.
  4. The gymnasium conducts scientific work, cooperation with scientific centers. Schools have enough sports sections and interest groups.

Gymnasium or school for first-graders, which is better?

What to choose: a prestigious gymnasium or a regular school? Whether our child is a high school student or an ordinary schoolboy is perhaps a more complicated question than Hamlet’s. Because too many nuances need to be taken into account when choosing, from the “filling” of the curriculum to territorial position educational institution, from the number of children in the class to the financial situation of the family. What is the difference between a school and a gymnasium, what is its “elitism” - is it really so important for modern man get into the “circle of the chosen ones”? Let's try to understand the pros and cons.

The desire to change names has been in us for a long time: streets and cities changed their names, institutes were proudly renamed Academies and Universities, former high schools became gymnasiums, and some even lyceums. The skeptic within us persistently whispers that the external does not always reflect the internal, and that, in essence, little has changed. Although, of course, it sounds beautiful: “I study at the university” or: “my son is a high school student.” Some kind of selectivity and elitism can be read in this, nice!

However, our skeptic will have to admit that he is still wrong in many ways, at least in relation to schools and gymnasiums. There are a number of objective characteristics approved and legitimized by the actual top level, which allow (or do not allow) the school to be called a gymnasium. This is a compulsory study of several languages, these are increased requirements for teaching staff- both professional and purely technical, for example, in an ordinary school there may be only one physics teacher, but in a gymnasium this is impossible. In a gymnasium, compared to a regular school, there is a much richer and more varied training program, the latest innovations come to the rescue computer technology, great attention is paid to the general cultural level of students. The “corporate spirit” is actively supported, which is expressed in some signs that distinguish the students of this particular gymnasium from others: a uniform, an emblem. And also discipline and atmosphere are also the “face” of the gymnasium, the worthy expression of which must be carefully maintained. There are many more signs that distinguish an elite educational institution from a regular school.

That is, the differences are still obvious. So, dear skeptic, hide your smile. Everything looks more than gorgeous - we’ll probably become high school students after all. If, of course, we get into a prestigious gymnasium through a competition, if we manage it financially... Yes, often a gymnasium is a paid and very expensive pleasure. And if there is someone to take the child to the other end of the city. Art requires sacrifice, but, apparently, it’s worth the candle!

And here it is - the other side of the coin: are these sacrifices justified? Are the benefits of training overshadowing them? We completely forgot about our future first-grader. Does he need an abundance of subjects and in-depth study of them, is he ready for such loads? Learning Latin, fencing, riding in the saddle, knowing how to dance the waltz - this is undoubtedly very interesting. But is it really necessary? Perhaps so, but not for everyone and not always. Not every child can complete the high school marathon. And a long daily journey, if the gymnasium is located far from home, is a great test for little student. And to be honest, not every gymnasium in practice corresponds to its high rank, it happens that the learning process, despite the abundance of subjects, is formal, “for show.” So, why don’t we torture the child and go to school in our own yard?

I would venture to say that syllabus, educational standard and all the programs taken together are far from the most important thing, especially in primary school. A friendly class, a kind and moral first teacher, a good friendly working atmosphere - perhaps this is the most important thing in the first years of study. And since the human factor comes into play, this is to some extent luck in any case, no matter where the child studies. Therefore, it may be wise to focus on the personality of the teacher recruiting the first class, and not look so closely at the prestigious sign. A teacher from God can be found both in a modest secondary school in every sense and in a luxurious gymnasium, and meeting such a person is a great success.

School or gymnasium? The choice is up to the parents, the main thing is not to lose sight true needs child.

When a child is born, modern parents already after they have decided on his name, they begin to think about where to give the little child so that he will turn out to be a genius, or at least a comprehensively developed personality.

Therefore, more often the choice falls on lyceums and gymnasiums than on secondary schools. What do lyceums promise for the education and development of a child?

What is the fundamental difference between a lyceum and a secondary school?

In fact, the difference between school and lyceum is great. Arriving at any lyceum, you can pay attention to the number of awards won: diplomas, certificates, commendations at the district, regional and republican levels. As a rule, gifted children study in lyceums.

How can one see in the ordinary, on appearance, the child of a future genius?

The whole point is that the main thing is to initially recruit children.

As you know, all children are accepted to school, without exception. And if the school is also located in the area of ​​the child’s registration, then they are required to admit him to the school, despite his further academic performance and behavior. At the lyceum, of course, the principle of accepting documents is different.

In order to become a lyceum student, a child must go through a kind of entrance tests, prove that he has abilities in the subject and can claim the prestigious title of “lyceum student.” Often parents even have to send their children to preliminary courses for admission to the lyceum.

But, even if the child passed all the tests and entered, this does not mean that now he will “rest on his laurels.” Admission to the Lyceum is followed by daily work over yourself and your abilities.

After all, as you know, it is not so difficult to light a flame as to try not to extinguish it. Study in primary school at the lyceum is practically no different from the program secondary school. Except for some items, such as foreign languages, are introduced earlier and studied at elevated level. All this is done in order not to overload primary school students. complex examples and terms, but to give them the opportunity to develop harmoniously, in accordance with their age, without extinguishing the spark of desire for learning in them.

How does a lyceum differ from a school when teaching children in middle-level classes?

Enrollment of children into the 5th grade of a general education school occurs without any conditions, that is, automatically. As for enrollment in the 5th grade lyceum, everything is much more serious here. As a rule, children are asked to take a transfer exam in some basic subjects (mathematics, Russian, foreign language).

Based on the test results, translation is carried out. But this does not mean at all that pressure is being put on children; this transfer exam is carried out, first of all, for the sake of the children themselves. The fact is that not all children are able to master the further program. So why torture a child, forcing him to study in a way that he may never be able to? It can be said that from this time on, difference between lyceum and school is that the school works for a certificate, and the lyceum works for the result. After all, even by this age, children often decide on their favorite subject, and sometimes their future profession.

Of course, starting from grade 5, the lyceum class program becomes more complicated, new ones appear specialized subjects, the number of electives is increasing. As for the latter, enrollment in most electives is on a voluntary basis, that is, the child, after consulting with parents and teachers, can opt for additional study of the subject.

Electives, as a rule, prepare children to perform at subject Olympiads various levels. Most often, these classes are taught by a teacher with highest category or university teacher. In general, selection of teaching staff is another distinguishing feature lyceum from school.

Teachers with first and highest degrees are hired qualification category, and often on a contract basis, teachers of higher education educational institutions. This, of course, suggests that children, learning from experienced teachers, often achieve great success.

The fundamental difference between school and lyceum is visible in high school. After finishing 9th grade, classes are divided into profiles: biological-chemical, philological, mathematical, etc.

Children at exams confirm their knowledge in a particular subject, and based on the results they are enrolled in a specialized class.

Education in classes of a certain profile is no longer aimed only at winning various Olympiads and scientific conferences. Here you should already think about further admission.

Experienced teachers will help you make a choice according to the child’s abilities, and visiting a career guidance center and higher educational institutions in the district, region and country will further strengthen the desire to study at the most prestigious of them.

Certainly, difference between school and lyceum is great, and more and more parents give preference to lyceums. However, when choosing an educational institution, you should also pay attention to the abilities of the child himself, his feelings and capabilities.

As you know, you can’t jump over your head. Giftedness, unfortunately, is not given to everyone, and perseverance even more so. And if these qualities are even slightly visible in a child, then it’s definitely worth trying to enroll in a lyceum.

This is not only prestigious, but actually very important for comprehensive development developed personality. Sometimes it’s worth making an effort to make not only the parents, but perhaps the whole country proud of their child.

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