In a rectangular parallelepiped the edges ab 3 are known. Rectangular parallelepiped

Rectangular parallelepiped

1. Two edges of a rectangular parallelepiped coming from the same vertex are 3 and 4. The surface area of ​​this parallelepiped is 94. Find the third edge coming from the same vertex.

2. Two edges of a rectangular parallelepiped extending from the same vertex are equal to 1, 2. The surface area of ​​the parallelepiped is 16. Find its diagonal.

3. A rectangular parallelepiped is described around a unit sphere. Find its surface area.

4. The area of ​​the face of a rectangular parallelepiped is 12. The edge perpendicular to this face is 4. Find the volume of the parallelepiped.

5. The volume of a rectangular parallelepiped is 24. One of its edges is 3. Find the area of ​​the face of the parallelepiped perpendicular to this edge.

6. The volume of a rectangular parallelepiped is 60. The area of ​​one of its faces is 12. Find the edge of the parallelepiped perpendicular to this face.

7. Three edges of a rectangular parallelepiped coming from one vertex are equal to 4, 6, 9. Find the edge of a cube of equal size.

8. Two edges of a rectangular parallelepiped extending from the same vertex are equal to 2, 4. The diagonal of the parallelepiped is equal to 6. Find the volume of the parallelepiped.

9. Two edges of a rectangular parallelepiped coming from one vertex are equal to 2, 3. The volume of the parallelepiped is 36. Find its diagonal.

10. The diagonal of a rectangular parallelepiped is equal to and forms angles of 30, 30 and 45 with the planes of the faces of the parallelepiped. Find the volume of the parallelepiped.

11. The edges of a rectangular parallelepiped extending from one vertex are 1, 2, 3. Find its surface area.

12. The two edges of a rectangular parallelepiped extending from the same vertex are 2, 4. The diagonal of the parallelepiped is 6. Find the surface area of ​​the parallelepiped.

13. Two edges of a rectangular parallelepiped extending from one vertex are equal to 1, 2. The volume of the parallelepiped is 6. Find its surface area.

14. Find the angle of a rectangular parallelepiped for which, . Give your answer in degrees.

15. Find the angle of a rectangular parallelepiped for which =4, =3, =5. Give your answer in degrees.

16.V rectangular parallelepiped it is known that, . Find the length of the edge.

17. In a rectangular parallelepiped, edge, edge, edge. Point - the middle of the edge Find the area of ​​the section passing through the points and.

18.. In a rectangular parallelepiped the lengths of the edges are known: , . Find the area of ​​the section passing through the vertices and.

19. In a rectangular parallelepiped, the lengths of the edges are known: AB = 3, AD = 5, AA1 = 12. Find the cross-sectional area of ​​the parallelepiped by the plane passing through points A, B and C1.

20. In a rectangular parallelepiped ABCDA1B1C1D1 edge BC = 4, edge edge BB1 ​​= 4. Point K is the middle of edge CC1. Find the area of ​​the section passing through points B1, A1 and K.

21. In a rectangular parallelepiped ABCDA1B1C1D1 edge CD = 2, edge edge CC1 = 2. Point K is the middle of edge DD1. Find the area of ​​the section passing through points C1, B1 and K.

Type C tasks – 2,

taken from various Unified State Exam materials 2010.

The lengths of the edges AB = 3, AD = 4, CC 1 = 4 are known. Find the angle between the planes BDD 1 and AD 1 B 1.

(Another option: AB = 5, AD = 12, CC 1 = 4 or else: AB = 8, AD = 6, CC 1 = 2)
2 .

In a rectangular parallelepiped ABCDA 1B 1C 1D 1 known ribs: AB= 5, AD=12, CC 1 = 3. Find the angle between the planes BDD 1 and AD 1 B 1 .
3 .

In the right hexagonal prism ABCDEFA 1 B 1 C 1 D 1 E 1 F 1 the side of the base is 3 and the height is 1. Find the angle between the line F 1 B 1 and the plane AF 1 C 1.

(Another option: find the distance from point C to straight line SA;

Another option: find the distance from point C to straight line SF).

In the cube ABCDA 1 B 1 C 1 D 1 all edges are equal to 1. Find the distance from point C to line BD 1 (other option: to line AD 1).

In a regular hexagonal SABC pyramid DEF, the sides of the base are equal to 1 and the side edges are equal to 2, find the cosine of the angle between the lines SB and AD.

In the right triangular prism ABCA 1 B 1 C 1 height is 1 and base edge is 2. Find the distance from point A 1 to line BC 1.

At the base of the quadrangular pyramid SABCD lies a square with side . The lengths of all side edges are equal to 3, point M is the middle of edge AS. A plane is drawn through straight line BM parallel to diagonal AC. Determine the magnitude of the acute angle (in degrees) between this plane and the SAC plane.

Straight base quadrangular prism is a rhombus with an acute angle of 60 degrees. Find sharp corner between larger diagonal the lower base and the diagonal of the side face crossing with it, if the ratio of the height of the prism to the side of its base is equal to

, SC = 17. (Another option: AB =
, SC = 17;).

Find the angle formed by the base plane and the lines AS and BC.

In the right triangular pyramid SABC with base ABC known edges AB =
, SC = 10. Point N is the middle of edge BC. Find the angle between the base plane and the straight line AT, where T is the midpoint of the segment SN)

(Another option: AB =
, SC = 5. Point N is the middle of edge CD).

In a regular triangular pyramid SABC with base ABC the edges are known: AB =
, SC = 34. (Another option: AB =
, SC = 25). Find the angle formed by the base plane and the straight line AM, where M is the point of intersection of the medians of the face SBC.

A.A. 1 = 4, A 1 D 1 = 6, C 1 D 1 = 6, find the tangent of the angle between the plane ADD 1 and straight E.F. passing through the middle of the ribs AB and B 1 C 1 .

In a rectangular parallelepiped ABCDA 1 B 1 C 1 D 1 , in which AB = 4, BC = 6, CC 1 = 4, find the tangent of the angle between the plane ABC and straight E.F. passing through the middle of the ribs A.A. 1 and C 1 D 1 .

In a rectangular parallelepiped ABCDA 1 B 1 C 1 D 1 , which one A.A. 1 = 4, A 1 D 1 = 6, C 1 D 1 = 6, find the tangent of the angle between the plane ADD 1 and straight E.F. passing through the middle of the ribs AB and B 1 C 1 .
15 .

In the rectangular parallelepiped ABCDA 1 B 1 C 1 D 1, find the angle between the plane AA 1 C and the straight line A 1 B, if AA 1 = 3, AB = 4. BC = 4.

(Another option: plane A 1 BC and straight line BC 1, if AA 1 = 8, AB = 6. BC = 15).

In a tetrahedron ABCD, all edges of which are equal to 1, find the distance from the point A to a straight line passing through a point B and middle E ribs CD.
17 .

In the right quadrangular pyramid SABCD, the side of the base is equal to 1, and the side edge is equal to Find the distance from the point C to a straight line S.A.

To the diagonal A 1 C of the cube ABCDA 1 B 1 C 1 D 1 we draw perpendiculars from the midpoints of the edges AB And AD.

Find the angle between these perpendiculars.

(Another option: draw perpendiculars from vertices A and B).
19 .

Diagonal A 1 C of cube ABCDA 1 B 1 C 1 D 1 serves as an edge dihedral angle, the edges of which pass through the midpoints of the edges AB and DD 1. Find the value of this angle.

(Another option: the faces pass through vertices B and D)

Publicat pe 6 ian. 2014

The cross-sectional area is the root of 133. Task C2 is solved by mathematics tutor A.E. Sultanov Unified State Exam expert. Preparation for the Unified State Exam in mathematics
Demo version GIA 2013 and GIA 2014 in mathematics in new form
GIA Problem 9-13. IN isosceles triangle ABC with base AC external corner at vertex C is 123.

In the rectangular parallelepiped ABCDA1B1C1D1 the following edges are known: AB = 3, AD = 2, AA1 = 5.
Point O belongs to edge BB1 ​​and divides it in a ratio of 2:3, counting from vertex B.

Option for independent decision:
(send your solution to tutor A.E. Sultanov - Unified State Exam expert - for verification)
In the rectangular parallelepiped ABCDA1B1C1D1 the edges AB=5, AD=4, AA1=9 are known.
Point O belongs to edge BB1 ​​and divides it in the ratio 4:5, counting from vertex B.
Find the cross-sectional area of ​​this parallelepiped by a plane passing through points A, O and C1.
In a rectangular parallelepiped, the section of the parallelepiped passes through the points and forms an angle alpha with the plane.
And finally, we get: Answer: 112, a math tutor will solve the exam math on a mobile phone during the exam.
A rectangular parallelepiped in lessons with a tutor.
A collection of problems for a math tutor on a paralleleped.
The sides of the base in a rectangular parallelepiped are 3 and 4 cm.
Its diagonal makes an alpha angle with the smaller side face.
In a rectangular parallelepiped - School Knowledge.
In a rectangular parallelepiped there are many Unified State Exam problems.
In the rectangular parallelepiped ABCDA1B1C1D1 it is known that AC1 = root of 50, BB1 = 3, B1C1 = 4. Find the length of the edge DC.
Bodies in space: prism, parallelepiped, cube
Study with the best tutors online! We have already drawn a square of any diagonal in a rectangular parallelepiped equal to the sum squares of its three linear dimensions.
Rectangular parallelepiped. Tutors know his property. In a rectangular parallelepiped, the square of any diagonal is equal to the sum of the squares of its three dimensions. Proof.
What is a parallelepiped?
Mathematics tutor Dmitrov. Articles. Formulas and theory. A right parallelepiped whose bases are rectangles is called a cuboid.


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      Alexey Uchitelsky Mathematics Tutor - Section 3. Tasks 8 for exams. GIA math tutors! We help solve mathematics, economics, physics, mechanics. Online solution tasks! The cross-sectional area of ​​a rectangular parallelepiped is the root of 133. Task C2 is solved by a mathematics tutor A.E. Sultanov Unified State Exam expert. In a rectangular parallelepiped, the section of the parallelepiped passes through the points and forms an angle alpha with the plane. And finally, we get: Answer: 112, a math tutor will solve the exam math on a mobile phone during the exam. A rectangular parallelepiped in lessons with a tutor. A collection of math tutor problems on a parallelepiped. Math tutor. Cheat sheets for the Unified State Exam. In a rectangular parallelepiped, a section is drawn through the edge of the lower base and the intersection point of the diagonals of the opposite side face. In a rectangular parallelepiped, the sides of the base are 7 dm and 24 dm. The base of the parallelepiped is a rectangle with sides a1 = 7 in. and a2 = 24 in. 38. Find the surface of a rectangular parallelepiped based on its three dimensions: 10 cm, 22 cm, 16 cm. The base of the parallelepiped - tutor announcements: Mathematics. Community of private tutors. More than 600 options. Free selection! Association of Moscow Tutors More than 150 tutors in Moscow and the region. Free selection of tutors. Dubrovka Moscow tutor database Convenient search for tutors in Moscow: by price, by metro station. For free! Tutors from 1400 rub. Come in! Tutor for any subject. Free selection! Fast. 100% guarantee! Very good tutor.

      Found a mistake in the teacher's decision? No? Tutors for all school subjects And foreign languages: A new order for teaching mathematics and English has appeared on the portal “A Tutor - ATutor” ➊ The area of ​​a trapezoid with bases 3 and 5 and height 3 is equal to 4∙3 = 12. ➋ Next, the directed areas are subtracted: |3 - 12| = 9, 7 - 3 = 4. ➌ The sum of their squares = 9² + 4² + 6² = 81 + 16 + 36 = 133. ➍ Sectional area = √133. Everything fits! ➎ + !!!

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