Statements about partnership in business.  Business statuses

Winning the heart of a business woman is a deadly act, akin to jumping from under a circus big top into the mouth of a tiger and flying through burning rings.

For many, the phrase “it’s just business, nothing personal” is life credo, however, I have always considered my business to be my life’s work and I don’t understand how you can not worry about it, but consider it just a soulless set of financial transactions.

To achieve success in business, you just need to always do a little more than others: study, work, prepare more and, of course, dream.

As shown life experience, thinking with your own head is the most difficult job, which is why so few people do it.

There is no such thing as “pity” in business. Here the weak either becomes strong or dies, there is no third option.

When it comes to big business, The Internet is capable of real miracles.

Business communication rests on three pillars: metaphors, stories and speed of speech.

Joining the hard way big business, every woman risks not only being left with nothing, but also losing her femininity once and for all.

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Those who want, look for a way, those who don’t want, look for a reason. – Socrates

If you are unable to remember, then write down what I am about to say. The most nonsense and unpromising project, but already launched and working on the Internet, will bring much more results and profits than the most perfect project, which, due to its constant pre-launch improvement, will never be launched. – (John Reese, Internet marketing pioneer, developer of one of the first email answering services, creator of more than 110 different projects, multimillionaire)

Anyone who wants to see the results of their labor immediately should become a shoemaker. – Albert Einstein

Of course, there are people for whom money comes first. These are usually people who will never become rich. Only those who are talented, lucky, and do not constantly think about money achieve wealth. – ( Steve Jobs, 1946, chief executive Apple Computers, billionaire)

What is the height of Everest Peak? You may not know this, but believe me, everyone who has conquered it knows this height. And it was known to them before they began to climb this mountain. – (John Reese, Internet marketing pioneer, developer of one of the first email answering services, creator of more than 110 different projects, multimillionaire)

Everyone can command, many can lead, only a few can manage!

Everyone who opens a new business or registers an enterprise should be given a medal for personal courage. – Vladimir Putin

When they say: “It’s not about the money, it’s about the principle,” don’t believe it. It's about money. – Kin Hubbard

It makes no sense to hire smart people, and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people to tell us what to do.

Helping others is noble. Accumulating good market experience and relying only on your own sources of income are worthy aspirations. Not burdening others with your insecurity, having the opportunity and desire to provide and support others is noble. Therefore, I believe that financial independence is a worthy aspiration. – (Jim Rohn, an outstanding American business coach and motivator, developed the strategy for the companies I.B.M., Coca-Cola, Xerox, General Motors, etc.)

To become a billionaire, you first need luck, a significant dose of knowledge, a huge capacity for work, I emphasize HUGE, but most importantly, most importantly, you must have the mentality of a billionaire. The billionaire mentality is a state of mind in which you focus all your knowledge, all your skills, all your skills on achieving your goal. This is what will change you. – Paul Getty

Always remember one simple rule: dress for the job you want, not the job you have. – Donald Trump

To keep up with changing market conditions, Microsoft underwent another major reorganization approximately every two years. These structural changes there is another side, internal. Getting used to their regular work and feeling very comfortable, people often stop growing professionally and are unable to accept new ideas. Personnel changes provide them with the opportunity to take on new tasks. For example, it can be useful to rotate specialists between development and sales departments. By adding programmers to your customer service team, you give them the opportunity to better understand market requirements and further improve the performance of their products. – (Bill Gates, 1955, head of Microsoft Corporation, the richest man on the planet)

Half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from losers is persistence.

First of all, take it into your head: never apply the term “recession” to your business. A recession implies a rollback. Instead, use the term “revolution.” A decline in activity means that your entrepreneurial activity has passed a certain stage at which you can no longer remain, otherwise you are doomed to failure. A revolution is coming. It is necessary to change priorities, re-emphasize and move on, towards new success. – (Terry Dean, Internet Marketing Veteran with over seven years of experience)

Opening a store is easy; keeping it open is an art.

They work at Apple great people. But at the executive level they had no purpose or strategy. They worked in completely different directions in the hope that at least one of them would lead to the goal. At the same time, hundreds of new products were being developed. We had to do something to get away from this. – (Steve Jobs, 1946, CEO of Apple Computers, billionaire)

Always choose the most difficult path - you will not meet competitors on it. – Charles de Gaulle

People always blame circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who succeed in this world are the people who can rise up and look for the circumstances they need and, if they cannot find them, create them. – Bernard Shaw

He who works all day has no time to earn money. – John Davison Rockefeller

If you have nothing to eat, you need to do something that brings you money immediately, without costs. But after gaining confidence that the family will not starve, you need to find those pleasant things that you like. – Evgeny Chichvarkin

People buy based on emotions. Even if your customers are business owners, no matter how large and reputable it may be, they still remain people with all the ensuing consequences. It is people who make the decision to make a purchase, it is people who click on the “Order!” button, enter payment information into the fields of the order form, etc. And all these people buy based on their own considerations. Your own “I” and your own emotions. – (Michel Fortin, renowned copywriting expert and professional consultant)

Astrology told me a lot. I studied at the Russian Astrological School of Alexander Zaraev for four years and received a certificate. Astrology, in my opinion, provides the best explanation of what our physical world. Take, for example, the fact that the moon affects the state of the liquid. We all know why ebbs and flows occur. But the human body is 90% liquid. And if you take astrological chart a person and you look at what happened at his birth, what is happening now, what crises have happened, you can understand what will happen next. -(Vladimir Samokhin, founder and general director of the Rocolor company)

I left Harvard to start my own business, and I don’t regret it, but when, citing my example, someone claims that education is not necessary for successful business, I always clarify: this is only true when the implementation of an idea that has captured a person urgent, and he is convinced that such a chance will not arise again. In all other cases, it is better to complete your studies. If only because it is rare for a young person to be taken seriously in business. Besides academic degree may later play decisive role in getting the job you want. An example is the Microsoft company itself, which almost never hires people who have not completed their education for key positions. This is despite the fact that it was founded by two college dropouts. – (Bill Gates, 1955, head of Microsoft Corporation, the richest man on the planet)

Whatever you own, you either use it or lose it! – (Henry Ford, 1863-1947, American engineer, industrialist, inventor, one of the founders of the US automobile industry)

If you are on a boat that is constantly leaking, it is better to focus your efforts on finding a new vessel rather than fixing the holes. – Warren Buffett

If you want to have enough money for you and your family, work yourself... If you want to provide for your future generations, make people work for you. – Karl Marx

There is only one thing that a person can completely control - this is his own attitude towards life. – (Napoleon Hill, 1883-1970, millionaire, best-selling author of philosophy, psychology and success practices)

The client cannot simply be satisfied. The client must be satisfied! – (Michael Dell, 1965, founder and former CEO of Dell Computer Corporation, billionaire)

Success depends on effort. – (Sophocles, 496-406 BC, ancient Greek poet-playwright, politician)

Don't say you're working. Show what you've earned.

Failure is an opportunity to start again, but more wisely. – Henry Ford

If we don't experiment, our model will become obsolete, and we can't afford that. What happens to colleagues who want reliability. Television is structured in such a way that the most promising strategy is to develop, make mistakes, but find something new. And “reliable” quickly becomes outdated, the audience is extremely spoiled. – (Konstantin Ernst, producer, general manager Channel One TV)

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All aphorisms

    If in life you conform to nature, then you will never be poor, and if you conform to human opinion, then you will never be rich - Epicurus

    Help people! Not for money, from pure heart! - John Davison Rockefeller

    What is robbing a bank compared to starting a bank?” Bertolt Brecht

    To be confident in your financial situation, don't spend money you don't earn to buy things you don't need to impress people you don't like. - Deepak Chopra

    You can look down on money, but you should never lose sight of it. - A. Prevost

    You can’t understand bankers. First they send out SMS “Take the money!”, and when you take the money, they start calling: “Give me the money!” - Unknown author

    A true idealist strives for money. Money is freedom. And freedom is life. - Remarque

    Money won't make you happier. I have 50 million now and I'm just as happy as I was when I had 48 million. - Arnold Schwarzenegger

    He who works all day has no time to earn money. - John Davison Rockefeller

    If you want to have a lot of money, you need to look like you deserve it. John Coun

    Money needs a person no less than a person needs money. Silovan Ramishvili

    From offerings, the gods become accommodating. - Euripides

    He hovered over me and said, “You’re poor!” I say, “Hey! I have many millions in my account, I’m not a poor man.” “No, you are poor! You don’t even have one billion!” That's how I realized I had problems. Bodo Schaefer

    You give money with your hands, but you go after it with your feet. Russian proverb

    Save money. Look for where you can buy products cheaper or in bulk. Make a shopping list in advance and buy only what is on the list. - John Davison Rockefeller

    Money spent on education is never wasted. English proverb

    Most safe way to double money is to fold it in half and put it in your own pocket. - Ilf and Petrov.

    There is no more innocent activity in the world than making money. - Samuel Johnson

    Wise men and cashiers are equally calm about money. - Emil Krotky

    Never give advice to someone who only asks you for money - Pedro Barca

    Even a young woman has fewer admirers than a rich man who is famous good table. - Luc Vauvenargues

    There can only be one thing worse than taxes: when there is nothing to pay taxes on. - Thomas Dewar

    A person who leaves money to his heirs does not show any mercy: he simply has no other choice. - William Gladstone

    It's bad when you lose your presence of mind, but it's even worse when you lose your presence of money. - Moritz-Gottlieb Safir

    Even the most superstitious person will not refuse his thirteenth salary. - Yanina Ipohorskaya

    If the wife finds joy in saving money, the husband can only find joy in getting money. - Edgar Howe

    Actually, I’m against millionaires, but if I were offered to become one... - Mark Twain

    Of course, there are things that money cannot buy; but have you ever tried to buy them without money? - Ogden Nash

    If you want to make money, go into business, if you want to dedicate yourself public service- live on your salary. - Vladimir Putin

    Better a small dollar than Thanks a lot. - Mikhail Zhvanetsky

    Nowadays, people know the price of everything, but have no idea about the true value. - Oscar Wilde

    Everything is correct: a person needs money so that he never thinks about it. - Strugatsky brothers

    He who looks for millions very rarely finds them, but he who does not look for them never finds them! - O. Balzac

    Beware of minor expenses: a small leak will drown you big ship. - B. Franklin

    Money can buy adorable dog, but no amount of money will make him wag his tail happily. - W. Billings

    As wealth grows, so do worries. - Horace

    A woman can make any billionaire man a millionaire. - Charles Chaplin

    Once upon a time there are some people wandering around the country banknotes, then there must be people who have a lot of them. - Ilf and Petrov

    The imagination of a person who needs money is limitless. - Alexander Vampilov

    You need to know the value of money: wasteful people do not know it, and stingy people even less. - Charles Louis Montesquieu

    Dreams are the most important thing in your Life! It is important to dream and believe that dreams will come true! A person begins to die when he stops dreaming. - John Davison Rockefeller

    Some save as if they should live forever, while others spend as if they would die immediately. - Aristotle

    Money is like a hedgehog that is easy to catch, but not easy to keep. - Claudius Elian

    Money doesn't smell, but it disappears. - Stanislav Jerzy Lec

    A businessman is a person who spends time to make money and then spends money to kill time. - Evan Esar

    If the work brings only money, then we have been bought. - Leonid Sukhorukov

    There are people who have money, and there are rich people. - Coco Chanel

    The love of money grows as wealth itself grows. - Decimus Junius Juvenal

    Pierre Buast

    Along with earth, water, air and fire, money is the fifth element with which a person most often has to reckon. - Joseph Brodsky

    You need to make jokes and borrow money suddenly. - Heinrich Heine

    Money cannot buy love, but you can improve your starting position for bargaining. - Lawrence Peter

    If you don't have enough money, you need to start a business. If there is no money at all, you need to do business urgently, right now! - John Davison Rockefeller

    Being rich nowadays is very expensive. - Michael Harrington

    The largest budgets are made up of the inconspicuous little things in life. - Leonid S. Sukhorukov

    The main use of capital is not to make more money, but to make money to improve life. - Henry Ford

    Cash is not the only human-to-human connection. - Carlyle

    If some people despise wealth, it is because they have lost hope of getting rich. - Francis Bacon

    A person can live for a long time on the money he waits for. - William Faulkner

    The problem is not having money for black caviar, but finding taste in it. - Andre Maurois

    People who think money can do everything are themselves capable of doing everything for money. - Pierre Buast

    It is believed that the love of money is the root of all ills. The same can be said about lack of money. - Samuel Butler

    All I want is a chance to see that money doesn't buy happiness. - Ashley Brilliant

    Great nation It is not our wealth that makes us, but how we use it. - Theodore Roosevelt

    Take care of your honor from a young age, and the rest is in a reliable bank. - from the Rentier Directory

    Price - cost plus a reasonable consideration for any qualms in setting the price. - Ambrose Bierce

    There are no impossible cases, there is insufficient funding. - Mikhail Guskov

    You can't buy happiness with money, but you can rent it. - American saying

    There are things more important than money, but without money you cannot buy these things. - Prosper Merimee

    Money is the sixth sense, without which the other five are useless. - Somerset Maugham

    Choose, they told him: wealth or intelligence? How smart man, he chose wealth. - Mieczyslaw Shargan

    Mad money is money that infuriates those who are unable to earn it. - V. Turovsky

    Anyone who speaks the language of money will be understood in any country. - Ben Afrah

    Three things can drive a person crazy: love, vanity and studying money problems. - Walter Leaf

    Increasing wealth is not the same as decreasing poverty. - Joan Robinson

    Give a tenth of your income - and get ready for new cash flows. - Louise Hay

    He who pays late never pays twice. - English saying

    Only money can help us forget that we are not rich. - Philippe Bouvard

    You can’t chase money - you need to meet it halfway. - Aristotle Onassis

    Highest achievements economic thought occur during periods of economic decline. - Buchwald's Law

    Twice two is four. This is if in real money. According to barter - three. According to mutual offsets - eight. - Folk wisdom

    Unpaid loans lead to the bankruptcy of banks, which will be nationalized by the state, which will ultimately lead to the emergence of communism. Karl Marx, 1867 "Capital"

    The safest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it in your own pocket. Ilf and Petro

    The reliability of a bank is determined by the conscience of its top officials. Anna Duvarova

    The whole advantage of having money is being able to use it. Franklin B.

    Money, of course, is despotic power, but at the same time the highest equality, and this is all of it. main strength. Money compares all inequalities. - Fyodor Dostoevsky

    Money does not bring happiness, but everyone wants to see this for themselves. - Stefan Kiselevsky

    Finance constitutes the fulcrum that, according to Archimedes, allows us to turn the whole world upside down. - Cardinal Richelieu

    Everything I do is done for a good reason, and that reason usually turns out to be money. - Susie Parker

    The only thing you can do without money is debt. - Heinz Schenk

    According to the results of a sociological survey, the most popular printed edition among the people is money. - Unknown author

    The more money you have, the more difficult it is to live within your means. - Richard Whately

    I know you can't have everything at once, so I'll start small - with money. - Janusz Wasilkowski

    Gertrude Stein

    No need to be afraid high expenses. We should be afraid of small incomes. - John Davison Rockefeller

    Remember that money has the ability to multiply. - Benjamin Franklin

    You can count on a person starting from a certain amount. - Mieczyslaw Shargan

    Tell me who your bank is and I will tell you who you are. - Edward Yokel

    There is nothing more detrimental to financial well-being than coming up with a great idea and not getting around to implementing it. - Donald Trump

    If you want to have enough money for you and your family, work yourself. If you want to provide for your future generations, make people work for you. - Karl Marx

    You learn the fastest in three cases - before the age of 7, during trainings, and when life has driven you into a corner. - Stephen Covey

    Success is just profit from selling cheap experience. - Thomas Robert Dewar

    Business is a fascinating game that combines maximum excitement with a minimum of rules. And the score in this game is kept in money. - Bill Gates

    People don't want to be rich, people want to be richer than others. - John Stuart Mill

    People want advice on how to get rich, and they're willing to pay for it. - Nassim Taleb

    Being informed means having a lot of money. - Jacques Attali

    Anyone who wants to see the results of their labor immediately should become a shoemaker. - Albert Einstein

    Expenses tend to catch up with income. - Arthur Bloch

    The key to business success is innovation, which in turn comes from creativity. - James Goodnight

    Of the five deadly sins of business, the first, and usually the most common, is an excessive desire for profit. - Peter Drucker

    Money is the sixth sense that allows you to possess the other five. - Richard Ney

    When they say: “It’s not about the money, but the principle,” don’t believe it. It's about money. - Keen Hubbard

    Fernando de Rojas

    Give the client a choice, and he will leave all his money with you. - Philip Kotler

    If money doesn’t make you happy, it means it’s not yours. - Antonio Mikanis

    Wealth is a thing without which you can live happily. But prosperity is a thing necessary for happiness. - Nikolai Chernyshevsky

    Money can do anything: they tear down rocks, dry up rivers; There is no peak that a donkey laden with gold cannot climb. - Fernando de Rojas

    The time we have is money we don't have. - Ilf and Petrov

    Money in the morning, chairs in the evening. Is it possible the other way around? It's possible, but the money is up front. - Ilf and Petrov

    Antoine Rivarol

    Not being greedy is already wealth, not being wasteful is income. - Marcus Tulius Cicero

    Saving money is a useful thing, especially if your parents have already done it. - Wingston Churchill

    Ideas are capital that generate interest only in the hands of talent. - Antoine Rivarol

    A true idealist strives for money. Money is freedom. And freedom is life. - Remarque

    Money can, of course, buy a charming dog, but no amount of money can make him happily wag his tail. - John Billings

    With extra money you can only buy extra things. And of what the soul needs, nothing can be bought for money. - Henry Thoreau

    Money has not made anyone a fool, it only makes a fool visible. - Keen Hubbard

    The best way helping the poor is not becoming one of them. - Lang Hancock

    Lucky people live with money, unlucky people live without it, and scoundrels live for it. - Georges Elgozy

    Many of the rich are custodians, not owners, of their wealth. - Democritus

    Don't chase money - go towards it. - Aristotle Onassis

    A good advisor is better than any wealth. - Socrates

    People don't want to be rich; people want to be richer than others. - John Stuart Mill

    I want to live like a poor person with money. - Pablo Picasso

    Many people dream of such money that they no longer need money. - Wladyslaw Grzeszczyk

    When self-interest sounds in words, do not believe either the flattery of a woman or the machinations of a man. - Alisher Navoi

    Most saints were poor, but it does not follow that most poor people are saints. - William Inge

    When a person says that money can do anything, know: he does not have it and never has had it. - Edgar Howe

    The wallet should also be considered an erogenous zone. - Leszek Kumor

    Few of us can bear the burden of wealth. Of course, someone else's. - Mark Twain

    If they say to you: “My wealth was acquired through hard work,” ask: “Whose?” - Don Marquis

    Anyone who has had to live in poverty knows how expensive it is to be poor. - James Baldwin

    Man does not need anything more than what nature has given him. Except for the money. - Jozef Bester

    You need money even to get by without it. - Honoré de Balzac

    You should not talk about money with people who have much more than you, or much less. - Katherine Whitehorn

    Banks provide a service to society by ridding it of the donkeys who scream at every corner that health and happiness are everything and money has no meaning. - Nash O.

    Do not value money either more or less than it is worth; it is a good servant and a bad master. - A. Dumas the son

    Generosity is more profitable than stinginess. - Lion Feuchtwanger

    Money is freedom forged in gold. - Erich Maria Remarque

    Creating a balanced budget is like defending your virtue: you need to learn to say no. - Ronald Reagan

    Some lenders, not wanting to make the slightest concession to debtors, often lose all their capital. - Aesop

    Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society. - O.W.Holme

    First pay, and then faint. - Stanislav Jerzy Lec

    If you save a little every month, then after a year you will be surprised how little you have accumulated. - Ernest Haskins

    The budget never stays in balance. - Gustave Flaubert

    For smart people, money is a means; for fools, it is an end. - Adrian Decourcel

    Main body human body, the unshakable foundation on which the soul rests is a wallet. - Thomas Carlyle

    You need to buy in proportion to the profit and loss. If you don’t want to go broke, don’t spend unearned income. - Unsur Al-maali (Kay Kabus)

    Humanity loves money, no matter what it is made of. - Mikhail Bulgakov

    Be thrifty and prepare for tomorrow. - Aesop

    Big money can be made in two cases: when a new state is created and when it collapses. In creation this process is slower, in destruction it is faster. - Margaret Mitchell

    First money into knowledge, then knowledge into money. This is a model for any development. - Mikhail Prokhorov

    F. Doyle

    When it comes to money, the only thing most people can think of is to work hard. - Robert Kiyosaki

    With age, the desire to earn money turns into a desire to save. - Mikhail Zhvanetsky

    Quintus Horace Flaccus

    Any life devoted to the pursuit of money is death. Resurrection is in selflessness. - Albert Camus

    Spend one penny less than you earn. - Benjamin Franklin

    The simplest way not needing money - not getting more than you need, but living less than you can. - Vasily Klyuchevsky

    Those who believe that money can do anything can actually do anything for the sake of money. - George Saville Halifax

    The greatest misuse of money is that it can buy political power. - Karl Raymund Popper

    Money is the most abstract and “impersonal” of all that exists in people's lives. - Max Weber

    He who has money cannot be punished. - Marcus Tullius Cicero

    Money is like a hedgehog, easy to catch, but difficult to keep. - Claudius Elian

    Counterfeit money appears due to lack of funds talented people. - Unknown

    Not being able to endure poverty is shameful; not being able to get rid of it through hard work is even more shameful. - Pericles

    If you want to be rich, learn not only to earn money, but also to be frugal. - Franklin Benjamin

    Money, like youth, knows no barriers. - Jack London

    Money cannot buy friends, but you can make many interesting acquaintances. - Unknown

    Big money, while pleasing during the day, worries you at night. - Leonid S. Sukhorukov

    Lucky people live with money, unlucky people live without it, and scoundrels live for it. - Georges Elgozy

    Wealth is the savings of many in the hands of one. - Julian Tuwim

    A small amount lent makes a debtor; big - makes an enemy - Seneca

    For money to grow in the bank, you need to put it in the bank - Unknown

    Evil is not in money, but in a person’s willingness to commit any evil for the sake of it - Baurzhan Toyshibekov

    Money can't buy a friend, but you can buy better enemies... - Robert Andrews Milliken

    Money is now valuable: honor comes for money, friendship comes for money; People don't need a poor man anywhere. - Fedor Ivanovich Karpov

    Better enemy for free than a friend for money. - Karol Bunsch

    Time is money, and many pay their debts with their time. - Henry Wheeler Shaw

    Acquaintance: a person we know well enough to borrow money from, but not well enough to lend to him - Ambrose Bierce

    Cautious Businessman: A man who takes money from the stock market and goes to Las Vegas with it. - Robert Orben

    Communicate! Money comes to you through other people. Unsociable people It is extremely rare to become rich. 100% responsible for your life. - John Davison Rockefeller

    Money is a poor man's credit card. - Marshall McLue

    By spending money on unnecessary things, you will have little of it for what you need. - Chilon

    Today's young people imagine that money is everything. And over the years they become convinced of this. - Oscar Wilde

    People start thinking about life and money when they come to an end. - Emil Krotky

    Most reliable way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it in your wallet. - Frank Hubbard

    They say that money is the root of all evil. The same can be said about lack of money. - Samuel Butler

    “Money can’t buy happiness.” You usually hear this from those who have neither one nor the other. - Robert Orben

    Money is the best sedative. - Leonard Louis Levinson

    Invest in inflation - it's the only thing that keeps growing. - Will Rogers

    If money doesn't give you happiness, give it away! - Jules Renard

    A rich man is just a poor man with money. - William Claude Fields

    An amazing paradox: citizens are much more willing to sacrifice their lives than their money. - Alain (Emile-Auguste Chartier)

    With money, poverty is easier to bear. - Alphonse Allais

    You can look down on money, but you can't lose sight of it. - Andre Prevost

    People with means think that the most important thing in life is love; The poor know for sure that money matters. - Gerald Brenan

    A person can live for a long time on the money he waits for. - William Faulkner

    Money must turn around. The faster you spend, the more you get. - Kapitsa Peter

    If you don't have money, you think about money all the time. If you have money, you only think about money. - Paul Getty

    There is always money, only pockets change. - Stein Gertrude

    Money must be managed, not served. - Seneca

    Money either dominates its owner or serves him. - Horace

    Money spoils character. - Remarque E. M

    As long as money is on paper, it is paper, not money. - Scheine-Sheindl

    I discovered that it was easier to still become rich than to explain to everyone why it didn’t work out. - Jim Rohn

    Often money costs too much. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    For some people, wealth only comes from the fear of losing it. - Antoine Rivarol

    According to my calculation, the rich man is not the one who counts out money in order to hide it in a chest, but the one who counts out what he has in excess in order to help someone who does not have what he needs. - D. I. Fonvizin

    The smell of profit is pleasant, no matter where it comes from. - Juvenal

    A bank is an institution where it is customary to deposit money. - Boris Krieger

    Credit is the only form trust that cannot be justified without money. - Mikhail Mamchich

    A bank is an institution where you can borrow money if you have the means to convince yourself that you do not need it. - M. Twain

    One person has a lot of money - wealth. Many people have a lot of money - inflation. - Evgeniy Bagashov

    Saving is a way to spend money without any pleasure. - SALAKRU Arman

    To spend money wisely, you need to spend it wisely first. - Leonid Sukhorukov

    You don’t have to take everything personally, especially if the account is a bank account. - Yana Dzhangirova

    Where do you keep your money? - In the bank. - And the jar? - In the safe. -Where is the safe? - In the bank. (...) - Vladimir Borisov

    Somerset Maugham

    If money does not bring happiness, then give it to your neighbor. - Renard Jules

    Thrift is an important source of wealth. - Cicero Marcus Tullius

    Exchanges and banks are the temples of the “golden calf”. - Konstantin Kushner

    Gennady Malkin

    The bank is common sense, a sober approach to reality, to partners. - J. Vrignot

    The less the client pays, the more scandalous he becomes. - Unknown author

    Your business will prosper if you have enough money to get a loan from the bank. - Unknown author

    Lenders differ better memory than debtors. - B. Franklin

    A stock speculator is a person who studies the future and acts before it comes. - Bernard Baruch

    Credit is a helping hand, trembling with impatience. - Gennady Malkin

    Anyone who loves money should also love banks. - Konstantin Kushner

    There was little money in his bank account, but he had accounts in all banks. - Valery Afonchenko

    When someone owes me, I remember very well, But if I owe, I don’t remember, for the life of me. - Aristophanes

    All of humanity, in fact, is divided into two categories: some borrow, others give - Charles Lamb

    You can't borrow if you don't know if you can pay back. - Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

    In your youth, you dream of an invisibility hat in order to sneak into the women's bathhouse unnoticed, mature age- to the bank, and in old age - to heaven... - unknown author

    If you owe the bank $100, that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100,000,000, this is already the bank's problem. - John Paul Getty

    The best interest-free loans are given at the bank... Glass Bank, 3-liter... - Vladimir Borisov

    For some people, wealth only comes from the fear of losing it. - A. Rivarol

    If you spend money on unnecessary things, you will have little to spend on what you need. - Chilon

    When unraveling the secret of success for managers, it is worth looking not at the solution, but at the method that allowed it to be reached. - Justin Menkes

    What is a business? It’s very simple: it’s other people’s money. - Alexandre Dumas

    New and original ideas: this is the path to big money. - Doug Hall

    A dollar is worth whatever the stock exchange says. - Milton Friedman

    We always have money on a whim; we skimp only on useful and necessary expenses. - O. Balzac

    He is rich who considers himself so with what he has. - Pierre Buast

    Money spoils a person, and inflation spoils money. - Boris Krutier

    Grandiose things are done with grandiose means; nature alone does great things for nothing. - Herzen A.I.

    Money is the sixth sense, without it you will not be able to use the other five. - Somerset Maugham

    Money has one drawback - it is its scarcity. Erzhan Orymbetov

    There is always money, only pockets change. - Gertrude Stein

    Whoever does not want his fortune to decrease should spend no more than half of his income; and whoever wants to increase it by no more than a third. - Francis Bacon

    Success begets success, just as money leads to money. - Nicola Chamfort

    Create a source of passive income and live for your own pleasure! - John Davison Rockefeller

    In order to understand that happiness cannot be found in money, you must first know both - happiness and money. - Frederic Beigbeder

    The financial abyss is the deepest of all abysses, you can fall into it all your life.- I. Ilf - E. Petrov

    Money is the sun of life, without which life is hard, dark and cold. - Belinsky V.G.

    Think before you invest, and don't forget to think after you've invested. - F. Doyle

    After a certain point, money ceases to be a goal, it ceases to matter at all. The game itself is what's exciting. - Onassis Aristotle Socrates

    Money is coined freedom. - F. M. Dostoevsky

    Money is like a sixth sense, without which it is impossible to fully use the other five. - William Somerset Maugham

    If extraordinary returns are expected, then there must be extraordinary risk. - Rowan Howbart

    Profit is profit, no matter how small it may be. - Robert Browning

    Never invest in an idea that you cannot explain on your fingers. - Peter Lynch

    If you pour the contents of your wallet into your head, no one will take it away from you. - Benjamin Franklin

    The one who masters perfectly by email, will be a millionaire in the twenty-first century. - Bill Gates.

    Stock trading is a struggle of well-equipped intelligence against the brute power of chance. - Henry Emery

    Most big mistake is what people do in life when they are not trying to make a living doing what they like best. - Malcolm Forbes

    The path to great wealth lies only through passive income! Income that comes to you regardless of your efforts. - John Davison Rockefeller

    Don't say you're working. Show what you've earned. - Thomas Robert Dewar

    There are 2 types of money problems: one when there is not enough of it, and the other when there is too much. Which problem do you choose? - Robert Kiyosaki

Most beginners and even experienced entrepreneurs often face a lack of motivation. There are times when nothing works out the way you planned, and it seems like you are wasting time in one place. In such situations, more than ever, we need the advice and support of a wise mentor - however, even the smallest thing - a saying from a person who has achieved recognition and success - can restore the desire to move forward. That's why we bring you a selection of 12 motivational quotes from famous entrepreneurs who have achieved tremendous success in their industries despite hostile circumstances.

“Think differently. New ideas don't come from sitting still. Talk to people, observe the world, get out of the office cage, ask questions and try things.”
— Steve Jobs, American engineer and entrepreneur, founder of Apple

« Most big risk- don't take any risks».

— Mark Zuckerberg, American programmer and entrepreneur, founder of Facebook
“If you want to be innovative, you must be capable of intuitive judgment.”
— Fred Smith, American entrepreneur, founder and CEO of FedEx
“Customers learn about who we are as they interact with us. A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You gain a reputation for doing things well. complex tasks. People notice this over time. I don’t think there’s any shortcut anywhere.”
— Jeff Bezos, American entrepreneur, CEO and founder of

"There's only one way to do it great job- to love her."
— Steve Jobs
« There is nothing more detrimental to financial well-being than coming up with a great idea and not getting around to implementing it. ».
— Donald Trump, American businessman, President of Trump Org
“Even if you are very talented and put in a lot of effort, some results just take time: you won’t get a baby in a month even if you get nine women pregnant.”
— Warren Buffett, American entrepreneur, president Berkshire companies Hathaway

“The more often you try and fail, the more more chances stumble upon something worthwhile."
— Sergey Brin and Larry Page, American entrepreneurs, founders of Google
“No one is defeated until he admits himself defeated.”
— Napoleon Hill, American public figure, author of Think and Grow Rich, one of the best-selling books of all time
“If you want to have something you’ve never had, you’ll have to do something you’ve never done.”
— Coco Chanel, French fashion designer and founder of the house of Chanel
“If you hit every hole on the first shot, golf will get boring very quickly.”
— Warren Buffett
“Most failures are people who didn’t know how close they were to success when they gave up.”
— Thomas Edison, American inventor and entrepreneur

Don't be afraid to try, and sooner or later you will achieve your goal. Just believe in yourself, firmly go towards your dream, try, experiment, develop and work hard!

Billionaires are not public figures, show stars or politicians who will go to great lengths to attract attention. However, there is plenty of interest in the rich.

Probably, each of us, deep down, is interested in finding out who these rich people are. Why are they more successful and richer than others?

Maybe their statements about business and what and how they think will help us understand them better?

A head on your shoulders and a certain amount of wisdom are what you need to make billions. 11 thoughts of legendary billionaires may not make you rich, but they will the right direction, at least they will direct.

1. “Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2. Never forget rule No. 1.”

Warren Buffett. The most influential investor of our time. Within 10 recent years one of the three richest people planets.

2. “If you depend on the opinions of others, you are dead.”

Carlos Slim Helu. Tops the Forbes list for the second year in a row.

3. “I just like it when people say I can’t do something. Nothing else makes me feel as good because all my life I've had people tell me I couldn't do what I did."

Ted Turner. Founder of CNN.

4. “If you can count your money, then you don’t have a billion dollars.”

Paul Getty. Oil king.

5. “A person does not make mistakes only when he sleeps.”

Ingvar Kamprad. Founder of IKEA.

6. “We are going where no one has gone before. There is no role model. Nothing to copy. That's what makes it so exciting."

Richard Branson. British billionaire.

7. “You become what you believe in. Your current position in life is based exactly on what you believed in before.”

Oprah Winfrey. American media owner, talk show host, actress, producer and philanthropist.

8. “You can’t just ask customers what they need, because by the time you do that, they will want something new.”

Steve Jobs. Founder of Apple.

9. “We all work together. This is our secret."

Sam Walton. Founder of Walmart.

10. “The whole secret of business is to know something that no one else knows.”

Aristotle Onassis. Greek ship owner.

11. “The older I got, the less I paid attention to what people said. I was just watching what they were doing."

Andrew Carnegie. Founder of Carnegie Steel.

I’m curious, which statement did you like best? And if, let’s imagine for a moment that you are already a billionaire, what inspiring statements about business would belong to you?

At the same time, we mean another statement by Paul Goette: “To become a billionaire, you need first of all luck, a significant dose of knowledge, a huge capacity for work, I emphasize - huge, but most importantly, the most important thing - you must have the mentality of a billionaire. The billionaire mentality is a state of mind in which you focus all your skills, all your knowledge, all your skills on achieving your goal. This is what will change you."

Statuses about business

If you are looking for business statuses, then you are pursuing some goal related to getting rich. For example, you are an Oriflame manager and want to attract the attention of potential clients and make them an invitation, or you are just starting to engage in trading or other entrepreneurial activity and want to establish a status for yourself about business success.

In this article we are happy to share our great selection finds, among which you can find motivating statuses for business, statuses about business with meaning on the Internet, as well as a number of others that you can take for VK or put on your Instagram profile. We also recommend watching several of the attached videos, they also motivate and charge you for success!

A selection of statuses for business

Success is the desired outcome of planned actions. It is very important to dream and want, but for success this is not enough, you need to act. Oriflame "Leader's Book." How to become successful in business with Oriflame"

In business you take either experience or money, always choose experience, and the money will come.

If you were born without wings, don't stop them from growing! Coco Chanel

We will achieve our goal only through effort, not through desire. "Artha"

When, having made a mistake, you do not correct it, this is called making a mistake. "Confucius"

Those who do not devote themselves entirely to the task will not have brilliant success. "Xun Zi"

There is a time to work and a time to love. There is no time for other activities. Coco Chanel

The poor man is revered for his knowledge, and the rich man for his wealth: how much more will he who is respected in poverty be respected in wealth? And he who is inglorious in wealth, how much more inglorious will he be in poverty?” Book of Wisdom of Jesus, Son of Sirach (Sir. 10:33 - 34)"

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

There is a side to a dream that is better than reality; in reality there is a side better than dreams. Complete happiness would be a combination of both. (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy)

Faith reveals abilities in a person that he did not even suspect, and any dreams come true. (Juliusz Wontroba)

A poor man is hated even by those closest to him, but a rich man has many friends. “Prov. 14.20"

And after a bad harvest, you need to sow. "Seneca the Younger"

Each is a smith of his own destiny. "Gaius Julius Caesar"

A memory is a dream about the past. A dream is a memory of the future. (Olga Muravyova)

We all dream of some magical rose garden that lies beyond the horizon, instead of enjoying the roses that bloom right outside our window. (Dale Carnegie)

Everything that a person can imagine in his imagination, others can bring to life. (Jules Verne)

The only thing that destroys dreams is compromise. (Richard Bach)

It makes no sense to continue doing the same thing and expect different results “Albert Einstein”

Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. "Thomas Edison"

If you dream of a rainbow, be prepared to get rained on. (Dolly Parton)

Every dream is given to you along with the strength necessary to make it come true. However, you may have to work for it. (Richard Bach)

When we can no longer dream, we die. (Emma Goldman)

The easiest dreams to achieve are those that are not doubted. (Alexandre Dumas-father)

Thinking is the hardest job; This is probably why so few people do it. "Henry Ford"

To live means to act. "Konstantin Stanislavsky"

If you want to lead happy life, you should be attached to the goal, not to people or things. (Albert Einstein)

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. (Lao Tzu)

The meaning of life is in the beauty and strength of striving for a goal, and it is necessary that every moment of existence has its own high goal. (Maxim Gorky)

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