Who becomes rich and successful. Iron principles of wealth

Greetings! I have a feeling that against the backdrop of the crisis, the topic of money and wealth has become even more popular than before. And I decided not to break out of the trend.

For many centuries, people have tried to understand how the rich are fundamentally different from the poor? Why do some people work hard for pennies all their lives? Intelligence, environment, fate, luck, magic, secret abilities? Habits of rich people!

How to become a very rich person? Or at least how to get closer to the “chosen ones”?

What habits should you develop to become a rich person?

Solve all your problems as soon as possible

The fact is that a “fresh” problem is much easier to solve than a “neglected” one.

It's like cleaning. It is much easier to constantly put everything in its place and wash one plate and one cup than to arrange general cleaning once a week, when all hell is going on in the apartment.

How does this relate to wealth? Unsolved problems, which hang over your head like a sword of Damocles, consuming a lot of strength and energy. Energy that you can spend on creating your first million!

Work only for yourself

The ideal situation is when you spend 100% of your working time on (and not on the state, company or private entrepreneur). It is clear that for most Russians this is beyond the realm of possibility. But you need to try every year to pay more and more attention to your own projects (blog, business, investments) and less and less to hired work.

React to the situation like an adult

Do you think this is obvious? Don't rush to conclusions!

Just the other day I accidentally came across a very interesting video practicing psychologist. I was literally stunned and recognized myself in almost every example. The point is that for any life situations people in the world react in one of five ways. And only one of them is a constructive reaction from an adult!

Suppose the head of a department gathers half of the team in a meeting room (including you). And announces that with tomorrow“lucky ones” are transferred to incomplete working week with a 30% loss of wages.

  • Reaction #1. Tragedy. Emotions, screams, tears, hysterics, depression or binge drinking.
  • Reaction No. 2. Game: “I’ll quit tomorrow - let them understand what a valuable employee they’ve lost”, “Wow, I’ll finally get some sleep and go fishing”, “I’ll let my boss know that Petka spends all day on social networks - he’s also being transferred to part-time work” .
  • Reaction No. 3. Ignoring: “It’s okay, it’s hard for everyone now, the crisis will end soon, and everything will get better with time.” “If you think about it, I don’t really need that new car. And there’s no need to go this year either.”
  • Reaction No. 4. Kritika: “It was my wife who persuaded me to take this job. I felt that this was not the best option" “Again, this bastard owner wants to save money on ordinary workers. Of course, the crisis probably didn’t affect him in any way!” “Why me and not Petka?! Always lucky as a drowned man.”

And only a truly adult person will put emotions aside and not bury his head in the sand. He will assess the current situation, calculate all the risks and consequences and act. Search new job, prove to the boss that he cannot be transferred to a part-time schedule, go to court, figure out where to get money for the next mortgage payment, etc. In other words, he will solve the problem, and not cry, look for someone to blame, or convince himself that everything is fine.

If a truly rich person, at one time, went into depression due to losses on or blamed " bad karma” in the bankruptcy of the next project, then I would never become a truly rich person! In one day a millionaire (like an Olympic champion or Nobel laureate) do not become.

Habits and complexes of poor people

“It’s small, but it’s stable”

Older people who lived in the USSR are more likely to sin with this “fad” most life. For many of them, the concept of “stability” was much more important than “profitability.”

For example, a teaching position at a university guarantees paid sick leave and vacation, annual salary indexation, additional payments for length of service and scientific degree. And it doesn’t matter that the 35-year-old associate professor of the department “ Higher mathematics"earns three to four times less than his former classmate in a commercial organization. After all, a classmate can be fired at any time, and he will be left with nothing. But in a university there will be “enough” stability until retirement...

Every year, working for “stability” rather than “growth” becomes more and more addictive. There is less and less desire to change anything, more and more fear of trying something new, and less and less value of the employee in the labor market...

"I do not want to change anything"

People with a poor man's complex avoid any risk like fire. The proverb “Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky” was invented just for them. Such people, having nothing in their hearts, nevertheless do not want to leave their comfort zone. Despite the fact that the rich and successful force themselves to do this regularly.

A person with a poor man's complex will not look for better job and will not go “for prospects” to another city (or country). Such people, as a rule, also do not open their own business. Although many of them are absolutely not satisfied with being hired.

"Everyone owes me"

You've probably noticed how in stores, pharmacies and public transport every third person accuses or criticizes someone. Most often it goes to the state, local authorities and... one’s own boss.

What do psychologists call this? In my opinion, infantilism. When someone (but not you) is to blame for the fact that you earn little, live in an old Khrushchev apartment and have not been to the sea for three years.

I agree, we have to rise to normal level starting from scratch is much more difficult than in the prosperous States or Europe. But all around, when ordinary Russians achieved their goals. Moreover, they achieved it themselves - without the “uncle prosecutor” and “connections in the tax office.”

Why were some people able to become happy, rich and successful, while others were not? Under the same conditions, during the same period, in the same country?

And if you feel that you can’t realize yourself in your home country, why not go to another? With good salaries, social package, prospects and friendly legislation.

Well, when a person doesn’t own foreign language, he does not have special knowledge and skills, he is not a professional in his field - then in Russia he cannot count on a high income... What does the “bad” government and the bastard boss have to do with it.

According to Rosstat, about 300,000 people left Russia in 2014 alone ( maximum rate over the past 15 years). Mainly middle class: 30-40 years old, higher education, successful professionals (finance, management, design, programming) or private entrepreneurs.

The poor man's complex prevents you from taking responsibility for your life. It forces you to look for those to blame and prevents you from understanding that you need to change yourself.

By the way, radically reconsider the attitude towards own life Richard Branson’s cool book “To hell with everything!” will help. Take it and do it." there are many on the market now, but this is the one that makes you get up off the couch and finally start doing something. By the way, the author of the book can be called more than successful person.

“We need to save more”

People with a poor man's complex spend most of their time, effort and energy on “spending less” rather than “earning more.” Nobody disputes that. But for some, over time, this turns into elementary redneck and pettiness...

Typical phrases: “We can’t afford it,” “Too expensive for me,” “I can do without it,” and “It’s an unnecessary indulgence,” etc.

By the way, I highly recommend watching Natalya Zubarevich’s report entitled “The Crisis in Russia: Regional Projection.” No politics, bare numbers and statistics.

In her speech, Natalya Zubarevich makes a very sad conclusion: the middle class in Russia is gradually changing its development strategy to a survival strategy. “Take it easy, spend money only on the essentials, wait it out Hard times, and then we’ll see..."

This reaction to the crisis is typical manifestation poor man's complex. Do not strive for the best, but do your best to preserve what you have. By the way, the survival strategy leads to the degradation of not only the individual, but also society as a whole.

Learn from the rich

We all have friends, relatives, colleagues or neighbors who earn less or about the same as us. And there are others - those who have achieved much more in life.

It has been proven a thousand times that it is much more productive for any person to communicate with the second group of people! Maybe healthy envy, a spirit of competition, or wounded pride are kicking in?

Although, of course, it is much more comfortable to communicate with those who are in the same boat with you, and every day complain about a small salary and a bunch of loans. It’s easier this way, and you don’t need to leave the notorious comfort zone... But if you don’t constantly push yourself higher and higher (through “I don’t want”), you can forget about big money forever...

What habits do you think you need to develop in order to become a very rich person? Subscribe to updates and don't forget to share links to the most interesting posts with your friends!

15 422 0 Hello! In this article we will talk about how to become rich and successful. Many of us dream of achieving financial well-being, not denying ourselves anything and never feeling an urgent need for money. However, only 3% of the world's population manages to achieve real wealth. What is the reason for such statistics and is it possible to become rich and happy?

Before asking the question “How to become rich in Russia?”, you need to understand what it is - the very wealth that everyone strives for. It's no secret that everyone needs money different quantities. For some, 100 thousand rubles will be an untold treasure, but for others, even a million dollars will not be enough. How do you understand where the wealth line is?

Robert Kiyosaki (millionaire and author) defined wealth as the amount of free time in which you can not work, but at the same time your standard of living will not decrease, or as the amount of assets that can generate a sufficient amount of passive income.

It turns out that wealth is not a mountain of money, but time is a limited resource. Is it worth spending it on something that doesn't bring you pleasure?

What prevents us from becoming rich?

Anyone can become a rich person, but why not everyone achieves their goals. The causes of poverty can be:

  • Laziness;
  • Thoughts;
  • Criticism (of yourself, the state, others, etc.);
  • Complaints;
  • Life circumstances.

Are wage employment and wealth compatible?

If you study examples of rich people, you will notice that none of them became millionaires through hired work. All of them were passionate about their work and developed their own businesses. And this is not surprising; hired work has several significant disadvantages:

  1. Often hired work is unloved. People do not like their jobs, work under strict instructions and do not have the space to realize their own creative potential, exchanging your dream and precious time of life for money and working for the success of another person.
  2. No free time. You definitely won’t be able to manage your time, decide when to work and rest. This will deprive you of many joys and make you feel dependent on circumstances.
  3. You constantly receive commands. The work hierarchy is structured in such a way that someone at the top will constantly give you instructions, and you will be forced to obey, even if you disagree.

The stability of hired employment is an imaginary factor. Remember that the company only needs you as a profit-generating tool. As soon as you stop doing this or start working less efficiently, another employee will take your place, and you will either be fired, demoted or have your salary reduced.

Of course, this does not mean that you should run to write a letter of resignation right now. Especially if you love your job and are satisfied with your position. You can also achieve success in hired work if the position implies freedom of choice and independent decision-making. In the end, there is always the opportunity to organize additional passive income for yourself.

Rich Man's Mindset

Rich people do not view money as the main purpose of their lives. They don’t idolize money, don’t pray for it, and certainly don’t think about how they can become rich. For them, money is just a means or a tool for getting what they want, opportunities and growth. Money in itself has no value - it's just pieces of paper.

The main differences between the rich and the poor are presented in the table.

Rich Poor
Job They work for themselves, build a business.Employed
Example Rely on experience successful people, learn from those who are more successful.They communicate with people even poorer in order to assert themselves.
Actions I do more, dream less.They just dream and do nothing.
Attitude to circumstances They are not afraid of circumstances, they are confident in themselves.They adapt to circumstances and are afraid of change.
Risk They are not afraid to take risks, try new things, and are open to new ideas and projects.Avoid risk.
Work They love to work and are not afraid of work.They are lazy and reluctant to work.
Education They learn throughout their lives, easily accept changes and adapt to a new life.They complain that life is unstable and changeable. They reject the learning process, considering themselves quite smart and educated.
Environment They do not tolerate whiners and those who are always dissatisfied in their environment.They communicate with whiners and often complain about life themselves.
Envy They don't envy more successful people. Be inspired by their example.They envy everyone they can.

Karma of money

It is important to understand that money is energy. Monetary benefits come to you in exchange for your useful action. If this exchange of energy does not occur or something is done incorrectly, monetary energy stagnates and cash flow stops. Money does not like any aggressive or violent energy: deception, theft, and self-violence.

When you are out of place, not fulfilling your purpose and abandoning your function as a creator, you are literally raping yourself on the mental plane. Devoting time unloved job, working only for money without pleasure and high goals, you will quickly notice how your material affairs will begin to deteriorate, and there will be less and less money.

On in a subtle way To attract money, follow the basic points:

  1. Give 10% of your income to charity and helping other people.
  2. See things honestly, don’t look for hidden benefits in everything, don’t deceive.
  3. Give up the “money for money’s sake” principle.

How to become rich from scratch

Many people think that becoming rich without higher education, third-party investment, a gift from heaven, wealthy benefactors is impossible. However, the psychology of money says otherwise: Any persistent person can acquire financial wealth. To do this, you just need to adhere to a certain scheme.

1. Decide to be successful

Wealth begins with intention, so start your path to wealth by deciding to become rich, successful and happy man. Be aware of your decision and intention. Now you must always take action. Idle lazy pastime is no longer for you.

2. Make a plan and define your goals

The difference between rich people and poor people is that their lives are often planned out years in advance. They clearly know what they will do in the next 10 or 5 years, in the next year, month, day.

Make a plan for your life too. Determine who you want to be and what you want to achieve in 10 years. Of course, the goal of making a million dollars may seem unrealistic, especially if you currently work in a low-paying job. But it doesn't matter! Look at your goal with a cold eye, determine what exactly you need to do to make it a reality. Based on these actions, make a plan for the next 5 years, then for the year, month, week and day.

Now you have a clear algorithm of actions in front of you, and a non-abstract goal. Be sure to write down all your plans; they should now have a material embodiment, even if only on paper for now.

Ask yourself two questions often:

  1. What do you want?
  2. How to achieve this?

3. Find a role model

It is very difficult to go to wealth blindly and alone. Perhaps the journey along the road of life will be exciting and will become an invaluable experience, but it will require a lot of time. It is much easier to find an experienced mentor and turn to him for advice, learn from successful experience and get inspired.

If there is not yet a living example and a rich teacher on the horizon, examples will help you famous people. Study books about outstanding personalities and their paths to success, read articles, watch films. Have an example that you can follow.

4. Develop the habits and mindset of a successful person

After you have found yours guiding star in the form of a rich person, study his habits, views and worldview. Try to implement them into your life.

Give up complaints, despondency, and the victim position. You are the creator of your life!

5. Reconsider your social circle

Protect yourself from all the people who are always complaining, whining and judging. By communicating with such people, you yourself become unsuccessful and become infected with a bad mood. Try to spend more time with positive, optimistic people and those who already know how to succeed.

6. Take care of your financial literacy

It is very important to know how to properly manage your earnings. Most people who win the lottery and receive a large amount of money overnight end up in an even worse situation than before they won. This is due to the fact that they simply did not know how to manage money wisely: they threw it left and right, quickly spent it, became drug addicts, and lost their winnings in the casino. While a financially literate person could easily increase this money and not need anything for the rest of his days.

Basics of financial literacy:

  1. Save at least 10% of your income. This money should become inviolable. They will work for you in the future.
  2. Get rid of debt. From each income, devote at least 20% to paying off debts. Do not take out new loans - this is always a liability that takes a lot of your strength, energy and money.
  3. Read more books on the topic of financial literacy, listen to lectures, attend trainings and master classes. Become an expert on this matter. Make your financial plan and take action. If this kind of planning is too difficult for you, contact a good financial advisor.

7. Invest your saved money

Money must work. Those who save money “for a rainy day” sooner or later lose it. While you are accumulating the required amount for investment, start studying investing. This is a very complex issue and requires attention and careful consideration. You can invest in stocks, mutual funds, real estate, etc.

With proper investment, you can easily achieve passive income. Well, while there is no money, you can invest your time in education, development and research of new useful information.

8. Be patient and don't give up

Many successful people once started their journey from scratch, they faced difficulties more than once, and many lost everything and started over. If they had stopped then, would they have achieved wealth? No. Success loves the persistent confident people. Don't despair and don't give in bad mood. Remember, trials are given to you so that you become even stronger and more confident.

Once and for all, give up expectations of quick success!

The rich are very different from the poor in their thinking, habits, views and attitude towards life in general and towards money in particular. Today a lot of literature has been written on the topic financial independence and success. Below are some basic tips that will help you become rich.

Value your time and don't miss opportunities

  • Give up meaningless entertainment: watching useless TV shows, hanging out in in social networks etc. Instead, learn how to spend your leisure time usefully: read useful books, visit interesting seminars and courses, spend time with loved ones.
  • Rich people always know what they will do today. Make it a rule for yourself to schedule and plan your days.
  • Don't refuse the opportunities that life offers you. Success loves the determined purposeful people who know how to properly manage their time, both working and free.

Do what you really enjoy

The difference between successful people and the average lies precisely in the fact that rich people did what they really liked and what they believed in with all their hearts. It is passion that helps you immerse yourself in your work, be passionate about your work, and overcome any obstacles. It gives motivation and desire to move forward.

Laziness, contrary to the opinion of the majority, is not an innate character trait, but a common lack of motivation and desire to develop in the proposed direction. You can cope with laziness simply - find something you like.

Listen only to the opinions of people whom you respect and consider competent in the area in which they are giving advice. This applies to both solicited and unsolicited advice. You should not listen to the opinions of people who have not achieved success.

On your path to wealth, you will more than once meet people who will laugh at your ideas, envy you, whisper behind your back, and condemn you. This is fine. All rich people went through this, because their opinions often differed from the generally accepted ones. Therefore, having received yet another piece of advice, think about whether it is worth listening to the advice of the adviser?

Develop your communication skills

The ability to communicate helps solve many business issues, from finding employees and selling your product, to organizing various events and concluding partnership agreements. It is much easier to develop your business when you have connections and acquaintances.

Capture ideas

Our mind is always on the move. Nobody knows when a new brilliant super idea will come to your mind, so always carry a notebook with a pen for such an occasion. Try to write down all your ideas, because no one knows how successful they are. Later, you can re-read them with a fresh mind and, perhaps, find some interesting “tricks” for your business.

Take responsibility for your life

Stop complaining and whining when you encounter obstacles along the way. Realize that you are the creator of your own destiny. No one should bring you wealth on a platter or teach you how to build a business. Only you yourself are the culprit of what happens in your life. And only you are responsible for your life.

Have an active holiday

Life is motion! So give preference active recreation. This is the type of vacation that rich people prefer to passive.

Watch your health

Among successful people it is difficult to find a person who does not care about his health. On the contrary, rich people are thoughtful about their diet, physical activity, daily routine and timely visits to doctors. They understand that without health it is impossible to work for the benefit of their favorite business and enjoy life. Money cannot buy health, so take care of it in advance.

Maintain a budget

A successful person can tell down to the penny how much he earned and how much he spent and on what exactly. While average people rarely keep a budget and do not know where the gap is hiding in their wallet.

Write down all your expenses and income, starting from even the smallest amounts of a few rubles, ending with large expenses. You can do this today different ways: using a notebook, regular Excel tables on a computer, various computer programs, mobile applications etc. Choose the method that is most convenient for you. After a few months, you will be able to draw conclusions about where your money is going and whether you are spending it wisely. It will be possible to select waste and reduce their number, understand where you can save.

By tracking the dynamics of expenses and income, you can plan your future expenses. Some sources recommend doing this in a 60/25/25 ratio:

  • Where 25% of the money is put aside as an emergency reserve,
  • another 25% is spent on entertainment,
  • and 60% - for mandatory needs.

This balance works if you have no debt. If your income is not yet very high and 25% is a very sensitive amount, you need to save at least 10%.

Get out of your comfort zone

If you are still not rich, then you are doing something wrong and you need to change the current situation. To do this, you need to get out of your comfort zone. Do what you are not used to doing, learn new things, look at things differently and step towards your fears and concerns.

Fight your fears

Fears need to be worked through. To do this, write down all your fears on a piece of paper, read the list and think about what you can do about them. Sometimes fear can be destroyed by touching it, that is, by doing what you are afraid of. In some cases, you can seek help from a specialist. A psychologist will tell you how to properly deal with your fears.

Always learn new things

Don't stop learning! Only development and endless growth will lead you to wealth. Study the art of handling money, marketing, business literature, oratory. In short, everything that develops you as a person and a professional.

Accept challenges with gratitude

The fact that something doesn’t work out for you is not a reason to be upset, much less depressed and complain about life. Look at the world from a different angle. Accept challenges with gratitude as a chance to become even better, stronger and happier by going through obstacles.

Develop selflessness and generosity in yourself

The more you give, the more comes to you - this is the law of attraction of money. Learn to give sincerely and selflessly, without expecting or asking for anything in return. The more you help other people, the higher your emotional and spiritual uplift becomes, and your monetary karma improves.

Keep your plans secret

Don't talk about your ideas. How fewer people know about your plans, so more likely that they will be implemented. And it's not a matter of superstition at all. Just by chatting about your intentions, you are dissipating the energy given to you to implement the idea. As a result, when it comes to implementation, you may not have enough of this spilled energy.

Stand your ground

All rich people face resistance outside world Therefore, it is very important to be moderately tough and defend your positions. You need to start now: politely but persistently tell them if you don’t like something. Don't allow it on your part boorish behavior, but you shouldn’t be too soft either.

Live within your means

By keeping a budget, you know exactly what you can afford and what you cannot. Never go into debt to buy an apartment, a car or another gadget - this is a typical poor man's syndrome. Plan your purchases carefully, get rid of frivolous spending and excesses. Buy only what your wallet allows. Remember, money loves counting and rational planning.

Get rid of the cult of money

Money is far from the most important thing in the world. Yes, they provide opportunities, development, comfortable life, trips. But they are not the ones who bring happiness into life. Learn to be a happy person without money, then they will be drawn to you. And the wrong attitude towards banknotes can only bring misfortune and grief.

Accept money from different sources

Money can come not only as salary. Present, various discounts, suggestions and even help - all this is a manifestation of the energy of abundance. Accept everything that comes into your life with great gratitude and love. Never refuse the surprises of fate, this way you help not only yourself to further open the channel for receiving benefits, but also increase the abundance of your giver.

Believe in yourself

It's simple, if you don't believe in yourself, nothing will work out! Rich people rely only on their own strength, and not on luck.

Don't forget about other areas of life

A career and your own business are good, but don’t forget to spend time with your family, meet with friends, and have a good rest. Pay attention evenly to all areas of life - this will make your life full and fulfilling.

Create Passive Income

Invest your money and make it work for you. This could be interest from a bank, dividends, network marketing, rental real estate, etc. Explore everything possible options receive passive income and create it. Ideally, it will gradually become your main income, freeing up time for development, new projects and travel.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes

There is nothing wrong with mistakes; they help you draw conclusions and find the right path. Don’t stop acting, making mistakes, gaining experience and winning victories.

Work on your self-esteem

In fact, there will always be as much money in your account as you can afford. Therefore, if now you are getting by from penny to penny, think about whether everything is okay with your self-esteem?

Try new things

It is not enough to create a successful business. You always need to come up with something new, introduce new schemes, change the usual methods. There should always be room for innovation in your business.

How to become a rich and successful woman

How do women get rich? Many will answer this question that in order to achieve success and wealth, a woman needs to get married successfully, or even better, get a successful divorce and take away ex-husband half the fortune. Of course, in some situations such schemes work, but today a woman can easily achieve success on her own without the help of a man.

So how do you become rich woman? The answer to this question has already been given in this article; the rules and algorithms of action described above are equally effective for both men and women. The only thing I would like to wish for lovely ladies is to preserve their natural femininity, softness and beauty, without becoming like the harsh business games of men. After all, it is in femininity that lies the key to happiness in all other areas of life, including personal life.

How to help your husband become successful

Not all women decide to achieve wealth on their own. Many people want to do this with the hands of their man. To help a man achieve more, follow these rules:

  1. Don’t put pressure on a man and don’t nag him for mistakes. Your desires are your desires, not his. In fact, he doesn’t owe you anything, so you shouldn’t demand anything or reproach your husband. This will only discourage you from doing something for you.
  2. Create an information field around yourself. Explore the topic of wealth, money and finance. Put the principles of wealth into practice. You won’t notice how your man will pull himself up, seduced by your sparkling eyes and passion.
  3. Listen and develop your intuition. In a situation where a man takes on the role of the main breadwinner of the family, all a woman can do is tell him about her misgivings. It just so happens that women feel the world more subtly than men.

Wealth and success are not such an unattainable goal. Believe in yourself, be persistent and positive and then everything will definitely work out.

Get Rich in 60 Minutes - Robert Kiyosaki

Useful articles:

For life full life and to be able to enjoy various benefits, it is necessary to have money. It makes no sense to deny this fact; it is better to accept this state of affairs and learn to use this knowledge for your own benefit. If you want to figure out how to become richer, you should start with your own thoughts and worldview.

There is nothing wrong with the desire to get rich, because every person strives for the best. People want to live in abundance without denying themselves pleasant little things and having sufficient quantity money.

Why does a person live?

There are three main motivations that motivate a person to live:

  • Satisfying the needs of the body.
  • Satisfying the needs of the mind.
  • Satisfying the needs of the soul.

Each person chooses for himself which reason is more important and closer to him. But it will be very difficult to develop harmoniously if you ignore any of these motivations. All aspirations must be realized, otherwise regular dissatisfaction with life will spill over into depression.

To understand how to become richer, you need to think like a wealthy person thinks. It is necessary to change the psychology. A person should more often imagine how much money he has and how he spends it. It is very important not just to think about it, but also to believe that wealth is already there. Then the emotions will be sincere, and the subconscious itself will begin to give out ideas on how to get rich. We must remember that thoughts are material, so you need to be extremely careful with desires.

Any negative emotions, directed against money, can lead to poverty and misery. It is impossible for a person to become rich if he thinks incorrectly and does not respect money.

When to start getting rich?

The answer to this question is clear – right now. To control income and expenses, it is advisable to keep cash records. Every day you need to try to reduce expenses and increase income. To do this, you need to think about which expenses are mandatory, and what you can refuse for now. To ensure constant profit, it is better to invest money in assets.

What are assets?

People often wonder: how did the rich get rich? Finance experts say that there is no secret here, it’s just that not every person knows what assets are and knows how to manage finances. Speaking in simple language, assets are what generates profit, for example, renting out an object or for temporary use.

But in order for assets to put money in the owner's pocket, they must be controlled. The advantage is that it takes much less time than a normal working day. Therefore, you have the opportunity to spend your free hours at your own discretion.

What are liabilities?

When thinking about how to become rich, you need to clearly understand what liabilities are. These include everything that regularly “pulls” money. This could include bills, debt obligations, home and car maintenance. Money is also a liability because it loses value with inflation. Thus, a liability is something that requires any costs.

Therefore, to understand how to become richer, you need to accumulate assets and reduce liabilities. Then income will exceed costs, which will allow you to have a certain capital. If you approach the matter wisely, you can make money work for you.

Bad assets

If a person wants to become wealthy, it will be useful for him to understand what bad assets are. These include all those objects whose maintenance costs exceed the income from them. In this case, it is necessary to look for ways to solve the problem, for example, find a place where the rent will be lower and the profitability from the property will be higher. If assets are completely unprofitable, it is better to get rid of them.

Those projects that have not yet reached the level of self-sufficiency are also considered bad assets. If they do not bring at least a minimum income after a while, you should not waste your energy on them. It is enough that you have gained some experience that will definitely be useful in the future.

Good liabilities

To figure out how to become successful and rich, you need to be able to count money and make financial forecasts. Without knowledge of assets and liabilities, this is almost impossible to do. While liabilities do have costs, there is such a thing as a good liability. It can be considered as such in the case when the costs of it are less than the profit it brings. But it is worth remembering that there should be so many liabilities that the assets allow them to be supported.

When developing a plan on how to become richer, you need to clearly understand the main rule: you need to purchase those things that bring money, and try to avoid those the use of which entails additional costs. It is not so important what assets will be acquired, it is important that they generate income without direct participation owner.

How to find the path to wealth?

To understand why people become rich, you don't need to have any special qualities. It is necessary to read books on success and wealth, biographies of successful and wealthy people. In this way, thinking and the ability to find new ways to prosperity will develop.

Don't waste your time sitting in front of the TV or computer. It is better to spend your leisure time usefully, making various contributions to the future. They do not have to be material; gaining knowledge can also be a good investment in better life, if the experience and skills gained are used wisely. It is important to develop your thinking correctly and set goals.


You need to constantly think about wealth and indulge in dreams, believing in achieving your goal and experiencing positive emotions. You cannot allow a single drop of doubt; you must live as if the money is already in your wallet. You need to draw an ideal picture for yourself, and then systematically implement it. own dreams. It is necessary to value money and not be afraid of it, otherwise success is unlikely to come.

In order for the subconscious to work correctly, you need to more often imagine how money will be spent, what prospects will open up. Money makes it possible to get everything that was not there before.

Tell me who is your friend...

If you want to become wealthy, you don’t need to communicate with people who like to be poor. You need to surround yourself with successful people and learn from them to achieve high results. But you should not copy all their actions, because there are practically no identical paths to wealth. It is necessary to study the working methods of rich people, analyze how they solve problems and get out of crisis situations.

Fighting laziness

A lazy person is unlikely to understand how to become rich in Russia. Fear and reluctance to act lead to poverty. To become wealthy, you need to get rid of fear and learn to leave your comfort zone. You need to do this every day, overcoming obstacles and not giving up. Then success will not keep you waiting, and wealth will definitely come.

Don't accumulate problems!

To move forward and understand how the rich got rich, we need to stop accumulating problems. All difficulties must be resolved as soon as they arise. If a person wants to become wealthy and live in abundance, he must not be afraid to make decisions in a short time. When problems accumulate, returning to a carefree life becomes more difficult.

Do business!

If a person is tired of working for a company, he should open his own business. When you are constantly short of money, it is advisable to organize your own business right now. It is better to choose those areas that can be implemented without initial capital. There can be quite a few options, for example, the provision of any services. For income to be stable and lead to wealth, it must be passive. A business needs to be built in such a way that it makes a profit without the constant participation of the owner. It is advisable to submit your thoughts in the form of a business plan, which contains all the necessary calculations.

Can a woman be rich?

The right attitude plays a very important role, because a person attracts to himself what he thinks about. When thinking about how to become a rich woman, you need to focus on opportunities, not obstacles. If a person thinks like a poor person thinks, even a million-dollar fortune that falls on his head, he will easily squander it and return to poverty. Many wealthy people achieve everything themselves, from scratch. You need to live in such a way that the confidence that a woman is worthy of wealth never fades. Then fate will believe in it and begin to present gifts.

Wealthy people claim that there is no secret to becoming rich. The advice they give boils down to the fact that you should not feel like a poor person.

Who to follow as an example?

One of the most richest people Carlos Slim Helu is considered. His fortune exceeds $73 billion. He achieved success using his talents and negotiation skills. Thanks to his strong business acumen, Carlos became the owner of the largest mobile operator in America. At the beginning of his journey, he privatized a small company and then carried out reconstruction. When the currency fell, the businessman managed to create a good fortune.

Bill Gates owns $67 billion. As a child, he was a shy boy, and no one expected such success from him. But a project like Microsoft brought him billions. Now he has the opportunity to make a profit and do charity work.

Success does not fall from heaven, despite the attempts of Brazilian TV series to convince us otherwise.

It’s not enough to just lie on the couch and dream about the inheritance left by an unknown uncle from America. To become a rich person, you have to forget about laziness and work!

Why do you need wealth?

Not everyone dreams of becoming rich and successful: for some, a strong family backbone, mutual love, professional growth, raising offspring...

That's why one of the first points on your path will be to work out your priorities. So, is this What you really want with every fiber of your soul, or is it a deception, a mirage?

Don't force yourself to want those crunchy greens just because your spouse wants money or your child begs for a fancy toy.

The decision is yours alone. Having accepted it, you will have to rebuild your life to achieve this particular goal. You are ready?

How not to become rich?

Let's go from the opposite. You definitely won’t earn your million if you read mantras in front of the mirror or lie on the couch and diligently visualize banknotes.

You won’t achieve success by following shamans, liking pictures on social networks and placing gold-plated hotshots in the bosoms of your closets.

There is no point in hoping for roulette or the lottery, the sudden death of an ancestor from distant Australia, or a sharp jump across career ladder five steps up.

Do not believe flattering promises labeled “quick earnings on the Internet”, “I will teach you how to earn millions by pressing just one button on your laptop”, “Forex for dummies in 5 minutes”.

Do not attend trainings on rapid success: the joke is that such seminars and, even worse, webinars are just an attempt to earn that coveted million from you. Here you are not students, but voluntary sources of funds, “cash cows”.

As most children's fairy tales tried to convince you, only a hardworking, diligent and not too lazy character achieves the desired prosperity. This is true, but not entirely.

Let's not downplay the importance of human laziness in evolution. It is the rationally lazy individual who values ​​his time and tries not to waste it in vain who will receive a delicious money pie.

So, you set an ironclad goal - to become successful. You definitely want this and are ready to dig into the granite of financial science, risk funds, and establish connections. You made a decision and gave a signal - this is important.

This is how the universe works: it pulsates, envelops and reacts to all our vibrations. It gives, even in a modified form, exactly what we want.

Anyone who feels like a loser and expects a trick from every corner never achieves success (even if he tries). Why?

He did not declare his desire for the universe. He says “I won’t succeed”, “I will always be poor”, “This is all useless” and continues to walk a meaningless path to nowhere.

This is the so-called "poor man's complex." Have you long been taught that expensive cars, holidays in the Maldives, haute couture clothes are not your level, an alien world?

Of course, it’s difficult to change your mind in an instant. But you have to firmly believe that you CAN become a successful person and no caste, race or class affiliation has stamped you as a failure.

To understand how unusual and thorny the path to success can be, read the biographies of famous millionaires - how did they become rich?

You have decided to become successful - what next?

1. The first thing you should do is learn the basics of time management..

After all, the phrase “time is money” is not empty sound in the world of business and million-dollar contracts.

YOUR time is worth money, so never agree to work for free, out of the kindness of your heart or out of old friendship.

2.Learn to value yourself - and then others will begin to treat you accordingly. Believe in yourself, increase your self-esteem, overcome suspiciousness and uncertainty, and mentally prepare for hard work.

3. Consult, be sure to consult, even for money and the notorious “quid pro quo”! And not from the woman Nadya from the next apartment or from her older botanist brother, but from people representing the field of business you have chosen.

4. Choose the area you want to invest in wisely. Explore the environment, competition, audience, demand, regional advantages, infrastructure, development opportunities. For example, if there are already a dozen self-service car washes in your area, then you should not open an eleventh one.

5. Keep your accounting, count money, expenses and income. After some simple calculations, master the second stage - financial control.

You have often wondered how the Petrovs from the apartment opposite manage to go on vacation twice a year, and this with three children and a small average salary. The secret is simple - one spends thoughtlessly until his pocket is empty, and the other counts, saves and saves.

6. By saving money, collect initial capital, which will subsequently allow you to open your own business. Don’t get into debt or take unnecessary loans, attract partners and investors, and then the initial investment will be enough.

7. If you are not ready to build a business from scratch, think about other options for a stable income - playing on the stock exchange, buying shares, investing in ready-made, potentially profitable projects, purchasing additional real estate and renting it out (always relevant).

To become successful, let your accumulated money work for you, and not lie in a glass jar. Passive income, brought by well-chosen assets, is the dream of any lazy rich man!

Hello dear readers of the site. In this article I want to talk to you about how to become a successful and rich person. I offer you my wealth, consisting of 21 components.

1 term - get out of your comfort zone.

Although many people complain about life, they still prefer to live in their comfort zone without going beyond it. It’s easier and more familiar this way. If you want change, you need to get out of the zone own comfort. You should not think that someone became successful and rich just because he was accidentally lucky. Artists, politicians, singers and businessmen - they all worked 20 hours a day, not sparing themselves and sweeping away all obstacles in their path.

2nd term - become the best in your field of activity.

This is one of the most important conditions progress towards the goal. The goal is to stop being left behind. Why start a business if you have no desire to achieve results in it? It is worth noting that only 1% of people set themselves the goal of becoming the best or second. Coaches personal growth and they talk about this at their trainings. All you need to do is choose your niche. Meanwhile, there is always a niche. So, when you decide to start a business, set yourself the goal of becoming the first or at least the second. If there is uncertainty that you will be able to become the first, then the business is not worth starting. If you are at the tail of the echelon, you will soon fly out completely. There will be no success.

3rd term - learn from the best of the best.

To become a leader in your business to the maximum short term, you need to learn from professionals in your niche. Find these teachers. Better not one, but several. You should take your search for a professional very seriously, because you may encounter both real experts and fakes. Those who belong to the second category set the goal of making money. Therefore, when choosing a guru, be careful. When you find a true mentor, you will feel it. The heart will tell you. It will beat faster and tell you: “This person is the one you were looking for. This is your teacher! Remember that a true teacher will not call himself a teacher. At the same time, this person is constantly developing and improving, and therefore he himself will see a teacher in each of his students.

Don't wait for what your mentor will give ready-made recipe success in your business. There is no need to rely on the teacher, blindly surrendering into his hands, otherwise you can remain below. It's important to turn your head on! Only you yourself can digest the data received and begin to apply it. Your teacher will not do this for you. (For me, currently in terms of personal growth, teachers are, )

4th term - do not spare money on your education.

Everyone needs to know this truth: before you get something, you give something. Feel the difference between the poor and the rich. The poor always save, and the rich spare no expense. It happens that you have to sell something, investing money in training or a new business. We all know that nowadays you can find a lot of free information on the Internet, but all this cannot replace live training and communication with people who will tell you about their path to success. They will sort everything out and tell you how they achieved the result, initially being at the very bottom.

If you are determined to become rich and successful, be prepared to make some sacrifices. You will have to sacrifice not only money, but also the fact that you need to get out of your comfort zone. Be prepared to be exposed to psychological stress and you will be physically tired. In any case, it's worth it! (I recommend reading the book “Get Rich”)

5th term - constant development and continuous growth.

Every successful person is constantly engaged in learning and self-improvement. Thanks to this, he achieves success and is at the top of his game. You need to develop the habit of constantly learning, and there is a lot of paid and free information on the Internet. Successful people constantly learn, work on themselves and are interested in everything new in their field. They spare no effort and time on this, and therefore achieve results and are in demand. There is a rule that is important to remember: “It is not the strongest who survive, but the one who adapts the fastest.”

6th term - belief in yourself as a genius.

If you don’t believe in yourself, don’t think that you are a genius, then you can only copy others without achieving significant results in your business. Copying others, repeating their steps and their mistakes will not make you the first. What's the secret? How to become the first? You need to be unique! Once you believe that you are a genius, you have taken the first step towards becoming unique.

To become a genius, surround yourself with people who believe in you, who think you are a genius. Jim Rohn said that every person is "average" arithmetic number» the five people with whom he communicates the most by time. It's important to realize this. Think about this phrase. The environment is playing important role. Is your goal to become rich and successful? So you need to surround yourself with such people.

7th term - the path to wealth passes through passive income.

Passive income means the following: you performed an action once and began to receive continuous profits. If your plans do not include working every day until old age and then receiving a pittance pension, then you need to create passive sources of income right now. There can be many options - monetizing websites, making money on real estate, making money from YouTube content, as well as investing and other types of income.

If you don't have big amount time to work for yourself, then create a passive source of income. It will bring you finances whenever you work or relax. In this case, the question of how to achieve success and become rich will no longer torment you - you will reach your goal.

8th term - the use of modern technologies.

He said: “Those who have not transferred their business to the Internet will soon leave it.” Advantage modern technologies is ease of operation. Every year, the interaction between man and technology becomes easier. The downside is variability. You need to always be aware of the latest developments. Those methods that brought results yesterday no longer work today. What we did 5 years ago no longer makes sense to do today. There will be no result.

Your task is to always be aware of new technologies; this is the only way to achieve success and become a wealthy person.

9th term - you need to take small steps to achieve great success.

Do you know what is the mistake of most people? The fact is that they want to get everything quickly, at once. But if you want to achieve success and significant results in business, you have a lot to learn and do. It will take neither a day nor a month, and perhaps not a year. Experts have proven that it takes 10 years to become number one in your business. Of course there are exceptions. You can meet people who got rich in a week. These are units. The number of such people is small; there is no point in talking about them.

There are no magic pills - remember. You cannot become successful after attending one training. It is important to constantly develop and learn. Do you want to achieve 100 sales per month? Learn to do 10. Do you want 1000 listeners to your training? Dial 100 to start. Step by step, step by step you move towards the result. In this progress, always rejoice in small victories and celebrate even minor achievements. This is your path!

Large companies use this move. When there are no significant results, they lower the bar and thus win and achieve the desired success. Do the same for you. Each time you achieve another goal, celebrate the victory within yourself, concentrate on the positive and things will go uphill. (I advise you to read the book “Act”)

The 10th term is to serve people.

Another secret of wealth and success is benefits for people. It is important to provide value to others in the form of goods, services or consultations. Every person has some problem that has a solution. By solving a person’s problem, you bring value and benefit to him.

Some people, dreaming of making quick money, become charlatans. They fraudulently obtain money from other people. Ultimately, such deceivers are exposed and shown on television in handcuffs. Become useful people, do good to them and it will come back to you many times over.

The 11th term is to be transparent and real.

If you start lying to people, playing some role, pretending to be someone other than who you really are, then you will not achieve success. U people will disappear trust in you, because intuitively they will sense the falsehood. People around you don't want to be deceived. If you are authentic, you will succeed in business.

There is no point in showing off your titles, medals, certificates and awards - this will not add success and money. Being transparent is what it takes to become a leader. Real people attract others. This is the work of the subconscious. A person wants to follow a real person. When you are like this, they will want to learn from you, they will want to buy a product or service. People see that you are just like them. At the same time, you have achieved a lot in life, and therefore you want to learn from you.

The 12th term is to love people and do what you love.

Class least favorite thing will not bring success and money. If you don’t like people, then nothing will work out for you.

If a person is busy doing what he loves, he finds himself in a state of flow. Everything happens by itself. The necessary clients and resources are found, you stop being puzzled by the problems of finding orders, they willingly get to know you and cooperate.

Anyone who wants to become a rich and successful person should do exclusively what they like and enjoy. How to find it? It's simple - your hobby can become a successful business in your life. Figure out how to turn your hobby into a source of income.

The 13th component is the ability to sell and promote yourself.

Usually in childhood, because of our parents, we lose the sense that each of us is unique personality. Now the time has come to develop this quality in yourself. You are a unique and amazing person, don't forget that. Maintain this feeling within yourself, learn to recognize yourself as such. This will make you a leader.

14th term - work only for your own interest.

When you work for someone, the most you will receive is praise or a letter of recognition for being a conscientious employee. You work well, but there is no wealth in sight. The truth is simple - the company for which you work day after day is profiting from you, receiving millions, and you are content with paper assurances of good work and little money.

“It’s better to be in the last row on the list of billionaires than in the first row on the list of the best employees of the month!” It's hard to argue with that. There is no point in working for some guy if you can start working for yourself. Now all the profits will flow only into your pocket.

15th term - develop your charisma.

Charisma reflects the core and integrity of a person. A charismatic personality has a set of qualities by which one can judge his predictability, actions, and system of values ​​and views. It is clear from such people what they are doing and what they are going to do. These people do as they see fit, even if their actions go against public opinion. For a charismatic personality, only own opinion and intuition, which they trust.

These people are respected. Someone may be afraid of them, but at the same time, appreciate them, feeling that in front of them holistic personality. Charismatic person It’s hard not to notice - he’s bright and wants to please others. By working on your inner core, you significantly increase your chances of success. (We have very good training on developing charisma)

16th term - learn to motivate yourself.

Have you ever wondered why some poor people were able to become rich? It is important to be able to motivate yourself to action. Motivation is one of the main emotional states which forces a person to do something. Set a goal that motivates you to work long and hard to achieve it. Set yourself on a course for success. Set yourself up so that no one can knock you off course. Always look for incentive. You do something and reward yourself by pleasing yourself with something pleasant - a desired purchase or vacation. Set a goal for yourself that will ultimately lead you to financial independence..html)

17th term – be persistent and persistent.

There is a fact that you can’t argue with - a large number of rich people were born into poor families. The conclusion suggests itself: you can become rich from scratch with the help of perseverance and perseverance. On the way to your goal, never give up, and you will come to the result you are striving for. You are responsible for your life. You have the right to do as you see fit. If you do something and want something, then it is important to you. Don't pay attention to the opinions of others - take your own! Take action! (And of course, read and study the stories of successful people on our blog http://site/category/istori-uspexa)

18th term – always plan your day.

Many wealthy people make lists. It says what needs to be done today and what tomorrow. They appreciate every second and do not waste time. With the right approach, every minute can bring a person closer to achieving success and wealth. Take the issue of time management seriously. (We recommend reading a book called “Plan”)

19th term - spend less than you earn.

Rich people often adhere to the rule of spending less than they earn. All profits go into circulation, which in a month will give more more money. Unlike the rich, the poor often spend more than they can earn.

It is not the one who is rich who has a lot of money, but the one who manages it correctly and does not spend it left and right. Conclusion: Spend less and your money will gradually add up. The accumulated finances can be used in your business.

20th term - study the biography of famous wealthy people.

Learn from those who have achieved something in life. Find out how this or that businessman was able to make a fortune and move on to new level life. Follow his example. You can always find similar ways to get rich.

21. Never give up! – this is the last component of success and wealth.

You have learned the main components that will bring you closer to success and wealth. By following these rules, you will undoubtedly achieve your goal. The world is not stingy - there is enough success for everyone, it is only important to try.

And finally. One a famous person said a phrase that sounds like this: “No matter how great your debts are, no matter how hard it is for you, no matter what obstacles arise on your way to your goal - never give up! A tired and exhausted dear traveler may not notice that success is much closer than he thinks.”

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