What is folklore in literature examples. Features of collecting and researching oral folk art in Russia

Folklore, translated from English language, means “folk wisdom, folk knowledge.” First introduced by the English scientist W.J. Toms in 1846. At first, this term covered the entire spiritual (beliefs, dances, music, wood carving, etc.), and sometimes the material (housing, clothing) culture of the people. Since the beginning of the 20th century. the term is also used in a narrower, more specific meaning: oral folk art.

In Brazil, the characteristics of Romanticism are very similar to those of Europeans. There is a valorization of the national homeland, only to look instead to the Middle Ages in its origin, discovery. Thus, the Brazilian national hero is Indian.

Of course, these heroes were also idealized, perfect, both Indians and knights. Remembering that this was not the real reality because the Indians of that time were mostly dead. Romantics separated from reality, but sooner or later the idealized reality comes into conflict with real world. This ended up happening at the height of Romanticism, and the Romantics eventually discovered that their ideals promised during the Revolution were not happening. Therefore they despaired, they wanted more than ever to escape all this horror.

Folklore is an art that has been formed over many centuries and changes over time.

Only all 3 of these factors, present AT THE SAME TIME, are a sign of folklore and distinguish it from literature.

Syncretism is the unity and indivisibility of various types of art, characteristic of the early stages of its development. Artistic creativity is not separated from other types of activity and, together with them, is directly included in practical life. Syncretism is an undeveloped state of early traditional folklore. Oldest species verbal art arose in the process of the formation of human speech in the Upper Paleolithic era. Verbal creativity in ancient times was closely connected with human labor activity and reflected religious, mythical, historical ideas, as well as the beginnings of scientific knowledge. Ritual actions through which primitive man sought to influence the forces of nature, fate, were accompanied by words: spells, conspiracies were pronounced, various requests or threats were addressed to the forces of nature. The art of words was closely connected with other types of primitive art - music, dance, decorative art. In science this is called “primitive syncretism.” Traces of it are still visible in folklore.

At its peak, Romanticism enters a time of decadence, marked by a preference for hiding in the night, blind to the situation in which they lived. This speaks of Werther's life, young man, which separated from public life, but ends up meeting a woman with whom he falls in love. She was already taken and the young man suffers from this that he ends up killing himself. These characteristics, death by unrequited love, social division, are all characteristic of romanticism.

This life full of emotions, is another characteristic of the school. Other famous work- “Travels on my land”, in which there is a large presence of nationalism. Alexander Herculano, Evriko, priest, historical novel that shows salvation at its origins.

The Russian scientist A.N. Veselovsky believed that the origins of poetry are in folk ritual. Primitive poetry, according to his concept, was originally a choir song accompanied by dancing and pantomime. The role of the word at first was insignificant and entirely subordinated to rhythm and facial expressions. The text was improvised according to the occasion of the performance until it acquired a traditional character.

He wrote passionate novels “The Love of Perdition and the Love of Salvation.” He had a typical romantic life, he was orphaned early, had a bad upbringing, got married and separated early, had an affair with married woman, and two went to prison after marrying the death of their husband, son with mental problems, almost blind, suicidal.

He was greatly influenced by independence. Of course, like any work that begins with a period, it represents traces of the first. A little before the king of Portugal came here, and this caused the emergence of libraries, schools, printing houses and the development of prose. Indian romance.

As humanity accumulated more and more significant life experience, which needed to be passed on to subsequent generations, the role of verbal information. The separation of verbal creativity into an independent art form is the most important step in the prehistory of folklore.

Types of folklore: Epic (legends, fairy tales, traditions, epics - genres) Lyric-epic genre (transitional) - romance

Nationalist and Indian disgust towards Portugal? they didn't want to know about Portugal. Their greatest representatives were Gonsalves de Magalhães. Goncalves Diaz? which was truly consolidated by Indian poetry in Brazil. Goncalves Diaz was a typical Brazilian with black, white and local blood. He made several trips around the country, which helped him write about the Brazil he saw.

It was he who put into our literature and consolidated romantic poetry. His work can be considered the implementation of a real Brazilian construction project. He, seeking to capture the sensibility and feelings of our people, created poetry for the Indian and Brazilian character, expressed in simple and accessible language. His poems explore varied metrics and rhythms and also cultivate religious verses. In his epic poetry he sings the heroic deeds of the valiant Indians, replaces the figure of the medieval European hero.

Lyrics (songs, ditties); Drama (folklore theater)

Types of folklore: Archaic - folklore develops among peoples at the primitive stage of development. There is no written language yet; culture is oral. The folklore of people with mythological thinking covers the entire culture of the ethnic group. Classical - folklore takes shape in the era when states are formed, writing and literature emerge. Here artistic fiction is formed, a genre system is formed. Modern is post-folklore, which developed in Russia after the abolition of serfdom. His element is the city. Instead of the epic fairy tales And traditional lyrical songs are replaced by songs of a new formation, ditties, and anecdotes.

The lyrics have general topics mother country, nature, God, Indian and unrequited love. He went to Europe to study, but he was so homesick for his country that he seemed to be in exile. The text is the most nationalist that Brazil has, so much so that it is part national anthem. Idealized poetry is typical of romanticism. In this text there is Brazil, and here there is Europe. There are countless parodies of this song.

The text is Indian, there is nature and forests. Piaga is the spiritual leader of the tribe, he gives the warriors a speech that they need to hear because the gods have spoken for him. A ghost with a skull and a snake appears and scares the piagu. The vision says that the maraca was vibrating, but the piaga did not listen, predicting something bad.

Folklore (according to V.E. Gusev) – verbally – musically – choreographically – dramatic part folk art(spiritual component folk culture) – not material art. Materially expressed (DPI) – folk art.

Folklore is a syncretic and synthetic art, because combines various types of art.

He says strange things are happening natural phenomena and that Piaga did not notice. He says that the anhangas did not allow the piagi mosque and that the butterflies have already fled. The spectrum uses the elements of the forest to determine what was going to happen because he didn't know it.

He said that monsters would come, kill the warriors, bring cruelty and disrespect for what the Indians hold as sacred. The Indians would have to flee and there would be few Indians left. Gonsalves can make these premonitions because he already knew what happened.

Formal freedom of textual rhyme and rhythm, each verse has an alternation of tonic and unstressed syllables. The author was able to help the topic and structure with the topic. Considered to be the most perfect Indian epic poem in our literature, Narra tells the story of a captured Indian warrior and chooses to be ashamed of being a coward and not die to save his father. His father curses him and sends him back to fight and die like a warrior fighting for his homeland and his descendants.

Signs of folklore: Orality (not only the form of dissemination, but the form in which it has the greatest aesthetic impact); Impersonality (the work has an author, but is not identified); Collectivity (as an aesthetic category. The quality of the project accepted by the team corresponds to folk tradition. Collectivity = tradition + improvisation); Traditionality (works are inserted on the basis of traditions); Variability (different options in different territories); Improvisation; Nationality (aesthetic category, expression of ideals, interests, aspirations of the people).

The genre of storytelling that emerged from the evolution of the epic genre is one of the most important of all times. Today this happens mainly in the novel, in history, in the novel and in the chronicle. Its characteristic is to present a story, a sequence of facts with the following elements.

Time in the history of the symbol. The character is not true to reality. It is a fiction, a product of the author's imagination, although for this reason it may resemble a real person. Often the character takes on other aspects such as. An animal, a vegetable, or even an inanimate creature. A group of people, animals and inanimate beings when called a collective character.

Tradition is stable patterns, artistic techniques and means used by a community of people for many generations and passed on from generation to generation. Tradition is understood as the most general principles of creativity, and in folklore - a set of stable plot forms, types, heroes, and poetic forms.

Folklore genres:

The folklore genre is a set of works united by a common poetic system, everyday use, forms of performance and musical structure. (V.Ya. Propp) Genre is a unit of classification of folklore

The symbols represent two main features. Physics that are more obvious because they relate to height, weight, skin color, etc. Psychological - the understanding of which requires more attention on the part of the reader, since it concerns ideas, feelings, emotions, memories, etc.

Persons: Themistocles, mayor, etc. team: two teams, two cities, etc. Not all of you have the same meaning. Therefore, some are not named, while others are better characterized. Themistocles: He kicked with both feet, was strong as a bull, and so on. Colossal: it was Creole.

Ph-r is divided into genera (epic, lyric, drama), genera - into types (eg, songs, fairy tales, etc.), and types into genres. If the method of existence of works is used as the basis for the classification, then the genre will be divided into ritual and non-ritual.

The epic reproduces reality in narrative form in the form of objective pictures. Divided into: Songs (poems)

The environment consists of the space in which the transmitted actions occur. Physical - integrated into places where actions are transmitted: field or city; inner city or metropolis, etc.; public or private places: street, football field, bar, square, etc. culture created social institutions in games, be it characters or plot, ways of acting and reacting, individual or group, customs, habits, tools of work or leisure, etc.

In the text I read, for example, there is. Two levels of physical space: first, the city in the Brazilian interior; secondly, a place in the mayor's office. As for traces of cultural space: I like football, rivalries between cities, bribes of players, idealization of football players, the creation of legends and stories inspired by Themistocles, etc.

Epics; historical songs; ballads; spiritual poems; Prose; Fairytale prose; Animal Tales; Fairy tales; Jokes

Novels; Non-fairy prose; Legends; Legends; Bylichki (demonological stories).

In epic folklore genres The main artistic feature is the plot. It is built on a conflict, which is based on the hero's clash with supernatural or real opponents. The plot can be both simple and complex, the events can be perceived as both real and fictional, and the content can be related to the past, present and future.

Plot can be understood as a set of events that characters engage in in a given environment over a period of time. They are important parts of the plot, in the order in which they appear. Dispute between two cities over football; Bribe the leading number of one of these cities. Relevance and search for a replacement. Emissary exit to contact the surrogate. Waiting for the city and the legend of the surrogate.

In every story there are time limits for the actions of the characters, or in other words: the plot has an initial limit and final limit time. There are stories that last a few moments; others, one or more days. There are novels that span months or years.

Lyrics - lyrics poetically depict the inner, state of mind person, his subjective experiences

Songs of Ditties; Lamentations; Dramatic genres of folklore have a spectacular and playful nature, and convey an attitude to reality in play action; Ritual games; Dramatic games; Late theatrical genres; Theater of live actors; Puppet theater; Rayok;

Time can be chronological or psychological. Time is chronological, when events are naturally ordered in a time sequence physical world, as in the story of Themistocles. Time is psychological in history, the facts of which are not organized by a clock or a calendar, but by the inner life of a character, to tell what is happening inside him, like thoughts, emotions, feelings.

Origins and forms of narratives. Initially the stories were developed in verse. This is the case of an epic and narrative poem. The era was to exalt national heroes and their great achievements. Expressed in solemn verses, it revealed through the tale of heroic acts, nationalism, heroism and the marvelous.

According to the method of existence of works, folklore is divided into: Ritual; Ritual calendar; Ritual family; Non-ritual.

In addition, there are small genres of folklore: paremias; Proverbs and sayings; Riddles

As well as such types as children's folklore (lullabies, teasers, horror stories, chants, etc.), folklore of workers (songs, ditties, prose), folklore of the Second World War (ditties, front department, rear, driven into occupation, Victory, etc.)

These are important epic works V Western culture. In Greece: Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, In Rome: Virgil's Aeneid, In Portugal: Lusiads, Camoe. A narrative poem was a composition in verse that contained characters and presented chronological sequence events with much less expansion than the epic and without its greatness.

The epic gives way to the novel. The word lyricism comes from the lyre because in its origin it is associated with songs that were accompanied by the melody of this musical instrument. After the text was read, the music sang instead. The lyric text, like the narrative, is the expression of the individual: both are the result of the relationship between the person and the reality that surrounds him. In the case of an individual in which the relationship is between himself and reality, one of them always accepts higher value and weight.

Each folklore genre has its own circle of heroes, its own plots and stylistic devices, however, all folklore genres in their natural existence are interconnected and form a system. In this system, outdated f.zh. are destroyed. and on their basis new ones are born.

Folklore researchers: V.N. Tatishchev (18th century), Slavophiles P.V. Kirievsky, N.M. Yazykov, V.I. Dahl et al.; 1850-60s: F.I. Buslaev, A.N. Afanasyev, A.N. Veselovsky, V.F. Miller; beginning of the Soviet era: B.M. and Yu.M. Sokolovs, D.K. Zelenin, M.K. Azadovsky, N.P. Andreev. Second floor. 20 in: V.I. Chicherov, V.Ya. Propp, N.N. Veletskaya, V.K. Sokolova, L.N. Vinogradova, I.E. Karpukhin, V.P. Anikin, E.V. Pomerantseva, E.M. Meletinsky, V.A. Bakhtin, V.E. Gusev, A.F. Nekrylova, B.N. Putilov, etc.

In literary texts expressing such an attitude, an imbalance between elements leads to two situations. Objectivity: when an expression gives more weight reality and therefore lower value for yourself. In this case, the creatures are figurative, identical to themselves, predominant denotative language, descriptive aspects outside world. subjectivity - when an expression ascribes more meaning to itself than to reality.

It prevails here inner life himself: his emotions, feelings, desires, memories of the past. Comparing lyricism with storytelling, we have. Lyricism: greater subjectivity, narration: greater objectivity. Lyrical genre- this is the genuine speech of the heart, the self, which is called lyrical.

Folklore in its nature, content and purpose is deeply democratic, truly folk art. He is distinguished not only by his ideological depth, but also by his high artistic qualities. Folk poetry is distinguished by its peculiar artistic system visual arts and genres.

What are genres of Russian folklore?

One of the types of ancient creativity was labor songs with their simplest commands, shouts, signals given as work progresses.

Calendar folklore originally came from the urgent practical goals of people. It was associated with ideas about the annual agricultural cycle and variable natural conditions. People sought to know the future, so they resorted to fortune telling and talked about the future based on signs.

This also explained wedding folklore. It is permeated with the thought of the safety of the family and clan, and is designed for the favor of the highest patrons.

Preserved from antiquity and individual elements children's folklore , which changed later under the influence of aesthetic and pedagogical functions.

Among the oldest genres - funeral lamentations. With the advent of universal military duty There was a lament for those being drafted into service - recruiting laments.

Genres non-ritual folklore also developed under the influence of syncretism. It includes small folklore genres ( proverbs): proverbs, fables, signs and sayings. They contained human judgments about the way of life, about work, about higher natural forces, statements about human affairs. “This is a vast area of ​​moral assessments and judgments, how to live, how to raise children, how to honor ancestors, thoughts about the need to follow precepts and examples, these are everyday rules of behavior... In a word, the functionality of proverbs covers almost all ideological areas.” 9

Genres of oral prose include legends, tales, tales, legends. These are stories and incidents from life that tell about a person’s meeting with characters of Russian demonology - sorcerers, witches, mermaids, etc. This also includes stories about saints, shrines and miracles - about the communication of a person who has accepted Christian faith, with forces of a higher order.

Genres song epic: epics, historical songs, military songs, spiritual songs and poems.

Gradually, folklore moves away from everyday functions and acquires elements of artistry. The role in it is increasing artistic origin. As a result of historical evolution, folklore became poetic in its main and fundamental qualities, having reworked the traditions of all previous states of folklore. 10

Artistic creativity is embodied in all forms fairy tales: tales about animals, magic, everyday.

This type of creativity is also represented in riddles.

TO early species artistic creativity include ballads.

Lyrical songs they also carry artistic function. They are performed outside of rituals. The content and form of lyrical songs are associated with the expression of the experiences and feelings of the performers.

Towards artistic song folklore of the latest formation modern researchers include romances And ditties.

Children's folklore has its own system of genres, correlated with age characteristics children. It carries artistic and pedagogical functions. It is dominated by gaming principles.

The artistic spectacular theatrical basis contains folklore spectacles and folk theater. It is presented in a wide variety of genres and types ( games, dressing up, nativity scene, playgrounds, puppet shows, etc.).

A separate type of artistic representation is formed by the so-called fair folklore. It arose from fair performances, shouts of traders, farce barkers, joke speech, jokes and folk jokes.

At the junction long traditions folklore and trends new culture the genre has developed joke.

A detailed account of individual folklore genres will be made in subsequent sections of the manual.

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