Which of the named persons was a famous icon painter? Test

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Part A

A1. Who was at the head of the Russian troops that won the victory on the ice of Lake Peipus?

1) Dmitry Donskoy

2) Alexander Nevsky

3) Svyatoslav Igorevich

Alexander Nevskiy

A2. Which of the following events dates back to the 16th century?

1) Northern War

2) Livonian War

3) Seven Years' War

Livonian War

A3. Which of the above refers to the results of the activities of the Elected Rada in the 50-60s of the 16th century?

1) introduction of recruitment

2) creation of regiments of “foreign system”

3) introduction of universal conscription

4) creation of the Streltsy army

creation of the Streltsy army

A4. Which of the named persons was an outstanding icon painter of the 15th century?

1) Simon Ushakov

2) Dionysius

3) Aristotle Fioravanti


A5. Read an excerpt from the chronicle and determine what event it is associated with.

“There was a council of all the princes in the city of Kyiv, and at the council they decided: “It is better for us to meet them on foreign land than on our own.” And on the council there were Mstislav Romanovich of Kiev, Mstislav of Kozel and Chernigov and Mstislav Mstislavovich of Galicia - they were the oldest princes of the Russian land.”

1) Battle of the City River

2) Batu’s campaign against Rus'

3) the capture of Kyiv by the Mongols

Battle of the Kalka River

A6. Which of the named persons A.S. Pushkin called “the last chronicler”?

1) N.M. Karamzin

2) G.R. Derzhavina

3) V.A. Zhukovsky

N.M. Karamzin

A7. The term “Secret Committee” is associated with the reign of which monarch?

1) Nicholas I

2) Alexander I

3) Alexander II

Alexandra I

A8. Which of the following refers to the reasons for Russia's defeat in the Crimean War?

1) the small number of the Russian army

2) military-technical backwardness of Russia

3) violation of allied treaties by England and France

4) conducting military operations on Turkish territory

military-technical backwardness of Russia

A9. Read an excerpt from the letter of the Decembrist G.E. Batenkov and name the statesman in question.

“The Count had an extensive and unyielding will... . He was a tireless activist, and although his main enterprise - military settlements - was not approved by general opinion and was the cause of inexorable indignation against him, nevertheless, despite everything and with too drastic measures, he gave it extensive development.

1) M.M. Speransky

2) A.A. Arakcheev

3) D.A. Milyutin

A.A. Arakcheev

A10. Construction of the Chinese-Eastern railway(CER) and the completion of the construction of the Siberian Railway (Trans-Siberian Railway) occurred during the reign of

1) Nicholas I

2) Alexander II

3) Alexandra III

Nicholas II

A11. What was one of the reasons for the transition of the government of Alexander II to liberal reforms in the late 1850s?

1) revolutionary performances of the populists

2) defeat of Russia in the Russo-Japanese War

3) mass strikes of industrial workers

4) defeat of Russia in the Crimean War

defeat of Russia in the Crimean War

A12. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a cultural figure and indicate his last name.

“Following Moscow, St. Petersburg accepted my stage novelty as a living theatrical truth. I was truly triumphant. But not only for myself. My beloved “Flea” celebrated with me on the concert stage. I had already overcome Mussorgsky, his songs and romances no longer sounded dull to me - I found their only intonation... When I was soon called back to the imperial stage... along with my repertoire, Russian music entered the imperial theaters, triumphantly.”

1) S.P. Diaghilev

2) Full name Chaliapin

3) S.I. Mamontov

F.I. Chaliapin

A13. Which of the named persons was a famous Russian historian in the 18th century?

1) V.V. Tatishchev

2) S.M. Soloviev

3) V.O. Klyuchevsky

V.V. Tatishchev

1) Provisional Government

2) State Duma

3) Constituent Assembly

4) II All-Russian Congress of Soviets

II All-Russian Congress of Soviets

A15. The transfer of the capital from Petrograd to Moscow in 1918 was associated with

1) a more positive attitude towards the Bolsheviks on the part of the population of Moscow compared to the population of Petrograd

2) the relative defenselessness of Petrograd in the event of foreign intervention

3) the desire of the Bolsheviks to emphasize historical connection its power with pre-Petrine Russia

4) anti-Bolshevik performance of sailors in Kronstadt

the relative defenselessness of Petrograd in the event of foreign intervention

A16. Which of the named countries declared war on the USSR in 1941, acting as allies of Nazi Germany?

1) Türkiye, Iran

2) China, Korea

3) France, USA

Finland, Romania

A17. Read an excerpt from the essay foreign historian and determine what kind of battle it is about.

“The tank battle for which both sides were preparing... could provide each side with an advantageous position in the war. This battle was mentally planned by both sides long before it began. In addition, each side had several months for its practical preparation.

... The brewing battle ... for the Russians meant more than just waiting German offensive. They actually seemed to invite, moreover, lured the Wehrmacht to launch an attack, so that the battle would be fought on Russian terms under the guns of the carefully prepared Red Army.”

1) Stalingrad

2) Smolensk

3) Moscow

A18. The first leader of the USSR to visit the USA was

1) I.V. Stalin

2) N.S. Khrushchev

3) L.I. Brezhnev

N.S. Khrushchev

A19. What is one of the results of the political changes of 1988-1990?

1) strengthening the power of the union center

2) strengthening intra-party unity in the CPSU

4) the beginning of the destruction of the one-party regime

the beginning of the destruction of the one-party regime

A20. One of the developers atomic weapons was in the USSR

1) I.V. Kurchatov

2) S.P. Korolev

3) N.I. Vavilov

I.V. Kurchatov

A21. V.V. Putin first took the post of President of the Russian Federation in


Part B

IN 1. Arrange the names of Russian commanders and naval commanders in chronological sequence their activities.

1) Dmitry Pozharsky

2) Alexey Ermolov

3) Fedor Ushakov

4) Pavel Nakhimov

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between the events and their participants: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second.


A) Dmitry Bobrok

B) Kuzma Minin

B) Hetman Mazepa

D) Prince G. Potemky


1) liberation of Moscow from the Poles in 1612

2) Battle of Kulikovo

3) “standing on the Ugra”

4) Northern War

AT 5. Match between political parties the beginning of the twentieth century and the political directions to which these parties belonged: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second column.

Political parties

A) Constitutional Democratic Party

B) “Union of Michael the Archangel”

Political directions

1) extreme nationalism

2) right liberalism

3) social democracy

4) anarchism

AT 6. Arrange in chronological order historical events. Write down the numbers that indicate historical events in correct sequence to the table.

1) the defeat of the “anti-party group” of Malenkov-Molotov-Kaganovich

2) adoption of the party resolution “On Party Unity”

3) report by N.S. Khrushchev at the XX Congress of the CPSU

4) abolition of Article 6 of the USSR Constitution on the leading and guiding role of the CPSU

5) the defeat of the “Trotskyist-Zinoviev bloc”

AT 8. Establish a correspondence between the names of domestic cultural and scientific figures and their works and achievements: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second column.

Cultural and scientific figures

A) S.S. Prokofiev

B) A.T. Tvardovsky

B) S.P. Korolev

D) A.I. Solzhenitsyn

Their works and achievements

1) space exploration

2) creation of the first nuclear power plant

3) ballet “Romeo and Juliet”

4) poem “Vasily Terkin”

5) the story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”

AT 9. Read an excerpt from a newspaper article dated September 14, 1935 and write the name of the movement of which the record being described was a part.

“The competition between the best miners of Donbass also resonates at the Gorky Automobile Plant. Blacksmith Busygin set a labor productivity record unprecedented in the history of blacksmithing. Working on the forging of crankshafts, Comrade Busygin, with a standard of 657 shafts per shift, forged 1001 shafts on September 11, and on September 13 he broke his own record by forging 1005 shafts.”


AT 10 O'CLOCK. Below are the known historical abbreviations. All of them, with the exception of one, arose in the 1940-1990s. Find and write down an abbreviation whose origin dates back to a different historical period.



AT 11. Write the missing concept (term).

Used during the NEP years, commissioning of foreign entrepreneurs under certain conditions natural resources, enterprises and others economic facilities owned by the state is called...


AT 12. Fill in the blank cells of the table using the information provided in the list below. For each lettered cell, select the number of the desired element.

1) Winter Palace

2) Hilarion

3) Assumption Cathedral

4) M. Kazakov

5) V. Rastrelli

7) Empress Catherine II

8) Emperor Alexander I

Part C

Read an excerpt from a historical source and briefly answer questions C1-C3.

“Levitan’s loud voice came from the hissing loudspeaker and resounded noisily over the silent square... For the first time in the past six months, he listed the cities that we did not abandon, but took back... Levitan named the numbers of captured prisoners, war trophies, reported the number of kilometers by which the Germans were driven away from the capital . I listened and couldn’t believe my ears. Happiness, inexpressible joy filled me... tears of joy flowed from my eyes...

Happiness was not just in the success of our army, but mainly in the fact that... it survived, was not exhausted in the terrible months-long battle with the enemy, found strength in thirty-degree frost in open fields... defeat... This was the first close, timid hope for the possibility of victory ... endless pride in our soldiers, young officers and generals... At this moment of happiness, the defeats of the first months were strangely forgotten... So for a whole month we lived in an atmosphere of great celebration.”

C1. Indicate the names of the war and battle mentioned in the document. Name the month and year to which this memory relates.

War - Great Patriotic War; battle - Moscow; the memories date back to December 1941.

C2. Based on the text and knowledge of history, give at least three reasons for winning the indicated battle.

The following reasons for victory can be given: a) unparalleled courage and sacrifice, mass heroism Soviet soldiers and officers; b) active assistance front from the side civilian population; c) transfer of fresh divisions from Far East; d) resistance to the enemy in occupied territories, development partisan movement; e) actions of G.K. Zhukov and others Soviet military leaders to organize resistance to the enemy and counter-offensive; f) severe winter, which prevented the enemy from fully exploiting their technical advantage; g) the arrival of the first Lend-Lease equipment to the Red Army.

1) this was the first major victory of the Red Army since the beginning of the war; 2) the enemy was driven back from the capital; 3) the enemy suffered significant losses; 4) hope for victory in the war strengthened; 5) the myth of the invincibility of the Nazi troops has been dispelled.

C4. At the beginning of the 19th century, M.M. came up with a reform program. Speransky. He proposed implementing the principle of separation of powers, creating a State Duma and State Council, and carrying out other reforms.

Explain why Speransky's program was not implemented (give three explanations).

1) plans of M.M. Speransky caused sharp discontent among court society; 2) he did not find support among the capital’s bureaucracy, which feared new system passing civil service; 3) Alexander’s personal qualities also influenced the failure of the reforms I, who retreated under the pressure of conservative sentiments; 4) the contradiction between the need for reforms and the real danger of social explosions caused by reforms (a very important reason).

C5. Below are two of the existing points view on the level of economic development Russian Empire at the end of the nineteenth century:

1. The Russian Empire had a thriving economy and was quickly catching up with developed European countries.

2. B late XIX century, Russia faced serious economic problems, its economic development was unstable.
Which point of view do you prefer? Using historical knowledge, give three arguments supporting your chosen point of view.

The correct answer must contain the position of the graduate himself (choice of one of the points of view) and arguments. When choosing the first point of view: 1) for Russia at the end The 19th century was characterized by high rates of economic development; 2) Russia has reached fifth place in the world in terms of industrial production; 3) development of new industries (oil production, chemical, electrical, etc.); 4) fast pace railway construction(second longest railway network in the world); 5) intensive process of corporatization of enterprises; 6) the stable economic development of Russia was ensured by the richest natural resources; 7) thanks monetary reform S.Yu. Witte Russia received a stable monetary system; 8) foreign investment has flowed into the country; 9) government revenues grew, which made it possible to ensure a budget surplus.

When choosing the second point of view: 1) Russia seriously lagged behind developed countries in industrial production per capita; 2) low level domestic consumption questioned further development industry (as the crisis of 1900-1903 showed); 3) growth external debt; 4) the agrarian crisis was not overcome (lack of land for peasants, low productivity, etc.); 5) high unproductive expenses hampered economic development; 6) grain and raw materials prevailed in exports from Russia, and dependence on foreign machinery and industrial goods remained.

C6. Below are three historical figures from different eras. Choose from them one and complete the task.

1) Andrey Bogolyubsky

2) Nicholas I

3) M.S. Gorbachev

Indicate the period of life of the historical figure. Name the main directions of its activities and give them brief description. Indicate the results of his activities.

It is necessary to indicate the lifetime with an accuracy of a decade or part of a century, the main directions and results of activities, as well as their characteristics.

Demo version.

(Answers at the end of the test)

A1. In what year did Prince Yuri Dolgoruky send an invitation to his ally: “Come to me, brother, in Moscow,” which is considered the first mention of Moscow in written sources?

A2. Which of the named persons were contemporaries?

1) Alexander Nevsky and Khan Tokhtamysh

2) Ivan III and Khan Batu

3) Ivan IV and Shamil

4) Dmitry Donskoy and Mamai

A3. The elected Rada is

1) legislative body

2) spiritual college

3) local government body

4) unofficial government of Russia under Ivan IV

A4. Approval of the basics Christian faith in Ancient Rus' manifested itself in

1) strengthening the statehood and power of the prince

2) complete eradication of pagan customs

3) dissemination of the idea “Moscow is the third Rome”

4) creation of a collection of church literature “Great Cheti-Minea”

A5. Which sovereign ordered “... the ancient Russian dress to be abolished, and all his subjects to wear it according to the custom of European Christian states, and also to shave off their beards”?

2) Boris Godunov

4) Alexey Mikhailovich

A6. Which of the following provisions relates to the church reform of Patriarch Nikon?

1) replacing the two-fingered sign of the cross with the three-fingered one

2) opening of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy

3) establishment of the Holy Synod

4) separation of church and state

A7. As a result of the adoption by Catherine II " Certificate of Complaint nobility"

1) assemblies were established

2) fixed wide circle privileges of the nobility

3) service for nobles became mandatory

4) zemstvos were created, led by the nobility

A8. Read an excerpt from the historian’s essay and indicate which of the princes of Ancient Rus' this characteristic applies to.

“This prince, called Equal to the Apostles by the Church, has earned in history the name of the Great... The prince, having accepted the faith of the Savior, was sanctified by it in his heart and became a different person. Having been in paganism a ferocious avenger, a vile sensualist, a bloodthirsty warrior, and - most terrible of all - a fratricide, he, instructed in the humane rules of Christianity, was already afraid to shed the blood of the most villainous and enemies of the fatherland. His main right to eternal glory and the gratitude of posterity lies, of course, in the fact that he put the Russians on the path true faith».

1) Vladimir Svyatoslavovich

2) Vladimir Monomakh

3) Yaroslav the Wise

4) Alexander Nevsky

1) for Smolensk

2) near the Berezina River

3) near Borodino

4) under Tarutino

A10. At the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries. The Guchkovs, Morozovs, Ryabushinskys were

1) owners of large enterprises

2) Peredvizhniki artists

3) representatives of the pillar nobility

4) representatives of acting dynasties

A11. Representatives of the Russian social thought from the late 1830s to the 1850s, who believed that Russia should develop in an original way, and not follow the models of leading European countries, were called

1) Westerners

2) social democrats

3) Slavophiles

A12. What was one of the characteristic features development of art in Russia in the first quarter of the 19th century?

1) following the examples of ancient art

2) the emergence of itinerant movement

3) the emergence of the avant-garde

4) participation of mainly commoners in artistic creativity

A13. What was one of the immediate causes implementation of a tough internal political course by Nicholas I at the beginning of his reign?

1) palace coup, assassination of Paul I

2) the murder of Alexander II by the Narodnaya Volya

3) speech of the Decembrists

4) defeat of Russia in the Crimean War

A14. “The Uglitsky and Kazan regiments, and the fifth squad of the Bulgarian militia, with amazingly beautiful harmony, moved forward under dense enemy fire ... After brilliant attacks, Skobelev lined up in front<Шипкой-Шейново>Vladimir regiment...

- Well, brothers, follow me now. Your comrades did their job honestly, and we will finish properly.

- We'll try...

“Look... Move in order... The Turks are almost already defeated... Blessings, with God!”

1) Russian-Turkish war 1806–1812

2) Russian-Turkish war of 1828–1829.

3) Crimean War 1853–1856

4) Russian-Turkish war of 1877–1878.

A15. Which of the following events happened before all the others?

1) the beginning of the First Russian revolution

2) Russia’s entry into the First World War

3) publication of the Manifesto on the legislative (Bulygin) Duma

4) beginning Russo-Japanese War

A16. The concepts “chervonets” and “concession” refer to economic policy Soviet state period

1) 1918–1920

2) the first half of the 1920s.

3) the first half of the 1930s.

4) second half of the 1930s.

A17. The founders of new theaters in the 1920s. were

1) B.M. Kustodiev, K.S. Malevich

2) V.E. Meyerhold, E.B. Vakhtangov

3) M.A. Bulgakov, N.F. Pogodin

4) S.M. Eisenstein, I.A. Pyryev

A18. One of the reasons for the anti-Bolshevik uprising of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries in July 1918 was their protest against

1) convening Constituent Assembly

2) anti-church policy of the Bolsheviks

3) signed by the Bolsheviks " shameful world with the imperialists" - Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

4) the desire of the Bolsheviks to liquidate the committees of the poor in the countryside

A19. Read an excerpt from an article written in April 1917, and indicate which party’s program guidelines were reflected in it.

“In the agrarian program, the center of gravity has shifted to the Soviets of farm laborers’ deputies.
Confiscation of all landowners' lands.

Nationalization of all lands in the country, disposal of land by local Soviets of farm laborers' and peasants' deputies. Allocation of Councils of Deputies from the poorest peasants. Creation of a model farm from every large estate under the control of farm laborers’ deputies and at the public expense.”

1) cadets

4) Bolsheviks

A20. In the battle of Moscow, the division under the command of General

1) Ya.F. Pavlova

2) V.G. Klochkova

3) I.V. Panfilova

4) P.M. Gavrilova

A21. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of the military leader and indicate which event of the Great Patriotic War there is a speech.

“That day, the Supreme Commander called me at the command post of the Bryansk Front and ordered me to urgently fly to the Prokhorovka area and take over the coordination of the actions of the Voronezh and Steppe fronts... Clouds of dust and smoke stood over the battlefield. It was crucial moment in the battle in the Belgorod direction. Bleeding and losing faith in victory Hitler's troops gradually switched to defensive actions.”

1) Battle of Kursk

2) Battle of Stalingrad

3) lifting the blockade of Leningrad

4) operation "Bagration"

A22. What series of dates is associated with the creation international organizations socialist countries led by the USSR?

1) 1946, 1960

2) 1949, 1955

3) 1953, 1965

4) 1961, 1967

A23. In the early 1970s. was expelled from the Union of Writers of the USSR and the writer was expelled from the country

1) S.V. Mikhalkov

2) M.A. Sholokhov

3) K.M. Simonov

4) A.I. Solzhenitsyn

A24. What factor contributed to the easing of international tensions in the 1970s?

1) unification of the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany into one state

2) signing of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe

3) development in the USSR of the concept of “new political thinking”

4) end of the Korean War

A25. What was one of the consequences of the reform of the USSR political system during the perestroika period?

1) establishment of a new government body - the State Council

2) settlement interethnic relations

3) strengthening of the CPSU

4) the emergence of a multi-party system

A26. Read an excerpt from the memoirs former ambassador USSR in the Republic of Cuba A.I. Alekseev and indicate in what year the events described took place.

“...None of the Soviet leaders objected to Khrushchev’s plans, and Marshal Malinovsky quite actively supported them. It was understandable: after all, in that period the ratio nuclear forces The USSR and the USA were 1 in 17. The appearance of our missiles in Cuba practically balanced the degree of nuclear risk for both countries.”

A27. What event relates to the period of V.V.’s presidency? Putin?

1) creation of the State Duma and the Federation Council

2) adoption of the Declaration of Sovereignty of Russia

3) establishment of the institution of presidential representatives in the districts

4) creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

IN 1. Arrange the names of the following icon painters and artists in chronological order of their lives and activities. Write down the letters that represent the names in the correct sequence in the table.

A) Dionysius

B) Ilya Repin

B) Theophanes the Greek

D) Simon Ushakov

AT 2. Which three of the following events and phenomena are associated with the reign of Ivan III? Write your answer in numbers without spaces

1) Smolensk War

2) Seven Years' War

3) standing on the Ugra River

4) annexation of Novgorod to Moscow

5) convening of the first Zemsky Sobor

6) construction of the Moscow Kremlin

AT 3. Establish a correspondence between the concepts and their definitions:

AT 4. Read an excerpt from the work of historian V.O. Klyuchevsky and name the king in question.

“...He was elected to the throne because he was the nephew of the last king of the old dynasty, Feodor... The council swore allegiance not only to the king he had chosen, but also to him future queen and their future children, seeing in their chosen one, if not a hereditary, then a hereditary sovereign... Service people vowed to be without controversy in all sovereign affairs.”

AT 5. Place the following names historical figures in the chronological order of their activities. Write down the letters that represent the surnames in the correct sequence.

A) S.L. Perovskaya

B) V.I. Lenin

B) N.M. Muravyov

D) A.N. Radishchev

AT 6. What three concepts arose in connection with the Peasant reform 1861? Write your answer in numbers.

1) temporary peasants

2) corvee

3) segments

4) localism

6) redemption payments

AT 7. Match the names of scientists with their achievements.

AT 8. Read an excerpt from the historian’s work and name the emperor who ruled in the 19th century in question.

“A student of Pobedonostsev and the famous historian Solovyov, the emperor loved and knew Russian history... He was pleased with the nickname “peasant king.” However, he did not value his subjects very highly and expressed his autocratic attitude towards them with the phrase: “Constitution? For the Russian Tsar to swear allegiance to some brutes?”... In 1892, the Peasant Land Bank was established... The most important event of the era of counter-reforms was the introduction of the institution of zemstvo chiefs in 1889 ."

AT 9. Which three of the listed features characterize the development national science in the 1930s? Circle the corresponding numbers and write them in the table

1) party control over science

2) lack of connection between science and production

3) close cooperation between domestic and foreign scientists

4) sponsorship of science by domestic entrepreneurs

5) significant expansion of the network of scientific institutions

6) repressions against a number of prominent domestic scientists

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Match the terms related to life in the USSR in the 1930s and their definitions. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

AT 11. Read an excerpt from the Manifesto of Nicholas II (1914) and write the name of the country in defense of which Russia came out.

“Following its historical covenants, Russia, united in faith and blood with Slavic peoples, never looked at their fate indifferently. With complete unanimity and special strength, the fraternal feelings of the Russian people towards the Slavs have awakened in recent days. ...Austria hastily launched an armed attack... Now it is no longer necessary to stand up only for an unjustly offended country, kindred to Us, but to protect the honor, dignity, integrity of Russia and its position among the Great Powers.”

AT 12. Which three of the following events occurred during the perestroika period? Write your answer in numbers.

1) establishment of the post of President of the USSR

2) refusal of the state to pay external and internal debts (default)

3) adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

4) proclamation of Russian sovereignty

5) carrying out voucher privatization

6) ethnic conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh

B13.Establish a correspondence between the given provisions and the names of the documents in which they are reflected.

B14. Read an excerpt from the address of the Russian leadership “To the citizens of Russia!” and write the abbreviated name of the organ whose performance is being discussed.

“We call on Russian citizens to give a worthy response to the putschists and demand that the country be returned to normal constitutional development. Of course, it is necessary to provide the opportunity for the President of the country M.S. Gorbachev to speak before the people... We are absolutely sure that our compatriots will not allow the arbitrariness and lawlessness of the putschists, who have lost all shame and conscience, to establish themselves. We appeal to the military personnel to show high citizenship and not take part in the reactionary coup.”

B15. Arrange the following events military history first half of the 20th century in chronological order. Write down the letters that represent the events in the correct sequence in the table.

A) the creation of the First Cavalry Army under the command of S.M. Budyonny

B) defeat of Russian troops under the command of General A.N. Kuropatkina in the battle of Mukden

B) appointment of G.K. Zhukov First Deputy Supreme Commander-in-Chief

D) offensive of troops Southwestern Front under the command of A.A. Brusilova (Brusilovsky breakthrough)


No. of questions


No. of questions



Alexander the Third

Yaroslavl State University named after. P.G. Demidova

History department

Department of Regional Studies and Tourism


On the Culture and Art of the Peoples of Russia

Completed by: 1st year student of the correspondence department,

Pavlenko N.A.

Checked by the teacher:

Lebedev A.V.

Yaroslavl, 2014

Part A.

1. In which city of Kievan Rus was not St. Sophia Cathedral built?

1) Novgorod

3) Kyiv

2. Which of the named architects built the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin?

1) Petrok Maly

2) Barma and Postnik

3) Aristotle Fiorovanti

4) Aleviz New

3. Which of the named persons was an outstanding icon painter of the 17th century?

1) Theophanes the Greek

2) Dionysius

3) Simon Ushakov

4) Simeon of Polotsk

4. Which of the named persons was an outstanding Russian portrait painter of the 18th century?

1) I. Kramskoy

2) A. Rublev

3) F. Rokotov

4) I. Repin

1) E. Falcone

2) F. Shubin

3) M. Kozlovsky

4) P. Klodt

6. Which of the named persons A.S. Did Pushkin call him “the last chronicler”?

1) N.M. Karamzin

2) G.R. Derzhavina

3) V.A. Zhukovsky

4) D.I. Fonvizina

7. Which of the named persons was the leader of the Itinerant artists?

1) I. Kramskoy

2) I. Repin

4) I. Shishkin

8. On the policy of the Soviet government in the field of culture in the 1930s. related:

1) encouragement of avant-garde movements in art

2) active development of cultural relations with Western countries

3) establishing ideological control over art and literature

4) mass closure of theaters and libraries

9. The reason for the appearance of the resolution “On the magazines “Zvezda” and “Leningrad” (1946)” was the publication:

1) his works abroad A.D. Sinyavsky and Yu.M. Daniel

2) novel by V.D. Dudintsev “Not by bread alone”

3) abroad the novel by B.L. Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago"

4) in the magazine “Murzilka” a story by M.M. Zoshchenko "The Adventures of a Monkey"

10. The story “The Thaw”, which gave its name to the period of N.S.’s reign. Khrushchev, belongs to the writer:

1) I.G. Ehrenburg

2) M.A. Sholokhov

3) A.I. Solzhenitsyn

4) M.M. Zoshchenko

Part B

1. Which of the named cultural figures of the 18th century. were they writers?

A) V.K. Trediakovsky

B) F.G. Volkov

B) G.R. Derzhavin

D) D.I. Fonvizin

D) I.P. Argunov

E) Full name Shubin

Please indicate the correct answer:

2. Which of the cultural figures listed below belonged to the Itinerant artists?

A) I.N. Kramskoy

B) A.M. Opekushin

B) A.K. Savrasov

D) K.P. Bryullov

D) V.M. Vasnetsov

E) O.A. Kiprensky

Please indicate the correct answer:

1) AED; 2) BGE; 3) ABG; 4) WHERE.

3. Which of the artists listed below worked at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries?

A) I.E. Repin

B) K.P. Bryullov

B) A.A. Ivanov

D) M.A. Vrubel

D) K.S. Malevich

E) P.A. Fedotov

Please indicate the correct answer:

1) ABD; 2) AGD; 3) GD; 4) BDE.

4. Which of the following works of art and literature were created in the 1950s - 1970s?

A) ballet S.S. Prokofiev's "Romeo and Juliet"

B) novel by A.I. Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago"

B) film by A.A. Tarkovsky "Andrei Rublev"

D) sculpture by V.I. Mukhina "Worker and Collective Farm Woman"

D) waltz by A.P. Petrova for the film “Beware of the Car”

E) film by G.V. Alexandrov "Jolly guys"

Please indicate the correct answer:

1) ABE; 2) AGD; 3) BVD ; 4) VDE.

5. Establish a correspondence between architectural monuments and the cities in which they were created. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


A) Vladimir 1) Ferapontov Monastery

B) Moscow 2) Dmitrievsky Cathedral

B) Novgorod 3) Tithe Church

D) Kyiv 4) Archangel Cathedral

5) monument to the “Millennium of Russia”

6. Establish a correspondence between the names of cultural figures and the works they created. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

A) K. Bryullov 1) “The Appearance of Christ to the People”

B) A. Ivanov 2) “Horsewoman”

B) P. Fedotov 3) “Fresh gentleman”

D) M. Glinka 4) “Life for the Tsar”

5) "Boris Godunov"

7. Establish a correspondence between the names of cultural figures and the works they created. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


A) A. Zakharov 1) Winter Palace in St. Petersburg

B) K. Rossi 2) General base in St. Petersburg

C) B. Rastrelli 3) Admiralty building

D) O. Beauvais 4) Grand Theatre in Moscow

5) St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg

8. Establish a correspondence between the names of cultural figures and the works they created. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.


A) O.A. Kiprensky 1) “The Last Day of Pompeii”

B) K. Ton 2) portrait of A.S. Pushkin

B) K. Mikeshin 3) Cathedral of Christ the Savior

D) K. Bryullov 4) monument “Millennium of Russia”

5) monument to Minin and Pozharsky on

Red Square in Moscow

9. Read an excerpt from the work of Russian art historian I.E. Grabar and write the name of the artist in question:

“The history of art knows artists whose names became legendary soon after their death. Among such legendary masters is he, the “Russian Raphael,” as our grandfathers called him, the “Russian Beato Angelico,” as it would be more correct to call him these days, if we resort to Italian comparisons: they are not only contemporaries, they were not only monks and for one the popular memory has retained the nickname “victorious”, and for the other “blessed”.

Such features as: an exceptional sense of rhythm, a sense of color harmony that no one else has so clearly expressed, a sense of color harmony, an extraordinary spirituality of the concept. One of these rare gifts would have been enough to distinguish the artist from his contemporaries and ensure his unfading fame; he mastered all three, and that is why the admiration for the “Trinity” of archaeologists and artists, realists and stylists, Russians and foreigners is so unanimous. Perfect and beautiful, this work answers all requests, satisfies all desires.”

Answer: Andrey Rublev

10. Read an excerpt from “Russian Gazette” of 1899 and write the name of the artist in question:

“This year the Peredvizhniki have their own title picture and their own leading artist. Historical painting – “Suvorov’s Crossing of the Alps in 1799.” The author is a first-class and very popular artist... The canvas cannot more clearly depict the triumphs and influence of ideas of a certain order: discipline, passion, devotion and some kind of harmony inherent in the spirit and temperament of the Russian soldier.”

Answer: Surikov Vasily Ivanovich

Part C. option 2

1. Define style classicism- Artistic style and aesthetic direction in European art XVII- XIXcenturies

2. Highlight the chronological boundaries of the existence of classicism in Russia, describe its distinctive features and stages:

    Early classicism (1760s - 1st half of the 1780s), when the signs of Baroque and Rococo had not yet been completely eliminated

    Mature classicism, strict classicism (1780s - 1790s) - almost declarative rejection of any non-classical trends, a fundamental tendency towards antiquity

    High classicism, late classicism, Russian Empire style (1st third of the 19th century) - the influence of romanticism, which became stronger in painting and graphics, is felt.

3. Describe the most outstanding representatives of this style in Russia (your choice, but at least 3 in different fields of activity: architects, sculptors, painters). At the same time, explain why you chose them. Based on the analysis of their creativity, try to evaluate their contribution to the development of national culture:

Antonio Rinaldi- Italian architect who worked in Russia.

Praxiteles- Ancient Greek sculptor of the 4th century BC. e.

Rafael Santi- great Italian painter, graphic artist and architect, representative of the Umbrian school.

Tasks with a choice of the correct answer: 1 Tasks with choosing the correct answer:
1.Which of the named persons were contemporaries?
a) Alexander Nevsky and Khan Tokhtamysh
b) Ivan III and Batu Khan
c) Ivan IV and Shamil
d) Dmitry Donskoy and Mamai
Tasks using historical sources:
Read an excerpt from the historian’s work and indicate which of the princes of Ancient Rus' this characteristic applies to: “This prince, called Equal to the Apostles by the Church, earned in history the name of the Great... The prince, having accepted the faith of the Savior, was sanctified by it in his heart and became a different person. Having been in paganism a ferocious avenger, a vile sensualist, a bloodthirsty warrior, and - most terrible of all - a fratricide, he, instructed in the humane rules of Christianity, was already afraid to shed the blood of the most villainous and enemies of the fatherland. His main right to eternal glory and gratitude of posterity lies, of course, in the fact that he put Russians on the path of the true faith.”
a) Vladimir Svyatoslavovich
b) Vladimir Monomakh
c) Yaroslav the Wise
d) Alexander Nevsky
2. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of the former USSR Ambassador to the Republic of Cuba A.I. Alekseev and indicate in what year the events described took place: “...None of the Soviet leaders objected to Khrushchev’s plans, and Marshal Malinovsky quite actively supported them. It was understandable: after all, at that time the ratio of the nuclear forces of the USSR and the USA was 1 to 17. The appearance of our missiles in Cuba practically balanced the degree of nuclear risk for both countries.”
a) 1954
b) 1962
c) 1975
d) 1985
Tasks on the ability to build a chronological series of events
1. Which of the following events happened before all the others?
a) the beginning of the First Russian Revolution
b) Russia's entry into the First World War
c) publication of the Manifesto on the legislative (Bulygin) Duma
d) the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War
2. Place the following names of historical figures in the chronological order of their activities.
a) S.L. Perovskaya
b) V.I. Lenin
c) N.M. Muravyov
d) A.N. Radishchev
Tasks to establish cause-and-effect relationships:
1. One of the reasons for the anti-Bolshevik uprising of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries in July 1918 was their protest against:
a) convening the Constituent Assembly
b) anti-church policy of the Bolsheviks
c) the “shameful peace with the imperialists” signed by the Bolsheviks - the Brest-Litovsk Treaty
d) the desire of the Bolsheviks to liquidate the committees of the poor in the villages
2. What was one of the consequences of the reform of the political system of the USSR during the perestroika period?
a) establishment of a new government body - the State Council
b) settlement of interethnic relations
c) strengthening the CPSU
d) the emergence of a multi-party system
Knowledge tasks historical personalities and their activities:
1. Match the names of scientists and their achievements. SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENTS
A) K.E. Tsiolkovsky 1) work in the field of low temperature physics
B) D.I. Mendeleev 2) creation of non-Euclidean geometry
B) P.L. Kapitsa 3) justification for the possibility of using rockets for interplanetary communications
D) N.I. Lobachevsky 4) creation periodic table chemical elements
2.In the battle of Moscow, the division under the command of General
a) Ya.F. Pavlova;
b) V.G. Klochkova;
c) I.V. Panfilova;
d) P.M. Gavrilova
Tasks on knowledge of historical dates:
1.What series of dates is associated with the creation of international organizations of socialist countries led by the USSR?
a) 1946, 1960
b) 1949, 1955
c) 1953, 1965
. d) 1961, 1967
Tasks on knowledge of historical concepts:
1.What three concepts arose in connection with the Peasant Reform of 1861?
a) temporary peasants
b) corvee
c) segments
d) localism
e) quitrent
f) redemption payments
Tasks to establish correspondence between in historical terms and concepts and their definitions:
A) niello, filigree, enamel 1) genres ancient Russian literature
B) Cyrillic, Glagolitic 2) types of jewelry technology
C) fresco, mosaic 3) types of writing in Ancient Rus'
D) chronicles, legends 4) types of ancient Russian painting
2. Establish a correspondence between terms related to life in the USSR in the 1930s and their definitions.
A) GULAG 1) policy aimed at intimidation
B) “troika” 2) the body that led the correctional labor colonies
B) terror 3) an extrajudicial body that passed sentences on political charges
D) socialist realism 4) artistic method established in Soviet art
Tasks to establish compliance of the document and its provisions:
Establish a correspondence between the given provisions and the names of the documents in which they are reflected:
A) “The current generation Soviet people in the next 20 years will live under communism"
1) Constitution of the USSR 1977
B) “A developed socialist society has been built in the USSR”
2) Work by I.V. Stalin "Economic problems of socialism in the USSR"
C) “It is necessary... to raise collective farm property to the level of national property”
3) Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993
D) "B" Russian Federation political diversity and multi-party system are recognized"
4) CPSU program 1961

Demo version (VIII).

(Answers at the end of the test)

1. Which of these events happened earlier than the others?

1) Livonian War

2) Smolensk War

3) Ermak’s campaign in Siberia

4) Ivan III’s campaign against Veliky Novgorod

2. Which prince went down in history as the first “collector of Russian lands”?

1) Ivan Kalita

2) Alexander Nevsky

3) Vladimir Monomakh

4) Dmitry Donskoy

3. Polyudye in Ancient Rus' was called

1) meeting of community men

2) a military formation in the service of the prince

3) collection of tribute by the prince from subject lands

4) the duty that a peasant paid when leaving his owner

4. Which of the following was the result military reform, carried out Elected Rada V mid-16th century V.?

1) creation of the Streltsy army

2) creation of a regular army

3) creation of guards regiments

4) formation of foreign regiments

5. Which of the named persons was an architect?

1) Matvey Kazakov

2) Simeon of Polotsk

3) Fedor Volkov

4) Mikhail Shchepkin

6. Politics " enlightened absolutism» associated with kingship

1) Peter III

2) Anna Ioannovna

3) Catherine II

4) Alexey Mikhailovich

7. As a result church reforms Nikon in the 17th century. in Russia

1) the patriarchate was abolished

2) the Holy Synod was established

3) secularization of church lands was carried out

4) a church schism arose

8. Read an excerpt from Novgorod Chronicle and indicate what event is reflected in this passage.

“And then the great prince began to advance. Damask swords rattle against Khinov helmets. The filthy ones covered their heads with their hands. And so the filthy ones rushed back. The wind tears at the banners of Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich, the filthy are fleeing, and the Russian sons fenced off the wide fields with a clique and illuminated them with gilded armor. The battle has already begun! Then the prince great Dmitry Ivanovich and his brother, Prince Vladimir Andreevich, turned the filthy regiments back and began to beat them and flog them mercilessly, bringing melancholy to them...”

1) Battle on the ice

2) Battle of Kulikovo

3) standing on the Ugra River

4) battle on the Kalka River

9. Activities of which representatives social movement XIX – early XX centuries. started earlier than others?

1) Petrashevites

2) populists

10. MM. Speransky prepared the “Code of Laws of the Russian Empire” during the reign

1) Nicholas I

2) Alexander II

3) Alexandra III

4) Nicholas II

11. What concept arose in connection with the process of democratization of culture in the 1870s - 1890s?

1) classicism

2) romanticism

3) academicism

4) peredvizhniki

12. Which of the listed transformations relates to the internal policy of Alexander II?

1) abolition of serfdom

2) the establishment of military settlements

3) carrying out P.D. Kiselyov reforms management of state peasants

4) transfer of peasants to compulsory redemption

13. In 1812, as a result of its stay in Tarutino, the Russian army:

1) received fresh regular units and weapons

2) crushed French army on the approaches to Smolensk

3) achieved the appointment of M.I. Kutuzov as commander-in-chief

4) delayed the capture of Moscow by Napoleon’s army

14. Read an excerpt from the essay by N.K. Schilder and indicate the emperor whose reign we are talking about

“A new reign began, lasting [almost] 25 years... The words of the Manifesto of 1801, which promised government according to the law and according to the heart of Catherine, however, did not come true... Indeed, despite the novelty of the ideas and government principles proclaimed after March 12, constant evil bore fruit. Arakcheev appeared... Added to all this were the difficult memories associated with March 11, under the burden of which the emperor was exhausted<…>for the rest of your life."

2) Alexander I

3) Nicholas I

4) Alexander III

15. Performance Czechoslovak Corps, which marked the beginning of the “front” period Civil War in Russia, started in

3) May 1918

16. What was the name of the body of representative power to which the Provisional Government was to hold elections?

1) Congress of Soviets

2) Constituent Assembly

3) State meeting

4) State Duma

17. During the Stolypin agrarian reform

1) the growth of farmsteads and cuts was encouraged

2) landowners’ lands were forcibly alienated

3) communal land ownership developed

4) equal land use was introduced “according to labor standards”

18. Which of the following refers to results? public policy in the USSR in the field of culture in the late 1930s?

1) the rise of avant-garde art

2) elimination of mass illiteracy

3) abolition of state censorship of the media

4) ensuring and protecting ideological diversity in the field of culture

19. Read an excerpt from a report from the newspaper Pravda and indicate in what year it was published.

“The miner of the Central-Irmino mine, comrade. Stakhanov, in commemoration of the 21st anniversary of International Youth Day, set a new all-Union record for labor productivity with a jackhammer. During a 6-hour shift, Stakhanov produced 102 tons of coal, which is 10 percent. daily mine production."

20. Operation “Bagration” is an operation of Soviet troops to

1) storming of Königsberg

2) counter-offensive at Stalingrad

3) liberation of Belarus

4) storming of Berlin

21. Read an excerpt from a statement by a Soviet composer and indicate his last name.

“I wanted to create a work about our days, about our lives, about our people who become heroes, who fight in the name of our triumph over the enemy... While working on the symphony, I thought about the greatness of our people, about their heroism, about the best ideals of humanity, about the wonderful qualities of man, about our beautiful nature, about humanism, about beauty... Our fight against fascism, our future victory over the enemy, my hometown“I dedicate my 7th symphony to Leningrad.”

1) S.S. Prokofiev

2) A.V. Alexandrov

3) A.I. Khachaturian

4) D.D. Shostakovich

22. Which of the named events occurred later than all the others?

1) entry of troops of the Warsaw Warsaw countries into Czechoslovakia

2) placement of Soviet missiles in Cuba

3) the beginning of the Korean War

4) the entry of the USSR into the war with Japan

23. What event happened during the “thaw” in the USSR?

1) signing of the Final Act of the Security Conference in Europe

2) withdrawal of Soviet troops from Germany

3) the first visit of the leader of the USSR to the USA

4) conclusion of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

24. The main task internal policy of the USSR in the second half of the 1940s. Stalin's leadership believed

1) easing censorship, pursuing a policy of openness

2) accelerated restoration of heavy industry

3) transition from sectoral to territorial government by the people

4) rehabilitation of victims of repressions of the 1930s.

25. What was one of the consequences of the participation of Soviet troops in the Afghan war?

1) exclusion of the USSR from the UN

3) increasing contradictions between the USSR and many countries of the world

4) transition to a policy of “détente” in international relations

26. Read an excerpt from the decree of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR and indicate in what year this decree was issued.

“The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decides:

Establish that joint ventures created on the territory of the USSR with the participation of Soviet and foreign organizations, firms and management bodies, pay income tax in the amount and manner determined by the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The tax is subject to transfer to the income of the Union budget. Joint ventures are exempt from paying income tax for the first two years of their operation.”

27. The first years of market reforms in Russia (1992-1993) were marked

1) macroeconomic stabilization

2) a drop in production volumes

3) growth in state revenues

4) an increase in the income of the majority of the population

28. Arrange the names of cultural figures in the chronological order of their lives:

1) Aristotle Fioravanti, Simon Ushakov, Vasily Bazhenov, Andrei Rublev.

2) Andrey Rublev, Aristotle Fioravanti, Simon Ushakov, Vasily Bazhenov.

3) Andrey Rublev, Vasily Bazhenov, Simon Ushakov, Aristotle Fioravanti.

4) Vasily Bazhenov, Andrei Rublev, Aristotle Fioravanti, Simon Ushakov.

29. Which three of the names listed below are associated with the military triumphs of Russia in the 18th century?

1) G.A. Spiridov

2) M.D. Skobelev

3) S.I. Dezhnev

4) P.A. Rumyantsev

5) F.F. Ushakov

6) M.B. Shein

30. Establish a correspondence between the names of historical figures and their activities.

31. Read an excerpt from the work of a modern historian and indicate which dynasty is being discussed.

“So the short reign of this dynasty... on the Russian throne ended tragically and ingloriously. This dynasty faced difficult trials. They inherited a ruined poor country. Systemic crisis, which swept the entire country, aggravated by the famine of the first years of the 17th century, showed the fragility of power, which had moved away from the management methods of Ivan IV. An already ineffective and cumbersome control system Russian state started to have serious problems. Robber gangs flooded the country, and the roads were unsafe. After the death of the king, the country went into the abyss of turmoil and timelessness.”

32. Arrange the names of the organs state power XIX century in the chronological order of their occurrence.

1) Supreme Administrative Commission

2) III department of the imperial chancellery

3) first ministries

4) State Council

33. Which three of the facts listed below relate to the history of Russian culture of the first half of the 19th century V.?

1) creation of N.M. Karamzin “History of the Russian State”

2) creation of higher women's courses

3) foundation of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum by Alexander I

4) first screening of films in Russia

5) foundation of K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko of the Moscow Art Public Theater (MAT)

6) creation of M.I. Glinka's opera "A Life for the Tsar"

34. Match names Russian emperors and foreign policy events that occurred during their reign.

35. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich and name the ruler of the 19th century. the emperor whose domestic policy is being discussed. “The days of “black reaction” have come,” said disconsolate supporters liberal reforms, but the biographies of the new ministers seemed to refute this preconception.<…>Professor Vyshnegradsky, Minister of Finance, was widely known for his original economic theories. He managed to bring the finances of the Empire into brilliant condition and greatly contributed to the improvement of the country's industry<…>Admiral Shestakov, exiled abroad by Alexander II for mercilessly criticizing our navy, was summoned<Императором>to St. Petersburg and appointed Minister of Maritime<…>S.Yu. Witte... owed his dizzying career Emperor's farsightedness<…>who, having appointed him as a fellow minister, immediately recognized his talent.”

36. Which three of the following works of art date back to the first half of the 20th century?

1) film by S.M. Eisenstein "Battleship Potemkin"

2) novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Poor People"

3) painting by V.I. Surikov “The Morning of the Streltsy Execution”

4) novel by M.I. Sholokhov "Quiet Don"

5) film by E.A. Ryazanov “Beware of the car!”

6) painting by K.S. Malevich "Black Square"

37. Match events Soviet history and their dates. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

38. Read an excerpt from the manifesto of Emperor Nicholas II and write the name of the war in which Russia’s entry into which we are talking.

“Following its historical covenants, Russia, united in faith and blood with the Slavic peoples, has never looked at their fate indifferently. The fraternal feelings of the Russian people towards the Slavs awakened with complete unanimity and special strength in recent days, when Austria-Hungary presented Serbia with demands that were obviously unacceptable for a sovereign state.<...>Now we have to not only stand up for our unjustly offended kindred country, but also protect the honor, dignity, integrity of Russia and its position among the great powers.”

39. Which three of the following events relate to foreign policy USSR in 1945–1953?

1) formation of the Council Economic Mutual Assistance(CMEA)

2) Cuban Missile Crisis

3) severance of relations with Yugoslavia

4) formation of the Organization Warsaw Pact(OVD)

5) entry of troops into Hungary

6) formation of the German Democratic Republic(GDR)

40. Establish a correspondence between the reforms carried out in the USSR and the years of their implementation.

41. Read an excerpt from a book by modern historians and write the name of the leader of the USSR in question.
“A new cult of personality was gaining apparent strength<…>The first one becomes general. [He] holds another post - Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. A document signed by Suslov on strengthening authority is sent to the regional party committees Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU. But nothing helps: authority on paper, in speeches, in awards (Hero Socialist Labor, four times Hero Soviet Union), but not among the working people."

42. Arrange the following events of the second half of the twentieth century. in chronological sequences:

1) first elections in State Duma RF

2) elimination of the “anti-party group” G.M. Malenkova, L.M. Kaganovich, V.M. Molotov

3) adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia

4) adoption of the Constitution of “developed socialism”

Question no.


Question no.



Alexander III

World War I

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