A corner of nature in a nursery is what it should be. Corner of nature

In the middle group, children develop the ability to see the variety of properties and qualities of objects and their parts (variety of shapes, colors, sizes, surface characteristics, etc.). Children master more complex comparison techniques, learn to establish differences and similarities between objects, and generalize objects according to certain characteristics. Knowledge about plants and animals becomes more complex. Children more clearly distinguish the characteristics of plants and become familiar with the conditions necessary for their life. The number of plants that children recognize and name is increasing.

A child of the fifth year of life, getting acquainted with animals, notes the uniqueness of their appearance, structure, movement, and method of feeding; establishes the first connections - the dependence of the nature of movement on the structural features of the limbs.

In the process of caring (together with the teacher) for the inhabitants of the corner, children master simple skills: keeping the plant clean, watering it correctly, washing drinking bowls and feeders for animals, giving food. Observing plants and animals, one notices striking manifestations in the growth and development of plants and animals. They learn to reflect their observations in coherent, precise speech.

The expansion and complication of program tasks in the middle group requires the replenishment of a corner of nature with new inhabitants. Houseplants must have different shapes and the size of the leaves, as the children master new techniques for keeping plants clean: they pour a fine-mesh watering can on them or spray them with spray bottles on plants with small leaves, wipe off jagged leaves with a damp brush or brush, and use a dry brush on pubescent leaves. At the same time, children learn to establish a method of care depending on the nature of the leaves: size, quantity, nature of the surface, their fragility.

In addition to plants named for a corner of nature junior groups, in the middle group are placed aloe or agave (with succulent leaves with jagged edges), rex begonia, asparagus, fragrant geranium (with patterned, pubescent leaves), etc. At the same time, there can be up to 6-8 species of plants in a corner of nature .

The aquarium contains two species of fish that differ in appearance and habits: slow-moving pond crucian carp and nimble, mobile topfins; varieties of golden fish - veiltail, telescope and at the same time (in another aquarium) fish from local reservoirs. Differences in appearance and the habits of these fish are quite noticeable and can be detected by children during observation. In a corner of nature middle group You can keep the same canaries.

Mammals can also be kept as permanent residents in a corner of nature in the middle group. Children of this age are quite capable of mastering simple caring skills. So, it is advisable to place a guinea pig and a hamster in a corner with interesting habits. Caring for them is easy, they are friendly, they easily develop reflexes to various signals - time, environment.

Selection of plants and animals

Introducing children to nature in kindergarten requires constant direct communication with her. One of the conditions that ensures this is the organization of nature corners in kindergarten. Each age group has its own corner of nature, but it’s good to have a common corner of nature for everything child care facility. It can be used to replenish the inhabitants of natural areas of age groups.
Children’s work and observations of plants and animals in a corner of nature are organized throughout the year (in winter, late autumn and early spring). Because in conditions middle zone the work and observations of children on the site during these periods are significantly reduced; the corner of nature provides an opportunity for continuous systematic work to familiarize children with nature.
The nature corner provides an opportunity to focus children's attention on Not large quantities inhabitants, on their most typical features and thereby provide deeper and more lasting knowledge. The diversity of plants and animals that children encounter directly in nature makes it difficult to identify the general, essential and natural in the life of plants and animals. Familiarization with limited quantity specially selected objects in a corner of nature allows us to solve this complex and important task. The spatial proximity of the inhabitants of a corner of nature also matters. Children get the opportunity to get a good look at plants and animals and observe them for a long time. When selecting plants and animals for a corner of nature, you should take into account the requirements of the “Kindergarten Education Program”. Only under this condition can the educational impact of labor and observation be ensured on children.
Requirements for selecting inhabitants of a corner of nature:
1. The plant or animal must be typical of one or another systematic or environmental group. At the same time, it becomes possible to introduce children to the basic, typical features, conditions or lifestyle characteristic of large group plants and animals.
2. Care for the inhabitants of the corner in terms of quality, nature of work, effort and time expended should be available to children preschool age(with the participation and guidance of the teacher). Therefore, plants and animals that are unpretentious to food and care are selected.
3. Plants and animals in a corner of nature should be visually attractive, capable of arousing and retaining the not yet very stable attention of a preschooler.
4. It is necessary to have several copies of one species of plants and animals; children will see in objects of observation not only general, but also individual characteristics, this will lead them to understand the diversity and uniqueness of living organisms.
5. Plants and animals must be absolutely safe and not cause the slightest harm to the health of children.
6. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of normal life activity, growth and development of animals and plants in the conditions of a children's institution.
When placing inhabitants in a corner of nature, you should first of all ensure that their biological features and needs. So, some indoor plants (geraniums, cacti, etc.) need a large amount sunlight, they should be placed in the brightest place; others (for example, Uzambara violet) do not tolerate direct sunlight. The biology of lizards and frogs is such that the terrarium where the lizard lives should be placed in a place well-warmed by the sun; the terrarium with the frog must certainly be in the shade.
At the same time, a corner of nature should please the eye and decorate the interior. Finally, objects should be placed in such a way that children can freely approach them, observe and work in a corner of nature.
All inhabitants of a corner of nature in a kindergarten can be divided into permanent and temporary. The first ones live in a corner all year round(houseplants, fish, etc.), the latter are added to short time. Temporary inhabitants are plants and animals of the local region, the life activity of which is especially interesting and vividly manifested in certain seasons (primroses in the spring, bright flower garden plants, blooming in autumn, insects, etc.).
Permanent inhabitants of the corners of nature in kindergarten are indoor plants. They have been decorating human homes for a long time. Some of them bloom profusely and for a long time, others have beautiful foliage, their stems are varied (erect, recumbent, ascending, curly, etc.). Most indoor plants come from tropical and subtropical countries: hot deserts and savannas, tropical rain forests and swamps, mountain slopes and valleys. Depending on where they grow in nature, indoor plants require different care (different soil, watering, degree of light, etc.). Indoor plants are also interesting because each species has its own timing and periods of active growing season. Houseplants - valuable didactic material, they are obligatory inhabitants of a corner of nature. It is traditional for the corner to keep fish in an aquarium. The aquarium can accommodate both fish from local water bodies (small pond crucian carp, rudd, loach, topwater fish, etc.), as well as unpretentious species of exotic heat-loving fish (guppies, swordtails, angelfish, etc.). Observations of fish are varied, and the work of caring for them is quite accessible to preschoolers (feeding, cleaning the aquarium, partially changing the water).
Birds are desirable inhabitants of this corner of nature. With proper care, they feel good, sing, and even reproduce. Children look after them with great interest and love, feed them, and keep their cages clean. Caring for birds provides the teacher with the opportunity to develop in children a caring and caring attitude towards them.
For observation purposes, it is advisable to keep granivorous and omnivorous wintering birds (siskin, goldfinch, bullfinch, redpoll, crossbill, etc.) in the kindergarten. But these birds can be kept in captivity only during the most difficult time for them - winter; They need to be released into the wild in the spring. The permanent residents of this corner of nature are canaries and budgies. These birds have long been domesticated.
Of the reptiles, only turtles can be kept - swamp or land turtles.
Of the numerous and diverse class of mammals, the selection requirements are primarily met by rodents: rabbit, squirrel, guinea pig, hamster. Unpretentious food, small premises for their maintenance, peaceful disposition of animals and almost complete safety, variety of habits make them desirable inhabitants of corners of nature.
Animals can also be kept on the site. It's good to have a family of chickens, a duck with ducklings, a kid or other small pets. Rabbits are also kept on the site.

Corner of nature in junior groups

When selecting inhabitants of a corner of nature in younger groups, they take into account, first of all, the peculiarities of children’s perception of objects (kids highlight bright signs and properties), as well as educational objectives. Kids should learn to recognize and name 2-3 plants and their main parts (leaf, stem, flower).
Children of the second youngest group are involved in caring for the plants: they water them with water prepared by an adult (he also determines the dosage), and wipe the large leathery leaves of the plants with a damp cloth. By observing animals, kids learn to recognize them by their appearance. clear signs: parts of the body, nature of movement, sounds made, etc.
The teacher teaches children to observe: accept the question-task, focus attention on the observed object, use simple investigative actions, and answer questions posed during the observation.
In the corner of nature of the younger groups, plants are placed that have clearly defined main parts (stem, leaves) and bloom brightly, abundantly and for a long time. These are ordinary (or zonal) geranium, fuchsia, ever-flowering begonia, balsam (“wisp”), azalea, Chinese rose, etc. Children’s attention is also attracted by plants with variegated leaves - aucuba (“golden” or “sausage” tree) , coleus. Aucuba and Chinese rose (small sizes), in addition, have fairly large and strong leaves, on which children of the second youngest group can be taught the first simple techniques for keeping plants clean. These same techniques can be taught to children in the process of caring for young aralias and ficuses. Of these species, 3-4 plants are brought in for observation throughout the year. Some of them should be in duplicate so that children can learn to find identical plants.
In the second group younger age An aquarium with fish is placed in a corner of nature. For kids, based on the characteristics of their perception, you need to choose a brightly colored fish that leads an active lifestyle for most of the year and willingly eats food. This is an ordinary goldfish, golden and silver crucian carp. They have the typical shape of freshwater fish, are attractive in color, and are quite mobile.
In the younger groups of kindergarten you can keep birds. It is desirable that the bird has bright plumage, a cheerful disposition, is unpretentious to food, and sings in captivity. A canary is most suitable for this.
It is hardly advisable to keep mammals constantly in the corners of nature of younger groups. Mammals, even small ones, require much more attention than other animals (ample and frequent feeding, daily cleaning of cages, etc.). You can keep a rabbit on the site. A cage with a rabbit, squirrel or guinea pig, or hamster is occasionally brought into the group of children for occasional, short-term observation.

Corner of nature in the middle group

In the middle group, children develop the ability to see the variety of properties and qualities of objects and their parts (variety of shapes, colors, sizes, surface characteristics, etc.). Children master more complex comparison techniques, learn to establish differences and similarities between objects, and generalize objects according to certain characteristics.
Knowledge about plants and animals becomes more complex. Children more clearly distinguish the characteristics of plants and become familiar with the conditions necessary for their life. The number of plants that children recognize and name is increasing.
A child of the fifth year of life, getting acquainted with animals, notes the uniqueness of their appearance, structure, movement, and method of feeding; establishes the first connections - the dependence of the nature of movement on the structural features of the limbs.
In the process of caring (together with the teacher) for the inhabitants of the corner, children master simple skills: keeping the plant clean, watering it correctly, washing drinking bowls and feeders for animals, giving food. Observing plants and animals, one notices striking manifestations in the growth and development of plants and animals. They learn to reflect their observations in coherent, precise speech.
The expansion and complication of program tasks in the middle group requires the replenishment of a corner of nature with new inhabitants. Houseplants should have different shapes and sizes of leaves, as children master new techniques for keeping plants clean: they pour a fine-mesh watering can on or spray plants with small leaves from spray bottles, wipe jagged leaves with a damp brush or a brush, and pubescent leaves with a dry brush. At the same time, children learn to establish a method of care depending on the nature of the leaves: size, quantity, nature of the surface, their fragility.
In addition to the plants named for the corner of nature of the younger groups, aloe or agave (with succulent leaves with jagged edges), rex begonia, asparagus, fragrant geranium (with patterned, pubescent leaves), etc. are placed in the middle group. There can be up to 6-8 plant species in a corner of nature.
The aquarium contains two species of fish that differ in appearance and habits: slow-moving pond crucian carp and nimble, mobile topfins; varieties of golden fish - veiltail, telescope and at the same time (in another aquarium) fish from local reservoirs. The differences in the appearance and habits of the named fish are quite noticeable and can be detected by children during observation. In the corner of nature of the middle group you can keep the same canaries.
Mammals can also be kept as permanent residents in a corner of nature in the middle group. Children of this age are quite capable of mastering simple caring skills. So, it is advisable to place a guinea pig and a hamster in a corner with interesting habits. Caring for them is easy, they are friendly, they easily develop reflexes to various signals - time, environment.

Corner of nature in the senior group

In the senior group, the formation of skills to observe, compare objects, generalize and classify them according to various signs. The main content of observations is the growth and development of plants and animals, their changes over the seasons. Children should know that plants need light, moisture, warmth, and soil nutrition to grow; different plants need different quantities light, moisture.
Children continue to become familiar with plants and their features. external structure: not only with a variety of leaves, but also stems and flowers. The ability to determine the method of caring for plants depending on the nature of the leaves and stem (the method of keeping the plant clean) is consolidated.
To Contents cognitive tasks about plants include knowledge about some methods of their vegetative propagation, in particular by stem cuttings. All this requires replenishing a corner of nature with new plants: with a variety of stems (climbing, creeping or modifications of erect stems), having bulbs, corms, etc. These can be 2-3 types of tradescantia, indoor grapes, climbing ivy, ficus, aloe, zygocactus, epiphyllum, cyclamen, primrose, amaryllis, clivia, etc. They have leaves, stems, flowers that are varied in shape and character, and they have different needs for light and moisture.
When selecting animals for the nature corner of older children, it is necessary to take into account the main program task- ensure the formation of initial knowledge about the features of adaptation of animals to environmental conditions.
In aquariums it is good to keep heat-loving viviparous and egg-laying fish - guppies, swordtails, angelfish, etc. Observing the loach will also be of no less interest to children. This small fish of local reservoirs is a kind of barometer: before the attack inclement weather her motor activity increases.
Of the birds, preference should be given to those that breed offspring in captivity - canaries, budgies. The growth and development of chicks, the care of adult birds for their offspring is the most valuable material for observation. At the same time, we should not forget that children have an inherent feeling of especially careful and protective attitude towards their young, and caring for helpless, growing chicks is a source of kind and humane feelings, careful, and caring attitude to everything living.
To a corner of nature senior group It’s good to place a turtle (any kind). Usually this animal goes into a short hibernation in winter. If a turtle lives in a corner for several years, then there may not be hibernation, then during this period the turtle becomes lethargic and reluctantly takes food. (Only older preschoolers can understand the reason for this condition and create appropriate conditions for the animal’s life.)
The selection of mammals is also more diverse. In addition to a guinea pig and a hamster, you need a hedgehog and a squirrel. Squirrel in to a greater extent than other mammals of nature, it changes its lifestyle according to the seasons. In the fall, the squirrel often hides leftover food in its pantry; in winter it is less mobile; in addition, it molts twice a year. These changes are associated with the living conditions of animals in nature, which older preschoolers should know about.

A corner of nature in a pre-school group

The main task of getting acquainted with nature in preparatory group- the formation of basic knowledge about significant dependencies in the natural world: the dependence of plants on a set of conditions (moisture, heat, light, etc.), the dependence of the external structure and lifestyle of an animal on environmental conditions. Children become familiar with the constantly recurring natural changes in the life of plants and animals in different seasons, with the main periods of their growth and development.
In the content of knowledge about flora knowledge about some methods of vegetative propagation of plants is included. Children must be able to see essential features objects, general and individual, their variability. In accordance with this, when selecting plants and animals, the special attention not only on the diversity of their structure, but also on their adaptability to certain environmental conditions.
So that children learn how to water various plants, depending on the conditions of their habitat in the natural environment, plants should be placed in a corner of nature that differ sharply in their moisture needs: cyperus, which grows in very wet soil(the flowerpot is placed in water); cacti (1-2 species, Fig. 2), requiring very little and rare burning, Tradescantia - with great need in moisture; Usambara violets, which should be watered very moderately, etc. Many subtropical plants that are at this time in their homeland need moderate watering in winter. relative peace, - geraniums, fuchsias, etc. The dependence of the conditions of growth and development of plants located in a corner of nature on the conditions of their origin must also be remembered when caring for other plants, especially from the lily and amaryllis families - amaryllis, clivia, crinum, dracaena, hemanthus, etc. The first period of winter for these plants is a dormant period, and at this time they almost stop watering.
Vegetative propagation of indoor plants is very diverse: by shoots (geraniums, fuchsia, roses, begonias, etc.); leaf cuttings (Uzambara violet, river begonia, sansevieria, etc.); Aspidistra, asparagus, etc. reproduce by dividing the bush. Of great interest to children are the so-called viviparous plants - saxifrage, chlorophytum, bryophyllum, etc. All of them have offspring that do not grow from the rhizome hidden in the ground, but appear on other parts of the plants (the mustache of the saxifrage, the flower arrow of chlorophytum, the offspring of edges of leaves of bryophyllum).
The fish in aquariums (there should be 2-3 species) are also diverse: from local reservoirs (any), as well as thermophilic (viviparous and spawn-bearing). Each of these groups requires special, although not very difficult, conditions of detention.
As with older children, for the school preparatory group’s nature corner, it is better to select those birds that breed in captivity, and in the summer to keep a family of chickens or a duck with ducklings on the site (depending on local conditions). Any mammal can live in the corner. However, it must be borne in mind that animals such as a hedgehog can only be kept in a cage in winter time. They must be released in the spring. Older children take care of the rabbitry on the kindergarten site.

Comp. L.A. Kameneva, “How to introduce preschoolers to nature,” M., 1983.

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Corner of nature in 1st junior group

Corner of nature in 1st junior group.

1) Permanent objects:

Houseplants: chlorophytum 2, nephrolepis, Kalanchoe 2, Fittonia skeleton, geranium.

2) Temporary objects (design by seasons):


On the wall is a poster depicting an autumn landscape;

Yellow fabric on the bedside table "fallen leaves";

Bouquet of autumn leaves.


On the wall is a poster depicting a winter landscape;

On the stand is a doll dressed for the season;

On the cabinet there is white fabric, snowdrifts of cotton wool;

Bouquet of bare branches.


On the wall is a poster depicting a spring landscape;

On the stand is a doll dressed for the season;

There is a white fabric on the cabinet, a blue ribbon - a stream;

A bouquet of twigs with buds, the first flowers.


On the wall is a poster depicting a summer landscape;

On the stand is a doll dressed for the season;

There is green fabric on the stand "grass";

Bouquet of twigs with leaves, flowers.

3) Cabinet No. 1:

Natural vegetables (+garden) and fruits (+ wood, or their dummies;

Sets of pictures depicting animals (domestic and wild, birds (domestic and wild), insects, vegetables, fruits;

Albums "Seasons"; books with illustrations depicting animals;

Didactic games natural content“Who eats what?”, “Whose house?”, “Whose baby?” and others;

Audio recordings: "Birdsong", "The Sound of a Brook", "The Sound of Rain", "Storm", "Wind", "The Crunch of Snow".

On the windowsill there is a watering can, equipment for caring for flowers, a sponge for wiping leaves, a spray bottle, and a passport for indoor plants.

Houseplant passport

GERANIUM (pelargonium)

Geranium can be grown on the windowsill, in the garden or on the balcony. In addition to its beauty, geranium creates a positive aura around itself. It is easy to care for, it is rarely susceptible to disease, requires moderate watering and a not too nutritious soil mixture, is resistant to drought, and has high vitality. They bloom for a long time with large and colorful inflorescences.

Light: bright. The plant tolerates direct sunlight.

Temperature: in summer - indoor. In winter, pelargoniums are kept as cool as possible, at a temperature of 8-12°C.

Watering: moderate, as pelargoniums do not like waterlogging. In winter, plants are watered very sparingly.

Humidity: On hot days you can spray.


Nephrolepis is a species of fern commonly found in the tropics of Australia, Asia and America. Lush green leaves, easy care and beneficial properties nephrolepis made him a welcome guest in many homes.

Light: absent-minded, from midday rays should be shaded.

Temperature: moderate, spring-summer period, optimal temperature is about 20°C, at temperatures above 24°C, there should be high humidity, since high temperatures does not tolerate well.

In the autumn-winter period, the optimal temperature is within 14-15°C.

Watering: in spring and summer, water abundantly; in winter, water moderately; the soil should always be slightly moist.

Humidity: High.


Fittonia is one of the most common ornamental flowering plants; it belongs to the Acanthaceae family. Fittonia is native to the swampy forests of South America. The leaves are dark green, matte, oval shape. Depending on the type of plant, Fittonia can reach up to 60 cm in length. Beginners in the flower business are very fond of Fittonia, because the flower is quite unpretentious in care.

Fittonia skeleton is a very elegant variety. The leaves are oval and velvety, olive in color with reddish veins. The coloring of the leaves is so spectacular that it sometimes gives the impression of a luminous effect.

Light: A lot of daylight is needed, you can place the plant on east and west windows.

Temperature: The optimal room temperature should not be higher than 25 degrees. Temperature changes should be avoided, so it is not recommended to take them out into the open air.

Watering: During active growth the flower needs abundant watering and high humidity. In the autumn-winter period, watering should be slightly reduced, but under no circumstances should the soil be allowed to dry out. The leaves must be regularly sprayed with settled and warm water.

Humidity: High


Homeland of chlorophytum - South America. It is one of the most common indoor plants. This is not marvelous: It grows quickly, has beautiful curved leaves, and in spring and summer, first small white flowers and then tiny rosettes of leaves appear on thin stems. They can be separated and rooted. Chlorophytum is a light-loving plant.

Light: Bright diffused light. Grows well near an east or west window. In a place that is too dark, the plant loses its decorative appeal.

Temperature: Moderate. In winter, not lower than 18°C. Unpretentious chlorophytum will not die at unfavorable temperatures, but this will certainly affect its appearance.

Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn. The soil should be kept moist all the time. Moderate in winter.

Humidity: In summer, it is useful to spray the leaves from time to time and give them a warm shower. Spraying is required if the plant is kept near a heating system.


This thick-trunked flower came to us from warm edges: from Madagascar. Despite this, Kalanchoe is quite unpretentious houseplant, which can easily be grown at home.

Light: Constantly needs sunlight, but there are several features for lighting the pot. From morning until two or three o'clock in the afternoon, you can keep Kalanchoe on a windowsill or any other place with plenty of sunlight on the flower. However, after lunch, Kalanchoe should be covered or moved into the shade, creating a feeling of night.

Temperature: It feels most comfortable at 17-19 degrees, but if the temperature in the room drops to 5-6 degrees nothing will happen to the plant.

Watering: The plant does not tolerate excess moisture. If the soil is constantly too wet, the first thing to suffer is roots: the process of rotting begins. Spring and summer

water the Kalanchoe with cool water (it is advisable to keep one glass jar, constantly replenishing her: It is better to water with old water). Water in such a way that you do not touch the stem with water; if it gets moisture, it does not absorb it, and it is possible that the process of rotting will begin. Watering should be done moderately, so that the soil is sufficiently moist, but not wet, and water should not leak out.

In autumn and winter, Kalanchoe should be watered half as much as in the warm season. Never leave water on the tray (it is even advisable that it be completely dry). Should be watered according to necessity: Wait until the soil is completely dry and you can safely add water.

Humidity: Cannot be kept in rooms with high level humidity.

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