Project for a senior group on ecology. Environmental project in the senior group “Be a friend of nature! Didactic game “What time of year?”

Project work. Topic: “We and the trees”

Vera Petrovna Tukhvatullina, teacher at the Yulduz kindergarten, Chistopol district. Republic of Tatarstan.
Description of material: I present to you my project for older children, about the importance of trees in our lives.

Age: senior group (5-6 years old).
Project location: Republic of Tatarstan, Chistopol district, Municipal budget preschool educational institution"Yulduz kindergarten"
Project type: informational, practice-oriented.
Participants: educators, children of the older group (age 5-6 years), parents of pupils.
Duration: average duration.
Target: formation ecological culture, which should be understood as the totality ecological consciousness, environmental activities and feelings.
Teach children to recognize and distinguish trees in their immediate environment by external signs;
To form an understanding of the basic needs of a tree for light, water and air in the process of growth and development;
To clarify the understanding of the relationship between living and inanimate nature, human places in them;
Deepen knowledge about the importance of trees in the lives of all living beings, including humans;
Involve children and parents in a variety of activities in nature;
To promote a sense of empathy for the troubles of nature, a desire to fight for its preservation;
Continue reading poems, songs, riddles and stories about nature;
To cultivate a love for nature through direct communication with it, the ability to perceive its beauty and diversity;
To promote the formation of skills of environmentally literate moral behavior.
Currently, one of the first most important issues is the problem of strengthening the environmental awareness of every inhabitant of our planet. Direct contact with nature has been lost; people take everything from it, giving nothing in return. The barbaric attitude of both adults and children towards all living things leads to environmental disaster. Modern content educational – educational work with kids preschool age involves the humanization of everything pedagogical process. Today, environmental literacy, careful and loving relationship to nature have become the key to human survival on our planet. V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “The world surrounding a child is, first of all, the world of nature with an endless wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in nature, is the eternal source of children’s intelligence.” Very important with early years develop in children the ability to contemplate nature, enjoy it, peer and listen. Solving various cognitive - practical problems Together with adults and peers, children acquire the ability to doubt and think practically. Experienced at the same time positive emotions- surprise, joy from success, pride from the approval of adults - generate confidence in the child’s abilities and encourage a new search for knowledge. Collective experiences bring children closer to each other and to adults. We must not forget that it is necessary to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the desire and ability to see, hear nature, and receive emotional pleasure from its beauty and uniqueness from the very beginning. early childhood. Preschools they are meant to play in this vital role, ensuring full physical, mental and spiritual development, becoming at the same time educational centers for parents.
The essence of my project is to prevent indifferent attitude children to green spaces. Deepen their knowledge of the importance of trees in people's lives. Any communication with nature should contribute to broadening one’s horizons, the development of spiritual and moral personality traits, and the formation of a sense of responsibility for the fate of nature - a prerequisite for ensuring the environmental safety of not only our hometown, but also the whole country as a whole.
Children’s ideas about the relationship between living nature and humans will be formed if a system of work on environmental education using observations, didactic plots - role playing games, classes in fine art, practical interaction with environment. Only the active participation of each of us in protecting the environment, the need to plant at least one tree, will contribute to the fact that there will be no place in the soul for indifference and cruelty. The world will be saved.
Expected Result:
Increasing the level of environmental literacy of children;
Formation of a conscious need to communicate with nature;
Creation of an ecologically developing environment on the site kindergarten;
Creation of an artistic and aesthetic environment;
Expanding children's knowledge about trees and shrubs, their significance in nature and human life;
Formation of the ability to see the variety of shades of colors in nature, to display one’s impressions in creative activity;
To promote more active participation of parents in the life of the kindergarten.
Interaction between project participants.
Stages of work on the project.
- Activities of teachers;
- Children's activities;
- Activities of parents.
Preparatory stage.
Select materials, equipment, fiction, illustrations. They think through the course of conversations, organization and conduct of games, observations, excursions, and classes. Diagnostic examination. They get acquainted with literature, participate in games and observations. Consider poems and riddles. Help teachers select required material, replenish the development environment.
Statement of the problem (immersion in the problem). They form a problem: “Do you know that if you don’t protect and take care of all living things, then there will be fewer trees, the air will be polluted, it will be more difficult to breathe, our health will not be good. To prevent this from happening, let’s plant trees, watch them grow, and try to become defenders of our nature.” They enter into the problem and accept the tasks. They enter into the problem and accept the tasks.
Practical activities.
Conduct working together with children, including observing the life of trees, conducting research (roots, branches, buds, leaves, flowering, seeds, soil, light). They combine activities with drawing, appliqué, origami, and games. Participate in labor activity: planting seedlings, creating conditions for their growth. They develop basic tourism skills and reinforce the rules of behavior in nature during excursions. Play in various games, learn poems, riddles, sculpt, draw, design. They participate in excursions, conversations, planting tree seedlings, caring for them, collecting seeds and leaves for making a herbarium. They continue to replenish the developmental environment, participate in collecting seeds and leaves of trees, making a herbarium, and help children determine the sequence of work.
The final stage. Analyze and summarize the results of the work. Strengthen children's knowledge. A diagnostic examination is carried out. Develop recommendations for educators. New directions are planned project activities at the preschool educational institution. Making crafts for the exhibition from natural material. Make up a herbarium of leaves. Take part in the preparation of new projects.
Game activity:
1. Didactic game"Compare"
Target: each child talks about his tree and compares it with another
The teacher encourages children to complete the sentences they have started using comparative phrases.
For example:
The leaves of viburnum in the fall are like... (Gold, sunshine)
Viburnum berries are shiny, like... (Beads, precious stones)
Kalina is as good as... ( Beautiful girl, beauty, princess)
Educator. Well done. Let's admire the beautiful viburnum. What do we call viburnum affectionately, tenderly? (Kalinka)
Kalina has long been considered a symbol of our native land. Its red clusters decorate loaves that are served to dear guests; craftswomen embroider viburnum on festive tablecloths.

Benefits of post-Soviet land use change due to soil carbon sequestration

New article in global change biology.

Our Global Biology of Change recently published a paper from our working group, focusing on the impacts of post-Soviet cropland cultivation on carbon sequestration Western Siberia. The paper is based on a unique field data set with over 470 sampling points across three test areas and stratified by land use type that was collected during the course. Our results provide clear empirical evidence that abandoned cropland in Russia currently contributes polluting atmospheric carbon.

2. Didactic game “I recognize a tree”
Target: learn to find a tree by description.
The adult asks the children to name the trees he is asking about.
Which tree has white bark and is one of the first to turn yellow? (Birch)
Which tree's leaves resemble a crow's foot? (Maple)
Which tree is compared to a Cossack, a hero? (Oak)
From which tree do bees collect honey in summer? (From the linden tree)
What tree has needles instead of leaves? (Fur tree, pine tree)

Consultations for parents

The research was carried out in close collaboration with colleagues from the University applied sciences in Osnabrück and Tyumen state university in Western Siberia. Pattern: rich in humus chernozem soils in the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia they store more than 20 kg of organic carbon per m².

Spotlight on "Genetics and Restoration" in the Journal of Applied Ecology

The current issue of Applied Ecology launched "Genetics and Restoration," including a related blog post by Ryan Sadler of the University of Toronto. All five backlit papers involving two labs involving our lab can now be read online.

3. Didactic game “Green World”
Pupils give answers to the adult’s questions.
Which plant has a trunk? (By the tree)
What plants grow low? (Herbaceous plants, grass)
What do the leaves of trees and bushes grow on? (On branches)
What about grass and flowers? (On the stem or just next to it)
What plants do birds build their nests on? (In trees, sometimes in bushes)
What part of the plant do bees and butterflies love most? (Flower)
Which part of the plant drinks moisture from the ground? (Root)
What do we call plants that have healing properties? (Medicinal plants)

Special issue on grazing in European open landscapes

Genetic differentiation and regional adaptation among seed sources used for grassland restoration: lessons from a multispecies transplant experiment. Successful follow-up.

Topics covered include vitality, biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services, and agroecological development schemes.

4. Didactic game “Where does it grow?”
Target: learn to use knowledge about plants, compare the fruits of a tree with its leaves.
Progress of the game: two branches are laid out on the flannelgraph: on one - the fruits and leaves of one plant (apple tree), on the other - the fruits and leaves different plants. (for example, gooseberry leaves, and pear fruits) The teacher asks the question: “Which fruits will ripen and which will not?” children correct mistakes made in drawing up a drawing.

Winter visit to the Yamal tundra

In the very north of Western Siberia.

Russian and international experts from reindeer husbandry, veterinary medicine and rangeland ecology discussed how such outbreaks can be controlled and mitigated as climate change continues. Yamal is last stronghold reindeer herding worldwide, in which over a thousand indigenous people maintain a nomadic lifestyle, currently supporting approx. 000 deer. During a helicopter excursion to the tundra southern peninsula Yamal conference participants got acquainted with the peculiarities of regional reindeer husbandry and the nomadic way of life of the Nenets.

5. Didactic game “Wonderful bag”
The bag contains: honey, nuts, cheese, millet, apple, carrots, etc. Children get food for the animals, guess who it is for, who eats what. They approach the toys and give them treats.

6. Didactic game “Name the plant”
The teacher asks to name the plants (third from the right or fourth from the left, etc.). Then the game condition changes (“Where is the balsam?”, etc.)
The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that plants have different stems.
- Name the plants with straight stems, with climbing ones, without stems. How should you care for them? How else do plants differ from each other?
-What do violet leaves look like? What do the leaves of balsam, ficus, etc. look like?

Meeting in China on measures to conserve the endangered yellow breast

At that time, we concluded that continued illegal persecution of the species for food was one of the main reasons for the decline. It aimed to bring together representatives from all countries that host tawny cattle during the breeding season and winter, from Russia and China to Myanmar and Thailand. Each country provided updates on current trends and threats to the population. Much attention has been given to prioritizing conservation measures, such as better enforcement of laws against illegal trapping and increasing awareness among consumers wildlife.

7. Didactic game “What’s extra.”
Target: children must identify the extra object (oak, aspen, maple, spruce, chamomile).

Outdoor games on site:
"Find your tree." Target: The game requires the participation of several children. Before you start the game, talk to the children about trees, what they look like different trees how they differ from each other (trunk, leaf shape, color and thickness of the trunk, branches, etc.) Divide the children into several groups, each standing near a specific tree. Draw the children's attention to which tree they are standing by and ask them to name it. Then, at your signal, everyone runs away different sides. When the adult says: “Find your tree!”, the children should gather in groups to the trees where they stood before the start of the game.

Special Issue on Palaearctic Steppes

Exciting joint research and conservation projects involving several range states have also been agreed upon.

A special issue of biodiversity and conservation of the Palearctic steppe is currently being published, including eight publications from our working group - one new summary document and several articles on the results of projects in Russia and Kazakhstan. Biodiversity and Conservation Volume 25, Issue 12 - Special Issue: Palaearctic Steppes: Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation.

“Find the same leaf.” Target: You can play this game alone with your child, or with a group of children. During this game, children not only develop their activity, but also get acquainted with nature. Show your child a maple or birch leaf and examine it carefully. Invite the children to run in different directions, find the same leaves and bring them back. When repeated, the task is given to find the leaves of a different tree each time.

"Assessing climate change in the North Sea region", published as a book

Edited by Jürgen Dengler, Didem Ambarlı, Johannes Kamp, Peter Törek, Karsten Wese. As part of the North Sea Climate Change Assessment, Prof. Norbert Hölzel, together with Professor Lars Kutzbach as lead authors, composed the chapter “ Environmental consequences climate change for terrestrial ecosystems in the North Sea." Recent and future climate changes and their impacts are discussed for North Sea, rivers, lakes and atmosphere, as well as terrestrial ecosystems and socio-economic aspects such as coast guard or fisheries.

"Forest Tags" Target: Children play tag with the following conditions: you cannot salt a player whose back is against a tree; you cannot salt two players if they hold hands and surround a tree; You cannot salt those who can wrap their arms around a tree or hang on it.

"From tree to tree." Target: Children take turns jumping on two or one leg from tree to tree. How many jumps will anyone have to do to reach the goal?

Biodiversity at multiple trophic levels is essential for a multifunctional ecosystem

Not only birds and flowers, but also rather unpopular insects and invisible soil life support a wide range of ecosystem services.

Family events in our work group

Congratulations to the newlyweds! We wish them all the best for their future!

Congratulations and all the best to the parents, Ann and Vanya! We extend our heartiest congratulations to Wiebe and Sebastian on the birth of their son. May 25 - and wish the little family all the best! Copped forests are traditional socio-ecological systems with high value biodiversity.

IN last decades In Central Europe, the biodiversity of open landscapes has declined sharply. Gain Agriculture and abandonment of agricultural land are among the most important reasons this. Changes in forest management are currently emerging as additional reason: transition from light open forests to high, dense stands with cooler microclimates has led to population losses of many open-habitat plants and animals in recent decades.

Observations and research activities.

1. Getting to know the sounds of nature, listening to an audio recording with the sounds of nature, excursions along an ecological trail.
Goal: to teach children to identify sounds in nature, to consolidate the ability to observe, compare, analyze, and draw conclusions about natural objects.
2. Tree research.
Goal: to learn to identify a tree by color, shape, structure, bark, seeds, fruits.

Management of short cutting cycle scaffolds such as copied scaffolds has now ceased in most countries Central Europe. Initial results indicate that this area has great importance for long-distance migrants, a group of birds that has greatly declined. Forests also appear to be the last strongholds of a number of butterflies and butterflies in West Germany.

Internet citizen databases - how useful are they for monitoring demographic trends?

Monitoring animal and plant population trends has important to identify declining species, which can then be prioritized for conservation action. Standardized, country-specific monitoring schemes are expensive and require large quantities qualified volunteers to participate. However, with the advent of mobile technologies, everything more people report occasional sightings of birds and other taxa online. The enormous potential of these repositories for research and conservation has been repeatedly recognized, e.g. to explain shifts in phenology associated with climate change or changes in the routes of migratory animals.

Artistic and productive activity.

“Forest sculptors”, “Tree by tree”, “Portrait of a tree’s family”, “Tree’s neighbors”, “Autumn birch tree” - drawing, applique: “Decorative panel from autumn leaves", panel "Tree of Life", modeling: "Rowan Brush".

Reading fiction:
1. “Green Country” by E. Serov.
Goal: to instill love for green brothers and sisters.
2. “The Wisdom of the Tree” by A. Lopatin.
Goal: to cultivate respect and love for trees, that much can be learned from them.
3. “The Life of a Tree” by A. Lopatin.
Goal: to foster respect for trees.
4. “Lipkin’s Gifts” by A. Lopatin.
Goal: explain to children that trees have healing properties.

Two successful doctors at once!

If the mass of records from "scientist scientists" is also useful for understanding whether populations are growing or declining, however, it is unclear.

On the same day as Elisa Fleischer, they defended their abstracts with the titles “Year-Round Pasture Management – ​​Opportunities and Limitations” and “Impact of Land Use Change on Western Siberian Agroecosystems.”

University newspaper reports on urban environmental research

Pressing issues facing society today, such as combating habitat loss, climate change, conserving endangered species, managing exploited resources, or delaying the spread of infectious diseases, have their roots in ecological and evolutionary forces.

Organized activities:

Conversation “What do we know about trees and birch in particular?”
Target: Find out what children know about trees in general and birch in particular. Deepen interest in birch, lead to the idea that birch wants to be friends with people.
1. How are trees different from other plants?
2. What trees do you know?
3. Are trees alive? Why do you think so?
4. Are there many trees growing near the kindergarten? What are their names?
5. Are there many trees growing near your house? What are their names?
6. Who plants trees? For what?
7. What is the name of a forest in which only birches grow?
8. Where are trees better - in the forest or in the city?
9. How can you determine the age of a birch?
10. Have trees ever helped you? What about you? Give examples.
11. Let's imagine that the trees have disappeared. What will happen on Earth? Why might trees disappear?

Teacher's story “How was birch used in ancient times?”
Target: bring children to understand that trees have great value In human life. Introduce how birch was used in ancient times.
Our ancestors used birch beams to illuminate their houses. The sick were treated with birch sap. The wheels of the cart were lubricated with tar, which was made from birch. Wooden toys, wooden sculptures, spoons were made from birch; tueskas were made from birch bark (they carried water and kvass), baskets for berries and mushrooms. They wrote on birch bark. Nowadays, birch is used in construction, furniture, plywood, skis are made from it, yellow and green paint is made from birch leaves, and medicines are made from the buds.

Conversation “The relationship of wood with living and inanimate nature.”
Target: Deepen your understanding of the relationships between living and inanimate nature and the factors that influence the life of birch.
- Can a tree live without light? (Light, like an artist, colors the leaves green.)
- Does birch grow in an open or shaded place?
- Can a tree live without heat? (The amount of heat determines the beginning of the appearance of leaves on the trees.)
- What happens to trees in winter? (In winter, trees do not grow - they go into sleep. And the trees are protected from the cold by cork fabric, which does not allow either water or air to pass out.)
- What else can trees not live without? (Without water, they drink water like people. The tree receives water from rain, from melt water, and drinks it from the ground - the soil.)
- Trees, like us, need to breathe. They breathe through small holes on the leaves, so small that they are invisible.)
- Trees need fresh air: They die from dirty things. At the same time, the trees themselves purify the air, making it suitable for humans and other living beings.
- Does a tree need birds? (Birds eat various insects that can harm the tree.)
- The wind carries birch seeds.
- Earthworms participate in the formation of soil, “pass” lumps of earth and dry leaves through themselves, loosen the soil, making it suitable for the development of plants.
- Why do trees get sick? (This means that harmful insects have settled on the bark. This can be seen if you look at reverse side bark - passages made by pests.)
- How can you determine the age of a birch? (By bark: the older the tree, the harder and thicker the bark, so older trees can withstand frost more easily.

Conversation “The beauty of nature is priceless.”
Target: let children understand that no amount of money can buy beautiful tree. It needs to be planted and a lot of effort must be made so that it does not die, but takes root and grows. Foster love and respect for nature.
Complex lesson in senior group“I love Russian birch.” (see application)
Experiences: “Observing changes in poplar and lilac branches in a vase of water”, “How trees save us from the heat.”
Compiling a herbarium of trees on the site.

Consultation on the topic “Nature as a teacher.”(see application)
Participation of parents in the “Plant a Tree” campaign.
Making joint crafts with children:
Decorating a corner of nature with beautiful plants.
Making origami – “Christmas tree”.
Mosaic – “Tree”.
Proverbs, sayings about trees.
Guessing riddles.
Making up riddles for children.
Reading poems, stories, fairy tales about trees:
T. A. Shorygina “Trees. What are they? ", A. Prokofiev "Birch", N. Nekrasov " Green noise", I. Tokmakova "Oak", A. Tvardovsky "Forest in Autumn", I. Sokolov - Mikitov "Falling Leaves".
Memorization: I. Bunin “Falling Leaves”.
Drawing: “Lilac is blooming”, “Tree branch in a vase”, “Autumn landscape”.
Modeling "Leaf".
Application “Autumn carpet”.
Listening: P.I. Tchaikovsky - the cycle of works “The Seasons”, memorizing songs about trees.
Tour of the kindergarten site.
Examination of seeds of various trees.
Ecological observations.
Target– to form an idea of ​​animals and plants as living organisms, to show the relationships that exist in nature. It is important to consider the observed object from all points of view. Thus, by observing plants one can distinguish interesting information about their names, classification (tree, shrub), appearance, purpose, conditions of their growth; trees as habitat and food for birds; methods of seed dispersal, reproduction; the importance in human life of how a person helps plants; rules of behavior in nature. Environmental knowledge are the basis of environmental awareness through introducing children to practical activities.
Ecological excursions.
Target– find answers to the questions posed, accumulate information, learn to observe, “read” the book of nature.
The content of excursions can be an examination of the surrounding area to form ideas about the surrounding natural conditions, ecological situation, availability of plants. During excursions you can collect natural material for collections. The results are presented in the form of albums, drawings, and collections.
Lessons in thinking.
Will make it easier to answer a variety of questions, for example: “Why do leaves change color? ", "Why does the Christmas tree have green needles? ", "What do trees eat? " A prerequisite must be a combination cognitive activity from the practical, forming the interest of children. Walks are combined with a fascinating story, with minor inclusion works of art. This develops a sense of nature in children.
Compiling collections of natural material and herbariums helps to attract children's attention to the world around them. It should not harm nature. Collecting can start conversations about natural resources edges, about their use, can form the basis of exhibitions and museums organized by children.
Lessons in kindness.
Target– Develop interest in nature, form positive attitude towards her, the desire to protect her and take care of her, to cultivate sensitivity and a sense of empathy. The topics of kindness lessons can be varied. Conducted both individually and in groups of children.
Discussion and playing out situations.
This form of work helps to consolidate in the mind the norms and rules of behavior in nature. The topics of such conversations can also be varied.
Forms of work with parents.
While working on the environmental project “Trees Around Us”:
children's interest in nature has increased;
knowledge about trees and shrubs was consolidated and refined;
there was a desire to learn more about trees;
a friendly attitude towards all living things has been formed;
mental and speech activity increased;
children learned to draw their own conclusions;
formed aesthetic taste;
they used knowledge and impressions in practice and from activities;
parents took an active part in landscaping the kindergarten site and planting young seedlings;
in organizing an exhibition of crafts made from natural materials;
Questionnaire: Based on this project, it is possible to develop other environmental projects, such as: “From seed to tree”, “Inhabitants of gardens and forests”.

Consultation “Nature as a teacher.”
Upbringing correct attitude children to nature, the ability to carefully handle animal creatures can be fully implemented in preschool period only if the system of work in kindergarten is combined with the impact on the child in the family.
Kindergarten teachers great attention They focus on instilling skills in caring for plants, animals, and birds.
Wonderful teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Man has always been and remains a son of nature, and what unites him with nature should be used to introduce him to the wealth of spiritual culture. The world surrounding a child is, first of all, the world of nature with an endless wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in nature, is the source of children's intelligence. All children are naturally inquisitive. Their range of interests is very wide. Among the questions they ask us adults, there are some that are caused by various phenomena, objects of nature. To better understand all the living things that surround us, parents need to be more often in the field, in the meadow, in the forest, by the river, in the park, be able to see the beauty in everything and notice everything interesting. How the first leaves bloom, why the spruce tree is very green in winter, while others have fallen leaves. It depends on us adults whether a child will be inquisitive and how his speech develops. How bigger baby saw and understood, the brighter and more imaginative his speech, the more willingly he communicates with his peers, and the easier it is to come into contact with adults. The ability to express your thoughts helps you do better at school. He will actually be convinced that not a single phenomenon arises without a cause, on its own, and nothing disappears without a trace. In the process of systematic, targeted observations, the child learns to think and answer the questions “Why?”
And even though such work is complex and laborious, but as a result, the foundations of curiosity, inquisitiveness, the ability to think logically, make inferences, and conclusions are laid in the child’s mind from early childhood.
Children love to go to the forest with adults, don’t forget to say hello to him: “Hello forest, dense forest, full of fairy tales and miracles!”, and leaving to say goodbye to him:
The sun hides in the fog
The dense forest, goodbye!
You protected us from the heat
Gave me health and fresh strength
And he treated me to a treat.
We must always remind children that only those who walk slowly and step silently see and hear a lot, then they will see a lot, like leaves rustling, dew on the grass, a baby squirrel feasting on sweet strawberries, and birds feeding their chicks, and here is a hedgehog with hedgehogs. Play the game “Forest Smells” with your children. First, invite the children to smell what strawberries, moss, mint leaves, chamomile, etc. smell like. First, take 2-3 plants, and then more; the children will smell, and then find out with closed
What kind of plant does it smell like? Remember riddles, little poems about plants, signs.
They swept the anthill - watch the life of the ants, how friendly they are, they piled up in a heap on the caterpillar, dragging it to their house - they are clearing the forest of pests. Treat them with sugar or candy and watch how they love sweets.
You can go to the forest different time years and admire it, notice problems and fix them. Remove dry branches on the path, tie up a broken branch, plant a tree.
Those parents who treat nature and their child during a walk do the right thing. “Look how beautiful it is!”, “How white, fluffy the snow is today!”, “What do you think the cloud looks like!” etc.
After playing with the snow, children return home joyfully. It's warm and cozy here.
Often on Sundays pies are baked at home, and the bread store smells of bread. Give the children an impetus to think by saying the proverb: “A lot of snow, a lot of bread,” “The snow blew, the bread blew.” Show the children a grain field at different times of the year, explain why they say: “Bread is the head of everything”; This means that it must be protected. Tell me how many people work so that this fragrant loaf of bread comes to our table. Everyone, even the most Small child must save bread.
And whoever has animals at home, do not forget to feed them. First, dear fathers and mothers, join you, and then it will become a habit and your child will do everything himself.
The ability to see and understand another living being, the subtle movement of a child’s soul, depends on interest in a plant or animal - on the degree of development of observation, moral feelings. This is where responsibility for all life on the planet begins. When we, adults, say (don’t tear, don’t trample, don’t break, don’t touch, etc.) it is necessary to explain why “Don’t tear.” To expand and consolidate knowledge about ecology, it is necessary to look at pictures, observe the flora and fauna, and read fiction.
We must always remember to all adults and children that the Earth is our common home, a person living in this house must be kind, take care that all living things are well.

"Our planet Earth,
Very generous and rich
Mountains, forests and fields
Home is our dear friends!
Let's save the planet together.
There is no other like it in the world.
Let's raise clouds and smoke above it.
We won’t let anyone offend her.

We will take care of birds, insects, animals.
This will only make us kinder.
Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens, flowers,
You and I need such a planet.”

Complex lesson in the senior group “I love the Russian birch tree”
Target: continue to develop children's interest in native nature; generalize knowledge about birch; expand children’s ideas about the image of the birch in poetry, music, works visual arts; cultivate a love for Russian birch.
Material for the lesson:
Illustration depicting a birch tree.
A tape recorder with an audio recording of the song “There was a birch tree in the field” (Russian folk song), “Seasons” by P.I. Tchaikovsky.
Reproductions of paintings by I. Levitan “Spring. Big water», « Golden autumn", K. Juno "March Sun". I. Grabar “February Azure”, I. Shishkin “Forest Wilderness”.

Progress of the lesson
Alenka is standing with a green scarf,
Slim figure, white sundress. (Birch)
The teacher suggests looking at an illustration depicting a birch tree.
- How can we recognize a birch tree at any time of the year? (Only the birch tree has a white trunk.)
- What do people call a birch tree? (Russian, white-trunked, curly, elegant, golden, beloved.)
- What kind of leaves does a birch tree have? (Green, emerald, sticky, gold.)
- Of all the trees in the Russian forest, our birch is the cutest. The light birch groves are nice and clean. White trunks are covered with thin birch bark. There is a special day in Russian nature when young leaves begin to bloom on birch trees. You will enter the forest and gasp with joy: the forest edges are covered with a green, delicate haze. What a beauty! What bliss!
- With whom in Rus' was the beautiful birch compared? (With a girl who has a thin, flexible waist, with a bride.)
- In June, the holiday of the “Russian Birch” was celebrated in Rus'. In the morning, a bright, colorful crowd headed towards the birch grove. The girls chose one of the birch trees and decorated it, tied colored rags and ribbons to the branches, hung gingerbread cookies and sweets. Round dances were performed around, people danced, and games were played.
- Many poems and songs have been written about the white-trunked beauty.
Listening to Russian folk song“There was a birch tree in the field.”
- Now let's read poems about birch.
Reading poems: A. Prokofiev “I love the Russian birch tree”, S. Yesenin “White birch tree”.
- Many talented landscape artists captured the birch tree in their paintings. It is beautiful in its own way at different times of the year!
I invite children to look at reproductions of paintings and talk about them.
- In the paintings of artists, birch trees are straight, slender, and white-trunked.
- Our beautiful birch tree can predict the weather. Listen to the signs:
If a lot of sap flows from a birch tree in spring, it means a rainy summer.
If in the fall the birch leaves begin to turn yellow from the top, spring will be early.
The birch will open its leaves in front of the alder - the summer will be dry, the alder in front of the birch will be wet.
The collective appliqué “Birch” is performed to Russian folk melodies.

Used Books:
1. A. S. Gerasimova, O. S. Zhukova “ Great encyclopedia preschooler", Moscow "OLMA Media Group" 2007
2. S. N. Nikolaeva “Young ecologist”. Environmental education program in kindergarten, Moscow “Mosaic – Synthesis” 2010
3. A. Dietrich, G. Yurmin, R. Koshurnikova “Pochemuchka”, Moscow “Pedagogy - Press” 2006
4. A. I. Ivanova “Ecological observations and experiments in kindergarten”, Moscow Sphere shopping center 2009
5. T. S. Komarova " Visual activities in kindergarten", Education 1973
6. M. N. Sigimova “Knowledge of the plant world”, Childhood press 2010
7. T. A. Shorygina “Trees. What are they? ", Moscow 2006
8. O. A. Solomennikova “Ecological education in kindergarten” Program and guidelines for classes with children 2-7 years old, Moscow “Mosaic – Synthesis” 2010

Creative project " Ecological trail»

The project is designed for older and older children preparatory group

During its implementation, children will learn to communicate with the nature of their immediate environment, spend more time on fresh air, for the benefit of your health.
During creative and research activities, children will gain knowledge and skills in conveying their impressions in drawings and crafts.

Motto:“We protect, protect and preserve nature.”

Project type: creative - research
Duration: medium term
Participants: children of the senior, preparatory group, teachers, parents.
Objective of the project: formation of an environmentally literate attitude of children towards nature,
to form a sustainable interest in nature, to consolidate children’s knowledge about living and non-living nature,
creating a plan for an “Ecological Trail”, cultivating a love for trees, for the inhabitants of forests and meadows.
creating conditions for children's health in the fresh air.

Project products

: competition of crafts made from natural materials “Forest Glade”,
drawing competition “Nature Conservation”,
creation of a plan diagram “Ecological trail”
consultations for teachers,
consultations for parents.

Project stages

Setting goals and objectives;
Preliminary work with children and parents;
Collecting information about plants growing along the “Ecological Path”;
Collection of natural materials and equipment;
Selection methodological material on environmental education;
Selection of didactic games to develop interest in nature.
Formation of a competent attitude of children towards nature;
Detailed examination of the ecological path and identification of the most interesting objects;
Drawing up a map diagram of the path with the route and all its objects;
Choosing the owner of the path together with the children - fairy tale character;
Drawing up a passport of all points of the path;
Drawing up recommendations for working with children at each point;
Observation and assistance to objects of the ecological path;
Cycle practical classes to study the objects of the ecological path;
Cleaning corners of nature from debris, helping trees, birds, insects;
Collecting material for a competition on environmental education;
Manual labor with an ecological bias “Forest Glade”;
Competition of works made from natural materials;
Drawing competition "Nature Conservation";
Experimental research activities - the relationship between man and surrounding nature;
Compilation of the herbarium “Leaves of our trees”;
Ecological conversation “Towards nature with kindness” D/V 4-2010;
Consolidation of acquired knowledge.
Formulation of conclusions by children.
Conducting drawing competitions and a robot made from natural material.
Creation of an “Ecological Path”.
Drawing up a passport of all points of the “Ecological Path”.
Recommendations for working at these points.
Expected results:
Using walks to connect children with the nature of their immediate environment and improve children’s health in the fresh air;
Safe conditions have been created for the child to communicate with nature, both for the child and for nature itself;
Children have developed feelings of closeness to nature and empathy for all living things;
Developed the ability to convey their impressions of communication with nature in drawings, crafts and other creative works.
Conduct observations on the path at different times of the year, games, excursions, research and other activities.

Objects of the “Ecological Path”

Objects for observation.
Flowers: lilies, asters, daisies, bells, pansies.
Purpose: study and observation of plants in the summer.

Artistic word: riddles, poems, songs;
Working with children - preparing flower beds for planting flowers.
Planting new plants, watering, loosening, weeding.
Observing flowers: biological features, comparison different colors By appearance, methods of care, methods of reproduction, communication with insects;
Sensory development while walking in the flower beds;
Conversations about the role of humans in the life of plants (care, help, admiring beauty, etc.)
Conducting research on the relationship of colors with the environment;
Learn to see the beauty and uniqueness of each flower;
To form a feeling of closeness to nature and empathy for all living things, desire
help and care.
Objects to observe:
Plants: nettle, dandelion, plantain, calendula, chamomile, burdock, fireweed (fireweed)
Purpose: study and observation useful plants in spring and summer.
Recommendations for organizing work with children:
Walk and observe the appearance of plants in spring, their growth and flowering;
Examination of inflorescences, flowers, leaves;
Comparison of different plants during spring and summer months;
Examination and collection of plant seeds;
Conversations with children about the healing properties of each plant;
Sensory development of children;
Games with children: “We are plants”, “How am I useful”, “Guess by the description”;
Exhibition of drawings “Green Pharmacy”

Object "BUSHES"
Objects for observation:
Bushes: jasmine, rose hips, wolfberry, eleutherococcus.
Purpose: study and observation different types bushes, at different times of the year.
Recommendations for organizing work with children:
Literary word: stories;
Excursions and observations of bushes at different times of the year;
Study external features- leaf, trunk, flowers, etc.;
Observing the bushes, finding differences and similar signs among themselves;
Finding differences between trees and bushes;
Connection with the animal world;
Benefit for humans and care for humans.
Exhibition of crafts made from natural materials “Bushes”

Object "TREES"
Objects for observation:
Trees: birch, aspen, maple, poplar, oak, willow, linden.
Goal: Observation of trees at different times of the year, ability to use a magnifying glass
research activities.
Recommendations for organizing work with children:
Literary word: riddles, poems, stories, songs.;
Examination and observation of trees at different times of the year;
Comparison of trees with each other;
Human care for trees;
Benefits to humans from trees;
Using material objects (magnifying glass) to examine wood;
Conducting research activities - measuring the thickness of a tree trunk, measuring the height of a tree (adult), examining leaves in the light, examining acorns (in cross-section);
Collection of natural materials for crafts (acorns, leaves, twigs, linden seeds,);
Sensory development during walks and observations;
Connection with the animal world;
Exhibition of applications “Such different trees”

Object for observation:
The object for observation was the ravine through which the path passes.
Purpose: monitoring natural object, ability to make logical reasoning.
Recommendations for organizing work with children:
Natural depression in the ground;
Examination of the slopes of the ravine;
Examination of the flora that covered the slopes of the ravine;
Using material objects (magnifying glass) for observations;
Logical reasoning - “Why did it appear?”, “Is it possible to make a ravine ourselves?”
Outdoor game: “Jump over” (if the width of the ravine allows).

Object "Forest Glade"
Object for observation:
A small clearing inside a forest.
Goal: observation and study of the world of insects, birds, plants. Nurturing love for
nature and caring for it.
Recommendations for organizing work with children:
Comparison of a clearing and a flower bed;
Connection with animals, insects and birds;
Comparison of grass and moss;
Using a magnifying glass for research activities;
Examining the ants and the paths along which they run;
Compiling a list of plants growing in the clearing;
Compiling a list of insects seen;
Games with children: “Hide and Seek”, Find by description” “Flies, crawls, grows”;
Nurturing love for natural world, taking care of him;
Exhibition of drawings “Forest Clearing”.

Object for observation:
A stream through which a path passes.
Goal: observation of a natural object, ability to conduct research
activities, compliance with safety rules around water.
Recommendations for organizing work with children:
Literary word: riddles, poems, stories;
Looking at a stream with close range(under adult supervision);
Observation of the inhabitants of the stream;
Listening to the babbling brook;
Experimental research activities (What kind of stone is in the water?, What is lighter, a twig or a pebble?);
Logical reasoning - “What could it be?”
Developing rules of behavior around water;
Benefit for humans and care for humans;
Connection with animals flora;
Sensory development;
Games with children: “Who will throw the furthest”, “Who will notice more”;
Exhibition teamwork made of plasticine - “Our stream”

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