Sample characteristics of a teacher for awarding a certificate of honor. Characteristics of a teacher for awarding a diploma. With. Gorkaya Balka, Sovetsky district"

Characteristic- performance

geography teachers

Municipal educational institution "Malynskaya main" comprehensive school No. 36"

Shchekinsky district Tula region

Epifanovskaya Ella Sergeevna

Epifanovskaya Ella Sergeevna graduated from Arkhangelsk in 1963 pedagogical institute majoring in “Teacher of Biology and Geography”. Works at the Malyn school from 1992 to the present. Total teaching experience is 45 years, experience in this school is 15 years.

M-nitsa Barra, Chemistry, Science Sanjeev Bedi, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Engineering Dan Davison, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Engineering David MacKinnon, Pure Mathematics, Mathematics. The main criterion for the Outstanding Teacher Award is record-breaking teaching in Waterloo over a period of long period, usually at least five years.

S. Gorkaya Balka, Sovetsky district"

Evidence of mental strength and communication skills in interpreting and presenting subject matter data demonstrating the impact of educational exposure outside the classroom on the quality of the teacher's person and concern for and satisfaction of the needs of students, a clear indication that the candidate has a beneficial and lasting impact on students, and, where appropriate, about colleagues. Evidence of successful innovations in teaching or publications or presentations on teaching and learning may encourage nominations, but it is also clear that improvement in teaching is not necessarily required.

Ella Sergeevna has I qualification category (13th category). Periodically improves his skills, last time- in 2009 in the IPK and PPRO of the Tula region.

Over many years pedagogical activity became experienced creative teacher. Fluent in basic skills educational component basic school. Possessing analytical thinking, the teacher empirically selects techniques and means that give effective results in teaching children of different levels.

Write a detailed nomination letter

A teacher can only receive this award once. Below is a list of items that are often included in successful nomination letters. They are presented here as suggestions if these types of resources are available to you. You are also free to submit other materials that are not included in this list.

Teaching candidate approaches, special strengths, teaching innovation and influencing student learning and development with evidence of the candidate's success in promotion better training students. Examples of excellent or innovative teaching materials such as handouts course, descriptions of projects and assignments that describe the innovation. Awards and honors for teaching, for example from student societies or professional bodies. Letters from colleagues who have direct knowledge of the candidate's abilities and achievements. Evidence of significant contribution to development curriculum. Evidence of success former students, which can be traced back to the candidate's influence. Evidence of working with colleagues to promote better learning. . Want to learn how to write a strong appointment letter?

The activities of students and the quality of assimilation of educational material are under the constant control of the teacher. Children are active in lessons, almost everyone is constantly involved in work, since Ella Sergeevna’s lessons are good psychological climate and all students feel comfortable and open. Her lessons are highly motivating educational process, material density, performance, independence. Trying to keep the entire class at the peak of activity, the teacher takes into account the child’s individuality, his natural abilities and capabilities, age and psychological characteristics, respects the world of his interests, relies on personal experience It teaches students to think, reason, evaluate themselves and others, and respect other people’s opinions.

Please note that 10 or more nominal letters are required

The first nomination must include at least ten separate letters of nomination to be considered admissions committee. Of these, at least five must be from current or former students. Undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, faculty, or colleagues may apply for the Distinguished Teaching Awards. It is extremely important to collect evidence from. Self-nominations will not be accepted.

When is the deadline for nominations?

However, it is extremely important that data is collected from as many sources as possible. more various sources, and the first nomination must include at least ten individual candidate letters to be reviewed by the selection committee.

Can teachers nominate themselves?

Senate guidelines state that the award is open to all those teaching undergraduates at the University of Waterloo and its federated and affiliated colleges. This includes laboratory instructors and clinical staff, as well as professors and lecturers at all ranks, both part-time and full-time.

Thus, each lesson is a complete, holistic work, where conditions are created for the child’s self-expression, where he can be self-sufficient, where he learns to evaluate his work.

Ella Sergeevna is in constant creative and professional search. Working in traditional system, the teacher uses elements of various pedagogical technologies: problem-based learning, differentiated, personality-oriented, proactive. The teacher knows the forms and methods of active learning, which allows you to get more good results when mastering knowledge, skillfully uses group and individual work with students when organizing cognitive activity. Therefore, over the past 10 years, students have been willing to take geography as their elective exam and pass this subject successfully. The master teacher sets as his task the development of students' ability to think creatively, out of the ordinary, for which a geography room has been designed, which is periodically replenished with methodological, reference, and entertaining literature, including on the Tula region.

Do the instructors with the most nominations win?

The quality of nominations is more important than the quantity. Endorsing letters from a number of people are more indicative of the nominee's favorable and lasting influence than a single letter with hundreds of signatures attached. Senate guidelines state that the award is open to all those teaching students at the University of Waterloo and its affiliated and federated institutions.

Each year the Selection Committee reviews many nominations and a number of excellent candidates must be passed on simply because awards are limited to four per year. Accordingly, members of the university community are strongly encouraged to disqualify candidates who have not received the award in previous years and who continue to demonstrate excellence in teaching. In the current year, only one nomination letter from a student is required to make the file cumulative past support acceptable, and new and additional evidence is always welcome.

Ella Sergeevna actively works in school MOs and RMOs, shows excellent open lessons and extracurricular activities, shares his work experience and his findings.

The teacher maintains close contact with the parents of his students, organizes general and individual pedagogical consultations.

Ella Sergeevna is a demanding teacher, a sympathetic and friendly person, she tries to create a friendly environment around herself, and enjoys well-deserved authority among colleagues, students and their parents.

Repeat applications by the same person for the same instructor are not recommended unless there is significant new evidence. For getting additional information For each of these award programs, visit the External Faculty Awards page.

Who is on the admissions committee?

The committee, appointed by the Senate, consists of three undergraduates, two graduate students, one Alumni Association representative, four faculty members, and a vice-chair. Membership is generally for two years, with half of the members changing each year.

The school staff meeting recommends Ella Sergeevna Epifanovskaya to awarding a Certificate of Honor from the Department of Education of the Tula Region .


School director: G.V. Grigorieva

To the Chairman

education committee


about awarding the Certificate of Honor

Department of Education of the Tula region

How are award recipients selected?

Over the next month, committee members review all nomination files for that year that contain 10 or more nominee letters.

Are candidate files published?

These records are kept in the strictest confidence by the Center for Teaching Excellence. Members of the Selection Committee are permitted to read files for that nomination year after deans from their respective departments have reviewed the files.

The Distinguished Teacher Award was created by the Senate of the University of Waterloo in recognition of the critical importance of excellence in teaching at all levels of the University. The award is open to all those teaching undergraduates at the University of Waterloo and its federated and affiliated colleges. Recipients must be selected from a pool of applicants by a faculty and student selection committee. The university plans to recognize three outstanding teachers each year.

1. Surname Epifanovskaya

2. Name Patronymic name Ella Sergeevna

3. Position, place of work Geography teacher MOU "Malynskaya basic secondary school No. 36" Shchekinsky district, Tula region

5. Education higher education, Arkhangelsk State Pedagogical Institute named after M.V. Lomonosov in 1963, teacher of biology and geography

At 9 o'clock, yesterday morning, more than one hundred female students of the City Normal School, many of their friends, and many gentlemen and ladies who feel interested, are the cause of education, assembled in the Twelfth Street schoolhouse to witness an interesting ceremony presentation of diplomas to eleven female teachers of the class who were awarded certificates by the Normal School Examination Board highest degree scholarships. Among those present were Messrs. Neilson, Roosevelt, Hustle, Miller, Small and Farr of the Board of Education, Inspectors Gerard, Moore, Hecker, Perkins and others.

6. Kaki mi state awards Russian Federation and awards of the region awarded and dates of awards:

7. Home address Tula region

8. Total length of service (service) 45 years

9. Experience in the industry45 years

10. Work experience in this team15 years

During his period a large number of students have made such excellent progress to qualify for certificates themselves high level, in which case these certificates had to be distributed. Diplomas that will be awarded this case, should be presented to young women who have undergone a thorough examination, and have been found competent to teach in the advanced classes of grammar schools. Eleven would receive first-class certificates, and two teachers would be eligible for indigent honors.

11. Description of achievements and merits for which encouragement is given:long-term contribution to teaching activities (active participation in the work of school and district educational organizations; preparation of students and successful passing of an elective exam over the past 10 years; large social work in a neighborhood, school; extracurricular educational activities); for conscientious work in the training and education of the younger generation; to commemorate the 70th anniversary.

However, time will correct this deficiency. When they canceled the old one regular school on Grand Street, he told them they were cut off right hand from school system; but when through Mr. Young ladies attend school to learn, and not what is in books, but which can only be learned by those who are experienced and experienced teachers- the art of teaching. Young women here should not resort to the old routine books, but should keep up with the events of the day and instruct them in this, as no book can be fresh enough to keep up with the times.

School director: G.V. Grigorieva

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 8

With. Gorkaya Balka, Sovetsky district"

Stavropol region

They could not find out in any book, for example, political status Italy. No book has yet recorded the construction of the huge canal that cuts off Africa and makes it an island. Brave sons of battle, listen to the decree. You live, but long enough, you will become generals.

Ignoring the danger, go forward. Beloved by the beautiful, whom the enemy feared. Show, but your colors all own their influence. You need to conquer everyone so that they obey. Speaking of the eleven young ladies who were the happy recipients of diplomas, the speaker said that, like crocodiles or quotation marks of some kind, who were the firstborn of spring, they were the first fruits of a normal school - they were the bypass of the institution.

Turgeneva st., 11, Gorkaya Balka village, 357904

Tel : 8-86552)4-24-73

Email [email protected]

INN 2619007189 Checkpoint 261901001

OKPO - 51973477 OGRN 1022601009683


№ _________________

Head of the Education Department of the Soviet Administration municipal district Stavropol Territory

Pakhmutova T. P.

Last name, first name, patronymic: Zalukaeva Galina Mikhailovna

The classes closed with singing from about a hundred teachers. The circular tells us that Normal school, in which Mr. All are eligible for admission who are employed as teachers of any grade in schools run by the Board of Education or who have obtained Class A Teacher Certificates or Leaving Certificates from any of women's gymnasiums. Classes are organized so as to provide opportunity for training in all branches of study prescribed for several degrees of certificates granted by the city superintendent.

Date of birth: 01/12/1974

Position: biology teacher

Full name of the institution: Municipal educational institution“Secondary school No. 8, village. Gorkaya Balka

Sovetsky District" Stavropol Territory

Location of the institution: 357904, Stavropol Territory,

Sovetsky district, village Gorkaya Balka, u. Turgeneva, 11

Training is given mainly through lectures and oral explanations and all efforts are made to make it effective in achieving the purpose designed. Classes are also organized specifically for teaching principles and methods of teaching with a view to disseminating knowledge of the proper modes of presentation, analysis and explanation needed to be taught to several departments in the primary and grammar schools. The Higher Normal Class is on Saturday, from 9 a.m., and receives instruction in the Higher Departments of the Supplementary Course, especially with reference to the proper mode of illustration and teaching.

Education: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Humanities University named after M. A. Sholokhov", 2013

Total work experience: 20 years

Work experience in this institution: 14 years

Zalukaeva Galina Mikhailovna works at the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 8, village. Gorkaya Balka" since 2003. During her work, she showed herself to be a competent, creative teacher with deep theoretical knowledge the taught subject, a rich arsenal of forms and methods of teaching students. She strives for constant creative search. Having a perfect command of new educational and information technology, strives to make the learning process more technologically advanced and of better quality.

Other branches of an advanced nature and especially useful to teachers will be introduced during the present term, and exercises will be carried out from time to time for the purpose of improving the methods of teaching of the several branches prescribed for grammar schools. The first two kings followed seriously public Schools According to the degree of their seriousness, famous German scientists are nothing more tolerant of the children of the noble king, compared to other students.

He directed the writer Nicolae Iorga for having great admiration for 1. It would be possible Latin, mathematics, physical and natural French, a "dissertation" German oral and "formerly temporary" philosophy and history. Running exam 2 is shown in detail. The teacher left Full description exam including the current atmosphere and reactions 3. The most interesting was the last day, June 29, before 9 o'clock in the morning, all the teachers gathered in the living room on the first floor of Peles Castle. Then Ferdinand came, accompanied by the whole family.

Galina Mikhailovna has a high level of subject and methodological training: she knows goal-setting and forecasting techniques pedagogical results, knows how to select educational material on the subject when organizing research and project activities students.

The teacher owns a diagnostic tool for research and self-assessment of pedagogical and professional activities. In her work, she uses tests, sections, testing, practical, independent work, tests, individual interviews, and differentiated tasks. She uses health-saving technologies in all lessons.

Galina Mikhailovna skillfully combines teaching and education in the classroom. She loves children, knows their psychology, age characteristics. The teacher conducts most lessons using multimedia teaching aids, video and audio equipment. She develops her own presentations for lessons and uses ready-made software products.

Galina Mikhailovna pays a lot of attention to self-education: she studies the work experience of innovative teachers, makes presentations at teacher councils, conferences, and parent-teacher meetings, studies and implements new pedagogical technologies, and periodically improves her qualifications in courses.

According to the results of external examinations, Galina Mikhailovna’s students show good results training. Analysis VPR results in biology in 2017 indicates that 100 % 11th grade students who participated in testing the VPR coped with test work in biology and everything showed good and excellent results. At the 2017 Unified State Exam, the maximum score scored by graduates of Galina Mikhailovna Zalukaeva was 68 points.

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