I came to greet you. I came to you with greetings fet

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Prisoner of the Caucasus (story)

One gentleman served as an officer in the Caucasus. His name was Zhilin.
One day he received a letter from home. His old mother writes to him: “I have become old, and I want to see my beloved son before I die. Come say goodbye to me, bury me, and then with God, go back to the service. And I have found a bride for you: she is smart, and good, and has property. If you fall in love, maybe you’ll get married and stay completely.”
Zhilin thought about it: “Indeed, the old woman has become really bad; maybe you won’t have to see it. go; and if the bride is good, you can get married.”
He went to the colonel, straightened out his leave, said goodbye to his comrades, gave his soldiers four buckets of vodka as a farewell, and got ready to leave.
There was a war in the Caucasus at that time. There was no passage on the roads either day or night. As soon as any of the Russians leave or move away from the fortress, the Tatars will either kill them or take them to the mountains. And it was customary that escorted soldiers walked from fortress to fortress twice a week. Soldiers walk in front and behind, and people ride in the middle.
It was summer. At dawn the convoys gathered for the fortress, the accompanying soldiers came out and set off along the road. Zhilin was riding on horseback, and the cart with his things was in the wagon train.
It was twenty-five miles to go. The convoy walked quietly; Then the soldiers will stop, then someone’s wheel will come off in the wagon train, or a horse will stop, and everyone will stand there, waiting.
The sun had already set for half a day, and the convoy had only covered half the road. Dust, heat, the sun is so hot, but there is nowhere to hide. Bare steppe, not a tree or bush along the road.
Zhilin rode forward, stopped and waited for the convoy to arrive. He hears a horn playing behind him, and stands again. Zhilin thought: “Shouldn’t I leave alone, without soldiers? The horse under me is good, even if I attack the Tatars, I will gallop away. Or not to go?..”
He stopped and thought. And another officer, Kostylin, with a gun, rides up to him on a horse and says:
- Let's go, Zhilin, alone. There’s no urine, I’m hungry, and it’s hot. At least squeeze my shirt out. - And Kostylin is an overweight, fat man, all red, and the sweat just pours from him.
Zhilin thought and said:
- Is the gun loaded?
- Charged.
- Well, then let's go. The only agreement is not to leave.
And they drove forward along the road. They drive along the steppe, talk and look around. You can see far all around.
As soon as the steppe ended, the road went between two mountains into a gorge, Zhilin said:
“We need to go out onto the mountain and have a look, otherwise they’ll probably jump out from behind the mountain and you won’t see it.”
And Kostylin says:
- What to watch? Let's go forward.
Zhilin did not listen to him.
“No,” he says, “you wait below, and I’ll just take a look.”
And he turned his horse to the left, up the mountain. The horse near Zhilin was a hunting horse (he paid a hundred rubles for it in the herd as a foal and rode it out himself); how she carried him up the steep slope on wings. As soon as he jumped out, lo and behold, in front of him, on a tithe of space, there were about thirty Tatars standing on horseback.
He saw it and began to turn back; and the Tatars saw him, rushed towards him, and at a gallop they grabbed their guns from their cases. Zhilin set off at full speed and shouted to Kostylin:
- Take out the gun! - and he thinks to his horse: “Mother, take it out, don’t catch your foot, you’ll stumble - you’re lost.” If I get to the gun, I won’t give in to them.”
And Kostylin, instead of waiting, as soon as he saw the Tatars, he rolled as fast as he could towards the fortress. The horse is fried with a whip, first from one side, then from the other. Only in the dust can you see the horse wagging its tail.
Zhilin sees that things are bad. The gun is gone, you can’t do anything with one checker. He let the horse go back to the soldiers - he thought about leaving. He sees six people rolling across him.
Under him the horse is kind, and under those they are even kinder, and they even gallop across. He began to turn around, wanted to turn back, but the horse was already running wild, he couldn’t hold it, he was flying straight at them.
He sees a Tatar on a gray horse approaching him with a red beard. Squeals, teeth bared, gun at the ready.
“Well,” Zhilin thinks, “I know you devils, if they take you alive, put you in a pit, and flog you with a whip. I won’t give in alive.”
And Zhilin, although small in stature, was brave. He grabbed his saber, launched his horse straight at the Red Tatar, and thought: “I’ll either knock him down with the horse or cut him down with the saber.”
Zhilin couldn’t get enough space to get onto the horse, they shot at him from behind with guns and hit the horse. The horse hit the ground with all its might and fell on Zilina’s leg.
He wanted to get up, but two stinking Tatars were sitting on him, twisting his arms back. He rushed, threw off the Tatars, and three people jumped off their horses and started beating him on the head with rifle butts. His vision grew dim and he staggered. The Tatars grabbed him, removed the spare girths from the saddles, twisted his arms behind his back, tied him with a Tatar knot, and dragged him to the saddle. They knocked off his hat, pulled off his boots, ransacked everything, took out his money, his watch, and tore up his dress.
Zhilin looked back at his horse. She, my dear, fell on her side and lies there, only kicking her legs, not reaching the ground; there is a hole in my head, and black blood is whistling from the hole - the dust has moistened an arshin all around.
One Tatar approached the horse and began to remove the saddle. She keeps fighting,” he took out a dagger and cut her throat. It whistled from the throat, fluttered - and the steam was gone.
The Tatars took off the saddle and harness. The Tatar with a red beard sat on the horse, and the others lifted Zhilin into the saddle; and so as not to fall, they pulled him with a belt to the Tatar and took him to the mountains.
Zhilin sits behind the Tatar, sways, rubs his face into the stinking Tatar back. All he sees in front of him is a hefty Tatar back, a sinewy neck, and the shaved back of his head turning blue under his hat. Zhilin’s head is broken, blood is caked above his eyes. And he can neither recover on horseback nor wipe off the blood. My arms are twisted so tightly that my collarbone ache.
They drove for a long time from mountain to mountain, forded a river, drove out onto the road and drove through a ravine.
Zhilin wanted to notice the road where he was being taken, but his eyes were smeared with blood, but he couldn’t turn around.
It began to get dark. We crossed another river, began to climb a stone mountain, there was a smell of smoke, and dogs began to bark.
We arrived at the village. The Tatars got off their horses, the Tatar boys gathered, surrounded Zhilin, squealed, rejoiced, and began to shoot stones at him.
The Tatar drove the guys away, took Zhilin off his horse and called to the worker. A Nogai man came with high cheekbones, wearing only a shirt. The shirt is torn, the whole chest is bare. The Tatar ordered something to him.
The worker brought the block: two oak logs for iron rings mounted, and in one ring there is a punch and a lock.
They untied Zhilin’s hands, put him in a shoe and led him to the barn; They pushed him there and locked the door. Zhilin fell on the manure. He lay down, felt in the dark, where it was softer, and lay down.

Zhilin did not sleep almost all that night. The nights were short. He sees that the crack has begun to glow. Zhilin got up, dug out a larger crack, and began to look.
He can see the road from the crack - it goes downhill, to the right is a Tatar hut, two trees next to it. A black dog lies on the threshold, a goat with kids walks around, their tails twitching. He sees a young Tatar woman coming from under the mountain, wearing a colored shirt, a belt, pants and boots, her head covered with a caftan, and on her head a large tin jug of water. He walks, his back trembles, he bends over, and the Tatar girl leads the shaven man in only a shirt by the hand. The Tatar woman went into the hut with water, the Tatar from yesterday came out with a red beard, wearing a silk beshmet, a silver dagger on his belt, and shoes on his bare feet. On the head is a tall, black, lamb’s hat, folded back. He came out, stretched, and stroked his red beard. He stood there, said something to the worker, and went somewhere.
Then two guys rode on horseback to a watering hole. Horses snore wetly. More boys ran out, shaven, wearing only shirts, without trousers, gathered in a group, went up to the barn, took a twig and stuck it in the crack. Zhilin howled at them: the guys screamed and started running away, only their bare knees shining.
But Zhilin is thirsty, his throat is dry; thinks: “If only they would come and visit.” He hears the barn being unlocked. A red Tatar came, and with him another, smaller, blackish one. The eyes are black, light, ruddy, the beard is small, trimmed; The face is cheerful, everything is laughing. The blackish one is dressed even better: a blue silk beshmet, trimmed with braid. The dagger on the belt is large, silver; The shoes are red, morocco, also trimmed with silver. And on thin shoes there are other, thick shoes. The hat is tall, white lambskin.
The Red Tatar entered, said something, as if he was swearing, and stood, leaned his elbows on the ceiling, moving his dagger, like a wolf looking sideways at Zhilin. And the blackish one - fast, lively, so he walks all on springs - walked straight up to Zhilin, squatted down, bared his teeth, patted him on the shoulder, began to babble something often, often in his own way, winks with his eyes, clicks his tongue, keeps saying everything. :
- Good Urus! Nice Urus!
Zhilin did not understand anything and said:
- Give me some water to drink!
Black laughs.
“Korosh Urus,” he babbles in his own way.
Zhilin indicated with his lips and hands that they give him a drink.

One gentleman served as an officer in the Caucasus. His name was Zhilin.

One day he received a letter from home. His old mother writes to him: “I have become old, and I want to see my beloved son before I die. Come say goodbye to me, bury me, and then with God, go back to the service. And I have found a bride for you: she is smart, and good, and has property. If you fall in love, maybe you’ll get married and stay completely.”

Zhilin thought about it: “And indeed: the old woman has become really bad; maybe you won't have to see it. go; and if the bride is good, you can get married.”

He went to the colonel, straightened out his leave, said goodbye to his comrades, gave his soldiers four buckets of vodka as a farewell, and got ready to leave.

There was a war in the Caucasus at that time. There was no passage on the roads either day or night. As soon as any of the Russians leave or move away from the fortress, the Tatars will either kill them or take them to the mountains. And it was customary that escorted soldiers walked from fortress to fortress twice a week. Soldiers walk in front and behind, and people ride in the middle.

It was summer. At dawn the convoys gathered for the fortress, the accompanying soldiers came out and set off along the road. Zhilin was riding on horseback, and the cart with his things was in the wagon train.

It was 25 miles to go. The convoy walked quietly; Then the soldiers will stop, then someone’s wheel will come off in the wagon train, or a horse will stop, and everyone will stand there, waiting.

The sun had already set for half a day, and the convoy had only covered half the road. Dust, heat, the sun is so hot, but there is nowhere to hide. Bare steppe, not a tree or bush along the road.

Zhilin rode forward, stopped and waited for the convoy to arrive. He hears a horn playing behind him, and stands again. Zhilin thought: “Shouldn’t I leave alone, without soldiers? The horse under me is good, even if I attack the Tatars, I will gallop away. Or not to go?..”

He stopped and thought. And another officer, Kostylin, with a gun, rides up to him on a horse and says:

Let's go, Zhilin, alone. There’s no urine, I’m hungry, and it’s hot. At least squeeze my shirt out. - And Kostylin is a heavy, fat man, all red, and the sweat just pours from him. Zhilin thought and said:

Is the gun loaded?


Well, let's go then. The only agreement is not to leave.

And they drove forward along the road. They drive along the steppe, talk and look around. You can see far all around.

As soon as the steppe ended, the road went between two mountains into a gorge, Zhilin said:

You need to go up the mountain and have a look, otherwise they’ll probably jump out from behind the mountain and you won’t see it.

And Kostylin says:

What to watch? let's go ahead.

Zhilin did not listen to him.

No,” he says, “you wait below, and I’ll just take a look.”

And he turned his horse to the left, up the mountain. The horse near Zhilin was a hunting horse (he paid a hundred rubles for it in the herd as a foal and rode it out himself); how she carried him up the steep slope on wings. As soon as he jumped out, lo and behold, in front of him, on a tithe of space, there were about thirty Tatars standing on horseback. He saw it and began to turn back; and the Tatars saw him, rushed towards him, and at a gallop they grabbed their guns from their cases. Zhilin set off at full speed and shouted to Kostylin:

Take out your gun! - and he thinks to his horse: “Mother, take it out, don’t catch your foot, you’ll stumble and you’re lost.” If I get to the gun, I won’t give in to them.”

And Kostylin, instead of waiting, as soon as he saw the Tatars, he ran as fast as he could towards the fortress. The horse is fried with a whip, first from one side, then from the other. Only in the dust can you see the horse wagging its tail.

Zhilin sees that things are bad. The gun is gone, you can’t do anything with one checker. He let the horse go back to the soldiers - he thought about leaving. He sees six people rolling across him. Under him the horse is kind, and under those they are even kinder, and they even gallop across. He began to turn around, wanted to turn back, but the horse was already running wild, he couldn’t hold it, he was flying straight at them. He sees a Tatar on a gray horse approaching him with a red beard. Squeals, teeth bared, gun at the ready.

“Well,” Zhilin thinks, “I know you devils, if they take you alive, put you in a pit, and flog you with a whip. I won’t give in alive.”

And Zhilin, although small in stature, was brave. He grabbed his saber, launched his horse straight at the Red Tatar, and thought: “I’ll either knock him down with the horse or cut him down with the saber.”

Zhilin couldn’t get enough space to get onto his horse, they shot at him from behind with guns and hit the horse. The horse hit the ground with all its might and fell on Zilina’s leg.

He wanted to get up, but two stinking Tatars were sitting on him, twisting his arms back. He rushed, threw off the Tatars, and three people jumped off their horses and started beating him on the head with rifle butts. His vision grew dim and he staggered. The Tatars grabbed him, removed the spare girths from the saddles, twisted his arms behind his back, tied him with a Tatar knot, and dragged him to the saddle. They knocked off his hat, pulled off his boots, ransacked everything, took out his money, his watch, and tore up his dress.

Zhilin looked back at his horse. She, my dear, fell on her side and lies there, only kicking her legs - she doesn’t reach the ground; there is a hole in my head, and black blood is whistling from the hole - the dust has moistened an arshin all around.

One Tatar approached the horse and began to remove the saddle. She keeps beating,” he took out a dagger and cut her throat. It whistled from the throat, fluttered, and the steam was gone.

The Tatars took off the saddle and harness. The Tatar with a red beard sat on the horse, and the others lifted Zhilin into the saddle; and so as not to fall, they pulled him with a belt to the Tatar and took him to the mountains.

Zhilin sits behind the Tatar, sways, rubs his face into the stinking Tatar back. All he sees in front of him is a hefty Tatar back, a sinewy neck, and the shaved back of his head turning blue under his hat. Zhilin’s head is broken, blood is caked above his eyes. And he can neither recover on horseback nor wipe off the blood. My arms are twisted so tightly that my collarbone ache.

They drove for a long time from mountain to mountain, forded a river, drove out onto the road and drove through a ravine.

Zhilin wanted to notice the road where he was being taken, but his eyes were smeared with blood, but he couldn’t turn around.

It began to get dark. We crossed another river, began to climb a stone mountain, there was a smell of smoke, and dogs began to bark.

We arrived at the village. The Tatars got off their horses, the Tatar boys gathered, surrounded Zhilin, squealed, rejoiced, and began to shoot stones at him.

The Tatar drove the guys away, took Zhilin off his horse and called to the worker. A Nogai with high cheekbones came, wearing only a shirt. The shirt is torn, the whole chest is bare. The Tatar ordered something to him. The worker brought a block: two oak blocks were mounted on iron rings, and in one ring there was a punch and a lock.

They untied Zhilin’s hands, put him in a shoe and led him into the barn: they pushed him there and locked the door. Zhilin fell on the manure. He lay down, felt in the dark, where it was softer, and lay down.

The work of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet, who is known to every reader as one of the representatives of Russian classical poetry, unique. In this article, every interested reader will be able to find an analysis of Fet’s poem “I came to you with greetings,” which became one of the many masterpieces that came from the pen of the Russian classic of the “golden age” of literature.

A little about the poem

The poem was written in 1843. The poet dedicated this work to his beloved, Maria Lazic. Despite the fact that the poet did not intend to marry the girl, she was an ideal of morality for him. When his beloved died, Afanasy was worried severe shock. It was under the influence of his feelings that the poet wrote this work.

Before you begin to analyze “I came to you with greetings,” you need to understand what the author writes about in his poem.

Anyone who is at least a little familiar with the work of the Russian classic knows that Afanasy Fet is a real lyricist who is able to express his feelings, connecting them with natural phenomena. The lightness that is present in all the poet’s works makes you feel all the emotions with which Fet’s soul was full. This romanticism with which he describes his native land, finding beauty in everything, became one of the first steps towards the emergence of such a direction of literature as pure poetry.

After reading the work of Afanasy Afanasyevich, it is important to highlight three main topics that the poet touches on. These components of the poem were: love, nature and beauty.

Despite the fact that many poets, whom we today call “classics of the golden age of literature,” usually marked a clear line between these problems, in Fet all these three topics are closely intertwined. We come to this conclusion by analyzing the verse “I came to you with greetings.” In the poem, the poet depicts the picture in such a way that it is impossible to imagine love without beauty, nature without love or beauty without nature. In order to perceive the poem in accordance with the author’s intention, you need to understand this amazing feature of Fet’s entire work.

Features of the poem

The main feature of the work, which can be observed during the analysis of “I came to you with greetings,” was the usual description of nature in those colors that are actually present in reality. The reason for this was the fact that Afanasy Afanasyevich himself adhered to such a direction as pure poetry in his work. That is why the first two stanzas talk about the awakening of nature, and the next two about the feelings of the lyrical hero.

Expressive means used by the poet

Speaking about colors found in reality, we mean a description of nature, its state in different times year. When analyzing “I came to you with greetings,” you can notice that the author uses such literary means of expression, as epithets, metaphors, personifications. At the same time, the image of nature itself is not distorted - the image becomes light, airy, perhaps brighter: the sun fluttered across the leaves with “hot light”, the forest is full of “spring thirst”, and it woke up “with every branch”.

In addition, when analyzing the verse “I came to you with greetings,” it is important to note how closely the poet connects the feeling of love with natural phenomena, which creates a special beauty, both in the image of nature itself and in the romantic mood of the lyrical hero himself: “From everywhere to I'm filled with joy."

Direction and genre of the poem

Despite the fact that the work “I came to you with greetings” is often classified according to its semantic direction as love lyrics, it is impossible to say about this definitely. It has already been said above that the poem includes elements of other directions. Undoubtedly, the work belongs to lyric poetry, but due to the semantic versatility, one should not assume that the poet writes exclusively about love.

Reading the lines of the poem, you can see how the author perceives nature. Afanasy perceives all phenomena that occur independently of human will as something great. That is, we can conclude that for the poet nature itself is a separate living being that has its own desires, needs, character and special manner of behavior.

Reading the lines of the work, it is important to notice how much attention Afanasy pays to the smallest details. Thanks to this image environment, the picture immediately takes on a different look. So increased attention to all the details that, at first glance, play absolutely no role, it became not only distinctive feature this masterpiece of Russian classical poetry, but also an amazing feature of the entire work of Afanasy Fet.

General conclusion about the poem

Having produced full analysis“I came to you with greetings” by Fet, we can draw a general conclusion. The goal of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet’s creativity was not just to describe the most beautiful natural landscape, but a praise of all Russian nature, which is particularly diverse. Therefore it is possible to describe native culture so that every reader penetrates this love for native land, to all its beauties.

Afanasy Fet makes it clear to every reader that the most main beauty lies precisely in nature, in incredible landscapes, and only then in man himself. This can be understood by the way the author puts in first place the fact that man is only a small component of nature, its part, its child.

Afanasy Fet’s poem “I came to you with greetings” is immortal lines that are equally understandable to readers of any age. A brief analysis“I came to you with greetings,” according to plan, helps to penetrate even deeper into the lyrical world created by the poet, to learn the subtle details and history of the creation of this work. Its use in a literature lesson in 5th grade will allow you to better reveal the topic.

Brief Analysis

History of creation– written “I came to you with greetings” in 1843 and almost immediately published in the journal “Otechestvennye zapiski”.

Theme of the poem– love and nature: Fet turns to his beloved with a story about his feelings and a wonderful morning.

Composition– two-part: the poet devotes the first two stanzas to a description of nature, the second two are devoted to the theme of love.

Genre- lyric poem.

Poetic size- tetrameter trochee.

Epithetshot light", spring thirst".

Metaphors“the forest is full of spring thirst”, “the soul is ready to serve”, “merriment blows”, “the song is ripening”.

Personifications“the sun rose”, “the sun fluttered”, “the forest woke up”.

Comparison“with the same passion as yesterday”.

History of creation

Afanasy Fet was a bright romantic of Russian literature. He had a keen sense of nature, but could also convey the yearning of love. The poem “I came to you with greetings,” written in 1843, is a clear confirmation of this.

To whom the twenty-three-year-old poet dedicated his reverent lines is still unknown. However, this does not matter, since the most important thing is how he managed to convey the feeling that he feels for his beloved. Twenty-three years is the age when a person already loves consciously, but at the same time his love is not overshadowed by social prejudices and conventions. And although he carefully hid the name of his lady of his heart, the fact that he is addressing a real woman is undeniable.

The work turned out to be beautiful and sincere, so it is not surprising that it appeared in the magazine “Otechestvennye zapiski” in the same year in which it was created.


This verse has two parts. In the first, Afanasy Afanasyevich paints a picture of nature, which joyfully greets the morning. And since he describes this picture for the one with whom he is obviously dearly in love, his admiration for the beauty of the surrounding world is painted in the most tender and sensual shades. The sun, as the personification of life, sends a hot light that flutters through the leaves, awakening the forest. And since the time of year described in the poem “I came to you with greetings” is spring (which Fet directly points out), it is impossible not to associate the awakening of nature with the awakening of feelings.

And it is about him that the poet speaks in the second part, which, like the first, consists of two stanzas. He talks about his love, simply and sincerely, without pathos or pretense. Telling his beloved that his feelings have not changed, lyrical hero This happiness directly connects with creativity – a song is already “ripening” within it.


This is one of the most beautiful examples of the poet's love lyrics. He very naturally conveys all the feelings that his lyrical hero experiences. The young man does not just admire beauty spring nature or experiences delight from meeting his beloved - for him these two feelings completely naturally merge into one.

Afanasy Afanasyevich uses to embody his creative idea tetrameter trochaic, which allows, on the one hand, to convey the mood simply and without embellishment, and on the other hand makes the work similar colloquial speech, as if he was actually talking to the mysterious girl. Cross rhyme reinforces this impression.

Means expressiveness

To convey feelings and express emotional mood, Fet chooses the most intense paths:

  • Epithets– “hot light”, spring thirst.”
  • Metaphors- “the forest is full of spring thirst”, “the soul is ready to serve”, “merriment blows”, “the song is ripening”.
  • Personifications- “the sun rose”, “the sun trembled”, “the forest woke up”.
  • Comparison- “with the same passion as yesterday.”
Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a man who, in his life’s journey, had to admit defeat, experience the bitterness of losing his beloved woman, and create masterpieces of Russian literature.
Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a rather mysterious person, difficult to understand. His life path In no way can one call it flat, ordinary or mediocre, nor can creativity. The secrets that shrouded Fet as a person and a poet go back to the very beginning, which raised a lot of questions among both art critics and ordinary poetry lovers. The most surprising thing is that even before Afanasy Afanasyevich, not all the doors to the past related to the origin of the surname given to him at birth were open.

Fet as a controversial personality in art and life

The life of the Russian lyricist was accompanied by love mysteries, detective twists and turns, which one day he would call the plots of his complex novel. The spirit of adventure was present in the writer’s life before his birth. Afanasy's mother, being pregnant, arranges an escape with her lover and leaves her legal husband, who was the father of her child.

At birth a boy receives noble surname Shenshin, which belongs to the mother's lover. When the young man turns 14, he suffers a fatal blow: the most important thing in life is taken away - his stepfather's surname, as well as the privileges of the nobility.

After such events, Fet is obsessed with the idea of ​​returning his last name, which defines him as a privileged person in society. As a student, he preferred philosophy, so he entered Moscow University.

IN student years the poet meets such writers as Yakov Polonsky and Vladimir Solovyov. After graduating from university, the poet does not forget about the calling to conquer noble title and goes to military service.

Love of my life Maria Lazic Overtaken by the lyricist at the service, despite unbridled passion, the beloved does not receive an offer. Afanasy could not imagine his life with a man who did not have material wealth, and ended his relationship with Maria.

The next fatal blow was the death of his beloved. After this, Afanasy, until the end of his life, was unable to calm the sea of ​​pain and loss that was seething in his heart.

The poet idolized the image of his beloved; she was his muse. When the author recalled her death, bitter tears poisoned his soul. Having studied the poet's poems, you can trace the theme of tragic love.

Fet is one of those creative personalities who made “art for art’s sake.” His life path, where he sought to gain material wealth and married an unattractive but wealthy woman, differed from his creative life.

The lyricist called for evaluating his poems according to the laws of art, and not determining which social value they have. The main motives of Afanasy’s creativity are the celebration of the beauty of nature and pure love. The technique of writing Fet's creations is impressionistic. There is no description of the picture as a whole; the author seems to be recalling excerpts from that moment that struck him.

The poet's lyrics are full of associative elements. When a poet chooses a subject, it is not his direct meaning, and what feelings and emotions it evokes. In his poems, Fet used the technique of sound writing, so when read, the text is melodic and easily fits the notes.

Fet's death occurred after unsuccessful attempt suicide, he remained in the memory of many as a controversial personality, interest in which remains to this day.

Analysis of the poem “I came to you with greetings”

The text contains subjects of poetry: song, love and nature. Fet's concept of beauty lies in these three nouns, irreplaceable and inseparable. Confirmation of this line:

That I don’t know myself that I will
Sing - but only the song is ripening.

Tell me that with the same passion,
Like yesterday, I came again,
That the soul is still the same happiness
And I’m ready to serve you.

Tell that the forest has woken up
All woke up, every branch,
Every bird was startled

The main elements were words and combinations - “song”, “hello”, “happiness”, “sun”, “trembling of leaves”, “light”. The emotional context of each of these elements has something in common and forms the inspiration of the young man - love, fun, joy.

Fet actively uses features that help present the picture:

Epithets – “spring thirst”, “hot light”;

Personifications - “the forest woke up”, “the sun fluttered across the leaves”;

Metaphors - “the song is ripening”, “the soul is ready to serve happiness”;

Alliteration is the repetition of the sounds “s” and “v”.

Such techniques help to imagine spring awakening, hear the rustling of leaves, feel the wind rushing through the forest.

It should be noted that this is a work of four stanzas, to which the author applied psychological parallelism- clear correspondence of stanzas to each other. After reading the first two stanzas, the reader is immersed in spring morning. The subsequent stanzas tell about the hero’s experiences and his state of mind.

The first quatrain is a description of the sun, which awakened everyone around. Fet uses the epithet “hot”, exalting the role of the sun. IN last line“It trembled across the sheets” the author used an associative device, with the help of which the reader can feel all the emotional shades of the text. The second quatrain tells about the moment when the energy of the sun awakened the entire forest. Revival is expressed in the feelings of the lyrical hero, his spring joy.

The third quatrain is filled with rays of the sun, spring joys with which the lyrical hero is charged.

The final quatrain, like the last strokes of the brush, enhances the meaning of the previous stanzas, emphasizes the spiritual joy, the cheerful mood of the hero, and the praise of the song. Fet focuses the reader's attention precisely on last words, that’s why it’s located in them main idea poems.

If nature blossoms and awakens, then the state of the surrounding world is transmitted to the human soul. Fet provided the reader with the image of a lyrical hero who feels part of this world and wants to share with everyone the best emotions, and his heart is full of love.

Features of the poem “I came to you with greetings”

In the lyrics of Athanasius at all times special place took colorful description words in a meaning that is unusual for them, as well as the desire to share with spiritual joy with the reader. In the work, the reader observes how the words “spring”, “ sunlight“,” “happiness forms a melody” - all this personifies the soul of the poet, like the song of a young man who is inspired by a feeling of love and joy. The author was also able to choose words that help enhance the spring atmosphere - “fun blows,” “trembles.”

The poem consists of only one sentence in order to create the effect of the integrity of the reunification of nature and man. To write the poem, the poet chose a two-syllable trochee, which, in conjunction with feminine rhyme, adds song motifs, hence the musicality and tenderness of the work.

The work “I came to you with greetings” is a story of harmony of love, spring and man, which exists in one breath, like a light breeze, a certain moment in which you want to stay forever. This poem- this is a world in which the author is doing well, this is a place where he may not think about the loss of love.

Each line evokes admiration and a desire to comprehend the feeling that the lyrical hero has acquired. Fet gave Russian literature a bright tale about happy man who enjoys every moment.

When did Afanasy Afanasyevich decide to come with greetings?

The poem became for the Russian lyricist poetic manifesto, a monologue of an inspired young man to his beloved. This work of art appeared in 1843, when Afanasy was 23 years old. In his work, he conveyed all the tenderness and romanticism of that age. During this period, the young man’s life is still full of fearlessness. human condemnation, courage of loving actions.

The piece played important role in the works of Fet. The poet created a masterpiece as a hymn about eternal love, which never fades and is always with the hero. The reader first became acquainted with him in a magazine called “Domestic Notes.” The publication was placed on the first page as a title, and this says a lot. Magazines place in such a place only those materials that they appreciate and consider worthy of publication in the most prominent place. This publication once again emphasized the significance of Fet’s contribution to Russian literature.

Fet is a man with two life stories

Fet is a conservative in life, who defined happiness as material wealth. He is a lyricist who sang pure love to nature. The world of poetry for Fet was an abstraction from outside world, problems, social contradictions.

Despite the fact that as a person he could sympathize with few people, but as a poet he managed to conquer anyone human soul with your creation. At the same time, his work was repeatedly criticized, because not everyone likes to read about light and great feeling.

Some wanted to see social, topical topics in their poems; this is exactly what the poet avoided. In his world of poetry, he felt comfort, which he was deprived of in real life. He himself lives in the poems of Afanasy Fet, and the masterpiece “I came to you with greetings” is proof of this.

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