What does Elbrus mean in translation? Elbrus - where is it located, in which country? Mount Elbrus: coordinates, description, height

Elbrus is the highest peak in Russia and Europe, one of the most popular peaks among climbers around the world. During the Great Patriotic War There were desperate battles for Elbrus, and Hitler wanted to name the mountain after himself.

No. 1. Name

Not everyone calls Elbrus Elbrus. In the Karachay-Balkar language it is called “Mingi-tau”, which can be translated as “eternal mountain”. The Kabardian name of the mountain is Oshkhamakho (mountain of happiness), the Adyghe name is Kuskhemakhu (mountain that brings happiness). Elbrus has at least ten names. Its name, which is familiar to us, comes either from the Iranian Aitibares (high mountain), or from the Zend Elburs, which means “brilliant, sparkling,” or from Georgian word Yalbuz, which goes back to the Turkic “yal” - storm, “buz” - ice. The 17th-century Ottoman traveler Evliya Celebi mentioned the name Elbars in his notes, which translates as “mountain of the leopard people.”

No. 2. Elbrus Volcano is a stratovolcano.

During geological studies it was found that last eruption Elbrus was in the 50s AD. On Elbrus, geologists also discovered ash from two eruptions that occurred 45 and 40 thousand years ago. The first is the eruption of Elbrus itself, the second is the eruption of Kazbek. It is believed that it is the second manifestation volcanic activity served as the reason for the exodus of Neanderthals from mountain caves.

No. 3 Glaciers.

Elbrus is covered by 23 glaciers, the area of ​​which is more than 130 square kilometers. Elbrus feeds almost the entire North Caucasus. Its glaciers give life to three large rivers— Kuban, Malku and Baksan.

No. 4. Ascents.

The height of Elbrus was first determined in 1813 by Russian academician Vikenty Vishnevsky. The first ascent to the eastern peak (5621 meters) of Elbrus took place in 1829. It was accomplished by a group led by General Georgy Emmanuel; guide Kilar Khashirov was the first to climb to the top.

The higher western peak (5642 meters) was conquered in 1874 by an English expedition led by Florence Grove. And again, the first to reach the peak was the guide, the Balkar Akhii Sottaev. Russian military topographer Andrei Vasilyevich Pastukhov climbed the western peak in 1890, and six years later - the eastern one. Thus, he became the first person to conquer both peaks.

In addition, he compiled detailed maps both peaks. Today Elbrus is one of the most popular peaks among climbers. According to the mountaineering classification, the mountain is rated as 2A snow-ice, the passage of both peaks is 2B. There are other, more difficult routes, for example, Elbrus (W) along NW rib 3A.

No. 5. "Hitler's Peak"

On August 21, 1942, a group of the best climbers of the 1st Mountain Division, led by Captain Heinz Groth, conquered both peaks of Elbrus. The purpose of the ascent was to plant flags of the Third Reich. Goebbels's propaganda did not miss the opportunity and presented this event as an almost unconditional conquest of the Caucasus.

The German press then wrote: “The German flag is flying at the highest point of Europe, the peak of Elbrus, and soon it will appear on Kazbek.”

As the fact that the Caucasus belongs to Germany, the German authorities intended to name the western peak of Elbrus after the Fuhrer. All participants in the ascent were awarded Iron crosses, as well as special tokens depicting the contours of Elbrus and the inscription “Hitler’s Peak”. But the joy of climbing did not last long, already in the winter of 1942-1943 the Nazis were knocked out from the slopes of Elbrus, on February 13 and 17, 1943, Soviet flags were planted on both peaks.

No. 6. "Shelter of Eleven"

In 1909, the chairman of the Caucasian Mountain Society, Rudolf Leitzinger, stopped with a group of ten schoolchildren at a rest stop at an altitude of 4130 meters. On this site in 1932 a hotel-transit point for climbers was built, which became the highest mountain hotel in Europe.

In 1938, a new three-story building was built on the site of the wooden hotel, which stood for 60 years. During World War II, on September 28, 1942, a battle took place near the “Shelter of Eleven” between the NKVD troops and a German mountain rifle unit. In memory of this, enthusiasts set up a museum on the third floor of the hotel.

On August 16, 1998, the Shelter of Eleven burned down due to careless handling of fire. Today, a new hotel is being built on this site, albeit very slowly, and tourists can stay in a building built in 2001 on the site of a diesel station, as well as in the Liprus shelter, located at an altitude of 3912 meters, or in the acclimatization shelter " Barrels" at an altitude of 3750 meters. A cable car leads to it.

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The meaning of the name Elbrus

Elbrus (new) – “mountain”

Numerology of the name Elbrus

Soul Number: 5.
The name number 5 means freedom and independence. “Fives” rarely listen to outside advice; they are used to relying on their own own experience. They tend to try rather than think. “Fives” love adventure and travel; sitting still is not in their nature! They are gamblers and adventurers, a thirst for risk and excitement accompany everything they do. life path. Native element“fives” - bargaining; in any trading matters, few can compare with “fives”. It is worth remembering that “fives” avoid responsibility at all costs.

Hidden Spirit Number: 6

Body number: 8


Planet: Venus.
Element: Air and water, heat and humidity.
Zodiac: Taurus, Libra.
Color: Green, yellow-blue, pink.
Day: Friday.
Metal: Copper, bronze.
Mineral: Emerald, aquamarine, beryl, peridot, sapphire, carnelian.
Plants: Periwinkle, lemon balm, forget-me-not, lady's slipper, non-predatory orchids, iris, cauliflower.
Animals: Pigeon, bull, cat, rabbit, seal, fallow deer.

The name Elbrus as a phrase

E (YE = E) Esi
L People
L Er (Creeping, Soft, Soft)
B Buki
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
U Uk (Ouk, Decree, Indicate, Order)
With Word

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Elbrus

E - the ability to see the background of events, the underside of people, good command of the language oral speech and in writing. Curiosity, sometimes excessive, nosy. The desire to show that one belongs to a “good society”.
L - subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, desire to share knowledge and sensations with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
b - the ability to classify, divide, put into shelves.
B - spiritual romanticism, constancy, strength, penetration abilities, desire to financially secure one’s life.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
U - active imagination, generous, empathetic person, philanthropist. Strives to rise to the highest level spiritual level. At the same time, a reminder to the owner not to make utopian plans and to remember that not every truth can be announced at every crossroads: in life there is something unpronounceable!
WITH - common sense, the desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own way in life.

Elbrus is a mountain that really knows how to bewitch, both climbers seeking to conquer the next peak, and the most ordinary travelers who annually come to its foot to feel all the power and strength of the stone peak. And of course, no one is disappointed.

This article will tell you not only about which mountains Elbrus is located in, but will also introduce readers to its features, the secret of its name, myths and legends.

Section 1. General description of the geographical object

Elbrus is a mountain rightfully considered the highest point Russian Federation, located in the northern part on the border of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria.

Due to the fact that the exact border between Europe and Asia has not yet been established, the mountain is sometimes equated to the highest European mountain peak and is classified as one of the “Seven Summits”. Perhaps some time will pass and geographers will finally resolve this dispute, but for now it is known for certain that Elbrus is a mountain that is a so-called double-peaked stratovolcano. Its cone-shaped peaks were formed on an ancient volcanic base, and from a geological point of view, both peaks are completely independent volcanoes, each of which has a classic shape and a clearly defined crater.

Caucasus Mountains... Elbrus... These places are actually famous for their ancient history. Few people know that age is determined by the condition of the upper part, which, for example, at the highest peak in Russia is destroyed by a vertical fault. It was also possible to establish the date of the last eruption: it happened around the 50s AD. e.

Section 2. The mystery of the name of the peak

Perhaps, the question of where Mount Elbrus is located, even with a little thought, will be answered by an ordinary average schoolchild, but few know about the etymology of the name.

In general, it should be noted that this peak has several names at once. IN total there are more than a dozen of them.

Today it is quite difficult to determine which of the names appeared earlier and which later. Modern name This mountain, according to one version, comes from the Iranian “Aitibares”, which translated into Russian means “high mountain” or “brilliant” (a variant from the Zend language). In Karachay-Balkar the peak is called “Mingi-tau”, which is translated into Russian as “mountain of thousands”. However, there are Balkars who call it a little differently - “Minge-tau”, which means “mountain saddled”. Modern representatives of this nation also say “Elbrus-tau” - “the mountain around which the wind swirls.”

Among the many names of the stratovolcano, the name “Jinpadishah” is also distinguished, which in translation from Turkic sounds like “lord of spirits”, “Orfi-tub” (Abkhazian) - “mountain of the blessed”, or “Yal-buz” (Georgian) - “snowy mane".

Section 3. What is the height of Mount Elbrus?

Perhaps this question has interested many curious people at least once in their lives. But the answer is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Why? It's all about the features of its structure.

As noted above, Elbrus is a mountain consisting of two cone-shaped peaks. The height of the western is 5642 meters, and the eastern is 5621 meters. The saddle separating them rises above the surface by 5300 meters, and the distance from each other is about 3000 meters.

The size of Elbrus was first determined by Russian academician V.K. Vishnevsky in 1813.

Let us remind you that today the highest peak in the world is considered (Chomolungma), whose height is 8848 meters, in comparison with which our mountain peak looks tiny.

Section 4. Severity of the local climate

Mount Elbrus... Climbing to its peak is often dreamed of by both experienced climbers and beginners. However, this cannot be done at any time. It is considered the most favorable summer period, July-August.

At this time, the weather is most stable and safer for visiting such heights. The air temperature in summer rarely drops below -9 °C, although during the rise it can easily drop to -30 °C.

From October to April there is a harsh and cold winter in these places. During the cold season, visiting the peak is almost impossible, and climbing it is tantamount to suicide.

Section 5. Volcanic activity

Elbrus is amazing and unique. Description of the mountain takes too much time, because each time more and more interesting features are discovered.

In this article we will touch only on the most little-known ones. Geological research this extinct volcano showed the presence of layers containing volcanic ash, which was formed as a result of ancient eruptions. Based on the first layer, scientists have proven that the very first eruption of Elbrus occurred about 45 thousand years ago. The second layer was formed after Kazbek. It happened approximately 40 thousand years ago.

It is now known for certain that it was after this second, most powerful even by modern standards, eruption that the Neanderthals, who settled in local caves, left these lands and went in search of more favorable conditions for life.

The most recent eruption of the Elbrus volcano occurred about 2000 years ago (50s AD).

Section 6. Legends of Elbrus

In general, the Caucasus Mountains, Elbrus in particular, are shrouded in many of the most amazing and mysterious legends and myths.

One of these tales tells that in time immemorial lived father and son - Kazbek and Elbrus. Both of them fell in love with one beautiful girl, whose name was Mashuk. Only the girl couldn’t make a choice between the two glorious heroes. For a long time, father and son competed, not wanting to give in to each other, and a mortal duel ensued between them. They fought until Elbrus defeated his father. But, having realized my terrible act, the son turned gray from grief. He no longer wanted love, gained at the cost of his life. loved one, and Elbrus turned away from the beautiful Mashuk, a little later stabbing himself with the same dagger with which he killed his father.

The beautiful Mashuk cried long and bitterly over the knights and said that there were no such heroes in the whole earth, and that it was hard for her to live in this world without seeing them.

God heard her moaning and turned Kazbek and Elbrus into high mountains, more beautiful and higher than which there are no other mountains in the Caucasus. He turned the beautiful Mashuk into a smaller mountain. And now, from century to century, day after day, the stone girl stands and looks at the mighty peaks, never deciding which of the two heroes is closer and dearer to her stone heart...

Section 7. History of great conquests

In 1829, led by the leader of the scientific expedition, Georgy Emmanuel, the first ascent of Elbrus was made. The members of this expedition were mainly representatives of the scientific community: physicists, botanists, zoologists, geologists, etc. They conquered eastern part Elbrus and went down in history as the discoverers of one of the largest peaks on our planet Earth.

The first to climb Elbrus was Kilar Khachirov, a guide. A few years later, the higher peak of this mountain, the western one, was also conquered. An expedition organized by English climbers, led by Florence Grove, made a trip to western part Elbrus in 1874. The very first person to climb to its peak was also a guide, a Balkarian, Akhii Sottaev, a participant in the first expedition.

Later, a man appeared who managed to conquer both peaks of Elbrus. It was the Russian topographer A.V. Pastukhov. He was able to climb the western peak in 1890, and the eastern one in 1896. The same person compiled detailed maps of Elbrus.

It should be noted that the stratovolcano is still the most popular mountain among climbers from all over the world. To climb to its peak, climbers spend an average of about one week.

But nowadays you can use the cable car, which makes the journey much easier and saves time.

At an altitude of about 3750 m there is the Barrels shelter, from where the ascent to Elbrus now usually begins. This shelter has six-person insulated barrel-shaped trailers and a specially equipped kitchen. At a level of 4100 meters, the highest mountain hotel in the world is located - “Shelter of the Eleven”.

Section 8. Stone mushrooms on Elbrus

Elbrus is a mountain that knows how to captivate travelers with its natural features, for example, unique rock formations called Rock Mushrooms.

Until now, no one knows why these stones were popularly called mushrooms, and such sculptures are no longer seen anywhere in the Caucasus. On a small flat area (250 x 100 m) a couple of dozen of these “mushrooms” are picturesquely scattered. In many of them you can see indentations.

Perhaps our ancestors used them for some religious purposes. Particularly impressive are the stones that resemble a face looking up. Many people believe that this is a place with very strong positive energy, and even the weather here is very abnormal.

Section 9. Museum of Defense of the Elbrus Region

The Defense Museum is the highest mountain museum in the world. It is located at an altitude of 3500 meters from sea level.

The uniqueness of the exhibition also lies in the fact that it is not limited only to the building, but continues in the surrounding area.

This institution has been operating since January 1, 1972. Its development and preservation of the collections are always monitored by a researcher and two employees.

The collection contains more than 270 items. It should be noted that during the Second World War, the highest mountain front was located in the Elbrus region. Fierce battles were fought in these places, which the Nazis tried to capture in order to get to Transcaucasia.

Photo-documentary materials of these events have been stored in this museum for many years. The Elbrus Defense Museum is an organization of regional subordination, in which cultural and mass work is carried out.

Section 10. Interesting facts about the mountain

  • In 1956, in honor of the 400th anniversary of Kabardino-Balkaria, a group of 400 climbers were able to simultaneously climb Mount Elbrus.
  • In 1998, the building of the Shelter of Eleven hotel burned down in a fire. Today, local authorities are building a new one on the site of the old wooden building.
  • In 1991, Outside Magazine named Shelter of Eleven's toilet the worst toilet in the world. This is not surprising, given the fact that thousands of mountain tourists and climbers from all over the world have used this place for certain purposes for years.
  • Elbrus is rightfully considered one of the most dangerous peaks in the world. Accidents are very common when climbing a mountain. In 2004 alone, 48 extreme skiers and climbers died.
  • In 1997, for the first time, a specially equipped and modified Land Rover car was able to climb to the top of Elbrus. The person who drove this car is Russian traveler A. Abramov.
  • Mount Elbrus is one of the “Seven Summits”; in addition to it, the list includes: Aconcagua in South America, Chomolungma in Asia, McKinley in North America, Vinson Massif in Antarctica, Kilimanjaro in Africa, Puncak and Jaya in Oceania and Australia.
  • There are also 22 glaciers on Elbrus, in which three Baksan and Malka originate.
  • Sometimes from the top of Elbrus climbers can immediately see the Black and Caspian Sea. This depends on air pressure and temperature, due to which the viewing radius increases significantly.
  • In 2008, Mount Elbrus was recognized as one of the

Mount Elbrus is the highest peak in Europe and Russia in particular. It is included in the catalog of the seven tallest objects on planet Earth. But this is not the only characteristic of this point in the Caucasus Mountains. It is a stratovolcano or, in other words, a layered volcano, which is formed by multi-layered solidification of lava, ash and tephra.

Such peaks are characterized great height and the steep shape of the slopes. This is due to the properties of lava masses, which have a viscous and thick consistency. And eruptions from stratovolcanoes are explosive in nature, while the lava quickly hardens and does not spread over the terrain long distances.

Height of Mount Elbrus

This volcano has two peaks with different heights. The western one is 5642 m, and the eastern one is slightly lower - 5621 m. The distance between them is 3 km, and if measured along the mountain slope - 5200 meters. On this saddle between the peaks of the volcano, the highest alpine shelter in Europe was built for climbers and lovers of conquering peaks. And there are more than enough people willing to climb to such a height, starting with the first ascent to the eastern peak on July 22, 1829 by Hilar Khachirov. This is a local guide, a resident of Kabardino-Balkaria, who knows these places well. The western peak was conquered a little later, in 1874, by English climbers F. Grove, F. Gardner, H. Walker, P. Knubel and local guide A. Sottaev. After this, thousands of people from all over the world try to climb to the height of Mount Elbrus, coming to the Elbrus region every year.

Controversial issues

Often on the pages of the World Wide Web you can see controversial dialogues about Elbrus, where it is located, in what country. The mountain is located on the border of several territorial units, although most is still located on the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, which occupies the northern slope Caucasus Mountains.

But the mountain itself is located at the junction of Kabardino-Balkaria and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, its image is on the coats of arms of both of these regions. However, very close North Ossetia, and Georgia, and Stavropol region. Therefore, in the Elbrus region there is a whole complex of resorts belonging to different republics of Russia and Georgia.

Also, disputes on the issue of Elbrus (where it is located, in which country) are also being conducted by geographers who cannot agree on a common opinion. Doubts are raised by assumptions that this volcano located in Europe. Some argue that this is already the territory of Asia. The border between the continents runs right through the middle of the Main Caucasus Range.

Mountain name

Depending on the location of Elbrus (where it is located, in what country), the volcano is called differently by local residents. In Iran it is called Aitibares, which means "sparkling or brilliant." This name is very appropriate appearance peaks when the eternal snows reflect bright sun rays.

In Georgia they call the mountain Yalbuz, which translated means: yal - “storm”, buz - “ice”. Apparently, the inhabitants of this country have repeatedly witnessed the raging elements on the slopes of the mountain.

The Armenian name is closely phonetically related to the Georgian version. Sounds like Alberis. Many believe that this name comes from the word Alps.

The name of the mountain, invented by the Alans, sounds very beautiful. These are residents of Karachaevo-Balkaria. "Mingi-Tau" is translated as "eternal mountain of consciousness and wisdom."

The name of the volcano, known throughout the world - Elbrus - also has local origin. Consists of several words. “El” is translated as a settlement or nationality, but “bur” is a word familiar to Russian-speaking people, meaning to twist, turn back. The last part of the word “us” is translated as disposition, behavior.

Based on the meaning of the word Elbrus (where it is located, in what country, we found out), the name was invented, you can understand the nature and properties of this famous volcano, which in sunny weather reflects the sun's rays with a bright shine, in bad weather threatens travelers with a strong storm with freezing rain and snow swirling in the wind. Climbers who want to conquer the peak always remember the dangers of such a hike.

Glaciers of the Caucasus Mountains

Elbrus last time erupted more than two thousand years ago. Since then it has always been at the top low temperature, which even in the summer heat does not rise above 0 degrees. The glaciers that cover the mountain cover 134.5 km, which is 10% of all such formations in the Caucasus Mountains. There are only 23 glaciers on Elbrus.

The largest and most famous are Big and Small Azau, Irik, Kokurtly, which occupy vast areas of valleys and slopes. But there are also very picturesque ice ones hanging from cliffs. These are blocks of glaciers such as Kogutai, Terskol, Garabashi. Especially a lot eternal ice located on the northern slope of Mount Elbrus at an altitude of 3850 meters.

The water formed after the melting and fall of these ice accumulations fills the river flows of the mountain rivers of the Stavropol region, such as the Kuban, Malku and Baksan.

Climate on the mountain

The mountain range always has changeable weather. So in Kabardino-Balkaria Elbrus is different frequent changes good warm weather to bad, with precipitation and winds. This is due to mountainous terrain, which forms the circulation of air masses over the seasons.

Summer in the Elbrus region is cool, with high humidity. More than a week good weather there is no need to observe. The thermometer showed a maximum of + 35 degrees at an altitude of 2 km, even higher, at around 3 km, and even less, a maximum of + 25.

After this mark, winter weather begins in October. There is a lot of precipitation. The height of the snow cover on average reaches 50-80 cm. The higher you go to the top, the deeper the snow. More snow cover located with north side. The south cannot boast of the thickness of snow.

Spring comes to the territory of Elbrus only in early May. The top is covered with snow all year round. Due to them, the mass of ice in glaciers is constantly growing.

Winter lasts a long time, and at an altitude of 3 km the temperature drops to -12 degrees, the lowest temperature recorded at this point was -27 degrees.

Ski resort

The largest ski complex "Elbrus Azau" was built in 1969 on the Azau clearing, which is located at the foot of the majestic mountain. For the convenience of skiers, there are two cable cars: the old pendulum with 20-seat cabins and the new gondola, which takes 8 people on board. Lift tickets can be purchased either one-time or for the whole day. They also sell passes for the entire skiing period (from 2 to 8 days). The cost also varies depending on the season. One ascent costs 550 rubles, descent costs 500. The most expensive 8-day pass will cost 12,700.

Ski slopes

Elbrus has 11 slopes for skiers of all levels: from beginners to professionals. Blue trails are wider and flatter. The red and black ones are for experienced riders, but they also gradually transition into the blue, gentle slopes. A ski pass will cost from 500 to 850 rubles for one day.

Excellent recreation for children. For them there is a separate rope tow of 300 meters. An experienced instructor conducts classes for beginners, and fun competitions and competitions are often organized. There is a ski school where children will be taught all the intricacies of proper and safe descent.

Complex infrastructure

On the territory of the complex there are 38 hotels, cafes, restaurants, baths and saunas, ski equipment rental. There are shops and even a club. You can pay both in cash and by bank cards. Everything is done for the convenience of vacationers.

For mountain climbers there is an interesting complex called “Bochki”. There, climbers can acclimatize, warm up, rest after a hard climb, have a snack and sleep.

It is located at an altitude of 3750 meters, at the final station of the Garabashi chairlift. Each "barrel" is designed to accommodate 6 people. There is everything you need: toiletries, bedding, warm blankets.

How to get there?

The best and closest way to get to the mountain is from Nalchik. There is an airport there, so you can fly in from different places. Further from the city you can get to the Elbrus region by taxi or minibus No. 17. Then you also need to go to Terskol by minibus.

In your car, you need to drive from Rostov-on-Don along the M-4 highway, and before reaching Nalchik, turn onto A-158. The coordinates of Elbrus, the description of which is given in the article, on the navigator are 43°18"56"N, 42°27"42"E.

Come any time of the year. You can go skiing in the middle of summer.

Address: Russia, Caucasus
Height: 5642 m (western peak), 5621 m (eastern peak)
First ascent: July 22, 1829
Coordinates: 43°20"57.4"N 42°26"51.6"E

The stunning Mount Elbrus, beckoning climbers, ski lovers and fans active type rest, is actually a volcano.

Surprisingly, not everyone knows about this: for most, Elbrus is one of seven wonders of Russia(according to the 2008 vote), picturesque slopes along which you can ski down with a breeze, and the virgin, even somewhat “unearthly” beauty of the Elbrus region.

Scientists call Elbrus a stratovolcano, which means that from time to time thick streams of lava erupt from a conical vent, which, due to their viscosity, do not spread over long distances, but solidify not far from the place of their emission. That is why Elbrus “grows” with each eruption and in present moment considered the highest mountain peak in Europe. By the way, the volcano has two peaks: one of them (western) has a height of 5642 meters, and the second (eastern) - 5621 meters. The two peaks are separated by a saddle with a height of 5200 meters and a length of 3 kilometers.

First summit ascent

According to documents that have survived to this day, the first conquest of the eastern peak of Elbrus took place in 1829. The expedition was led by Georgy Arsenievich Emmanuel, who, despite his Hungarian origin, led the Caucasian fortified line. In addition to the numerous scientists included in the expedition Russian Academy Sciences, 1000 military personnel and guides who knew the secret paths and the least dangerous slopes took part in the climb to the top.

Most likely, by assumption modern historians, people visited the peaks and gorges of Elbrus long before 1829. However, according to documentation, it is generally accepted that the first conquest of Elbrus was the ascent of a scientific expedition led by Emmanuel.

Volcano name: history of origin

Alas, it is currently unknown where the name Elbrus came from. Most scientists are inclined to believe that the name of the mountain comes from the Iranian word “Elborz”, which literally translates into Russian as “brilliant or sparkling.” In Iran there is a mountain called Elborz, probably for this reason, many associate the origin of the name itself high point in Europe with the Iranian language. In fairness, it is worth noting that the rest of the scientists, who, although in the minority, argue that the name Elbrus may come from the Armenian or Georgian language. The answer to the question of where the name of the volcano, mesmerizing with its magnificence, came from will most likely never be found: you need to delve too deeply into the history of mankind to solve this problem.

Battle for Elbrus

During the Great Patriotic War, fierce battles were fought for the peaks of Elbrus, in which the famous German division, named after the most beautiful mountain flower, “Edelweiss,” took part.

The division was staffed exclusively by physically hardy people who lived in mountainous areas and were able to hit a target with the first shot. Mature age one of best soldiers The Wehrmacht allowed them to fight in the mountains and survive in deserted areas, where it was almost impossible to get food, endure severe frosts and strong gusts of wind.

As is known from the history of the Second World War, the battle for the Caucasus began on July 25, 1942. Less than a month later, soldiers from the Edelweiss division occupied the Shelter of Eleven and Krugozor bases, and after some time conquered the peaks of Elbrus, on which they hoisted flags with swastikas. It would seem that a feat has been accomplished, but the ascent German soldiers infuriated Hitler. “Crazy, deranged people, stupid climbers! While the Wehrmacht soldiers are waging a fierce struggle for every square kilometer Caucasus, they decided to “play”. These climbers, who climbed Elbrus for the sake of their own pride, must be put on trial!” Hitler shouted in rage. “Why do we need this bare peak that no one needs? They are not aware of what they are doing. Our flags should hang on the buildings of Sukhumi, and not fly where even birds cannot see them,” A. Speer recorded these words of Adolf Hitler in his diary.

Stalin, apparently, thought quite differently. After the last German units were expelled from the Caucasus at the end of winter, soviet soldiers conquered the peaks of Elbrus again. Flags with swastikas were destroyed, and on the western and eastern peaks the banners of the USSR proudly glowed.

The volcano is only dormant

Elbrus, as mentioned above, is a Mecca for climbers, mountaineers and skiers. Tourism brings Kabardino-Balkaria the lion's share of income to the local budget. Therefore, the authorities, according to some scientists, are silent about the danger that awaits not only tourists, but also local residents, whose houses are located near the volcano. “Elbrus could wake up at any moment, the eruption will be very powerful!” say experts, based on a number of studies they have conducted.

Particular concern is expressed by Lev Denisov, who calls on the authorities to reconsider their policies and think about what they are investing huge amounts of money into. “A restless volcano can destroy the entire infrastructure of the area in a few hours and take the lives of thousands of people,” Denisov said in his address. Except possible eruption The so-called “pulsating glaciers” pose a particular danger. It was they who led to the tragedy in the Karmadon Gorge.

Monument to the “Heroes of the Elbrus Defense”

However, neither the authorities of Kabardino-Balkaria nor high-ranking officials from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations want to listen to the scientist’s arguments. Denisov’s opponents say: “Several centuries may pass before the eruption, but we don’t see any cause for concern yet.” Naturally, in in this context The word “may” is scary. After all, this does not exclude the possibility that Elbrus may “wake up” in the very near future. Who will be right, Lev Denisov and his group of researchers, or his opponents, only time will tell. While in the Elbrus area, you should never forget about your own safety and strictly follow the instructions of the instructor. It is worth remembering that people constantly die and go missing in the gorges and on the slopes of the mountain: everyone knows that in 2002, during the collapse of a glacier in the Karmadon Gorge called “Kolka”, the most popular actor and director Sergei Sergeevich Bodrov disappeared.

“I’m standing at the top, I’m happy and speechless...”

Thanks to the decree of the government of the Russian Federation, with the active support of the authorities of Kabardino-Balkaria, tourism infrastructure is developing in the Elbrus region by leaps and bounds. The most convenient tourist bases, hotels with “luxury” rooms, ultra-modern ski lifts, rentals of modern mountain and ski equipment are just a small part of what a tourist who comes to high peak Europe.

Conquer one of mountain peaks, which offers a truly stunning view, is possible on one of the expeditions. They are constantly organized here by companies that have received a special license for this type of activity. Climbing Elbrus always takes place under the guidance of a professional climber who knows all the subtleties and nuances of conquering the mountain peak. It was thanks to the training of these people that climbing Elbrus became practically safe. However, before you decide to climb the most high mountain Europe should soberly assess its strengths. For a person in poor health, such a journey can end tragically. Although, almost all expeditions are equipped with radio communications with special stations. In the event of any dangerous situation A helicopter with experienced rescuers on board rises from a special platform. Before the ascent, the group leaders once again try to determine physical condition each participant and, in case of any doubts about his endurance, are recommended to postpone the conquest of the peak, and it is better to enjoy the beauty of the Elbrus region on this trip, which is quite difficult to describe in words.

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