What is a black hole? What is a black hole

The problem of consciousness can be interpreted in an epistemological, ontological, axiological or praxeological key; the question of consciousness is the connecting link between various sections philosophical knowledge. The ontological aspect of the problem of consciousness presupposes an answer to the question of its origin, structure, relationship with self-consciousness and the unconscious, and clarification of the connection between consciousness and matter. Epistemological aspect associated with the study cognitive abilities, thanks to which a person gains new knowledge. The axiological approach involves considering consciousness from the point of view of its value nature. Praxeological - brings to the fore the activity aspects, paying attention to the connection of consciousness with human actions (www.philos.msu.ru/libray/).
The words "cognition" and "consciousness" have common root- “knowledge”, however, the phenomena denoted by these terms are not identical to each other. Cognition- consistent movement towards knowledge, consciousness - highest ability mental reflection of reality, inherent only to man. Despite the fact that the term “consciousness” refers to the term “knowledge,” it is a mistake to reduce the content of consciousness only to impersonal knowledge. Consciousness is never a dispassionate reflection of the external or internal world. Consciousness should be spoken of as knowledge-experience of the world and oneself. In every act of consciousness, knowledge, evaluation, and attitude are simultaneously present. The connection between consciousness and experience, consciousness and evaluation is expressed in English version this word: “consciousness” - consciousness is correlated not with knowledge, but with conscience - “conscience”. The philosophical question about consciousness is inevitably connected with questions about freedom and responsibility, good and evil, right and wrong action, etc. [Heidegger M., M., 1993]
When considering the problem of consciousness, it is important to determine the boundaries of this phenomenon and separate consciousness from others. mental manifestations personality. To designate the entire complex of human mental manifestations in modern philosophy introduces the concept of subjectivity or subjective reality. Subjectivity is a complex of conscious and unconscious, emotional and intellectual, value and cognitive manifestations of a person. This is a multidimensional reality, the structure of which has many layers and levels; consciousness is only one of them. Under consciousness One should understand only that layer of subjectivity that is submitted to volitional control. IN in a general sense consciousness - this is a purposeful reflection of reality, on the basis of which human behavior is regulated. This idea did not develop immediately. For a long time, conscious and unconscious manifestations of a person did not differ, and consciousness itself was often identified with only one of its aspects - intellect, thinking (reader 5.1).
The complexity of the problem of consciousness also lies in the fact that each act of consciousness includes, in a condensed form, the entire life of a person in its uniqueness and originality. Consciousness is woven into all human manifestations, and in many ways is the condition for these manifestations. It is inseparable from the life experience of the individual and therefore should be studied together with it [Nietzsche F., M., 1990]. But the problem of consciousness so formulated becomes limitless, since life experience the identities or cultural experiences of humanity are never complete. The theme of consciousness thus falls on par with other eternal philosophical questions.
Consciousness is difficult to define as an exact subject of scientific or philosophical reflection, since it acts as both an object and a subject of this reflection, comprehending itself in its own terms and meanings. This complexity of the phenomenon of consciousness has given rise to many interpretations of this problem in the history of philosophy.


Consciousness appears as a universal human ability to acquire knowledge, transform, store and reproduce it, again ensure regulation and value orientations people, communicate and exchange experiences and pass them on from one generation to another. Consciousness integrates creative possibilities of a person, implemented in all types of his life activity (search for ways of existence and free development of personality, production of new knowledge, creation of works of art, predicting the future, decision making, etc.). The properties of a person’s conscious, rational behavior determine the difference between his lifestyle and the lifestyle of other living beings.

Consciousness- complex systemic education, a collection of very heterogeneous ideal processes– mental, sensory (sensations, perceptions, ideas), emotional, volitional and mnemonic (memory processes), as well as processes of imagination, intuition, recollection, is achieved through such qualities as its coherence and consistency.

Manifold individual states consciousness forms another group of its meanings.

They manifest themselves in states of doubt, belief, faith (confidence), fear, depression, guilt, joy, excitement, desire and many others. Such states of consciousness are often found shades of meaning, generated by unconscious, unconscious or bodily factors. That is why the meanings of the orientation of consciousness are widespread - “consciousness on... (on something, someone)”, “consciousness about... (about something, someone)”. Signs of the direction of consciousness indicate its objects, goals, content, means, forms, conditions, etc. In other words, consciousness is always an awareness of being in any of its manifestations. In this case, one should distinguish between the direction of consciousness “outward” and “inward”. Consciousness can be oriented both to the external world of human existence and to its inner world. IN the latter case the direction of consciousness is fixed in acts of introspection (self-observation): self-awareness, introspection, self-reflection, self-esteem, self-regulation, etc.

The question of the origin of consciousness

In philosophy, there are different points of view on the question of the origin of consciousness. Three fundamental ones can be identified.

1. Consciousness has a cosmic(or divine) origin: consciousness exists on its own, regardless of its material carriers - living organisms, humans. Consciousness “comes” directly from space, and it is indivisible, united, and integral in its essence. Particles of “world consciousness” are scattered in nature in the form of consciousness of living organisms and humans.

There are close to space theory origin of consciousness:

Monad theory (Leibniz): there is a great amount indivisible and immortal primary spiritual units (monads), which contain the energy of the Universe and which are the basis of consciousness and the matter generated by it;

Tolbet's theory: The Universe is a gigantic mind, consciousness is the result of the interaction of fields that form matter;

Reiser's theory of the psychosphere: The Galaxy is a huge intelligence that comes into contact with human brain and “charges” him with intelligence.

2. Consciousnesscreature of nature and is inherent in all living organisms. Proponents of this point of view justify it by the fact that:

The life of animals does not occur spontaneously, but is subordinated to their consciousness and has meaning;

Instincts are not only congenital, but also acquired;

An animal accumulates and skillfully uses experience throughout its life;

Many actions performed by animals are complex (hunting) and require great job consciousness;

Animals have their own “morals”, rules of behavior, habits, qualities, struggle, leadership, suggestibility, etc.

3. Consciousness is a product exclusively of the human brain and is inherent only to humans, while animals do not have consciousness, but instincts.

However, the newest Scientific research indicate that animals are guided not only by instincts; Higher animals (monkeys, dogs, cats, etc.) are characterized by complex mental operations and the presence of intelligence. Animals are teachable, dream (rotation of pupils, emotions in sleep), and tend to have a fairly high “social” organization, with a distribution of roles.

Basic approaches to the problem of consciousness

In general, in philosophy there are several approaches to the problem of consciousness.

Physicalism– an extremely materialistic approach, according to which consciousness as an independent substance does not exist, it is a product of matter and is explainable from the point of view of physics and others natural sciences. This point view is based on many natural science facts:

The human brain is the most complex “mechanism” of nature, highest level organization of matter;

Consciousness specific person cannot exist without a brain, and the brain is a biological organ;

Humanity has gained the ability to create artificial intelligence, the carrier of which is a machine (computer) - a material object;

Drug effects on the human body can affect consciousness (for example, the use of psychotropic substances);

The images that exist in the human mind do not have material characteristics - mass, smell, clear sizes, shapes;

Consciousness can “dominate” images – increase, decrease, call them up, “erase” them;

No one from the outside was able to “see” the consciousness of another person.

Branches of physicalism:

“identity theory” – identifies spiritual processes with others bodily processes(blood circulation, breathing, brain processes);

The theory of “elimination” tries to prove that the very concept of “spirit”, “spiritual” is outdated and unscientific;

The theory of vulgar materialists.

Solipsism- another extreme view of the nature of consciousness, according to which the consciousness of an individual is the only reliable reality, and material world- his creation.

Between physicalism and solipsism are:

Objective idealism - recognizes the presence of both consciousness and matter, but assigns a primary (creative) role to consciousness and considers it in isolation from the personality of the individual as part of the “world consciousness”;

Moderate materialism – considers consciousness special manifestation matter, the ability of highly organized matter to reflect itself.

Structure of consciousness

Majority modern researchers The following main components of consciousness are distinguished.

1. Intelligence– mental abilities, knowledge and skills necessary to solve mental problems. TO intellectual abilities include: properties of thinking (speed, consistency, flexibility); properties of memory (memory capacity, speed of memorization and forgetting, readiness for reproduction); properties of attention (volume, distribution, concentration, stability, switchability); properties of perception (observation, selectivity, recognition ability).

The core, the main element of consciousness (intelligence) is knowledge. The level of intelligence depends not only on erudition, competence, mastery of methods and skills of mental work, but also on the result of assimilation of culture, mastery of spiritual values ​​created by humanity.

2. Motivation– a set of motivations that determines the purposefulness of a person’s actions. The source of human activity is his needs. Central moment is the choice of goal. Motivation can be strong, weak, stable, unstable.

3. Sensory-emotional sphere(emotions) are a person’s experiences that express his subjective attitude towards certain phenomena, situations, other people and himself. IN emotional sphere includes: feelings, moods, affects, experiences, emotional stress.

4. Will– a person’s ability to consciously regulate behavior. The will expresses the “energetic”, effective-practical side of consciousness. Volitional control of behavior presupposes freedom and responsibility.

5. Self-awareness- This is a reflection of one’s own “I”. The formation of self-awareness begins in early childhood, from the simplest acts of self-awareness, self-recognition. Self-awareness is built on the basis of the “I” concept, which includes several different images of the “I”: the real “I”, the dynamic “I”, the ideal “I”, the fantastic “I”, the perceived “I”. Thanks to self-awareness, self-regulation, self-control and self-education of the individual are ensured.

Consciousness and unconsciousness

Only comparatively not most of mental activity is realized by a person, the rest of the part remains unconscious.

Consciousness- the highest function of the brain, peculiar only to humans and associated with speech, which consists in a purposeful, meaningful and generalized reflection of reality in the form ideal images, in its creative transformation, in the reasonable regulation of human behavior and his relationships with nature and the social environment.

Unconscious: 1. Totality mental processes, acts and states caused by phenomena of reality that exist outside human consciousness and beyond the control of human consciousness. Everything that does not become the subject of special actions of awareness turns out to be unconscious. 2. A form of reflection of the psyche, in which the image of reality and the subject’s attitude towards it do not act as an object of special reflection and form an inseparable whole.

It differs from consciousness in that the reality it reflects merges with the experiences of the subject, with his attitude to the world, therefore, in the unconscious, voluntary control of actions and assessment of their results are impossible. In the unconscious, reality is experienced through such forms of assimilation and identification of oneself with other people and phenomena, such as:

1) direct emotional feeling;

2) identification;

3) emotional infection;

4) association various phenomena in one row through participation, and not through identifying logical contradictions and differences between objects for some reason essential features. Often in the unconscious, the past, present and future coexist, uniting in one mental act (for example, in a dream). The unconscious finds expression in early forms the child’s knowledge of reality and in primitive thinking, intuition, affects, panic, hypnosis, dreams, in habitual actions, in subliminal (subsensory) perception, in involuntary memorization, etc., as well as in aspirations, feelings and actions, the reasons for which are not realized.

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You've probably seen science fiction films where heroes, traveling in space, find themselves in another universe? Most often, mysterious cosmic black holes become the door to another world. It turns out there is some truth to these stories. Scientists say so.

When the very center of a star - in its core - runs out of fuel, all its particles become very heavy. And then, the entire planet collapses into its center. This causes a powerful shock wave, which tears the outer, still burning, shell of the star and it explodes in a blinding flash. One teaspoon of a small extinct star weighs several billion tons. Such a star is called neutron. And if a star is twenty to thirty times larger than our sun, its destruction leads to the formation of the strangest phenomenon in the universe - black hole.

The gravity in a Black Hole is so strong that it traps planets, gases and even light. Black holes are invisible, they can only be found by a huge funnel of cosmic bodies flying into it. Only around some holes does a bright glow form. After all, the rotation speed is very high, the particles celestial bodies heat up to millions of degrees and glow brightly

Cosmic black hole attracts all objects, twisting them in a spiral. As objects approach a black hole, they begin to accelerate and stretch out, like giant spaghetti. The force of attraction gradually increases and at some point becomes so monstrous that nothing can overcome it. This boundary is called the event horizon. Any event that happens behind it will remain invisible forever.

Scientists suggest that black holes can create tunnels in space - “ wormholes" If you fall into it, you will be able to pass through space and find yourself in another Universe, where the opposite exists. white hole. Maybe someday this secret will be revealed and people will travel to other dimensions on powerful spaceships.

A black hole is one of the most mysterious objects in the Universe. Many famous scientists, including Albert Einstein, spoke about the possibility of the existence of black holes. Black holes owe their name to American astrophysicist John Wheeler. There are two types of black holes in the Universe. The first is massive black holes - huge bodies whose mass is millions of times more mass Sun. Such objects, as scientists assume, are located in the center of galaxies. At the center of our Galaxy there is also a gigantic Black Hole. Scientists have not yet been able to figure out the reasons for the appearance of such huge cosmic bodies.

Point of view

Modern science underestimates the significance of the concept of “time energy”, introduced into scientific use by the Soviet astrophysicist N.A. Kozyrev.

We refined the idea of ​​the energy of time, as a result of which a new philosophical theory appeared - “ideal materialism”. This theory provides an alternative explanation for the nature and structure of black holes. Black holes play a key role in the theory of ideal materialism, and, in particular, in the processes of origin and balance of time energy. The theory explains why there are supermassive black holes at the centers of almost all galaxies. On the site you will be able to familiarize yourself with this theory, but after appropriate preparation. see site materials).

A region in space and time whose gravitational pull is so great strength that even objects moving at the speed of light cannot leave it is called black hole. The boundary of a black hole is referred to as the “event horizon” concept, and its size is referred to as the gravitational radius. In the very simple case He equal to the radius Schwarzschild.

The fact that the existence of black holes is theoretically possible can be proven from some of Einstein's exact equations. The first of them was obtained in 1915 by the same Karl Schwarzschild. It is unknown who was the first to invent this term. We can only say that the very designation of the phenomenon was popularized thanks to John Archibald Wheeler, who first published the lecture “Our Universe: the Known and Unknown,” where it was used. Much earlier, these objects were called “collapsed stars” or “collapsars.”

The question of whether black holes actually exist is related to the real existence of gravity. IN modern science most real theory gravity is the general theory of relativity, which clearly defines the possibility of the existence of black holes. But, nevertheless, their existence is possible within the framework of other theories, so the data is constantly analyzed and interpreted.

The statement about the existence of real-life black holes should be understood as a confirmation of the existence of dense and massive astronomical objects, which can be interpreted as black holes of the theory of relativity. In addition, stars in the late stages of collapse can be attributed to a similar phenomenon. Modern astrophysicists do not attach importance to the difference between such stars and real black holes.

Many of those who have studied or are still studying astronomy know what is a black hole And where does she come from. But still, for ordinary people For those who were not particularly interested in this, I will briefly explain everything.

Black hole- this is a certain area in the space of space or even time in it. Only this is not an ordinary area. It has very strong gravity (attraction). Moreover, it is so strong that something cannot get out of a black hole if it gets there! Even Sun rays will not be able to avoid falling into a black hole if it passes nearby. Although, know that the sun's rays (light) move at the speed of light - 300,000 km/sec.

Previously, black holes were called differently: collapsars, collapsed stars, frozen stars, and so on. Why? Because black holes appear due to dead stars.

The fact is that when a star exhausts all its energy, it becomes a very hot giant, and eventually it explodes. Its core, with some probability, can shrink very strongly. Moreover, with incredible speed. In some cases, after a star explodes, a black, invisible hole is formed that devours everything in its path. All objects that even move at the speed of light.

A black hole doesn't care what objects it absorbs. It could be like spaceships, and the rays of the sun. It doesn't matter how fast the object is moving. The black hole also doesn’t care what the object’s mass is. It can devour everything from cosmic microbes or dust, right up to the stars themselves.

Unfortunately, no one has yet figured out what is happening inside a black hole. Some suggest that an object that falls into a black hole breaks with incredible strength. Others believe that the exit from a black hole can lead to another, some kind of second universe. Still others believe that (most likely) if you walk from the entrance to the exit of a black hole, it may simply eject you in another part of the universe.

Black hole in space

Black hole- This space object incredible density, possessing absolute gravity, such that any cosmic body and even space and time itself are absorbed by it.

Black holes manage the most evolution of the universe. they on central location, but they cannot be seen, their signs can be detected. Although black holes have the ability to destroy, they also help build galaxies.

Some scientists believe that black holes are the gateway to parallel universes . which may well be the case. There is an opinion that black holes have opposites, the so-called white holes . having anti-gravity properties.

Black hole is born inside the most large stars, when they die, gravity destroys them, thereby leading to powerful explosion supernova.

The existence of black holes was predicted by Karl Schwarzschild

Karl Schwarzschild was the first to use general theory Einstein's relativity, in order to justify the existence of a “point of no return”. Einstein himself did not think about black holes, although his theory predicts their existence.

Schwarzschild made his proposal in 1915, immediately after Einstein published his general theory of relativity. That's when the term "Schwarzschild radius" arose - this is a value that shows how much you would have to compress an object for it to become a black hole.

Theoretically, anything can become a black hole if compressed enough. The denser the object, the stronger the gravitational field it creates. For example, the Earth would become a black hole if it had the mass of an object the size of a peanut.

Sources: www.alienguest.ru, cosmos-online.ru, kak-prosto.net, nasha-vselennaya.ru, www.qwrt.ru

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