Topic "Nature and Man": arguments. The problem of attitude towards nature

Nature evokes philosophical thoughts and makes us think about the transience of life.

1) Yesenin “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry” ( All of us, all of us in this world are perishable,/Copper quietly flows from the maple leaves.../May you be blessed forever,/That you have come to flourish and die.)

2) Pushkin “I visited again”(...I visited again. / That corner of the earth where I spent / An exile for two unnoticed years. / Ten years have passed since then - and a lot / Has changed in life for me, / And myself, obedient to the general law, / Has changed I - but here again/The past embraces me vividly,/And, it seems, I was still wandering in the evening/I was in these groves.)

3) Pushkin “The clouds are thinning flying ridge» (The flying ridge of clouds is thinning./A sad star, an evening star!/Your ray silvered the withered plains,/And the slumbering bay, and the peaks of black rocks./I love your weak light in the heavenly heights; He awakened the thoughts that had fallen asleep in me...)

Nature is compared to the world of human relationships.

1) Pushkin “Anchar”(Anchar is a poisonous tree, symbolizes absolute evil. The king, who needed poison for his arrows, sent his servant to this tree. He fulfilled the order, paying for it with his life. The theme of the destruction of unlimited power. Pushkin compares the evil of nature and the evil of the ruler who sends a person to the tree that brings death.)

2) Lermontov “Cliff”(“golden cloud” personifies a windy beauty, full of life, strength and happiness. And the cliff acts as a respectable and experienced elderly gentleman, who believes that all the delights of life for him personally are already a thing of the past. But then the beauty flew away, preferring the company of the heavenly “blue” to his company, and the elderly man felt his loneliness even more clearly, realizing that among the cheerful youth he looked uninvited guest at someone else's celebration of life)

3) Yesenin “Bird cherry”(Yesenin draws a parallel between the human world and nature, focusing on the fact that the bird cherry tree and the stream remind him of young lovers who do not dare admit their feelings to each other.)

Nature reminds us of past love and awakens dormant feelings.

1) Pushkin “The flying ridge of clouds is thinning”(The flying ridge of clouds is thinning./A sad star, an evening star!/Your ray silvered the withered plains,/And the slumbering bay, and the peaks of black rocks./I love your weak light in the heavenly heights; It awakened the thoughts that had fallen asleep in me)

2) Tyutchev “The earth still looks sad”(Soul, soul, you slept too.../ But what suddenly excites you,/ Your sleep caresses and kisses/ And gilds your dreams?..) ,

3) Yesenin - excerpt from Anna Snegina: (I’m walking through an overgrown garden, / The lilac touches my face, / And the aged hedge is sweet to my flashing glances. / Once upon a time at that gate over there / I was 16 years old / And a girl in a white cape / Told me affectionately: “No!”)

Nature is reflected in the image of the beloved:

1) Tarkovsky " Night rain» (“Like tears, raindrops/Shone on your face”)

2) Yesenin “Do not wander, do not crush in the crimson bushes”(With the scarlet juice of the berry on your skin,/Tender, beautiful, you were/You look like a pink sunset/And, like snow, radiant and light.)

3) Pushkin " Winter morning "(To the meeting of the Northern Aurora/Appear as the Star of the North!")

Nature brings joy and happiness.

1) Pushkin “Winter Morning”(Frost and sun; wonderful day!)

2) Tyutchev “I met you, and all the past...”(…How late autumn sometimes / There are days, there is an hour / When suddenly there is a breath of spring / And something stirs within us...)

3) Fet “I came to you with greetings”(I came to you with greetings, / To tell you that the sun has risen, / That it fluttered with hot light / Through the leaves; / To tell you that the forest woke up,

All awake, every branch. / Every bird perked up / And full of spring thirst)

Images of the sea.

1) Zhukovsky “Sea”(Silent sea, azure sea, / I stand enchanted over your abyss. / You are alive; you breathe; with confused love, / You are filled with anxious thoughts. / Silent sea, azure sea, / Open to me deep secret yours./What moves your vast bosom?/What does your tense chest breathe?)

2) Pushkin “To the Sea”(Farewell, sea! I will not forget/Your solemn beauty/And for a long, long time I will hear/Your hum in the evening hours./Into forests, into silent deserts/I will carry you, full of you,/Your rocks, your bays,/And the shine, and the shadow and the talk of the waves)

3) Tyutchev “How good, oh sea you are at night”(How good you are, O night sea, - / It’s radiant here, there it’s bluish-dark... / In moonlight, as if alive,/Walks, and breathes, and it shines.../In the endless, free expanse/Shine and movement, roar and thunder.../The sea is drenched in a dim glow,/It’s so good, you’re in the solitude of the night!)

7. Autumn look
1) Pushkin “October has already arrived...”(October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off / The last leaves from its naked branches; / The autumn chill has breathed in - the road is freezing, / The stream is still murmuring behind the mill)

2) Tyutchev “There is in the primordial autumn”(Available in autumn initial/Short, but wonderful time-/The whole day is as if it were crystal,/And the evenings are radiant.../Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell,/Now everything is empty - space is everywhere,-/Only a cobweb of thin hair/Shining on the idle furrow.)

3) Nekrasov “Railway” (Glorious Autumn! Healthy, vigorous / The air invigorates tired forces; /The ice is fragile on the cold river /It lies like melting sugar;)

Spiritual connection between man and nature

1) Pushkin “Winter Morning”(“Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry...” “And you sat sad,” but then everything changed: “For blue skies magnificent carpets,//The snow lies glistening in the sun,” and one already wants to “indulge in the run//of an impatient horse...”)
2) M.Yu. Lermontov “When the yellowing field is worried”(when communication with nature occurs, “then the anxiety of my soul is humbled, then the wrinkles on my brow disappear.” And it is the landscapes familiar from childhood that give Lermontov the strength to live, believing that his work is not in vain and in the future will be appreciated by his descendants .)
3) Fet “Whisper, timid breathing”(the outside world is connected with the inner world of the lyrical hero: the colors of the night landscape, the sunrise accompany the lovers, reflect their feelings and empathy. Here, as in Lermontov’s work “When the yellowing field is agitated...", a person is in harmony with nature, draws she has strength and inspiration)

4)A. Akhmatova " Tear-stained autumn like a widow"(The poetess compares rainy autumn with a woman grieving for her husband. Autumn is also sad and “will not stop crying” until the “silent snow”, symbolizing human old age, “takes pity” on her. As in the poem by M. Yu. Lermontov, in this work, man and nature are a single whole, although autumn plays the role of the lyrical hero, they are in agreement and understand each other)

Image of the stars

1) Mayakovsky “Listen!”(According to Mayakovsky, “if the stars light up, it means someone needs it.” In in this case we're talking about not so much about heavenly bodies, how much about the stars of poetry, who in the first half of the 20th century appeared in abundance on the Russian literary horizon. Discussing the topic of people's life purpose, Mayakovsky compares them to stars, each of which has its own destiny. Between birth and death there is only one moment by the standards of the universe, into which human life fits. Is it so important and necessary in the global context of existence?)

2) Yesenin “Stars”(Turning to the “distant stars,” Yesenin experiences tenderness and delight, noting: “Look tenderly, you caress your heart.” In them he sees his like-minded people, since he has not yet had time to face the callousness and indifference of the world around him.)


Memories of love

Pushkin "I remember" wonderful moment" ("TO ***")

Yesenin excerpt from “Anna Snegina”, who was already in nature theme,

Yesenin “Do not wander, do not crush in the crimson bushes”(The author regrets that he will never have the opportunity to walk with his beloved and admire the “scarlet juice of the berries on the skin.” Yesenin breaks up with his beloved, experiencing melancholy and heartache)

Essence of Love

I. Annensky “Among the worlds, in the flickering sanctified...”(Among the worlds, in the twinkling lights/of One Star, I repeat the name.../Not because I love Her,/But because I languish with others./And if doubt is heavy for me,/I look to Her alone for an answer, /Not because there is light from Her, /But because there is no need for light with Her.)

Akhmatova “Love conquers deceitfully”(It is love that gives an incomparable feeling of happiness, although Akhmatova associates it with poison. Nevertheless, under the influence of this feeling, “the stars were larger” and “the grass smelled different”)

Mayakovsky “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love”"(Discussing what love is, Mayakovsky notes that it is, first of all, a spiritual impulse that makes even a wise and experienced person commit crazy things and be jealous of the chosen one not for her legal spouse, but for Copernicus, about whom she responds with particular respect. Moreover, this feeling is completely beyond any control)

Unrequited love.

Mayakovsky "Lilichka"

Lermontov "The Beggar"»,

Yesenin “Letter to a Woman”»


Lermontov “We ​​parted, but your portrait...”(We parted, but I keep your portrait on my chest:/Like a pale ghost of better years,/It brings joy to my soul.)

Tyutchev “There is a high meaning in separation”(There is a high meaning in separation:/No matter how you love, even one day, even a century,/Love is a dream, and a dream is one moment,/And whether it’s early or late to awaken,/And a person must finally wake up...)

Yesenin “Letter to a Woman” (Face to face/You can’t see a face./You can see more from a distance.)

Pushkin “K***”

Ideal female images

Block “I enter dark temples”(Its essence boils down to the fact that even in the image of the Mother of God the poet imagines his beloved, and this fills his soul with double joy. Lyrical hero is waiting for his beloved, he draws her image in his imagination, is tense, tormented by anticipation, and cannot stop looking at his Darling, he understands that she is an ideal)

Pushkin “K***”
Lermontov “From under the mysterious, cold half mask”
UNITES: All poets have an image ideal girl covered with mystery, nebula: “You appeared before me, Like fleeting vision“Like a genius of pure beauty” (Pushkin)”, “Through a light haze I noticed involuntarily” (Lermontov), ​​“Only an image, only a dream about Her” (Blok). Blok, Pushkin and Lermontov are not in love with a real woman, but with perfect image the girl they created in their imagination. After all, the authors sublimely describe Beautiful Ladies(Block even refers to her with a capital letter as “The Majestic Eternal Wife!”). In addition, poets describe some features of ideal female images: the authors pay Special attention the girls’ voices, as well as their faces (“lovely features” (Pushkin), “Your captivating eyes shone for me” (Lermontov), ​​Blok’s “How gratifying are your features”).
7) Impression of love (Like Fet)

Fet “The Night Shined”(they surprisingly accurately convey the feelings experienced by the author and create an unusually romantic atmosphere)

Pushkin “The darkness of night lies on the hills of Georgia”(dedicated to Natalia Goncharova, written after he received a refusal from her. For Pushkin, what he himself experiences in relation to the young girl is much more important. “And the heart burns and loves again - because it cannot help but love,” - writes the poet, thereby emphasizing that for happy marriage he personally has enough own feelings, which, he believes, is more than enough to build a strong family.)
Tyutchev “I met you and everything that happened” (
Tyutchev notes that an amazing warmth settled in his heart, and compares his feeling with a warm sunny day, which unexpectedly pleases a person with its beauty in the midst of a cold and dull autumn.)

Poet and crowd

Pushkin “To the Poet” (C silence calls not to allow anyone into your creativity, not to succumb to the opinions and wishes of others: “Go along the free path where your free mind takes you.” Only the creator himself can evaluate his creation more strictly than anyone else)

Lermontov "Prophet"(Comparing himself with the prophet, he attributes to himself persecution and misunderstanding of those around him. And he remains confident that any poet - a real poet - will suffer the same fate.)

Mayakovsky “Conversation with the financial inspector about poetry”(not only once again tried to define the role of the poet, but also to prove that creative people are a separate caste that cannot be lumped with the same brush. The reason is the creation of legislation according to which the creative intelligentsia must pay taxes. But how to calculate the costs of mental strength, necessary to create at least one poem? The final line of the poem sounds like a challenge to the bureaucratic state machine - “And if it seems to you that the only thing to do is to use other people’s words, then here you, comrades, have my stylus, and you can write yourself! ".)

Creative immortality:

Derzhavin "Monument" ( I have erected a wonderful, eternal monument to myself,/It is harder than metal and higher than the pyramids;/Neither a whirlwind nor a fleeting thunder will break it,/And the flight of time will not crush it.)

Pushkin “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands”(I erected a monument to myself, not made by hands, / The people’s path will not overgrow it, / He ascended higher with the head of the rebellious / Alexandrian pillar.)

Mayakovsky - from the poem “At the top of my voice”(“Having muffled/ the flows of poetry, I will step/ through the lyrical volumes, as if alive, / speaking with the living”; “My verse / with labor / will break through the vastness of years / and will appear / weightily, / roughly, / visibly, / as in our days / entered the water supply / constructed / by the slaves of Rome")

The poet's civic position

Nekrasov “Poet and Citizen”(The apotheosis of this work is considered to be the phrase “you may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen,” which became popular. This is a kind of result of a discussion between a poet and a citizen, which clearly dots all the i’s, showing that no matter what you do in a person in his life, the interests of society should not be alien to him.)

Pushkin – ode “Liberty”(It is in this work that Pushkin predetermines his fate as a poet and citizen. He is convinced that if heaven wanted to endow him with a literary gift, then he should not waste it on trifles. Therefore, the author decides not to waste his time on trifles, his goal is noble and simple “Tyrants of the world! Tremble! And you, take heart, rise up, fallen slaves!” the author calls openly against autocracy, considering it a manifestation of the stupidity and obedience of the Russian people.)

Akhmatova “I had a voice”(completely ignoring new government, she remained a true patriot of her country, sharing its fate not only during the revolution, but also during the Great Patriotic War, part of which was spent in besieged Leningrad. The poetess admitted that she would have felt much worse if she had been on the other side of the barricades, becoming an outside observer of many historical events.)

Appointment of the poet

Pushkin "Prophet" ( The poet’s purpose is to “burn the hearts of people with a verb”: And God’s voice called to me: / “Arise, prophet, and see, and listen, / Be fulfilled by my will, / And, going around the seas and lands, / Burn the hearts of people with a verb.”)

Lermontov "Poet" ( likens poetry military weapons, asserting the effectiveness poetic word in transforming society. Mikhail Yuryevich calls for creating relevant lyrics with clear civic position, providing strong influence on people's thoughts and actions.)

Nekrasov “Poet and Citizen” (D For Nekrasov, the poet is first and foremost a citizen. The author’s main idea is affirmed in polemics with those who are trying to cleanse poetry of socio-political themes, considering them unworthy high art. On behalf of a citizen, he reproaches the poet for leading the reader away from the pressing issues of our time into the world of intimate feelings and experiences.)

Nekrasov "Elegy"(the lyrical hero connects poetic creativity with a question about the situation of the people. He calls not to follow the “fickle fashion”, which claims that the topic of “the suffering of the people” is not relevant. In his opinion, the artist’s task is precisely to illuminate dark sides human life: “The crowd is reminded that the people are in poverty,” while they “rejoice and sing.” Just like the author of “Dead Souls,” the lyrical hero of “Elegy” highly appreciates the work of artists “unrecognized” by the crowd, who are not afraid to touch upon problems taken from “despicable life” in their work.)


(In this work, the author openly admits that he suffers from loneliness, since “there is no one to give a hand in a moment of spiritual adversity.” Lermontov is only 27 years old, but the poet notes that he no longer has practically any desires, since “what use is in vain and wish forever?”, if they are not destined to come true anyway.)

"Sail"(In the poem, the poet himself, his soul, is visible in the image of a sail. “Sail” is Lermontov’s poem about himself, because real Poet always remains “lonely” and “rebellious,” and his freedom-loving soul, full of anxious restlessness, longs for eternal quests, longs for a storm.)

Tsvetaeva “Homesickness!”(despite the title, this poem is really primarily about loneliness, and is not particularly suitable for the theme of “love for the Motherland”, since its main idea is that it doesn’t matter where to be lonely and misunderstood - in a foreign country or Abroad),


Lermontov “Both boring and sad”

"Sail"(“What is he looking for in a distant country?” the poet asks himself, as if sensing that from now on his life will be full of wanderings. And at the same time, the author mentally looks back, realizing “what he abandoned in his native land.” The poet does not consider leaving the university a serious loss for himself, since he sees no point in continuing his studies and doing science. Lermontov is much more worried about the fact that he will have to leave his beloved Moscow and the only person truly close to him - his grandmother Elizaveta Alekseevna Arsenyeva, who replaced both his father and mother.)

Tsvetaeva “Homesickness”! (Written in Prague, during the revolution in Russia. The poetess, trying to understand her life’s purpose, comes to the conclusion that no one else needs her work.)


Pushkin "The Prisoner"(To emphasize the hopelessness of his situation, the poet draws a parallel with an eagle raised in captivity, which is his brother in misfortune. At the same time, the author notes that the proud bird, which has never experienced the heady feeling of freedom, is much stronger and more freedom-loving than him, because with her cry and look, she seems to “... want to say: “Come on, let’s fly away!” ”, succumbing to her persuasion, the poet himself realizes - “we are free birds; it’s time, brother, it’s time!”)

(From beginning to end, the space that exists in the mind of the lyrical hero narrows. At the end of the first eight-line, the steppe is mentioned. The poem ends with lines about bare walls surrounding the prisoner on all sides. In addition, the world is shown plunging into darkness. The work begins with a joyful landscape, where the main thing is the radiance of the day. In the finale, a diametrically opposite picture appears before the readers: night, “the ray of the lamp dimly shines with a dying fire.”)

"Clouds"(“You have no homeland, you have no exile,” the poet asserts, secretly envying the clouds that do not obey human laws. They are outside of time and outside of events. Outside observers who do not care about the pettiness and vanity of the human world.)


Lermontov "Monologue"(“And the cup of cold life is bitter for us; and nothing cheers the soul,” the poet summarizes, noting that this was the lot of all Russian youth of the first half of the 19th century, who were deprived moral principles and noble goals, therefore she is forced to accept the rules of the game imposed by society, to be a hypocrite, to lie and to have fun.)

Parsnip "Hamlet"(Pasternak admits that fighting a system that has a well-functioning mechanism for manipulating people is completely useless, since “the routine of actions has been thought out and the end of the path is inevitable.” Therefore, the author admits that he is alone in his desire to be an individual.)

Mandelstam "For explosive valor centuries to come"(The key motive is tragic fate a poet living in the era of revolution. The era destroys the artist and prevents him from creating. A wolfhound age throws itself on my shoulders,/But I am not a wolf by blood,/Better stuff me like a hat into the sleeve/of the hot fur coat of the Siberian steppes.)

Pushkin “Conversation between a bookseller and a poet”(the relationship between the sublime poet and the “age of the merchant”; the main idea is on literary creativity you can earn money)


Lermontov “From under a mysterious, cold half-mask...”(The lyrical hero meets a woman at a ball with whom he falls in love, but real life love is impossible, so the hero creates it in his imagination. He is very lonely. And then I created in my imagination/Based on light signs of my beauty;/And from that time on I carry the ethereal vision/I carry it in my soul, caress and love)

Block "Stranger"(Describing the situation around him, Alexander Blok deliberately contrasts dirt and drunken stupor with the divine image of an unknown woman. And chained by a strange intimacy, / I look behind the dark veil, / And I see the enchanted shore / And the enchanted distance.)

Lermontov "Open the prison for me"(The first stanza of “The Prisoner” demonstrates to the readers optimism, the desire to live. The lyrical hero is cheerful, daring, it seems to him that the blessed will is close. In his dreams, he kisses a young beauty, rushes away from the place of imprisonment on a black-maned horse. Then the mood begins to change. The hero remembers about the high windows of the prison, about the heavy door with a lock. He realizes that the black-eyed girl is far away, and complete freedom is only available now. good horse, frolicking without a rein in a green field. If in the second stanza hope is lost, then in the third the feeling of hopelessness that has replaced it is stated. From beginning to end, the space that exists in the mind of the lyrical hero narrows.)


Pushkin "Pushchina"(In it the poet remembers them last meeting, noting that he “blessed fate” when Ivan Pushchin came to him in Mikhailovskoye to brighten up his loneliness and distract the author from gloomy thoughts about his own fate. In this moment best friend morally supported Pushkin, who was on the verge of despair, believing that his career was ruined and his life was hopeless.)

Vysotsky “Song about a friend”(If he didn’t whine, didn’t whine, / Even if he was gloomy and angry, but he walked, / And when you fell from the rocks, / He moaned, but held on, / If he followed you, as if into battle, / He stood at the top , intoxicated,/That means, like yourself,/Rely on him.)

Ogarev "To Friends"(That real friendship over the years it only becomes stronger, many beautiful ones have been written literary works. One of them is Nikolai Ogarev’s poem “To Friends,” in which the poet not only recalls his carefree youth, but also wants to return the past in order to once again enjoy the company of like-minded people who are not yet devoid of youthful idealism.)


Yesenin “Letter to Mother”(This is the confession of the prodigal son, full of tenderness and repentance, in which, meanwhile, the author directly states that he is not going to change his life, which by that moment he considers ruined. Despite his fame in literary circles, the poet realizes that he could not live up to the expectations of his mother, who first of all dreamed of seeing her son as a good and decent person. Repenting of his misdeeds to the person closest to him, the poet, nevertheless, refuses help and asks his mother for only one thing - “don’t wake up what you dreamed of.” The author feels that he is moving away from his family, but is ready to accept this blow of fate with his characteristic fatalism. He worries not so much for himself as for his mother, who is worried about her son, so he asks her: “Don’t be so sad about me.”)

Tvardovsky “In Memory of Mother”(In the fourth part of the work, Tvardovsky turns to his childhood and quotes in full an old song that he heard from his mother. It contains a deep philosophical meaning, which remains unchanged even today: a child who leaves his father’s house is a cut-off piece, and from now on his life has nothing to do with the fate of his parents. The author regrets that he was never able to get to know the one who gave him life better.)

Tsvetaeva “Mama” (“in the old waltz…”)(Tsvetaeva’s childhood passed in a very special atmosphere; she had own world fairy tales and illusions that I had to part with in my youth. Therefore, the poetess, in her address to her mother, emphasizes that “you led your little ones past the bitter life of thoughts and deeds.” Already as a high school student, Tsvetaeva realized how the world can be cruel and merciless. On the one hand, she was shocked by this discovery, and on the other, she was grateful to her mother, who was able, albeit for a short time, to protect her from life’s hardships.)


Block "Twelve"(The most obvious example is the image of the twelve. It is not for nothing that the poem is called “Twelve”. This number is one of its largest symbols. The poem has 12 chapters, the meaning of this number can include the twelve apostles, and the dashing robber beginning - 12 thieves. For reader of Blok’s time, the very name of the poem “The Twelve” could suggest the presence of the image of Christ. After all, the number 12 is the number of apostles, disciples of Christ.)

Parsnip "Hamlet"(the main character of the poem, addressing a crowded hall, asks: “If possible, Abba Father, carry this cup past.” This means that as an actor he is afraid of playing his role not well enough and causing condemnation from the public.)

Pushkin "Prophet"(The poem “Prophet” was based on an excerpt from the Bible, from the sixth chapter of the Book of the Prophet Isaiah. According to legend, Seraphim cleanses the prophet from sin and, obeying the will of the Lord, he must fulfill the mission of correcting people. Pushkin’s poem echoes the biblical text. We we see that the poet knew very well the history of Isaiah’s call to the prophetic ministry, Pushkin often turned to the Bible, drawing inspiration and plots from it for his writings. In “The Prophet” we find Pushkin’s interpretation of this biblical legend.)


Yesenin “Go away, my dear Rus'...”(The poem “Go you, Rus', my dear...” is imbued with precisely these feelings of the author. “The huts are in the chasuble of the image...” writes Yesenin. He compares all the houses of the village with something sublime, divine, because the chasuble is a church vestment, beautiful, shimmering gold.)

Pushkin "Village"(in the first part of the work, the poet confesses his love for his homeland, emphasizing that it was in Mikhailovsky that he was once serenely happy: I am yours - I exchanged the vicious court of Circe, / Luxurious feasts, fun, delusions / For the peaceful noise of oak trees, for the silence of the fields, / For free idleness, a friend of reflection.)

Lermontov "Motherland"(The solemn introduction, in which the author declares his love for the Fatherland, is replaced by stanzas that describe the beauty of Russian nature: But I love - for what, I don’t know myself - / Its cold silence of the steppes, / Its boundless swaying forests, / The floods of its rivers , like the seas)


1) Patriotism despite difficulties
Akhmatova “I had a voice”(There was a voice for me. He called comfortably,/He said: “Come here,/Leave your deaf and sinful land,/Leave Russia forever./I will wash the blood from your hands,/I will take the black shame out of my heart,/I will cover it with a new name /The pain of defeats and insults.”/But indifferently and calmly/I closed my ears with my hands,/So that with this unworthy speech/The sorrowful spirit would not be defiled.)

Yesenin “Go you, Rus', my dear”(If the holy army shouts: / “Throw away Rus', live in paradise!” / I will say: “There is no need for paradise, / Give me my homeland.”)

Block "Russia"(“poor Russia”, “ gray huts", "beautiful features")
2) Reflections on the fate of your generation
Lermontov "Duma"(entirely built on the author’s reflections on the characteristics of his contemporary generation. The lost generation, the future of which is “either empty or dark.” He, like Blok, looks at his contemporaries “sadly.” And, if we talk about historical context, then Lermontov’s generation is a generation of people who were quite noticeably pressed by the regime of Nicholas the First, people who were horrified by the execution of the Decembrists. Like Blok, the poet’s contemporaries are quite terrible years Russia, those years that they do not choose.)
Tyutchev “Our Century”(A little later, F.I. Tyutchev wrote about his generation. In the poem “Our Century,” the reader is again presented with a picture of the unfortunate generation, which “thirsties for faith... but does not ask for it...”. Tyutchev writes about a person who constantly located between shadow and light, finding which he “murmurs and rebels,” which is very similar to a person of Blok’s generation, who is forced to live from war to freedom and from freedom to war. He talks about morality. modern society. A mature 48-year-old man, who has gone through many trials in life, comes to the conclusion that “it is not the flesh, but the spirit that has been corrupted in our days.” Modern man, as the poet believes, “thirsts for faith... but he does not ask for it.” And this is not due to natural stubbornness, but to a lack of understanding of the simple truth that any of us must believe in at least something. Lack of faith, according to Tyutchev, creates chaos in thoughts and souls, makes a person doubt his abilities and often pushes him onto the wrong path, from which it is sometimes impossible to leave. However, in order to avoid such internal contradictions, it is enough just to let God into your heart, to feel his care and love, which, according to the poet, are guiding stars in every person's life.)

Block “Born in the Years of Deaf”(Dedicated to the First World War. The author admits that quite recently he himself advocated for a change in the social system by force. But the revolution of 1905 showed how merciless people can be towards each other. Therefore, the author emphasizes that “now in the hearts, enthusiastic when -that is, there is a fatal emptiness.” Blok has not yet forgotten the church tenets, in which killing one’s neighbor is one of the mortal sins.)


Akhmatova "Courage"(Akhmatova addresses the destitute, hungry and tired people who, nevertheless, did not break under the weight of the military burden. “The hour of courage has struck on our clock, and courage will not leave us,” the poetess asserts.)

Tvardovsky - poem “Vasily Terkin”(“The battle is going on - holy and right, / Mortal combat is not for the sake of glory - / For the sake of life on earth”)

Simonov "Wait for me"(In the poem, he asks Valentina Serova, and with her thousands of other wives and mothers, not to despair and not to lose hope for the return of their loved ones, even when it seems that they will never be destined to meet again)


Nekrasov “Once upon a time, in the cold winter...” (from the poem “Peasant Children”)(In this work, the author sincerely envies his to young heroes who are not yet aware of their low social status and can afford, unlike the lordly children, to spend their free time as their heart desires. But children always remain children, and Nekrasov is aware of this and involuntarily wants to protect his heroes from the upcoming trials of life. Therefore, he turns to them with the words: “Play, children! Grow in freedom! That’s why you were given a wonderful childhood.” The author understands that very little time will pass, and the carefree free life of rural kids will end, leaving only in their memories a feeling of happiness and the illusion that they were once able to independently control their destiny.)

"Railway"(The work of the people who built, under unbearable conditions, the greatest of its time technical structure- a railway hundreds of miles long - evidence of his inexhaustible spiritual powers. That's why the poet speaks, addressing everything to the younger generation: Don’t be shy for your dear fatherland... The Russian people have endured enough, They have also endured this railway road - They will endure everything that God sends! He will endure everything - and pave a wide, clear road for himself. It’s just a pity - neither I nor you will have to live in this beautiful time.)

Tvadrovsky "Vasily Terkin"(“...those this is the way to go stern/ Same as two hundred years ago/Russian toiler-soldier")


And for this you need to love your land, every twig and flower, every bird and bunny, as the main characters of the fairy tale and the writer himself love them. Prishvin “Pantry of the Sun” - essay “Love for Man and Nature (2)” Many Russian writers reveal the richness and beauty of the natural world in their work. But if Fet is attracted by nature in its variability, constant change of states, if in the works of Turgenev, Nikitin, Paustovsky the main idea- harmony of man and nature, then Prishvin raises questions about the meaning of life in his works. He reflects on himself and makes us think about how we should live in order to leave our mark on the earth. He teaches to love everyone, while maintaining attention to everyone.

In his stories we feel a great love for nature and man, and for Prishvin these two concepts are inextricably linked. The writer's love for nature is born from his love for man, and all his works are filled with kindred attention to man and to the land where this man lives and works.

So, for example, in “Forest Drop” the writer seeks to find “the key to his own soul.” This book is filled with his apt observations, accurate descriptions of nature, and at the same time the author writes about moral quests a person, about the feelings that fill the soul. Reading the miniatures included in the collection, it is as if, together with the author, we hear the ringing of “forest drops”, are fascinated by the smell of “walnut smoke” and understand that all this beauty must be preserved, preserved, so that others can admire it all. Prishvin’s works, in his own words, are “the endless joy of constant discovery.” Indeed, Prishvin’s ability to see and discover something interesting in any phenomenon is amazing.

And talk about this amazing, magic language. For example, in “Pantry of the Sun” he poetically describes the beauty spring morning, when the first rays of the sun flew over the fir trees and birches, “and the mighty trunks pine forest became like the lit candles of the great temple of nature.”

The singing of birds began to be heard from everywhere, dedicated to the “rising of the great sun,” and Kosach, perched on a bridge between two trees, “seemed to begin to bloom in the rays of rising sun" The comb on his head “lit up like a fiery flower.

And his iridescent, lyre-spread tail became especially beautiful.” I completely agree with Konstantin Paustovsky, who wrote: “If nature could feel gratitude to man for penetrating into her secret life and sang of her beauty, then first of all this gratitude would fall to the lot of the writer Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin.”

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Essays on topics:

  1. In order to write about nature, you need not only to love it, but also to know it well. Reading a fairy tale by M. M. Prishvin...
  2. IN modern world, full of comfort and convenience, rich modern technologies, we often forget that we are surrounded by the natural world....
  3. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin rarely depicts in his works human relations, dramatic situations, life turns, conventionally depicts the characters’ characters - not...

Surrender of the One state exam- this is just a small test that every student will have to go through on the way to adult life. Already today, many graduates are familiar with submitting essays in December, and then with passing the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. The topics that may come up for writing an essay are completely different. And today we will give several examples of what works can be taken as an argument “Nature and Man”.

About the topic itself

Many authors have written about the relationship between man and nature (arguments can be found in many works of world classical literature).

To properly reveal this topic, you need to correctly understand the meaning of what you are being asked about. Most often, students are asked to choose a topic (if we are talking about an essay on literature). Then there are several statements to choose from famous personalities. The main thing here is to read the meaning that the author introduced into his quote. Only then can the role of nature in human life be explained. You will see arguments from the literature on this topic below.

If we are talking about the second part exam paper in the Russian language, then here the student is given a text. This text usually contains several problems - the student independently chooses the one that seems easiest to him to solve.

It must be said that few students choose this topic because they see difficulties in it. Well, everything is very simple, you just need to look at the works from the other side. The main thing is to understand what arguments from the literature about man and nature can be used.

Problem one

Arguments (“The problem of man and nature”) can be completely different. Let's take such a problem as man's perception of nature as something living. Problems of nature and man, arguments from literature - all this can be put together into one whole, if you think about it.


Let's take Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace. What can be used here? Let us remember Natasha, who, leaving the house one night, was so amazed by the beauty of peaceful nature that she was ready to spread her arms like wings and fly away into the night.

Let us remember the same Andrey. Experiencing severe emotional unrest, the hero sees an old oak tree. How does he feel about this? He perceives the old tree as a powerful, wise creature, which makes Andrey think about the right decision in his life.

At the same time, if the beliefs of the heroes of War and Peace support the possibility of the existence natural soul, then the main character of Ivan Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” thinks completely differently. Since Bazarov is a man of science, he denies any manifestation of the spiritual in the world. Nature was no exception. He studies nature from the point of view of biology, physics, chemistry and others natural sciences. However natural wealth does not inspire any faith in Bazarov - it is only an interest in the world around him, which will not change.

These two works are perfect for exploring the theme “Man and Nature”; it is not difficult to give arguments.

Second problem

The problem of human awareness of the beauty of nature is also often encountered in classical literature. Let's look at the available examples.


For example, the same work by Leo Tolstoy “War and Peace”. Let's remember the first battle in which Andrei Bolkonsky took part. Tired and wounded, he carries the banner and sees clouds in the sky. What emotional excitement Andrei experiences when he sees grey sky! Beauty that makes him hold his breath, that gives him strength!

But besides Russian literature, we can consider works and foreign classics. Let's take famous work Margaret Mitchell " gone With the Wind" The episode of the book when Scarlett, having walked a long way home, sees her native fields, albeit overgrown, but so close, so fertile lands! How does the girl feel? She suddenly stops being restless, she stops feeling tired. A new surge of strength, the emergence of hope for the best, the confidence that tomorrow everything will be better. It is nature, landscape native land saves a girl from despair.

Third problem

Arguments (“The role of nature in human life” is a topic) are also quite easy to find in the literature. It is enough to recall just a few works that tell us about the influence nature has on us.


For example, “The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway would work well as an argumentative essay. Let's remember the main features of the plot: an old man goes to sea for big fish. A few days later he finally has a catch: a beautiful shark is caught in his net. Waging a long battle with the animal, the old man pacifies the predator. While the main character moves towards the house, the shark slowly dies. IN all alone the old man begins to talk with the animal. The path home is very long, and the old man feels how the animal becomes like family to him. But he understands that if the predator is released into the wild, he will not survive, and the old man himself will be left without food. Other sea animals appear, hungry and smelling the metallic scent of the wounded shark's blood. By the time the old man arrives home, there is nothing left of the fish he caught.

This work clearly shows how easy it is for a person to get used to the world around him, how difficult it is often to lose some seemingly insignificant connection with nature. In addition, we see that man is able to withstand the elements of nature, which acts exclusively according to its own laws.

Or let’s take Astafiev’s work “The Fish Tsar”. Here we observe how nature is capable of reviving all the best qualities of a person. Inspired by the beauty of the world around them, the heroes of the story understand that they are capable of love, kindness, and generosity. Nature causes them to manifest best qualities character.

Fourth problem

Beauty problem environment directly related to the problem of the relationship between man and nature. Arguments can also be drawn from Russian classical poetry.


Let's take the Silver Age poet Sergei Yesenin as an example. We are all already high school we know that in his lyrics Sergei Alexandrovich sang not only feminine beauty, but also natural. Coming from a village, Yesenin became an absolutely peasant poet. In his poems, Sergei glorified Russian nature, paying attention to those details that remain unnoticed by us.

For example, the poem “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry” perfectly paints us the image of a blooming apple tree, the flowers of which are so light that they actually resemble a sweet haze among the greenery. Or the poem “I remember, darling, I remember,” which tells us about unhappy love, with its lines allows us to plunge into the beautiful summer night When the linden trees bloom, the sky is starry, and somewhere in the distance the moon shines. It creates a feeling of warmth and romance.

Two more poets of the “golden age” of literature, who glorified nature in their poems, can be used as arguments. “Man and nature meet in Tyutchev and Fet. Their love lyrics constantly intersects with descriptions natural landscapes. They endlessly compared the objects of their love to nature. Afanasy Fet’s poem “I came to you with greetings” became just one of these works. Reading the lines, you don’t immediately understand what exactly the author is talking about - about love for nature or about love for a woman, because he sees infinitely much in common in the features of a loved one with nature.

Fifth problem

Speaking about arguments (“Man and Nature”), one can encounter another problem. It consists of human intervention in the environment.


An argument that will reveal an understanding of this problem can be called “ dog's heart» Mikhail Bulgakov. Main character- a doctor who decided to create a new man with the soul of a dog with his own hands. The experiment did not bring positive results, created only problems and ended unsuccessfully. As a result, we can conclude that what we create from a ready-made natural product can never become better than that, what was originally, no matter how much we tried to improve it.

Despite the fact that the work itself has a slightly different meaning, this work can be viewed from this angle.

Boris Pasternak is a great Russian poet, whose name rightfully stands on a par with the names of Pushkin, Lermontov, Tyutchev, Blok. Perfection poetic form, philosophy, vitality and at the same time inspiration, the ability to escape from everyday life are the main features of Pasternak’s poetry. He not only expressed himself in poetry, but also reflected the image of his era. Both poetry and prose were equally subject to the master; it was not without reason that for the novel “Doctor Zhivago,” which was largely autobiographical, Pasternak was awarded Nobel Prize. Unfortunately, it was this event that accelerated the death of the poet. But that era, the era of persecution of poets, remains in the past, the names of those who persecuted the great poet are forgotten, but Pasternak’s work is alive and still amazes readers with its genius.

In Pasternak’s work, several themes can be distinguished, several worlds into which the poet is completely immersed, which he reveals from the inside: first of all, this is the world of nature and inner world person. Permanent and close attention to nature reflects the poet’s admiration and reverence for the miracle of life:

It's not hard to exist.
Living is the simplest thing.
The sun lit up and rose
And warmth spread through my body.
Life and immortality are one.
Be grateful to higher powers
For love wine,
Fire running through my veins.

Nature appears in Pasternak's lyrics as Living being, to whom the poet addresses as equals, a being endowed with reason and feelings:

Trees, just for you,
And for your beautiful eyes,
I'm living in the world for the first time,
Looking at you and your beauty.

A poet cannot pass by any landscape without admiring it, which is why Pasternak has so many poems dedicated to nature: “Winter,” “ Winter night"", "Ice drift", "Spring", "Winter sky", "July thunderstorm", "After the rain", "Stuffy night", "Autumn", etc. All seasons, any time of day or night, spring forest, a winter day, an ice-covered lake, lilac bushes wet from rain - everything is reflected in the poet’s work. He finds unique metaphors and uses alliteration to create an image:

The air is full of the passing thunderstorm,
Everything has come to life, everything is breathing, as if in paradise.
All the dissolution of lilac-bunched brushes
Lilac absorbs a stream of freshness.
Not shocks and revolutions
The path is cleared for a new life,
And revelations, storms and generosity
Someone's inflamed soul.

The landscape in Pasternak’s depiction reveals multifaceted shades human feelings, helps to better understand a person’s soul, his aspirations, and unites people. Often their own lyrical heroines the poet compares them with phenomena from the natural world, thereby emphasizing their spiritual beauty:

Loving others is a heavy cross,
And you are beautiful without gyrations,
And your beauty is a secret
It is tantamount to the solution to life.
In spring the rustling of dreams is heard
And the rustle of news and truths.
You come from a family of such fundamentals.
Your meaning, like air, is selfless.

One of best poems Pasternak showing close connection human soul and nature, - “Rime”. This poem brings the reader closer to eternity, to the boundlessness and infinity of life, nature in it heals spiritual wounds:

The silent time of leaf fall,
The last geese are shoals.
No need to get upset:
Fear has big eyes.
Solemn calm
Framed in carving
Looks like a quatrain
About the sleeping princess in the coffin.
And the white dead kingdom,
To the one who mentally made me tremble,
I quietly whisper: “Thank you,
You give more than they ask.”

It is not for nothing that in one of his most famous poems, “In everything I want to get to the very essence...” the poet dreams:

I would plant poems like a garden.
With all the trembling of my veins
The linden trees would bloom in them in a row,
Single file, to the back of the head.
I would bring the breath of roses into poetry,
Breath of mint
Meadows, sedge, hayfields,
Thunderstorms rumble.

And the poet managed to convey this beauty of nature, the beauty of human feelings, perhaps because he was both a wonderful artist and an amazingly talented musician; it is no coincidence that musicality and vivid imagery are inherent in all of Pasternak’s poems. In these poems one can hear the thirst for life, the poet’s gratitude for the happiness of being, he not only knows how to enjoy life himself, but also teaches this to his readers, he knows how to comprehend the entire depth of the Universe and eternity:

Over the course of many winters
I remember the days of the solstice,
And each one was unique
And it was repeated again without counting.
I remember them off and on:
Winter is coming to the middle
The roads are wet, the roofs are leaking
And the sun warms itself on the ice floe.
And half-asleep shooters are lazy
Tossing and turning on the dial
AND longer than a century the day lasts
And the hug never ends.

Pasternak's lyrics are multifaceted and comprehensive; in the poet's well-written lines the reader will find the most important thing for himself: a deep understanding of nature and man, who are in unity, in harmony with the entire Universe, with the entire vast beautiful world.

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