Khmelevskaya Ioanna country roads. Country road

From the degree of development road network Many government factors depend, such as the prosperity of the country, its defense capability and much more. Unfortunately, Russian highways are simply unpredictable; once you leave the highway and head into the outback, you may encounter something called a dirt road.

Between many settlements Such paths seem to exist, but it is almost impossible to use them. On such primers there are sometimes large holes, huge potholes, continuous unevenness, as well as a lot of dust flying from under the wheels of the car in all directions. Although road repairs in Russia are carried out every year, it is impossible to fully resist the destructive factors that destroy the road surface. Therefore, it is better for citizens of the Russian Federation to find out in advance what they may encounter on Russian highways.

History of road infrastructure

In the ninth century, when the ancient Russian state, rivers acted as roads, so most settlements were built on their banks. IN summer time They swam on water, and in winter they moved on sleighs.

Then, when the foundation of a single centralized state, then his government began to think about creating a Yamsk post office. Thus, the roads of Russia began to take shape, and an official specially appointed for this had to be responsible for their condition.

During the reign of Catherine II, road construction began to be given particular importance national significance. By her order, the old roads were brought into excellent condition, and a special team was assembled in each district, whose task was to monitor the safety of road communications.

In the nineteenth century, development began railway transport, therefore, highways and dirt roads have become less significant for the state. But in the twentieth century, thanks to the rapid development of industry and the appearance of the first cars, the attitude of the authorities towards the road network changed significantly. Since there was no proper funding, the quality of Russia's roads continued to remain in a deplorable state.

A large program for the renovation and construction of highways was planned for the forties of the 20th century, but this grandiose plans Second interfered world war. After the fighting, it was discovered that more than ninety thousand kilometers of road infrastructure had been destroyed, so the question became of rebuilding old roads rather than building new ones.

Then construction continued at an intensive pace in the seventies, but, unfortunately, many more regional centers were never connected to regional cities by hard surface.

IN current time, although the condition of the roads is much better, still, according to experts, total length The road network does not reach the 1.5 million kilometer mark, which could satisfy the social and economic needs of the state.

Classification and categories

Roadways in Russia, as, in principle, in other countries, differ from each other in the quality of the road surface and length, therefore the following classes of roads are distinguished:

    motorway (belongs to the first category, has four lanes, maximum speed vehicle movement 130-150 km/h);

    regular track (there are different categories and varying amounts lanes, maximum vehicle movement on the road section is no more than 100 km/h);


It is almost impossible to find such a classification in atlases and maps, so it is better to know the markings, consisting of letters and numbers. Letter designation makes it clear which road the driver is dealing with:

    E - these routes are an integral part of the general road communication of Europe, coinciding with some sections of federal highways.

    AN - this means that this highway belongs to Asian roads.

    M are federal road arteries connecting large regional centers and cities.

    R – highways that connect populated areas of administrative significance.

    A - these are roadways regional significance that do not have their own direct routes to the capital of the Russian Federation.

    K – other highways, mostly country roads or dirt roads.

    N – local or intermunicipal road communication.

Of course, it is most convenient to build your route along highways highest category, although sometimes it turns out to be longer, it is safer and more comfortable.

What is a dirt track?

These are roadways consisting exclusively of natural and natural materials: sand, clay, rocky soil, turf and many other such soils. In terms of its qualities and properties, a dirt road belongs to the fifth category and does not have hard surface.

During rainy weather and snow melting, such roads are completely unsuitable for use and a passenger car is guaranteed not to be able to drive along them. It is safest to use them during the first frosts, when there is no snowfall yet, or during the dry season.

Dirt roads are of the following types:

    improved (marked on the map with two parallel lines yellow);

    field and forest (in the atlas it looks like a dashed line);

    country road (shown as solid stripes on the map).

Construction of a primer

This type of road surface can be made with my own hands, for example, in the case when you need to make it easier for yourself to travel to your dacha or some other countryside. The construction of roads from natural soil is presented in the following ways:

1. Sprinkle the road track with coal slag, a layer of which will be about 5-10 cm. In this case, the track dries quickly and practically no puddles form. After three years operation, this procedure should be repeated.

2. Using bricks with asphalt chips. Such a dirt road can withstand even the spring melting of snow and can last more than four years.

3. Laying asphalt crumbs with a tractor onto Dornit fabric, the density of which is 150 g/m2. This method is the fastest and highest quality.

Road construction of this type not too expensive, but requires constant maintenance of the coating in proper condition.

Repair work on ground surfaces

During operation, under the influence of wheels of various vehicles, weather conditions, due to loss large quantity precipitation, unstable temperatures and other various factors, all highways, without exception, wear out and become unusable. Therefore, the unpaved surface of roads requires systematic restoration and maintenance. This can also be done in several ways.

Major road repairs mean that some large sections of them will be re-blocked, and in some cases the entire road surface will be re-blocked.

During current annual reconstructions, graders are mainly used to cut natural material along the sides and moving it onto the roadway.

Improved primer

For better stability of the road surface on country roads, a lightweight roadway is created. First, to do this, this section of the road is cleared of dust and dirt, and then covered with soil, gravel material and binders mixed with each other with various additives.

These improved unpaved roadways are more resistant to various factors damage, while a minimum of funds are used for their construction.

Difficult areas

Russian motorists have identified several major surprises awaiting them on dirt roads.

The first of them is spring off-road. In this case, the ground surface resembles some kind of swamp. Mud can completely clog the treads, thus leaving the tires slick and completely defenseless. To avoid such troubles, you need to move strictly along the knurled track and try to make the vehicle as light as possible.

The second surprise is the unpredictable sand. If it is dry, then the machine can, under its own weight, dig deeper and deeper into it. If the sand surface is wet, then you can overcome it faster, but you need to do this in a careful way so as not to sink into the viscous dunes.

It would seem that small puddles on the roads cannot be a particular obstacle, but still they sometimes hide many pitfalls. If it is not possible to go around them, then it is better to stop and get out of the car in order to explore the depths with a stick.

Country road

This is a small road surface between populated areas, also covered with natural soil. It is suitable for wheeled vehicles, but since this road does not have a hard surface, in unfavorable conditions weather conditions it can be completely unsuitable for travel.

Such a roadway is the most unacceptable for the operation of passenger cars on it - in order to drive along it, especially in early spring, avid car enthusiasts recommend putting special chains on the car tires.

Quality of Russian road surface

In 2012, experts from the Davos Forum compiled an annual report and, for this purpose, assessed the roads of Russia and other countries. Their system used a seven-point scale,
where 1 is worst condition, and 7 is excellent. Russia received its rightful three points in such a study. Such a low figure was obtained Russian roads Due to their satisfactory quality and all that, some dirt paths cannot be used at all in the autumn or spring period of the year. Therefore, strictly speaking, such assessments are not surprising.

Why are the roads of poor quality in Russia?

It is generally accepted that the state’s road network looks this way because the country has a bad climate and outdated standards and technologies. In some cases, the current terrain is unfavorable for construction, so even repairing the road in such conditions will be difficult.

In regions of Russia such as Karelia and the Far North, the construction process is complicated by low temperatures, so it requires high energy consumption, which consequently leads to higher road prices. As a result, it turns out that a large amount of money is spent not on laying the road surface, but on combating unfavorable natural conditions.

How much does it cost to maintain a road surface?

The 2016 budget included 554 billion rubles, of which 130 will go to the reconstruction and restoration of regional roads, and 65 to construction Kerch Bridge. The remaining billions will go to the maintenance and repair of highways. federal significance. According to the latest estimates, the reconstruction of one kilometer of roadway costs an average of 28 million rubles, and construction - 133 million rubles. This will reduce the number of traffic jams in these directions.

Government plans

Ministry of Transport Russian Federation announced that it plans to replace all dirt roads with concrete in the next five years. Such construction provides for financing of 1.8 trillion rubles. Also, as part of such a program, thirty-five bridges and overpasses should be replaced or reconstructed.

If the stated plans are implemented, then, according to experts, this will reduce the number of accidents and increase traffic capacity highways. And besides, it will solve one of the main problems of motorists.

Why do you dream about a country road? The dream book explains: a vision promises obstacles, a streak of bad luck, material losses, and difficult choices. But some scenes with her in a dream promise news from loved ones, a family celebration, agreement with a lover.

The dreamed vision warns the dreamer about upcoming obstacles for his enterprises and even losses.

Seeing a narrow country road in front of you along which you need to go somewhere means: in reality you have taken a wrong turn, such a path will not lead to good things.

Why do you dream of a winding abandoned dirt road? The dream book says: a long streak of bad luck will come, so you need to be patient.

Losses, unhappy events

Did you dream that your family was seeing you off? If this happens solemnly, it means that material losses are coming.

In a dream, are your relatives seeing you off along a country road? The dream book indicates: if the farewell turned out to be sad, you can expect the onset of a whole series of unhappy events.

Have you seen yourself walking along an uneven path? The dream foreshadows various troubles, frequent shifts moods. You need to try to control yourself so that emotions do not affect your business.

News, family celebration

Did you dream that many close people were walking towards you along a country road? In reality, you will hear from one of your relatives.

In the dream, there were a lot of close people on the dirt road who were joyfully and animatedly discussing something? The dream book explains: there is some kind of celebration coming up, perhaps associated with the birth of a new family member.

You have chosen the right path, you will live in harmony with your loved one

Why do you dream of a well-trodden country road? You have chosen the right direction in life, keep moving forward.

Such a dream suggests: although the path to the goal will be thorny, with effort you can achieve prosperity and prosperity.

Seeing a smooth, straight road in a dream, which you are walking along with your lover, means: your directions coincide, you will move side by side, remain faithful to each other.

Did you return along a familiar path? The dream book tells you: memories of the distant past will come flooding back.

What was she like?

Remember what she was like:

  • narrow - a harbinger of sadness;
  • abandoned - family troubles;
  • dusty - you will fall under bad influence;
  • surrounded by trees - family harmony;
  • Flowers grew on the sides - unexpected luck was ahead.

Was there a lot of dust on it? Some people pursuing their own goals will try to drag you into their organization.

Miller's Dream Book: Unsuccessful Beginnings

Why do you dream of walking along an unfamiliar, broken country road? The dreamer's undertakings will bring him nothing but problems.

Difficult choices ahead, but also success

A long road in a dream foreshadows: you will be able to solve your problems, but it will take a lot of time and effort.

Did you dream of seeing yourself on a deserted country road? In reality, very soon you will have to make a very difficult choice.

Driving along a country road past beautiful fertile fields means: unexpected success and good luck lie ahead.

Did she take you to a nice, spacious place? The interpretation of the dream indicates: this is a harbinger of a quick improvement in things.

Many government factors, such as the prosperity of the country, its defense capability and much more, depend on the degree of development of the road network. Unfortunately, Russian highways are simply unpredictable; once you leave the highway and head into the outback, you may encounter something called a dirt road.

There seem to be such roads between many settlements, but it is almost impossible to use them. On such primers there are sometimes large holes, huge potholes, continuous unevenness, as well as a lot of dust flying from under the wheels of the car in all directions. Although road repairs in Russia are carried out every year, it is impossible to fully resist the destructive factors that destroy the road surface. Therefore, it is better for citizens of the Russian Federation to find out in advance what they may encounter on Russian highways.

History of road infrastructure

In the ninth century, when the ancient Russian state was born, rivers acted as roads, so most settlements were built on their banks. In the summer they swam on water, and in the winter they moved on sleighs.

Then, when the foundation of a single centralized state began in the fifteenth century, its authorities began to think about creating a Yamsk post office. Thus, the roads of Russia began to take shape, and an official specially appointed for this had to be responsible for their condition.

During the reign of Catherine II, road construction began to be given particularly important national importance. By her order, the old roads were brought to and a special team was assembled in each district, whose task was to monitor the safety of road communications.

In the nineteenth century, the development of railway transport began, so highways and dirt roads became less significant for the state. But in the twentieth century, thanks to the rapid development of industry and the appearance of the first cars, the attitude of the authorities towards the road network changed significantly. Since there was no proper funding, the quality of Russia's roads continued to remain in a deplorable state.

A large program for the renovation and construction of highways was planned for the forties of the 20th century, but such grandiose plans were prevented by the Second World War. After the fighting, it was discovered that more than ninety thousand kilometers of road infrastructure had been destroyed, so the question became of rebuilding old roads rather than building new ones.

Then construction continued at an intensive pace in the seventies, but, unfortunately, many more regional centers were not connected to regional cities by hard surfaces.

At the present time, although the condition of the roads is much better, still, according to experts, the total length of the road network does not reach the mark of 1.5 million kilometers, which could satisfy the social and economic needs of the state.

Classification and categories

Roadways in Russia, as, in principle, in other countries, differ from each other in the quality of the road surface and length, therefore the following classes of roads are distinguished:

    highway (belongs to the first category, has four lanes, maximum vehicle speed is 130-150 km/h);

    regular highway (there are different categories and different numbers of lanes, the maximum vehicle movement on a section of road is no more than 100 km/h);


It is almost impossible to find such a classification in atlases and maps, so it is better to know the markings, consisting of letters and numbers. The letter designation makes it clear which road the driver is dealing with:

    E - these routes are an integral part of the general road communication of Europe, coinciding with some sections of federal highways.

    AN - this means that this highway belongs to Asian roads.

    M are federal road arteries connecting large regional centers and cities.

    R - highways that connect populated areas of administrative significance.

    A are roadways of regional importance that do not have their own direct routes to the capital of the Russian Federation.

    K - other highways, mostly country roads or dirt roads.

    N - local or intermunicipal road communication.

    Of course, it is most convenient to build your route along highways of the highest category, although sometimes it turns out to be longer, but it is safer and more comfortable.

    What is a dirt track?

    These are roadways consisting exclusively of natural and natural materials: sand, clay, rocky soil, turf and many other such soils. In terms of its qualities and properties, a dirt road belongs to the fifth category and does not have a hard surface.

    During rainy weather and snow melting, such roads are completely unsuitable for use and a passenger car is guaranteed not to be able to drive along them. It is safest to use them during the first frosts, when there is no snowfall yet, or during the dry season.

    Dirt roads are of the following types:

      improved (marked on the map with two parallel yellow lines);

      field and forest (in the atlas it looks like a dashed line);

      country road (shown as solid stripes on the map).

    Construction of a primer

    This type of road surface can be made with your own hands, for example, in the case when you need to make it easier for yourself to travel to a dacha or some other place. The construction of roads from natural soil is presented in the following ways:

    1. Sprinkle the road track with coal slag, a layer of which will be about 5-10 cm. In this case, the track dries quickly and practically no puddles form. After three years of operation, this procedure should be repeated.

    2. Using bricks with asphalt chips. Such a dirt road can withstand even the spring melting of snow and can last more than four years.

    3. Laying asphalt crumbs with a tractor onto Dornit fabric, the density of which is 150 g/m2. This method is the fastest and highest quality.

    The construction of roads of this type is not very expensive, but requires constant maintenance of the surface in proper condition.

    Repair work on ground surfaces

    During operation, under the influence of wheels of various vehicles, weather conditions, due to large amounts of precipitation, unstable temperatures and other various factors, all highways, without exception, wear out and become unusable. Therefore, the unpaved surface of roads requires systematic restoration and maintenance. This can also be done in several ways.

    Major road repairs mean that some large sections of them will be re-blocked, and in some cases the entire road surface will be re-blocked.

    Current annual reconstructions mainly use graders, cutting off natural material along the roadsides and moving it onto the roadway.

    Improved primer

    For better stability of the road surface on country roads, a lightweight roadway is created. First, to do this, this section of the road is cleared of dust and dirt, and then covered with soil, gravel material and binders mixed with each other with various additives.

    Such improved unpaved roadways are more resistant to various damage factors, while a minimum of funds are used for their construction.

    Difficult areas

    Russian motorists have identified several major surprises awaiting them on dirt roads.

    The first of them is spring off-road. In this case, the ground surface resembles some kind of swamp. Mud can completely clog the treads, thus leaving the tires slick and completely defenseless. To avoid such troubles, you need to move strictly along the knurled track and try to make the vehicle as light as possible.

    The second surprise is the unpredictable sand. If it is dry, then the machine can, under its own weight, dig deeper and deeper into it. If the sand surface is wet, then you can overcome it faster, but you need to do this in a careful way so as not to sink into the viscous dunes.

    It would seem that small puddles on the roads cannot be a particular obstacle, but still they sometimes hide many pitfalls. If it is not possible to go around them, then it is better to stop and get out of the car in order to explore the depths with a stick.

    Country road

    This is a small road surface between populated areas, also covered with natural soil. It is suitable for wheeled vehicles, but since this road does not have a hard surface, in unfavorable weather conditions it can be completely unsuitable for travel.

    Such a roadway is the most unacceptable for the operation of passenger cars on it - in order to drive along it, especially in early spring, avid car enthusiasts recommend putting special chains on the car tires.

    Quality of Russian road surface

    In 2012, experts from the Davos Forum compiled an annual report and, for this purpose, assessed the roads of Russia and other countries. Their system used a seven-point scale, with 1 being the worst condition and 7 being excellent. Russia received its rightful three points in such a study. Russian roads received such a low indicator because of their satisfactory quality, and at the same time, some dirt roads cannot be used at all in the autumn or spring period of the year. Therefore, strictly speaking, such assessments are not surprising.

    Why are the roads of poor quality in Russia?

    It is generally accepted that the state’s road network looks this way because the country has a bad climate and outdated standards and technologies. In some cases, the current terrain is unfavorable for construction, so even repairing the road in such conditions will be difficult.

    In regions of Russia such as Karelia, the construction process is complicated by low temperatures, so it requires high energy consumption, which consequently leads to higher road prices. As a result, it turns out that a large amount of money is spent not on laying the road surface, but on combating unfavorable natural conditions.

    How much does it cost to maintain a road surface?

    The 2016 budget included 554 billion rubles, of which 130 will go to the reconstruction and restoration of regional roads, and 65 to the construction of the Kerch Bridge. The remaining billions will be spent on maintaining and repairing federal highways. According to the latest estimates, the reconstruction of one kilometer of roadway costs an average of 28 million rubles, and construction - 133 million rubles. This will reduce the number of traffic jams in these directions.

    Government plans

    The federation announced that it plans to replace all dirt roads with concrete over the next five years. Such construction provides for financing of 1.8 trillion rubles. Also, as part of such a program, thirty-five bridges and overpasses should be replaced or reconstructed.

    If the stated plans are implemented, then, according to experts, this will reduce the number of accidents and increase the capacity of roads. And besides, it will solve one of the main problems of motorists.

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