How to design an ecology corner. A corner of nature as the main object of environmental education for preschool children. Forms and methods of work

“Ways to solve environmental problems” - Discharges from urban treatment facilities– up to 60% Industrial discharges. Traditional energy: Reftinskaya GRES Metallurgical production. The basis of industry and economy Sverdlovsk region are metallurgy and mechanical engineering: Atmospheres. Implementation tools: legislative. average duration life of the population of Germany (2009).

Food Bike Tour

Along the Ruhr and Baldenese there is a photo tour with a bicycle, where Photoshop is placed in photographic interesting points. A community garden has been created on a former playground in Holterhausen, accessible to all citizens and intended to become a meeting place for residents and interested parties. Shelter occupants must be transported to the Grunka Boot.

Public Garden Laurengarten-Altendorf

Lorengarten is a community garden project in Hochbeten, created by young people in Altendorf. Fruits and vegetables are grown and harvested together. Everyone can participate without any contribution, which reduces the inhibitions of gardening. Various events such as seminars are held throughout the year. Basic equipment is required to achieve sustainable frying.

"Ecological region" - Global environmental problems. Desertification. Objects of ecology research are mainly systems above the level of individual organisms: populations, biocenoses, ecosystems, as well as the entire biosphere. Lakes that drain their water: Syrdarya and Amudarya. Declining biodiversity. Caspian Sea. Local environmental problems.

Gardening connects different people and creates a valuable contribution to community life in the city. Small and large should be given opportunities to grow their own vegetables. Children get to know nature and see how things grow. They follow the process from sowing to cultivation, harvesting and, of course, consumption. In addition, social contacts are strengthened.

Global sustainable jam in the Elting region

A large community garden is currently being established in the new Shuira area. Laurengarten is community garden in Altendorf. Let's now build a greenhouse. This will give us more possibilities design and flexibility and will enhance the overall attractiveness of the garden.

Goethe's Garden - we are designing our school garden

A school garden is being built at Goethe's school. This makes nature and the environment almost tangible. Fashion expert Dominique van de Pol guides participants to the best trading addresses for eco-fashion and second-hand clothing, and as a stylist she can help with tips and activities.

“Cool corner” - Results: Cool corner as a tool for tutor support cognitive interest child. Requirements: State symbols of the Russian Federation. Requirements. Goal: Rights of team members. 13. Each section cool corner must be appropriate to the age and interests of the students. Tasks: Structure of the classroom corner.

Large landscaping equipment for gardens

At noon there is a short picnic break in the city garden or in a cafe. Participation fee: 15 euros per person. The Shuir garden requires the purchase of larger gardening equipment, which is available to all other gardens in the community. Sharing devices promotes communication with each other and promotes commonality.

Green lungs - sporting events on Lake Baldeney

Scouts of the St. Tribe "Panoramic benches" on Schnutzgenstrasse in Steele are decorated. From here it opens beautiful view to the Ruhr Valley. The benches are painted in various colors, beds are planted and nest boxes are hung. The photo project accompanies different people during their leisure time over four seasons. The results will be presented later at the exhibition.

"Global Environmental Problems" - What is it? global problems? Climate change inevitably affects the level of the World Ocean. It is now generally accepted that the biggest source of air pollution is industrial production. Problems of natural and economic nature. Soil pollution. Plant organic residues. IN last decades intensive destruction of the azone layer was noticed.

Green oasis in my area

Photo competition with children and teenagers. Discover the green oases of your neighborhoods.

Nature of the green city on the roof

Flowers and shrubs, walls are painted, and a raised bed is created. Since "closeness" is always there for the Maltese, we would like to open our roof garden to all seasons. This office, among other things. filled and maintained by a landscaping company.

This is how garden lovers and gardening school students can develop. The flower and plant bed will be recycled at Storpplatz in southeast region with the participation local residents, students and children. Planting 15 pieces of wood and erecting two birch trees creates optical and taste surprises on Weberstraße.

“Nature corner” - What kind of leaves? Indoor flowers Violet Tradescantia. How can you grow a houseplant? Why create a corner of nature? Man can protect plants and animals from extinction. What flowers? Practical work. Our corner of nature. Indoor flowers. Let's draw a conclusion. What job do fins and tail do?

Healing herbal garden on the street

Community gardens are places of cultural, social and generational diversity and neighborhood coexistence. Project members contribute voluntarily to a viable, green and sustainable city and create sustainable neighborhoods. The grown herbs are tested in a "small research area" with children and processed at home against common childhood illnesses.

Discover medicinal plants in Essen

The project is a series of events in various green spaces in Essen with a focus on medicinal plants.

"Ecological games" - World of Plants. Mini garden. Evaluation of the research results: “Game as a method environmental education preschoolers." 2. Working with children. Game. Games with rules. Path to nature. Purpose of the study: In the third, ideas about the adaptation of living beings to different environments habitat. They have an understanding of the laws of nature.

Public and free events, excursions and short lectures are held over three days. Participants will learn about environmental aspects and aspects of health and learn to know better the green side of food. Many children no longer know that fruits grow on trees and bushes. The planting is intended to raise awareness about food and its ripening process. The goal is to create a place to meet and enjoy flowers and fruits.

High beds for university kitchen

In a workshop, floorboards should be constructed from solid wood planks. This way, older people and people with disabilities have more opportunities to collaborate. Depending on the season and demand these mobile devices can be installed for planting in the area. The Department of Ecology and Mobility at the University of Duisburg-Essen wants to create new beds at the University of Essen.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of artistic activities aesthetic development children No. 16 “Topolek”

Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory

Creation Requirements

Requirements for placing indoor plants

In this way, children are encouraged and learn to engage with nature. Three bumblebees are created and cared for. The application and monitoring are carried out together with selected groups of children. From four selected locations in Essen, there is a guided tour to the Essen Town Hall. Green sights that are seen every day but no longer consciously perceived are in the foreground.

A bicycle tour with interested citizens from the Ruhr to the renamed old Emscher is planned to promote the natural route. Inclusion in the green capital: in Grug - the central green space in Essen - barrier-free travel there and back provides relaxation and support for nature for people with disabilities disabilities and without them. The planned event wants to put this and other examples in a regional, national and international context. With cooperation partners, a two-day event with specialized information, exchange of experiences and excursions is an incentive for wider inclusion in "green".

ecological room, laboratory

V preschool institution and corner

in the group kindergarten

prepared by senior teacher

One of important conditions implementation of an environmental education system in a preschool institution is proper organization and ecological development environment. Developmental concept subject environment developed, which defines it as a system of material objects of a child’s activity, functionally modeling the content of the development of his spiritual and physical appearance; an enriched environment presupposes the unity of social and natural means of ensuring a child’s varied activities.

Interactive discussion: climate-friendly local transport

Plots of summer lilac, lavender, fat hen and wild flowers are planned. In addition, it is planned to create a hotel for insects. Together with the citizens of the city of Essen, they must discuss the current situation, concrete planning ideas and the potential of urban transport.

Intercultural community garden

Especially for children, this project creates a place in greenery where nature, the environment and the garden can be experienced with all the senses. Intercultural community garden in Reckhammerweg. Community garden in Reckhammerweg should become a meeting place for refugees, neighborhoods and students: intercultural and cross-generation, we want to learn from each other and experience nature together.

As already noted, there is currently a certain contradiction between natural need a child in communication with nature as a living being and his alienation from nature, which plays a negative role from the point of view of environmental education. This alienation can be partially overcome through a developing subject environment. This process must correspond to the goals of creating a developmental subject environment as such, that is, contribute to the development of the child as a whole, his formation as an individual, and satisfy his needs in various types of activities. The main task is to create conditions for the formation of elements in the child ecological culture, environmentally literate behavior, implementation of new ideas about the universality and intrinsic value of nature.

Children playfully create an environment for the future

Seminars on different topics and communal celebrations make the community garden a green and vibrant meeting place for the entire neighborhood. Catholic public library starts offering different actions for children: playfully raise awareness of environment with books; Explore the city's surroundings with adventure bags and change nursery and candy gardens through seed balls and create your own book borrowing bags.

Methods of environmental education for preschool children

The project is supported by neighborhood initiatives and playground sponsors. Visitors and visitors must participate in design and maintenance under supervision. Development and implementation of excursions on sustainable, environmentally oriented consumption. Suitable locations and opening hours, tours can be a 2-3 hour walk from the city center or nearby city centers or bike ride to the community gardens.

Let's turn to the methodological manual Environmental education in kindergarten. According to the author, environmental education has already become an integral part of preschool pedagogy. That is why teachers have many questions. - How to create effective system environmental education in kindergarten, based on an integrated approach? - How to ensure that the ideas of environmental education are implemented through different types of child activities: experimentation, observation, work, play, musical, visual, physical activity?

Requirements for placing an aquarium

The trend towards the abolition of cooking should be shown in four workshops for children that cooking, healthy eating and waste prevention are not difficult and can be fun. Two expert chefs will teach two workshops on topics such as herbal cooking, healthy dessert or creative vegetable cooking.

Herbs and berries in Elsa-Brandström-Realschule

Sowing corn and poppy on a dirt road. Various herbal and healthy beds will be created in the spacious school grounds of Elsa-Brandström-Realschule in Bergerhausen. Joint planting and harvesting, as well as processing and consumption are planned.

Art from Essen - art prints for recycling

The various park benches in the south-eastern region were developed in cooperation with the primary school in Wasserturm. Creativity is not limited.

Goal: to provide the basics of modern environmental education for preschoolers and practical recommendations: how to create a developmental environment (ecological room, laboratory, living corner, mini-museums, ecological path, etc.); what techniques to use when working with children; why does a preschool institution need “ Ecological passport».

Elements of a developing subject environment

In the nearby community kitchen, the four seasons are to be prepared and eaten seasonally together. Photo documentation of farms and products “made in Essen”. In a sustainable project, children and young people in the Jugendfarm Essen area must not only create a habitat for wild bees, but also be associated with the project in the long term.

Do it like Jesus, walk on the water

Young people aged 14 to 27 must travel through Lake Baldenese with swimwear. The event is open to the public. The aim of the project is to provide information about the management of the park and the park as a garden monument in an exhibition about the park and open monument park through playful and musical excursions with all the senses.

Developmental environment for environmental education:
ecological complexes in preschool educational institutions

From the point of view of environmental education, the environment in a preschool institution should contribute to:

- cognitive development baby(creating conditions for cognitive activity, experimenting with natural materials, systematic observations behind objects of living and inanimate nature; developing interest in natural phenomena, searching for answers to questions that interest the child and posing new questions);
- environmental and aesthetic development(attracting the child’s attention to the surrounding natural objects, developing the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding natural world, the variety of its colors and shapes; preference for natural objects over artificial objects);
- child's health(use of environmentally friendly materials for interior decoration, toys; assessment ecological situation territory of a preschool institution; competent design, landscaping of the territory; creating conditions for excursions and outdoor activities);
- formation moral qualities baby(creating conditions for regular care of living objects and communication with them, cultivating a sense of responsibility, desire and ability to preserve the world around us nature);
- formation of environmentally literate behavior(skills in rational environmental management; caring for animals, plants, environmentally conscious behavior in nature);
- greening various types child's activities ( creating conditions for independent games, experiments with natural materials, the use of natural materials in art classes, etc.).

On four excursions in Altendorf, Frohnhausen and new Weststadt, participants will discover just how green and diverse the densely populated areas in Essen-West are. Expert speakers accompany the tours, enrich them with their expert knowledge and decide for themselves - in urban gardening right at your front door.

My photos of the route from Duisburg to the Green Capital

Participation in excursions is free.

Create habitats for children for flora and fauna

Mobile greenhouse with workshop for kindergartens and primary schools. To achieve this, we offer a workshop and brochure so that nurseries and herbalists can learn about plants and herbs, harvest and process foods, and learn to appreciate food. We are offering a van call for a two week workshop.

Currently, preschool institutions differ from each other in terms of material capabilities, the initial level of greening of the developing subject environment, and the areas of activity of the teaching staff. These circumstances explain the need for a variable approach to the organization of a developmental subject environment, which must correspond to the goals and objectives of a particular teaching staff at this stage of work.

Any developmental environment consists of a variety of elements, each of which performs its own functional role. From the point of view of environmental education, we can distinguish traditional and non-traditional elements of a developmental subject environment for preschool institutions. The table lists functional roles various elements of the developmental subject environment and their use for conducting a variety of activities.

Elements of a developing subject environment


Another question that is sometimes discussed is: is an ecological room needed at all in a kindergarten? Maybe it’s enough to have living corners in groups? Teachers of preschool institutions who have already created such an element of the environment are unanimous in their opinion: an ecological room creates a special, unique environment, evokes positive emotions, helps to relax, unwind and at the same time makes any activity in this room very attractive for the children. The very fact that you need to go to the environmental room, go outside your group, affects the child’s attitude towards classes. He tunes in to the perception of something unusual, especially since appearance The ecological room really differs sharply from everything that a child sees around him every day. At home, preschoolers constantly talk about what they did in the environmental room, what they liked most there, and invite their parents to visit. The children constantly ask to be taken to the environmental room as often as possible and given the opportunity to make independent observations. Some kindergartens noted that such premises also facilitate faster adaptation of newly admitted children who like the unusual environment. They are very eager to go to kindergarten, “to see the environmental room” (as older children explain their desire). Of course, not all preschool institutions can allocate large premises for an environmental room, but if desired, you can always find a way out of the situation, as they did, for example, in some preschool educational institutions, by transforming some utility rooms.

Optimally (depending on size), the room is divided into a number of functional zones.

Training zone should be well lit, and therefore, as a rule, a part of the room near the windows is allocated for it. There is a table for the teacher and small tables, sitting at which children can draw, sculpt, work with teaching aids. Our work experience has shown that even such a seemingly insignificant detail as the arrangement of furniture affects the relationship between children and the teacher, so the arrangement of tables should not copy school class. They can be arranged in a circle or in a “P” shape, that is, in such a way that the teacher works not “on”, but together with the children. This is important for the implementation of the principles of cooperation pedagogy and a dialogue form of learning. Preschoolers are at the tables only if they are doing certain practical work. During other activities (for example, reading literary works, work with the box of sensations, games) preschoolers sit comfortably on sofas, armchairs, low soft chairs or on the floor (on the carpet). Such areas should also be provided when decorating the premises.

Collections area designed to introduce children to various natural objects, to develop their skills in classifying objects according to various signs, sensory skills. The collection material also serves as visual material. Collections are located in special cabinets or on shelves at a level accessible to a child’s gaze (very often, teachers place collection materials at the level of perception of an adult, not a child). The following aspects should be considered when collecting samples:

Availability of objects for collection. Kindergarten collections should include, first of all, samples that preschoolers and their parents can collect - stones, various plant seeds, dry leaves, branches, dry bark of trees, shrubs, samples of sand, clay, various soils, river and sea shells, etc. .p.

Diversity . In the collection area, objects of both living and inanimate nature are represented to one degree or another (as far as possible).

Local history aspect. Collections should include natural objects the area where the preschool is located. This will allow the teacher to use in their work objects that are already familiar to children, which they will be able to look at from new positions. Local material forms the basis, the basic core of the collections.

Regional aspect . Collections can be replenished by material brought by preschoolers and their parents from various regions of our country and other countries that they visit during various travels and vacations. Any brought object can serve as an excellent reason to start a conversation about countries, customs, nature, peoples of the Earth, that is, contribute to the formation of the foundations of global thinking.

Environmental aspect. Its implementation contributes to the formation of the foundations of environmental thinking in preschoolers. This is also important from a bioethical point of view. There is no need to include butterflies and beetles collected and dried by children and parents in the collection objects. Currently, some preschool institutions give parents a number of tasks for the summer: collect collections flowering plants meadows, forests, leaves different types trees, insect collections. In this case, the following argument is put forward as a justification: for collections, children collect not rare, protected, but widespread species. However, from the point of view of developing in a child a careful, respectful, emotional attitude towards nature and the perception of himself as part of it, it is important to educate him on the objects of his immediate environment, that is, on commonly encountered species, and not just rare ones, which he (quite likely) will not encounter in your life in general. In addition, dry herbarium samples, as a rule, do not always contribute to the formation of correct ideas about plants in a child. The author’s work experience has shown that even primary and secondary school students (not to mention preschoolers), who are excellent at identifying plants from herbariums and drawings, often find it difficult to identify the same plants in a forest or meadow. In addition, the herbarium requires certain storage conditions, which are difficult to provide in a kindergarten. If we take into account the state of the herbarium in some kindergartens (yellowed, dusty specimens, the flowers of which have long lost their original color), then we can conclude that working with such material in a kindergarten is unlikely to yield good result. Flat plants that have lost their color, smell and often shape, plants torn out from their natural environment or motionless bees pinned on pins, butterflies with drooping wings are not able to evoke in a child positive emotions and a desire to take care of natural objects. In one of the kindergartens, while studying the topic “Living and inanimate nature"The children did not agree with the teacher, who showed collections of insects as objects of living nature; they did not want to identify dead beetles" wildlife" At the same time, observing live butterflies and beetles in the park, they accurately answered the question.

Thus, in our opinion, it is better to start introducing children to trees, grasses, and animals directly in nature, and to reinforce the material, use good drawings, photographs, videos, and slides.

Safety. Any object in the collection area must be safe for children - both from the point of view of various mechanical damage (for example, stones should not have sharp edges; their sharp edges can be tapped with a hammer), and from the point of view of health (the materials used bird feathers and other objects must be clean, non-allergenic, etc.). Stones, sand samples, seeds, plant inflorescences (that have fallen to the ground) should be collected away from areas frequented by dogs and cats.

Relaxation zone is a corner with a variety of indoor plants, aquariums, an alpine slide, and a fountain. Designed primarily for children's recreation, independent play and for developing plant care skills. It is not recommended to place animals in this area (except aquarium fish), as this distracts preschoolers from their studies. The relaxation area can include fountains, treated hemp, and logs of various sizes that serve as chairs and tables.

Library area - a corner containing colorful books, encyclopedias for children, periodicals (environmental magazines“Svirel”, “Svirelka”, “Kindergarten”). It is not recommended to place it in a corner methodological manuals for teachers, as is sometimes done. All pedagogical literature better placed in methodological office. There may be dolls in the library area - fairy tale characters, which are used in ecology classes, globes, children's atlases. The technical complex is also located here - a TV, a video recorder, a tape recorder (music center) or player, an overhead projector, a projector for slides, the slides themselves, videos, audio cassettes, records (it all depends on the capabilities of the kindergarten).

On the walls of the ecological room are hung a physical-geographical (not political!) map of the world, Russia, the region, maps of ecological paths, and nature calendars. Various models can be exhibited in the room, including a model of the territory of a preschool educational institution, and three-dimensional nature calendars.

Decoration of an ecological room should serve as an example of safe design of premises, contribute to the development of environmentally conscious behavior of children and adults in everyday life. From this point of view, it is best to use only natural materials, excluding, if possible, artificial flowers that are environmentally unfavorable (primarily synthetic).


The laboratory is created to develop children's cognitive interest, increase interest in research activities and contributes to the formation of the foundations of a scientific worldview. At the same time, the laboratory is a base for specific play activity child (work in the laboratory involves turning children into scientists who conduct experiments, experiments, observations on various topics). IN lately sociologists note that television and many books form in children the idea of ​​scientists as half-crazed geniuses who are secretly doing something unsafe for all humanity. Thus, American experts, as a result of surveys, found that most people (including children) imagine a scientist as an eccentric man with glasses, with tousled hair (bald option), in a white coat, with a carton of milk and a loaf of bread in his bag. His surroundings are tables with a huge amount various test tubes, flasks with substances that periodically explode (something like a sorcerer’s “workplace”). And in our country, unlike in previous years, the image of a scientist began to differ little from the image created in the same films. Experts are sounding the alarm: ideas about scientists obtained from films make this profession unattractive for children, and they consider science on a par with magic and witchcraft, and it is far from harmless. Therefore, it is extremely important from childhood to form in preschoolers respect and interest in the profession of scientists (regardless of whether they themselves become scientists in the future). The research that preschoolers conduct in the laboratory gives them a completely different image of scientists, develops respect for scientific work and trust in science.

Several types of laboratories can be distinguished: a laboratory in a separate room, in an environmental room, in a group (mini-laboratory), a laboratory in the territory of a kindergarten.

Laboratory design

Many kindergartens convert ordinary utility rooms into a laboratory. It is advisable that the laboratory have water taps and sinks. This will allow children to wash their hands immediately after classes, and teachers to quickly tidy up tables and equipment. A sign with the name and emblem is posted on the door of the laboratory. Children can come up with the logo and name of the laboratory together with their teachers. Setting up a laboratory does not require large additional costs. Depending on the size of the room, the laboratory may have either only small tables or tables with chairs. Racks (shelves) for equipment and materials are also located here. You can place boxes with plants on the windowsills for observation. Artificial plants should be avoided when decorating a laboratory. You can hang portraits of famous scientists on the walls.


Waste materials, in particular packaging materials different sizes and forms for conducting experiments: cups varying degrees transparencies from yogurt, sour cream and other dairy products, ice cream, cake boxes, etc., plastic spoons for bulk materials, sticks, cocktail straws (new), filter paper (such as blotting paper or napkins). It is good to involve children and parents in the selection of equipment. In this case, the process of designing a laboratory itself will have an educational value (implementation of the slogan “Waste into income!”). For teacher demonstrations of individual experiments, transparent plastic cereal jars are suitable. Magnifying glasses are a must. As additional equipment You can purchase microscopes, barometers, thermometers, hourglasses, binoculars, and kits for playing with water. It is important to remember that the microscope should not be too difficult to use; special microscopes for children are best suited, which are usually accompanied by various preparations for research. The more expensive the microscope, the more difficult it is to prepare preparations for it. It is enough to have five microscopes per subgroup. A set of equipment for a specific lesson is prepared for each child by the teacher in advance and placed on an individual small tray or oilcloth.

Materials for work

It is convenient to store natural materials intended for various studies in the laboratory: sand, clay, stones, plant seeds (not collection samples, namely mass material for organizing classes).

Features of conducting classes in the laboratory

As already indicated, when children come to the laboratory, they become “scientists” and study various natural objects and phenomena. During the experiments, they put on white coats, for example, from old men's shirts, and receive identification badges that are attached to their chests. On such a badge, made of a paper rectangle or circle, the child’s last and first name is written, for example: “ Scientist Stepanov Misha." You can design appropriate icons for different types research: “Water Explorers” (a drop of water), “Air Explorers” (a balloon).

Corners in groups

Traditionally, groups of preschool institutions create living corners containing indoor plants and one or two species of animals. In experimental preschool institutions working under the “Our Home is Nature” program, small complexes of three corners have been created.

1. Experimental corner. In this corner there is material with which the child can independently study (play, experiment). The composition of the material varies depending on the topic of environmental studies. Thus, during classes on the block “Sand, clay, stones,” the child is given the opportunity to independently experiment, play with these materials, examine them with a magnifying glass, and repeat experiments that he conducted under the guidance of a teacher in environmental class, build houses and cities from stones, etc. Thus, the teacher, together with the parents, collects a variety of natural material, which is then in sufficient quantity placed in the experimental corner. The organization of such a corner gives each child the opportunity to independently study each topic, since the time for collective classes in the environmental room is limited, and many preschoolers express a desire to continue experimental work.

2. Corner of nature, This corner contains natural objects for care and observation. As a rule, this is an aquarium, a cage with parrots or a golden hamster. Books, illustrations containing information about these animals, and items for caring for them are also placed here. Keeping animals and growing plants in groups allows the teacher to organize long-term observations and use the same objects for different purposes. Great influence The child is also influenced by the opportunity to constantly communicate with a living being and care for it.

3. Exhibition corner. Since classes in the program involve children drawing, sculpting, making appliqués, the groups accumulate large number works Regardless of the quality of the work, all the children’s drawings and crafts are exhibited in the group, and the best are selected for the exhibition of the entire kindergarten. This approach is psychologically comfortable and extremely important for increasing the child’s motivation and creating a desire to improve his work. In addition, photographs of children and parents communicating with nature, and children with the inhabitants of the living corner are periodically hung in the corner.

Questions and tasks

1. For what purposes and objectives is greening the developing environment necessary?

2. What elements of the developmental subject environment can be included in ecological complex? Do you have such elements?

3. What zones are highlighted in the environmental room?

4. Analyze the development environment of your institution and, if necessary, supplement it with corners of nature, exhibition corners in a group, art galleries, mini-museums, etc.


1. Environmental education in kindergarten. M.: Karapuz, 2000.

2. Mini-museums in kindergarten. Preschool education № 22, 2002.

3. Vegetable garden in kindergarten. Hoop No. 5, 2002. How to become a collector. Game and children No. 24, 2004.

4. Developmental environment of preschool institutions. M.: Linka-Press, 2004.

5. Environmental education and developing subject environment of kindergarten. Environmental education: at school, before school, outside school No. 2, 1999.

6. Greening the developmental subject environment. Preschool education № 3, 1999.

7. Let's talk about nature. Preschool education No. 7, 2000 (materials about the living corner and conducting classes in it).

8. Mini-museums in preschool educational institutions. Hoop No. 1, 2000.

9. Aquarium in kindergarten. Preschool education No. 7, 2001.

10. Alpine slide in kindergarten. Hoop No. 5, 2001.

11. How to raise Einstein (laboratory at a preschool educational institution). Hoop No. 5, 2004.

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