How to deal with attention deficit disorder. ADHD (diagnosed by a neurologist) - what is it? signs, correction

Many people believe that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a childhood disorder. But they also occur in adults. At its core, ADHD is a minimal dysfunction of the cerebral hemispheres that can occur before a child is born. Such deviations are cured only in 50% of cases. ADHD in adults manifests itself in different ways and the syndrome is not always accompanied by hyperactivity. People suffering from this pathology can live quite normal life, and not even guess about your condition. They can create families, raise children, engage in those activities professional activity, which do not require much attention and allow you to show your hyperactivity. But timely detection of the syndrome and its treatment can significantly improve the quality of life.

Main manifestations

IN international classification diseases there is a whole section dedicated to ADHD. Diagnoses vary in the presence and prevalence of symptoms of the pathology, but for the most part they concern children, since most of these manifestations disappear as they grow older. First of all, this concerns hyperactivity.

It rarely occurs in adults. This is explained by the fact that the human body changes completely after puberty, and its energy resource becomes limited. But at the same time, after adulthood, new symptoms of ADHD arise. Among them, instability of attention is most clearly manifested. Such people find it very difficult to carry out daily tasks, such as cleaning the house, preparing food, sorting things and putting them in their places.

People with ADHD tend to provoke conflict. Constant quarrels cause family destruction. You can determine that an adult has ADHD by the following signs:

  • Difficulty performing routine tasks such as cleaning or cooking. In everyday life, such people are disorganized, they are absent-minded, easily distracted by extraneous matters and are constantly late;
  • inability to draw up and control your own budget, as well as pay utility and other bills on time. People with ADHD do not know how to save money and use it wisely;
  • lack of ability to listen to the interlocutor to the end;
  • lack of tact when communicating with other people. It is difficult for a person with this type of disorder to restrain spontaneous statements; they are extremely impulsive;
  • forgetfulness, which manifests itself in the inability to take medications regularly;
  • lack of interests and hobbies. Attention deficit disorder in adults is manifested in the inability to concentrate at work and engage in one type of activity for a long time;
  • Constant difficulties arise when planning your activities, as well as in the subsequent implementation of your plans. Patients with attention deficit disorder almost always lack long-term plans;
  • inability to make a report, draw a conclusion, or draw a conclusion. Inability to analyze anything.

All these manifestations of the disease negatively affect a person’s work. The inability to concentrate on performing work duties and important assignments prevents advancement career ladder and reach heights in the profession. Intemperance and impulsiveness, as well as a lack of tact, complicate relationships with colleagues and superiors. For the same reason, conflicts may arise in the family with loved ones.

With ADHD, difficulties may arise with driving a car, since such people cannot concentrate their attention on the road, notice all road users, road signs, compare pictures from the mirrors, assess the situation and carry out the necessary actions at that moment.

The syndrome also affects the intimate sphere, especially for women. It is almost impossible for them to achieve orgasm with this disorder. During sexual intercourse, you need to fully concentrate on what is happening and your feelings, and ADHD does not allow you to do this.

It is incredibly difficult for an adult with ADHD to read books and watch movies, especially if the plot is not captivating from the first words or seconds. Such people simply do not have enough patience; they lose interest in history after just a few minutes.

Diagnosis of the disorder

Experts say that ADHD in adults does not occur unexpectedly. This disorder is transformed from a childhood form of pathology. Therefore, in the diagnostic process, much attention is paid to collecting information about the presence of relevant symptoms in the patient’s childhood. To do this, a survey is carried out of the person seeking help, his family members and people from his close circle. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the patient’s school success, as well as the pace of his development and achieved results.

In parallel with the collection of information, a general medical examination should be carried out. This will exclude somatic or neurological diseases that have similar manifestations. Research on various types tomographs make it possible to confirm the presence of organic defects in the central nervous system. Such changes are recorded when a person tries to concentrate on something. At rest, organic changes in the brain are not recorded.

In addition, various tests can help diagnose ADHD in adults. With their help, you can not only identify the degree of mental development, but also obtain full picture about the patient.

The most effective treatments

The main difficulty is ADHD treatment in adults is associated with late diagnosis. The earlier this disorder is identified, the easier it will be to treat. But, in any case, it must be comprehensive.

Attention deficit disorder can be treated by a psychologist or psychotherapist with mandatory prescription of medications.

The leading role in correcting a disorder such as attention deficit disorder in adults is psychotherapy. Most effective technique the psychotherapist selects based on individual characteristics the patient and the severity of his condition:

  1. Cognitive and behavioral therapy helps raise the patient's self-esteem and promotes self-affirmation.
  2. Relaxation trainings are useful; using them, a person can relieve the burden of heavy psycho-emotional stress.
  3. Behavioral courses help the patient learn to organize his life, with maximum benefit use your time and distribute it between work and leisure.
  4. Family psychotherapy will help improve relationships between spouses, one of whom suffers from ADHD. For normalization professional sphere work trainings are used.

Treatment with drugs for adults follows the same scheme as for the treatment of the childhood form of the syndrome. Patients with ADHD cannot control the intake of medications themselves, unlike healthy people, so in this matter they need control from relatives.

The most effective medications for treating ADHD are psychostimulants. But this group of drugs can be addictive, so their use should be supervised by specialists. Nootropic drugs can also be used in the treatment of attention deficit disorder. Under their influence, brain activity improves, and thought processes are also stabilized. Only a qualified doctor can recommend specific medications after a thorough examination of the patient has been carried out and an accurate diagnosis has been made.

Drug treatment can improve the ability to concentrate somewhat, but it is not able to solve problems with disorganization, forgetfulness and inability to manage one's own time. For treatment to be successful, it is necessary to combine known methods ADHD correction in adults.

Additional Methods

Along with psychotherapy and drug treatment, other methods of correcting attention deficit disorder can be used. Most of them are suitable for independent use as auxiliary methods in complex therapy of ADHD.

One of the most simple ways reducing the symptoms of attention deficit disorder is regular activity sports. During exercise, the levels of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain increase. These substances have a positive effect on the ability to concentrate. To achieve sustainable results, you need to train at least 4 times a week, but you don’t have to go to the gym for this. You can just do hiking in the park.

Treatment will be more effective if sleep can be normalized. When a person sleeps, his brain rests and relaxes, resulting in improved psychosis emotional state. Without a stable sleep pattern, ADHD symptoms will become more severe.

You should also pay attention to your diet; it should be balanced and regular. But with attention deficit disorder, it is more important to monitor not what a person eats, but how he does it. The inability to self-organize leads to the fact that a person’s nutrition becomes disordered. He can long time go without food and then consume large quantities of it. As a result, not only the symptoms of the disorder worsen, but also the person’s well-being as a whole.

Yoga or meditation can help relieve some of the symptoms of ADHD. If you practice regularly, you can increase your focus, reduce impulsivity and anxiety, and get rid of depression. You can find recommendations for yoga classes on the Internet, but it is better to contact a trainer. He will create the most suitable set of exercises (asanas) taking into account your age and physical health.

Misconceptions about ADHD

In our country, there are not so many adults with a confirmed diagnosis of ADHD. This is explained by the fact that only a few people with such a disorder seek specialized help. It is simply not customary for us to go to psychotherapists, psychologists, and especially psychiatrists. But in the West things are different. At one time, many celebrities were diagnosed with ADHD, who show by their example that this disorder is not a death sentence. Jim Carrey, Paris Hilton, Justin Timberlake, Avril Lavigne and many other world film and pop stars suffer from attention deficit disorder. They talk openly about their problems, thereby helping ordinary people believe in yourself and start changing your life for the better.

Therefore, you should not believe the misconception that ADHD is just a “fashionable” diagnosis that justifies poor upbringing and pedagogical neglect. The first scientific works devoted to ADHD were published at the beginning of the last century. There are other myths regarding attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, here are some of them:

  • The diagnosis of ADHD is given to almost all children who are overly mobile and active. In fact, this disorder is not very common. Approximately 6% of the population faces this disorder, and only a third of them receive the necessary treatment. Most hyperactive children are not treated at all, especially girls;
  • Attention deficit disorder is a disease of hyperactive boys. But this is far from true; in most cases, patients with attention deficit disorder do not have hyperactivity. Such people are simply considered lazy and stupid. The syndrome is very common among girls and women, but, according to statistics, it is more often diagnosed in the stronger sex;
  • this disease was invented by Americans who were inclined to search simple solutions from difficult situations. The syndrome occurs in almost all countries, but not everywhere this disorder has been sufficiently studied;
  • home cause of ADHD- This bad teachers, parents and lack of rigidity in upbringing. The family and immediate environment can affect the condition of a person with ADHD, but the main cause of the disorder is genetic features or organic changes in the brain. In this case, even the most experienced teachers and loving parents can rarely influence a child’s behavior;
  • People with ADHD put little effort into solving their problems and therefore should not make excuses for them. Tomography studies have led to the conclusion that more people The more he tries to cope with this syndrome, the more his condition worsens. When trying to concentrate on performing any task, the patient simply turns off the frontal cortex of the brain.

But the most dangerous is the misconception that children with ADHD outgrow this pathology, and after 12-14 years all symptoms will disappear. Modern research showed that manifestations of attention deficit disorder persist into adulthood in more than half of all children suffering from this disorder.

This large number Myths and misconceptions about ADHD are explained by the fact that children and adults suffering from it look quite normal and are able to cope with basic responsibilities. The syndrome, although it complicates a person’s life, still does not make him seriously ill. Adults adapt to their pathology so well that they can mislead even the most experienced doctors. In most cases, abnormalities can be identified only after a thorough computer examination of the patient’s brain.

The occurrence of complications with concentration and concentration, as well as the appearance of a neurobehavioral disorder, indicate the disease “attention deficit disorder” or ADD for short. Children are primarily susceptible to the disease, but the manifestation of the disease in adults cannot be ruled out. Disease problems are characterized by varying degrees of severity, so ADD should not be underestimated. The disease affects the quality of life, its sensitivity, as well as relationships with other people. The disease carries enough complex character Therefore, patients have problems with learning, performing any work and mastering theoretical material.

It is children who partly become hostage to this disease, so in order to prevent such deficiency it is worth learning as much as possible about it, which this material will help with.

Description and types

This disease is a disorder in humans that is caused by high intelligence. A person with such ailment has difficulties not only with mental development, but also with physical development, which is already referred to as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Children are the main group that is susceptible to the manifestation of this disease, but in rare cases, symptoms of malaise also occur in adults. According to many years of research, it has been established that the occurrence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults is associated solely with the nature of genes.

In children, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is quite common, and it can be detected both after birth and at a later age of the child. The syndrome occurs predominantly in boys, and only in rare cases in girls. If you look at the example, then in almost every classroom There is one child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

The syndrome is divided into three types, which are called:

  • Hyperactivity and impulsivity. This type is characterized by inherent signs of impulsiveness, short temper, nervousness and increased activity in humans.
  • Inattention. Only one sign of inattention appears, and the possibility of hyperactivity is eliminated.
  • Mixed look. The most common type that occurs even in adults. Characterized by the predominance of the first and second signs in humans.

In the language of biology, ADHD is a dysfunction of the central nervous system, characterized by the formation of the brain. Brain problems are the most dangerous and unpredictable diseases.


The development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is hidden in several reasons that have been established by scientists based on facts. These reasons include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • pathological influence.

Genetic predisposition is the first factor that does not rule out the development of illness in the patient’s relatives. Moreover, in this case, both distant heredity (that is, the disease was diagnosed in ancestors) and close heredity (parents, grandparents) plays a huge role. The first signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a child lead caring parents to a medical institution, where it turns out that the child’s predisposition to the disease is associated precisely with genes. After examining the parents, it often becomes clear where this syndrome originated in the child, since in 50% of cases this is exactly the case.

Today it is known that scientists are working to isolate the genes that are responsible for this predisposition. Among these genes important role is given to sections of DNA that control the regulation of dopamine levels. Dopamine is the main substance responsible for the correct functioning of the central nervous system. Dysregulation of dopamine due to genetic predisposition leads to the disease attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Pathological influence plays a significant role in answering the question about the causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Pathological factors may include:

  • negative impact narcotic substances;
  • influence of tobacco and alcohol products;
  • premature or prolonged labor;
  • interruption threats.

If a woman allowed herself to use illegal substances during pregnancy, then the possibility of having a child with hyperactivity or this syndrome cannot be ruled out. There is a high probability of presence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a child born at 7–8 months of pregnancy, i.e. premature. In 80% of such cases, pathology occurs in the form of ADHD.

The reasons for the development of the disease in children are also identified if a woman, while pregnant, is addicted to taking artificial food additives, pesticides, neurotoxins and more. It is also possible to provoke this syndrome in adults due to addiction to dietary supplements, artificial hormones, etc.

The causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder that are not fully understood are:

  • the presence of infectious diseases in a pregnant woman;
  • chronic diseases;
  • incompatibility of Rh factors;
  • environmental degradation.

It follows that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is an unusual disorder that occurs due to the action of one or more of the above factors. The most basic and proven reason is genetic influence.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of the disease are pronounced specifically in children, so let’s look at the main signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. childhood.

Most often, the impetus for contacting treatment centers comes from caregivers, teachers and educators who discover some abnormalities in children. Symptoms of the disease include the following:

Concentration and attention are impaired. The child cannot concentrate on one thing, he is constantly going somewhere, thinking about something of his own. Completing any task ends in errors, which is caused by attention disorder. If you contact a child, you get a feeling that the speech is being ignored; he understands everything, but cannot put the speech he hears together into one whole. Children with attention disorder are completely unable to plan, organize, and complete a variety of tasks.

Symptoms are also expressed in the form of absent-mindedness, while the child tends to lose his things and get distracted by any little things. Forgetfulness appears, and the child categorically refuses to take on mental tasks. Relatives have a feeling of the child’s distance from the whole world.

Hyperactivity. It appears together with the syndrome, so parents can additionally monitor the following symptoms in their child:

Impulsiveness. Symptoms of impulsivity include the following:

  1. A premature answer to a question that was not fully voiced.
  2. Incorrect and quick answers to asked questions.
  3. Refusal to complete any tasks.
  4. Does not listen to the answers of his peers, may interrupt them during the answer.
  5. Constantly talks off-topic, possibly showing signs of talkativeness.

Symptoms of attention deficit hypersensitivity disorder have their own manifestation characteristics for different categories of children, depending on age. Let's take a closer look.

Symptoms in children of different ages

Let's consider what symptoms are typical for children of the following ages:

  • preschool;
  • school;
  • teenage.

IN to school age From three to seven years, symptoms are quite difficult to track. ADHD in early age diagnosed by a doctor.

From the age of three, caring parents can notice the manifestation of hyperactivity in the form of constant movement of the child. He cannot find something to do, constantly rushes from one corner to another, does not take on various mental tasks, and constantly chatters. Symptoms of impulsivity are caused by the inability to restrain oneself in a given situation; the child constantly interrupts parents, shouts them down, gets offended and even becomes irritable.

Games with such children lead to destructive consequences: they break toys, throwing out all their energy; For them, it is nothing to harm their peers and even older children. ADHD patients are a kind of vandals for whom nothing is significant. Their brain has little or no control over their movements. There are also symptoms of developmental delay from their peers.

Reaching the age of seven When it's time to go to school, children with ADHD have more and more problems. Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are unable to keep up with their peers in terms of mental development. During lessons, they behave unrestrainedly, do not pay attention to the teacher’s comments, and do not even listen to the material being presented. They may begin to complete a task, but after a while they actively switch to another without completing the first one.

At school age ADHD in children it manifests itself more clearly, as this is actively noticed by the teaching staff. Among all the children in the class, those with ADHD are even noticeable naked eye, for this it is enough to teach a couple of lessons, and identifying the presence of the syndrome in children will not be difficult even for a person without a medical education.

Children not only lag behind in development, but also try in every way to encourage their peers to do so: they disrupt lessons, prevent their classmates from performing any actions, and at a later age they can argue and even snap at the teacher. For a teacher in the classroom, such a child is a real test, because of which conducting lessons becomes unbearable.

Reaching adolescence , the symptoms of ADHD begin to subside a little, but in fact there is a certain change in the signs of the disease. Impulsivity gives way to fussiness and a feeling of inner restlessness. Teenagers begin to complete certain tasks, but everything also ends unsuccessfully, no matter how hard they try.

Irresponsibility and lack of independence are all signs of attention deficit hypersensitivity disorder in adolescents. They are not able (even at this age) to complete homework on their own; they lack organization, day planning and time management.

Relationships with peers are deteriorating because they do not communicate at the proper level: they are rude, do not restrain themselves in their statements, do not respect the subordination with teachers, parents and classmates. Along with this, failures lead to the fact that adolescents have low self-esteem, they become less and less psychologically stable and more and more irritable.

They feel towards themselves negative attitude from parents and peers, which causes the emergence of negative and even suicidal thoughts. Parents constantly put them in bad example, thereby causing dislike and antipathy towards their sisters and brothers. In a family, children with attention deficit disorder and hypersensitivity become unloved, especially if more than one child grows up in the house.

Symptoms of the disease in adults

Symptoms differ in adults compared to children, but this does not change final result. The same irritability is inherent, plus depressive disorders and fear of trying oneself in a new field are added to this. In adults, the symptoms are more secretive in nature, since at first glance the signs are due to calmness, but at the same time, imbalance.

At work, adults with ADHD are not very smart, and therefore working as simple clerks is their maximum. Often it is difficult for them to cope with mental types of work, so they do not have to choose.

Mental disorders and isolation lead to the fact that a patient with ADHD finds pain relief from problems in alcohol, tobacco, psychotropic and narcotic substances. All this only aggravates the situation and causes complete degradation of man.


Diagnosis of the disease is not confirmed by any special equipment, but is carried out by observing the child’s behavior, his development and mental abilities. The diagnosis is made by a qualified doctor who takes into account all information from parents, teachers and peers.

Diagnosis of ADHD is carried out using the following methods:

  1. Collecting information about the child regarding visiting a doctor.
  2. Study of dopamine metabolism.
  3. To identify the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe Doppler ultrasound, EEG and video-EEG.
  4. A neurological examination is carried out, during which the use of the NESS technique is possible.
  5. Genetic examination of parents to identify the causes of the disease.
  6. MRI. A complete examination of the person will show other abnormalities that could possibly influence the provocation of the disease.
  7. It is possible to conduct neuropsychological testing methods for school-aged and older children.

Based on all these methods, the preliminary diagnosis of ADD and hypersensitivity is either confirmed or refuted.


Treatment of ADHD should include a complex intervention, which should be due to the use of behavior correction techniques, psychotherapy and neuropsychological correction. Treatment also involves influencing not only the patient through various techniques, but also the help of parents, teachers and relatives.

Initially, the doctor conducts a conversation with people around the child and explains to them the features of the disease. The main feature is that such negative and reckless behavior of the child is not intentional. To have a positive influence on the patient, contributing to his recovery, it is necessary that those around him have a positive attitude towards him. After all, first of all, this is where treatment begins.

Parents are given two main tasks that they must perform and monitor:

Task #1: education should not include a pitiful attitude towards the child and permissiveness. You should not feel sorry for him or treat him with excessive love, this will only lead to an exacerbation of symptoms.

Task #2: do not present increased demands and tasks that he cannot cope with. This will cause his nervousness to increase and his self-esteem to fall.

For children with ADHD, parental mood changes have a much greater impact negative impact than normal children. Treatment should also come from the teachers with whom children spend most of their time. The teacher must control the situation and relationships of children in the class and instill love and integrity in every possible way. If a patient with ADHD shows aggression, you should not scold him, much less call his parents, but try to explain to him right attitude. After all, it is worth remembering that all its manifestations are unintentional.

For your information! It is also impossible for a child to feel from those around him that he is being treated as if he were sick. This will lower his self-esteem and will only lead to an exacerbation of symptoms.

Treatment with medications

The complex uses treatment using medications, which are formed according to individual indicators. TO medications Medications used to overcome ADHD include:

  1. To stimulate the central nervous system: Methylphenidate, Dextroamphetamine, Pemoline.
  2. Tricyclic antidepressants: Imipramine, Amitriptyline, Thioridazine.
  3. Nootropic substances: Nootropil, Cerebrolysin, Semax, Phenibut.

It is stimulants that have a huge impact on the health of a person with ADHD. It was found that treatment with these drugs implies the influence of pathogenetic factors that have a targeted effect on the brain system.

The main advantage of such drugs is the speed of influence on the patient’s health, i.e., the healing effect is noticeable almost in the first week after using the drugs. Among the signs of recovery, it is worth highlighting the manifestation of greater attentiveness, less distractibility, and an attempt to complete any task.

Attention deficit disorder in adults, what is it? Pathology of attention, in which a person is unable to concentrate, manage his time, set priorities correctly, and much more. Such unpleasant “little things” very often unsettle a person and can have a negative impact on communication, career and standard of living in general.

Experiencing constant difficulties with, a person may feel that life is “passing him by” and that everything around him is more successful, better, more collected, etc.

This syndrome occurs unobtrusively to others, but its consequences are more noticeable. These could be various mental illnesses. Starting from increased fatigue syndrome and ending with manic-depressive states with suicidal tendencies.

The nature of attention deficit

When mentioning attention deficit disorder in adults (ADD), we can say that this phenomenon stems from childhood. Most researchers and psychiatrists agree that the pathology of attention has a psychological basis.

Each person’s brain works according to certain patterns laid down before we were born, and if we analyze this, we can talk about certain “habits of the mind” to absorb information. Most often, ADD manifests itself in adults when it was not diagnosed in childhood..

The symptoms of this disease are attributed by parents and teachers to character or explained poor development intellectual abilities.

But over time, the problem grows like a snowball, becomes more serious, life’s tasks require greater responsibility, and the person’s psyche cannot withstand the onslaught of all this.

The manifestation of attention deficit disorder is also possible in adulthood, but this does not mean that it did not exist before, just that the level of problems surrounding a person did not exceed his abilities. Plus, a child's life is more carefree and structured. All important tasks are solved by parents, the school provides certain order life and from own decision little depends. However, going out into adult life, such a person may not be ready for the trials and problems that each of us certainly goes through along the way. There is no longer someone who would put everything into order, you have to take control of your life into your own hands, and it turns out that the person is completely unprepared for this.

Presentation: "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults"

Methods for determining ADD in adults

Many of us do not even realize that we suffer from this syndrome. People tend to attribute a decrease in attention to a lack of upbringing, complexity of character, overwork, and the like.

However, unfortunately, according to some researchers, attention deficit disorder in one form or another is present in every second person on the planet, but not everyone needs serious treatment.

Is it possible to make such a diagnosis yourself? To some extent, yes, however, you still can’t do without a specialist’s opinion.

So, there is a suspicion of attention pathology if:

  • it seems to you that you are not achieving success in any of your endeavors;
  • experiencing difficulties in the process of self-organization;
  • constantly putting off new things, afraid of doing something wrong;
  • you start a huge number of projects, while bringing only a few to completion;
  • you are unable to resist expressing your thoughts, regardless of whether they are appropriate or not;
  • are in constant search of new thrills;
  • constant distractibility;
  • you feel the need to do everything your own way, “reinventing the wheel” even in the most ordinary things;
  • impatient, impulsive;
  • you constantly experience a feeling of anxiety, insecurity, uncertainty;
  • experience constant, causeless mood swings;
  • worry about internal problems self-esteem and how you appear to others.

Presentation: "What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder"

You can only say that you have attention deficit disorder if you have had all these symptoms since childhood.

Since the level of workload of a modern person is very high, many acquire the symptom of pseudo-SVD by the age of 15-16.

If you suddenly develop alarming symptoms as an adult, you should consult a specialist; most likely, in your case, treatment will not be required and this will be a pseudo form that developed under the influence of the urban environment.

And if you distract yourself for a while and go to a quiet place, then all your symptoms will gradually disappear. In the same case, if you really have attention deficit disorder, then a quiet place will very soon become “loud”.

Problems associated with hyperattention disorder

Often not paying attention to the child’s problems at school and making a “diagnosis” of “outgrowing”, parents ignore very dangerous manifestations of mental problems. Lack of appropriate treatment and correctional work with such children can lead to serious problems in adulthood.

  • constant nervous tension;
  • high level of excitability;
  • reluctance to finish what has been started;
  • difficulties in communication;
  • problems when learning something new;
  • bad habits as a way to “get away from the problem of unfulfillment.”

All this leads a person to a certain way of life, in which, most often, unhealthy hobbies appear as an attempt to attract attention to one’s person and a way to get away from problems.

Presentation: "Children and adults with attention deficit hyperexcitability disorder"

However, in this case, problems only accumulate and subsequently fall with redoubled force on an already weakened psyche. It is precisely such situations that lead a person to that emotional state, followed by a serious mental disorder. In this state, a person is unable to make a decision about treatment on his own.

Ways to combat SVD

If you still think that you or someone close to you suffers from this syndrome, you should try to change your worldview a little. In Western medicine, drug treatment is used. But still, their experience only confirms more and more that no “ magic pill» eliminating attention deficit. Effective treatment manifestations of this syndrome includes working on one’s personality.

To improve your condition you should:

  • try to control your emotions;
  • avoid aimless body activity;
  • try to avoid chaotic perception of information; to do this, organize your work on the Internet;
  • constantly focus, try to increase your level of attention and concentration;
  • watch your speech;
  • try to get rid of bad habits, or at least reduce their activity;
  • have an emotional rest, read, listen to music, walk, go to the theater.

You can always help yourself, you just have to really want it. Even if this help consists of timely contact with a specialist and appropriate treatment.

You need to set a goal and move towards achieving it, without putting things off until tomorrow. “Everyone is the architect of his own happiness,” and sometimes in order to forge it, it’s enough just to look inside yourself and get off the couch.

Drug treatment

Attention deficit disorder is also treated with medications prescribed in accordance with diagnostic results.

Among the drugs most often prescribed by patients are:

  • Methylphenidate;
  • Atomoxetine;
  • Dextroamphetamine;
  • Nootropil;
  • Semax;
  • Phenibut and others.

The essence of the action of these medications is to improve concentration abilities. Medicines have a long-lasting effect from 4 to 12 hours. Among other things, these medications help reduce impulsivity and increase the absorption of information.

It is drug treatment in combination with psychotherapy and behavioral therapy that has a positive effect on normalization in people diagnosed with ADHD. Scientists have conducted research and found that treatment with such drugs affects pathogenetic factors that are directly aimed at the brain system. Perhaps the main advantage of these medications is the increase in the patient’s healing rate. In other words, when taking medications, the effect is noticeable already in the first week.

Treatment of this syndrome for lately carried out using the drug Gliatilin. It is characterized by a high level of metabolic and neuroprotective effect. This drug reduces symptoms, significantly increasing quality of life. The only caveat is timely treatment. It is in this case that it will help normalize human health in the optimal time frame.

It should be noted that it is impossible to recover from ADHD 100%, but modern medical techniques and means can reduce the symptomatic picture.

Note that the above medications can also be prescribed to both children and adolescents, as well as to adults who were diagnosed with the syndrome in childhood. But now there are no drugs being developed that can help treat the syndrome when it is diagnosed after twenty years. In these cases, the doctor carries out therapeutic measures based on the dynamics of clinical signs and individual characteristics of the patients.

As noted above, medication should be taken in conjunction with therapy. In this case, the doctor explains to patients in detail at each session how the syndrome affects their lives. This approach allows a person to become aware of the condition and, accordingly, begin to learn to control it.

If ADD occurs along with hyperactivity, then in addition to the above types of treatment, the doctor will prescribe physical activity. It is recommended to do one specific type sports It is better to leave team games for a while, because... will have to contact a large number people. This can affect self-esteem and negatively affect the course of treatment.

Life can be difficult for any adult, but if you are constantly late, disorganized, forgetful, or overwhelmed with responsibilities, you may have ADHD or ADD. Adult Attention Deficit Disorder affects many, and the wide variety of symptoms can interfere with everything from relationships to careers. However, help is available, learning about ADHD is the first step. Once you understand the problems, you can learn to compensate for weak areas, begin to use your strengths.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), formerly known as ADD, is not just a problem in children. If you have been diagnosed with childhood ADHD, chances are you have carried at least some of the symptoms into adulthood. But even if you were never diagnosed with ADHD as a child, that doesn't mean you can't be affected by it as an adult.

Myths and facts about attention deficit disorder in adults
Myth: ADHD is simply a lack of willpower. People with ADHD focus on things that interest them; they could focus on any other tasks if they really wanted to.

Fact: ADHD is very similar to a problem of will, but it is not. This is, in essence, chemical problem in brain control systems.

Myth: Children with ADHD lack attention in everything.

Fact: Children with ADHD can often focus on their actions. But no matter how hard they try, they cannot concentrate when the task is boring or repetitive.

Myth: Everyone has symptoms of ADHD; anyone with adequate intelligence can overcome these difficulties.

Fact: ADHD affects people of all intelligence levels. And while everyone has symptoms of ADHD from time to time, only patients with chronic symptoms are diagnosed with ADHD.

Myth: ADHD does not cause depression, anxiety, or other mental health problems.

Fact: u person with ADHD six times more chances have a different mental disorder than most other people. The syndrome usually overlaps with other disorders.

Myth: If ADHD was not diagnosed as a child, it will not be diagnosed as an adult.

Fact: many adults struggle with unrecognized ADHD symptoms. They didn't get help because they believed chronic difficulties such as depression or anxiety were caused by other disorders. However, they do not lend themselves conventional methods treatment.

Source: Dr. Thomas E. Brown, Attention Deficit Disorder: An Unfocused Mind in Children and Adults

ADHD: It's not just for kids

ADHD often goes unrecognized in childhood. This was especially common in the past when very few people knew about ADHD. Instead of recognizing symptoms and identifying real problem, family, teachers, other people, called you a dreamer, a loser, a slacker, a troublemaker, or just a bad student.

Alternatively, you may have been able to compensate for ADHD symptoms when you were young, only to run into problems as responsibilities increased. The more balls you try to keep in the air while pursuing a career, raising a family, managing a household, the greater the need for the ability to organize, focus, and remain calm. This can be difficult for anyone, but if you have ADHD, it can seem downright impossible.

The good news is that attention deficit disorder problems are biosafe. With education, support, and a little creativity, you can learn to manage the symptoms of ADHD as an adult, even turning some of your weaknesses into strengths. It's never too late to turn difficulties around and start succeeding.

Signs and symptoms of ADHD in adults

Attention deficit disorder often looks very different in adults than in children, and its symptoms are unique to each person.

The following categories highlight common symptoms adult ADHD. Do your best to identify areas where you are struggling. Once you identify the most problematic symptoms, begin working on strategies to combat them.

Concentration problems and lack of attention

Adults with ADHD often have difficulty concentrating and performing everyday, mundane tasks. For example, you may be easily distracted by unusual sights and sounds, easily jump from one activity to another, or quickly become bored with any activity. Symptoms in this category are sometimes overlooked because they are less noticeable than hyperactivity and impulsivity, but they are more unpleasant.

To the symptoms distracted attention and concentrations include:

Easily distractible things like noise or other external events that others tend to ignore.

Difficulty concentrating, focusing, for example, when reading or listening to others.

"Disconnection" without realizing it, even in the middle of a conversation.

Struggle to complete tasks, even those that seem simple. The tendency to overlook details leads to mistakes or poor quality work.

Poor listening skills, for example, it is difficult to remember a conversation.

Hyperfocus: the other side of the coin

You probably know that people with ADHD have trouble focusing on tasks that don't interest them. But what you may not know is that there is another side: the tendency to get stuck on tasks that are stimulating and rewarding. This paradoxical symptom is called hyperfocus.

Hyperfocus is actually a mechanism for coping with distraction—a way of tuning into chaos. It can be so strong that you don't pay attention to everything happening around you. For example, you may be so engrossed in a book, TV show, or computer that you completely lose track of time and forget what you should be doing. Hyperfocus can be an asset when transitioning into productive activities, but it can also lead to problems with work and relationships if left unchecked.

Disorganization and forgetfulness

When adult ADHD is present, life can feel chaotic and uncontrollable. Staying organized becomes extremely challenging task. For example, sorting, determining what information is relevant to a task, what is the priority that needs to be done first, tracking tasks, responsibilities, time management. General symptoms disorganization and forgetfulness include:


If you suffer from symptoms in this category, you may have problems suppressing behavior, comments, and responses. You act before you think, you react without considering the consequences. You interrupt others, cross out comments, skip through assignments, and don’t read instructions. If there are problems with impulse, patience is absent. You may enter questionable situations and find yourself in potentially dangerous conditions. Symptoms include:

  • Frequently interrupt others or talk about people without thinking
  • Poor self-control, adaptation
  • Expressing thoughts that are rude or inappropriate without thinking
  • Reckless actions, spontaneous, without considering the consequences

Emotional difficulties

Many adults with ADHD have difficulty coping with their feelings, especially when we're talking about about emotions such as anger or frustration. Common emotional symptoms of adult ADHD include:

  • Frequent anxiety, tension
  • Irritability is quick
  • Low self-esteem, feelings of insecurity, failure
  • Problems with motivation
  • Hypersensitivity to criticism

Hyperactivity or restlessness

Hyperactivity in adults with ADHD appears similar to that in children. The person is very energetic, constantly “on the move”, as if driven by an engine. However, for many people with ADHD, symptoms of hyperactivity become more subtle and internal as they get older. Common symptoms of hyperactivity in adults include:

  • Feelings of inner restlessness, anxiety, obsessive thoughts
  • Everything gets boring quickly, tendency to take risks
  • Talk a lot, do a million things at once
  • The anxiety inside sits motionless, constant fiddling

You don't have to be hyperactive to have ADHD

Adults with ADHD are much less likely to be hyperactive than their younger counterparts. Only small quantity adults suffer from severe symptoms of hyperactivity. Remember that symptoms can be deceiving; you may suffer from ADHD if you have one or more of the symptoms described above, even if hyperactivity is not present.

Impact of Adult ADHD

When adult ADHD is diagnosed, chances are you have suffered for years due to unrecognized problem. People may have called you "lazy" or "stupid" because of your forgetfulness or difficulty completing tasks, and you may have begun to think of yourself in these negative terms, too.

Untreated ADHD has widespread effects

When left undiagnosed and untreated, ADHD can cause problems in almost every area of ​​life.

Physical and mental health problems

ADHD symptoms contribute to a range of health problems, including binge eating, substance abuse, anxiety, chronic stress, tension, and low self-esteem. You may face problems due to neglecting important check-ups, missing doctor's appointments, ignoring medical instructions, and forgetting to take vital medications.

Work and financial difficulties

Adults with ADHD experience difficulties with careers and strong feeling constant failures. Perhaps there are problems with work, compliance with corporate rules, deadlines, and work schedules. Financial management becomes a challenge: the constant struggle with unpaid bills, lost documents, late payments, debts due to impulsive spending.

Relationship problems

ADHD symptoms affect work, love, family relationships. You may be fed up with your loved ones' constant nagging to tidy up, listen more carefully, get better organized. Those close to you, on the other hand, feel hurt by your “irresponsibility” or “insensitivity.”

The widespread effects of ADHD lead to confusion, frustration, hopelessness, and loss of confidence. You may feel like you will never be in control of your life. This is why a diagnosis of adult ADHD becomes a huge source of relief and hope. It helps you understand what you are faced with, that it is not your fault. The difficulties that were experienced were symptoms of attention deficit disorder and not the result of personal weakness or character flaw.

Adult ADHD shouldn't be scary.

When you're diagnosed with ADHD, it's easy to know there's something wrong with you. It is not an indicator of intelligence or ability. Some things get harder, but that doesn't mean you can't find your niche and succeed. You need to find out what your strengths are and use them.

It may be helpful to think of attention deficit disorder as a collection of symptoms that are both positive and negative. Just like any other set of qualities you might have. Along with the impulsivity and disorganization of ADHD, for example, there are often incredible creativity, passion, energy, creative thinking, a constant flow of original ideas. Find out what you are capable of, set up your environment to support those strengths.

Self help

Armed with an understanding of ADHD and the help of structured strategies, make real changes in your life. Many adults with attention deficit disorder have found meaningful ways to manage their symptoms, embrace their gifts, and lead productive, full life. You don't have to resort to outside help—at least not right away. There are many things you can do to help you control your symptoms.

Exercise, eat right

Exercise regularly - it helps to switch excess energy and aggression into a positive direction, calms your nerves and body. Eat healthy and limit sugary foods to even out mood swings.

Get enough sleep

When you're tired, it's even harder to concentrate, manage stress, stay productive, and get things done. Support yourself by getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night.

Practice time management

Set deadlines for everything, even seemingly small tasks. Use timers, alarms to stay on time. Take breaks periodically. Avoid piles of paperwork by dealing with each one as it comes. Priority for time sensitive tasks, write down every task, message, important thought.

Work on your relationships

Schedule events with friends, fulfill obligations. Be alert when speaking: listen when others speak, try not to speak too quickly. Develop relationships with people who empathize and understand your struggle with ADHD.

Create a positive work environment

Use lists, colored sticky notes, reminders, notes, files. If possible, choose a job that is motivating and interesting. Pay attention to how and when you work best, and apply these conditions to your work environment as best you can. This will help unite with less creative, more organized people- a partnership that will become mutually beneficial.

When to Seek Outside Help

If ADHD symptoms are still interfering with your life despite self-help efforts, it may be time to seek outside support. Adults with ADHD may benefit from a number of treatments, including behavioral coaching, individual therapy, self-help groups, professional counseling, and medications.

Treatment for adults with attention deficit disorder, like treatment for children, should involve a team of professionals and family members.

Professionals will help:

  1. manage impulsive behavior
  2. manage time and money
  3. get organized
  4. increase productivity at home and at work
  5. manage stress, anger
  6. become attentive

First of all, children and youth. However, while approximately 65% ​​of patients have symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder persist into adulthood. This is not big problem when ADHD was promptly diagnosed and treated.

Difficulties arise when the patient goes to the doctor only in adulthood. Unfortunately, adults with ADHD are often misdiagnosed and mistreated. Sometimes it happens that children were not diagnosed at all or were subjected to incorrect treatment for other diseases.

Diagnosis of ADHD in adults

Until recently ADHD issues Almost no one studied with adults. Even now, when there is more and more talk about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adulthood, there are not enough diagnostic tools, and the availability of treatment methods is very limited.

Specialists often have doubts about the diagnosis. The symptoms of ADHD are often difficult to distinguish from symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorders. To do this, it is necessary to have reliable information about a person's functioning in childhood. Difficulties in establishing the correct diagnosis are also caused by the fact that some adults do not recognize their hyperactivity. Often, they perceive other people as lazy, losers, etc. And to top it all off, they can believe it themselves.

It happens that not only the patient himself turns to the doctor, but his relatives, who themselves recognize his problems and pay attention to them.

Diagnosis of ADHD in adults can be supplied subject to a number of conditions. The simplest thing is a situation when it is possible to find out that symptoms and disorders arose already in childhood, and this is confirmed by the patient and his relatives.

However, it also happens that symptoms of ADHD appear only in adulthood. It is believed that this is possible when the symptoms of the disease exist throughout the entire time, but their influence on the patient’s functioning manifests itself at important moments for him, such as: changing schools, starting school, or a new job.

This impact on functioning, its impairment in more than one area, is also an important symptom during the diagnosis of ADHD.

ADHD symptoms in adults

One more a necessary condition for the diagnosis of ADHD in an adult, as well as in a child, is the statement of a certain number of symptoms characteristic of this disorder, which are described in the diagnostic criteria international classification of diseases ICD-10 And American Psychiatric Association classification of mental illnesses DSM-IV.

However, it is estimated that many adults do not meet all criteria. This is possible due to the great ability to adapt to current rules both in study and in work. Often they do not realize that the demands placed on them contradict their essence.

This leads to the fact that, despite the illness, they try to overcome all difficulties as much as they can. However, at the same time they develop significant dysfunction. The consequence of this is the recognition that for a diagnosis of ADHD in adults, 4-5 symptoms are sufficient, while in children, by comparison, a minimum of 6 is required.

List ADHD symptoms in adults, proposed by the British Society of Psychopharmacology:

  • Recklessness regarding details, lack of concentration;
  • Difficulty maintaining attention on tasks and activities that are tiring;
  • Difficulty listening;
  • Difficulties with proceedings according to instructions;
  • Execution of several processes at the same time and problems with their completion;
  • Weak organizational abilities;
  • Lost or misplaced items;
  • Forgetfulness about various daily activities;
  • Difficulty sitting in one place;
  • Difficulty maintaining silence, controlling your voice, waiting your turn;
  • Weak sense of rules and time during conversation;
  • Interrupting and obstructing the statements of others;
  • Irritability, impatience;
  • Changeability of mood, impetuosity;
  • Weak resistance to stress;
  • Impulsivity and risk-taking.

Why recognize ADHD in adults?

A diagnosis of ADHD in adults makes sense because the disorder makes people very vulnerable to addiction, which can be very life-altering for sufferers. Making such a diagnosis can help an adult understand his previous difficulties, the reasons for non-fulfillment, and the expectations placed on him.

Treatment may sometimes be hampered by comorbid disorders, often associated with untreated ADHD for example, substance abuse, alcohol. Patients are also more prone to depression, feelings of fear, irritability, and sleep disorders.

However, remember that life is also difficult for a person with these symptoms. The behavior of a person with ADHD is a source of deep feelings of guilt for her, which leads to negative thoughts about herself, sadness, and depression. This makes him especially in need of support from loved ones.

Living in a home with a hyperactive person is very difficult. Often associated with chaos and disorder, it requires special patience. It is also worth paying attention to one more aspect. People with ADHD to a greater extent than others have a chance of becoming parents of hyperactive children.

This is a big challenge! However, it is easier for an adult with symptoms of hyperactivity disorder to understand how a child with ADHD feels, what problems he has, what can be asked of him and how he can be helped.

ADHD in professional activities

ADHD often causes problems in professional activities. It is very difficult to perform duties well when he is unable to organize and plan his work. Development and implementation of plans is “ Achilles heel» person with hyperactivity. Such difficulties lead to working under great stress and under intense time pressure.

It is not surprising that a hyperactive person often appears rebellious and less efficient employee. This creates problems with finding and keeping a job. Added to this is the fact that people with ADHD – due to the symptoms they experience and the accompanying school difficulties(for example, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculations) – receive less educational success than their peers with the same intellectual potential.

In this regard, they often complete their education at an earlier stage. This deprives many people of the opportunity to find satisfactory work and full self-realization in their area of ​​interest.

Of course, there is another side to the coin. Persons with psychomotor hyperactivity perceive and process information differently, often have creative, unconventional, innovative thinking.

However, just look at the examples of people who have achieved great success. Among them, in particular: Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Ernest Hemingway, John Kennedy, Walt Disney, John Lennon, Whoopi Goldberg.

This shows that, despite the symptoms of hyperactivity, you can find your own path to development. It is important that when choosing an activity, you take into account the limitations arising from the symptoms of hyperactivity, and at the same time be able to use your potential and available strengths and resources.

This cannot be ignored. The social, economic and - above all - personal consequences of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are usually very serious. Therefore, not only children, but also adults must struggle with the symptoms of ADHD and must have access to reliable diagnosis and therapy.

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