How electromagnetic radiation harms. The influence of electromagnetic waves on the human body

Biological effects from exposure to EMR can manifest themselves in various forms: from minor functional changes to disorders indicating the development of obvious pathology. The reason for the biological effect of EMR on the body is the absorption of electromagnetic wave energy by tissues.

Overall absorption EMP energy depends on the frequency of oscillations and electrical and magnetic properties environment. The shorter the wavelength and the higher the frequency of oscillations, the more energy the electron quantum carries. magnetic radiation. The relationship between energy Y and vibration frequency f (wavelength λ) is defined as

where c is speed electromagnetic waves, m/s (in air c = 3*10 8),

h is Planck’s constant, equal to 6.6 * 10 34 W/cm 2.

With equal EMR characteristics, the absorption coefficient in tissues with a high water content is approximately 60 times higher than in tissues with a low content.

The consequence of the absorption of EMR energy is the thermal effect. Excess heat released in the human body is removed by increasing the load on the thermoregulation mechanism. After a certain limit, the body cannot cope with the removal of heat from individual organs, and their temperature may increase. Exposure to EMR is especially harmful to tissues with an underdeveloped vascular system or insufficient blood circulation (eyes, brain, kidneys, stomach, gallbladder and bladder). Exposure to the eyes can cause clouding of the lens (cataract). In addition to cataracts, corneal burns are possible when exposed to EMR.

The thermal effect depends on the intensity of irradiation. The threshold intensity of the thermal effect of EMF on the animal's body decreases with increasing frequency of EMF. For example, the threshold energy flux density for the UHF range is 40 μW/cm 2 , and for the microwave range – 10 μW/cm 2 . EMF with an intensity less than the threshold does not have a thermal effect on the body, but according to a number of theories it has a specific non-thermal effect. Data relating to non-thermal effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans, on this moment are not complete. This is due to the lack of clear criteria for this impact that are accessible to direct instrumental control.

The degree and nature of the impact of EMF on the human body is determined by the frequency of radiation, duration of irradiation, intensity of EMF, size of the irradiated surface, and individual characteristics of the person.

For long-term exposure to EMR of various frequency ranges at moderate intensity (above MPL) The development of functional disorders in the central nervous system with mildly pronounced changes in endocrine metabolic processes and blood composition is considered characteristic. In this regard, headaches, a decrease or increase in blood pressure, neuropsychiatric disorders, and rapid development of fatigue may appear. Possible hair loss, brittle nails, weight loss. Changes in the excitability of the visual, vestibular, and olfactory analyzers are observed. At an early stage, the changes are reversible; with continued exposure to EMR, a persistent decrease in performance occurs.

In emergency situations and extremely high levels of EMR acute disorders occur, accompanied by cardiovascular disorders with fainting, a sharp increase in heart rate and a decrease in blood pressure.

Electromagnetic radiation, the levels of which do not exceed the maximum permissible level, but exceed the background ones, can be considered as a stress factor. When exposed to such EMR, significant functional changes in the state of the cardiovascular and nervous systems are observed. Subjectively, a person experiences increased irritability, fatigue, headaches, sleep disorders, and memory problems. In this regard, recently, experts in the field of electromagnetic safety have been particularly concerned about cell phones and computers, as well as various household radio-electronic and electrical appliances.

Within the radio wave range it has been proven greatest activity Microwave fields compared to HF and UHF.

Mechanism of influence of EMR

The human body, like any organism on Earth, has its own electromagnetic field, thanks to which all systems, organs and cells of the body work harmoniously. Human electromagnetic radiation is also called the biofield. Visual representation The biofield that some people see, and which can be constructed by a computer using special devices, is also called an aura.

This field is the main protective shell of our body from the influence of external electromagnetic fields. When it is destroyed, the organs and systems of our body become easy prey for any pathogenic factors.

If our natural electromagnetic field is affected by other sources of radiation, much more powerful than the radiation of our body, then it is distorted or even begins to collapse. And chaos begins in the body. This leads to disruption of the functioning of various organs and systems—diseases.

That is, it is obvious to any person that, for example, a humming transformer box or a powerful electric generator poses a danger because they create a strong electromagnetic field around them. Standards for safe time and distance when staying near such devices have been calculated for workers. But here's what is NOT obvious to most people:

The same effect of destruction of the biofield occurs when exposed to weak electromagnetic radiation, if the body is under their influence regularly and for long periods of time.

That is, the most common sources of danger are household appliances that surround us every day. Things we can no longer imagine our lives without: household appliances, computers, laptops, mobile phones, transport and other attributes of modern civilization.

In addition, large crowds of people, a person’s mood and his attitude towards us have a significant influence on us, geopathogenic zones on the planet, magnetic storms etc. (for more details see page ).

There is still debate among scientists about the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. Some say that it is dangerous, others, on the contrary, do not see any harm. I would like to clarify.

The most dangerous thing is not the electromagnetic waves themselves, without which no device could really work, but their information component, which cannot be detected by conventional oscilloscopes.

It has been experimentally established that electromagnetic radiation has a torsion (information) component. According to research by specialists from France, Russia, Ukraine and Switzerland, it is torsion fields, not electromagnetic, are the main factor negative influence on human health. Since it is the torsion field that transmits to a person all that negative information, which causes headaches, irritation, insomnia, etc.

How strong is the impact of the technology around us? We offer several videos for viewing:

How dangerous is the radiation that surrounds us? Visual demonstration:

Of course, these are not all the dangerous items that we use every day. More information about radiation sources can be found on the page:

The influence of electromagnetic radiation on human health

Weak high-frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) with a power of hundredths and even thousandths of a watt are dangerous for humans because the intensity of such fields coincides with the intensity of radiation from the human body during the normal functioning of all systems and organs in his body. As a result of this interaction, a person’s own field is distorted, which contributes to the development various diseases, especially in the most weakened areas of the body.

Most dangerous property Such effects are that they accumulate over time in the body. As they say: “a drop of water wears away a stone.” People whose occupations use a lot of various techniques– computers, phones – decreased immunity was detected, frequent stress, decreased sexual activity, increased fatigue.

And if we take into account the development of wireless technologies and the miniaturization of gadgets, which allow us not to be separated from them around the clock... Today, almost every resident of a metropolis falls into the risk zone, one way or another exposed to round-the-clock exposure to mobile and Wi-Fi networks, power lines, electric transport, etc. .

The problem is that the danger is invisible and intangible, and begins to manifest itself only in the form of various diseases. However, the cause of these diseases remains outside the scope of medical attention. With rare exceptions. And while you heal the symptoms with achievements modern medicine, our invisible enemy stubbornly continues to undermine your health.

Most susceptible to electromagnetic fields circulatory system, brain, eyes, immune and reproductive systems. Someone will say: “So what? Surely this impact is not so strong - otherwise international organizations The alarm would have sounded long ago.”


Did you know that already 15 minutes after starting work on the computer at 9-10 year old child Are the changes in the blood and urine almost identical to the changes in the blood of a person with cancer? Similar changes appear in a 16-year-old teenager after half an hour, in an adult – after 2 hours of working at the monitor.

(we are talking about cathode-ray monitors, which are gradually disappearing from use, but are still found)

US researchers have found:

  • in most women who worked on computers during pregnancy, the fetus developed abnormally, and the probability of miscarriage approached 80%;
  • Electricians develop brain cancer 13 times more often than workers in other professions;

Effect of electromagnetic radiation on the nervous system:

The level of electromagnetic radiation, even without causing thermal effects, can affect the most important functional systems body. Most experts consider the nervous system to be the most vulnerable of these. The mechanism of action is very simple - it has been established that electromagnetic fields disrupt permeability cell membranes for calcium ions. As a result, the nervous system begins to function improperly. In addition, the alternating electromagnetic field induces weak currents in the electrolytes, which are the liquid components of the tissues. The range of deviations caused by these processes is very wide - during the experiments, changes in the EEG of the brain, slowed reactions, memory impairment, depressive symptoms, etc. were recorded.

Effect of EMR on the immune system:

The immune system is also affected. Experimental studies in this direction they showed that in animals irradiated with EMF, the nature of the infectious process changes - the course of the infectious process is aggravated. There is reason to believe that when exposed to EMR, the processes of immunogenesis are disrupted, more often in the direction of their inhibition. This process is associated with the occurrence of autoimmunity. According to this concept, the basis of all autoimmune conditions is primarily immunodeficiency in the thymus-dependent cell population of lymphocytes. The influence of high-intensity EMF on immune system the body manifests itself in an inhibitory effect on the T-system of cellular immunity.

Effect of EMR on the endocrine system:

The endocrine system is also a target for EMR. Studies have shown that under the influence of EMF, as a rule, stimulation of the pituitary-adrenaline system occurred, which was accompanied by an increase in the content of adrenaline in the blood and activation of blood coagulation processes. It was recognized that one of the systems that early and naturally involves the body in the response to the influence of various factors external environment, is the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal cortex system.

The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the cardiovascular system:

Disorders of the cardiovascular system may also be noted. It manifests itself in the form of lability of pulse and blood pressure. Phase changes in the composition of peripheral blood are noted.

The influence of electromagnetic radiation on the reproductive system:

  1. There is a suppression of spermakinesis, an increase in the birth rate of girls, and an increase in the number of congenital defects and deformities. The ovaries are more sensitive to the influence of electromagnetic radiation.
  2. The female genital area is more susceptible to the effects of electromagnetic fields created by computers and other office and household equipment than the male genital area.
  3. The vessels of the head, the thyroid gland, the liver, and the genital area are critical areas of exposure. These are only the main and most obvious consequences of exposure to EMR. A picture of the real impact on everyone specific person very individual. But to one degree or another, these systems are affected by all users of household appliances at different times.

The influence of electromagnetic radiation on pregnant women and children:

The child's body has some features compared to adults, for example, it has a larger head-to-body length ratio and greater conductivity of the brain matter.

Due to the smaller size and volume of a child’s head, the specific absorbed power is greater compared to an adult, and the radiation penetrates deeper into those parts of the brain that, as a rule, are not irradiated in adults. As the head grows and the bones of the skull thicken, the content of water and ions decreases, and hence conductivity.

It has been proven that growing and developing tissues are most susceptible to adverse effects electromagnetic field, A active growth Human development occurs from the moment of conception until approximately 16 years of age.

Pregnant women also fall into this risk group, since EMF is biologically active in relation to embryos. When a pregnant woman talks cell phone virtually her entire body is exposed to EMF, including the developing fetus.

The sensitivity of the embryo to damaging factors is much higher than the sensitivity of the mother's body. It has been established that intrauterine damage to the fetus by EMF can occur at any stage of its development: during fertilization, cleavage, implantation, and organogenesis. However, the periods of maximum sensitivity to EMF are the early stages of embryo development - implantation and early organogenesis.


In Neurodiagnostic scientific institute in Spain in 2001 they found that in 11-13 year old children who talked on a cell phone for two minutes, changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain persisted for another two hours after they hung up.

A study completed at the University of Bristol in the UK last year showed a significant increase in reaction time in 10-11 year old children using a GSM mobile phone. Similar results were obtained by Finns at the University of Turku, who observed a group of children aged 10-14 years.

A large number of studies were carried out in the USSR until the 90s biological action EMF on the developing organism of animals.

It has been established that even low intensities of EMF affect the embryonic development of offspring. The offspring of irradiated animals are less viable; developmental anomalies, deformities, weight loss, dysfunction of the higher parts of the central nervous system are observed. nervous system(slow production and decreased ability to preserve defensive and motor-nutritional conditioned reflexes), shift in the pace of postnatal development.

Adult animals irradiated by EMF are characterized by a decrease in the number of offspring born, changes in the genital organs of females, disturbances in fetal development, a decrease in the percentage of crossbreeding, and statistically more frequent cases of stillbirth.

A study of the effect of EMF on the offspring of rats exposed to electromagnetic influence in parameters similar to what a human embryo receives when its mother talks on a cell phone showed that, compared with the control, the embryonic mortality of the offspring was statistically significantly increased, the mass of the thymus gland was reduced, and the number of developmental anomalies was increased internal organs, during the first 4 weeks of the postnatal period, the mortality of the offspring of rats of all experimental groups was 2.5 - 3 times higher than in the control, and body weight was lower. The development of rat pups was also worse: the formation of sensory-motor reflexes and the timing of incisor eruption were delayed; in female rat pups, development was disrupted.


Body system Impact
Nervous “Weakened cognition” syndrome (memory problems, difficulties in perceiving information, insomnia, depression, headaches)
“Partial ataxia” syndrome (disorders of the vestibular apparatus: problems with balance, disorientation in space, dizziness)
Artho-myo-neuropathy syndrome ( muscle pain and muscle fatigue, discomfort when lifting heavy objects)
Cardiovascular Neurocirculatory dystonia, pulse lability, pressure lability
Tendency to hypotension, pain in the heart, lability of blood parameters
Immune EMFs can act as an inducer of autoimmunization in the body
EMFs contribute to the suppression of T-lymphocytes
The dependence of immune reactions on the type of EMF modulation is shown
Endocrine Increased adrenaline in the blood
Activation of the blood clotting process
Decompensating effect of EMF on the body through reactions of the endocrine system
Energy Pathogenic change in the body's energy
Defects and imbalances in the body's energy
Sexual (embryogenesis) Decreased spermatogenesis function
Slowing embryonic development, decreasing lactation. Congenital deformities of the fetus, complications of pregnancy and childbirth

Every organ in our body vibrates, creating an electromagnetic field around itself. Any living organism on earth has such an invisible shell that promotes the harmonious functioning of the entire body system. It doesn’t matter what it’s called – biofield, aura – this phenomenon has to be taken into account.

When our biofield is influenced by electromagnetic fields from artificial sources, this causes changes in him. Sometimes the body successfully copes with this influence, and sometimes it does not, resulting in a serious deterioration in well-being.

EMR (electromagnetic radiation) can be emitted by office equipment, household appliances, smartphones, telephones, and vehicles. Even a large crowd of people creates a certain charge in the atmosphere. It is impossible to completely isolate yourself from the electromagnetic background; it is present in one degree or another in literally every corner of planet Earth. It just doesn't always work.

The sources of EMR are:

  • microwaves,
  • devices with mobile communications,
  • TVs,
  • transport,
  • sociopathogenic factors – large crowds of people,
  • power lines,
  • geopathogenic zones,
  • solar storms,
  • rocks,
  • psychotropic weapon.

Scientists cannot decide how harmful EMR is and what exactly is the problem. Some argue that electromagnetic waves themselves pose a danger. Others say that this phenomenon in itself, it is natural and does not pose a threat, but what information this radiation transmits to the body often turns out to be destructive for it.

In favor latest version present experimental results indicating that electromagnetic waves have an information, or torsion, component. Some scientists from Europe, Russia and Ukraine argue that it is torsion fields that, by transmitting any negative information to the human body, cause harm to it.

However, in order to check how strongly the information component destroys health and to what extent our body can resist it, it is necessary to conduct more than one experiment. One thing is clear - to deny the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body is, at least, careless.

EMR standards for humans

Since the earth is full of sources of natural and artificial magnetic radiation, there is a frequency that either has a good effect on health, or our body successfully copes with it.

Here are the frequency ranges that are safe for health:

  • 30-300 kHz, occurring at a field strength of 25 Volts per meter (V/m),
  • 0.3-3 MHz, at a voltage of 15 V/m,
  • 3-30 MHz – voltage 10 V/m,
  • 30-300 MHz – voltage 3 V/m,
  • 300 MHz-300 GHz – voltage 10 μW/cm 2.

Mobile phones, radio and television equipment operate at these frequencies. The limit for high-voltage lines is set at a frequency of 160 kV/m, but in real life they emit EMR radiation 5-6 times less than this indicator.

If the intensity of EMR differs from the given indicators, such radiation can cause harm to health.

When EMR harms health

Weak electromagnetic radiation with low power/intensity and high frequency is dangerous for a person because its intensity coincides with the frequency of his biofield. Because of this, resonance occurs and systems, organs begin to work incorrectly, which provokes the development of various diseases, especially in those parts of the body that were previously weakened in some way.

EMR also has the ability to accumulate in the body, which is its greatest danger to health. Such accumulations gradually worsen the state of health, decreasing:

  • immunity,
  • stress resistance,
  • sexual activity,
  • endurance,
  • performance.

The danger is that these symptoms can be attributed to a large number diseases. At the same time, doctors in our hospitals are not yet in a hurry to take seriously the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body, and therefore the likelihood of a correct diagnosis is very low.

The danger of EMR is invisible and difficult to measure; it is easier to look at bacteria under a microscope than to see the relationship between the source of radiation and poor health. Intense EMR has the most destructive effect on the circulatory, immune, reproductive systems, brain, eyes, gastrointestinal tract. A person may also develop radio wave sickness. Let's talk about all this in more detail.

Radio wave disease as a diagnosis

The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human body has been studied since the 1960s. Then pundits established that EMR provokes processes in the body that lead to failures in its most important systems. At the same time, the medical definition of “radio wave disease” was introduced. Researchers say that symptoms of this disease are observed to one degree or another in a third of the world's population.

On initial stage the disease manifests itself as:

  • dizziness,
  • headaches,
  • insomnia,
  • fatigue,
  • deterioration in concentration,
  • depressive states.

Agree, similar symptoms can be observed in a number of other diseases of a more “tangible” nature. And if the diagnosis is incorrect, then radio wave disease makes itself felt with more serious manifestations, such as:

  • cardiac arrhythmia,
  • drop or increase in blood sugar levels,
  • persistent respiratory diseases.

This is what the big picture looks like. Now let’s look at the effect of EMR on various systems of the body.

EMR and the nervous system

Scientists consider the nervous system to be one of the most vulnerable to EMR. The mechanism of its influence is simple - the electromagnetic field disrupts the permeability of the cell membrane for calcium ions, which has long been proven by scientists. Because of this, the nervous system malfunctions and functions in the wrong mode. Also, an alternating electromagnetic field (EMF) affects the condition of the liquid components of nerve tissue. This produces abnormalities in the body such as:

  • slower reaction
  • changes in the EEG of the brain,
  • memory impairment,
  • depression of varying severity.

EMR and the immune system

The effect of EMR on the immune system was studied by experimenting on animals. When individuals suffering from various infections were irradiated with EMF, the course of their disease and its character became aggravated. Therefore, scientists have come to the theory that EMR disrupts the production of immune cells, leading to the occurrence of autoimmunity.

EMR and the endocrine system

The researchers found that under the influence of EMR, the pituitary-adrenaline system was stimulated, which resulted in an increase in the level of adrenaline in the blood and an increase in the processes of its coagulation. This entailed the involvement of another system - the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal cortex. The latter are responsible, in particular, for the production of cortisol, another stress hormone. Their incorrect operation leads to the following consequences:

  • increased excitability,
  • irritability,
  • sleep disorders, insomnia,
  • sudden mood swings,
  • strong surges in blood pressure,
  • dizziness, weakness.

EMR and the cardiovascular system

The state of health determines to some extent the quality of the blood circulating throughout the body. All elements of this liquid have their own electric potential, charge. Magnetic and electrical components can provoke either destruction or adhesion of platelets, red blood cells and block the permeability of cell membranes. EMR also affects the hematopoietic organs, disabling the entire system of formation of blood components.

On similar violations the body reacts by releasing an additional portion of adrenaline. However, this does not help, and the body continues to produce stress hormones in large doses. This “behavior” leads to the following:

  • the functioning of the heart muscle is impaired,
  • myocardial conductivity deteriorates,
  • arrhythmia occurs
  • BP jumps.

EMR and the reproductive system

It has been revealed that the female genital organs - the ovaries - are more susceptible to the effects of EMR. However, men are not protected from this kind of influence. IN overall result this results in a decrease in sperm motility and their genetic weakness, so the X chromosomes dominate, and more girls are born. There is also a very high probability that EMR will cause genetic pathologies leading to deformities and birth defects.

Effect of EMR on children and pregnant women

EMF affects the brain of children in a special way due to the fact that their body-to-head size ratio is larger than that of an adult. This explains more high conductivity brain matter. Therefore, electromagnetic waves penetrate deeper into the child's brain. The older the baby becomes, the thicker the bones of his skull, the content of water and ions decreases, and therefore conductivity decreases.

Developing and growing tissues are most affected by EMR. A child under 16 years of age is actively growing, so the risk of pathologies from strong magnetic influence at this period of a person’s life is the highest.

For pregnant women, EMF poses a threat to both their fetus and their health. Therefore, it is desirable to minimize the influence of the electromagnetic field on the body, even in acceptable “portions”. For example, when a pregnant woman, her entire body, including the fetus, is exposed to a slight EMR. How this will all affect later, whether it will accumulate and have consequences, no one can say for sure. However, why test scientific theories on yourself? Isn't it easier to meet people in person and have long conversations than to chat incessantly on a cell phone?

Let's add to this that the embryo is much more sensitive than the mother's body to various kinds influences. Therefore, EMF can make pathological “adjustments” to its development at any stage.

By period increased risk refers to the early stages of embryonic development, when stem cells “decide” what they will become in adulthood.

Is it possible to reduce exposure to EMR?

The danger of the influence of the electromagnetic field on the human body lies in invisibility this process. Therefore, the negative effect may long time accumulate and then become difficult to diagnose. However, there are some simple steps you can take to protect yourself and your family from the destructive effects of EMFs.

Completely “turning off” electromagnetic radiation is not an option, and it won’t work. But you can do the following:

  • identify devices that create a particular EMF,
  • purchase a special dosimeter,
  • turn on electrical appliances one at a time, and not all at once: mobile phone, computer, microwave oven, TV should work at different times,
  • do not group electrical appliances in one place, distribute them so that they do not enhance each other’s EMF,
  • do not place these devices near the dining table, work table, resting places, sleeping places,
  • the children's room is subject to careful monitoring for sources of EMR; do not allow radio-controlled or electric toys, a tablet, a smartphone, a laptop,
  • The outlet to which the computer is connected must be grounded,
  • The radiotelephone base creates a stable magnetic field around itself within a radius of 10 meters, remove it from the bedroom and desk.

It is difficult to give up the benefits of civilization, and it is not necessary. To avoid the harmful effects of EMR, it is enough to think carefully about what electrical appliances you surround yourself with and how to place them at home. The leaders in EMF intensity are microwave ovens, electric grills, and devices with mobile communications - you just need to take this into account.

And finally one more useful advice– when purchasing household appliances, give preference to those with a steel body. The latter is capable of shielding radiation emanating from the device, minimizing its impact on the body.

Electromagnetic radiation is the divergence of electric and magnetic fields. The propagation of the electromagnetic field occurs with the help of electromagnetic waves, which in turn emit charge particles, molecules, atoms and other components. The harm of electromagnetic radiation has been officially proven and confirmed by relevant scientific research, therefore, as far as possible, it is necessary to limit its effect on the human body.

Education and use of electromagnetic radiation

Electromagnetic fields that are formed by radiation of the same name are usually divided into natural, that is, those that exist independently, and anthropogenic (arising as a result of the human factor).

Part natural factors includes magnetic and electromagnetic radiation that is generated by the core globe. Man-made types of radiation include high-frequency and ultra-frequency waves, as well as light rays And laser radiation. Human exposure to electromagnetic fields and radiation of both natural and anthropogenic origin tends to have a negative impact on almost all organs and systems, as well as the body as a whole.

How electromagnetic radiation affects humans, as well as what consequences it leads to, has been known for quite some time, but it is almost impossible to limit its use. This is due to the fact that this type of radiation underlies the activities of television and radio communications, since it is thanks to electromagnetic pulses that the visualization of the transmitted image from the television center to each television becomes possible.

This type radiation is also widespread in the operation of mobile phones, since connections between subscribers occur using electromagnetic pulses. The impact of electromagnetic networks on the human body also occurs when using computer technology, Internet connections and much more.

The generated electromagnetic radiation is widely used in modern society, since thanks to its generation we have access to radio and telecommunications, mobile communications, computer technologies and much more.

The area of ​​contact with the field (which has a detrimental effect on a person), and the body’s ability to resist and resist are also taken into account. A circumstance that is worth paying attention to when determining such a phenomenon as electromagnetic radiation is the consequences of such influence.

The influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body

The influence of electromagnetic fields on the human body manifests itself in a number of negative consequences for the body as a whole, as well as its individual components.

The consequences of such impact depend on a number of external and internal factors, however, even its smallest influence disrupts homeostasis at the atomic-molecular level. With increasing intensity of influence, such changes can be expressed at the cellular, systemic or even organismal levels.

IN to the greatest extent The nervous system suffers, as well as the cardiovascular system. First there are signs such as headache and dizziness, general weakness, sleep disturbance, etc. Blood pressure suffers, changes also manifest themselves in an increase or decrease in blood pressure. This is followed by slowing of the pulse, heart pain (may be accompanied by tachycardia or bradycardia), hair loss and brittle nail plates. In the early stages, damage caused by electromagnetic radiation is reversible. It is possible to get rid of such consequences by stopping exposure negative factor, as well as after symptomatic therapy.

If the influence of the electromagnetic field on the human body had a direct connection with a violation of the main and medulla oblongata, which are especially sensitive to such radiation, changes in the nervous system are considered irreversible and cannot be leveled. They can manifest themselves in impaired coordination of movement, rarely cause deviations in muscle tone such as a convulsive attack, etc.

In addition to the harmful biological effects on the body, which manifests itself nearby systemic violations, the influence of the electromagnetic field on a person also contributes to the formation of charges when the body comes into contact with a metal object.

This can occur when a person (who is not touching the ground) touches a metal object (which is in direct contact with the ground). May cause unpleasant painful sensations or even minor seizures.

If you notice symptoms from exposure to electromagnetic radiation, you should immediately seek specialized advice. medical care. Stopping the impact of a negative source and independent conduct drug therapy will improve the patient’s condition, but in any case you should consult a doctor.

Methods of protection against electromagnetic radiation

The effect of the electromagnetic field on the human body, as already noted, has significant tendencies towards negative effects. Therefore, the desire of people to protect their bodies from such radiation is completely justified.
The main methods of protection are:

So, we have figured out how the electromagnetic field affects human health and what consequences the body’s interaction with radiation sources can lead to.

When answering the question of how to protect yourself from excess in an apartment, it is worth noting that compliance with all safety conditions and keeping contact with sources of this type of negative impact to a minimum will help reduce the risk of consequences.

Each substance has a certain radiation. It occurs due to the creation of an electromagnetic field around the material and its propagation in a certain direction. The further charged particles move from their source, the stronger the electromagnetic field of the substance, and therefore the stronger the electromagnetic radiation. In this case, the described radiation has the property of attenuation, that is, the further the electron is from its source, the less charge it has. Electromagnetic radiation has a certain effect on humans. They can both treat certain diseases and cause harm.

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Electromagnetic radiation

What is electromagnetic radiation

Electromagnetic radiation refers to waves of the same name that are formed under the influence of electric and magnetic fields. From the point of view of scientists, the unit of radiation is a quantum, but at the same time it also has the properties of a wave (for example, it attenuates as the object of influence moves away).

Currently, the following types of electromagnetic radiation are distinguished:

  • Radio frequency (propagates in the form of radio waves);
  • Heat or infrared rays;
  • Optical waves that can be detected by the naked human eye (without special instruments);
  • Tough and ultraviolet radiation, which are predominantly in the ultraviolet spectrum (they are also called ionized).

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Types of electromagnetic radiation

Nature of radiation sources

Sources of electromagnetic radiation are classified as follows:

  • Artificial, when the electromagnetic field (EMF) is disturbed by special devices or equipment, usually created by man;
  • Natural, when electromagnetic radiation comes from elements of nature. Thus, all electromagnetic fields and radiation generated by planet Earth electrical processes, occurring in the layers of the atmosphere, nuclear reactions on the Sun are among the natural ones.

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EMR sources

Radiation is divided according to its level into low-level and high-level. It is the power of the source of electromagnetic waves that determines the parameters of the field strength and its radiation.

High-level emitters include:

  • electricity transmission lines (mainly high-voltage, transporting the bulk of electricity and creating a large EMF);
  • electric transport (trolleybuses, trams, metro, powered by solar energy) high strength current);
  • towers necessary for transmitting television and radio signals, as well as mobile communications signals;
  • transformer substations and single current converters;
  • lifting equipment that operates using an electromechanical power plant.

Examples of low-level sources of electromagnetic radiation are almost all household appliances, in particular:

  • laptops, televisions and other devices equipped with a cathode ray tube display;
  • irons, refrigerators, air conditioners and so on;
  • low-current networks that ensure the transfer of energy from a source to various devices and equipment (the cables themselves, sockets, meters and other types of related devices).

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Household sources of EMR

In some cases, high-level electromagnetic radiation is necessary. For example, in medicine, where X-ray machines, MRI machines and other diagnostic tools generate a large one-time dose of radiation to the human body, but this is necessary for diagnosing or treating certain diseases.

Human electromagnetic field

The human body is not only a good conductor for electromagnetic waves, but also forms EMF itself, being natural source electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Oscillations of the bioelectric field are actively used to diagnose various diseases. For example, electrocardiograms and electroencephalograms make it possible to identify problems with the circulatory system in the early stages, cardiovascular diseases, brain diseases and so on.

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Human EMF

Attempts to measure the human electromagnetic field were made by scientists back in the 18th century, but without the availability of appropriate equipment that would have the necessary level of sensitivity, this was not possible. All studies were limited to only analyzing the effect of EMR on people.

A breakthrough in this matter was made thanks to discoveries in the physics of superconductivity, most of which occurred in the 60s of the last century. As a result of their introduction into science, instruments appeared that made it possible to more accurately measure the influence of the electromagnetic field on humans and to record the EMR itself of humans and other living organisms. This gave impetus to the development new industry science - biomagnetism, which studied the EMF of animals and people, characterized by minimal values, as well as their influence on various natural processes.

The presence of a person’s own electromagnetic field harmonizes the functioning of all cells of the body. Some scientists call the EMF of people a biofield or aura. This area Psychics research. From their point of view, it is the biofield that is the body’s main defense against negative impacts external environment, including emotional ones. As soon as problems arise in the biofield, a person begins to get sick, he experiences various troubles, so it must be immediately restored, for which unconventional methods are used.

Effect of EMR on humans

In the process of research, scientists have found that prolonged exposure to electromagnetic waves on the human body can lead to various diseases, not all of which are curable. In most cases, a critical dose of EMR radiation can lead to pathological changes in human organs. The most disappointing conclusion is that changes as a result of exposure to EMF occur at the level genetic code, that is, the consequences may affect the children of the irradiated person.

This state of affairs is explained by the fact that EMF has high biological activity, and this has an extremely negative effect on any living organisms. The level of exposure depends on three factors:

  • the type of radiation in the field of which the person was;
  • duration of stay at the radiation source;
  • intensity or power of EMR.

The influence of electromagnetic waves on human health can be general or local. Thus, being close to a high-voltage power line, the entire body is irradiated; the effect of EMF occurs on all organs and on all parts of the body. A mobile phone, on the contrary, affects only those parts of the body or sensory organs near which it is located. Therefore, it is not recommended to talk on the phone for a long time to avoid high doses of radiation to the brain.

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The influence of EMR on human systems

In addition to electromagnetic effects, there is also a temperature effect of EMF on living organisms. Since EMI is formed due to the movement of electrons along conductors in a certain direction, and the conductor has a certain resistance, as a result of the formation of EMF, the temperature of the conductor increases. This principle used in microwave emitters that convert electrical energy into thermal, creating temperatures that allow metal to be melted and other complex operations to be carried out. However, this equipment has significant by-effect due to the high power of EMR and, accordingly, its impact on the tissues of human organs.

Important to remember! IN Everyday life people also encounter EMR. This happens when using household appliances, mobile phones, traveling by electric transport and so on. EMR is not removed from the body; it accumulates, which leads to diseases of the nervous system or brain. To avoid such developments, it is recommended to measure electromagnetic radiation in the apartment and periodically monitor its value.

Since EMR is of a wave nature, its influence on an object decreases with increasing distance, so it is enough to be at a safe distance from the source, and this will significantly reduce its negative impact.

Radiation protection

To avoid the described negative effects of EMR on the body, they are actively used various methods protection. In production, for example, they use protective screens, which absorb radiation and significantly reduce its impact on humans. It is almost impossible to build such a structure at home, so household protection against EMP is based on the following recommendations:

  1. You should stay as close as possible greater distance from the radiation source. So, for a power transmission line safe distance is 25 meters, for a monitor with a ray tube - only 30 cm. Cell phones It is not recommended to bring it closer to your head than 2.5 cm. This makes conversation almost impossible, so a better recommendation would be to reduce the time of negotiations;
  2. It is recommended to periodically measure the EMR level of used household appliances and monitor their operating time. This is especially true for children who often play for long periods of time. computer games, thereby being exposed to radiation. Protection from electromagnetic radiation is the responsibility of parents, so you should set a clear mode for playing computer games or watching TV and strictly control it;
  3. When the device is not in use, it must be turned off, since the device continues to generate EMF and radiate radiation while it is turned on. It will also make family members safer and healthier.

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Methods of protection against EMR

So, electromagnetic radiation brings both benefits and harm. Even a person himself emits waves of a certain frequency and power; they can be caught using special equipment. Greatest benefit from EMR is achieved in medicine, where it is used for diagnosis and treatment. However, chronic exposure can lead to negative consequences in the human body, therefore, high-quality protection from electromagnetic fields and radiation is required. In production it is organized in a special way, but in everyday life it is enough to follow a few simple recommendations.


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