When is Engineering Troops Day celebrated? Engineering Troops Day

We are not fighting now. At least we are not fighting here in our home. The Great Patriotic War ended, the First World War and Napoleon's invasion passed. Life goes on as usual, and we think with gratitude and pride about those who helped achieve victory and defended their Motherland - the employees of the Russian engineering troops.

The history of this branch of the army begins with Peter I, the same great king who managed to transform Rus'. In 1701, Peter I issued a decree on the creation of the “School of the Pushkar Prikaz” in Moscow. The first sappers were trained there. In 1712, the emperor ordered the separation of the engineering school and the school of Pushkar order. A little later, an engineering school was created in St. Petersburg, and a year later the Moscow school was transferred to St. Petersburg and merged with the existing one there.

Those serving in the engineering troops took part in all the battles that took place on the territory of Russia, both during the times of the empire and later, fulfilling their duty to the Motherland and compatriots. The first President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, noted the merits of the engineering troops in his decree of September 18, 1996, establishing the celebration of Engineering Troops Day on January 21.

At the very least, congratulate those Windows users who have played Minesweeper at least once.

Corps of Engineers,
Congratulations, hurray!
Courage and strength,
We were so happy!

Let things go uphill,
Family is always waiting at home,
Peace to you, warmth, peace,
May you be healthy!

Engineering troops are not sadness and melancholy for you,
This is strength, this is courage, this is dexterity and skill,
This life credo- always be the first in everything,
Help in battles, in war, in peace - to support the country.
Honesty, courage, bravery are your main task,
May good luck accompany you in your legal endeavor!

Congratulations on Engineering Troops Day and I want to wish you to always be in confident positions with the right goals and brave forces. May fate protect you from dangers and troubles, may your heart be warmed by the love of loved ones, may friendly advice always be nearby.

The country is sleeping peacefully for now
There are engineering troops.
On the day of these troops I wish you,
So that the enemies do not sleep in fear.

When the heirs of Peter
The mornings rush to fast.
I wish you health and peace,
Both privates and commanders!

Congratulations to the Army Corps of Engineers
From the bottom of my heart, congratulations on their great holiday.
Thank you for your services, for your deeds
Yes, for fair rewards without mistakes.
We are glad to congratulate you, friends,
But with you, no one is afraid of us.
You cannot be left without attention,
We greatly respect your service.
We bring food to your table.
Clear away all the clouds and obstacles,
We want to eliminate all dangers.

Happy Engineering Troops Day!
We wish you all
Daily victories
Above a sea of ​​problems!

Let him sleep at night,
Dreaming during the day
And there won't be wars
Now and then!

Congratulations with respect
Corps of Engineers,
We wish you strength and luck,
Good health to everyone forever.

Unique developments,
Power, courage, intelligence,
So that your work
The whole country was proud!

Let the will be iron,
Let the strength be strong.
Congratulations today
Corps of Engineers.

Only interesting services
I want to wish you
Let life not be boring.
Glory to all the daring fighters!

It's not easy to catch up yet
Corps of Engineers,
Here is skill, diligence,
And understanding of strategies,
So let's congratulate
Keep it up guys.
Sign for receipt
Happiness, joy, luck.
We wish you to live without troubles,
Many bright, long years,
Let the service be easy
No fuss, bitch!

This holiday is celebrated by those who contribute to the defense of their country, those who bear the difficult responsibility for exploring territories, equipping them engineering communications for conducting combat operations and escorting troops during an offensive.

This day is necessary for the significance of those who achieved victories for their Fatherland and went through a long and glorious journey. The professional holiday is also dedicated to those who honorably continue their work and serve for the benefit of the Fatherland and their people.


Several centuries are written in the history of these troops:

  • 1701. Peter the Great, converter Great Rus', many fundamental orders were issued. One of them was the decision to create the “School of Pushkar Order”. It was ordered by the will of the head of state to train artillery officers and military engineers in Moscow according to new programs and strict requirements for service. At that time there were only a small number of them. But graduates were in demand in all units of the Russian army.
  • 1712. By the next decree, two independent institutions are separated from this school, each with its own direction of study.
  • 1719. The St. Petersburg Engineering School is created.
  • 1723. The school of St. Petersburg is enlarged by transferring the Moscow school to its city and merging with it. The sovereign gave great value the roles of non-commissioned and chief officers and lists them at a rank higher than similar ranks of infantry and artillery.
  • 1753. Pushkin’s great-grandfather A.S. was appointed director of this institution. Abram Petrovich Hannibal.
  • The knowledge and skills of the engineering troops helped achieve success in all military operations. Awards (orders and medals) were received by those who heroically participated in the Patriotic War of 1812, the defense of Sevastopol (1854-1855), the Russian-Japanese (1904-1905), the first and second (1914-1918, 1941-1945) world wars. The most worthy were awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union.
  • 1998. Based on Military Engineering Academy The Military Engineering University was founded named after V.V. Kuibyshev.

The Corps of Engineers has provided significant results not only on military fields, but also in peaceful areas of life. They took part in eliminating the consequences of natural disasters and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and carried out restoration work. Their role is colossal in many peacekeeping operations (Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Transnistria). They fulfill all the goals and objectives assigned to them with honor.


Russian Orthodox Church recognized and appreciated the merits of the soldier-engineers and declared them the patron saint of the holy noble prince Daniel of Moscow. Church and temple employees perform prayer services for the dead.

Feature films and documentaries have been made about everyday life and exploits. They can be watched in cinemas and on television channels. Festive concerts are dedicated to military engineers and their families, where they participate famous artists and folk art groups.

Meetings are held in departments where congratulations from the country's leaders are read out. The best receive awards, certificates and valuable gifts. Servicemen transferred to the reserve do not forget the memorable date and every year they meet with their fellow soldiers.

On January 21, Russia celebrates Engineering Troops Day. Voentorg Voenpro presents an overview of the history and modernity of the Engineering Troops and congratulates all military engineers on their professional holiday!

For the first time, Engineering Troops Day in the Russian Federation was celebrated in 1997. I signed the corresponding decree Russian President a year earlier. Not everyone knows what date Engineering Troops Day is - this holiday is celebrated annually on January 21. It is a confirmation of enormous merits of this kind troops to their own country, their immeasurable contribution to the improvement of the Russian Army.

Engineering Troops Day in Russia is celebrated by everyone who is related to this branch of our army. Relatives congratulate the military personnel; those who especially distinguished themselves receive awards from the command. Engineering Troops Day 2018 will be no exception.

History of the Engineering Troops

per day engineering sapper troops It is important to remember the history of this unit. The origins of the troops go back to the distant year 1701. It was then that Peter I, by his decree, announced the founding of the “School of Pushkar Order” in the Russian capital. Young people came here, becoming military engineers and artillery officers. Those who graduated from this institution entered service in Russian mining units.

In 1712, according to the decision of the tsar, this school underwent a number of changes and began to operate separately from the engineering school. Seven years later, Peter I decided to found the St. Petersburg Engineering School in the country. Four years passed, and the Moscow school began to admit students to northern capital Russia. Both schools became one. Their graduates joined the ranks of the engineering troops as chief and non-commissioned officers.

To further popularize these schools in the country, Peter I ordered that officers of this branch of the military be ranked higher in rank than officers representing cavalry and infantry. The corresponding change was made to the “Table of Ranks”. The function of the main body of such troops was assigned to the Office of the Main Artillery and Fortification. The engineering school was headed by the famous A.P. Hannibal (1753).

Corps of Engineers in modern era

On January 21, when Engineering Troops Day is celebrated, it is worth talking about the activities of military engineers in the modern era. The Russian engineering troops are responsible for several the most important functions: they are called upon to reconnoiter the area, collect information about enemy targets, erect barriers, create facilities that allow transportation by water, arrange routes to ensure the movement of troops, and liquidate factories chemical industry.

In addition, such troops must provide the army with purified water and clear the area where weapons were used mass destruction, control fortifications. And this is not the entire list.

Currently components Russian engineering troops are formations, subunits and units, each with its own direct purpose. By this indicator they distinguish following types troops:

  • amphibious;
  • water collection and treatment engineers;
  • pavements;
  • positional;
  • assault barriers engineers;
  • engineering and construction;
  • pontoon;
  • camouflage engineers;
  • engineering and sapper.

Representatives of all these military professions annually receive congratulations on Engineering Troops Day. These troops are included in such structures as the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, and the Federal Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation. Representatives of this type of troops are called upon to solve problems highest level complexity. Undoubtedly, such troops are staffed with real professionals in their field, modern technical base, weapons of a new generation.

Since terrorism is one of the main dangers in the world today, the primary task of the engineering troops is effective fight with mine terror. January 21, the day of the engineering troops Russian Federation one cannot help but recall the many terrorist attacks prevented by fighters of such units.

The engineering and sapper troops demonstrated all their skills during the Patriotic War. They defended the rear, built roads, repaired them, prepared them for the front line. engineering departments. All this had to be done in short term. These troops took part in demining the front-line territory. Thanks to them not only Russian capital, but other cities in the country turned out to be well prepared for defense in engineering terms.

The 1st and 3rd sapper armies, together with the population, erected about 4,000 fire structures near the Russian capital, dug anti-tank ditches over 300 km long, and cleared over 1,300 km of forest debris. The sapper army concentrates military personnel who are being prepared to be sent to the engineering unit. From here, over 150 thousand people were transferred to front-line formations.

The engineering forces were represented by many famous personalities, including scientists, generals and musicians. Among them are marshals V.K. Kharchenko, S.Kh. Aganov, N.F. Shestipalov, Field Marshal Kutuzov himself. The title of Hero of Russia was awarded a large number employees of the engineering troops. On the day of the Russian Engineer Troops, it is necessary to remember all these people.

Tasks and role of the Engineering Troops in modern army Russia

IN peacetime engineering troops perform the following tasks:

  • maintain the army in constant readiness for potential conflict;
  • prepare administrative bodies for possible military actions;
  • control the required number of weapons and equipment;
  • restore and maintain peace;
  • eliminate the damage caused by disasters.

In case of war, these troops perform the following tasks:

  • act offensively and defensively, resorting to the help of other troops;
  • destroy the enemy;
  • resist enemy aggression;
  • do not allow military conflicts to flare up with new strength;
  • follow the tasks outlined in the strategic deployment plan.

Throughout its history, the engineering troops performed their assigned functions with extraordinary efficiency and complete dedication. They successfully defended the country during the period Patriotic War, defended Sevastopol, fought with the enemy in the Russian-Japanese War and in the First World War. It was the Patriotic War that allowed them to demonstrate their full significance for Russia.

Many representatives of these troops received various awards and titles, including the Order of Glory and the title of Hero. At one time, troops took part in the siege of Izmail, distinguished themselves in Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and contributed to the resolution of problems in Herzegovina, Abkhazia and other states. For centuries now, engineering troops have occupied a leading position in the Russian Armed Forces.

They do a great job of dealing with the consequences. various disasters, accidents, destroy explosive objects. One such example is the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, when troops eliminated the accident at this important object. This was their invaluable feat, which we must remember during the celebration of the Day of the Engineering Troops.

Currently, the engineering and sapper battalion, which takes part in reconnaissance and demining of the territory, enjoys special respect. He operates in unusually dangerous conditions, and Russian citizens very proud of him. According to the plan of events on Engineering Troops Day 2018, employees of this unit will receive congratulations from senior command staff.

Today he has the most modern technology at his disposal, which is not so easy to work with. However, professionals are excellent at handling it. Engineering troops in Russia are special category fighters. Thanks to these troops, Russians can feel safe, knowing that they will always be protected by brave and loving motherland People.

Today these troops are a worthy successor to their fathers and grandfathers. They save people from death in natural disasters, go to serve in the most dangerous places our planet, eliminate man-made disasters.

How is Engineering Troops Day celebrated?

On January 21, the day of the engineering troops, it is simply necessary to give gifts to military engineers for this significant date. In Voentorg Voenpro you will find interesting gifts for Engineering Troops Day. Our assortment includes flags, badges and other paraphernalia of this type of military. In addition, we can produce custom-made commemorative paraphernalia for the Day of the Engineering Troops of the Russian Federation. Show your imagination and please soldiers and veterans on the days military glory engineering troops.

On January 21, the Voentorg “Voenpro” congratulates all military engineers on their professional holiday!


Please contact our managers if you have any questions.

The creation of engineering troops was necessary for the reason that it was necessary to carry out tasks that related to engineering support during hostilities. These are special forces who have undergone training and struck the enemy with engineered ammunition.

History of the creation of engineering troops

The engineering troops began their existence back in the Ancient Greece, in those days they were called digging teams. Their task was to build defensive structures along the border and set up camps.

The chronicle of 1016 indicated that these were builders who were on military service and were good at martial arts. The engineering troops received their legal existence in 1701. A little later they had already become an independent army, and by the time the Russian-Turkish war, their number was already 2.8% of the total field army. They lived up to expectations during the Patriotic War and the Battle of Borodino.

When the First came world war, the Russian army, under the clear guidance of engineering troops, erected various defensive structures, which were thousands of kilometers long. One of such defenses was the heroic Osovets and Brusilovsky breakthrough.

By the beginning of the twentieth century, the engineering troops had at their disposal a lot of educated military builders, their number amounted to 6% of the entire army.

The main tasks of military engineers

The Russian Engineering Troops must perform the following important tasks:

  • Conducting engineering reconnaissance of enemy terrain and targets;
  • control over fortifications during the construction of defensive positions;
  • installation of barriers;
  • Creation various objects for crossing by water;
  • preparing the routes along which the movement and maneuver of troops will take place;
  • carrying out all measures to camouflage the army;
  • carrying out water purification and water supply points for the army;
  • direct participation in clearing the territory where weapons of mass destruction were used;
  • destruction of chemical industry enterprises and much more.

Celebrating January 21st

Engineer Troops Day in Russia is celebrated on January 21. This holiday began to be celebrated from the moment the President of the Russian Federation issued a decree in 1996. The head of the country singled out this day for the invaluable contribution he made Russian army into the country's defense potential. In the same year, the country's Minister of Defense issued a decree to celebrate January 21 every year as the day of the Russian Engineering Troops.

This date will be remembered by all residents due to the fact that, according to the Decree of Peter the Great, a special school January 21, 1701. At first, the school prepared military engineers for service, but a year later all graduates joined the Russian army.

Corps of Engineers: our days

Today, the engineering troops of the Russian Federation consist of units, divisions and formations, each of which has its own purpose. The troops are divided according to their purpose into:

  • assault barriers engineers;
  • engineer troops;
  • positional;
  • camouflage engineers;
  • pavements;
  • pontoon;
  • water treatment and extraction engineers;
  • engineering and construction;
  • amphibious.

The engineering troops, the photo of which is provided below, exist in various structures: in Federal border service, in the Ministry of Defense, in Internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs. 100% hope is placed on these troops by decision of the most complex tasks, as regards engineering support. These solutions imply the presence modern technology and weapons, as well as well-trained personnel.

One of the main tasks of the army is to fully counteract mine terrorism. This was due to the fact that in lately The threat of global terrorism has increased sharply. This question is included in the task of many today security forces and is still being decided by them.

The Sapper Army became part of one of the organizations of the engineering troops at the time when the Patriotic War began. Their task was to timely carry out the construction of rear lines for defense, build and repair highways, bridges, and also prepare engineering units for the front.

Engineer-sapper troops were invited to carry out mine clearance in the area of ​​the active front. These troops made a huge contribution to engineering training defense not only of Moscow, but also of other, no less important cities.

The first and third sapper armies, together with the residents near Moscow, built the following:

  • more than 3,700 fire structures were erected;
  • anti-tank ditches were dug that stretched for 325 kilometers;
  • More than 1,300 kilometers of forest debris have been developed.

The engineer army is the main base where military personnel are accumulated to undergo training in the engineering unit of the army and front-line subordination. From this base, more than 150,000 people joined the front-line formations, as well as rifle units.

Famous figures of the engineering troops

Many were included in the Russian engineering troops famous figures, composers, generals, scientists and inventors. These included Field Marshal Kutuzov, Marshal Ogarkov, marshals of the engineering troops Shestipalov, Proshlyakov, Aganov, Vorobyov, Kharchenko and many others. Many military engineers were named Heroes of Russia, and this figure is very high.

In 2002, Daniil of Moscow was declared the patron saint of the Heavenly Engineering Troops. This event indicated that the dedicated work of the engineering troops found understanding in the Orthodox Church.

January 21, Engineering Troops Day, in addition to the Russian Federation, is also celebrated in Belarus.

The role of engineering troops in peacetime

  • Maintain combat potential military army to be in combat readiness to repel an attack.
  • Preparation of command and control bodies for the conduct of military operations with their direct purpose.
  • Accumulation military equipment, weapons and supplies, in the quantity in which they are necessary for military operations.
  • Taking direct part in restoring peace and maintaining it.
  • Taking direct part in eliminating the consequences of disasters.
  • Carrying out operational equipment of the country's territory.

The role of engineering troops in wartime

Engineering troops, photos of which are provided below, in wartime perform the following role:

  • carry out all tasks that are clearly specified in the strategic deployment plan;
  • suppress all military conflicts as much as possible;
  • carry out repelling actions against enemy aggression with military troops ready to attack;
  • together with other troops carry out defensive and offensive operations to destroy the enemy.

Invaluable contribution of the troops

The troops have always taken an active role in all battles to defend the Fatherland. They carried out successful military operations during the Patriotic War, during the defense of Sevastopol, during the First World War and Russo-Japanese War.

They received special distinction during the Patriotic War. For their exploits and defense of the Motherland, many were awarded orders, some received the title of Hero, and some became holders of the Order of Glory.

January 21, the Day of the Russian Engineering Troops, is significant for the siege of Izmail, as well as the provision of military operations in Afghanistan, the successful resolution of cases in Abkhazia, Herzegovina, Tajikistan and many other countries.

For three hundred years, troops have occupied one of the most high places in the Russian Armed Forces. They make an invaluable contribution to eliminating the consequences of accidents and disasters, and when clearing mines from explosive objects.

One of the very important feats of the engineering troops was the elimination of the accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Today, the most recognized battalion is the engineering battalion, which is engaged in reconnaissance and mine clearance. Their work every day is full of danger, for this they are respected by the entire Russian people. Today they are mastering completely new technology- military excavators, various means for detecting explosives and a complex water purification station.

In the Russian Armed Forces, the engineering troops have an excellent record, which shows their commitment to the Motherland, the traditions and heroism of military engineering.

Today, the engineering troops courageously continue the work of their fathers and grandfathers. Helping save thousands human lives during natural disasters, perform dangerous service in the hottest spots of the planet and eliminate man-made disasters and the consequences of accidents.

Your professional The holiday is celebrated by workers and military personnel of the Russian engineering troops. This memorable date V Armed Forces RF - Engineering Troops Day - established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1370 of 1996, taking into account their contribution to the development of the country's defense potential and historical traditions.

The history of the engineering troops dates back to the Decree of Peter I of January 21, 1701 on the creation of the “School of the Pushkar Order” in Moscow. This school trained artillery officers and military engineers. Since 1702, graduates of the “Pushkar Prikaz School” began to staff the first mining units of the regular Russian army.

In 1712, Peter I ordered the separation of the engineering school from the school of the Pushkar order and its expansion. Following his Decree, the St. Petersburg Engineering School was created (1719). And after 4 years, the Moscow school was transferred to St. Petersburg and merged with St. Petersburg. These schools trained non-commissioned and chief officers of the engineering troops.

To increase the attractiveness of these schools and to enhance the importance of the engineering troops, Peter I, in his Table of Ranks of 1722, lists the officers of the engineering troops at a rank higher than the officers of the infantry and cavalry.

The central body of the engineering troops was the Office of the Main Artillery and Fortification. In 1753, engineer-general Abram Petrovich Hannibal, the famous “Arap of Peter the Great,” great-grandfather of A.S., was appointed head of the engineering school. Pushkin.

Engineering troops took part in all battles to defend the Fatherland. The knowledge, courage and bravery of military engineers greatly contributed to the successful conduct of military operations in the Patriotic War of 1812, during the defense of Sevastopol (1854–1855), during the Russian-Japanese War (1904–1905) and two world wars.

The soldiers of the engineering troops especially distinguished themselves during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. For exploits for the glory of the Motherland, more than 100 thousand military personnel of the engineering troops were awarded orders and medals, about 700 were awarded high rank Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Russia, 294 steel complete gentlemen Order of Glory.

The engineering troops also made a significant contribution to eliminating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, played important role in ensuring combat operations of troops in Afghanistan, in resolving conflicts in the Republic of Tajikistan, the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova, Abkhazia, peacekeeping operations in Bosnia, Herzegovina and Kosovo. And today they continue the glorious military traditions of previous generations, fulfilling the tasks facing them with honor.

Currently, the Russian Engineering Troops are special troops The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, designed to perform the most complex tasks of engineering support for combined arms operations (combat operations), requiring special training of personnel and the use of engineering weapons, as well as to inflict losses on the enemy through the use of engineered ammunition.

The engineering troops include: reconnaissance engineering, sapper engineering, road engineering, pontoon and other units, and specialists for the engineering troops in Russia are trained by the Military Engineering University, founded in 1998 on the basis of the V.V. Military Engineering Academy. Kuibysheva.

Already gone into oblivion past wars,
The campaigns of the past are gone for centuries
But difficult service is performed with dignity
Still the same engineering troops.

We know how difficult it is
Be one of the first to go into battle
Without you, victory is impossible!
In the era of modern wars.

We are grateful to you beyond measure,
For work that cannot be called simple.
Therefore, military engineers
We want to congratulate you on the holiday today!

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