Speech therapy exercise motor. How to learn to pronounce the sound R? Producing the sound R in children


The sound [P] is one of the most differentiated, and therefore difficult sounds human speech. In the ontogenesis of children's speech, the sounds [Р] and [Р'] appear later than many other consonants, and, as a rule, with the appearance in the child’s speech developed statements in the form of complex and complex sentences. Distortion of the articulation of the sound [P] or its omission is called rotacism. Replacing a normal, dental [P] with any other sound is called pararotacism, for example, replacing [P] with [L], [D], [T], [I] (lyba - fish, Yula - Yura).

The following types are distinguished: rotacism:

  1. Throat [R] (burr)- the most common defect in the articulation of the sound [P] has two variants, but in both cases the tongue is pulled back and its root part comes close to the soft palate.
  2. If in the first version the exhaled air, passing through the groove, causes a small tongue to vibrate, then this sound is called uvular [P] ( "grassing").
  3. If [P] is formed by vibration of the soft palate - before us velar [P].
  4. Uvular [R] acoustically closest to normal [P], especially in children with a good ear for music. With velar [P], a rough rumble is heard.
  5. Doral [R]. The front edge of the tongue is lowered, vibration is generated by the back of the tongue, which hits the front of the palate or alveoli. The whole thing trembles along with the tongue lower jaw. A rough rumble is heard.
  6. Lateral [R] (lateral rotacism). The anterior lingual vibration is replaced by a separation of the lateral edge of the tongue (usually on one side) from the upper molars. Exhaled air breaks through the resulting gap. An unpleasant squelching sound is heard. In the most severe cases, vibration involves the cheek and upper lip.


The timing of vibrant placement [P] ranges from several minutes to several months and depends both on the psycho-physiological capabilities of the student and his structure speech apparatus, and from the skill and methodological equipment of the speech therapist.

The sound [P] is produced in two directions:

a) holding the tongue when its front edge rises to the alveoli, leaving a narrow gap through which exhaled air passes;

b) generation of vibration.

Preparatory exercises for correct holding language.

    First, introduce the child to the parts of his tongue by showing them on his palm: the tip of the tongue, its back, the edges of the tongue (edges of the palm) and the “tummy”, under the back, the “tummy” has a string.​

    In front of a mirror, teach your child to click his tongue (the mouth is open “to the ears”) and to suck the back of the tongue to the palate.

Pay attention to the hyoid ligament: it looks like a “fungus”. Click fast and slow, loud and quiet.

    Be able to hold the tongue in a suction state (counting) with a clearly visible stretched sublingual ligament.

    Be able to produce, from a suction state, at the command of a speech therapist, a loud click of the tongue - “shock”.

    Stick your tongue between your lips and make a “chatter”.

Development of the fricative [P].

If the child has a good command of his language, use the method of Professor F.F. Rau, the essence of which is the temporary replacement of the vibrant with a fricative sound. This fricative has common place of its formation with a normal sound [P] and differs from the latter in the absence of vibration. The child is asked to say FOR or 3-3-3 behind the upper incisors, on the “tubercles” (alveoli) and listen to what happens. The resulting fricative (protoic) sound is similar in sound to the English g.

Fricative [P] is used in syllables RA (ZA), RY (ZY) and words. With your tongue raised, pronounce: FOR, ZY, ZYBA, ZYBak, ZABOTA, ZAKETA.

If the fricative [P] is well established, you can temporarily use it in speech.

If the child has not found the right “place” for the tongue, suggest the following exercises:

    The mouth is wide open, the front edge of the tongue is raised behind the upper teeth towards the alveoli.

    The child speaks to aspirated D-D-D or T-T-T. The tongue "jumps on the tubercles." The blows of the tip of the tongue are clearly visible, which either touches the alveoli or bounces off. For a better view, you can place a spatula between the molars.

    Alternate repetition with aspiration on the “tubercles” TDA-TDA-TDA-TDA... TDA-TDA-TDA-TDA.

As a rule, the hypoglossal ligament gradually stretches. IN as a last resort consult a dentist.

    “Drum”: quickly “knock” on the palate of the DDDD, start from the “top” palate and go “down” to the upper incisors.

    “Breeze on the hillocks”: DZA-DZY (P fricative).

    “Balalaika on the tubercles”: DAY-DAY-DAY.

    “Balalaika with the breeze”: DZN-DZN-DZN (fricative).

Producing tongue vibration.

    At the moment the student pronounces the fricative [P], his tongue is mechanically set into vibration, first by a speech therapist using a special probe, and then, taking the child’s index finger in his hands, the speech therapist places it under the tongue. Invite the student to pronounce the fricative [P] for a long time and quickly move the finger left and right to oscillate the tongue. The result is an intermittent drumming sound.

    The student quickly says the syllables on the “tubercles”: dy-dy-dy-dy - and at this time leads his index finger tongue in vibration, finger under the tongue.

As a result of regular exercises (no more than 35 seconds with breaks), rough vibration is replaced by normal vibration. If the process of strengthening the vibrant [P] is slow, the child can pronounce individual words with the sound [P], helping yourself with your finger.


After setting the hard P sound and working it out in words and phrases, [P’] soft may appear spontaneously.

If necessary, [P’] soft should be placed from the fricative soft (ZI, ZY), excluding vibration and teaching one to make one blow with the tip of the tongue where the upper incisors grow or on them.

Mastering the correct articulation of the sounds [P] and [P'] sometimes requires careful work on vibration, both long-term for [P] hard and single-impact for [P'] soft.

Normal installation of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sound “R”.

  • The tip of the tongue is raised to the palate (alveoli);
  • The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars;
  • Under the pressure of exhaled air passing through the middle of the tongue, the tip of the tongue vibrates at the alveoli;
  • Lips open;
  • The teeth are open;
  • A strong stream of air is felt on the palm brought to the mouth;
  • The voice motor is working.

Preparatory exercises for the sound “R”:

Exercise to develop air pressure.

Having drawn air into your lungs, blow it forcefully (not just exhale!), causing your lips to vibrate. Blow out the air while turning on your voice.

Note. There may be the following inaccuracy: lips vibrate without voice.

Exercises for the tongue.

1) Spread your tongue wide and stick it between your teeth. Blow air forcefully while using your voice, causing your tongue to vibrate. The tongue and lips are not tense. With the palm of your hand brought to your mouth, you feel a sharp cold stream of air.

Note. Sometimes when high voltage lips, tongue vibrates poorly or without turning on the voice, the tongue vibrates silently.

2) Clicking, clicking the tongue. At an alternating pace (sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly), click your tongue so that its entire mass first sticks to the palate for a moment, and then falls down. The distance between the teeth should be at least one and a half fingers. Repeat the exercise.

The lower jaw is motionless. With proper clicking, the hyoid ligament (“frenulum”) is stretched and clearly visible.

Suggested abstract speech therapy fairy tale for children preschool age can be used on preparatory stage and at the stage of sound production.

Teacher. Hello, my friend. We will now go with you to a fairy tale, where the sound [r] lives. Old man Zvukovichok is with us.

Look how much various items he brought. I will name them, and you, if you hear the sound [r] in the word, take this object and put it in the chest. ( The child performs the actions.) How many items did you choose? Do the math. ( The child is counting.) What are these objects?

Child. These are nuts.

Teacher. Old man Zvukovichok invites his fingers to play with nuts.

Exercises for development fine motor skills with walnutnut.

  • Take a walnut in your right hand and squeeze tightly for a count of five. Repeat the exercise with your left hand.
  • The right palm is straight, fingers pressed tightly together. Roll the walnut from your wrist to your fingertips and back. Repeat the exercise for your left hand.
  • “Kolobok”: the walnut lies on the left hand, right hand- above.

We ride, we ride,

We press firmly.

Repeat the exercise for your left hand.

Note. After each exercise, hand relaxation exercises are performed (drop your hands down and relax).

Teacher. Let's take the nuts to Old Man Zvukovich on his horse.

Exercise "Horse".

Target: strengthening the muscles of the tongue, practicing lifting the tongue up.

When a horse gallops, its hooves clatter. Teach your tongue to click beautifully. To do this, smile, open your mouth slightly, click your tongue slowly. ( The child complies.)

Zvukovichok decided to make repairs and whitewash the ceiling. We will help him.

Exercise "Painter"

Goals: development of upward movement of the tongue and development of its mobility.

You can teach your tongue to “whiten the ceiling” in your little house. Smile, open your mouth, raise your tongue to the tubercles, move it back and forth across the roof of your mouth, stroking it with the tip of your tongue like a brush.

Cleanliness and order at Old Man Zvukovich. You can also go to the forest to pick mushrooms.

Exercise "Mushroom".

Goals: development of lifting the tongue upward, stretching the hyoid frenulum.

Let’s do the “mushroom”: smile, open your mouth slightly, slowly click your tongue. Click your tongue and suck, open your mouth wider. Hold the “fungus” longer.

Guess who Zvukovichok saw in the forest?

Knocking all the time

The trees are being hollowed out,

But it doesn't hurt them

That's right, woodpecker. Knock like a woodpecker.

Exercise "Woodpecker".

Target: strengthening the muscles of the tip of the tongue, developing the ability to hold the tip of the tongue at the alveoli and feel its vibration.

Open your mouth, lift the tip of your tongue over your upper teeth and knock: “D-d-d.”

Zvukovichok saw a bee on the flowers. Let's ring like a bee.

Exercise "Bee".

Target: developing the ability to hold the tip of the tongue at the alveoli and feel its vibration.

A bee flies from flower to hive, ringing: “Dz-dz-dz.” Collects juice-nectar from flowers all day and carries it to the hive, making sounds: “Dz-dz-dz.”

Open your mouth, the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth. Exhale forcefully onto the tip of your tongue, pronouncing the sounds: “Dz-dz-dz.” Feel the tickling sensation from a strong stream of air (breeze) with the tip of your tongue. Check the strength of the air stream - bring the back of your hand to your mouth.

Suddenly, Zvukovichok saw a car on the road that was stuck and skidding, unable to leave: “Dz-dz-dz.” Help the car leave, start the engine.

Exercise “Start the engine.”

Target: the ability to vibrate the tip of the tongue.

Open your mouth, lift the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth. While exhaling strongly, say “dz-dz-dz” at an accelerated pace. (Use a clean index finger to make oscillating movements.under the tip of the tongue.)

The car engine growls: “Rrrr.” So we found the sound [r]. You diligently and correctly performed finger gymnastics, breathing exercises, forced your tongue to work, and you developed correct sounds that you couldn't speak.

Articulatory gymnastics is the basis for the formation speech sounds- phonemes - and correction of sound pronunciation disorders of any etiology and pathogenesis; it includes exercises to train organ mobility articulatory apparatus, practicing certain positions of the lips, tongue, soft palate, necessary for the correct pronunciation of both all sounds and each sound of a particular group.

The purpose of articulation gymnastics- development of full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for correct pronunciation sounds.

1. Articulation gymnastics should be carried out daily so that the skills developed in children are consolidated. It is better to perform the exercises 3-4 times a day for 3-5 minutes. Children should not be offered more than 2-3 exercises at a time.

2. Each exercise is performed 5-7 times.

3. Static exercises are performed for 10-15 seconds (holding the articulatory pose in one position).

4. When selecting exercises for articulation gymnastics, you must follow a certain sequence, starting from simple exercises to more complex ones. It’s better to spend them emotionally, in game form.

5. Of the two or three exercises performed, only one can be new; the second and third are given for repetition and consolidation. If a child does not perform an exercise well enough, new exercises should not be introduced; it is better to practice old material. To consolidate it, you can come up with new gaming techniques.

6. Articulation gymnastics is performed while sitting, since in this position the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, and the arms and legs are in a calm position.

7. The child must clearly see the adult’s face, as well as his own face, in order to independently control the correctness of the exercises. Therefore, a child and an adult should be in front of a wall mirror during articulation gymnastics. The child can also use a small hand mirror (approximately 9x12 cm), but then the adult must be opposite the child, facing him.

8. It’s better to start gymnastics with lip exercises.

Organization of articulation gymnastics

1. An adult talks about the upcoming exercise using game techniques.

2. An adult demonstrates the exercise.

3. The child does the exercise, and the adult controls the execution.

An adult conducting articulatory gymnastics must monitor the quality of the movements performed by the child: accuracy of movement, smoothness, pace of execution, stability, transition from one movement to another. It is also important to ensure that the movements of each organ of articulation are performed symmetrically in relation to the right and left sides of the face. Otherwise, articulatory gymnastics does not achieve its goal.

4. If the child is unable to perform some movement, help him (with a spatula, the handle of a teaspoon, or just a clean finger).

5. In order for the child to find correct position tongue, for example, lick the upper lip, spread it with jam, chocolate or anything else that your child likes. Approach the exercises creatively.

At first, when children perform exercises, tension in the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus is observed. Gradually the tension disappears, movements become relaxed and at the same time coordinated.

The sound “r” is rightfully considered the most difficult in the Russian language. As a rule, children learn to pronounce it correctly last. For more fast learning a set of exercises called articulatory gymnastics will come in handy. Articulatory gymnastics for the sound “r” in most cases comes down to one sole purpose– warming up and strengthening the necessary muscles of the tongue for correct articulation. You can do this kind of gymnastics at home if you know correct exercises and do them regularly.

Before any articulation gymnastics, first of all you should find out what it should be correct positioning speech organs for correct pronunciation of the desired sound.

To pronounce the sound “r” correctly, you need to place your tongue correctly. It must be raised to the sky. It is important to understand here that simply raising the tongue to the palate is not enough; it must be positioned correctly. Its tip should rest against the alveoli, which are located behind the upper incisors, and sides come into contact with the molars of the upper jaw. In this case, the front part of the tongue bends slightly. A stream of air passes through the entire tongue, causing its tip to vibrate. This sound- this is nothing more than vibration.

Causes of problems with the pronunciation of “r”

Before starting gymnastics, it is important to indicate the reasons why people have difficulty pronouncing the sound “r”.

  • The most common reason is that some people simply do not raise their tongue upward. IN in this case it is necessary to strengthen the tip of the tongue. This can be done using a regular handkerchief. Index and thumb wrapped in a scarf and then you can begin massaging the tip by rubbing.

Biting also helps effectively. You should bite along the entire length, starting from the tip, and then squeeze it through your teeth to stretch the muscles. These exercises are a great warm-up before you start. articulation exercises for the sound "r".

  • One of the reasons why some people cannot growl is because of a frenulum problem. The frenulum is clearly visible when the tongue is sucked to the palate, as if trying to click. The lips in this position are as open as possible and take the form of a wide smile. When the mouth is closed, the frenulum will not work. Very often, such people are advised to consult an orthodontist to trim the frenulum. This is not necessary; moreover, trimming the bridle is not recommended. The frenulum can be stretched using various exercises.

What exercises can you use? You can click, but it is important that your mouth is wide open. It is recommended to perform this procedure as slowly as possible. There are other exercises that help stretch the frenulum, which will be described below.

  • The sound "r" may be pronounced incorrectly by some people due to an incorrect bite, when the lower jaw prevails over the upper jaw.

There are more serious reasons that make it very difficult to produce this sound. Therefore, it is better to consult a specialist for advice. It is necessary to begin a complex of articulatory gymnastics for the sound “r” after the cause of the problem has been established.

Basic articulation exercises

"Nut" (or "candy")

In this exercise, the role of a nut or candy is played by the tongue. It rests on the cheek and needs to be pushed out with your hand, pressing on the cheek. This exercise strengthens muscles and stimulates blood circulation.


The index finger and thumb must be folded into a ring of small diameter and the tongue must be pushed into this ring. The narrower the ring, the more effective exercise. After the exercise, the tongue must be relaxed, sticking it out of the mouth and hanging down.


Articulatory gymnastics for the sound “r” in this exercise is performed using counting stick, which acts as a bone. It must be placed behind the upper incisors and pressed with the tongue. Having mentally counted to 10-20, you can remove the stone.

Next, you need to do the same thing, but this time, the bone is placed on the lower incisors. It is very important that when performing this exercise, the mouth was open as much as possible. The longer the exercise is performed, the thicker the bone should be. Many people prefer to switch from a counting stick to a pencil or pen.


The tongue rests on the palate, after which you need to close and open your mouth. To enhance the effect, you can move your jaw from side to side. (Exercise for the frenulum).

It is necessary to open your mouth and place your tongue on your lower lip, giving it the shape of a cup. Many people have difficulty performing this procedure because they cannot relax their tongue. Just spanking him is enough upper lip. To make it easier to understand exactly how to do this, place your tongue on your lower lip in a cup shape and say “five, five, five!” Then it is recommended to mentally count to ten and keep your tongue relaxed.

"Pour water into a cup"

This exercise will help those people who cannot shape their tongue into a cup. Water is drawn into the syringe, after which you need to drop a little water on your tongue and try to hold it.

Often, a cup shape will be achieved automatically. It is better to perform all of the above exercises in front of a mirror in order to better understand how well they turn out.

"Focus" (or "parachute")

Breathing plays an important role in pronunciation. The problem with many people is that they simply do not know how to blow on their tongue. Many people inhale air through their nose and, trying to pronounce the sound “r,” exhale air through their nose, which is the reason for incorrect pronunciation. What exercise will help solve this problem?

The exercise is very simple, but extremely effective. A small piece of cotton wool is placed on the tip of the nose, then the tongue must be folded in the shape of a cup in such a way that when exhaling, the cotton wool is blown off the nose.

Making the sound “r” at home

The most correct position for making the sound “r” is lying down. Why the lying position? When a person lies on his back, all muscles, including the neck, are in a relaxed state. Therefore, raising the tongue to the palate in a lying position, it is easier to feel.

The setting is performed from a drawn-out sound “d”, using a regular pacifier. The pacifier makes the exercise more comfortable and helps eliminate pain that may arise.

Exercise “Start the engine”

A pacifier is put on the index finger, the tongue is placed in the correct position, which was described earlier, the mouth is wide open and, when exhaling, while pronouncing the repeated sound “d”, we move the index finger along the tongue. The pronunciation of the sound “r” will occur automatically. The finger will create the necessary vibration. That's why this exercise is called "starting the engine." Possible mistakes that may be allowed:

  • Incorrect lip position;
  • The tongue should fit tightly to the alveoli;
  • The correct position should be carefully fixed so that the tongue does not dangle from side to side;
  • You need to exhale with all your might.

Exercise "Rocket"

Open your mouth wide and fix the above correct tongue position. Then thumbs press the edges and exhale sharply through your mouth.

After completing the above exercises. You can consolidate your successes. An excellent solution for consolidating gymnastics would be practice with songs. You should choose songs that contain a large number of words focused on the sound “r”. You can also pronounce a number of words containing the letter “r”.

The maximum effectiveness of all exercises is achieved through their systematic repetition. Articulatory gymnastics for making the sound “r” can be performed at home. However, you should not refuse the help of specialists who have necessary experience and will help you get rid of problems with pronouncing the sound “r” more effectively.

There are different situations, in which you have to independently find out how to teach a child to pronounce the letter R. In the urban structure, this is not a problem, you can easily find a speech therapist and send the child for training.

But what should residents do who do not have such opportunities due to certain circumstances? Perhaps you live in a village or town where there is only one speech therapist, and the waiting list is scheduled for a year in advance. It turns out that there are no options, we have to personally teach our children this letter R, which at first glance seems intractable.

Below, consider what exercises you need to do with your child yourself so that he learns to pronounce the letter R. To succeed, be prepared for the fact that you will have to do the exercises every day!

Exercise "Motor"

Take a clean pencil and ask your child to hold it between his teeth on the unsharpened side. Then tell your child that the car won’t start and she needs help: pronounce the sound “tj-tj-tj” loudly and at the same time push out a pencil with your tongue.

Exercise "Woodpecker"

Place your baby's head on your lap. His mouth is open. The child says quickly and quickly “dddddd”, and at this time you use the rubber pacifier under his tongue to make quick movements from side to side, thereby creating the desired vibration.

Exercise "Horse"

The child presses the tip of his tongue to the roof of his mouth and clicks, imitating a running horse.

Exercise "Mosquito"

The child should smile widely with his mouth open. Then, pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth, try to pronounce the sound “zzz”. It will sound like “jzhzh” - this is normal. During the exercise, tell your child that he is also incredibly clingy, so you need to press your tongue harder against the roof of your mouth.

Exercise "Vacuum cleaner"

The tip of the tongue moves back and forth across the palate, as if vacuuming. The child “turns on”: “oooooo.” When performing the exercise correctly, you will hear the sound “r”.

Exercise “Funny faces”

To develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus, it is very useful to twist the tongue into a tube, try to reach it to the nose, and also simply grimace in front of the mirror. Repeat the saying with your child more often: “He who doesn’t work, doesn’t growl!” Such fun exercises make the tongue work, which is very important for producing the sound “r”.

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