Speech therapy lesson on coherent speech, summer theme. Hello, summer: notes from a logorhythmics lesson in a senior speech therapy group

KSU "Rudnensky" orphanage» Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay region

Abstract speech therapy session on speech development with children senior group, having OHP level 3.

prepared by a speech therapist highest category Babich S.P.


TARGET: Learn to compose a story from personal experience children.

TASKS: 1. Activate children’s knowledge to compose a story.

2. Expand children's knowledge and vocabulary.

Dictionary: sunbathe, relax, spend time, have fun, play, laugh, laugh, have fun, enjoy, rejoice, move, lie, watch, watch; scorches, warms, shines, warms, caresses, touches, heats, bakes, bakes.

EQUIPMENT: Layout with the summer plot “Elephants' Rest”, monitor for showing slides, magnetic board with a drawing of the sun, stripes-rays.


    Guys, what time of year comes after spring?

    Game "Choose the word." Children say the word and attach a ray strip to the sun. A selection of adjectives for the word summer: hot, warm, sultry, rainy, wonderful, cheerful, fruitful, long, short, long-awaited.

    Guys, many people in the summer try to get out, go, go to nature, the sea, a resort, children go to camps. Where do you go in the summer? That's right, to the camp site. It's also great to relax there! Is it true?

4. Speech outdoor game “Summer”. Improvisation of movements to the beat

One, two, three, four, five,

We will play in the summer:

We'll swim and swing

We'll jump and roll

Let's run and sunbathe

And relax on the beach.

    Look here.(Slideshow: India - country elephants) This is India. Hot country, where the largest peace-loving animals live - elephants. But such trees are called palms. They don't grow here. And these elephants are relaxing on the beach (pay attention to the layout). Let's look at what they do.

What are these friends doing? Activating vocabulary and naming actions. Wait, wait!

Let's figure it out now funny story about elephants relaxing on the beach. Children voice their answer in order.

Svetlana Emelyanova
"Summer is coming." Summary of speech therapy classes on educational field « Speech development»

Abstract of GCD in the educational field« Speech development»

Subject: « Summer is coming»

Integration educational areas: "Cognitive development» , "Social-communicative development» , "Artistic and aesthetic development» , "Physical development» .

Program tasks:

Educational area« Speech development» :

1. Enrich and activate children’s vocabulary lexical topic "Seasons", « Summer»

2. Strengthen the skill form and use plural nouns in speech. number of R. p.

3. Continue teaching children to answer questions with a simple sentence.

Educational area"Cognitive development» :

1. Continue to shape elementary representations O seasonal changes in nature.

2. Introduce the main signs of summer (hot, warm rains, a lot of insects and birds, green plants, summer fun.

3. Develop curiosity, broaden the horizons of children, the desire to learn more new things about the nature of their native land.

Educational area"Social-communicative development» :

1. Foster a sense of empathy.

2. Cultivate friendly relationships between children when performing group work.

Educational area"Artistic and aesthetic development» :

Continue to instill in children a love of their native nature.

Educational area"Physical development» :

Develop gross motor skills and fine motor skills of the hands.

Equipment: presentation on the topic « Summer» , game "Spring picture"(a set of subject pictures according to the seasons for a magnetic dock, game "Collect a flower", game "Seasons", sound recording of a children's song “Here it is, what our summer» .

GCD move

1. Open entrance into activities

Speech therapist gathers children.

Game « All the children gathered in a circle...»

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

2. Introductory - organizational

The phone is ringing. appears on the screen image of Santa Claus.

Guys, this is a video call, we can not only hear the voice, but also see who is calling us. This is Grandfather Frost. Let's listen to what he has to tell us.

(Santa Claus asks the children to tell him about summer, because he has never seen it).

3. Motivation for activity

Guys, absolutely summer will come soon. Let's talk today about what happens in summer. And Santa Claus will listen to us.

4. Expansion of existing knowledge

Conversation about the seasons.

But first, let's remember what seasons we know.

(Pictures appear on the screen)

What time of year is this?

How did you guess?

(Suggested answers children: yellow leaves, tree leaves are falling, it is raining, children are wearing warm clothes and rubber boots, etc.)

What time of year is this?

How did you find out?

(Suggested answers children: everything is covered with snow, the trees and bushes are bare, children are sledding, skiing, skating, making a snowman).

What time of year is it in this picture?

Remember what you know about spring and make a spring picture. After all, Santa Claus has never seen spring, let him look.

Game "Spring picture"

(Children select pictures that are suitable for spring and compose a spring picture on a magnetic board).

– What time of year will come after spring? Who knows?

That's right, the field of spring will come summer. Here's what will happen in summer, we are with you We'll find out soon. But so that we get there before summer we need to board the magic train that will take us to summer.

5. Dynamic pause

Children stand up like a train and "are going" to a song “Here it is, what our summer» .

6. Getting to know new material

On the screen there is a picture with summer image.

- Here we are. Let's see what happens in summer.

Show presentation « Summer»

(In summer It’s warm and even hot outside, so people wear light clothes with short sleeves, in summer you can swim and sunbathe, berries ripen in summer, fruits and vegetables, mushrooms appear in the forest. And also in summer there are many flowers all around: in the garden, in the forest, in the meadow.)

Look how many flowers there are around. Let's inhale their pleasant aroma.

Breathing exercise.

(children take a smooth breath in through their nose and quickly exhale through their mouth.)

7. Practical activities

Guys, we blew so hard that we blew away all the petals from this beautiful flower. To return the petals to their place, we need to remember what happens a lot in summer.

Game "Collect a flower"

(Children take one petal at a time, insert it into the middle of the flower and call it, which is a lot in summer. (There is a lot of grass in summer, flowers, butterflies, leaves, birds, mushrooms, berries, etc.)

8. Open exit from activities

Well, guys, we've been to summer. At all real summer is coming soon, we will look forward to it, because we learned that in summer so many interesting things.

Grandfather Frost now also knows what it is summer.

Santa Claus thanks the children. Gives to children new game "Seasons".

Guys, so that Santa Claus doesn’t forget about our trip and summer, today you and I.A. will make an applique "Summer Meadow".

Publications on the topic:

Final lesson in the educational field “Speech Development” in the middle group “Visiting Lesovich” Program content: 1. Continue to teach children to group words according to certain characteristics, combine them into thematic groups, fasten.

Objectives: Correctional and educational: *Activate children’s vocabulary on the topic “Spring”. Expand and enrich children's knowledge about spring changes.

Summary of educational activities in the educational field “Speech Development” in the second junior group “Wild Animals” SYNOPSIS of the integrated educational activity “Wild Animals”. Educational areas: “Socio-communicative development”,.

"Winter". Summary of organized educational activities in the educational field “Speech Development” MDOU kindergarten compensatory type No. 26 “Sun” Summary of organized educational activities in the educational field.

"Cuckoo, cuckoo." Lesson notes on the educational field “Speech development” Abstract of the GCD In the educational field “Speech development” Topic: “Ku-ku, cuckoo” Educator: Timoshkina B. A. Purpose: to expand the understanding.

ECD in the school preparatory group “Soon to school” in the educational field “Speech development” Goal: mastery in constructive ways and means of interaction with surrounding people Tasks: Formation of vocabulary: Enrich speech.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 13", Kanash Organized educational activities in the educational field “Speech Development” in the second.

“Summer is waiting for us to visit”

Objectives: Summarize ideas about the changes that occur in nature in summer; activate children's vocabulary on the topics: “Summer”, “Insects”, “Flowers”, “Summer fun”; improve the grammatical structure of speech in children (form nouns with diminutive suffixes, nouns in plural; agree adjectives with nouns in gender and number, nouns with numerals). To develop auditory attention, coherent speech, visual attention, thinking, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of speech with movement in preschoolers; work on rhythm perception;

Strengthen skills sound analysis; bring up communication skills personalities: help and mutual assistance, hospitality, sense of teamwork; consolidate the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of other participants in the game.

Enrich your musical experience.

Integration of areas: Cognition, Communication, Socialization, Music, Health, Reading fiction.

Equipment: subject pictures– sun, sundress, strawberry, fly agaric, foliage, wheat, rain, rainbow, thunderstorm, mole, frog, dragonfly, rose, cornflowers, daisies, birds, mosquitoes, insects; magnetic board, magnets, illustrations of insects – bee, ants, mosquito, spider, wasp, bumblebee; painting “Summer Fun”; disc “Sounds of Nature” - phonograms “Insects”, “Rain”, “Thunderstorm”; ball; watercolor paints, wax crayons, albums.

Speech therapist teacher:

I suggest you turn into poets and, by composing a poem, we will find out who is waiting for us to visit. And pictures will help us with this.

(the speech therapist reads the poem and, in accordance with its content, lays out pictures on the typesetting canvas)

We'll show you pictures

And we’ll tell you about each one:

Sun, sundress, strawberry,

Fly agaric, foliage, wheat,

Rain, rainbow, thunderstorm,

Mole, frog, dragonfly,

Roses, cornflowers, daisies,

Birds, mosquitoes, bugs...

And when does this happen?

Well, of course, children, ..... (in summer)

Name the summer months.

Game exercise"Let's go!"

Speech therapist + music director:

Summer is the time to travel. Do you want to hit the road right now?

Let's go by train out of town. You need to find out the number of your carriage (children pay in order - first, second, third...) You must remember the number of your carriage in order to “ride” in your carriage on the way back. The carriages are connected with the left hand.

The speech therapist stands in front of the column, taking on the role of a locomotive. Moving to the music: the faster the music plays, the faster the train goes. As the tempo of the music increases, the tempo of movements quickens and turns into an easy run. After some time, the tempo of the music gradually slows down, and running gives way to walking.

We arrived at the bank and sat down on the meadow! Fine! Look, we are not alone here.

Answer the questions based on the picture, using only one word - “summer”

Compiling a collective story based on the painting “Summer Fun”

What day? (summer)

What sun? (summer)

What sky?

What breeze?

What's the weather like?

What mood are the children in?

What kind of fun do children have?

What kind of trip are we on?

Tell me what you see. What you can do on a fine summer day, how children relax.

(drawing up a collective story)

Coordination of speech with the “Summer” movement.

I suggest we play and frolic too

One, two, three, four, five, repeat the poem.

We will play in the summer, accompanied by the appropriate

We will swim and swing, with movements

We'll jump and roll

Let's run and sunbathe

And collect mushrooms.

Game "Clap - Stomp"

Listen to a poem about summer. If you agree with the expression, clap, if not, stomp.

In summer, birds fly south.

It's hot in summer.

In summer there are a lot of berries in the forest.

In summer the drops ring.

In summer, after the rain, you can see a rainbow.

In summer, animals prepare for winter.

January - first summer month.

In the summer, schoolchildren have holidays.

Game “Guess the Insect” (improve phonemic awareness, sound analysis skills)

Listen, you hear some sounds! (phonogram “Summer forest - sounds of insects”)

Guess who was hiding in the clearing?!

(on the easel there are inverted pictures with numbers)

At number 1 insect - 1 sound (p), last (a). Who is this? (bee).

Game "Spider and Flies"

Musical director:

The spider invites us to play. Come out into the clearing

Once upon a time there lived a spider, a fleet-footed old man.

The spider needs dexterity, he will spread his web deftly -

And there is a trap hanging - beware of the fly!

Two children - spiders - take both hands and raise them - “trap”. The rest of the children, the “flies,” join hands and walk through the “trap” to the song, lyrics. and music M. Yu. Kartushina. The “trap” slams shut with the end of the singing. The caught child stands in a circle, takes the spider children by the hands and raises their hands up with them. The game is repeated, only the “flies” move like a “snake” through the “trap”. With each repetition of the game, the “trap” becomes larger. The children who remain undetected win.

Game “One - Many”, “Big - Small” (with a ball)

Speech therapist teacher:

Catch the ball and throw the ball,

Insects when you call them a lot!

(bee - bees, ant - ants)

Catch the ball and roll the ball,

Call an insect when it's small!

(bee - bee, etc.)

Agreement of a noun with a numeral. Game "Bouquet"

How many flowers are there in the meadow!

Breathing exercise “Green leaves”

What do the flowers smell like?

(the speech therapist finds out from the children what flowers smell like, encouraging speech activity in the selection of words - signs - freshness, perfume, sunshine...)

Let's count how many flowers have bloomed.

(each child takes a card with flowers and counts - 1 daisy, 2

Daisies, 3 daisies, etc.)

Game “Sunny Bunnies and Cloud” (rhythmic recitation),

Sl. M.Yu. Kartushina, music M. Rauchwerger

Musical director:

What are those sounds? (phonogram " Summer rain", disc "Sounds of Nature")

The summer rain calls us to play.

(a child stands to the side - “cloud”, children - “ sunbeams"move in hops around the hall to the song)

Sunny bunnies jump along the path. "Sunny bunnies" are jumping

Sunbeams, take care of your feet. on the spot.

A cloud walks across the sky A cloud walks around them

He's catching up with our hares. and speaks against the background of music.

Cloud: If I catch up, I’ll tickle everyone’s bunnies

(“sunny bunnies” run away to their places, the “cloud” catches them; the “cloud” gently tickles the caught “bunnies”).

Drawing “Summer day”

Educator: (phonogram “Thunderstorm”)

Guys! A thunderstorm is starting! Let's get back to kindergarten soon!

One, two, three

Build a train!

Everyone travels in their own carriage.

Here we are in kindergarten. It was a good trip, let's draw pictures so that our parents can see where we have been. Listen to the riddles and draw the answers:

A hot ball is shining in the sky, A snake is rushing through the hills,

Anyone will notice this ball. Bringing moisture to the trees.

In the morning he looks at us through the window, Washing the shores,

Joyfully shining, ..... (sun) ... (river) flows through the fields

They are light, like cotton wool, floating across the sky somewhere

Caravels are on their way from afar - ... (clouds)

He cries over the gardens - the garden will be filled with fruits.

Even a dusty plantain is happy to wash itself in the summer...(rain)

Like over the river, over the river

Suddenly a colored miracle suspended bridge (rainbow) appeared

Who else can you draw? What else can you draw?

Setting up an exhibition of drawings in the reception area.

Victoria Chepurkina
Speech therapy session on speech development on the topic “Summer”.


open speech therapy session

By theme “Summer”

teachers- speech therapist

Chepurkina V.V.


Abstract speech development classes for children preparatory group.

Goals: - formation of the ability to correctly construct phrases, compose a comparative descriptive story,

Activation speech activity By theme “Seasons”,

Formation of smooth oral exhalation,

-development organs of articulation through phonemic rhythm,

Assistance development verbal-logical thinking, attention, memory,

- development fine motor skills hands through finger exercises and drawing,

fostering a sense of mutual assistance class.

Equipment: “Flowers” ​​benefits for each child, story pictures By theme “Signs of Summer”, map - diagram according to topic“Description of the seasons”, riddles, tape recorder, sheets of paper (A-4 format, 2 markers for each child, blackboard and crayons for the teacher, crossword puzzle.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment. Children are invited to the country Why India:

Why was this country called that? (everyone likes to ask each other questions).

We find ourselves in Whyndiya using a sound “spell”.

2. Timbre development, strength and pitch of voice, auditory attention through phonemic rhythm:

Alternately I-I-... -U-U...

S-S-…-hands forward, shaking hands,

Sh-Sh-…- S-shaped body movement,

Z-Z-... - “trembling” on one leg, elbows pressed to the sides,

J-J-... - like Sh.

3. Development of oral exhalation. Children blow on flowers.

When do many flowers appear? Why do flowers grow and bloom? in summer?

4. Compilation descriptive story about the signs of summer. Solving riddles, filling out a crossword puzzle.

Children sit on “flower meadows” - pillows. A diagram map for planning a story and a crossword puzzle are posted.

Guys, let's try to talk about summer, solve the riddles and fill out the crossword puzzle.

1). Guess the time year:

The forest is full of songs and screams,

Strawberries splash with juice,

Children splash in the river

Bees are dancing on a flower...

What is this time called?

It's not hard to guess (summer)

Child writes down a word

to the crossword.

2). What kind of weather does it happen? in summer?

(Sunny, cloudy, cloudy, rainy).

Guess: Large, fractional, frequent,

The whole earth was watered. (Rain).

What other riddle about rain do you know?

Child: I'll look out the window -

Long Antoshka is coming.

or a lanky man walked,

I got stuck in the cheese.

3). Which natural phenomena there are in summer, guess:

Over the forests, over the river

Seven-color bridge in an arc.

If I could stand on the bridge -

I would reach the stars with the river! (Rainbow)

Who knows the riddle about the rainbow?

Child: Through the fields, through the meadows

An elegant arc emerged.

4). Guess another natural one phenomenon:

First the shine

Behind the shine is a crackling sound,

Behind the crackling is a splash. (Lightning, thunder, rain - thunderstorm)

“thunder” – in the crossword puzzle.

5). How in summer the ground is covered? (Grass, flowers).

What flower is the riddle about?

Golden and young

In a week he turned gray.

And in two days

My head is bald.

I'll put it in my pocket

Former (dandelion).

What wild flowers do you know?

(Chamomile, bell, cornflower, forget-me-not, poppy, clover, loach).

6).What trees look like in summer? (covered with leaves). Let's remember some trees and depict mighty oak, slender birch, weeping willow, trembling aspen ( speech therapist names in random order, children perform the exercise).

7). What birds flew from warm countries in the spring (children's answers). Why?

What do birds do in summer Who do they care about? (They hatch and feed the chicks).

Exercise “Chick” (to calm music):

Imagine that you saw a chick under a tree that had fallen out of its nest. Were surprised (children raise their eyebrows). You carefully took him in your hands, warmed him and lifted him into the nest, smiling.

What do birds eat? (Insects). List.

Who is the riddle about? Striped Mistress

Flew over the lawn.

Will fuss over the flower -

He will share the honey. (Bee)- to the crossword puzzle.

8). Finger gymnastics With speaking:

Arrived to us yesterday (waving palms)

Striped bee.

And behind her is a bumblebee (for each name of an insect

And a cheerful butterfly, bending one finger)

Two beetles and a dragonfly

Like lantern eyes. (Circles from fingers - to the eyes)

They buzzed, they flew, (F-F...-Z-Z)

Fell from fatigue (hands palms down).

9). -What's happening summer with animals in the forest? (Changed color, caring for the cubs).

What kind of clothes do people wear? in summer?

What kind of hats do they wear? Why, why?

What summer entertainment you know?

Guess: Who will tell me, who will tell me,

What do people take away from the beach?

Not in pockets, not in baskets -

On your hands, noses and backs! (Tan)– in the crossword puzzle under the number 7.

So, we remembered many signs of summer.

4. Now let’s draw the sun, sea, bird (with both hands at the same time - kinesiological technique).

5. Results classes.

We return to the nursery garden: close your eyes and make a turn.

What country did we visit?

What time of year were you talking about?

What season do you like? Why?

Positive assessment of each child's work.

Publications on the topic:

Correctional and educational goals: - Clarification and expansion of ideas about furniture and its purpose; - Improving grammar.

Correctional educational tasks: -formation grammatical structure speech - Correctional and developmental tasks: - to practice with children.

Integrated speech therapy session on correcting sound pronunciation and speech development for children of senior preschool age Integrated speech therapy session on sound pronunciation correction and speech development for older children preschool age. Topic: “Sound.

Speech therapy lesson on a lexical topic for a preparatory group TOPIC: “FRUITS”. Goal: -to develop attention and thinking. Objectives: -learn the categories of genitive and dative cases; - teach education.

Speech therapy lesson on a lexical topic for the preparatory group “Vegetables” Goal: to consolidate students’ knowledge about vegetables. Lesson progress I. Organizational moment. II. Opening remarks. - What time of year is it now? - IN.

Prepared and conducted by: Volkova Arina Anatolyevna, teacher - speech therapist MBDOU No. 83 "Star" Astrakhan

Task: summarize children’s knowledge on the topic "Summer" using a variety of techniques and methods.


  1. Development of speech perception (auditory attention and speech hearing), including its components - phonemic, rhythmic hearing, voice strength.
  2. Development of the speech motor apparatus (articulatory, vocal, speech breathing) and the formation of the pronunciation side of speech (pronunciation of sounds, clear diction).
  3. Formation of a dictionary on the topic "Summer" , grammatical structure, coherent speech.
  4. Promote the development of emotional-volitional and cognitive processes children.
  5. Use expressive capabilities fine arts for development creative potential children, their self-esteem and self-expression.


  • musical arrangement ("Forest Sounds" , sketch "From seed to flower" )
  • children's drawings (signs of summer)
  • pictures - symbols "Gymnastics for the tongue"
  • numbers from 1 to 5 according to the number of children
  • pictures of the sounds S, Ш, R, L, depicted on daisy petals
  • paints, juice tubes
  • cardboard mushrooms
  • mirrors for each child.
  • pictures depicting the summer months.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

The phonogram sounds "Forest Sounds" .

Speech therapist: Guys, where do you think we’ll go today?

Do you want to visit the forest?

Then let's go. How will you and I get there? After all, we don’t have a route?!

(Knock on the door. Postman Pechkin enters)

Pechkin: Hello, guys.

Speech therapist: Guys, did you find out who it is?

Pechkin: I heard that you are going to the forest. Will you find the way there?

Speech therapist: Yes, that’s the problem. We don't have a map.

Pechkin: I will help you. I have a letter from the old man, the forest boy, but I won’t give it to you. Show me what you can do.

Speech therapist: Okay. Let's show Pechkin, guys "The Tale of the Tongue" .

II. Articulation gymnastics "The Adventures of Tongue" . (see Appendix)

Sh. Introduction to the lesson.

Pechkin: Thank you, guys, for an interesting fairy tale. But I won't give you the letter.

Guess me - give me a riddle.

The sun is burning,

The linden blossoms

The rye is ripening

When does this happen? (In summer)

(Pechkin gives the letter and says goodbye)

Speech therapist (reads the letter)

Hello, dear guys! I invite you to celebrate summer in the forest, see how beautiful and interesting it is here. And so that you don’t get lost, I’m sending you a route sheet.

The old man is a forest boy.

(The speech therapist shows the children the route sheet)

Let's go to the forest to celebrate summer.

Speech therapist: We will go along the forest path,
And we don’t know where.
For raspberries? - For raspberries!
For mushrooms? - For mushrooms!

The golden sun is shining
Through the green windows.
Maybe we can follow the sun?
So what?

Maybe behind the sun!
Maybe we'll come across a butterfly,
Maybe the hedgehog is waiting for us somewhere...
We will go in a cheerful crowd

Clear morning
Welcome to summer!

Speech therapist: Guys, what summer months do you know?

IV. Differentiation of sounds. Game "Collect a chamomile" .

The speech therapist opens the card and asks a riddle.

I was walking along a path through a meadow,
I saw the sun on a blade of grass.
But not hot at all
White rays of the sun. (Chamomile)

Children collect daisies in groups. (S – W, ​​R – L)

Speech therapist: What other wild and forest flowers do you know?

V. Phys. just a minute. Etude "From seed to flower" .

(Quiet music sounds)

Let's imagine that we are little flower seeds.

(we sit down in a ball, hide our head in our knees and cover it with our hands)

The gardener treats the seeds very carefully, waters them, and takes care of them.

(the speech therapist strokes the children’s heads)

With the warm sun, the seed begins to grow slowly.

(children rise)

Its leaves are opening.

(hands reach up)

A stalk grows.

(children rise on their toes)

Buds appear

(arms at sides, fingers clenched)

A joyful moment comes and the buds burst

(fists unclench sharply)

The sprout turns into beautiful flower. Summer is coming, the flower is getting prettier, admiring itself

(children examine themselves)

Smiles at neighbors' flowers, lightly touches them with his petals

(touch neighbors with fingertips).

VI. Rhythmiko – intonation exercise "Mushrooms" .
The speech therapist asks a riddle.
Who sits on a strong leg
In the brown leaves by the path.

A hat made of grass stood up -

There is no head under the hat. (Mushroom).

There is a row of mushrooms on the flannelgraph. Children clap their hands to the desired rhythm.





Speech therapist: What mushrooms do you know?

VII. Syllable structure words. Dividing words into syllables.

Speech therapist: What other words are associated with the word "summer" ?

Children divide the named words into syllables and pick up a card - a number with the required number of syllables.

The speech therapist asks a riddle.

Lives without a body
Speaks without tongue
Nobody sees him
And he hears. (Echo)

Children stand in two rows facing each other. One group pronounces a sentence based on drawings about summer, the other quietly repeats only last word from the sentence three times.

IX. Development of speech breathing and respiratory muscles. Blotography with a tube.

The speech therapist asks a riddle.

All four petals of the flower were moving.

I wanted to pick it, it fluttered up and flew away. (Butterfly).

Speech therapist: Today we will try to draw a butterfly with a blot. (instructions are given)

Take a thick sheet of paper and bend it in half. The paint is diluted to liquid state. Paint drips onto half the sheet. Take a tube and blow the blot into different sides. Now fold the paper in half, smooth it out, and then unfold it. The result is a drawing. Examination.

X. Summing up the lesson.

Game "Collect a chamomile"

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