The magical ("spell-like") function of language and the non-conventional (unconditional) attitude towards the sign. Poetic function of language

Dictionary of linguistic terms

The magical function of the tongue

Special case appealing and incentive function. The addressee of the speech in the case of using M.f.ya. - higher powers. Manifestations of magical function include: taboos, taboo substitutions, vows of silence, conspiracies, prayers, oaths, deification, oath. In some religions sacred texts, The Scriptures are considered to be inspired, dictated from above. M.f.ya. universal. Magic formulas can be constructed as curses and abuse. A number of traditions are known for ritual profanity in wedding and agricultural ceremonies. Some abusive expressions go back to ritual spells.

Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

The magical function of the tongue

The magical function of language is a special case of the inviting-motivating function, with the difference that in the case of verbal magic, the addressee of speech is not a person, but higher powers. Manifestations of the magical function include taboos, taboo substitutions, as well as vows of silence in some religious traditions; conspiracies, prayers, oaths, including deification and oath; In some religions, sacred texts, the Scriptures, are considered inspired, dictated from above. A common feature treating the word as a magical force is an unconventional interpretation language sign, i.e. the idea that a word is not symbol some object, but its part, therefore, for example, pronouncing a ritual name can evoke the presence of the one named by it, and making a mistake in a verbal ritual means offending, angering or harming higher powers. All cultural areas known in history preserve, to one degree or another, the traditions of religious and magical consciousness. Therefore, the magical function of language is universal, although its specific manifestations in the languages ​​of the world are infinitely diverse. Often the element of magic itself has already disappeared from some similar words and expressions (Russian) thank you), in other cases it is quite noticeable, for example, Don’t be remembered by night, don’t be remembered by the wrong person, don’t speak hand in hand, don’t croak - you’ll invite trouble. Magic formulas that had ultimate goal positive result(fertility, health), were often constructed as a curse and abuse. A number of traditions are known for ritual profanity in wedding and agricultural ceremonies. Some abusive expressions go back to ritual spells.

In messages focused on the addressee, the function of regulating his behavior comes to the fore (by inducing him to action, to answer a question, by prohibiting action, by communicating information in order to change the addressee’s intentions to perform a certain action, etc.) In Jacobson’s work, this the function is called differently: conative (English - ability to volitional movement) or appellative (Latin to appeal, call, incline to action); sometimes it is also called an inviting-motivating or voluntarily (Latin will, desire, desire) function.

Phatic(contact-mounted) function. The goal is to establish contact, establish an acquaintance, and continue it. The phatic function is mainly realized in greetings, congratulations, and the ability to conduct small talk.

Conative the function of speech is the expression in the speech of the speaker of his attitude towards the addressee (listener), the desire to influence him, to form a certain character of the relationship.

Functions of language: emotive, aesthetic, magical, metalinguistic.

Emotive function of language. It appears if the statement directly expresses a subjective attitude towards what is being said, that is main goal of this message - to be emotionally realized. The emotional effect is realized with the help of: intonation, interjections of speech, the use of words with connotations.

Connotation is additional emotional assessments in the meaning of words.

Denotation is the objective meaning of a word. The denotation indicates what the word means.

Aesthetic(poetic, prosaic) function. The function is associated with an attentive attitude to the message for the sake of the message itself. Features of this function: it destroys automaticity everyday speech, introduces words that do not lie on the surface of speech consciousness, so speech becomes bright, fresh, unpredictable.

Magical(spell) function. This is a special case of the relative function with the difference that the addressee is not people, but higher powers. The manifestation of this function is taboos, prayers, oaths, vows. A non-conventional interpretation of a linguistic sign, according to which the word (name of a thing) is fused with the thing.

Metalinguistic(language comment) function. Associated with any difficulties in communication when verbal commentary is required.

Basic functions and styles of literary language


1.5 Magical function of the tongue

Manifestations of the magical function of speech include conspiracies, curses, oaths, including deification and oath; prayers; magical “predictions” with a characteristic hypothetical modality (fortune telling, sorcery, prophecies, eschatological visions); “doxology” (doxology), addressed to higher powers - necessarily containing exalting characteristics and special formulas of praise - such as, for example, Hallelujah! (Hebrew: Praise the Lord!), Hosanna! (a Greekized Hebrew exclamation with the meaning Save!) or Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee!); taboos and taboo substitutions; vows of silence in some religious traditions; in religions the Scriptures are sacred texts, i.e. texts attributed to divine origin; they can be considered, for example, to have been created, inspired or dictated higher power. A common feature of treating a word as a magical force is the non-conventional interpretation of a linguistic sign, i.e. the idea that a word is not a conventional designation of some object, but a part of it, therefore, for example, pronouncing a ritual name can evoke the presence of the one named by it, and making a mistake in a verbal ritual means offending, angering higher powers or harming them.

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M  Cyrillic. M think. 14th letter of the Russian alphabet.
MAGICAL FUNCTION OF THE TONGUE. A special case of the inviting and incentive function. The addressee of the speech in the case of using M.f.ya. - higher powers. Manifestations of the magical function include: taboos, taboo substitutions, vows of silence, conspiracies, prayers, oaths, deification, oath. In some religions, sacred texts and Scriptures are considered inspired, dictated from above. M.f.ya. universal. Magic formulas can be constructed as curses and abuse. A number of traditions are known for ritual profanity in wedding and agricultural ceremonies. Some abusive expressions go back to ritual spells.
MAJORITY  fr. majorite – majority. Relating to or based on the majority. M. languages.
MAJORITY PEOPLE. A people whose number exceeds the number of other peoples living in a particular territory, in a given state or administrative education.
MAJORITY LANGUAGE. The language of the numerically dominant ethnic group, often having the status official language state, region, territorial-administrative entity. M.I. at the same time it is the dominant language in this territory.
MACARONISM lit. macaronisme. A word or expression mechanically transferred from one language to another, usually with distortion.
MACARONICA SPEECH. Speech containing distorted words and expressions mechanically transferred from another language (pasta), as a result of which it acquires a grotesque comic character).
MACARONICA  etc. macaronico. Associated with an abundance of unjustified foreign
linguistic borrowings; M. style - speech, replete with macaroonisms, wearing a clownish
MACRO INTERMEDIATOR. 1. A language serving interethnic communication in multinational state: a) the language of a large ethnolinguistic community that makes up the majority of the population in a given country; b) the language of one of the large ethnolinguistic communities; c) the language of an ethnolinguistic community that constitutes a minority of the country’s population; 2) borrowed languages: a) Latin in Western Europe– a language used in another state in a distant period; b) the language of the former colonial administration, which is the national language in a developed state (English in India). 2. National literary language, which in a one-ethnic society is used as a means of communication among educated segments of society. 3. Same as tongue international communication(UN working languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, French).
MACROSOCIOLINGUISTICS. A direction that studies the processes and relationships that take place in language and are conditioned social factors. M. studies: 1) problems of normalization and codification of language; 2) language policy and language planning; 3) language situations; 4) components that make up the socio-communicative system; 5) distribution of codes and subcodes by areas of communication; 6) the ratio of the number of speakers per time
languages; 7) differentiation of the functions of languages; 8) interference and its types; 9) mutually
sewing tongues.
THE MACRO-STRUCTURE OF THE TEXT IS RING, ASSOCIATIVE-CLOSED. Deployment of the text, in which the associative dominant is located both in preposition, determining the main directions of text association and semantic development, and in postposition, logically completing the associative deployment, focusing previous associative connections.
MACRO STRUCTURE OF THE TEXT. Global conceptual meaning, which is variable, insufficiently specific and defined in the interpretive aspect. A special procedure for its study is required, focused on a detailed and consistent analysis of hierarchically organized microstructures.
MACROETHNONYM. The name of large ethnic groups, sometimes understood broadly and including genetically unrelated ethnic groups (Russians, Germans, Americans, Arabs).
SMALL TONGUE (uvula). [ SMALL PEOPLE. A people numbering less than 50 thousand people. There are 63 M.S. on the territory of the Russian Federation. (In Siberia: Mansi, Khanty, Selkups, Aleuts; in Dagestan: Bagvalins, Archins, Namalins, Ginukhs, etc.).
MARGINAL NATIONAL GROUPS. Groups living in different social conditions who do not belong to any social segment. M.n.g. are outside the scope
characteristics and sociocultural norms that define a given nation (for example, refugees). IN
linguistically they are of interest as carriers of interpenetrating languages, dialects,
MARXIST SOCIOLINGUISTICS. Direction used in studying
and interpretation of sociolinguistic phenomena as a theoretical basis for dialectical
logical and historical materialism. M.s. was developed in the USSR, in the countries of the former Soviet Union
cialist camp, as well as in Germany, France, Canada. Her interests focused on
studying the following problems: 1) historical conditions and reasons social stratification
languages; 2) social reasons, which determined the emergence, functioning and development
national languages; 3) social differentiation of society and its manifestations in language;
4) conscious influence of society on the processes of functioning, development and interaction
actions of languages.
MASS COMMUNICATION1. Communication of the sender of speech with a collective (mass) addressee, socially heterogeneous (for example, with the help of the media) or socially homogeneous (for example, with a class, student group etc.).
MASS COMMUNICATION2 in rhetoric: public speech, whose works are created collectively, distributed to a dispersed and non-specialized audience using technical means; text mass communication(TV program, newspaper issue) consists of individual statements, which gives the impression of objectivity of information, which is not true; the strategy and tactics of information are determined by the source of its funding; M.k. is not a fact of culture, because its works are not stored or are stored in separate materials; “since mass communication covers all spheres of culture in content and, as it were, parasitizes them (within mass communication, according to the conditions of text construction, new meanings cannot be formed, which is why the activity of a journalist is not cultural creativity), it systematically destroys, vulgarizes and poisons culture, replacing it surrogates of mass consciousness,” and therefore the creative and moral potential of society is reduced.
MASS COMMUNICATION3. Special type communication, type of discourse; Discourse is understood as a communicative event consisting in the interaction of communication participants through verbal texts and (or) other sign complexes in a certain situation and certain socio-cultural conditions of communication.
MASSIVE BILINGUALITY. A type of bilingualism in which a significant part of the population of a given state administrative entity is bilingual.
MATHEMATICAL LINGUISTICS. A trend that emerged in the 20th century. at the intersection of linguistics, mathematics and mathematical logic and engaged in the development of a formal apparatus for describing language, used in particular in the “human-computer” dialogue.
MATHEMATICAL TECHNIQUES. Research methods using symbolic notation, mathematical apparatus and quantitative criteria, focused on the distinction between language modeling and speech modeling, on the study of the system of language and text generation, on the one hand, and on the study of text and its analysis, on the other hand. Essentially, these are two types of modeling, differing in the nature of research operations: 1) in the first case, it is a deductive technique, namely: logical-mathematical modeling and calculus, which is most often axiomatic and algorithmic; 2) in the second case, this is an inductive technique, i.e. intuitive-mathematical modeling and calculus of probabilistic-statistical and information-theoretic nature. In the first case, they rely on construct models, in the second, on speech statistics.
MATERIAL SIDE OF LANGUAGE. Sound means of language, devoid of independence
real meaning.
MATERIAL/IDEAL UNITS OF LANGUAGE. The most general division of language units, taking into account that the material and ideal in language exist in unity. Bilateral, meaningful units of language are considered in the unity of material and ideal (semantic), although each of these two aspects can be studied independently.
MOTHER LANGUAGE. Cm.: Native language.
MATRONYM. A personal name derived from the mother's name.
INTERSTATE COMMUNICATION. One of the spheres of communication in which the subjects of communication are officials of states using either one of the national languages ​​of the contacting states or a world language.
INTERGROUP BILINGUISM. Type of bilingualism used for external relations social groups with each other.
INTERJOMETIES BY STRUCTURE. Morphologically indivisible, do not have forms of word formation and inflection. Simple non-derivative interjections: Ah! ABOUT! Well! Sometimes these complexes are repeated: oh-oh, oh-oh-oh. The class of interjections is replenished by the transition to interjections significant words and combinations of words: Fathers! God! The components include: Here's more! That's it! Wow!
INTERJOINTS. An incomplete part of speech that expresses feelings, emotional impulses, appeals, but does not name them: Oh! (delight) This is wonderful! Ah (sorry) how long it takes...
INTERMETAL (REFLEX) THEORY. A theory that explains the origin of language by the experiences that a person experiences. The first words, according to this theory, are involuntary shouts, interjections, during further development who purchased symbolic meaning, mandatory for all members of this community. Supporters of the interjection theory are Steinthal, Darwin, Potebnya.
INTERNATIONAL (EMOTIONAL) WORDS AS A NOMINATIVE CLASS. Words of emotional, not cognitive, intellectual language. This class includes
INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE. Language used for international communication (English, Russian and other languages). The language has “crossed” its ethnic and territorial “threshold”. TEYai are “transethnic” languages. They can be used as auxiliary languages up to mass bilingualism. Today, a fairly broad notation system has been developed for various types international languages: MY – international language; MEYA – international ethnic language, MIA – international artificial language; MEYAZ is an international ethnic language of zonal distribution; MEYAG is an international ethnic language of global distribution, MIYAZ is an international artificial language of zonal distribution; MIYAL is an international artificial language of global distribution, VY = YL - universal language - the language of the future, etc.
INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION. An amorphous sphere of communication, not subject to official regulation, characterized by the following signs: 1) informality;
2) spontaneity; 3) disorganization; 4) unregulated; 5) unregulated. M.o.: 1) between acquaintances is characterized by collapse, elimination of the object of speech, an increase in evaluative means; 2) between strangers speech is closer to standard (correct).
INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY. The community of a number of nations, nationalities, which over a period of time historical period live nearby, in the same ethnopolitical, social conditions or in the same multinational state, use, along with their native languages, common language communication.
INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION. Communication that involves using national languages or universal language interethnic communication.
INTERLANGUAGE COMMUNICATION. Communication carried out in various kinds of societies that unite linguistically heterogeneous groups. Means M.o. – the language in which the largest volume has been created book texts, the most important for the cultural and historical area. The role of the leading language can be played by one language or another, depending on the shifts in the epicenter of spiritual culture.
INTERETHNIC LANGUAGE CONFLICT. Language conflict that arises between different ethnic groups as a result of the struggle for the distribution of spheres of functioning between the idioms that make up the linguistic situation. M.y.k. develops in the context of general interethnic tension, although it may be the other way around: M.y.k. may be an incentive to interethnic conflict.
MESOZEUGMA. Zeugma, characterized by the use general member in the average sentence: younger brother- to school, the eldest went to university, I went to Ingnet.
MESOLECT. One of the components of the post-Creole (contact) continuum that arises as a result of the interaction of the lexifier language and the Creole language. M. – intermediate language option between an acrolect, which is close to the lexifier language, and a basilect, which is based on a creole.
MEIOSIS  ancient Greek µείοσίς reduction. Underestimation in order to increase it.
MELANCTHON PHILIP (1497-1560). A major German humanist who actively fought against scholasticism in schools and universities; friend and ally of M. Luther. The main method of teaching was testing adopted provisions rational understanding of Scripture. All this, in his opinion, requires absolute knowledge of Latin, Greek and Hebrew languages. Since 1518 he has been a professor Greek language, from 1519 – professor of theology at the University of Witenberg. He outlined his humanistic program in the introductory lecture “On Improving the Education of Youth” (“De corrigendis adolescentiae studiis”). M. – creator new system studying at Protestant universities and Latin schools. This was facilitated by his theoretical works (“School Charter”, 1528), numerous manuals, commentaries, manuals for schools, textbooks on Greek grammar (until 1622-44 edition), la-
Tinsky (until 1757-84 edition). When books remain alive after the death of the author, he becomes immortal.

Jakobson considered the magical function to be a special case of inviting and motivating, with the difference that in the case of verbal magic, the addressee of the speech is not a person, but a higher power. Manifestations of the magical function include taboos, taboo substitutions, and vows of silence in some religious traditions; conspiracies, prayers, oaths, including deification and oath; in religions the Scriptures are sacred texts, i.e. texts attributed to divine origin: may be considered, for example, to have been inspired, dictated, or written by a higher power. A common feature of treating a word as a magical force is the non-conventional interpretation of a linguistic sign, i.e. the idea that a word is not a conventional designation of some object, but a part of it, therefore, for example, pronouncing a ritual name can evoke the presence of the one named by it, and making a mistake in a verbal ritual means offending, angering or harming higher powers.

Often the name acted as a talisman, i.e. as an amulet or spell that protects against misfortune.

Apocrypha<Семьдесят имен Богу>(manuscript of the 16th-17th centuries. Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery) advised to write down, learn and carry with you 70 for self-defense<имен>(symbolic and metaphorical names) Christ and 70<имен>Mother of God: “Whenever you see these signs and the names of dreams, when you read the names, you will be undefeated in the army and you will be delivered from all the enemy, both from the vain of death and from the fear of the night and from the action of sotonin... And these are the names of the Lord numbering 70. Yes, you can imitate them and carry them with you honestly, power, strength, word, belly, mercy will be freed from all evil...” (cited with graphic simplifications according to the edition; Tikhonravov N.S. Monuments of renounced literature. - St. Petersburg, NbE. T. 2, P 339).

In ancient times, when choosing a name for a born child, a person often seemed to play hide and seek with the spirits: then he kept the “real” name secret (and the child grew up under a different, not “secret” name); then they named the children the names of animals, fish, plants; then they gave it a “bad name” so that evil spirits would not see its bearer as valuable prey. The future prophet, founder of Zoroastrianism Zarathushtra (Zarathustra) received this name-amulet at birth: in the Avestan language the word Zarathushtra meant<староверблюдный>.

A consciousness that believes in the magic of words not only puts up with the incomprehensible and dark in magical texts, but even needs the semantic opacity of key formulas (see pp. 72 - 75, 83 - 85).

The unconventional perception of a sign, like the belief in the possibility of verbal magic, belongs to the phenomena of the right hemisphere nature. The non-conventional interpretation of the sign is close to aesthetic perception words. The non-conventional understanding of the word is known in child psychology: “the word is identified with the thing” (K.I. Chukovsky) - for example, a preschooler may believe that in the sentence There were two chairs and one table there were only three words or that the word candy is sweet.

The non-conventional interpretation of the sign as a whole is also close to some philosophical and cultural concepts that believe in the meaningful inexhaustibility of the word and in the determining influence of language on the worldview or ethnic psychology, for example like ancient theory“fusey” (from the Greek physis - nature), according to which the name of a thing corresponds to its “nature”; like the ideas of W. von Humboldt and A. A. Potebnya and their development into the theory of “linguistic relativity” by E. Sapir and B. Whorf; ideas of linguistic philosophy of L. Wittgenstein and J. Moore about the “guilt” and “illnesses” of language as a source of human errors and pseudo-problems; as philosophical hermeneutics, which considers “listening to language” to be true knowledge and sees in language “the most intimate womb of culture,” “the house of being” (M. Heidegger).

All cultural areas known in history preserve, to one degree or another, the traditions of religious and magical consciousness. Therefore, the magical function of speech is universal, although its specific manifestations in the languages ​​of the world are infinitely diverse and amazing. Often the moment of the magic itself has already faded away (cf. Russian, thank you from God forbid), in other cases it is quite noticeable, for example: don’t be remembered at night, don’t speak hand in hand, be remembered in the wrong way, don’t croak - you’ll invite trouble, Belarusian. if not Pragavarits, etc.

Surprise (for modern consciousness) traces of verbal magic is associated with what is in the depths human psyche polar entities can be identified or interchanged (life and death, good and evil, beginning and end, laughter and crying, etc.). The ambivalence of the symbolism of the unconscious led to the fact that condemnation turned into praise, the wish for failure was considered a condition for success (cf. no fluff on the front, etc. Therefore, magical formulas that had a positive result as the ultimate goal (fertility, health) were often constructed as a curse and abuse In a number of traditions, ritual foul language is known in wedding and agricultural rituals. Some abusive expressions go back to ritual spells. On the other hand, the very persistence of curses was explained by Bakhtin by the ancient ambivalence of foul language: in the depths of the people’s subconscious it is not only blasphemy and humiliation, but also praise and exaltation. D.S. Likhachev, observing the manifestations of the magical function in the thieves' argot, associated it with the emotional and expressive richness and general atavistic nature of the thieves' speech.

sociolinguistic communication language speech

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